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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Numerical modeling of coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical processes in geological porous media

Tong, Fuguo January 2010 (has links)
Coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical (THM) behavior in geological porous media has been a subject of great interest in many geoengineering disciplines. Many attempts have been made to develop numerical prediction capabilities associated with topics such as the movement of pollutant plumes, gas injection, energy storage, geothermal energy extraction, and safety assessment of repositories for radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel. This thesis presents a new numerical modeling approach and a new computer code for simulating coupled THM behavior in geological porous media in general, and compacted bentonite clays in particular, as buffer materials in underground radioactive waste repositories. New governing equations were derived according to the theory of mixtures, considering interactions among solid-phase deformation, flows of water and gases, heat transport, and phase change of water. For three-dimensional problems, eight governing equations were formulated to describe the coupled THM processes. A new thermal conductivity model was developed to predict the thermal conductivity of geological porous media as composite mixtures. The proposed model considers the combined effects of solid mineral composition, temperature, liquid saturation degree, porosity and pressure on the effective thermal conductivity of the porous media. The predicted results agree well with the experimental data for MX80 bentonite. A new water retention curve model was developed to predict the suction-saturation behavior of the geological porous media, as a function of suction, effective saturated degree, temperature, porosity, pore-gas pressure, and the rate of saturation degree change with time. The model was verified against experimental data of the FEBEX bentonite, with good agreement between measured and calculated results. A new finite element code (ROLG) was developed for modeling fully coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical processes in geological porous media. The new code was validated against several analytical solutions and experiments, and was applied to simulate the large scale in-situ Canister Retrieval Test (CRT) at Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory, SKB, Sweden, with good agreement between measured and predicted results. The results are useful for performance and safety assessments of radioactive waste repositories. / QC20100720 / THERESA

Beiträge zur Entwicklung Wasser speichernder Materialien auf Basis von Stärke und Lignin

Passauer, Lars 22 April 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Vor dem Hintergrund des weltweit wachsenden Bedarfes an Bodenverbesserungsmitteln, durch die Humus-, Nährstoff- und Wassermangel auf Problemstandorten kompensiert werden sollen, war es das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit, Bodenwasser-speicher auf Basis der nachwachsenden Biopolymere Stärke und Lignin zu entwickeln. Durch Derivatisierung der Stärke wurde deren Hydrophilie deutlich gesteigert, was Voraussetzung für die Bildung von Hydrogelen war. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass durch Vernetzung der wasserlöslichen Stärkederivate Carboxymethylstärke und Monostärkemonophosphat mit Di-/Tricarbonsäuren quellfähige Hydrogele erzeugt werden, deren Quellungsvermögen und rheologische Eigenschaften über die Wahl des Vernetzers und die Vernetzerstoffmenge gezielt eingestellt werden können. Die Modifizierung von Lignin wurde durch Oxidation mit Wasserstoffperoxid, z.T. in Kombination mit Fe(II)- bzw. Mn(II)-Chloriden realisiert. Dadurch wurde die Vernetzbarkeit von Lignin deutlich verbessert, was auf oxidativ bedingte Strukturänderungen des Lignins zurückzuführen war. Diese bestanden im Wesentlichen in der Spaltung und Oxidation der Lignin-Seitenkette sowie der Hydroxylierung der Seitenkette und aromatischer Strukturen. Die Vernetzung von Lignin mit Poly-(ethylenglycol)-diglycidylether ergab quellfähige Hydrogele, deren Wasseraufnahmevermögen und rheologische Materialfunktionen von der eingesetzten Vernetzerstoffmenge abhängig sind. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass durch den Einsatz von Stärkephosphat- und Lignin-Hydrogelen das Wasserspeichervermögen erhöht und die Evaporationsraten eines entsprechend behandelten Sandbodens verringert werden. Im Wachstumsversuch wurden die Frischmasseerträge von Gelbsenf (Sinapis alba) durch Behandlung eines Sandbodens mit Hydrogelen gesteigert. / Soil degradation leading to a lack of humus, nutrients and water especially on exploited sites causes the worldwide need in soil amendments. Aim of the work was the development of hydrogels from renewable biopolymers starch and lignin improving water retention especially in degraded soils. A significant increase of hydrophilic properties of starch was obtained by chemical modification with the objective of forming starch based hydrogels. Swellable hydrogels were formed by cross-linking of water soluble starch derivatives like carboxymethyl starch and monostarch monophosphates with di- and tricarboxylic acids. Swelling capacity and rheological properties of the starch gels were selective adjusted by variation of cross linking agent and whose amounts. Modification of lignin was realized by oxidation with hydrogen peroxide partly in combination with ferrous and manganese chlorides, respectively. In consequence of oxidative structural changes which were cleavage and oxidation of side chain as well as aliphatic and aromatic hydroxylation, gelation of lignin was improved significant. Lignin hydrogels with different swelling capacities and rheological functions were formed by cross-linking lignin with different amounts of poly (ethylene glycol) diglycidyl ether. Application of hydrogels based on starch and lignin causes increased water storing capacity/field capacity and decreased evaporation of a sandy soil as well as an increased biomass yield of yellow mustard (Sinapis alba).

