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Distribuição temporal das mortes de vítimas de trauma e fatores associados / Temporal distribution of deaths of trauma victims and associated factorsSilva, Daniela Vieira 24 January 2017 (has links)
Introdução: a distribuição trimodal das mortes de vítimas de trauma ainda é amplamente aceita por pesquisadores. Entretanto, estudos apontam uma mudança nesse padrão, passando de tri para bimodal. Este panorama das mortes e os fatores associados ainda não foram investigados no contexto brasileiro, o que reforça a relevância desta investigação. Objetivo: analisar a distribuição temporal e os fatores associados às mortes de vítimas de trauma. Método: estudo transversal, quantitativo, constituído por análise retrospectiva de laudos de autópsia de vítimas admitidas no Instituto Médico Legal (IML) Central de São Paulo entre janeiro e dezembro de 2015 que responderam aos seguintes critérios de inclusão: ser vítima fatal de causa traumática; apresentar lesões codificáveis pela Abbreviated Injury Scale; e ter o tempo de morte identificado (tempo entre o evento traumático e a confirmação do óbito). A variável dependente foi o tempo da morte e as independentes contemplaram idade, gênero, raça, causa externa, Injury Severity Score (ISS), New Injury Severity Score (NISS), número de regiões corpóreas acometidas e região corpórea mais gravemente lesada. Estatísticas descritivas e regressão logística múltipla multinomial foram realizadas para análise dos dados, com nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: a casuística compôs-se de 1.500 vítimas, com predomínio do gênero masculino (75,7%) e da raça branca (58,1%). A idade média foi de 49,7 (±23,6) anos. O trauma contundente prevaleceu na amostra (68,6%) e a causa externa mais frequente foi queda (33,5%). A análise da gravidade do trauma das vítimas mostrou que a maioria apresentava trauma moderado ou grave segundo o ISS (média 21,6±15,3; 58,0% com ISS 16) e o NISS (média 27,7±17,4; 70,9% com NISS 16). As vítimas tiveram em média 2,4 (±1,3) regiões corpóreas acometidas. A distribuição das mortes ocorreu em três momentos distintos: imediatas (mortes na cena), precoces (mortes em até 24 horas após o trauma) e tardias (mortes com tempo 24 horas após o trauma). Prevaleceram na amostra as mortes tardias (44,7%), seguidas das imediatas (28,2%) e precoces (27,1%). As vítimas de mortes tardias apresentaram maior média de idade e frequência de quedas do que as que morreram precoce ou tardiamente. Entre aqueles que morreram na cena, a gravidade do trauma mensurada pelo ISS e NISS e a média no número de regiões corpóreas acometidas eram maiores em relação aos outros dois grupos. Os fatores associados às mortes imediatas foram número de regiões corpóreas acometidas, NISS e as causas externas pedestre/ciclista, motociclista, ocupante de automóvel, agressões, lesões autoprovocadas e causa desconhecida. Para as mortes precoces, os fatores de risco foram número de regiões corpóreas acometidas, NISS e lesões autoprovocadas. Por fim, para as tardias, os fatores preditivos foram idade e mecanismo de trauma contundente. Conclusão: a distribuição temporal das mortes foi trimodal, com maior frequência de mortes tardias, e os fatores associados aos óbitos contemplaram variáveis sobre o evento traumático e a gravidade do trauma, além da idade. Os resultados desta investigação trazem importantes subsídios para o estabelecimento de políticas públicas de prevenção do trauma e de estratégias de capacitação dos profissionais da saúde visando à redução desse desfecho clínico. / Introduction: the trimodal distribution of deaths of trauma victims is still widely accepted by researchers. However, studies point to a change in this pattern, ranging from tri to bimodal. This panorama of deaths and associated factors have not yet been investigated in the Brazilian context, which reinforces the relevance of this investigation. Purpose: to analyze the temporal distribution and the factors associated with the deaths of trauma victims. Method: a cross-sectional, quantitative study consisting of a retrospective analysis of autopsy reports of victims admitted to the Central Medical-Legal Institute of Sao Paulo from January to December 2015, who responded to the following inclusion criteria: being a fatal victim of traumatic causes; having lesions coded by the Abbreviated Injury Scale; and having the time of death identified (time from the traumatic event to the confirmation of death). The dependent variable was the time of death, and the independent variables included age, gender, race, external cause, Injury Severity Score (ISS), New Injury Severity Score (NISS), number of body regions affected and body region more severely injured. Data analysis consisted of descriptive statistics and multinomial multiple logistic regression, with significance level of 5%. Results: the sample consisted of 1,500 victims, predominantly male (75.7%) and white (58.1%). The mean age was 49.7 (± 23.6) years. Blunt trauma prevailed in