Spelling suggestions: "subject:"earnings"" "subject:"arnings""
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Apports des sciences cognitives et de la neuroimagerie fonctionnelle à la communication anti-tabac : cas des avertissements graphiques apposés sur les paquets de cigarettes / Understanding the impact of anti-tobacco advertisement with cognitive science and fMRI : the case of graphic warnings on cigarette packsSoriano, Alice 23 January 2017 (has links)
La lutte contre le tabagisme représente un enjeu de santé publique majeur. En France, seules des méthodes déclaratives (questionnaires, entretiens) sont utilisées à ce jour pour étudier l'impact des messages de prévention sur la population. Les neurosciences et les sciences cognitives peuvent pourtant apporter de précieuses informations pour la compréhension des processus attentionnels, émotionnels et mnésiques mis en jeu lorsqu'un individu fumeur est exposé à une campagne de prévention anti-tabac. Depuis 2011, en France, des avertissements sanitaires anti-tabac combinés (comportant une photo et un texte) sont apposés sur tous les paquets de cigarettes. Ces avertissements qualifiés de « chocs » par les médias, peuvent évoquer de la peur ou du dégout chez les individus car certains d'entre eux représentent des pathologies graves dues au tabagisme. L'objectif de ce projet de recherche était d'utiliser les outils des sciences cognitives et des neurosciences afin d'observer le traitement cognitif des avertissements sanitaires combinés actuellement apposés sur les paquets de cigarettes en France. Une première étude a permis d'observer quelles émotions étaient évoquées par les avertissements et si ces émotions impactaient l'attention portée aux avertissements et leur mémorisation chez des fumeurs et des non-fumeurs. Dans un second temps de notre projet, nous avons donc observé grâce à la méthodologie de l'Imagerie par Résonance Magnétique fonctionnelle, si l'exposition à des avertissements sanitaires combinés modulait l'activité cérébrale évoquée chez les fumeurs lors de l'exposition à des stimuli liés au tabac. / Fighting tobacco represents one of the biggest global health challenges for public policymakers. In France, cognitive (neuro)sciences are not used to develop and test anti-tobacco strategies prior to scaling them. However they could provide valuable insights in the understanding of attentional, emotional and memorization processes at play when a person is exposed to strategies aiming at fighting tobacco consumption. Since 2011, France has been using the set of graphic warnings provided by the European Commission in combination to text warning on cigarette packets. In a series of experimental studies, funded by the Ligue Nationale Contre Le Cancer, we used methodology from cognitive sciences (eye-tracking) and functional neuroimaging (fMRI) to investigate processes involved when smokers and non-smokers are exposed to such tobacco warnings. Tobacco warnings used in France may induce disgust or fear because some of them depict body damages caused by tobacco related diseases. In a first study, we observed the relationship between the nature of basic emotions evoked by those warnings in smokers and non smokers and the attentional and memorization processes. In a second study, we tested whether being exposed to tobacco warnings modulates the specific brain activity observed in fMRI when smokers are exposed to tobacco related images, a mechanism involved in “smoking cue reactivity”.
