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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The influence of advertising content on alcohol products' perceptions, attitudes and behavioural intentions : the case of luxury codes appropriation by alcohol brands / Influence du contenu des publicités pour l'alcool sur les perceptions des boissons alcoolisées, l'attitude à l'égard de la publicité et l'envie de consommer : le cas de l'appropriation des codes et de l'iconographie du luxe par les marques d'alcool

Diouf, Jacques françois 12 October 2017 (has links)
Face à l’abus d’alcool notamment chez les jeunes, les acteurs de santé recommandent de réguler le marketing des industriels. En France selon la loi Evin (1991), les publicités pour l’alcool doivent être objectives, informatives et, non attractives en termes de contenu. Cette recherche teste l’efficacité de cette régulation en comparant l’influence de publicités informatives versus plus attractives en termes de perception du produit, d’attitude envers la publicité et d’envie de consommer. Elle évalue aussi la visibilité des avertissements sanitaires alcool selon la saillance de leur format et du contexte publicitaire. Cette recherche a identifié et étudié l’appropriation des codes et de l’iconographie du luxe par les marques d’alcool comme une nouvelle forme de contenu publicitaire à travers une phase de monitoring. Grâce à une revue de la littérature, elle a formulé des propositions de recherche en termes d’implications marketing et de santé publique afin de cerner le mécanisme de persuasion potentiel relative à cette pratique marketing. Ces implications présentent le luxe comme une potentielle réponse marketing aux motivations de consommer de l’alcool chez les jeunes, sur la base de théories relatives à la construction identitaire. Elles soulignent aussi l’influence des publicités et du packaging, en particulier lorsque ces stimuli sont infusés de codes du luxe (sur la base de théorie de l’infusion de l’art et de cas des paquets de cigarettes infusés des codes du luxe). Pour tester ces propositions, une étude qualitative exploratoire (26 entretiens) a d’abord servi à cerner la nature et l’influence du contenu (publicités plus informatives versus luxe) en termes de réponses cognitives, affectives, d’intentions comportementales et de perceptions des avertissements sanitaires. Les résultats de ces entretiens ont servi à construire la phase expérimentale de la recherche en termes d’opérationnalisation des concepts de contenu publicitaire et d’avertissement sanitaire, de formulation des hypothèses de recherche, de sélection et design des stimuli et de méthodologie (combinaison de méthodes verbales et non-verbales). Sur la base d’un design inter-sujets, nous avons lancé deux études expérimentales (étude eye-tracking = 174 jeunes ; étude en ligne = 696 jeunes) testant 12 stimuli publicitaires [3 (marques d’alcool) x 2 (styles de contenu publicitaire: PO versus luxe) x 2 (formats d’avertissement: format actuel versus plus saillant)]. Les résultats soulignent l’intérêt de réguler le contenu des publicités d’alcool (cf. Loi Evin). Celui-ci influence l’attitude à l’égard de la publicité, la perception du produit et le désir de consommer. Les publicités plus informatives sont perçues comme moins attractives, alors que les publicités luxe génèrent et renforcent des perceptions positives à l’égard du produit, des bénéfices de consommation et les envies de consommer et de boire. Quant à l’avertissement actuel, il est jugé inefficace en termes de visibilité, de crédibilité et de risques perçus. Toutefois un format plus saillant permet d’augmenter le degré d’attention qu’on y porte ainsi que sa visibilité perçue. Cela est important car l’efficacité d’un avertissement repose en partie sur ses deux critères. Aucun effet d’interaction significatif des variables manipulées n’est à signaler dans cette étude. / This critical social marketing research tackles the effectiveness of advertising regulation that is a health measure recommended to reduce alcohol consumption. It studies how alcohol advertising content restrictions (e.g., the French Evin law mandates ads since 1991 to convey only factual information and objective qualities of alcohol products and thus be product-oriented: PO ads) versus non-regulated advertising affect youth individuals’ perceptions of alcohol products, attitude towards the ad, desire to consume and noticeability of health warning displayed in ads (depending on format prominence). This research identified and investigated the luxury codes and iconography appropriation by alcohol brands as a new type of advertising content, through a monitoring phase. To understand the potential persuasion mechanism at stake, this study relied on assumptions in terms of persuasion and public health based on a literature review. It helped to explain luxury symbolism as a potential response to youth drinking motives on the basis of self-growth theories and suggest possible effect on consumers’ responses to alcohol advertising especially when infused with luxury perceptions (e.g., art infusion theory and tobacco packs infused with luxury codes). To test those assumptions, we implemented an exploratory qualitative study and two experimental studies. Using (26) in-depth interviews, the qualitative phase helped understand the nature and influence of advertising content (luxury versus PO) on cognitive, affective responses, behavioral intentions and warnings’ noticeability. The findings helped operationalize advertising content and warnings’ noticeability concepts, develop hypotheses, fine-tune stimuli selection and modification, and finally select methods and (verbal and non-verbal) measurements for the testing phase. Based on a between-subject design, the experimentation (eye-tracking study = 174 individuals; online study = 696 individuals) tested on samples of young people a total of 12 advertising stimuli [3 (brands) x 2 (content: luxury versus PO) x 2 (warning format: LP versus MP)]. Our results showed the relevancy of alcohol advertising content restrictions such as the French Evin law (1991). They indicated that advertising content does influence attitude towards the ad, alcohol products’ perceptions and desire to consume. While PO ads reduce the alcohol advertising attractiveness, luxury ads enhanced the participants’ positive product perceptions, perceived alcohol consumption benefits and intention to purchase and drink. They also reported the ineffectiveness of health warnings in terms of noticeability, perceived credibility and risks. Findings suggest that modifying the current warning format prominence can help increase its attentional processing and perceived noticeability, which is a first step in improving generally warnings’ effectiveness. However our results revealed no significant interaction effect of both manipulated factors in this study.

