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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Regnvatteninsamling : Vattenbesparingspotential i svenska förhållanden med fallstudie i Järlåsa / Rainwater Harvesting : Water saving potential under Swedish conditions with a case study of Järlåsa

Oskarsson, Lina January 2020 (has links)
Vattenbesparing och alternativa lösningar för att tillgodose vattenbehovet har blivit mer aktuellt de senaste åren med torka. Regnvatteninsamling för hushållsanvändning används redan på många platser runtom i världen men är begränsad i Sverige idag. Syftet är att dels undersöka en lämplig dimensionering av ett system för regnvatteninsamling för hushåll i Jälåsa och att identifiera olika drivkrafter och hinder. Metoden i denna studie har varit dels massbalans- och effektivitetsberäkningar för att se hur mycket regnvatten som kan samlas in och dels intervjuer med två teknikleverantörer och fem kommuner för att utvärdera den juridiska, sociala och ekonomiska potentialen. Resultatet visade att tankstorlek på mellan 1000 och 4000 liter är rimligt för hushållsanvändning till toalett eller toalett och tvättmaskin och ger en effektivitet (procent av vattenbehovet som täcks av regnvatten) på mellan 83,6 % och 96,0 %. Vilken storlek som är mest lämplig beror på faktorer såsom vad regnvattnet används till, takyta, antal personer i hushållet och om first-flushbortledning används. Beräkningar visar att ungefär 19-29 % av den totala dricksvattenförbrukningen skulle kunna sparas i Järlåsa, vilket motsvarar ungefär 4 400 till 6 700 kubikmeter dricksvatten per år. Resultatet visar även att torrperioder då tanken är tom blir kortare med en större tankstorlek och det finns tydliga skillnader i volym vatten i tanken mellan olika nederbördsrika år. Enligt kommuner ansågs potentialen för regnvatteninsamling vara störst för bevattning i dagsläget men att de även var positivt inställda till annan användning såsom toalettspolning och tvättmaskin. Identifierade hinder var oro kring kontamination av dricksvatten, brist på ekonomisk lönsamhet till följd av låga dricksvattenpriser i Sverige och behov av förtydligande av krav och vilka risker som finns med regnvatteninsamling. Idag är potentialen och motivationen som störst för de som har dålig tillgång på vatten och en ökad miljömässig medvetenhet skulle kunna öka implementeringen av regnvatteninsamling i Sverige. Slutsatsen är att det finns potential för regnvatteninsamling men att det fortfarande krävs viss utveckling och mer kunskap om regnvatteninsamling under svenska förhållanden. / Water saving and alternative solutions to supply drinking water have become more important due to several consecutive droughts in recent years in Sweden. Rainwater harvesting for households is already being used in many places around the world but still has limited application in Sweden. The purpose with this study is to investigate a suitable sizing of a rainwater harvesting system in Järlåsa and to identify drivers and obstacles for implementation. The methods used in this study were firstly calculations based on mass balance and efficiency estimates and secondly interviews with two technology providers and five municipalities. The results showed that a tank size between 1000 and 4000 liters would be suitable for the purpose of supplying water for flushing toilets and for washing machines and the efficiency (percentage of water demand being met by rainwater) would be between 83,6% and 96,0%. What size tank is recommended depends on factors such as what rainwater is used for, roof area, number of people in household and whether first-flush is diverted. Results show that around 19-29%, around 4 400 to 6 700 cubic meters per year, of the total potable water consumption could be saved in Järlåsa every year using rainwater harvesting. The results also show that the dry periods, when the tank was empty, become shorter with a larger tank size and that there are distinct differences in the volume rainwater in the tank between years with varying precipitation. According to municipalities the potential was highest for irrigation purposes today but there was also potential for use in household for flushing toilets and supplying washing machines. The identified obstacles were concern regarding contamination of the drinking water supply, lack of economic profitability as a consequence of low water prices and the need for clarification of requirements and risks with rainwater harvesting. Today the potential and motivation is highest for those with an insufficient water supply and an increase in the environmental awareness could possibly enhance implementation further. The conclusion is that there is potential for rainwater harvesting but that there still is a need for some development and more knowledge regarding rainwater harvesting under Swedish conditions.

