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Software Design of Communication Performance Estimation for System SynthesisLee, Chung-Lin 28 March 2008 (has links)
In a multiprocessor system-on-chip (MPSOC), parallel processors are utilized to enhance overall performance. However, the communication between processors and memory modules can affect overall performance significantly. We proposed a software design of communication performance estimation for system synthesis. We designed a hardware simulator of mesh communication architecture of MPSOC. We implemented the simulator of router nodes in SystemC language. An analytical communication performance estimation model can be trained with data measured from communication simulation. It can then be utilized for estimating inter-processor communication performance in an MPSOC.
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消費幻想在虛擬媒介上的初探:以愛情公寓為例 / The exploration of the consumer fantasy on the virtual channel: take i-part as an example游凱鈺, Yu, Kai Yu Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於本研究探討的媒介與往常的研究不同,因此發現了許多關於幻想的另一層面,研究結果可供後續的學術研究在虛擬媒介上作一步探討時提供基礎,並可供運用幻想消費為行銷手法的人員作執行上及思維上的參考依據。 / The study aims to investigate the theme- consumer fantasy, on a new channel. Consumer fantasy defines as a special consumption motivation, it originates from the limits that prevent people to achieve the goal and intern arises an uncomfortable feelings. In order to subside these negative feelings, people then achieve the goal in an indirect manner, which is the fantasy- driven consumer behavior. This was often been studies on a physical channel, however, due to the internet era, people have more close relation with internet than before, this study will have the theme- consumer fantasy, research on the virtual channel, using I-Part as the example.
The research method of the study is grounded theory in qualitative research, interviewing 7 female inhabitants, age range from 14- 40 years old, via online instant messenger. The study results 4 typical stories and a model that constructs by 6 factors. The 4 typical stories( The happiness on design, the extension of love, looking for agreement and friends-hood enlargement) reveals 3 fulfillments(freedom, love, and friendship), and the 6 factors of the model depict the process of fantasy fulfillment, adding the complementary that is required.
The study results that, besides the website functions that act as a significant part on fantasy fulfillment, website characteristics also play a weighty role. Secondly, people may have the share needs or desires, but the elements of the needs or desires of people may be different from each to another. Furthermore, this study found out that, people may have affection toward the virtual objects after using the website, as well as some of the inhabitant even show the second characteristic during playing the role. Finally, the study found out that the fantasy process may be continuous as long as the limit in the real world exists.
Due to the different channel the theme is research on, the study discovers distinct facets of the topic. The results of the study may acted as the exploration for the academic research on consumer fantasy on the virtual channel, and hopefully, it could also provide some thoughts to marketing people.
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實體通路與虛擬通路下動態能力及智慧資本關係之個案研究 / The relation between dynamic capabilities and intellectual capital under physical channels and virtual channels: a case study何怡陵, He, Yi Ling Unknown Date (has links)
一、 個案公司實體通路之重要動態能力共有9項,且支持重要動態能力之智慧資本共有16項。
二、 個案公司設有相對應之管理制度來蓄積實體通路下之重要智慧資本。
三、 個案公司虛擬通路之重要動態能力共有11項,且支持重要動態能力之智慧資本共有30項。
四、 個案公司設有相對應之管理制度來蓄積虛擬通路下之重要智慧資本。
五、 個案公司實體通路及虛擬通路所重視之動態能力及支持動態能力之智慧資本有其相同與相異之處。 / With the rapid developing Internet environment in recent years, the rise of E-commerce has brought a new consumption model to the consumers. In order to expand the customer base, companies begin to develop their physical channels and virtual channels simultaneously. With the advent of knowledge-based era, in order to take the advantage of both physical and virtual channels, companies have to integrate and identify the important intellectual capitals, and develop different dynamic capabilities to cope with the dramatically-changing business environment and different customer base.
This research adopts the case study method and selects a renowned raw materials company in the chemical industry in Taiwan as study subject. The purpose of this research is to study the importance of dynamic capabilities of the company, the importance of intellectual capitals and relevant management system under physical and virtual channels. The conclusions are as follows:
1. Under the case company’s physical channel, there are 9 important dynamic capabilities, and 16 intellectual capitals that support important dynamic capabilities.
2. The case company has a corresponding management system to accumulate important intellectual capitals under physical channels.
3. Under the case company’s virtual channel, there are 11 important dynamic capabilities, and 30 intellectual capitals that support important dynamic capabilities.
4. The case company has a corresponding management system to accumulate important intellectual capitals under virtual channels.
5. There are similarities and differences in important dynamic capabilities and intellectual capitals that can support dynamic capabilities between physical and virtual channels.