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Three empirical essays on the role of information in the public debt marketsTayem, Ghada January 2012 (has links)
This thesis consists of three related essays that examine the role of information in the market for corporate debt. The three essays collectively examine the role of information produced by the firm and its agents on alleviating information asymmetries facing public debtholders. In particular, the thesis examines the impact of bondholders' demand for reputation and information on the firm's disclosure choices and accounting attributes; and the impact of information produced by monitoring the firm's private debt before its entry to the public debt market on the yield spread of its initial bond. The first essay investigates the influence of public corporate debt on the willingness of UK firms to issue profit warnings. UK firms operate within a legal environment that is less litigious compared to their US counterparts. This setting allows for motives other than fear of litigation to affect UK companies' decision to warn. The results of this essay indicate that UK firms with public debt are more forthcoming with the disclosure of permanent negative news. Also, the results show that UK firms without public debt are more likely to hide bad news when they are closer to financial distress. However, for firms with public debt, the results indicate that the effect of closeness to financial distress on the willingness to warn is attenuated. These findings suggest that firms with public debt are deterred from hiding negative news for fear of damaging their reputation for truthful and timely disclosure. Public debt appears to act as a disciplinary mechanism on corporate disclosure policy.The second essay examines the impact of the initial public debt offering (IPDO) on the timeliness properties of the firm's accounting income. Firms are more likely to communicate with private lenders on a private, insider-basis, while they are more likely to communicate with bondholders using public information. Therefore, bondholders, compared to private lenders, are expected to be more sensitive to the quality of public information. The results indicate that firms adopt a timelier policy of economic loss recognition after their initial public debt offering using Basu's (1997) time series measure of timely loss recognition. These findings suggest that firms face higher demand for public information from a large number of external and dispersed bondholders.The third essay investigates the impact of information associated with prior private debt financing on the yield spread of companies' initial public debt offerings. Specifically, this essay focuses on information produced through monitoring by credit rating agencies and monitoring by banks. The findings indicate that IPDOs with the same or upgraded credit ratings enjoy significantly lower yield spreads. This finding suggests that changes in credit ratings could convey new information to investors regarding the firm's commitment to maintain a high credit quality. In addition, the findings of this essay indicate that strong banking relationships significantly reduce yield spreads for initial public debt offerings. This suggests that a strong banking relationship conveys a positive signal to bondholders regarding the bank's assessment of the quality of the firm.
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Lämnande av fri väg : En simulatorstudie om tidiga varningar och bilförares attityd gentemot utryckande ambulans och polis / Giving way to emergency vehicles : A simulator study about warning messages and the attitude of drivers towards ambulance and police carsOdéen, Martina January 2022 (has links)
Trots påkallande av fri väg med blåljus och siren, kan utryckningsfordon ha svårt att ta sig fram i trafiken. Detta då civila förare inte alltid lyckas upptäcka utryckningsfordonen, bland annat på grund av dåliga ljus-, väder-, eller vägförhållanden. Denna studie undersökte därför huruvida meddelanden som varnar för ankommande utryckningsfordon (EVA-varningar), för bilförare med olika körerfarenhet samt tidigare vana av avancerade förarstödsystem (ADAS), påverkar lämnandet av fri väg. Resultatet visade att förarna som mottog EVA-varningar, i genomsnitt, lämnade fri väg tidigare än de som inte mottog några varningar. Förarna med låg ADAS-vana var dock mindre positiva till att vilja mottaga EVA-varningar i framtiden, även om de upplevde att varningarna förbättrade deras körbeteende. Utifrån resultatet verkar EVA-varningar vara ett bra komplement för att påkalla fri väg, där varken körerfarenhet eller ADAS-vana verkar spela någon roll för förståelsen av EVA-systemet. Vidare har tidigare studier visat att olika bilförares attityd gentemot utryckningsfordon kan påverka viljan att lämna fri väg. Därmed undersökte denna studie även bilförares upplevelse, beteende och attityd gentemot utryckande ambulans och polis. Resultatet visade att förarna hade en mer accepterande attityd gentemot utryckande ambulanser än vad de hade mot poliser. Exempelvis instämde deltagarna i högre grad med att det är viktigare att lämna fri väg till ambulanser, att ambulansens utryckningsärenden är mer brådskande, och att det är mer okej att ambulanser bryter mot trafikregler än om polisen gör det. Däremot var alla eniga om att fri väg alltid måste lämnas till både ambulans och polis. / Even though emergency vehicles use lights and sirens to demand surrounding traffic to move over, civilian drivers sometimes have trouble detecting them. This could be due to poor light, weather, or road conditions. Therefore, this study examined whether warning messages for approaching emergency vehicles (EVA-warnings), for drivers with different driving experiences and previous experience of advanced driving assistant system (ADAS), can facilitate moving over. The results showed that drivers who received EVA-warnings moved over earlier than those who did not receive any warnings. However, drivers with low ADAS-experience were less positive about the idea of receiving EVA-warnings in the future, even though they felt the warnings improved their driving. Overall, EVA-warnings worked as a good complement to encourage drivers to move over, where neither driving experience nor previous ADAS-experience seems to affect the understanding of the EVA-system. Furthermore,previous studies have shown that different attitudes towards emergency vehicles can affect the willingness to move over. Therefore, this study examined drivers' experience, behavior, and attitude towards ambulances and police vehicles. The results showed that drivers had a more accepting attitude towards ambulances compared to police vehicles. The participants agreed to a greater extent that it is more important to move over for ambulances, that the ambulance's emergency matters are more urgent, and that it is more okay for ambulances to break traffic rules in comparison with police vehicles. However, everyone agreed that one must always move over for both ambulances and police vehicles.