Public Participation During Reactive, Crisis-Driven Drought Planning Versus Proactive, Preparedness Planning

Ulaszewski, C. Anna 01 January 2018 (has links)
Droughts are occurring globally and should be recognized as a global issue and drought planning should use a proactive approach on the part of the world community. However, much drought planning, even in developed and highly developed countries, is reactive and programs are often poorly coordinated sometimes with unforeseen negative consequences for marginalized and disenfranchised populations. Literature pertaining to planning strategy for existing, drought crises is nominal and often contributes to patterns of reactiveness and resulting inequity. To gain a better understanding of crisis-driven planning and the participatory process, this gap was viewed through the lenses of institutional analysis and development and procedural justice and fairness. Specifically, this study was designed to determine how procedural justice and fairness, and the institutional analysis and development framework delineates participatory roles during reactive, crisis-driven planning versus proactive, preparedness planning. A multi-case/within-case analysis was conducted. Six publicly-available documents were selected using provisional and sequence coding lists; emerging themes were also identified at this time. The within-case analysis showed discernable differences between reactive and proactive participatory processes. These findings were used to conduct a cross-case analysis; this analysis indicated that commitment to the participatory process and to change were the keys elements in producing fair and just policies. Drought events can be widely divergent and dynamic, no two being alike; however, the spirit of procedural justice must be part of governance that brings public participation within the reactive planning process into better alignment with proactive planning.

Vers une stratégie de gestion participative multi-usages de la ressource en eau dans le delta du fleuve Sénégal : processus de décision et outils de régulation autour du lac de Guiers / Towards a multi-use participatory management strategy for water resources in the Senegal River Delta : decision-making process and regulation tools around Lake Guiers.