the sample (68.6%) and the most frequent external cause was fall (33.5%). The analysis of the severity of the trauma of the victims showed that the majority had moderate or severe trauma according to the ISS (mean 21.6±15.3, 58.0% with ISS 16) and NISS (mean 27.7±17.4, 70.9% with NISS 16). The victims had on average 2.4 (±1.3) body regions affected. The distribution of deaths occurred in three distinct moments: immediate (death on the scene), early (death within 24 hours after trauma) and late (death time 24 hours post trauma). Late deaths (44.7%) prevailed in the sample, followed by immediate deaths (28.2%) and early deaths (27.1%). Victims of late deaths had a higher mean age and higher frequency of falls than those who died early or late. Among those who died on the scene, the severity of the trauma measured by ISS and NISS and the mean number of injured regions were greater than the other two groups. The factors associated with immediate deaths were number of affected body regions, NISS and external causes pedestrian/cyclist, motorcyclist, motor vehicle occupant, aggressions, self-harm and unknown cause. For early deaths, the risk factors were number of body regions affected, NISS and self-harm. Finally, for the late, predictive factors were age and blunt trauma mechanism. Conclusion: the temporal distribution of deaths was trimodal, with a higher frequency of late deaths, and the factors associated with death included variables on the traumatic event and the severity of the trauma, besides age. The results of this investigation bring important subsidies for the establishment of public policies for the prevention of trauma and training strategies of health professionals aimed at reducing this clinical outcome.
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The Thorn TreeFitzgerald, Caitlin Anne January 2007 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Thomas Kaplan-Maxfield / We remember childhood injustices for the rest of our lives. They are thorn-like memories, piercing and immediate, affecting us long after we have matured and moved on with our lives. The wounds of childhood have been written about by some of literature's greatest writers, including most notably James Joyce, in his masterpiece A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. In this creative work I try to investigate, through the voices of children, the role of wounds in the growing character of a child. Wounds both literal and metaphorical dominate the narrative, which is told from a variety of perspectives as one group of friends from one neighborhood advance through elementary school. My goal in this work is to portray the painfully observant nature of children — to show how much they absorb in the early years of their lives, the scope of which adults might not realize. I also try to capture the humor and tragedy of children's voices, and to create a whole world as seen through the eyes of children. / Thesis (BA) — Boston College, 2007. / Submitted to: Boston College. College of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: English. / Discipline: College Honors Program.
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Epidemiologia dos traumas em países desenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento / Epidemiology of trauma in developed and developing countriesImamura, Janete Honda 05 July 2012 (has links)
Objetivos: Estudo sobre mortalidade por causas externas não intencionais divulgadas na literatura médica mundial em crianças e adolescentes, com verificação das principais causas externas fatais não intencionais e identificação de diferenças de causas externas de óbito entre países de diferentes desempenhos econômico-sociais. Método: Revisão sistemática da literatura mundial sobre mortalidade por causas externas não intencionais em crianças e adolescentes de julho de 2001 a junho de 2011, através das bases de dados de periódicos eletrônicos científicos PubMed, LILACS, EMBASE e pesquisa manual com dados de âmbito nacional de órgãos oficiais. Resultados: Selecionados 15 artigos de periódicos, um livro e os dados estatísticos de 2010 da base de dados do Ministério da Saúde do Brasil. A maioria de países envolvidos nas divulgações de dados apresentavam alto desempenho econômico-social, com preponderância de países de alta e média renda econômica e índice de desenvolvimento econômico muito alto. Dos óbitos por causas externas, as principais causas foram as não intencionais. Verificou-se predominância dos acidentes de transporte como principal causa de óbito nos países estudados, em especial a partir da idade pré-escolar. A seguir os afogamentos e submersões se sobressaem, seguidos pelas quedas, queimaduras e as intoxicações. As maiores taxas de mortalidade por causas externas não intencionais por faixa etária foram observadas nas crianças menores de um ano de idade, principalmente pelos riscos acidentais à respiração excluindo os afogamentos e as submersões. Foi identificado ainda um número expressivo de óbitos por causas externas de intenção