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Att predicera företagskonkurser genom finansiella nyckeltal : En studie om svenska företag verksamma i byggbranschen och detaljhandeln / To predict corporate bankruptcies through financial ratiosLilja, Emil, Roos, Filip January 2021 (has links)
Varje år går ca 6 000 företag i konkurs och det påverkar intressenter i form av kreditgivare, leverantörer, anställda och staten i form av inställda amorteringar, betalningar, skatteskulder samt löneutbetalningar. Därav är intresset stort att kunna predicera samt identifierav arningssignaler för konkurs. Denna uppsats kommer att undersöka skillnader mellan de finansiella nyckeltalen mellan konkursade och icke konkursade företag i de två mest konkursutsatta branscherna i svenskt näringsliv. Syfte Syftet med studien är att få bättre inblick i finansiella nyckeltalens betydelse för företag som går i konkurs genom att studera sambandet mellan konkurs och nyckeltal på mindre aktiebolag i Sverige inom byggnad och detaljbranschen. Metod Vi har använt oss av en kvantitativ metod där vi analyserat data genom deskriptiv statistik, oberoende t-test, korrelationsanalys och en logistisk regressionsanalys. Urvalet har varit påmindre företag i Sverige som upprättar årsredovisning i enlighet med K2-regelverket. Urvalet på 45 konkursade företag och 90 icke konkursade företag per bransch gjordes genom ett systematiskt urval av varje bransch. Ur varje grupp gjordes ett systematiskt urval på var femte företag som matchade våra kriterier. Slutsats Vår studie visar att det i den univariata och bivariata analysen finns tydliga skillnader mellan konkursade och icke konkursade företag. Studien visar också att nyckeltalen har en negativ trend från en treårsperiod innan konkursen fram tills konkursförfarandet. Ett år innan konkurs var differensen mellan konkursade och icke konkursade företag i byggbranschen signifikant på samtliga nyckeltal medan detaljhandeln endast hade sex av åtta nyckeltal signifikanta. / Every year, about 6,000 companies go bankrupt and this affects stakeholders in the form of creditors, suppliers, employees and governments in the form of canceled repayments, payments, tax liabilities and salary payments. As a result, there is great interest in being ableto predict and identify warning signals for bankruptcy. This thesis will examine differences between the financial key figures between bankrupt and non-bankrupt companies in the two most bankrupt industries in Swedish business. Purpose The purpose of the study is to gain a better insight into the significance of financial ratios for companies that go bankrupt by studying the relationship between bankruptcy and financialratios on smaller limited companies in Sweden in the construction and retail industry. Method We have used a quantitative method where we analyzed the data through descriptive statistics, independent t-tests, correlation analysis and a logistic regression analysis. The sample has been smaller companies in Sweden that prepare annual reports in accordance with the K2 regulations. The selection of 45 bankrupt companies and 90 non-bankrupt companies per industry was made through a systematic selection. From each group, a systematic selection was made on every fifth company that matched our criteria. Conclusion Our study shows that in the univariate and bivariate analysis there are clear differences between bankrupt and non-bankrupt companies. The study also shows that the key figures have a negative trend from a three-year period in bankruptcy until the bankruptcy proceedings. One year before bankruptcy, the difference between bankrupt and non-bankrupt companies in the construction industry was significant on all key figures, while the retail tradehad only six out of eight key figures significant.