Diop, Penda 06 October 2017 (has links)
L’objet de la thèse est d’évaluer la pertinence de l’approche participative comme outil-levier pour une gestion locale mieux partagée et durable des ressources en eau autour du lac de Guiers au Sénégal. Unique lac d’eau douce d’importance du pays, implanté dans une zone semi-désertique de la région écologique sahélienne, le lac de Guiers est très convoité par plusieurs types d’usages. Il est considéré, au plan national comme au plan local, comme une source vitale d’approvisionnement en eau potable des régions proches et de grandes villes une ressource stratégique pour le maintien de l’autosuffisance alimentaire ainsi qu’un moteur de développement économique pour les communautés villageoises agro-pastorales. La démarche méthodologique retenue est de type « bottom-up », partant du diagnostic de terrain du cas du lac de Guiers. Elle s’appuie sur des entretiens et enquêtes par questionnaires auprès des gestionnaires et des usagers de l’eau du lac, une analyse des jeux d’acteurs dans un cadre institutionnel en évolution et l’analyse des dynamiques spatiales de répartition des usages de l’eau. Ce diagnostic montre dans quelle mesure l’approche participative prônée dans les stratégies et plans de gestion de l’eau du lac de Guiers est effectivement mise en œuvre et vient renforcer la participation des usagers de la ressource en eau pour parvenir à une gestion mieux partagée et durable de celle-ci. L’approche participative n'est fonctionnelle que si le cadre de gestion s’inscrit dans une démarche globale de gestion concertée et intégrée dans laquelle tous les usagers et les acteurs gestionnaires sont co-gestionnaires de la démarche.De plus, l’approche participative reste souvent difficile à organiser. Cette difficulté est d’autant plus forte que l’étendue géographique est grande, et qu’il s’agit de faire participer tous les usagers et acteurs gestionnaires concernés à toutes les échelles avec des intérêts parfois contradictoires. Par ailleurs, la thèse révèle que l’accroissement de l’implantation d’activités économiques sensées profiter à la région conduit à des effets pervers qui vont à l’encontre des objectifs des plans de gestion : baisse de la qualité de l’eau et des quantités disponibles (pollution causée par les rejets des agro-industries et augmentation des volumes de prélèvement).Toutes les séries d’actions engagées constituent des dépenses pour les acteurs gestionnaires (maintenance des infrastructures, contrôle des prélèvements, lutte contre la pollution etc.). Dans ce domaine, la thèse recommande que la gestion de la ressource en eau du lac prenne en compte cette dimension déterminante, en développant de nouveaux outils de gestion correspondant à la valorisation économique de l’eau et en créant un Observatoire, outil intégrateur de son avenir durable. Ceci est une condition sine qua non pour une amélioration des conditions de vie des riverains. La thèse confirme, à travers le cas du lac de Guiers, la pertinence des théories de l’approche participative pour accompagner et aider ses acteurs gestionnaires dans leur appréhension et leur organisation du système de gestion. / The aim of the thesis is to evaluate the relevance of the participatory approach as a leverage tool to achieve a better shared and sustainable local management of water resources around lake Guiers in Senegal. It is the only freshwater lake of importance in the country. Located in a semi-desert zone of the Sahelian ecological region, lake Guiers is coveted by several types of uses. It is considered both nationally and locally as a vital resource for drinking water supply in nearby regions and large cities as a strategic resource for maintaining food self-sufficiency, as well as being a vector of economic development of the agro-pastoral village communities.The methodological approach adopted is the "bottom-up" approach, starting from field diagnosis of the case of lake Guiers. It is based on interviews and questionnaire surveys with managers and users of the lake’s water, an analysis of the sets of actors in an evolving institutional framework and the analysis of the spatial dynamics of distribution of the uses of the lake’s water. This diagnosis demonstrates the extent to which the participatory approach advocated in the water management strategies and plans of lake Guiers is effectively implemented and strengthens the participation of water resource users in order to achieve a better shared and sustainable management of this water resource.The participatory approach is functional only if the management framework is part of a comprehensive, collaborative and integrated management approach in which all users and managers are involved in the decision-making process (co-management). Furthermore, the participatory approach is often difficult to organize. This difficulty increases when the geographical scope is large and the aim is to involve all the users and managers concerned at all levels with sometimes contradictory interests. Moreover, the thesis reveals that the increase in the implantation of economic activities that are supposed to benefit the region leads to perverse effects that run counter to the objectives of the management plans: a drop in water quality and of the available quantities (pollution caused by discharges from agro-industries and increased collection volumes). All the series of actions (services) involved imply expenditures for the management actors (maintenance of infrastructures, control of sampling, pollution control etc.). In this area, the thesis recommends that the management of water resources in the lake should take into account this decisive dimension, by developing new management tools corresponding to the economic valuation of water and by creating an observatory, an integrating tool of its sustainable future. This is a sine qua non condition for improving the living conditions of local residents. The thesis confirms, through the case of Lake Guiers, the relevance of the theories of the participatory approach to accompany and help its management actors in their apprehension and organization of the management system.

Fonctionnement hydro-glaciologique du bassin versant de l'Arve dans les Alpes françaises : variabilité climatique et sur la disponibilité de la ressource en eau / Hydro-glaciological behaviour of the Arve catchment in the French Alps : climate variability and consequences on water resources availability