indeterminada. No Brasil, esses fatos também se repetiram e observou-se que praticamente metade dos óbitos em crianças por acidentes de transporte ocorreram na própria via pública. Conclusões: O acidente de transporte foi identificado como causa predominante de óbito por causas externas não intencionais na infância nos países estudados, principalmente a partir da idade pré-escolar. A faixa etária dos lactentes foi especialmente susceptível aos riscos acidentais à respiração que excluem os afogamentos e as submersões acidentais. Investigações mais detalhadas dos óbitos por causas externas para reduzir o número de eventos por intenções indeterminadas devem ser consideradas. Mais divulgações de dados sobre a ocorrência de mortes por causas não intencionais em países com menor desenvolvimento econômico e social são necessárias para um maior conhecimento e conscientização desses eventos passíveis de prevenção / Objective: Report on the mortality rate of children and youths due to non-intentional external causes disclosed in the world medical literature, with analysis of the principal non-intentional external deadly causes and identification of differences related to the external causes of death in countries with different economic and social performances. Method: This was a systematic review of the literature on mortality from accidental injury in children and adolescents. We searched the PubMed, Latin-American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature, and Excerpta Medica databases for articles published between July of 2001 and June of 2011. National data from official agencies, retrieved by hand searches, were also reviewed. Results: We reviewed 15 journal articles and 1 book, as well as 2010 statistical data from the Brazilian National Ministry of Health Mortality Database. Most of the data relate to countries with high economic and social performance, with predominance of countries with high and middle economic income and very high economic development rates. Deaths due to external causes were primarily the result of non-intentional causes. There was a predominance of transportation accidents as the principal cause of death in the countries surveyed, especially as from preschool age. Accidental drowning and submersion rank second, followed by falls, burns and poisoning. The highest rates of death from non-intentional external causes by age grade were observed in children below 1 year old, principally due to accidental threats to breathing, excluding drowning and submersion. A significant number of deaths due to undetermined external causes was also identified. This situation was also registered in Brazil, and nearly half of all childhood deaths from traffic accidents occurred at the scene. Conclusions: Traffic accidents were found to constitute the leading external cause of accidental death among children in the countries under study, principally among those of preschool age or older. Infants were found to be particularly vulnerable to accidental non-drowning threats to breathing. A detailed investigation about deaths due to external causes must be considered in order to reduce the number of deaths due to undetermined causes. Further studies investigating the occurrence of accidental deaths in countries with low social and economic development are needed in order to improve the understanding of these preventable events
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Vítimas de trauma admitidas em unidade de terapia intensiva: características e fatores associados à carga de trabalho de enfermagem / Trauma victims admitted to the Intensive Care Unit: characteristics and factors associated with nursing workloadNogueira, Lilia de Souza 09 August 2012 (has links)
A complexidade da assistência à vítima de trauma na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) repercute na carga de trabalho de enfermagem, sendo fundamental à equipe o conhecimento de aspectos que a influenciam para o planejamento de sua atuação. Diante disso, foram objetivos deste estudo caracterizar as vítimas de trauma admitidas na UTI, identificar um possível padrão de intervenções realizadas nos pacientes e os fatores associados à alta carga de trabalho no primeiro dia de internação, além de elaborar um modelo de estimativa da carga de trabalho de enfermagem requerida pelos sobreviventes na alta da unidade. Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo, do tipo coorte prospectivo, realizado em UTI especializada para assistência de vítima de trauma em hospital de referência para esse atendimento. A carga de trabalho de enfermagem, variável dependente, foi mensurada pelo Nursing Activities Score (NAS). Estatísticas descritivas, testes de associação e correlação e análises multivariadas foram realizados no tratamento dos dados. A casuística compôs-se de 200 vítimas, a maioria do sexo masculino (82,0%), com idade média de 40,7 anos (dp=18,6), procedente do Centro Cirúrgico (70,0%) e submetida à cirurgia não programada (66,5%). A média do índice de comorbidade de Charlson foi 0,6 (dp=1,4). Os acidentes de transportes (57,5%) prevaleceram na amostra, assim como o trauma contuso (94,5%). Na análise da gravidade do trauma, a média do Injury Severity Score foi 19,3 (dp=9,1) e do New Injury Severity Score (NISS), 27,1 (dp=9,9). O número médio de lesões Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) 3 foi 3,1 (dp=1,8) e de regiões corpóreas acometidas, 2,7 (dp=1,3). Cabeça ou pescoço foi a região mais gravemente lesada (64,0%) e que apresentou maior frequência de lesões AIS 3 (65,5%). Quanto à gravidade do paciente, a média do risco de morte variou de 21,1% a 25,6%, segundo diferentes índices, e as insuficiências pulmonar (76,5%) e neurológica (69,0%) prevaleceram na casuística. A média do NAS na admissão da UTI foi 71,3% (dp=16,9) e dos sobreviventes, na alta da unidade, 45,2% (dp=9,1). O tempo médio de permanência na UTI foi de 13,6 dias (dp=14,6) e a taxa de mortalidade na unidade crítica, 19,0%. Foi identificado um grupo de 136 pacientes que apresentavam similaridade de intervenções na admissão da UTI. Destacou-se, nesse grupo, monitorização/controles e mobilização/posicionamento como atividades que requereram maior complexidade e ocuparam mais tempo que a rotina normal das unidades críticas. Gênero, insuficiência pulmonar, número de regiões corpóreas acometidas e risco de morte pelo Simplified Acute Physiology Score (SAPS II) foram fatores associados à alta carga de trabalho de enfermagem na admissão da UTI. O modelo de estimativa da carga de trabalho de enfermagem requerida pelos sobreviventes na alta da UTI foi expresso pela seguinte fórmula: NAS alta= 37,171 + 0,188 (risco de morte SAPS II) + 0,193 (NISS). Os resultados obtidos nesta investigação fornecem subsídios às equipes de enfermagem que prestam assistência à vítima de trauma, durante ou após a alta da UTI, que facilitarão o planejamento dos cuidados, adequação do quantitativo de pessoal e distribuição de tarefas, com enfoque na excelência da assistência ao traumatizado. / The complexity posed by the assistance offered to trauma victims at Intensive Care Units (ICU) affects the nursing workload and, for this reason, information on the aspects impacting the workload and its planning is crucial. This study aimed to characterize trauma victims admitted to ICU, to identify a possible pattern of procedures performed in those patients, and the factors associated with high workload on the first hospitalization day, as well as to elaborate an estimate model of nursing workload required by the survivors on ICU discharge. This cohort quantitative study was prospective and carried out at an ICU specialized in assistance to trauma victims in a reference hospital for this service. The nursing workload, the dependent variable, was measured using the Nursing Activities Score (NAS). Descriptive statistics, association and correlation tests as well as multivariate analyses were performed. The sample consisted of 200 victims, mainly male (82.0%), with an average age of 40.7 years (SD=18.6), transferred from the surgery room (70.0%) and submitted to unscheduled surgery (66.5%). The Charlson comorbidity index average was 0.6 (SD=1.4). Traffic accidents (57.5%) and blunt trauma (94.5%) prevailed in the sample. As regards the analysis of trauma severity, the average of Injury Severity Score was 19.3 (SD=9.1) and 27.1 (SD=9.9) for the New Injury Severity Score (NISS). The average number of injuries according to the Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) 3 was 3.1 (SD=1.8), and of the body region affected, 2.7 (SD=1.3). Head or neck had the most severe injuries (64.0%) and showed a higher frequency of injuries AIS 3 (65.5%). With respect to patient severity, the average death risk ranged from 21.1% to 25.6%, according to different indexes. Pulmonary (76.5%) and neurological (69.0%) insufficiency were predominant in the sample. The average NAS on ICU admission was 71.3% (SD=16.9), and 45.2% (SD=9.1) among survivors on the unit discharge. The mean ICU length of stay was 13.6 days (SD=14.6) and the mortality rate at the critical unit, 19.0%. A group of 136 patients submitted to similar procedures on ICU admission was identified. In this group, monitoring/titration and mobilization/positioning were regarded as the most complex activities, requiring longer than normal routine time of critical units. Gender, pulmonary insufficiency, number of body region injured and death risk by Simplified Acute Physiology Score (SAPS II) were factors associated with high nursing workload on ICU admission. The estimate model of nursing workload required by survivors on ICU discharge was expressed by the following formula: NAS discharge= 37.171 + 0.188 (death risk SAPS II) + 0.193 (NISS). The results obtained from this investigation provide information to the nursing teams offering assistance to trauma victims, during or post ICU discharge, with data which contributes to better care and quantitative staff planning, as well as task distribution, aiming for excellence in trauma patient assistance.