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Trauma and Free Speech in Higher Education: Do Trigger Warnings Threaten First Amendment Rights?Doll, Jordan 12 August 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Profils d'utilisation d'antipsychotiques en conditions réelles dans la population de personnes âgées démentes vivant à domicile : impact des interventions de communication de risqueCraig, Camille 11 1900 (has links)
Les antipsychotiques (APs) sont fréquemment prescrits pour les troubles comportementaux associés à la démence. Or, ces produits ont fait l'objet de trois mises en garde (2002, 2004, 2005) en raison d'une augmentation du risque d'événement cérébrovasculaire et de décès.
L’objectif de ce mémoire est d’évaluer l'utilisation d’APs dans la population de personnes âgées démentes vivant à domicile, et de déterminer l’effet des mises en garde sur les profils observés.
Une cohorte rétrospective de 10,969 personnes âgées démentes ayant débuté un traitement par AP entre le 1er janvier 2000 et le 31 décembre 2009 fut identifiée à partir des banques de données de la Régie de l'assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ). Des séries chronologiques segmentées ont permis de quantifier l’effet des mises en garde sur l'utilisation d’APs. L'effet de la mise en garde de 2005 sur les caractéristiques des patients traités ainsi que sur les profils d'utilisation (dose et durée) a été évalué, respectivement par des modèles de régression logistique et de régression linéaire multivariés.
Le taux délivrance d'APs atypiques a augmenté au cours du temps jusqu'à la mise en garde de 2005 pour ensuite diminuer de 8.96% (IC 95% : -11.91% – -6.02%). L'analyse par produit a révélé la même tendance pour la rispéridone, le seul AP approuvé au Canada pour les personnes âgées démentes. En revanche, le taux de délivrance de quétiapine, qui est hors-indication, a continué d'augmenter. Le taux d'initiation de traitement par APs a cependant diminué au cours du temps pour tous les produits. Les mises en garde ne semblent pas être associées avec un changement dans les caractéristiques des patients traités, ni avec les doses et durées d’utilisation.
Le manque d'efficacité des mises en garde est probablement en partie lié à l'absence d'alternatives thérapeutiques pour le traitement des troubles psychologiques et comportementaux chez les patients atteints de démence. / Antipsychotics (APs) are frequently prescribed for the management of behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD). However, three safety warnings have been issued (2002, 2004 and 2005) due to an increased risk of cerebrovascular event and mortality.
The aim of this thesis was to evaluate AP usage in the population of community-dwelling elderly with dementia, and to determine the effect of safety warnings on usage patterns.
A retrospective cohort of 10,969 elderly with dementia who initiated an AP treatment between January 1st, 2000 and December 31st, 2009 was identified through in the databases of Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ). Segmented time series analysis was used to quantify the effect of safety warnings on AP dispensing rate. The effect of the 2005 warning on the characteristics of treated patients and on usage patterns (dose and duration) was evaluated, respectively through multivariate logistic and multiple linear regression models.
Atypical AP dispensing rates increased until the 2005 safety warning and decreased by 8.96% (95% CI: -11.91% – -6.02%) thereafter. Analysis by individual products yielded similar trends for risperidone, the only AP approved in Canada for elderly with dementia. However, usage of quetiapine, which is off-label, kept increasing. For all products, rate of treatment initiation decreased over time. Safety warnings did not seem to be associated with either changes in prescribed treatment dosage or duration, nor with prescription channeling toward lower risk patients. Apparent lack of efficacy of safety warnings is likely due, in part, to absence of effective treatment alternatives for BPSD.
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Profils d'utilisation d'antipsychotiques en conditions réelles dans la population de personnes âgées démentes vivant à domicile : impact des interventions de communication de risqueCraig, Camille 11 1900 (has links)
Les antipsychotiques (APs) sont fréquemment prescrits pour les troubles comportementaux associés à la démence. Or, ces produits ont fait l'objet de trois mises en garde (2002, 2004, 2005) en raison d'une augmentation du risque d'événement cérébrovasculaire et de décès.
