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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Memory [Architecture] Film: Four Cinematic Events in the City

Egues, Magdalena 08 April 2008 (has links)
Cities involve several systems that work together as a network of urban relationships. These systems are in balance, and they work as a whole that articulates urban life. But what makes a city memorable and special are its events: those magical situations where the uniformity of the experience stops and something unique arise. Those are the moments where our memory is deeply engraved by a particular situation that will come back in our dreams and imaginative processes as an agent image. Four urban events — a space for film edition and writing, an urban stage, a footage archive and park, and a projection space- whose locations have been determined by a Cartesian game dictated by the Plan of Washington DC; and one common discipline, Film, will be the main focus of this research and a way of understanding the relations among Memory and its spaces, Architecture and Film in the City. Each event will respond to the particularities of its context by understanding first the sites and their relation with the city. These sites will be located in the four quadrants of Washington DC- NE, SE, SW and NW- and they will be consider as different communities that, by keeping their own idiosyncrasy, create one city. The question of urban scale as well as the concept of detail as part of an architectural cosmology will be present throughout the process of the thesis by the alternation of micro and macro analysis of each stage of the research. The question of scale will be present as well when comparing the four projects with their differences in shape and size. Characterization and monstrosity as architectural concepts will be incorporated into the project too, by understanding the role of Architecture in the city and what it wants to show or "monstrare" to its inhabitants. / Master of Architecture

Wegloopverskynsel by kinderhuiskinders

Botha, Karel Johannes 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die doel van hierdie studie was om te bepaal waarom kinders uit kinderhuise wegloop en om voorstelle ter voorkoming daarvan te maak. Ten opsigte van die fenomeen "wegloop" stateer die literatuur dat kinders wegloop vanaf onaangename omstandighede en/of wegloop na aangename omstandighede. Die belewing van gesinstres, gesinskonflik, portuurgroepdruk, utopiese voorstellings van wegloop, onaangename skoolbelewing en tiener swangerskap is aangeduide rolspelers onderliggend aan bogenoemde. Die empiriese studie na wegloop uit kinderhuise bet aan die lig gebring dat kinders uit kinderhuise wegloop weens traumatiese belewing van verwydering uit die ouerhuis, etikettering en inrigtingsversadiging. Voorts is bevind dat faktore wat onderliggend aan bogenoemde is, tot 'n groot mate voorkom kan word. Sekere aanbevelings ter voorkoming van wegloop uit kinderhuise is na aanleiding van die studie gedoen en kan gebruik word in die volwassene se bemoeienis met die kinderhuiskind. / The object of the study was to identify the reasons why children run away from children's homes and to make recommendations on how to prevent them from running away. On considering "run away" as a phenomenon, the literature states that children run away from harsh circumstances to acceptable or pleasant circumstances. Experiences such as family stress, conflict in the family, peer group pressure, romanticising the idea, harsh school experiences and teenage pregnancies are roll players subjacent to the above mentioned. The empirical study of "running away from children's homes" has confirmed that children run away because of traumatic separation from parental homes, labelling and institutional intolerance. Furthermore it was also found that factors subjacent to the above mentioned can be neutralised to a large extent. Certain guidelines have been recommended for adults when confronted with children in children's homes. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Voorligting)

Wegloopverskynsel by kinderhuiskinders

Botha, Karel Johannes 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die doel van hierdie studie was om te bepaal waarom kinders uit kinderhuise wegloop en om voorstelle ter voorkoming daarvan te maak. Ten opsigte van die fenomeen "wegloop" stateer die literatuur dat kinders wegloop vanaf onaangename omstandighede en/of wegloop na aangename omstandighede. Die belewing van gesinstres, gesinskonflik, portuurgroepdruk, utopiese voorstellings van wegloop, onaangename skoolbelewing en tiener swangerskap is aangeduide rolspelers onderliggend aan bogenoemde. Die empiriese studie na wegloop uit kinderhuise bet aan die lig gebring dat kinders uit kinderhuise wegloop weens traumatiese belewing van verwydering uit die ouerhuis, etikettering en inrigtingsversadiging. Voorts is bevind dat faktore wat onderliggend aan bogenoemde is, tot 'n groot mate voorkom kan word. Sekere aanbevelings ter voorkoming van wegloop uit kinderhuise is na aanleiding van die studie gedoen en kan gebruik word in die volwassene se bemoeienis met die kinderhuiskind. / The object of the study was to identify the reasons why children run away from children's homes and to make recommendations on how to prevent them from running away. On considering "run away" as a phenomenon, the literature states that children run away from harsh circumstances to acceptable or pleasant circumstances. Experiences such as family stress, conflict in the family, peer group pressure, romanticising the idea, harsh school experiences and teenage pregnancies are roll players subjacent to the above mentioned. The empirical study of "running away from children's homes" has confirmed that children run away because of traumatic separation from parental homes, labelling and institutional intolerance. Furthermore it was also found that factors subjacent to the above mentioned can be neutralised to a large extent. Certain guidelines have been recommended for adults when confronted with children in children's homes. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Voorligting)