L'impact des avertissements sanitaires dans la lutte contre le tabagisme au Burkina Faso / The impact of health warnings in the fight against smoking in Burkina Faso

Ouedraogo, Saïdou 19 June 2018 (has links)
La consommation de la cigarette constitue de nos jours un problème de santé publique. L’OMS a mis plusieurs outils à la disposition des Etats, dont les avertissements sanitaires pour lutter contre le tabagisme. Au Burkina Faso, l’avertissement sanitaire actuel en vigueur est sous forme textuelle de petite taille. La littérature en marketing social s’est intéressée à l’impact des avertissements sanitaires textuels et visuels sur les réactions affectives, cognitives et conatives des fumeurs et des non-fumeurs. Des divergences existent toujours sur l’efficacité des avertissements sanitaires de façon générale et de façon particulière, ceux qui suscitent des émotions négatives. Aussi très peu de recherches ont été réalisées sur des individus non-lettrés. Partant de ces constats, la présente thèse s’est fixée pour objectif de tester l’impact sur les fumeurs et les non-fumeurs, de l’avertissement sanitaire textuel actuel en vigueur au Burkina Faso et des 72 nouveaux avertissements sanitaires visuels proposés par l’OMS pour les pays africains. Nous avons mené une étude qualitative à travers des entretiens individuels. Les résultats indiquent que l’avertissement sanitaire textuel actuel a peu d’impact sur les réactions affectives, cognitives et les intentions comportementales des fumeurs et des non-fumeurs. En revanche, les avertissements sanitaires visuels ont plus d’impact sur les fumeurs et les non-fumeurs comparativement à l’avertissement sanitaire textuel. Les avertissements sanitaires qui suscitent plus d’émotions négatives (peur) ont plus d’impact sur l’intention comportementale des fumeurs et des non-fumeurs. Une étude quantitative a ensuite été réalisée pour comparer l’avertissement sanitaire textuel actuel en vigueur au Burkina Faso à 4 nouveaux avertissements sanitaires visuels choisis parmi les 72, à l’issue de l’étude qualitative. Les résultats de l’étude quantitative vont dans le sens de ceux de l’étude qualitative. A l’exception de la variable « lecture », le niveau d’instruction des fumeurs (lettré ou non-lettré) n’exerce pas une influence sur l’impact des avertissements sanitaires. Le sexe et la tranche d’âge des individus n’ont pas aussi d’effet significatif sur l’impact des avertissements sanitaires. La présente thèse contribue à enrichir la littérature sur les avertissements sanitaires dans les pays en développement et sur des cibles non-lettrées. Sur le plan de la santé publique, nos résultats suggèrent l’apposition des avertissements sanitaires visuels sur les paquets de cigarettes au Burkina Faso pour la lutte contre le tabagisme. / Smoking cigarettes is nowadays a public health issue. The World Health Organization has made several tools available to the States, including health warnings for nicotinism. In Burkina Faso, the current health warning in force is in small size textual form. Social marketing literature has focused on the impact of textual and visual health warnings on the affective, cognitive and conative responses of smokers and non-smokers. Divergences still exist on the effectiveness of health warnings in a general way and particularly, those which arouse negative emotions. Thus, very little research has been carried out on illiterate individuals. Based on these observations, the present thesis aims to test the impact on smokers and non-smokers, of the current textual health warning in force in Burkina Faso and the 72 new visual health warnings proposed by the WHO for African countries. We conducted a qualitative study through individual interviews. The results show that the current textual health warning has little impact on the emotional, cognitive and behavioral intents of smokers and non-smokers. But, visual health warnings have a greater impact on smokers and non-smokers compared to the textual health warning. Health warnings that cause more negative emotions (fear) have more impact on the behavioral intent of smokers and non-smokers. A quantitative study has then been carried out to compare the current textual health warning in force in Burkina Faso with 4 new visual health warnings selected from the 72, following the qualitative study. The quantitative study’s results are in line with those of the qualitative study. With the exception of the « reading » variable, smokers’ level of education (literate or non-literate) does not influence the impact of health warnings. Gender and age range of individuals do not also have a significant effect on the impact of health warnings. This thesis helps to enrich the literature on health warnings in developing countries and on non-literate people. In terms of public health, our results suggest the addition of visual health warnings on cigarette packets in Burkina Faso to fight against smoking.