L’objectif de ce mémoire est d’évaluer l'utilisation d’APs dans la population de personnes âgées démentes vivant à domicile, et de déterminer l’effet des mises en garde sur les profils observés.
Une cohorte rétrospective de 10,969 personnes âgées démentes ayant débuté un traitement par AP entre le 1er janvier 2000 et le 31 décembre 2009 fut identifiée à partir des banques de données de la Régie de l'assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ). Des séries chronologiques segmentées ont permis de quantifier l’effet des mises en garde sur l'utilisation d’APs. L'effet de la mise en garde de 2005 sur les caractéristiques des patients traités ainsi que sur les profils d'utilisation (dose et durée) a été évalué, respectivement par des modèles de régression logistique et de régression linéaire multivariés.
Le taux délivrance d'APs atypiques a augmenté au cours du temps jusqu'à la mise en garde de 2005 pour ensuite diminuer de 8.96% (IC 95% : -11.91% – -6.02%). L'analyse par produit a révélé la même tendance pour la rispéridone, le seul AP approuvé au Canada pour les personnes âgées démentes. En revanche, le taux de délivrance de quétiapine, qui est hors-indication, a continué d'augmenter. Le taux d'initiation de traitement par APs a cependant diminué au cours du temps pour tous les produits. Les mises en garde ne semblent pas être associées avec un changement dans les caractéristiques des patients traités, ni avec les doses et durées d’utilisation.
Le manque d'efficacité des mises en garde est probablement en partie lié à l'absence d'alternatives thérapeutiques pour le traitement des troubles psychologiques et comportementaux chez les patients atteints de démence. / Antipsychotics (APs) are frequently prescribed for the management of behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD). However, three safety warnings have been issued (2002, 2004 and 2005) due to an increased risk of cerebrovascular event and mortality.
The aim of this thesis was to evaluate AP usage in the population of community-dwelling elderly with dementia, and to determine the effect of safety warnings on usage patterns.
A retrospective cohort of 10,969 elderly with dementia who initiated an AP treatment between January 1st, 2000 and December 31st, 2009 was identified through in the databases of Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ). Segmented time series analysis was used to quantify the effect of safety warnings on AP dispensing rate. The effect of the 2005 warning on the characteristics of treated patients and on usage patterns (dose and duration) was evaluated, respectively through multivariate logistic and multiple linear regression models.
Atypical AP dispensing rates increased until the 2005 safety warning and decreased by 8.96% (95% CI: -11.91% – -6.02%) thereafter. Analysis by individual products yielded similar trends for risperidone, the only AP approved in Canada for elderly with dementia. However, usage of quetiapine, which is off-label, kept increasing. For all products, rate of treatment initiation decreased over time. Safety warnings did not seem to be associated with either changes in prescribed treatment dosage or duration, nor with prescription channeling toward lower risk patients. Apparent lack of efficacy of safety warnings is likely due, in part, to absence of effective treatment alternatives for BPSD.
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Combining over- and under-approximating program analyses for automatic software testingCsallner, Christoph 07 July 2008 (has links)
This dissertation attacks the well-known problem of path-imprecision in static program analysis. Our starting point is an existing static program analysis that over-approximates the execution paths of the analyzed program. We then make this over-approximating program analysis more precise for automatic testing in an object-oriented programming language. We achieve this by combining the over-approximating program analysis with usage-observing and under-approximating analyses. More specifically, we make the following contributions.
We present a technique to eliminate language-level unsound bug warnings produced by an execution-path-over-approximating analysis for object-oriented programs that is based on the weakest precondition calculus. Our technique post-processes the results of the over-approximating analysis by solving the produced constraint systems and generating and executing concrete test-cases that satisfy the given constraint systems. Only test-cases that confirm the results of the over-approximating static analysis are presented to the user. This technique has the important side-benefit of making the results of a weakest-precondition based static analysis easier to understand for human consumers. We show examples from our experiments that visually demonstrate the difference between hundreds of complicated constraints and a simple corresponding JUnit test-case.
