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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Availability, Allocation and Sharing of Water in a River Basin

Patel, Shivshanker Singh January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The economic growth and the increase in population has led to an increased demand for water for various purposes such as domestic consumption, irrigation, industrial use, power generation, navigation, recreation, and ecological requirements. With the increase in population, the per-capita water availability is continuously decreasing. Due to increase in demand and accompanying scarcity of water the conflict among the potential users of the resource is on raise. Hence, the allocation of the available water resource is a big challenge as the intersect oral and inter-regional water allocation is often competing and conflicting in nature. In the above context a good model to manage the available water resources would require reliable inputs on the available water resources. In the first part of this thesis we compare different techniques that are typically used for modeling the river water flow. Time series analysis (ARIMA) is compared with machine learning techniques such as support-vector regression (SVR) and neural network models. The performance of these techniques is compared by applying them to a long-term time-series data of the inflows of three tributaries of the river Cauvery into the Krishnaraja Sagar reservoir (KRS). Flow data over a period of 30 years from three different observation points established in upper Cauvery river sub-basin is analyzed. Specifically, a multi-layer feed forward network trained with a back-propagation algorithm and support vector regression with epsilon-insensitive loss function is compared with the ARIMA models. It is found that the performance of support vector regression model is superior to those of the other techniques considered. The second part of our thesis is to develop a model for optimal water allocation to the different sectors with the aim of maximizing the total utility of available water resource in a river basin. A hydro-economic modeling framework is developed that incorporates the economic assessment of the value of water. This inter-sectoral allocation problem is studied in the context of enforcing certain minimum water rights to every person for domestic use and a certain minimum irrigation need set out by the contingency plans of the state agriculture department in Cauvery river basin. A non-linear optimization model is built to obtain an optimal inter-sectoral water allocation policy. The study evaluates the economic impact of different parameters of competing demands such as water availability, population, basic water right (quantity), ground water contribution, and crop benefit. The optimal policies that implements the water allocation priorities as set out by the National Water Policy (2012) are compared. Further, results show that the basic water right can be secured for essential needs with optimal management of available surface and ground water resources. In the third part of thesis, we study the conflict of water sharing that arises between sectors/regions. We consider the river water-sharing problem between two agents along a river. Each agent has a stated claim to the river water. The Absolute Territorial Sovereignty (ATS) and Absolute Territorial Integrity (ATI) principles are promoted by different agents along the river as a means to maximize their individual benefit. However, these principles are invariably considered to be unjust by one or more of the other agents. Hence, it is preferred to have a negotiated water treaty that is perceived to be equitable and just by all. A one way downstream stream bilateral bargaining model can be used to guide the negotiated water treaty between the agents. In this bargaining framework we introduce the issue of negative externalities imposed by the upstream agent on the downstream agent/s in the form of pollution and/or flooding. This imposes a cost on the downstream agent to mitigate losses due to the negative externalities. A bargaining model that incorporates the impact of negative externalities is developed to guide the negotiated treaties. We identify individually rational bargaining strategies for a two agents transferable utility one way downstream river water sharing problem. The results characterize the agreement and disagreement points for bilateral trading

L'approche participative au service de la gestion intégrée de la ressource en eau : l'expérience des parcs naturels régionaux du Sud-Est de la France / Participatory initiatives for integrated water resource management : the experience of the Regional Nature Parks of South-East France