Temporal variability of soil hydraulic properties under different soil management practices

Gill, Shahid Maqsood 20 December 2012 (has links)
Agricultural management practices including tillage and irrigation have a considerable effect on soil physical and hydraulic properties in space and time. Tillage practices initially alter the soil physical and hydraulic properties depending on the type and depth of tillage. These changes are reverted back to original conditions due to reconsolidation during cycles of wetting and drying. Irrigation techniques can manipulate the reversion process dynamically due to different modes of wetting. The combined effects of tillage and irrigation have rarely been investigated. Therefore, two experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of different tillage practices and irrigation techniques on soil physical properties and temporal variations in soil hydraulic properties, one on wheat and second on the following maize crop grown on the same plots. The tillage and irrigation treatments implemented for the wheat crop were repeated for the subsequent maize crop restoring the same treatment layout plan. Intact soil core samples were collected, in the middle of the wheat crop before irrigation and the end of the maize crop season, for the determination of soil physical and hydraulic properties. Field saturated hydraulic conductivity (K_fs) was determined using the Guelph pressure infiltrometer method and volumetric soil water content (θ_v) and potential (ψ_m) was measured in the field using water content sensors and tensiometers, respectively. The wheat crop received rain showers from time to time, while in maize, a heavy spell of monsoon rains following tillage caused most of the soil reconsolidation. So, the greater intensity of rains, rather than the cycles of wetting and drying, became primarily responsible for the differences in soil physical and hydraulic properties between the two crops. Moldboard plow resulted in an increase in yield and improvement of soil hydraulic properties during both crop seasons. Flood irrigation reverted back the effects of tillage on soil hydraulic properties greater than sprinkler irrigation, while it did not affect the yield significantly. The dynamics of volumetric soil water content (θ_v) differed, depending on tillage type, irrigation technique and crop season. Moldboard plow was the wettest after rain or irrigation events but it dried quicker than other tillage treatments. Flood irrigation caused higher wetting than sprinkler irrigation. These wetting effects were greater in wheat as compared to maize crop. Temporal variability calculated as time averaged relative difference in θ_v was greater during wheat as compared to maize, while temporal stability calculated as standard deviation of temporal stability decreased with flood irrigation in both crops. Soil bulk density (ρ_b) and water retention characteristics (θ_v (ψ_m )) measured on the intact soil cores and total porosity (φ), plant available water capacity (θ_PAWC) and pore size distribution calculated from water retention data depended on the time of sampling. During wheat, the ρ_b was lower resulting in a higher φ than after maize. Moldboard plow decreased ρ_b increasing φ, while the effect of flood irrigation was opposite in both crops with greater magnitude in wheat. Similarly, the effects of tillage on θ_v (ψ_m ) were observed in both crops, while those of irrigation were observed in maize only. Cultivator treatment retained higher θ_v at higher ψ_m (−30 and −100 kPa), followed by chisel and moldboard plow. Plant available water capacity (θ_PAWC) was greater in maize as compared to the wheat crop. Cultivator had higher θ_PAWC than chisel and moldboard plow in both crops. Wheat had greater volume of larger pores (> 10 μm, φ_(>10)), whereas extraordinary rains as well as irrigations after tillage caused these larger pores to decrease in maize. Moldboard plow had higher φ_(>10) at 10 cm depth in both crops with greater magnitude in wheat. Field saturated hydraulic conductivity (K_fs) determined before irrigations and at the end of both crop seasons was greater in wheat than in maize especially in the first determination. Moldboard plow exhibited greater K_fs followed by chisel plow and cultivator in both crops and it decreased significantly with time in wheat but not in maize. Flood irrigation was responsible for a reduction in K_fs and the effect was greater in wheat as compared to maize. It was concluded that a greater intensity of water application in the form of rains or irrigations can revert the changes in soil physical and hydraulic properties induced by tillage more effectively than the cycles of wetting and drying. Soil hydraulic properties may be optimized with the combination of suitable tillage and irrigation for efficient utilization of water resources.

