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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bordering Europe abroad: Schengen visa policy implementation and transnational policy-making from below / Construire les frontières de l'Europe à l'étranger: mise en oeuvre de la politique du visa Schengen et action publique transnationale par le bas

Infantino, Federica 24 November 2014 (has links)
The constitution of the European visa regime has deservingly received much scholarly attention. It has been analyzed as part of the policy toolkit that displaces migration control away from the edges of the territory of Europe. Nevertheless, the street-level implementation of this European policy in national consulates remains understudied. This dissertation sheds ethnographic light on Schengen visa policy implementation that is conceptualized as bordering policy. By delivering Schengen visas, state and nonstate organizations achieve the filtering work of borders; this dissertation therefore investigates the day-to-day bordering of Europe abroad and using a comparative approach and focusing on from the theoretical perspective of street-level policy implementation. The analysis builds on a comparative case study: it focuses on the visa sections of the consulates of two old immigration countries, Belgium and France, and one new immigration country, Italy, which implement visa policy in a same third country, i.e. Morocco. This study highlights cross-national differences of visa policy day-to-day implementation that are due to shifting historical backgrounds, national sense-making of visa policy, and distinct organizational conditions. However, the comparative research design and the inductive epistemological approach deployed have revealed processes of transfer at the implementation level, which result in transnational policy-making from below. Informal interactions between actors constitute a ‘community of practice’ based on the desire to share local and practical knowledge rather than expert knowledge in order to address problems linked to day-to-day implementation.<p><p><p>La construction d’un régime européen de visas représente un domaine de recherche important. Ceci a été analysé comme un des instruments politiques qui déplacent le contrôle migratoire au delà des limites du territoire européen. Cependant, la mise en œuvre dans les consulats nationaux reste très peu étudiée. Cette thèse analyse la mise en œuvre de la politique du visa Schengen conceptualisée comme politique des frontières. Par la délivrance du visa Schengen, organisations étatiques et non-étatiques réalisent le travail de filtrage des frontières. Cette thèse investigue la construction quotidienne de la frontière européenne à l’étranger en privilégiant la perspective théorique de la mise en œuvre des politiques publiques. L’analyse s’appuie sur un cas d’étude comparé. Elle se concentre sur les services visas des consulats de deux anciens pays d’immigration, la France et la Belgique, et un nouveau pays d’immigration, l’Italie, qui mettent en œuvre la politique du visa dans un même État tiers :le Maroc. Cette étude met en évidence des différences nationales importantes qui sont dues aux différents passés historiques, à l’attribution d’un sens national à la politique du visa, aux conditions organisationnelles distinctes. Toutefois, la méthodologie comparative et l’approche épistémologique inductive choisis ont permis de mettre en exergue des processus de transferts au niveau de la mise en œuvre qui constituent l’action publique transnationale par le bas. Les interactions informelles entre les acteurs constituent une ‘communauté de pratiques’ basé sur le désir de partager un savoir pratique et local qui sert à adresser des problèmes liés à la mise en œuvre au quotidien. / Doctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Darbo organizavimo formos / Forms of organisation of work

Norvilaitė, Laura 25 June 2014 (has links)
Magistro darbe analizuojamas darbo organizavimo formų instituto teisinio reglamentavimo raida ir problematika Lietuvoje atsižvelgiant į tarptautinius ir Europos Sąjungos teisinius standartus. Pagrindine teisine darbo organizavimo forma pripažįstama neterminuota darbo sutartis, kurią nuo kitų užimtumo formų skiria šie požymiai: dvišaliai (darbuotojo ir darbdavio), pastovūs, neterminuoti, atlygintiniai, subordinacija pagrįsti darbo santykiai, kai dirbama darbdavio patalpose. Pastaruosius santykius galima vadinti tipiniais, standartiniais. Pastebėtina, kad jie geriausiai atspindi darbo santykio šalių interesus. Tačiau dėl darbo rinkos pkyčių XXI amžiuje standartinės taisyklės, sukurtos dar XX amžiaus pirmojoje pusėje yra nefunkcionalios ir turi būti pritaikytos prie šiuolaikių darbo santykių. Europos Sąjungos lanksčios užimtumo politikos kūrimas, ekonomikos globalizacija bei su ja susiję darbo pokyčiai, poreikis skatinti užimtumą, į darbo rinką integruoti moteris, jaunus ir pagyvenusius asmenis bei įvairūs kiti socialiniai-ekonominiai veiksniai inspiruoja lanksčių užimtumo formų atsiradimą ir įgyvendinimą Lietuvos darbo teisėje. Darbo kodekse be standartinės darbo sutarties yra išskiriamos ir lankstesnės užimtumo formos, analizuojamos darbe: darbas ne visą darbo laiką, darbas pagal terminuotas sutartis, nuotolinis darbas ir kt. Siekiama įstatymiškai sureguliuoti įdarbinimo per laikinojo įdarbinimo agentūras santykius. Dėl lankstesnių užimtumo formų poreikio praktikoje darbe... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In this work, in accordance with international and European legal standards, the regulatory development and issues of institute of forms of work organisation in Lithuania are analysed. The basic form of work organisation is a non-term employment contract. From other forms of employment it is distinguished by the following characteristics: the relations between parties are bilateral (employee and employer), constant, based on remuneration, subordination and are performed in the premises of employer. These abovementioned relations can be called as typical and conventional. It should be noted that they reflect the best interests of both parties. However, due to the changes of labor market in the 21st century, standard rules, created in the first half of the 20th century, are dysfunctional and must be adapted to the modern labor relations. The development of flexible employment policy of the European Union, the economic globalization and related changes of employment, the need to promote employment, to integrate women, young and elderly people into the labor market and various other socio-economic factors inspire the emergence and implementation of flexible forms of organisation of work in the Lithuanian labor law. Next to a common employment contract more flexible forms of employment are distinguished in Labour Code of Republic of Lithuania. These forms are analysed in this work as well: a part-time work, fixed-term contracts, teleworking, etc. Legal regulation of the employment... [to full text]