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A virtual RSNS direction finding antenna systemChen, Jui-Chun 12 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release; distribution in unlimited. / In this thesis, a performance analysis and improvement of a phase sampling interferometer antenna system based on the Robust Symmetrical Number System (RSNS) in the presence of noise is investigated. Previous works have shown that the RSNS-based DF technique can provide high bearing resolution with a minimum number of antenna elements. However, the previous experimental data showed significant deviation from the theoretical results expected due to imperfections, errors, and noise. Therefore, an additive Gaussian noise model of RSNS-based DF was established and simulated. Simulation results show that the presence of noise distorts the signal amplitudes used in the RSNS processor and causes degradation of the angle-ofarrival estimates. A performance analysis was undertaken by first introducing the quadrature modulation configuration into RSNS-based DF system, which provided a digital antenna approach for more flexibility in the signal processing. With a digital approach, variable resolution signal preprocessing can be employed, using a virtual channel concept. The virtual channel concept changes moduli values without changing the actual physical antenna element spacing. This attractive property allows the RSNS algorithm to be implemented into existing antenna arrays and only requires modifying the antenna signal processor. Computer simulation results showed that the proposed method can successfully improve the system performance and also mitigate the effects of noise. / Captain, Taiwan Army
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High-Performance Network-on-Chip Design for Many-Core ProcessorsWang, Boqian January 2020 (has links)
With the development of on-chip manufacturing technologies and the requirements of high-performance computing, the core count is growing quickly in Chip Multi/Many-core Processors (CMPs) and Multiprocessor System-on-Chip (MPSoC) to support larger scale parallel execution. Network-on-Chip (NoC) has become the de facto solution for CMPs and MPSoCs in addressing the communication challenge. In the thesis, we tackle a few key problems facing high-performance NoC designs. For general-purpose CMPs, we encompass a full system perspective to design high-performance NoC for multi-threaded programs. By exploring the cache coherence under the whole system scenario, we present a smart communication service called Advance Virtual Channel Reservation (AVCR) to provide a highway to target packets, which can greatly reduce their contention delay in NoC. AVCR takes advantage of the fact that we can know or predict the destination of some packets ahead of their arrival at the Network Interface (NI). Exploiting the time interval before a packet is ready, AVCR establishes an end-to-end highway from the source NI to the destination NI. This highway is built up by reserving the Virtual Channel (VC) resources ahead of the target packet transmission and offering priority service to flits in the reserved VC in the wormhole router, which can avoid the target packets’ VC allocation and switch arbitration delay. Besides, we also propose an admission control method in NoC with a centralized Artificial Neural Network (ANN) admission controller, which can improve system performance by predicting the most appropriate injection rate of each node using the network performance information. In the online control process, a data preprocessing unit is applied to simplify the ANN architecture and make the prediction results more accurate. Based on the preprocessed information, the ANN predictor determines the control strategy and broadcasts it to each node where the admission control will be applied. For application-specific MPSoCs, we focus on developing high-performance NoC and NI compatible with the common AMBA AXI4 interconnect protocol. To offer the possibility of utilizing the AXI4 based processors and peripherals in the on-chip network based system, we propose a whole system architecture solution to make the AXI4 protocol compatible with the NoC based communication interconnect in the many-core system. Due to possible out-of-order transmission in the NoC interconnect, which conflicts with the ordering requirements specified by the AXI4 protocol, in the first place, we especially focus on the design of the transaction ordering units, realizing a high-performance and low cost solution to the ordering requirements. The microarchitectures and the functionalities of the transaction ordering units are also described and explained in detail for ease of implementation. Then, we focus on the NI and the Quality of Service (QoS) support in NoC. In our design, the NI is proposed to make the NoC architecture independent from the AXI4 protocol via message format conversion between the AXI4 signal format and the packet format, offering high flexibility to the NoC design. The NoC based communication architecture is designed to support high-performance multiple QoS schemes. The NoC system contains Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) and VC subnetworks to apply multiple QoS schemes to AXI4 signals with different QoS tags and the NI is responsible for traffic distribution between two subnetworks. Besides, a QoS inheritance mechanism is applied in the slave-side NI to support QoS during packets’ round-trip transfer in NoC. / Med utvecklingen av tillverkningsteknologi av on-chip och kraven på högpresterande da-toranläggning växer kärnantalet snabbt i Chip Multi/Many-core Processors (CMPs) ochMultiprocessor Systems-on-Chip (MPSoCs) för att stödja större parallellkörning. Network-on-Chip (NoC) har blivit den de facto lösningen för CMP:er och MPSoC:er för att mötakommunikationsutmaningen. I uppsatsen tar vi upp några viktiga problem med hög-presterande NoC-konstruktioner.Allmänna CMP:er omfattas ett fullständigt systemperspektiv