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Controle do odor de feridas neoplásicas malignas com metronidazol: revisão sistemática / Metronidazole for odor control in malignant wounds: systematic reviewVillela, Diana Lima 07 March 2014 (has links)
Introdução: Feridas neoplásicas malignas (FNM) são resultantes da invasão direta do câncer na pele que, ao se exteriorizarem, adquirem características de ferida. Com incidência variando de 0,6 a 9,0%, são mais comuns nos cânceres de mama e cabeça e pescoço. Dentre os sinais e sintomas, destaca-se o odor que tem sido descrito como intolerável e nauseante, acarretando impacto negativo sobre o paciente, familiares e equipe de saúde. O odor em FNM ocorre em consequência da interação das microbiotas aeróbica e anaeróbica que colonizam e infectam as feridas. Objetivando reduzir a carga microbiana local e, assim, controlar o odor, tem-se descrito o uso de antissépticos e antibióticos tópicos, dentre os quais destaca-se o metronidazol. Objetivo: Identificar as evidências científicas sobre a utilização do metronidazol para controle do odor em FNM, por meio de revisão sistemática (RS) de ensaios clínicos controlados e não controlados. Método: A partir da questão norteadora do estudo: Qual a eficácia da terapia tópica de metronidazol para o controle do odor em feridas neoplásicas malignas?, realizou-se a busca dos artigos nas bases de dados BIREME, LILACS, COCHRANE, CINAHL e EMBASE, com auxílio da estratégia PICO, utilizando-se descritores indexados e não indexados. Os estudos foram selecionados por duas pesquisadoras de forma independente e os estudos incluídos na RS foram analisados segundo o enunciado CONSORT, grau de recomendação e nível de evidência. Para o estudo randomizado utilizou-se também a Escala de Jadad. Resultados: Recuperaram-se 384 artigos, sendo selecionados 14 para leitura na íntegra, sendo incluídos, ao final, apenas três estudos na RS. Destes, um estudo é randomizado (grau de evidência e recomendação = 2b, Jadad = 2) e dois não são controlados (grau de evidência 4 para ambos). Quanto ao método de avaliação e/ou classificação do odor, não se identificou um instrumento formal, sendo empregada apenas escala analógica de 0 a 10 ou presença/ausência de odor. O tempo necessário para o emprego da terapia tópica foi de 1 a 14 dias, com troca do curativo 1 ou 2 vezes ao dia; e a aplicação do metronidazol foi em gel de 0,75% a 0,8%. Os estudos não mencionaram ou descreveram reações adversas. Os estudos apresentam limitações e fragilidades metodológicas importantes, destacando-se as amostras reduzidas e a falta de descrição de aspectos como o cegamento e randomização no único estudo randomizado, além dos procedimentos empregados nos curativos, dentre outros. Conclusão: Apesar dos três estudos concluírem que o metronidazol tópico é eficaz no controle do odor em FNM, não há forte evidência científica para corroborar essa eficácia. / Introduction: Malignant wounds (MW) are the result of direct invasion of cancer in the skin that, when exteriorized, acquire characteristics of the wound. With an incidence ranging from 0.6 to 9.0%, are more common in breast and head and neck . Among the signs and symptoms, there is the odor that has been described as intolerable and sickening, causing negative impact on the patient, family and healthcare team. The MW odor occurs as a result of the interaction of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria that colonize and infect wounds. In order to reduce local microbial load and thus control the odor, there has been described the use of topical antiseptics and antibiotics, among which stands out metronidazole. Objective: To identify the scientific evidence on the use of metronidazole for odor control in MW, through systematic review (SR) of randomized controlled trials and uncontrolled. Method: From the main question of the study: \"What is the efficacy of topical metronidazole therapy for odor control in malignant neoplastic wounds,\" there was the search for articles in the databases MEDLINE, LILACS, Cochrane Library, CINAHL database and EMBASE, using the PICO strategy, using descriptors indexed and unindexed. Studies were selected by two researchers independently and studies included in the RS were analyzed according to the CONSORT statement, strength of recommendation and level of evidence. For the randomized study also used the Jadad Scale. Results: 384 articles were recovered, 14 were selected for full reading, being included in the end, only three studies in SR. Of these, a study is randomized (level of evidence and