Devenir soi-même. Ambiguïtés d'un projet éthique / Becoming oneself. The ambiguities of an ethical project

Perrot, Philippe 15 June 2015 (has links)
On n’entre pas dans le champ de la philosophie comme on entre dans un lieu clos et bien délimité. Toutes les questions philosophiques font signe vers un ailleurs, une terre inconnue qui reste à découvrir et que personne n’a encore foulée. Plus encore que toutes les autres, la question du "moi" dérange la tentative visant à intégrer toutes les réponses dans un champ strictement balisé et fermé. Comme Bergson l’avait bien souligné, on ne domine intellectuellement que ce qui est inerte et statique, et on n’explique que ce qui a déjà eu lieu. Or, si c’est à l’extérieur du moi que se donne à voir l’inerte et le statique, c’est précisément parce que le moi apparaît et surgit dans le monde comme un mouvement d’arrachement et de dépassement de tout ce qui est. Parce qu’il n’est pas seulement le corrélat de l’objet et qu’il ne peut pas ignorer ce qu’il doit à un déracinement originaire, le sujet constitue en conséquence l’ultime problème de la philosophie. La solution serait de dévoiler ou d’instaurer dans le monde un ordre des choses suffisamment admirable pour permettre au moi de ne plus éprouver le sentiment d’y être de trop. Il y aurait donc au moins deux manières d’aborder la question « Devenir soi-même » : soit en allant dans la direction d’un apaisement par la médiation d’un consentement à un ordre, soit, au contraire, en insistant sur la rupture et l’idée d’un exil irréparable. L’ambiguïté de la question tient cependant au fait qu’il n’est pas possible d’éliminer l’une des deux perspectives. S’il y a eu déchirement, c’est sur fond d’unité ; on a donc commencé par consentir. Mais si la question de savoir ce que nous allons faire de nous-mêmes se pose, c’est parce que nous avons été arrachés à nous-mêmes. L’arrachement à soi désigne l’état d’inadéquation et de division du moi. L’expérience montre néanmoins que cette inadéquation, qui engendre le désir de se fonder soi-même, est le plus souvent occultée par le moi. La pression sociale, l’imitation, les habitudes, le goût du bonheur ont raison de ce désir. Nous aspirons à devenir nous-mêmes, mais nous n’en prenons pas le risque ; nous mettons nos pas dans ceux de nos prédécesseurs, nous jouons les rôles que l’on attend de nous. La question « Devenir soi-même » ne s’impose ainsi dans sa radicalité qu’à ceux que hante le souvenir d’une rupture à laquelle ils accordent le sens d’une « expérience-première ». Plutôt que de s’abandonner au cours des choses, celle-ci les incite à se reprendre et à tenter d’inaugurer leur propre voie. Il y a un au-delà de la « dynamique de la vie » ; à partir de celle-ci, une autre est en effet possible : la « dynamique de l’existence » qui relève de la responsabilité de chacun. On ne devient soi-même qu’en se jetant à ses risques et périls dans la seconde, c'est-à-dire en s’efforçant d’être cause de soi. Pour cela, il est besoin de s’éloigner. Mais s’éloigner ne signifie pas se perdre. La volonté d’errer qui anime le moi désireux de se fonder lui-même n’est pas suicidaire. Le moi est ainsi confronté à deux difficultés majeures. Sur le plan intellectuel : il doit rester accessible ; autrement-dit, si ce qu’il entreprend n’est pas à la portée de tous, la figure qu’il dessine doit néanmoins avoir du sens et être en mesure de séduire d’autres hommes. Sur le plan moral : il doit résister à l’opinion commune qui veut que l’individu se comprenne en termes de « partie » et non en termes de « personne séparée ». Le projet consistant à tenter de « devenir soi-même » traduit l’ambiguïté du surgissement de la subjectivité humaine dans le monde. Il s’agit au moins autant de s’exposer à l’Altérité sous toutes ses formes que de la vaincre et de la soumettre. Son but n’a pas de visée pragmatique. Que l’humanité s’en trouve renforcée ou mieux préparée