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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prästgårdsliden Hökerum : En systemutredning för värme- och luftbehandlingssytem / Prästgårdsliden Hökerum : An inquiry of systems for heat and ventilation

Lennartsson, Victor January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att utför en systemutredning med avseende på värme- och luftbehandlingssystem för en aktuell byggnad. Studien fokuserar på att utreda vilka system som är mest optimala för fastigheten. För att lyckas med det utförs en komparativ studie där olika utvalda systemförslag jämförs för att undersöka vilka system som ger den mest energi- och kostnadseffektiva installationen. I rapporten presenteras även en teknikstudie som ska ge den grundläggande kunskap som anses krävas för utredningen. I studien används handberäkningar med gradtimmar och beräkningsprogrammet VIP-Energy för att beräkna byggnadens energi- och effektbehov. Dessutom erhålls information om de olika systemen genom regelbunden kontakt med leverantörer. För luftbehandling handlar studien om att undersöka om ett centralt FTX-aggregat eller lägenhetsaggregat är mest gynnsamt för byggnaden. Utredningen av värmesystemet avser att jämföra bergvärmepumpar mot luft/vatten-värmepumpar för att uppnå ett kostnadseffektivt system. Jämförelsen av systemen utförs genom att ställa för- och nackdelar samt lönsamhetskalkyler mot varandra. På så sätt kan de mest lönsamma systemen för värme- och luftbehandling presenteras. Studien resulterar i att byggnadens energibehov är 69 575 kWh enligt VIP-Energy. Effektbehovet beräknas med hjälp av handberäkningar och resulterar i 25 kW. För luftbehandlingssystemet resulterar undersökningen i att lägenhetsaggregat är den bästa lösningen. Det aggregat som anses vara mest lämpad är Swegon R2 Comfort med roterande värmeväxlare. Den värmepump som ger den mest kostnadseffektiva installationen är CTC EcoPart 414 med en märkeffekt på 14 kW. / The purpose of this study is to do an inquiry of systems for heat and ventilation for a current building. The focus of the study is to investigate which system that is the most effective for the property. To fulfil the purpose I have undertaken a comparative study where the chosen proposal of systems is compared to each other. This results in that the most energy and cost efficiency systems can be presented. The report contains a technical study which gives the basic information on the area regarding energy efficiency. The calculations of requirement regarding energy and capacity in the study are performed both by hand and with VIP-Energy. Information is also obtained by regular contact with suppliers. Regarding ventilation a comparasion between a central FTX- unit and a residential unit is made to determine which one that is the most favorable. A similar comparasion is also made regarding the heat system of the building, where a geothermal heat pump is compared to an air/water heat pump. These comparasions are made to be able to obtain both advantages and disadvantages with the systems. These are then used to determine which of the systems that is the most appropriate for the bulding. The calculations with VIP-Energy results in an energy requirement of 69 575 kWh. The capacity requirement, which is calculated by hand, results in 25 kW. The study determine that regarding the ventilation system the residential unit R2 Comfort is the most appropriate for the building. The heat pump that generates the most cost effective system is, due to this study, geothermal heat pump EcoPart 414.

Das Experiment : -ett försök att skapa den passiva studentbostaden / Das Experiment : -an attempt to develop passive student housing

Davari, Ali, Pavicic, Damir January 2010 (has links)
Byggandet av passivhus har ökat kraftigt under 2000-talet i Sverige. Dock har det inteutformats och byggts några studentbostäder i passivhus form ännu. Denna studie går ut påatt försöka utforma studentbostäder som uppfyller de svenska kraven för passivhus. Genomatt välja ut lämpligt material och komponenter, t ex. väggtyper, platta på mark ochfönstertyper redovisas olika beräkningar för energiförbrukning.I metoden till beräkningarna som genomfördes, där resultaten hamnar i jämförelse medvarandra, användes VIP-energy samt PHPP. Dessa är två olika beräkningsprogram för bl.a.energianvändning. Även olika varianter av byggnaden, som t ex. olika vädersträck, olikaantal våningar, samt olika antal boende i huset testas och beräknas.Resultatet blev tvårumslägenheter på 36 m² med en öppen och funktionell planlösning.Fönstrens placering har stor betydelse för energianvändningen. Detta beror på att fönsterhar mycket sämre u-värde än väggen, samt att det blir stora transmissionsförluster.Undersökningen visar att fasaden med flest fönster i nordlig riktning är sämst urenergisynpunkt. Personvärme, drifttider och ventilationsstyrning har också stor inverkan påresultatet då passivhus främst värms upp genom den energi som redan finns i huset. / This research is in its root about creating the first passive student house that fulfils theSwedish passive house criteria (FEBY). Once the relevant elements have been selected,the data will be obtained from calculations for energy consumption. The calculations will bedone in the two software's VIP-energy and PHPP, where the building will be tested invarious forms and types. The results will later on be compared with one another. Theresearch led to a two-room apartment with a square metre of 36, and the fact that theenergy consumption results are weak when the majority of the windows are on the northfacade. As passive houses heat up through already existing energy inside the house,human body heat, uptimes and ventilation control are all significant factors for the result.