recommendation= 2b, Jadad= 2) and two are not controlled (evidence grade 4 for both). As to the method of assessment and / or classification of odor, did not identify a formal instrument, being used only analog scale of 0 to 10, or the presence / absence of odor. The time required for the use of topical therapy was 1 to 14 days, with change of the dressing 1 or 2 times a day, and the application of metronidazole was 0.75% gel 0.8%. Studies have not mentioned or described adverse reactions. The studies have important methodological limitations and weaknesses, highlighting the small sample size and lack of description of aspects such as blinding and randomization in the only randomized, besides the procedures used in dressings, among others. Conclusion: Although the three studies conclude that topical metronidazole is effective in controlling odor in MW, there is no strong scientific evidence to support its effectiveness
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A Hybrid System for Simulation of Athletic Activities Related to Lower Extremity BiomechanicsUnknown Date (has links)
In this dissertation, the design and development of a hybrid robotic system that
simulates dynamic biomechanical tasks of the lower extremity with emphasis on knee
and hip joints are presented. The hybrid system utilizes a mechanical hip and a cadaveric
knee/ankle component and can accelerate the whole complex towards the ground. This
system is used to simulate complex athletic movements such as landing from a jump at
various anatomical orientations of the lower extremity with muscle action. The dynamic
response of the lower extremity is monitored and analyzed during impulsive contact
between the ground and the cadaveric leg. The cadaveric knee is instrumented to measure
strain of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) during simulated high impact sports
activities. The mechanical hip allows various kinematics of the hip including flexion as
well as abduction. In addition to the flexion and abduction of the mechanical hip, the
controlled flexion and extension of the cadaveric knee allows for simulation of complex
tasks such as landing from a jump. A large number of tests were performed at various anatomical positions utilizing this device to simulate landing from a jump. ACL strain
was measured during these tasks using a Differential Variance Resistance Transducer
(DVRT). Ground Reaction Force and muscle forces were measured and monitored using
AmCell load cells recorded using the LabView software. one-inch and 6-inch jump
landing heights were used for all the simulations. The tests were performed at differing
angles of hip flexion (0°, 30°, 45°, 60°) and at two different ankle positions. Plantar
flexion and flat-footed landing conditions were simulated and compared in all degrees of
hip flexion. These tests were repeated with and without hip abduction in order to study
the effects of these landing positions on ACL strain. Hip flexion was found to effect ACL
strain: as angle of hip flexion increases, ACL strain decreases. This occurred in both
abducted and non-abducted hip positions. Ankle landing position had an effect only in
small drop heights, while hip abduction had an effect in large drops. Future tests must be
completed to further study these effects. These studies showed that the robotic system can
simulate dynamic tasks, apply muscle forces, and move the cadaveric tissue in three
dimensional biomechanical positions. / Includes bibliography. / Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2017. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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The effects of compression socks on perception of post exercise muscle sorenessUnknown Date (has links)
Purpose: To evaluate the influence of compression socks worn post exercise on the perceived rating of muscle soreness. Methods: In a randomly cross over design, 16 subjects performed a soreness inducing protocol. Below knee CG (Compression garments) were worn for the next 6 hours post exercise. HR (Heart Rate), RPE (rate of perceived exhaustion) and time to complete one cycle was measured throughout the intervention. PS (Perceived Soreness) was assessed prior, immediate post, 6h, and 24h post exercise. Results: There was no significant difference in perception of soreness between compression and no compression at 6h post exercise (p=.136) and at 24h post exercise (p=286). Conclusion: Compression socks worn post exercise did not significantly alter ratings of perceived soreness after a soreness inducing protocol. / by Friederike Feil. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2011. / Includes bibliography. / Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2011. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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Bactericidal efficacy of wound gauze treated with chitosan nanomaterial hybrids of zinc, silver and copper on common wound bacteriaShekede, Blessing Tatenda January 2018 (has links)