Ferraton, Mélanie 30 November 2016 (has links)
Née d’un travail partenarial entre le Groupement des Amis des Parcs Naturels Régionaux du Sud-Est (GAPSE) et l’Université Savoie Mont Blanc, cette thèse, réalisée dans le cadre d’une convention CIFRE, s’intéresse au volet participatif de la Gestion Intégrée de la Ressource en Eau (GIRE) dans les Parcs Naturels Régionaux de montagne du Sud-Est français.L’étude se fonde sur le retour d’expérience et l’analyse réflexive du programme de recherche-action-collaborative et participative « L’eau, entre mémoire et devenir », initié en 2008 par le GAPSE. À partir d’une méthode d’enquête auprès des acteurs clefs, elle identifie, dans ces territoires, une trentaine d’actions relevant du volet participatif de la GIRE. Le recensement et l’examen de ces actions et de leurs conditions de mise en œuvre, amènent à construire une représentation, sous forme de modèle évolutif, de cette approche participative de la GIRE. Les PNR s’inventent alors en nouveaux territoires de l’eau. En dépassant le strict cadre de la gestion par bassin, l’analyse approfondie des jeux, logiques et paysages actoriels œuvrant dans la mise en place de ces actions permet de questionner ce nouveau statut.Ce travail montre que, malgré une évolution législative liée à la réforme territoriale, restreignant les prérogatives des PNR en matière de gestion de la ressource en eau, des formes innovantes de démarches participatives s’observent, allant au-delà des dispositifs institutionnels de concertation de la GIRE.Ces initiatives volontaires, issues des collectivités, du milieu associatif ou encore de divers collectifs citoyens, sont souvent encore disparates et manquent de cohérence et de liant entre elles. L’action publique doit ainsi composer avec cette diversité d’acteurs et d’actions, aux objectifs et formes variés. Se dessine alors un enjeu d’articulation des démarches participatives et d’innovation en matière de participation citoyenne, auquel ce travail tente de répondre en proposant un guide méthodologique de mise en œuvre d’une GIRE participative fondé sur le retour d’expérience des PNR du Sud-Est. / The thesis arises from a partnership work between the association “ le Groupement des Amis des Parcs Naturels Régionaux du Sud-Est ” (GAPSE) and the “Savoie Mont Blanc ” University. It was made within the CIFRE agreement (Industrial agreement of learning/training by research). The PhD focuses on the participatory component of the Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) in the regional nature parks in the south-east of France.The study relies on the feedback and the analysis of the participatory action research program called “L’Eau entre mémoire et devenir” (“Water between memory and future”), which has been created in 2008 by the GAPSE. Based on a survey methodology of key actors, the thesis identifies around thirty participatory actions under the IWRM. The census and analysis of these actions and of their implementation conditions led to build a dynamic model about the participatory approach of IWRM.We examine the regional nature parks status, as news water territories, beyond the narrower confines of watershed-based management, on the basis of a thorough and integrated analysis of actors’ interactions.This study shows that these territories can generate innovative participatory actions going beyond just the institutional conciliation scheme, based on a representative system. These actions arise despite the legislative change, due to a territorial reform, which restrict water prerogatives of regional nature parks.However, these voluntary initiatives implemented by the territorial authorities, associations or citizen collective organizations are still disparate and lack of coherence and coordination between them.The public action has to deal with a diversity of actors and actions with various objectives. The real issue becomes citizen participatory initiatives articulation. This PhD tries to answer to this challenge by proposing a methodological guide about the IWRM implementation, based on the regional nature parks feedbacks.

Assessment of potential and impacts of afforestation in the Letaba catchment, Limpopo Province, South Africa

Mkwalo, Andile Churchill 07 1900 (has links)
The plantation forestry is economically a very important industry in South Africa because it promotes the upliftment of many rural South African communities. However, afforestation has significant impacts on water use and biodiversity in a catchment. Thus, understanding the effects of afforestation on water resources at the catchment level is fundamental for optimal water resource allocation, long-term sustainable use, development and conservation. Much of the Limpopo Province is climatically and physiographically suitable for plantation forestry but it only contains approximately 4.7 % of the total existing plantation area in South Africa. For example, the size of the Letaba Catchment of the Limpopo Province is 13 669 km² but only approximately 484 km² of it is currently afforested. This study aims to identify potential areas for further afforestation in the Letaba Catchment using the Water Resources Modelling Platform (WReMP) model to determine if afforestation can be expanded here to promote development in South Africa‟s poorest Province. / Geography / M. Sc. (Geography)

Proposta de implantação de telhado verde para captação e uso de águas pluviais em área de relevância ambiental: Ilha Grande/RJ. / Proposal for green roof implementation to rainwater capture and use in envoronmental relevance area: Ilha Grande/RJ.