Viani, Alessandra 14 May 2019 (has links)
La réduction du volume des glaciers et la fusion printanière plus précoce de la neige causée par le réchauffement climatique provoquent des variations du cycle hydrologique à la fois pour les têtes de bassin versant, mais aussi pour les zones situées plus à l’aval. Afin de prédire correctement l’amplitude des changements possibles futurs et d’envisager une gestion adaptée, une bonne connaissance de l’interaction entre les glaciers, le climat et les écoulements hydriques est nécessaire. L’objectif de cette étude est d’évaluer l’effet de la variabilité climatique sur le fonctionnement hydro-glaciologique et ses conséquences sur la disponibilité de l’eau du bassin versant de l’Arve (Alpes françaises) depuis 1960. Ce bassin s’étend sur une surface de 1958 km2 et est composé de cinq bassins versants emboités (Arveyron d’Argentière, Arveyron de la Mer de Glace, Arve au Pont des Favrands, à Sallanches and au Bout du Monde), tous influencés par la fusion glaciaire et nivale mais dans différentes proportions étant donnée la large gamme d’extension de couverture glaciaire s’étalant de 5 á 53%. Ce travail est basé sur des longs jeux de données glaciologiques, météorologiques, hydrologiques et de couverture de neige qui sont issues soit de mesures ponctuelles dans l’espace soit de données obtenues par télédétection.L’analyse des tendances a été réalisée sur des données hydrologiques et météorologiques des cinq bassins versants emboités. Pour cela, le cycle saisonnier du débit est ajusté en utilisant une fonction mathématique de type “modèle à pic asymétrique”. Les changements observés des débits ont été reliés aux variables météorologiques ainsi que à l’évolution de la couverture glaciaire. Les résultats indiquent un comportement contrasté entre les bassins versants selon les taux d’englacements, avec une tendance croissante des valeurs de débit dans les bassins versants fortement englacés (couverture de glacier >30%) et une décroissante pour les moins englacés. La sensibilité du cycle hydrologique au changement climatique futur a été évaluée. Pour le milieu du 21e siècle, on prévoit que le volume annuel écoulé serait réduit de 16% pour l’Arveyron d’Argentière et de 31% pour l’Arveyron de la Mer de Glace. Pour la période estivale, la quantification détaillée de chaque terme de l’équation du bilan hydrologique, ainsi que leurs incertitudes, sur les bassins versants de l’Arveyron d’Argentière et de l’Arveyron de la Mer de Glace-Leschaux a permis de souligner l’importance des transferts d’eau souterraine pour représenter et prédire le comportement hydro-glaciologique d’un bassin versant donné. Deux model d’écoulement distribués de type degré-jour couples à un modèle de routage hydrologique à réservoir linéaire ont était utilisé sur le bassin versant de l’Arveyron d’Argentière sur la période 1960–2009. La calibration est effectuée autant sur la base des données de débit qu’avec une approche multicritère avec les données de débit, de couverture neigeuse et du bilan de masse annuel, à pas de temps journalier. Les résultats montrent l’aptitude d’utiliser un modèle classique degré-jour pour simuler le comportement hydro-glaciologique et la production d’eau sous-glaciaire d’un bassin versant fortement glaciaire. Pour la période 1960–2004, une valeur de Kling Gupta Efficiency de 0.85 entre le débit simulé et observe à était obtenu. La calibration multicritère semble réduire les incertitudes des simulations. / Glacier recession and the anticipation of spring snow melt driven by a warming climate could lead to changes in the hydrological cycle affecting not only the headwater catchments but also the areas downstream. In order to correctly predict the magnitude of future possible changes and to consider appropriate strategies of water management, a good understanding of the interaction between glaciers, climate and hydrology is needed. The aim of this study is to assess the effect of climate variability on the hydro-glaciological behaviour and its consequence on water availability in the Arve River catchment (French Alps) since 1960. It covers 1958 km2 and is composed by five nested catchments (Arveyron d’Argentière, Arveyron de la Mer de Glace, Arve at Pont des Favrands, Arve at Sallanches and Arve at Bout du Monde), all influenced by glacier and snow melt but characterized by various percentages of glacier cover ranging from 5 to 53%. This research is based on a long dataset of in situ or remote sensing glaciological, meteorological, hydrological and snow cover area data.Trend analyses are performed on the hydrological and meteorological data at all the considered sites. The seasonal cycle of each catchment is fitted using a mathematical function, namely the asymmetric peak model, and changes in the discharge are related to observed changes in the meteorological variables and the glaciers’ evolution. Results point out a contrasting behaviour among the catchments characterized by different glacier covers, showing an increasing trend on the discharge values in highly glacierized catchments (with a glacier cover >30%) and a decrease in the low glacierized ones. The sensitivity of the seasonal cycle to the future climate is evaluated. In the mid-21st century the annual runoff would be reduced by 16% for Arveyron d’Argentière and 31% for Arveyron de la Mer de Glace. Over the summer season, a detailed quantification of each term of the hydrological balance equation, as well as their uncertainties, on the Argentière and Mer de Glace-Leschaux drainage basins allows to underline the importance of considering the groundwater transfers to represent and predict the hydro-glaciological behaviour of a considered catchment. Two different distributed temperature index melt models coupled with a linear reservoir discharge model are used on the Arveron d’Argentière catchment over the 1960–2009 period. The calibration is carried out against discharge only and with a multi- criteria approach considering the discharge, the snow cover area and the glacier-wide annual mass balance values at daily time step. Results demonstrate the suitability of the use of a classical degree day model in simulating the hydro-glaciological behaviour and the subglacial water production of a highly glacierized catchment. A KGE of 0.85 is obtained between the observed and simulate discharge values over the 1960–2004 period. The use of a multi-criteria approach seems to reduce the simulation uncertainties.