Thesis (Master of Applied Sciences in Chemistry)--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2018. / Maintenance of optimum wound chemistry is important to ensure timely healing of a wound. Bacterial infections impair the process of wound healing by producing toxins that alter the chemical environment in and around the wound. The imbalance in the wound chemistry prolongs healing and opens doors to opportunistic infections. Bacteria have developed resistance to conventional bactericides hence, there is need for search of new bactericides that can control bacteria in and around the wound. Therefore, new chemical or biochemical bactericides, which are not resisted by the bacteria, can be explored to control bacterial life around the wound in a bid to maintain optimum wound healing chemistry. Materials such as chitosan, zinc oxide, copper oxide and silver have showed remarkable potential as both bactericidal and wound healing agents. In this work silver, zinc oxide, and copper oxide nanoparticles (NPs) and their chitosan composites (CH-NPs) were synthesized using the chemical reduction method and simple chelation respectively to produce nanoparticles of Ag, ZnO, and CuO as well as composites of CH-ZnO, CH-Ag, CH-CuO, and CH-ZnO-Ag-CuO. Formation of the NPs was confirmed by the exhibition of characteristic peaks in UV-Visible and Fourier Transform Infrared Resonance (FTIR) spectroscopy as well as X-ray diffraction. The nanoparticles (NPs) had optical and electronic band gaps in the range 1 to 5eV indicating their semi-conductive nature. X-ray diffraction (XRD) investigations depicted the crystalline structures of the NPs to be base-centred, face-centred, and hexagonal for Ag, CuO, and ZnO respectively. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies exhibited spherical, hexagonal, and rod-shaped shapes for silver, copper oxide, zinc oxide NPs respectively. Electrochemical investigations of the pure NPs indicated the existence of both the adsorption and the diffusion controlled electron transfer processes at electrode surfaces as well as fast electron transfer rate as depicted by the charge transfer coefficient and standard rate constant parameter values. FTIR spectra of CH-NPs composites depicted new excitation bands absent in spectra of both chitosan and the NPs. The spectra also indicated the deformation and absence of the amine (-NH2) and hydroxyl bands (-OH) within the CH-NPs composites. UV-Visible spectroscopy investigations of the CH-NPs composites exhibited blue-shifts of the λmax with respect to the NPs. The FTIR and UV-Visible spectra confirmed the existence of bonding between the chitosan and the NPs. The optical band gap energies of all the CH-NPs composites fell within the range of 2.0 to 4.5 eV indicating that the CH-NPs fell in the category of the semi-conducting materials after chelating with the chitosan.
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Análise crítica do tratamento de pacientes com ferimentos descolantes nos membros inferiores / Critical analysis of the treatment of patients with lower extremity degloving injuriesMilcheski, Dimas Andre 22 September 2009 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Os ferimentos descolantes nos membros inferiores frequentemente se apresentam como lesões graves. Há dificuldade na decisão sobre o tratamento mais adequado, o reposicionamento e sutura do retalho ou o emagrecimento e enxertia da pele avulsionada. Este estudo avaliou os pacientes com ferimentos descolantes nos membros inferiores, analisando o perfil epidemiológico e a evolução dos pacientes de acordo com o tratamento realizado. Após a análise dos dados e a revisão da literatura, propõe-se um protocolo para padronização do atendimento. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados retrospectivamente 42 pacientes vitimas de ferimentos descolantes em membros inferiores atendidos no HC-FMUSP entre julho de 2003 e junho de 2007. Os pacientes foram divididos de acordo com o tratamento em 2 grupos: grupo 1 (n = 21; reposicionamento do retalho) e grupo 2 (n = 21; ressecção do retalho e enxertia imediata). Os pacientes do grupo 1 foram atendidos inicialmente em outros serviços e referenciados ao HC-FMUSP com mais de 24 horas após o trauma (16 pacientes) ou foram atendidos pela cirurgia do trauma do HC-FMUSP (5 pacientes) sem a participação da cirurgia plástica nas primeiras 24 horas. Os pacientes do grupo 1 foram tratados com limpeza, reposicionamento e sutura do retalho avulsionado à posição original. Os pacientes do grupo 2 tiveram como tratamento limpeza e desbridamento da ferida, ressecção do retalho avulsionado e emagrecimento do retalho até a espessura de pele e enxertia desta pele no atendimento inicial. RESULTADOS: Dezenove pacientes do grupo 1 (90%) apresentaram necrose e perda total do retalho reposicionado, necessitando tratamento adicional com desbridamento da necrose e enxertia de pele. Dois pacientes (10%) do grupo 1 tiveram evolução favorável, não necessitando de tratamento adicional. Os pacientes dos grupos 1 e 2 apresentaram dados estatisticamente similares em relação à enxertia de pele (G1 = 81%; G2 = 86%; p > 0,999), enxertia de pele complementar (G1 = 48%; G2 = 71%; p = 0,208), cobertura com retalho cirúrgico (G1 = 14%; G2 = 19%; p > 0,999), complicações clínicas (G1 = 33%; G2 = 24%; p = 0,734), complicações cirúrgicas (G1 = 14%; G2 = 33%; p = 0,277), taxa de amputação (G1 = 10%; G2 = 29%; p = 0,238) e taxa de óbito (G1 = 0; G2 = 14%; p = 0,232). Houve diferença estaticamente significativa no tempo de internação, com os pacientes do grupo 1 permanecendo mais tempo internados (G1 = 46,2 dias; G2 = 32,5 dias; p < 0,001). CONCLUSÕES: Houve alto índice de necrose do retalho avulsionado ! nos pacientes que receberam o tratamento de reposicionamento e sutura do retalho ao leito de origem (90%; grupo 1). O tratamento de ressecção do retalho avulsionado, emagrecimento até a espessura de pele e enxertia imediata (grupo 2) proporcionou melhor evolução com relação ao tempo de permanência hospitalar. / INTRODUCTION: Lower extremity degloving injuries are often characterized as serious injuries. There is difficulty in deciding on the most appropriate treatment, whether flap repositioning and suturing or converting the avulsed flap to split-thickness skin grafting. This study assessed patients with degloving injuries in lower extremities, reviewing the epidemiological profile and patient outcome related to the performed treatment. After data analyzing and literature reviewing, a treatment protocol is proposed for standardization of care. METHODS: Forty-two patients were retrospectively evaluated, grouped in 2 groups according with the treatment performed: group 1 (n = 21; flap repositioning) and group 2 (n = 21; flap resection and skin grafting). Group 1 was cared initially in other hospitals (16 patients) or by trauma surgery team in our hospital (5 patients) and it had treatment with washing, repositioning and suturing of avulsed flap to the original position. Group 2 had treatment with washing, debridement, resection of avulsed flap and converting the flap to split-thickness graft in the first care. RESULTS: Nineteen patients in the group 1 (90%) followed necrosis and total flap loss. These patients had additional surgery for skin grafting. Patients of groups 1 and 2 had similar finds with relation to skin grafting (G1 = 81%; G2 = 86%; p > 0,999), complementary skin grafting (G1 = 48%; G2 = 71%; p = 0,208), surgical flap (G1 = 14%; G2 = 19%; p > 0,999), clinical complications (G1 = 33%; G2 = 24%; p = 0,734), surgical complications (G1 = 14%; G2 = 33%; p = 0,277), amputation rate (G1 = 10%; G2 = 29%; p = 0,238) and death rate (G1 = 0; G2 = 14%; p = 0,232). There was statistical significant difference in length of hospital stay, with patients of group 1 staying longer inhospital (G1 = 46,2 days; G2 = 32,5 days; p < 0,001). CONCLUSIONS: There was high rate of flap necrosis in group 1 (90%) that had repositioning and suturing of avulsed flap. Group 2, with resection, defatting and immediate skin grafting, had better outcome in relation to inhospital stay.
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In vitro and in vivo mechanistic studies of the wound-healing effects of Astragali Radix and phytochemical analysis of its active fractions/components isolated using bioassay-guided fractionation. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collectionJanuary 2013 (has links)
Lai, Kwok Kin. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2013. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 229-251). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstract also in Chinese.
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