Luciana Deotti Rodrigues 30 April 2013 (has links)
Visando minimizar os impactos causados pelas ações antrópicas sobre o meio ambiente, mais especificamente sobre os recursos hídricos, torna-se imprescindível a busca por fontes alternativas para suprir as crescentes demandas de água para os mais diversos fins. Medidas como o reuso da água e a captação e aproveitamento de água das chuvas são fundamentais no contexto atual de busca por modelos sustentáveis de gestão dos recursos hídricos. No presente trabalho foi realizada extensa pesquisa bibliográfica sobre como o uso de telhados verdes pode contribuir para o uso racional da água potável e para a redução da ocorrência de enchentes. A área de estudo em questão foi Ilha Grande, localizada no litoral sul do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, uma Área de Preservação Permanente que, dentre outras Unidades de Conservação da Natureza, abriga o Parque Estadual de Ilha Grande. Para se analisar a viabilidade de implantação de um telhado verde na região, mais especificamente na Vila Dois Rios (23o11S, 44o12W), foi realizado o levantamento das séries históricas de chuvas da última década na região. Espécies vegetais compatíveis para uso em telhado verde foram encontradas na Ilha e, além disso, foram identificadas as premissas construtivas e operacionais relevantes. Para promover a conscientização dos visitantes e moradores locais foi elaborada uma cartilha informativa ilustrativa. Por fim, concluiu-se que existe a viabilidade de implantação de um telhado verde para captação e aproveitamento das águas das chuvas em Ilha Grande.

PC-SWMM modeling of policy changes on suburban watersheds in Johnson County, Kansas

Brady, Grant January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Biological & Agricultural Engineering / Stacy Hutchinson / Urban areas have traditionally been managed as separate entities from the natural environment. Recently, urban planners have been interested in reconnecting these areas back to the biosphere to capitalize on ecosystem services restoring damaged hydrologic processes. This study focuses on suburban Johnson County, KS (part of the Greater Kansas City area), which has 62 USEPA 303(d) listed “impaired” or “potentially impaired” waterbodies. Previous studies show that watersheds crisscrossed by multiple politically boundaries see increases in water quantity and decreases in water quality. Using a multi-watershed, multi-city spanning entity like a school district, it is investigated how stormwater best management practices (BMPs) employed over a large entity can help undo the negative effects of watershed political fragmentation. BMP modeling includes simulating grassroots and planning policy change movements across three target watersheds using PC-SWMM watershed model. The grassroots simulation models rain barrels at single family homes and an extended dry detention basin (EDDB) at schools. Planning policy simulation models 10% and 20% reductions in impervious roads and parking lots in accordance to EPA Smart Growth practices. Resulting, it was seen that all three of these BMPs saw the greatest improvements from current conditions at low precipitation events. Ranking from least to most effective across the outlet’s average flow, maximum flow, and total volume and supporting watershed infiltration, surface runoff, and surface storage are as follows: rain barrels + EDDB, 10% reduced, and 20% reduced impervious simulations. All three stormwater BMPs help demonstrate how grassroots movements and planning polices changes can positively impact regional waterbodies in this maturely suburbanized region.

Proposta de implantação de telhado verde para captação e uso de águas pluviais em área de relevância ambiental: Ilha Grande/RJ. / Proposal for green roof implementation to rainwater capture and use in envoronmental relevance area: Ilha Grande/RJ.

Luciana Deotti Rodrigues 30 April 2013 (has links)
Visando minimizar os impactos causados pelas ações antrópicas sobre o meio ambiente, mais especificamente sobre os recursos hídricos, torna-se imprescindível a busca por fontes alternativas para suprir as crescentes demandas de água para os mais diversos fins. Medidas como o reuso da água e a captação e aproveitamento de água das chuvas são fundamentais no contexto atual de busca por modelos sustentáveis de gestão dos recursos hídricos. No presente trabalho foi realizada extensa pesquisa bibliográfica sobre como o uso de telhados verdes pode contribuir para o uso racional da água potável e para a redução da ocorrência de enchentes. A área de estudo em questão foi Ilha Grande, localizada no litoral sul do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, uma Área de Preservação Permanente que, dentre outras Unidades de Conservação da Natureza, abriga o Parque Estadual de Ilha Grande. Para se analisar a viabilidade de implantação de um telhado verde na região, mais especificamente na Vila Dois Rios (23o11S, 44o12W), foi realizado o levantamento das séries históricas de chuvas da última década na região. Espécies vegetais compatíveis para uso em telhado verde foram encontradas na Ilha e, além disso, foram identificadas as premissas construtivas e operacionais relevantes. Para promover a conscientização dos visitantes e moradores locais foi elaborada uma cartilha informativa ilustrativa. Por fim, concluiu-se que existe a viabilidade de implantação de um telhado verde para captação e aproveitamento das águas das chuvas em Ilha Grande.