Besides eliminating language-level unsound bug warnings, we present an additional technique that also addresses user-level unsound bug warnings. This technique pre-processes the testee with a dynamic analysis that takes advantage of actual user data. It annotates the testee with the knowledge obtained from this pre-processing step and thereby provides guidance for the over-approximating analysis.
We also present an improvement to dynamic invariant detection for object-oriented programming languages. Previous approaches do not take behavioral subtyping into account and therefore may produce inconsistent results, which can throw off automated analyses such as the ones we are performing for bug-finding.
Finally, we address the problem of unwanted dependencies between test-cases caused by global state. We present two techniques for efficiently re-initializing global state between test-case executions and discuss their trade-offs.
We have implemented the above techniques in the JCrasher, Check 'n' Crash, and DSD-Crasher tools and present initial experience in using them for automated bug finding in real-world Java programs.
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Uma investigação da correspondência entre mutações e avisos relatados por ferramenta de análise estática / Investigating the correspondence between mutations and static warnings reported by static analysis toolAraújo, Claudio Antônio de 04 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-04-18T13:33:01Z
No. of bitstreams: 2
Dissertação - Cláudio Antônio de Araújo - 2015.pdf: 6483664 bytes, checksum: bf12aa2fbdc30e9456d8036d9cc24fd1 (MD5)
license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-04-18T13:34:40Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
Dissertação - Cláudio Antônio de Araújo - 2015.pdf: 6483664 bytes, checksum: bf12aa2fbdc30e9456d8036d9cc24fd1 (MD5)
license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-18T13:34:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
Dissertação - Cláudio Antônio de Araújo - 2015.pdf: 6483664 bytes, checksum: bf12aa2fbdc30e9456d8036d9cc24fd1 (MD5)
license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-12-04 / Traditionally, mutation testing is used for test set and/or test criteria evaluation
once it is considered a good fault model. Since static analyzers, in general, report a
substantial number of false positive warnings,
Objective: This paper uses mutation testing for evaluating an automated static analyzer.
The intention of this study is to define a prioritization approach of static warnings based
on their correspondence with mutations.
Method: We used mutation operators as a fault model to evaluate the direct correspondence
between mutations and static warnings. The main advantage of using mutation operators
is that they generate a large number of programs containing faults of different types,
which can be used to decide the ones most probable to be detected by static analyzers.
Results: The results obtained for a set of open-source programs indicate that: 1) correspondence
exists when considering specific mutation operators such that static warnings
may be prioritized based on their correspondence level with mutations; 2) correspondence
exists when considering specific warning categories such that, assuming we perform static
analysis considering these warning categories, mutation operators may be prioritized
based on their correspondence level with warnings.
Conclusion: It is possible to provide an incremental testing strategy aiming at reducing
the cost of both static analysis and mutation testing using the correspondence information.
On the other hand, knowing that Mutation Test has a high application cost, we identified
mutations of some specific mutation operators, which an automatic static analyzer is not
able to detect. Therefore, this information can used to prioritize the order of applying
mutation operators incrementally considering, firstly, those with no correspondence with
static warnings. / Considerando que: 1) analisadores estáticos automatizados são ferramentas
que emitem avisos, sem que seja necessário a execução do produto de software correspondente,
alertando sobre a presença de possíveis defeitos no código. Uma das críticas a
tais ferramentas é a grande quantidade de avisos falsos positivos emitidos, isto é, avisos
relatados que não correspondem a defeitos reais, mas demandam tempo de análise por
parte do desenvolvedor; 2) tradicionalmente, o Teste de Mutação tem sido utilizado para
avaliar (e melhorar) a qualidade de conjuntos de casos de teste e/ou de critérios de teste,
uma vez que é considerado um bom gerador de defeitos de software.
Objetivo: O objetivo do presente trabalho é investigar a correspondência entre avisos
estáticos e mutações e, com isso, verificar quais avisos estão mais relacionados a esses
possíveis defeitos (mutações) e, assim, possivelmente, serem avisos verdadeiros positivos.