Undersökning av virtuell verklighets varningars effektivitet utifrån spelarens perspektiv : En studie om hur effektiva virtuella verklighetsvarningar är för att förhindra användarskada / Investigating the effectiveness of virtual reality warnings from the player's perspective : A study on how effective virtual reality warnings are in preventing user injury

Månsson, Marcus January 2023 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker virtuella verklighetsvarningar i relation till fördjupning. Fördjupning är det engagemanget en spelare känner utifrån att spela ett spel och kan karakteriseras som graden eller nivån av engagemanget som spelaren har med olika aspekter av spelet. Det är viktigt fenomen att undersöka eftersom spelare kan bli skadade om varningarna inte fungerar som de ska. Uppsatsen har undersökt för- och nackdelar med varningar som Quest 2 ger ut till spelarna av Beat Saber, Blade & Sorcery och Gorilla Tag i relation till fördjupning. För att undersöka vilka för- och nackdelar det finns med de varningar som Quest 2 ger ut till spelarna av Beat Saber, Blade & Sorcery och Gorilla Tag genomfördes det en heuristisk utvärdering för att identifiera problem som sedan undersöktes vidare med en enkätundersökning och intervjuer. Data från den heuristiska utvärderingen, enkätundersökning och intervjuer triangulerades för att hitta för- och nackdelar med varningarna utifrån ett säkerhetsperspektiv. Utifrån undersökningen blev det tydligt att nuvarande varningar hjälper spelarna. Dock finns det möjligheter till förbättring. Utifrån resultaten skapades designriktlinjer för VR-varningar. Det är tänkt att dessa designriktlinjer ska användas som hjälpmedel när VR-varningar designas. Om designriktlinjerna används är det sannolikt att risken för användarskada minskas. Dock behövs det testas ytterligare. / This essay examines virtual reality warnings in relation to immersion. Immersion is the engagement a player feels from playing a game and can be characterized as the degree or level of engagement the player has with various aspects of the game. This area is important to research because players of virtual reality games can be hurt if the warnings do not work as intended. This essay has examined the pros and cons of the warnings that Quest 2 gives to the players of Beat Saber, Blade & Sorcery and Gorilla Tag in relation to immersion. Toresearch the pros and cons of warnings issued by Quest 2 to Beat Saber, Blade & Sorcery and Gorilla Tag players, a heuristic evaluation was conducted to identify issues which were then further investigated with a survey and interviews. Data from the heuristic evaluation, survey and interviews were triangulated to find pros and cons of the warnings from a security perspective. Based on the research, it became clear that current warnings help the players, however, there are opportunities for improvement. Based on the results, design guidelines for VR warnings were created. It is intended that these design guidelines should be used as aid when designing VR warnings. If the design guidelines are used, it is more likely that the risk of user injury is reduced, however, further testing is required.