Infiltration and Drainage through Coarse Layered Soil: A Study of Natural and Reclaimed Soil Profiles in the Oil Sands Region, Alberta, Canada

2014 April 1900 (has links)
Natural coarse textured soils comprise a significant portion (approximately 20%) of the area to be mined at Suncor, Syncrude (aurora mine), Albian/Shell, and CNRL mines in the Alberta’s oil sands (Macyk, 2006). Although similar in soil textural classifications, the undisturbed areas support a range of ecosite types which exhibit different moisture regimes, suggesting that there are natural mechanisms controlling the plant available water sufficient for forest development. The global objective of this study was to evaluate the potential for textural variability to enhance water storage in coarse textured soil. The observations of the infiltration and drainage behaviour of natural and reclaimed coarse-texture soils in this study have demonstrated that this potential exists and can be applied in reclamation design to achieve the ranges of soil water storage needed to establish different ecosites. Field based infiltration and drainage testing, pit excavation and sampling have been completed on 14 sites (7 natural and 7 reclaimed). Bulk saturated hydraulic conductivity and field capacity were estimated for each of the 14 sites based on the field test results. The observed transient water dynamics give an indication of the effect of layering on these material properties. Laboratory analysis of water content (650 samples), particle size (650 samples), water retention (35 samples), organic carbon (100 samples) as well as calibration of field instrumentation were completed on a large number of samples (approximate values shown in brackets above) across all sites. The laboratory analysis was used to characterize textural variability (mean and standard deviation of the particle diameter) for the layered sites and estimate the soil water retention curve (SWRC) relationships for the range of soil textures encountered at the study sites. Pedotransfer functions (PTFs) were used to investigate if there were significant differences in the residual sum of squares between estimated and measured SWRCs. The measured organic carbon was used to aid in estimating permanent wilting point (WP) used in the calculation of the available water holding capacity (AWHC) of all profiles. An investigation into the calibration of the moisture capacitance probe (MCP) was undertaken as part of a comparison of the measured and simulated volumetric water content (VWC) profiles. Water storage at the cessation of drainage was related to the soil texture and textural variability as measured in the laboratory. Sites with more textural variability generally stored more water for plant use. There appeared to be a limit to what can be considered ‘useful’ textural variability. If adjacent soil layers had too extreme a contrast in texture and therefore hydraulic conductivity, unstable/preferential flow (i.e. bypassing of some of the water and nutrients from plant roots) occurred. The total porosity calculated from field samples was often higher than the maximum measured VWC in each layer which may be indicative of one or more factors that resulted in less than full saturation being attained within the targeted 1 m depth of saturation during the test. Some of these factors include: errors in sampling leading to an overestimate of total porosity; lateral flow along textural interfaces; air entrapment within the rapidly advancing wetting front; unstable/preferential flow as a result of the high contrast in hydraulic conductivity (fine over coarse) between adjacent layers (i.e. Ks Ratio >20) or where tests were conducted on slopes (i.e. funnel flow). This latter case was common at the reclaimed sites. A modelling study of one uniform (SV10) and one layered (NLFH1) natural site was conducted. The models were built by incorporating soil properties of the layers in the various soil profiles as estimated from field and/or laboratory testing. This study offers a comparison between various PTFs and their ability to capture the soil-water storage/dynamics during infiltration and drainage testing. The Arya PTF gave a better estimation of the laboratory measured SWRCs. However, when modeling the measured infiltration and drainage testing for the relatively uniform site SV10, the Arya PTF and Modified Kovacs (MK) PTF performed similarly. The Arya PTF performing slightly better for the infiltration phase and the MK PTF performing slightly better for the drainage phase. Both PTFs gave a reasonable estimation of water storage but the MK PTF gave a better estimation of the water storage with time as compared to the Arya PTF. For the highly layered site NLFH1, neither model performed well. The Arya PTF gave a substantially better estimation of the infiltration phase and gave the better estimation of the magnitude of water storage with time, the MK PTF performed marginally better for the drainage phase and gave a better estimation of the shape of the water storage with time. Generally, the study showed that the replication of the profile water storage requirements for the layered natural ecosites (‘b’ and ‘d’ ecosites) has been achieved and can be achieved by layering (or even mixing) available coarse textured reclamation materials. This study has indicated that replicating the highly uniform ecosites (‘a’ ecosites) is where the bigger challenge lies in reclamation. Reclaiming with a diversity of target ecosites is essential to achieving the pre-disturbance land capability standard that the mine operators are bound by. The temptation may exist to simply condone reclamation that has met or exceeded the pre-exisiting land capability. However, problems with ground water recharge and regional water distribution are likely to arise if large areas of lower functioning ecosites are replaced with higher functioning ecosites.