à affronter l’avenir n’est pas l’essentiel. Toujours différente, chaque tentative incarne une figure qui, à la manière d’une étoile, brille simplement dans le silence de la nuit. / Philosophy is not a clearly bounded and closed field. All philosophical questions point towards an elsewhere, an unknown land that remains to be discovered and where no one has yet set foot. More than any other question, the question of the “self” upsets attempts to integrate all answers in a rigorously defined and closed space. As Bergson clearly emphasised, it is only possible to master intellectually that which is inert and static, and only what has already taken place can be explained. Now, if it is outside the self that the inert and the static are to be found, it is precisely because the self appears and arises in the world as a process of uprooting and going beyond all that is. Because it is not just an objective correlative and because it cannot ignore what it owes to a primary uprooting, the self constitutes, as a consequence, the ultimate problem of philosophy.The solution to the problem of the self would be to reveal or establish in the world an order of things sufficiently admirable as to allow it to do away with the feeling of being superfluous. There would therefore be at least two ways of approaching the question of “becoming oneself” : either by moving towards a pacification through accepting an order, or conversely by insisting on the idea of a split and an irreversible exile. However the ambiguity of the question is due to the impossibility of getting rid of one of the two competing viewpoints. If there has been a split, it is from an initial unity ; one has begun then with acceptance. But if the question arises of knowing what we are going to do with ourselves, it is because we have become uprooted from our selves. The uprooting of the self refers to the state of inadequacy and splitting of the self. Nevertheless experience shows that this state, which engenders the desire to rely on oneself alone, is most frequently concealed by the self. Social pressure, imitation, habit, the search for happiness overcome this desire. We aspire to become ourselves, but choose not to take the risk ; we follow in the footsteps of our forebears; we act out the roles that are expected of us.The question of “becoming one’self” only imposes itself so starkly in those who are haunted by the memory of a split that they interpret as a “self transforming primary experience”. Rather than going with the flow of things, this split goads them to react and try to set their own course. Beyond the “dynamics of life”; there is another : the “dynamics of existence”, which depends on individual responsibility. On can only become oneself through taking the risk of plunging into the latter, that is by striving to be the cause of oneself. To do so, it is necessary to withdraw. But withdrawing doesn’t mean losing oneself. The will to wander, which drives the self that wishes to forge itself, is not suicidal. The self is thereby faced with two major difficulties. On the intellectual level, it must remain “readable”; in other words, even if what it undertakes is not accessible to everyone, the figure that it draws must nevertheless make sense and be able to entice others. On the moral level, it must withstand the common opinion that the individual be understood as a “part” and not as a “separate person”.The project of trying to “become oneself” expresses the ambiguity of the sudden irruption of human subjectivity into the world. It is as much a question of exposing oneself to Otherness in all its forms as of vanquishing and subduing it. Its aim has no pragmatic goal. That the human race finds itself strengthened or better prepared to face future challenges is not what is essential. Always different, each new attempt embodies a figure which, like a star, shines simply in the silence of the night.