Investigating the Link Between Surface Water and Groundwater in the Tule Lake Subbasin, Oregon and California

Pischel, Esther Maria 13 August 2014 (has links)
Water allocation in the upper Klamath Basin of Oregon and California has been challenging. Irrigators have increasingly turned to groundwater to make up for surface water shortages because of shifts in allocation toward in-stream flows for Endangered Species Act listed fishes. The largest increase in groundwater pumping has been in and around the Bureau of Reclamation's Klamath Irrigation Project, which includes the Tule Lake subbasin in the southern part of the upper Klamath Basin. Previous groundwater flow model simulations indicate that water level declines from pumping may result in decreased flow to agricultural drains in the Tule Lake subbasin. Agricultural drains on the Klamath Project are an important source of water for downstream irrigators and for the Tule Lake and Lower Klamath Lake National Wildlife Refuges. To better assess the impact of increased pumping on drain flow and on the water balance of the groundwater system, flow data from agricultural drains were evaluated to investigate the changes that have taken place in groundwater discharge to drains since pumping volumes increased. Additionally, a fine-grid groundwater model of the Tule Lake subbasin was developed based on the existing regional flow model. The fine-grid model has sufficient vertical and horizontal resolution to simulate vertical head gradients, takes advantage of time-series data from 38 observation wells for model calibration, and allows agricultural drains to be more explicitly represented. Results of the drain flow analysis show that the groundwater discharge to agricultural drains has decreased by approximately 4000 hectare-meters from the 1997-2000 average discharge. Most of this decrease takes place in the northern and southeastern portions of the subbasin. Results of the groundwater model show that the initial source of water to wells is groundwater storage. By 2006, approximately 56% of the water from wells is sourced from agricultural drains.

Modeling Fecal Bacteria in Oregon Coastal Streams Using Spatially Explicit Watershed Characteristics

Pettus, Paul Bryce 16 December 2013 (has links)
Pathogens, such as Escherichia coli and fecal coliforms, are causing the majority of water quality impairments in U.S., making up ~87% of this grouping's violations. Predicting and characterizing source, transport processes, and microbial survival rates is extremely challenging, due to the dynamic nature of each of these components. This research built upon current analytical methods that are used as exploratory tools to predict pathogen indicator counts across regional scales. Using a series of non-parametric methodologies, with spatially explicit predictors, 6657 samples from non-estuarine lotic streams were analyzed to make generalized predictions of regional water quality. 532 frequently sampled sites in the Oregon Coast Range Ecoregion, were parsed down to 93 pathogen sampling sites in effect to control for spatial and temporal biases. This generalized model was able to provide credible results in assessing regional water quality, using spatial techniques, and applying them to infrequently or unmonitored catchments. This model's 56.5% explanation of variation, was comparable to other researchers' regional assessments. This research confirmed linkages to land uses related to anthropogenic activities such as animal operations and agriculture, and general riparian conditions.

Climate Change Effects and Water Vulnerability in the Molalla Pudding River Basin, Oregon, USA