Zdroje vody a čerpací stanoviště pro požární techniku v okrese Písek. / Water resources and water pumping sites for fire equipment in Písek district.

VIKTORA, Vladimír January 2011 (has links)
In my diploma thesis I have created the updated version of water sources and pumping sites for fire equipment in the Písek district. I acquired large volumes of data by a detailed physical inspection of possible water sources in all villages in the Písek district. In my thesis I have mentioned water sources only in those villages that are classified into fire protection units, category II and III. The complete summary of all water sources and water pumping sites is on the attached CD. The data contain the name of the village, type of water source, GPS coordinates, additional information about the water source and any additional notes regarding repairs, distances from the village, etc. Photo documentation and the map section were produced for each water source. In many villages, there are hydrant networks which, in those villages where there is no water source, can have a substantial effect on fire safety. The thesis also includes the list of all hydrant networks in the Pisek district, including the owners and operators. The thesis can be used for the Operating and Information Centre of the Fire Brigade for the South Bohemian region which, for the demand for water for rescue and liquidation can send the unit directly to the water source according to the ascertained data. For some water sources, below the table in the note, there may be corrections or improvements that lead to a better use of these sources. The thesis monitors the existing status of the water and pumping sites for fire equipment in the Pisek district. I compared the acquired data with data from South Bohemian Region Regulation No.4/2003 at 2.12.2003. It results from the compared data that permanent updating and communication on the part of the municipalities with the Fire Brigade is necessary. In many places, water sources are closed and new water points originate with the possibility to pump this basic and main extinguishing agent.

Improving Decision Support Systems for Water Resource Management

Chen, Chen, Dilley, Maura, Valente, Marco January 2008 (has links)
The Water Framework Directive (WFD) structures long-term plans for Europe's threatened water resources. Owning to the inherent and human-made complexities of the water cycle, stakeholders must move strategically to avoid crisis and restore sustainability. Yet, the reality of water resource management today is falling short on delivery. Stakeholders require strategic tools that will help them to build consensus and take action in the right direction. Using the Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development (FSSD), this study shows how Decision Support Systems can be strategically improved using a whole-systems approach grounded in basic Principles for Sustainability. In this way, stakeholders will be capable of making synchronized moves towards sustainability and thus more likely to realize the WFD’s goal of ‘good status’ for all European waterways by 2015.

中國水資源策略:以湄公河次區域為例 / China water resoures strategy - A study of Greater Mekong Subregion