Neoprávněné ekonomické aktivity ukrajinských migrantů v ČR / Unauthorized economic activities of Ukrainian migrants in the Czech Republic

Marečková, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of unauthorized economic activities of Ukrainian migrants in the Czech Republic, which in this case are understood as all the economic activities of these migrants, which are in some way contrary to the valid legislation - i.e. both completely illegal and quasi-legal activities. The thesis builds on a number of important theories and concepts, such as the dual labour market theory, network theory, institutional theory, client system, or precarisation. The main objective of this diploma thesis is to describe and structure the phenomenon of unauthorized economic activities of Ukrainian migrants in the Czech Republic. First, the thesis presents the statistical data concerning the studied phenomenon and outlines the legislative anchoring the employment of Ukrainian migrants within the Czech labour market. This is followed by the description of general context of Ukrainian labour migration to the Czech Republic, its main reasons and associated risk factors. Then attention is paid to the very phenomenon of unauthorized economic activities with a main focus on its causes, forms, consequences and possible solutions. In the research part of this diploma thesis, the data are mainly drawn from interviews with experts on the given issue working in different areas -...

Humanitära visum vid asylskäl : En kritisk analys av förutsättningarna för att införa humanitära visum i Sverige och dess påverkan på rätten att söka asyl

Rosendal, Jennie January 2022 (has links)
Humanitarian visas for asylum purposes have been widely discussed in recent years. With few alternatives at their disposal, refugees are forced to illegal and dangerous routes in their attempts to reach Europe. The aim of this study is to investigate the conditions for implementing humanitarian visas in Sweden and to clarify the consequences of Sweden's approach to humanitarian visas for third-country nationals in need of international protection. Using idea analysis as a method, the tenability of two official reports published by the Swedish Government is analyzed. By examining the assessments, an understanding of the conditions for introducing humanitarian visas in Sweden is established. In order to explore the implications of Sweden's position on the right of third country nationals to seek asylum, the study draws on a critical perspective on how migrants and refugees’ risk being subjected to violent border controls and how their legal status is subjected to various kinds of scrutiny.  Several shortcomings are identified in these reports and the conditions thus created for the introduction of humanitarian visas in Sweden. Although the need for more safe and legal routes to seek asylum and the consequences of Sweden's migration and asylum policy are highlighted, no national measures are recommended. Instead, it is recommended that Sweden should lobby for the introduction of humanitarian visas to the EU as a whole, with the overall aim of reducing the number of asylum seekers coming to Sweden in particular. Although it is commonplace for refugees to perish in search of safety, no practical measures are deemed essential to establish safe and legal routes for asylum seekers. State sovereignty thus continues to impede fundamental rights for all. Refugees and asylum seekers are severely affected by the uncertainty as to who is responsible for guaranteeing these fundamental rights. In an attempt to get these basic rights fulfilled, asylum seekers currently must resort to illegal acts at the risk of their lives. / Humanitära visum vid asylskäl har diskuterats flitigt de senaste åren. Med få alternativ till hands tvingas flyktingar ta till illegala och livsfarliga vägar i sina försök att ta sig till Europa. Syftet med studien är därför att utreda vilka förutsättningar som finns för att införa humanitära visum i Sverige samt att tydliggöra konsekvenserna av Sveriges inställning till humanitära visum för tredjelandsmedborgare som har ett internationellt skyddsbehov. Med idéanalys som metod granskas hållbarheten i två statliga offentliga utredningar. Genom att kritiskt granska de bedömningar som görs, skapas förståelse för vilka förutsättningar som finns för att införa humanitära visum i Sverige. För att utreda implikationerna som Sveriges inställning har på tredjelandsmedborgares rätt att söka asyl tar studien stöd av ett kritiskt perspektiv om hur människor på flykt riskerar att utsättas för våldsamma gränskontroller och hur deras juridiska ställning utsätts för olika typer av vågspel.  Flera brister identifieras i utredningarna och de förutsättningar som därmed ges för att införa humanitära visum i Sverige. Trots att behovet av fler säkra och lagliga vägar att söka asyl konstateras, samt att konsekvenserna av Sveriges migrations- och asylpolitik uppmärksammas, rekommenderas inte att några nationella åtgärder vidtas. I stället rekommenderas att Sverige ska framföra påtryckningar för att införa humanitära visum i EU. Ett övergripande mål är samtidigt att minska antalet asylsökande som söker sig till Sverige. Fastän det beskrivs hur människor på flykt omkommer i jakten på säkerhet, så bedöms inte nationella åtgärder vara nödvändiga för att införa säkra och lagliga vägar för asylsökande. Den statliga suveräniteten fortsätter således att utmana rätten till rättigheter för alla. Flyktingar och asylsökande drabbas framför allt av osäkerheten kring vem som är pliktbärare och oklarheter kring hur deras rättigheter ska tillförsäkras. För att försöka få sina rättigheter tillgodosedda tvingas de att ta till illegala handlingar med livet som insats.

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