Relações da matéria orgânica com a hidrofobicidade do solo / Relationship of organic matter with soil hydrophobicity

Vogelmann, Eduardo Saldanha 14 July 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Soil hydrophobicity can be conceptually defined as soil repellency to water and is associated with the covering of soil particles by hydrophobic organic substances which interact with mineral particles and pores in a complex way, making soil wetting difficult. The objectives of this study were to: (i) determine the biochemical composition of vegetation, physical and chemical properties of soil organic matter fractions and their relationships to the occurrence and degree of soil hydrophobicity; (ii) analyze the effects of hydrophobic compounds at different intensities on sorptivity and water retention curve; (iii) measure and monitor the effects of variation of soil temperature and water content on the variability of the degree of soil hydrophobicity during a drying cycle. Soil samples were collected from different soil classes in the Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina States, southern Brazil. From the 0-5, 5-10 and 10-15 cm soil layers, undisturbed samples (in blocks) were collected for the determination of sorptivity while preserved samples were collected using core samplers (volume of 47 cm³) for the evaluation of water retention curve, soil bulk density, total porosity, macroporosity and microporosity. From these layers, deformed samples were also collected for soil chemical and physical characterization. However, part of the samples used for the determination of water retention curves were previously subjected to sequential chemical extraction with acetone and a solution of isopropanol:ammonia to remove hydrophobic compounds. Soil carbon analysis consisted of determination of total organic carbon, physical (> 53μm and <53μm), and chemical (fulvic and humic acids and humin) fractions. Water and ethanol sorptivity was determined using tension micro-infiltrometer. Hydrophobicity was evaluated by comparing water and ethanol sorptivity values and soil-water contact angle was calculated from the hydrophobicity index. The effect of temperature was measured using PVC cylinder (785 cm³) constructed with disturbed samples from different soils, wetted and dried under different temperatures (20, 45 and 70 °C) and the hydrophobicity was determined using the water droplet penetration time method. Hydrophobicity had an intimate relationship with soil organic carbon content, mainly organic compounds accumulated in physical fractions <53 μm and chemical fraction humin, indicating that hydrophobic compounds are highly recalcitrant and are strongly associated with silt and clay fractions, forming stable organo-mineral complexes, and at the same time, covering all or part of surfaces of mineral particles or aggregates. The existence of these hydrophobic compounds caused changes in sorptivity and soil-water contact angle, directly affecting capillary and soil water retention curve, and reduced the volume of water retained at lower potentials. The heating of the soil at temperatures at or below 45 °C did not alter the intensity of hydrophobicity but there were changes when soil temperature exceeded 70 °C or when the soil moisture was drastically reduced. / A hidrofobicidade do solo pode ser conceitualmente definida como a repelência do solo à água e está associada ao recobrimento das partículas do solo por substâncias orgânicas hidrofóbicas, que interagem de forma complexa com os poros e partículas minerais, dificultando o molhamento do solo. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: (i) determinar a composição bioquímica da vegetação, das frações físicas e químicas da matéria orgânica e suas relações com a ocorrência e grau de hidrofobicidade; (ii) analisar os efeitos dos compostos hidrofóbicos em diferentes intensidades na sortividade e na curva de retenção de água; (iii) avaliar e monitorar os efeitos da variação da temperatura e do conteúdo de água na variação do grau de hidrofobicidade do solo ao longo de um ciclo de secagem. Foram coletadas amostras de solo de diferentes classes de solos existentes no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul e Santa Catarina. Nas camadas de 0 5, 5 10 e 10 15 cm foram coletadas amostras indeformadas (blocos), para a avaliação da sortividade e amostras com estrutura preservada, com cilindros metálicos (47 cm³), para a determinação da curva de retenção de água, densidade do solo, porosidade total, macroporosidade e microporosidade. Nessas camadas também foram coletadas amostras deformadas para a caracterização química e física dos solos. No entanto, parte das amostras utilizadas na determinação da curva de retenção de água foram previamente submetidas a uma extração química sequencial com acetona e uma solução de isopropanol:amônia para remoção dos compostos hidrofóbicos. A análise do carbono constou da determinação do carbono orgânico total e da determinação das frações físicas (>53μm e <53μm) e químicas (Ácidos Fúlvicos, Ácidos Húmicos e Humina). A sortividade da água e do etanol foram determinadas com um micro-infiltrômetro de tensão. A hidrofobicidade foi avaliada comparando valores de sortividade da água e do etanol. O ângulo de contato água-solo foi calculado a partir do índice de hidrofobicidade. O efeito da temperatura foi mensurado em cilindros de PVC (785 cm³) construídos com amostras desagregadas dos diferentes solos. As amostras foram umedecidas e secas sob diferentes temperaturas (20, 45 e 70°C), sendo a hidrofobicidade determinada simultaneamente pelo método do tempo de penetração da gota de água. A hidrofobicidade apresentou uma íntima relação com o teor de carbono orgânico do solo, principalmente com os compostos orgânicos acumulados na fração física <53 μm e na fração química da Humina, indicando que os compostos hidrofóbicos provavelmente apresentam elevada recalcitrância e estão fortemente associados às frações silte e argila, formando complexos organo-minerais estáveis, ao mesmo tempo em que recobrem total ou parcialmente a superfície de agregados ou partículas minerais. A existência desses compostos hidrófobos causa alterações na sortividade e no ângulo de contato água-solo, afetando diretamente a capilaridade e a curva de retenção do solo, reduzindo o volume de água retido nos menores potenciais. O aquecimento do solo à temperaturas inferiores a 45 °C não causa modificações na intensidade da hidrofobicidade, que é alterada somente quando a temperatura do solo excede a 70 °C ou quando a umidade do solo é acintosamente reduzida.

Dinâmica do armazenamento e da disponibilidade de água em argissolo sob eucalipto e campo nativo / Dynamics of storage and availability of water in alfisol under eucalyptus and natural grassland