Método: Os operadores de mutação são utilizados neste trabalho como um modelo de
defeitos para avaliar a correspondência entre mutações e avisos estáticos. A principal
vantagem da utilização de operadores de mutação é que eles geram um grande número de
programas com defeitos de diferentes tipos. Esses tipos de defeitos são usados em estudos
experimentais para investigar a capacidade dos analisadores estáticos em detectá-los.
Resultados: Os resultados obtidos com estudos experimentais para um conjunto de
sistemas de código aberto indicam que existe correspondência quando são considerados
alguns operadores de mutação da μJava e alguns tipos de avisos da FindBugs.
Conclusão: Os resultados obtidos podem ser utilizados de duas maneiras distintas:
Primeiro, é fornecida uma abordagem de análise incremental dos avisos, de acordo com
o grau de correspondência com mutações. Segundo, com o objetivo de reduzir o custo do
Teste de Mutação é fornecida uma abordagem de priorização incremental para análise dos
mutantes dos operadores cujas mutações são menos “percebidas” pela FindBugs.
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Notifikationslösning för brandrisk : En undersökning av SMHI:s brandprognoser och varningarKarttunen, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Sogeti is an IT consulting company that’s active in large parts of the world. One of their biggest clients in Sundsvall is SCA Skog. In case of fire risk, SCA parti- cipates in consultation meetings with contractors to determine fire prevention measures. SMHI’s fire forecasts and warnings are a few of the bases that deter- mine when a consultation meeting is to begin. The problem is that the contractor today does not receive an automatic indication of fire risk. The purpose of the project was therefore to investigate SMHI’s services and find a solution to the problem and to find a limit for when a consultation meeting should be initia- ted based on the risk within an area. The solution presented is illustrated by a proof-of-concept model. The work has been carried agile in sprinting. Data has been taken from SMHI for a more detailed documentation over warnings and against MSB for the raw data that is behind fire forecasts so that those can be included in the solution. The project has resulted in an application that supports indication of risk based on a list of coordinates as well as automatic indication to the user’s position. An implementation guide was also created to facilitate a possible further development of the solution. The investigation shows that fire forecasts give a more precise indication of danger, but warnings should not be overlooked, as they indicate a risk of other warnings than fire risk. The solution is only intended to give the contractor an additional tool when making a deci- sion. The responsibility remains with the contractor, but the tool will hopefully allow the right decision to be made. / Sogeti är ett IT-konsultföretag med kontor i många länder. En av deras största klienter i Sundsvall är SCA Skog. Vid brandrisk deltar SCA tillsammans deras entreprenörer i samrådsmöten för att bestämma brandförebyggande åtgärder. SMHI:s brandprognoser och varningar är ett par av de underlag som avgör när ett samrådsmöte ska inledas. Problemet är att entreprenören idag inte får en automatisk indikation för brandrisk. Syftet med projektet blev därför att undersöka SMHI:s tjänster och finna en automatisk lösning samt att hitta en gräns för när ett samrådsmöte bör inledas baserat på brandrisken inom ett område. Den lösning som tagits fram illustreras genom en Proof-of-Concept modell. Arbetet har utförts agilt i sprintar. En datainsamling har utförts mot SMHI för en mer detaljerad dokumentation och mot MSB för den rådata som ligger bakom brandprognoser så att detta kan inkluderas i lösningen. Projektet har resulterat i en applikation som stödjer indikation av risk baserat på geografiska positioner samt automatisk indikation av risk vid en användares position. En implementationsguide togs även fram för att underlätta en möjlig vidareutveckling av lösningen. Undersökningen visar att brandprognoser ger en mer precis indikation på fara däremot bör varningar inte helt förbises då dessa kan indikera risk vid andra varningar än just brandrisk. Lösningen är enbart avsedd att ge entreprenören ett extra verktyg när denne ska ta ett beslut. Ansvaret ligger fortfarande hos entreprenören men en implementation möjliggör att beslut kan tas med gott un- derlag.
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