曹燕如, Tsao, Yen Ju Unknown Date (has links)
水資源是人類生存及文明延續關鍵,雖然海洋佔有地球表面積約百分之七十,但可直接供應人類生養淡水卻極為有限。隨著世界人口持續增長、工商業發展迅速,全球水資源需求量不斷攀升,加以時空分配不均、氣候變遷等因素,引發旱澇災情加劇,進而威脅民生用水、農漁糧食、疾病衛生、社區遷徙及能源供應等安全,導致國家政經社會動盪,尤其是人口密集的亞洲地區多屬開發中國家,仰賴水資源獲取足夠糧食及經濟發展所需能源,再者,亞洲地區數條重要江河跨越數個國家地域,連接維繫流域內國家命脈及利益,惟各國對於國際河流治理政策及目標卻存在紛歧差異性而屢生爭議、矛盾,因此,國際河流所涉及水資源問題具有重要性及複雜性,若未能妥適紓解,則可能引發國際衝突而危及國家安全。 2009年中國水資源最豐沛的西南地區連續乾旱,中國為紓解水資源匱乏的嚴重性及急迫性,積極修建水壩以維繫水資源安全,卻引發與下游國家間跨境水資源衝突,中國在面臨境內水資源短缺危機,以及與鄰國共用治理國際河流二者衝突,都是當今非傳統安全領域的重要課題。湄公河是亞洲地區重要國際水系,流域遍及中國、寮國、緬甸、泰國、柬埔寨及越南等六個國家,富含水力動能及自然資源,然而,流域內各國政經體制、民族文化差異極大,對於水電開發、航道通商、農漁發展及生態維護各有主張而扞格爭嚷互見,衝突並不意味毫無合作契機,本文認為中國兼具地理及政經大國的優勢地位,水資源政策及執行往往引發鄰國諸多猜忌不安,又國際河流開發使用及管理約制,常事涉國家主權讓渡而難獲共識,但藉由水資源多層次規劃開發及協商管理,不僅能維護中國利益安全,同時,伴隨水電、航運建設所帶來鉅大經濟利益,也提供諸國亟欲脫貧的契機,進而促進地區安全。 / Water is indispensable to human life and civilization. We all know that the earth surface is composed of sea water by nearly 70%, but what we don’t know is freshwater on the rest 30% of the world is limited for human usage. With continuously rising population and rapid growth in economy, people’s demands for water is getting more and more intensive than that decades ago. Drought and flood damage caused by climate change affect water supply, agriculture and food safety, diseases and hygiene, even threaten national security in each country. Densely populated countries in Asia depend on water heavily for economic development, but major rivers running through those nation borders and territories complicate their political and diplomatic relations. Conflicts resulted from water resource management and national interests follow suit, which may escalate tension if not been dealt properly. In 2009, China’s southwest region was severely hit by droughts. Dams were needed for relieving the water shortage problem, but the construction in major rivers triggered China’s conflicts with countries in the downstream territories due to water resource distribution. Among these disputes, Mekong River, an international river flowing through China, Liao, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam stood out. Each related nation has its own political considerations and economic plans with this river, and their exploitation policies were diverse. Seeing crisis of water shortage at home and conflicts resulted from water management with its neighbors outside, China was in a dilemma. However, contentions could create opportunities for cooperation. This paper tries to find the answer. It suggests that since China holds a geopolitical significance and economic dominance in the southwestern part of Asia, it can maintain its own security and interests by coming up comprehensive water exploitation policies and seek bilateral and multilateral water resource management with neighboring countries simultaneously, so as to bring in huge benefits on the one hand and acts as a responsible stakeholder in the area in promoting peace solution and stability on the other hand.

Modeling a Phosphorus Credit Trading Program in the Lake Okeechobee Watershed

Corrales, Juliana 01 September 2015 (has links)
Lake Okeechobee is the largest lake in the southeastern United States and is a central component of the hydrology and environment of the Everglades ecosystem in South Florida. The natural state of the lake has been degraded as wetlands and natural habitats in the Lake Okeechobee watershed have been replaced with farms, urban areas, and dairy operations. Excessive phosphorus loadings from these diverse sources have been identified as the leading causes of the lake’s impairment. For more than four decades, many resources have been allocated to regional and local restoration efforts to reduce phosphorus loadings into the lake. However, phosphorus loadings have not decreased and the recovery of the lake could take more time, particularly with today’s limited local budgets. Market-based instruments, such as water quality trading programs, have emerged over the past decades to cost-effectively achieve water quality objectives in impaired watersheds. The main objective of this dissertation was to assess the environmental and economic benefits of implementing a phosphorus trading program in Lake Okeechobee watershed, compared to a conventional command-and-control approach. A comprehensive literature overview of nationally and internationally implemented trading programs was conducted to highlight advantages and challenges of these programs towards achieving water quality goals, and to outline the essential elements of a successful program. Furthermore, a modeling framework, integrating a hydrologic-water quality model with an economic model, was developed to assess the potential cost savings that trading might offer over a command-and-control approach. The modeling framework was applied in three priority basins of the Lake Okeechobee watershed. In each case, while developing trading scenarios to achieve phosphorus load reduction targets, the trading program was less expensive than the conventional command-and-control approach. This research provided the foundation for stakeholders to better understand whether water quality trading has the potential to work in the Lake Okeechobee watershed and to facilitate the development of a pilot program. In addition, it offered some insights on the potential economic opportunities that pollution sources would have by participating in the trading program. The modeling framework developed in this dissertation could facilitate the assessment of future water quality trading programs in other watersheds.

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