Prevedello, Juliana 02 March 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The growing demand for forest products has enabled the increase in areas planted to trees in Brazil. Eucalyptus is a fast growing tree species being cultivated on a large scale; however, there is a controversy about the role of this plant on the dynamics of water in the soil where they are grown. In order to evaluate the effect that the replacement of native eucalypt causes the hydro-physical properties of soil, in infiltration, in storage and water availability in a sandy loam Alfisol, a study was conducted in the city of Santa Maria, in Experiment Station of FEPAGRO FORESTS. The forest was delineated into four areas: plantations of Eucalyptus grandis Will ex Maiden. 3 to 4 years of age, natural grassland 1, plantations of Eucalyptus saligna Smith 5 to 6 years of age, natural grassland 2. Soil samples were collected with preserved structure in layers of 0.00 to 0.10, 0.10 to 0.20, 0.20 to 0.30, 0.30 to 0.40 and from 0.40 to 0.50 m depth to determine the bulk density, pore size distribution, air permeability, saturated hydraulic conductivity and water retention curve. The soil water content was continuously monitored to 0.80 m depth, using an automated TDR. The substitution of natural grassland by eucalypt plantations do not negatively alter the bulk density, macroporosity, microporosity and total porosity, hydraulic conductivity of saturated soil and soil permeability to air. The soil use under natural grassland and eucalyptus contribute to the improvement of structural quality, because they favor the formation of continuous pores, important for an adequate aeration, water retention and conduction. The anthropic effect derived from the natural vegetation substitution, the natural grassland by eucalyptus plantations does not significantly alter the capacity of water storage in soil and does not reduce the amount of water available to plants. The total of water stored in the areas of natural grassland and eucalyptus, 69 and 63%, respectively, are in the range potential extracting plants, other words, readily available for utilization. The soil with sandy loam texture, along the year, suffers no adverse effect on water regime as a function of eucalyptus forestation compared to natural grassland and therefore, there is no exhaustion of soil water in places with eucalyptus monoculture. / A crescente demanda por produtos florestais tem propiciado o aumento das áreas com florestas plantadas no Brasil. O eucalipto é uma espécie florestal de rápido crescimento e é cultivada em larga escala, porém tem gerado polêmica devido às controvérsias existentes sobre o seu efeito na dinâmica da água do solo onde são implantados. Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito que a substituição do campo nativo pelo eucalipto provoca nas propriedades físico-hídricas do solo, na infiltração, no armazenamento e na disponibilidade de água de um Argissolo de textura franco arenosa, realizou-se um estudo no município de Santa Maria, na Estação Experimental da FEPAGRO FLORESTAS. Foram utilizadas quatro áreas: povoamento florestal de Eucalyptus grandis Will ex Maiden. de 3 - 4 anos de idade; campo nativo 1; povoamento florestal de Eucalyptus saligna Smith de 5 - 6 anos de idade; campo nativo 2. Amostras de solo com estrutura preservada foram coletadas nas camadas de 0,00 a 0,10; 0,10 a 0,20; 0,20 a 0,30; 0,30 a 0,40 e 0,40 a 0,50 m de profundidade, para determinar a densidade, a distribuição de poros, a permeabilidade ao ar, a condutividade hidráulica saturada e a curva de retenção de água. O conteúdo de água do solo foi monitorado continuamente até a profundidade de 0,80 m, utilizando-se um TDR automatizado. A substituição do campo nativo pelo cultivo do eucalipto não altera negativamente a densidade, a macroporosidade, a microporosidade e a porosidade total, a condutividade hidráulica do solo saturado e a permeabilidade do solo ao ar. O uso do solo sob campo nativo e eucalipto contribuem para a melhoria da qualidade estrutural, pois favorecem a formação de poros contínuos, importantes para uma adequada aeração, retenção e condução de água. O efeito antrópico derivado da substituição da vegetação nativa, o campo nativo, por povoamentos de eucalipto não altera significativamente a capacidade de armazenamento de água no solo e não reduz a quantidade de água disponível às plantas. Do total de água armazenada nas áreas de campo nativo e de eucalipto, 69 e 63 %, respectivamente, encontram-se na faixa potencial extraível às plantas, ou seja, prontamente disponível para o seu aproveitamento. O solo de textura franco arenosa, ao longo do ano, não sofre efeito adverso sobre o regime hídrico em função do florestamento com eucalipto em comparação com a vegetação de campo nativo e, portanto, não ocorre esgotamento da água do solo em locais com monocultivo de eucalipto.

Estudo sobre a resistência ao cisalhamento de um solo residual compactado não saturado. / Study on the shear strength of a residual unsaturated soil.