The potential of hemp buildings in different climates : A comparison between a common passive house and the hempcrete building system

Ahlberg, Johan, Georges, Elza, Norlén, Mikael January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this bachelor thesis was to study the potential of hemp buildings in different climates. The report examines and models two different energy efficient building concepts – the more common passive house and the environmental friendly hempcrete building system. These two buildings thermal performances were then simulated and compared in different climates followed by a brief discussion about their economic and environmental impact. The simulation was performed with the energy calculating program VIP-energy v 2.1.1 with the two models located in Kiruna, Sundsvall, Malmo, Berlin and Rome to represent the different climates. Simulations for different wall sizes and a sensitivity analysis of some significant parameters were also made. The hempcrete building system showed to have a thermal performance similar to that of passive houses in more southern climates. In the north of Sweden however the hempcrete building required up to 20 % more energy than the passive house to maintain comfortable indoor temperatures. This deficit could be compensated for with hemp fibre insulation to augment the building envelope and U-value. Furthermore the hygrothermal material properties that were not included in the simulation can be expected to have a significant positive impact on hemp buildings relative thermal performance. With a passive house thermal performance, a healthy indoor environment and an economically viable and environmental friendly production process hemp building demonstrated great potential in all the fields studied.

Energisimulering av Lammhults avloppsreningsverk : En jämförelse av energieffektiviserande åtgärder

Jutengren, Fredrik January 2016 (has links)
Detta examensarbete jämför fyra olika energieffektiviserande åtgärders effekt på Lammhults avloppsreningsverk. Anläggningen har simulerats i energiberäkningsprogrammet VIP- Energy och resultatet indikerar att isolering av anläggningens tak är den lämpligaste åtgärden.

Utvärdering av energieffektiviseringsåtgärder på Bokelundskolan i Växjö / Evaluation of energy efficiency measures on Bokelundskolan in Växjö

Petersson, Frida, Viberg, Kristina January 2011 (has links)
The purpose with this report is to examine how the implemented energy efficiency measures on Bokelundskolan in Växjö have had impact on the energy use. The measures which have been implemented are, new ventilation system, new heating system, optimized adjustment of the heating system, new windows with U-value 1.2 and lower window height, insulation under windows and in the crawl space. The school's energy use before and after rebuilding has been calculated with the calculation program, Vip-Energy 1.5.5. Calculations of energy use for the school with windows on U-value, 0.9 and 0.7 have also been done. The replacement of windows has been studied from a cost perspective. The conclusion is that the exchange of heat and ventilation system was the biggest contributor to reduced energy use on Bokelundskolan. The evaluation of windows with different U-value showed that windows with U-value 1.2 were the most profitable.

Undersökning av köldbryggor i balkonginfästningar / Study of thermal bridges concerning balcony connectors