Odhad dechové frekvence z elektrokardiogramu a fotopletysmogramu / Breathing Rate Estimation from the Electrocardiogram and Photoplethysmogram

Janáková, Jaroslava January 2021 (has links)
The master thesis deals with the issue of gaining the respiratory rate from ECG and PPG signals, which are not only in clinical practice widely used measurable signals. The theoretical part of the work outlines the issue of obtaining a breath curve from these signals. The practical part of the work is focused on the implementation of five selected methods and their final evaluation and comparison.

Smart Maintenance mit industriellen Apps - eine Fallstudie

Gerhardt, Tom 20 November 2020 (has links)
In dieser Masterarbeit wird ein digitalisiertes Assistenzsystem, welches weniger erfahrenen Mitarbeitern hilft, Instandhaltungsaufgaben zu verrichten, in einer Laborumgebung implementiert. Aus theoretischen Vorbetrachtungen über den digitalen Wandel, welcher im Bereich der Instandhaltung feststellbar ist, wird die Untersuchungsfrage abgeleitet. Diese Masterarbeit setzt sich das Ziel, herauszufinden, wie Problemlösungprozesse von Instandhaltern mittels industrieller Assistenzsysteme unterstützt werden können. Dabei werden eine App (im Folgenden: Wartungsapp), eine Testumgebung sowie ein Kategoriensystem aufgebaut, um der Untersuchungsfrage nachgehen zu können. Ergebnisse aus einer Arbeitsbeobachtung von Testpersonen in Interaktion mit der Wartungsapp werden in Form von Transkripten und Prozessdarstellungen festgehalten. Die Interpretation der Ergebnisse zeigt auf, dass verschiedene Stellschrauben anzunehmen sind, die über Erfolg oder Misserfolg der kosten- und ressourcensparenden Implementierung eines industriellen Assistenzsystems für die Instandhaltung entscheiden können. Zusammenhänge über Schutzfunktionen, Menüführung und Gestaltung der Benutzeroberfläche werden anschließend erläutert und für eventuelle Folgeprojekte vorbereitet. / In this master thesis a digitalized assistance system, which helps less experienced employees to perform maintenance tasks, is implemented in a test environment. The research question is derived from theoretical considerations about a certain digital change that can be observed in the field of maintenance. This master thesis aims to find out how problem solving processes of maintenance personnel can be supported by industrial assistance systems. An app (in the following: maintenance app), a test environment and a category system are developed to answer the research question. Results from a work observation of test persons in interaction with the maintenance app are recorded in the form of transcripts and process representations. The interpretation of the results shows that there are several factors that can determine the success or failure of an industrial maintenance assistance system. Furthermore protective functions, menu navigation and design of the user interfaces are explained and prepared for possible follow-up projects.

A Fully Analog Motion Artifacts and Baseline Wander Elimination Circuit for Ambulatory ECG Recording Systems

Nazari, Masoud 01 May 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Silvino Jacques: interseções no mito do bandoleiro

Ibanhes, Maria de Lourdes Gonçalves de [UNESP] 22 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:35:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2013-02-22Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:47:56Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 ibanhes_mlg_dr_sjrp.pdf: 2237425 bytes, checksum: c278308ef98831ce2e058eb29489049f (MD5) / O principal objetivo desta tese é o estudo das interseções no mito do bandoleiro, como cavaleiro errante, por meio da figura do herói/anti-herói, Silvino Jacques, enfocando particularmente sua trajetória no tempo e no espaço, com vistas à explicitação dos seus “feitos” e análise das regiões de sua atuação, e da notável significação que o nome e a escritura de Silvino Jacques encerram em certa tradição literária. Para tanto, o corpus deste trabalho baseia-se nas obras Decima gaucha, do próprio Silvino Jacques, Silvino Jacques: O último dos bandoleiros, do escritor regionalista sul-mato-grossense Brígido Ibanhes e no documentário Selvino Jacques: A saga de um bandoleiro, de Hamilton Wander Medeiro. O estudo justifica-se, prioritariamente, pela comprovação dos influxos platinos, os quais ultrapassam fronteiras e leis, ocasionando trocas e/ou “contrabandos” literários e culturais entre as regiões envolvidas. Assim, a análise volta-se para a recuperação do tema ao longo da história da literatura, remontando à reconhecida figura do lendário Martín Fierro e sua formidável ressonância e fortuna nas literaturas do Cone Sul, bem como para o ambivalente herói pícaro, representado tanto pelo Quixote como pelo Lazarillo, nas literaturas hispano-americanas. A perspectiva desta análise contempla reflexões teórico-críticas oriundas da Literatura Comparada e dos Estudos Culturais e também da teoria do documentário, campos de saber que propiciaram a abordagem de um tema ainda pouco estudado, mas de grande produtividade para estudiosos e pesquisadores de poéticas comparadas culturais / El objetivo principal de esta tesis es el estudio de las intersecciones en el mito del bandolero, como caballero errante, a través de la figura del héroe /antihéroe, Silvino Jacques, centrándose particularmente en su trayectoria en el tiempo y el espacio, con vistas a explicitación de sus hechos” y el análisis de las áreas de sus actuaciones, además de la notable significación que el nombre y la obra de Silvino Jacques cierran en determinada tradición literaria. Por lo tanto, el corpus de este trabajo se basa en las obras Decima gaucha, del propio Silvino Jacques, Silvino Jacques: O último dos bandoleiros, del escritor regionalistas sul-mato-grossense Brígido Ibanhes y el documental Selvino Jacques: A saga de um bandoleiro, de Hamilton Wander Medeiro. El estudio se justifica, sobre todo, por la comprobación de los influjos platinos que propasan las fronteras y las leyes, ocasionando cambios y/o contrabando literarios y culturales entre las regiones involucradas. Así, el análisis se vuelve para la recuperación del tema al largo de la historia de la literatura que se remonta a la figura del legendario Martín Fierro y su formidable resonancia y fortuna en las literaturas del Cono Sur, como también para el ambivalente héroe pícaro, representado tanto por el Quijote como por el Lazarillo, en las literaturas hispanoamericanas. La perspectiva de este análisis complace reflexiones teórico-críticas oriundas de la Literatura Comparada y de los Estudios Culturales, además de la teoría documental, campos del saber que favorecen el abordaje de un tema todavía poco estudiado, pero de gran productividad para estudiosos y investigadores de poéticas comparadas culturales