Orlando Martini de Oliveira 22 June 2004 (has links)
O principal enfoque deste estudo é investigar alguns aspectos da resistência ao cisalhamento e as propriedades de retenção de água de um solo residual compactado no estado não saturado. Foi utilizado um solo residual de gnaisse retirado do campo experimental de geotecnia da Universidade de São Paulo. Com base na curva de compactação foram escolhidos três pontos de moldagem para o estudo, estando os mesmos associados à umidade ótima, ao ramo seco e ao ramo úmido. Foram realizadas algumas series de ensaios triaxiais sob condições saturadas (CAU e CD), e um grande número de ensaios triaxiais não saturados com teor de umidade constante (CW). Os ensaios triaxiais CW não saturados, foram feitos com medição de sucção utilizando um tensiômetro de alta capacidade (TAC) colocado na base do corpo de prova. Estudos específicos relacionados com a técnica de medição de sucção com o uso do TAC foram feitos. Com os resultados dos ensaios de resistência foram obtidas, para diferentes pressões confinantes, as variações dos valores da resistência ao cisalhamento (q) em função da sucção. Estas relações permitiram a definição das superfícies de ruptura para as três condições de moldagem. Foram investigados também aspectos relativos à forma de carregamento, a velocidade de carregamento, o tipo de compactação e a trajetória de umedecimento. São apresentados detalhes de como a resistência do solo é afetada por estas variáveis. O estudo define os procedimentos para obtenção das superfícies de resistência do solo no estado não saturado, com o uso de ensaios de compressão simples, feitos com medição de sucção durante o ensaio, e com a envoltória do solo saturado. As curvas de retenção do solo foram obtidas sob diversas condições de moldagem e umedecimento, e utilizado as técnicas de translação de eixos, placa de sucção, tensiômetro e papel filtro. Estas curvas foram utilizadas como ferramenta para se verificar a aplicabilidade dos modelos de previsão de resistência propostos por Vanapalli et al (1996) e Khalili e Khabbaz (1998), ao solo estudado. / The main focus of this study is to investigate some aspects of the shear strength and water retention properties of a compacted residual soil, under unsaturated condition. A residual of gneiss obtained from the geotechnical experimental site of the University of São Paulo was used. Based on the compaction curve three molding conditions were adopted for the study: one associated with the optimum water content, and two others located at the dry side and wet side of the compaction curve. A series of triaxial tests were performed under saturated conditions (CAU and CD), and a great number of triaxial tests under unsaturated conditions at constant water content (CW). The CW tests were performed with suction measurement using a high capacity tensiometer (HCT) placed at the base of the sample. Investigations were carried out associated with the use of the CHT. Based on the shear strength tests performed under different confining pressure the relation between shear strength and suction were determined. With this relation it was possible to define the shear surface for the three molding conditions. It were also investigated aspects related with type of loading, speed of the test, type of compaction and moisture path after compaction. It is presented details on how the shear strength is affected by these parameters. The study defines a procedure to obtain the shear surface of an unsaturated soil using unconfining tests, with suction measurement and using the shear envelope obtained at saturated condition. The retention curves were obtained at different molding conditions, following distinct moisture path. The retention curves were determined using axis translation technique, suction plate, filter paper and tensiometer. The retention curves were used as a tool to evaluate the applicability of the models presented by Vanapalli et al (1996) and Khalili and Khabbaz (1998) to infer the shear strength of the residual soil studied.

Impacto de sistemas de integração lavoura-pecuária na qualidade física do solo / Impact of livestock-crop integrated systems in the soil physical quality