Huynh, Hien, Chung, Nick Sun January 2022 (has links)
Köldbryggor innebär att en del av klimatskalet har en högre värmegenomgång än övriga delar av skalet, vilket är ett problem som ingenjörerna stöter på i varje projekt. Värmeläckage kan minimeras med hjälp av ett isolerande skikt mellan betongplattan och bjälklaget. Idag beräknas inte köldbryggan som orsakas av balkonganslutningen, utan ingår i ett påslag på 30% av den totala transmissionsförlust av byggnaden. Detta leder oss till arbetets syfte som är att undersöka varför det inte är en norm att beräkna köldbryggorna som förekommer vid balkonganslutningar.  En empirisk undersökning genomfördes med byggföretagen i Sverige, främst Skåne. Intervjun riktades till konstruktörer, energispecialister, platschefer och arbetsledare, totalt deltagande av intervjuer blev 9 varav ett företag svarade genom enkät. Utifrån intervjuerna framgick det att de två mest använda balkong typerna är den traditionella metoden där balkongen fäst genom betongklackar och balkonger som fäst genom köldbryggebrytande isolering modul.  Med hjälp av olika datorprogram kommer ovannämnda balkongtyper användas som referensobjekt där köldbryggor beräknas för att undersöka vilka faktorer och svårigheter som finns vid sådana beräkningar. Balkonger med betongklackar beräknades att ha ett värde mellan 0.4 W/mK till 1.0 W/mK medan balkonger med isoleringsmoduler beräknades till 0.023 W/mK - 0.067 W/mK, detta betyder att den traditionella klack-metoden inte håller värme lika bra som balkonger som är fästa med hjälp av isoleringsmoduler. Under beräkningar visade sig att det finns många faktorer som påverkar köldbryggor med avseende på balkonganslutningen. Exempelvis väggens innehåll, antal fönster, placering av fönster och balkongdörrar, balkongens utformning och i vissa fall är armeringensmängden okänd under planeringsfasen. Alla dessa faktorer varierar från projekt till projekt och gör det väldigt komplicerat att skapa en standardlösning som passar till varje enstaka fall. Utöver dessa faktorer så har det varit bristfälliga anvisningar på hur köldbryggor ska beräknas, detta påvisades genom att många företag som intervjuades utförde sina beräkningar på olika sätt.  Slutsatsen är att på grund av alla faktorer och svårigheter samt lågt krav på redovisning av köldbryggor i byggnader, så finns det ingen riktig anledning till att utföra så tidskrävande beräkningar under förutsättning att projektet inte syftar till forskning. Däremot tror vi att detta kommer att förändras med tiden eftersom miljön blir allt viktigare med tiden, troligtvis kommer detta leda till striktare krav gällande redovisning av köldbryggor. / Thermal bridging is the movement of heat across an object that is more conductive than other surrounding materials, which is a common problem that engineers encounter in every project. The heat leakage can be reduced by using insulation between the concrete slab and the joist. Today, the thermal bridging caused by the balcony connectors is not calculated but is included in a 30% lump sum of the total transmission losses of the building. This leads us to the purpose of the work, which is to investigate why it is not a norm to calculate the thermal bridges that occur at balcony connectors. To investigate this, an empirical survey was carried out with construction companies in Sweden, mainly Skåne. The interview was directed to engineers, energy specialists, site managers and supervisors. In total there were nine participants in the interviews and one that responded to the survey. Based on the interviews, it emerged that the two most used balcony types are the traditional method where the balcony is attached through concrete slab and joist and balconies which are attached through an insulated balcony connector. With the help of various software, thermal bridge calculations are performed to investigate factors and difficulties with the balcony connectors. Balconies with concrete slabs were calculated to have a value between 0.4 W/mK to 1.0 W/mK while balconies with insulation modules were calculated to be 0.023 W/mK to 0.067 W/mK, this means that the traditional slab method does not retain heat as well as balconies connectors with insulation modules.  The conclusion is that there is little to no reason to calculate such time-demanding calculations due to all the factors and complications. Though we believe that this will change in the future with time as the environment becomes increasingly important over time, this will probably lead to stricter requirements regarding the report of thermal bridges from Boverket.