The Spatial Distribution of Siren Acoustics in Columbiana County, Ohio

Taylor, Bonnie J. 23 May 2013 (has links)
No description available.

The Safety Net: Troubling Safe Space as a Social Justice Aim

Maxfield, Mary 21 April 2016 (has links)
No description available.

"We´re Not Gonna Take It Anymore" : Kränkning, moralpanik och populärmusikalisk diskurs / “We´re Not Gonna Take It Anymore” :  Offence, moral panics andpopular music discourse

Salman, Liljan January 2024 (has links)
Denna uppsats utforskar den intrikata dynamiken av sociala och kulturella kontroverser inom populärmusikalisk diskurs med specifikt fokus på kränkningar och deras konsekvenser. Genom en kvalitativ låttextanalys av fyra låtar från Parents Music Resource Centers (PMRC) ”The Filthy Fifteen”, diskuterar denna studie samspelet mellan kränkning, moralpanik, kulturkrig och yttrandefrihet ur kritiska perspektiv. Genom att utforska dessa spridda men sammanhängande ämnen med hermeneutik och intersektionalitet som teoretiska verktyg, eftersträvar uppsatsen att synliggöra utmaningarna som artister, organisationer och musiklyssnare står inför, den känsliga balansen mellan individuella och kollektiva uttryck av kränkningar.

Towards Climate Based Early Warning and Response Systems for Malaria

Sewe, Maquins Odhiambo January 2017 (has links)
Background: Great strides have been made in combating malaria, however, the indicators in sub Saharan Africa still do not show promise for elimination in the near future as malaria infections still result in high morbidity and mortality among children. The abundance of the malaria-transmitting mosquito vectors in these regions are driven by climate suitability. In order to achieve malaria elimination by 2030, strengthening of surveillance systems have been advocated. Based on malaria surveillance and climate monitoring, forecasting models may be developed for early warnings. Therefore, in this thesis, we strived to illustrate the use malaria surveillance and climate data for policy and decision making by assessing the association between weather variability (from ground and remote sensing sources) and malaria mortality, and by building malaria admission forecasting models. We further propose an economic framework for integrating forecasts into operational surveillance system for evidence based decisionmaking and resource allocation.  Methods: The studies were based in Asembo, Gem and Karemo areas of the KEMRI/CDC Health and Demographic Surveillance System in Western Kenya. Lagged association of rainfall and temperature with malaria mortality was modeled using general additive models, while distributed lag non-linear models were used to explore relationship between remote sensing variables, land surface temperature(LST), normalized difference vegetation index(NDVI) and rainfall on weekly malaria mortality. General additive models, with and without boosting, were used to develop malaria admissions forecasting models for lead times one to three months. We developed a framework for incorporating forecast output into economic evaluation of response strategies at different lead times including uncertainties. The forecast output could either be an alert based on a threshold, or absolute predicted cases. In both situations, interventions at each lead time could be evaluated by the derived net benefit function and uncertainty incorporated by simulation.  Results: We found that the environmental factors correlated with malaria mortality with varying latencies. In the first paper, where we used ground weather data, the effect of mean temperature was significant from lag of 9 weeks, with risks higher for mean temperatures above 250C. The effect of cumulative precipitation was delayed and began from 5 weeks. Weekly total rainfall of more than 120 mm resulted in increased risk for mortality. In the second paper, using remotely sensed data, the effect of precipitation was consistent in the three areas, with increasing effect with weekly total rainfall of over 40 mm, and then declined at 80 mm of weekly rainfall. NDVI below 0.4 increased the risk of malaria mortality, while day LST above 350C increased the risk of malaria mortality with shorter lags for high LST weeks. The lag effect of precipitation was more delayed for precipitation values below 20 mm starting at week 5 while shorter lag effect for higher precipitation weeks. The effect of higher NDVI values above 0.4 were more delayed and protective while shorter lag effect for NDVI below 0.4. For all the lead times, in the malaria admissions forecasting modelling in the third paper, the boosted regression models provided better prediction accuracy. The economic framework in the fourth paper presented a probability function of the net benefit of response measures, where the best response at particular lead time corresponded to the one with the highest probability, and absolute value, of a net benefit surplus.  Conclusion: We have shown that lagged relationship between environmental variables and malaria health outcomes follow the expected biological mechanism, where presentation of cases follow the onset of specific weather conditions and climate variability. This relationship guided the development of predictive models showcased with the malaria admissions model. Further, we developed an economic framework connecting the forecasts to response measures in situations with considerable uncertainties. Thus, the thesis work has contributed to several important components of early warning systems including risk assessment; utilizing surveillance data for prediction; and a method to identifying cost-effective response strategies. We recommend economic evaluation becomes standard in implementation of early warning system to guide long-term sustainability of such health protection programs.