Wherry, Susan Amelia 01 January 2012 (has links)
Water management plans are typically developed using historical data records and historical return periods for extreme events, such as floods or droughts. Since these analyses of return periods typically assume a certain degree of stationarity (constant mean, standard deviation, distribution) in hydrologic variables, the potential future impacts of climate change are excluded. In developing water management plans, predicted changes to climate variables should be considered to evaluate the degree of non-stationarity that may exist in the future. In this way, regions most sensitive to climate change can be identified and managed appropriately. This study performed such a task by using predicted climate data that were downscaled from general circulation models (GCM) by regional climate models (RCM) to compare climate variables in the historical period of 1971-1998 to the future period of 2041-2068. The study evaluated the precipitation and minimum/maximum temperature data from five different GCM/RCM combinations: 1) CCSM/CRCM; 2) CCSM/WRFG; 3) CGCM3/CRCM; 4) CGCM3/WRFG; and 5) HadCM3/HRM3. The five datasets were then used to calculate drought indices and drive a calibrated PRMS model of the Molalla Pudding river basin in order to evaluate changes in droughts and streamflow. The predicted changes in droughts and streamflow were then evaluated with social/economic factors for twelve cities in the Molalla Pudding river basin by two different water vulnerability indices. The index values were used to determine a rank for each city that indicated its relative vulnerability to water scarcity as compared to the other cities. In this study, three out of the five datasets predicted increased precipitation (+97-115 mm/year) over the Molalla Pudding basin and the two datasets using the CCSM GCM data predicted either no change or slightly decreased precipitation (-60 mm/year) over the Molalla Pudding basin in 2041-2068. All datasets predicted increased minimum and maximum average temperature of +1.5°C and +1.4°C respectively, and all datasets displayed increasing trends in temperature. The drought indices predicted fewer drought events (-2.4 events) over 2041-2068 with no change in duration, and no change to the number of serious drought events over 2041-2068 but with increased durations (+1.9 months). Results from the hydrologic modeling predicted increased streamflow (+4-249 cfs) in four out of the five future datasets. Using the predicted changes in hydrologic variables and social/economic census data from 2000, two types of water vulnerability indices were calculated for the twelve cities of interest. The results suggested that cities in the western portion of the basin would be more susceptible to current and future water vulnerability due to high irrigation demands for water and high social vulnerability as determined by minority populations and higher poverty, while the small cities with less dependence on agriculture would be less vulnerable.

Lifeblood of the Earth: Nuwuvi (Southern Paiute) Hydrological Knowledge and Perceptions of Restoration in Two Southern Nevada Protected Areas

Wendel, Kendra Lesley 20 March 2014 (has links)
In the arid landscapes of the southern Great Basin and northern Mojave Desert, issues surrounding water resource management are often politically contentious. Nuwuvi (Southern Paiute) have known and managed these resources for thousands of years prior to Euro-American arrival in the region. A variety of factors, including federal policies that resulted in the creation of reservations and forced placement in boarding schools, as well as contemporary resource commodification, have influenced Nuwuvi knowledge and practice. In this thesis, I examined the character of Nuwuvi ethnohydrological knowledge, including management knowledge, of two protected areas: Spring Mountains National Recreation Area (SMNRA), managed by the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and Desert National Wildlife Refuge (DNWR), managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). In addition, I investigated perceptions of water health and restoration among participants from the two managing agencies and six Nuwuvi Nations. I addressed these topics using the theoretical framework of political ecology and a methodology that included semi-structured interviews and demographic questionnaires with 16 Nuwuvi knowledge holders and four federal agency participants. I conducted text analysis of partial interview transcripts using the inductive coding method in order to identify recurring themes and concepts related to hydrology, management, and restoration. My results illustrated that Nuwuvi ethnohydrological knowledge, which developed incrementally over time, conceptualized water as a sentient being that required human interaction to remain healthy. There was also evidence that Nuwuvi knowledge of water was changing as a result of political, economic, and social forces. Furthermore, these findings suggest that Nuwuvi and agency approaches to hydrological management and restoration were built upon differing epistemologies, though there was convergence among specific management and restoration techniques. Based on these results, a report of findings from the Nuwuvi Knowledge-to-Action project, including recommendations for collaborative stewardship approaches, was delivered to participants in August 2013.

Effects of Precipitation Patterns on Sediment, Nutrient, and Biofilm Dynamics in an Acid Mine Drainage Stream

Brancho, Jennie 04 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Predicting Post-Mining Hydrologic Effects of Underground Coal Mines in Ohio throughMultivariate Statistical Analyses and GIS Tool Building

Steinberg, Rebecca M. 14 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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