för att design högprester-ande NoC för flertrådad program. Genom att utforska cachekoherensen under hela system-scenariot presenterar vi en smart kommunikationstjänst, AVCR (Advance Virtual ChannelReservation) för att tillhandahålla en motorväg till målpaket, vilket i hög grad kan min-ska deras förseningar i NoC. AVCR utnyttjar det faktum att vi kan veta eller förutsägadestinationen för vissa paket före deras ankomst till nätverksgränssnittet (Network inter-face, NI). Genom att utnyttja tidsintervallet innan ett paket är klart, etablerar AVCRen ände till ände motorväg från källan NI till destinationen NI. Denna motorväg byggsupp genom att reservera virtuell kanal (Virtual Channel, VC) resurser före målpaket-söverföringen och erbjuda prioriterade tjänster till flisar i den reserverade VC i wormholerouter. Dessutom föreslår vi också en tillträdeskontrollmetod i NoC med en centraliseradartificiellt neuronät (Artificial Neural Network, ANN) tillträdeskontroll, som kan förbättrasystemets prestanda genom att förutsäga den mest lämpliga injektionshastigheten för varjenod via nätverksprestationsinformationen. I onlinekontrollprocessen används en förbehan-dlingsenhet på data för att förenkla ANN-arkitekturen och göra förutsägningsresultatenmer korrekta. Baserat på den förbehandlade informationen bestämmer ANN-prediktornkontrollstrategin och sänder den till varje nod där tillträdeskontrollen kommer att tilläm-pas.För applikationsspecifika MPSoC:er fokuserar vi på att utveckla högpresterande NoCoch NI kompatibla med det gemensamma AMBA AXI4 protokoll. För att erbjuda möj-ligheten att använda AXI4-baserade processorer och kringutrustning i det on-chip baseradenätverkssystemet föreslår vi en hel systemarkitekturlösning för att göra AXI4 protokolletkompatibelt med den NoC-baserade kommunikation i det multikärnsystemet. På grundav den out-of-order överföring i NoC, som strider mot ordningskraven som anges i AXI4-protokollet, fokuserar vi i första hand på utformningen av transaktionsordningsenheterna,för att förverkliga en hög prestanda och låg kostnad-lösning på ordningskraven. Sedanfokuserar vi på NI och Quality of Service (QoS)-stödet i NoC. I vår design föreslås NI attgöra NoC-arkitekturen oberoende av AXI4-protokollet via meddelandeformatkonverteringmellan AXI4 signalformatet och paketformatet, vilket erbjuder NoC-designen hög flexi-bilitet. Den NoC-baserade kommunikationsarkitekturen är utformad för att stödja fleraQoS-schema med hög prestanda. NoC-systemet innehåller Time-Division Multiplexing(TDM) och VC-subnät för att tillämpa flera QoS-scheman på AXI4-signaler med olikaQoS-taggar och NI ansvarar för trafikdistribution mellan två subnät. Dessutom tillämpasen QoS-arvsmekanism i slav-sidan NI för att stödja QoS under paketets tur-returöverföringiNoC / <p>QC 20201008</p>
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以競合策略的觀點探討企業虛擬通路與實體通路的互動關係 / Exploring the Interaction Relationship between Virtual Channel and Physical Channel in Enterprises from the Perspectives of Co-opetition Strategy江馨瑩, Chiang, Hsin Ying Unknown Date (has links)
2. 企業的虛擬通路部門面對實體通路部門時,會透過換位思考的方式運用利誘和施壓之策略,且同時搭配篩選實體合作店與分配訂單的配套措施,使實體通路部門在競爭下與之合作。
3. 企業的虛擬通路部門面對實體通路部門時,打破營運框架引導網站顧客至實體通路消費,並結合自身的核心優勢吸引更多顧客前往網站瀏覽、下單,以提升其營運業績。 / In recent years, Internet brought along the growth of electronic commerce; Internet shops sprung up like mushrooms, and many companies with physical distribution channels one after another have also invested into online marketing to create Internet shops and to share Internet market profits, becoming so-called “click-and-mortar” business. However, for expanding the market successful “click-and-mortar” businesses not only the enterprises need to ensure mutual cooperation between virtual and physical channels, but at the same time also have to overcome mutual cannibalization of the two types of channels. Thus, it can be seen that there exist both cooperation and competition between virtual and physical channels.
The study aims to investigate the operations of virtual channels in the enterprises of “click-and-mortar” with existing physical channels. We will analyze “co-opetition” relations between virtual and physical channels by modifying the framework of game theory’s five elements for the situation of co-opetition. Then, we select corporate group Test Rite International Co., Ltd. for our case study subject and use in-depth interview so major approach for the study. We hope the research results bring both academic and practical contributions.
The study will examine research problems from three perspectives. Firstly, how does the company position and manage virtual channels under already with established physical channels. Secondly, how does the department of virtual channels cooperate with the department of physical channels for using its resources? Thirdly, how does the department of virtual channels compete with the department of physical channels? Through the case study in our research, we conclude: (1) The enterprise with established physical channels, positions the department of virtual channels as the platform for distribution and performs the operation mode “take orders by website, deliver products through physical channel”, and avoids confusing customers by unification of brands, product items, quality, and price.(2) When working with the department of physical channels, the department of virtual channels develops inducement and suppression strategy by “putting itself in other’s place” thinking pattern. It makes the department of physical channels cooperate under competition by adjusting measures for choosing cooperation with physical channel stores and distribution of orders. (3) By the special strategies, such as attracting customers to visit virtual channels, the department of virtual channels breaks down the operating framework by combining its own advantages, and wins over more customers to visit the webpage for browsing and ordering, by this increasing the operating performance.
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