Trigger warnings: likabehandling eller ett hot mot utbildningsväsendet? : en argumentationsanalys av den svenska offentliga debatten

Widlund, Benjamin January 2016 (has links)
Trigger warnings as a concept is mainly a tool to make students aware of potentially triggering content in literature and has its origin in internet adaptions of psychological theories of posttraumatic stress disorder. The aim of this essay was to describe and analyse the argumentation in the public debate over trigger warnings in Sweden and to illustrate the fundamental questions relating to education that is highlighted by it. This was done through argumentation analysis and with theories of liberalism and identity politics as poles of a dimension of justice, illustrated by two different perspectives on disability pedagogy. The material chosen consisted of nine articles, radio programs and televised debates. The results show a clear tendency for advocates of trigger warnings to lean towards identity politics and a critical perspective on disability pedagogy in their argumentation, while the critics firmly represented a liberal, universalist perspective along with a compensatory perspective on disability pedagogy in theirs. Three fundamental questions arose in the debate: first, safety in the realm of education, meant as void of feelings of being offended, was viewed as essential by the authors who were pro trigger warnings and as a threat to the sole purpose of education by those who were against it. Second, the importance of a diagnosis for disability pedagogy, where those against stressed the importance of a diagnosis, the lack of which in combination with a request for a trigger warning was viewed as being easily offended. Advocates on the other hand were uninterested in diagnoses. Finally, the relation between free speech and democratic values in the educational system and in the society as a whole, where those authors favouring trigger warnings tended to view free speech as less fundamental than those opposed, who instead saw trigger warnings as a threat.

Misinformation and Need for Cognition: How They Affect False Memories

Antonio, Lilyeth 01 January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of false memories and Need for Cognition (NFC). The relationship was examined using a typical misinformation paradigm where participants viewed a video clip which depicted a museum burglary and were later presented with an auditory narrative that contained misleading information about the video they previously saw. Half of the participants were exposed to warnings of misinformation. Additionally, the effect of question type (e.g., central, peripheral, and neutral) was taken into account. A main effect for NFC was found indicating that high NFC individuals had fewer false memories for the originally witnessed event than low NFC individuals. It was also found that memory for central details was better than for peripheral details. Furthermore, an interaction between warning and question type showed that when a warning was present, memory for the misleading peripheral details was stronger. Overall, the results demonstrate that there is a difference between high and low NFC individuals and the way memory is processed in the misinformation paradigm. Additionally, the results of this study reaffirm the notion that post-event information can hinder an eyewitness’s memory for an original event.

Comparaison de systèmes de traduction automatique pour la post édition des alertes météorologique d'Environnement Canada

van Beurden, Louis 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire a pour but de déterminer la stratégie de traduction automatique des alertes météorologiques produites par Environnement Canada, qui nécessite le moins d’efforts de postédition de la part des correcteurs du bureau de la traduction. Nous commencerons par constituer un corpus bilingue d’alertes météorologiques représentatives de la tâche de traduction. Ensuite, ces données nous serviront à comparer les performances de différentes approches de traduction automatique, de configurations de mémoires de traduction et de systèmes hybrides. Nous comparerons les résultats de ces différents modèles avec le système WATT, développé par le RALI pour Environnement Canada, ainsi qu’avec les systèmes de l’industrie GoogleTranslate et DeepL. Nous étudierons enfin une approche de postédition automatique. / The purpose of this paper is to determine the strategy for the automatic translation of weather warnings produced by Environment Canada, which requires the least post-editing effort by the proofreaders of the Translation Bureau. We will begin by developing a bilingual corpus of weather warnings representative of this task. Then, this data will be used to compare the performance of different approaches of machine translation, translation memory configurations and hybrid systems. We will compare the results of these models with the system WATT, the latest system provided by RALI for Environment Canada, as well as with the industry systems GoogleTranslate and DeepL. Finaly, we will study an automatic post-edition system.

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