Atrial Fibrillation Detection Algorithm Evaluation and Implementation in Java / Utvärdering av algoritmer för detektion av förmaksflimmer samt implementation i Java

Dizon, Lucas, Johansson, Martin January 2014 (has links)
Atrial fibrillation is a common heart arrhythmia which is characterized by a missing or irregular contraction of the atria. The disease is a risk factor for other more serious diseases and the total medical costs in society are extensive. Therefore it would be beneficial to improve and optimize the prevention and detection of the disease.   Pulse palpation and heart auscultation can facilitate the detection of atrial fibrillation clinically, but the diagnosis is generally confirmed by an ECG examination. Today there are several algorithms that detect atrial fibrillation by analysing an ECG. A common method is to study the heart rate variability (HRV) and by different types of statistical calculations find episodes of atrial fibrillation which deviates from normal sinus rhythm.   Two algorithms for detection of atrial fibrillation have been evaluated in Matlab. One is based on the coefficient of variation and the other uses a logistic regression model. Training and testing of the algorithms were done with data from the Physionet MIT database. Several steps of signal processing were used to remove different types of noise and artefacts before the data could be used.   When testing the algorithms, the CV algorithm performed with a sensitivity of 91,38%, a specificity of 93,93% and accuracy of 92,92%, and the results of the logistic regression algorithm was a sensitivity of 97,23%, specificity of 93,79% and accuracy of 95,39%. The logistic regression algorithm performed better and was chosen for implementation in Java, where it achieved a sensitivity of 97,31%, specificity of 93,47% and accuracy of 95,25%. / Förmaksflimmer är en vanlig hjärtrytmrubbning som kännetecknas av en avsaknad eller oregelbunden kontraktion av förmaken. Sjukdomen är en riskfaktor för andra allvarligare sjukdomar och de totala kostnaderna för samhället är betydande. Det skulle därför vara fördelaktigt att effektivisera och förbättra prevention samt diagnostisering av förmaksflimmer.   Kliniskt diagnostiseras förmaksflimmer med hjälp av till exempel pulspalpation och auskultation av hjärtat, men diagnosen brukar fastställas med en EKG-undersökning. Det finns idag flertalet algoritmer för att detektera arytmin genom att analysera ett EKG. En av de vanligaste metoderna är att undersöka variabiliteten av hjärtrytmen (HRV) och utföra olika sorters statistiska beräkningar som kan upptäcka episoder av förmaksflimmer som avviker från en normal sinusrytm.   I detta projekt har två metoder för att detektera förmaksflimmer utvärderats i Matlab, en baseras på beräkningar av variationskoefficienten och den andra använder sig av logistisk regression. EKG som kommer från databasen Physionet MIT används för att träna och testa modeller av algoritmerna. Innan EKG-signalen kan användas måste den behandlas för att ta bort olika typer av brus och artefakter.   Vid test av algoritmen med variationskoefficienten blev resultatet en sensitivitet på 91,38%, en specificitet på 93,93% och en noggrannhet på 92,92%. För logistisk regression blev sensitiviteten 97,23%, specificiteten 93,79% och noggrannheten 95,39%. Algoritmen med logistisk regression presterade bättre och valdes därför för att implementeras i Java, där uppnåddes en sensitivitet på 91,31%, en specificitet på 93,47% och en noggrannhet på 95,25%.

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