Energieffektivisering av flerbostadshus i Hammarby Sjöstad : En uppföljning av projektet ”Att förnya en ny stad”

Mackegård, Moa January 2016 (has links)
In this study, efforts to improve energy efficiency in seven housing cooperatives associated to the citizens' initiative HS2020, were studied. The aim of the study was to identify and compile the energysaving measures that have been carried out by the housing cooperatives since 2013. Furthermore the study aims to investigate how much the presented measures can lower the energy consumption. Two of the housing cooperatives served as examples and the expected saving from the energy saving measures were investigated using the simulation program VIP Energy. To better understand the motives and incentives for the work, interviews were made with the board members of the housing cooperatives. The results of the study show that four out of the seven investigated cooperatives have already reached the goal of a specific energy uselower than 100 kWh/m2/year. The most effective energy-saving measuresare the installation of exhaust air heat pump and the lowering of the indoor temperature. The simulation results for the installation of heat pumps showed that the heating demand was reduced by 55.4 percent, and the specific energy consumption was reduced by 30 percent. In summary, the HS2020 is on the right track to reach the goals set for 2020, but further work is required to get there. It is of utmost importance that the cooperatives strengthen their expertise in energyrelated questions, and HS2020 has an important role in this work.

Att spara på värme : Energieffektiviseringar i fjärrvärmeanslutna flerbostadshus från miljonprogrammet i Uppsala

Erson, Jakob January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this report is to survey the multi-family residential buildings that were built in the Swedish city of Uppsala during the state-funded Million Homes Program and to assess the technical potential of different energy efficiency measures that may be applied in order to improve the efficiency of the heating of these buildings. An additional purpose of this report is to discern how the entire district heating system would be affected if the proposed energy efficiency measures were implemented.   The energy efficiency measures that were examined were: improved thermal envelopes (additional insulation and energy efficient windows and doors) and installation of air-to-air heat exchangers or exhaust air heat pumps in the ventilation systems. The buildings were categorized into four different types of buildings with different properties and a model was constructed for each category.   All energy efficiency measures showed significant reductions in the amount of heating required. The measure with the best performance was improvement of thermal envelopes in combination with exhaust air heat pumps, which reduced the buildings' energy demand by about 80%. Regarding the heat demand in the entire district heating system, the reductions due to energy efficiency measures in the million homes program buildings were small. The exhaust air heat pumps showed the largest reductions in the capacity factor. Only the heat exchangers resulted in a higher capacity factor and the improvement was too small to be of interest. However, the results clearly show that saving energy in space heating is technically easily achievable.

Utvärdering av energiberäkningsprogram : Att användas i tidigt planeringsstadium för byggnader / Evaluation of energy simulation software

Olsson, Johan January 2013 (has links)
The regulations for energy consumption are consistently getting more and morestrict. This leads to a higher customer demand for energy analysis early in the buildingdesign process. Many building planners and architects use powerful modeling softwareto visualize their projects. These digital models contain sufficient information aboutthe building’s physical characteristics for reliable energy analysis. This report evaluatesthree different energy analysis software tools and their compatibility with themodeling software Autodesk Revit Architecture. The results in the report are basedon simulations made with a fictional model in the different tools. Some of the resultsobtained from the different programs are not consistent and because of the difficultiesin evaluating these differences the usefulness is limited. Based on several criteria thesoftware have been evaluated and a recommendation for the company Tema has beenproduced. Due to the complexity of energy analysis, the software requires certainpre-knowledge of the subject by the user to perform an accurate analysis. Inconclusion, the software which is best suited for preliminary energy analysis is,according to the author, VIP-Energy because of its efficiency and credibility.

Nattsänkning - påverkan på värmeeffekt och värmeanvändning i kommersiella fastigheter

Lanner, Victor January 2021 (has links)
In today's society, it's becoming increasingly important to find methods which useenergy more efficiently. One established method is night time set-back. When usingnight time set-back the indoor temperature is lowered during the night. This result ina smaller temperature difference between indoors and outdoors, which in turnreduces heat losses. The method requiers that heat can be stored into and emittedfrom the building's frame. This thesis examines the effects of night time set-back on four different building types.The building types are: a concrete building from the 1960s, a concrete building fromthe 1960s with new windows and doors, a concrete building from the 2010s and awooden building from the 2020s. The thesis examines how the night time set-backaffect the heat demand, the heat power demand and the cost of heat. The results show that the night time set-back reduces the heat demand by 5-11 % forall building types that are examined. The daily average power reduces by 1-4 % for allbuilding types, which results in the cost of heating reduces by 3-7 %for all buildingtypes. The maximum power peak increases by 1-12 %. The set-up of the districitheating price model is critical for the economical outcomes. Since night time set-backcontributes to increased power peaks, new calculations for the economics can beneeded in the future if the price model change from daily power to maxiumum power(on hourly basis).

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