SANTOS, Glenio Guimarães 26 February 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T14:52:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 tese glenio g santos part 1.pdf: 422298 bytes, checksum: f55f5a007ac66f4eca51eb0700509f2e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-02-26 / When the agricultural usage becomes more intensive, the soil-water physical attributes can undergo significant modifications which are generally adverse to plant growth. The changes can be rather easily detected when the cultivated systems are compared with the same soil still under natural Cerrado vegetation. The use of the system of crop-livestock integration can lead to marked changes in the physical, chemical, and biological soil attributes that can affect the development and hence the productivity of the crops that come after the pasture. This study aimed at analyzing quantitatively by means of attributes of soil-water relations, the main changes in soil quality, resulting from long-term soil usage under integrated crop-livestock, conducted in Cerrado area. The study was carried out by sampling soil trenches dug in the Capivara Farm of Embrapa Rice and Beans, as well as, in a private farm, located nearby Embrapa property. The trenches were sampled in the following depths: 2.5-7.5 cm, 12.5-17.5 cm, 22.5-27.5 cm, 42.5-47.5 cm, 72.5-77.5 cm and 142.5-147.5 cm. The evaluations were carried in six production systems, with an average of 13.5 ha in each area, being characterized by its current usage as: P1 system (Brachiaria brizantha grazing managed for four years); P2 system (Brachiaria brizantha grazing managed for two years); P3 system (Brachiaria brizantha grazing managed for three years); C1 system (soybean under no-tillage); C2 system (rice under conventional tillage) and C3 system (maize + Brachiaria brizantha under no-tillage). It was also used a seventh area, kept under continuous grazing with Brachiaria decumbens managed for 19 years, identified as CP, and an eighth area of the native cerrado vegetation, identified as CE. Generally, the soil-water physical attributes, and among them, the soilwater retention curves and the respective S-index values are altered when managed with agricultural implements and animal grazing in comparison to native cerrado area, considered in this study as a reference area. The use of S-index to evaluate the soil physical quality from the point of view of its structure quality by means of the soil-water retention curve can be a viable option, since it does not have some of the restrictions found by using other soil quality indicators. However, its use requires a greater number of regionalized investigations for different tillage systems and crops, soil types, climate, soil biological activity, among others, in order to relate the critical values with average productivity, so it can used safely to appraise the "effective" soil physical quality / Na medida em que se intensifica o uso agrícola, os atributos físico-hídricos do solo sofrem alterações, geralmente adversas ao crescimento vegetal e essas modificações ficam mais nítidas, quando os sistemas de uso do solo são comparados com o estado do solo ainda sob vegetação natural de cerrado. A utilização do sistema de integração lavourapecuária pode acarretar mudanças acentuadas nos atributos físicos, químicos e biológicos do solo e que podem afetar o desenvolvimento e, consequentemente, a produção das culturas que venham em sequência ao pastejo. Este estudo teve como objetivo geral analisar, quantitativamente, por meio de atributos físico-hídricos, as principais alterações na qualidade do solo, decorrentes da utilização de longo prazo em sistema de integração lavoura-pecuária, conduzidos em ambiente de Cerrado. O estudo foi realizado a partir da abertura de trincheiras na Fazenda Capivara, Embrapa Arroz e Feijão, e em área particular, ao lado da propriedade da Embrapa, onde amostras de solo foram coletadas nas profundidades: 2,5-7,5 cm, 12,5-17,5 cm, 22,5-27,5 cm, 42,5 47,5 cm, 72,5-77,5 cm e 142,5-147,5 cm. As avaliações foram realizadas em seis sistemas, com área média de 13,5 ha cada, sendo caracterizadas pelo seu uso atual como: sistema P1 (pastagem de Brachiaria brizantha com quatro anos de uso); sistema P2 (pastagem de Brachiaria brizantha com dois anos de uso); sistema P3 (pastagem de Brachiaria brizantha com três anos de uso); sistema C1 (Soja sob plantio direto); sistema C2 (arroz sob plantio convencional) e; sistema C3 (milho + Brachiaria brizantha sob plantio direto). Foi também usada uma sétima área de cinco ha, mantida sob pastagem contínua de Brachiaria decumbens, por 19 anos após implantação designada por CP e uma oitava área de cerrado nativo chamada de CE. De uma forma geral, os atributos físico-hídricos e dentre eles as curvas de retenção de água do solo e os respectivos valores do índice-S são alterados, quando submetidos ao manejo com implementos agrícolas e ao pastoreio animal, se comparados à área de cerrado nativo, considerada área de referência neste estudo. O uso do índice-S para avaliar a qualidade física do solo, do ponto de vista da sua estrutura de qualidade por meio da curva de retenção de água pode ser uma opção viável, uma vez que não têm algumas das limitações encontradas no uso de outros indicadores de qualidade do solo. Contudo, sua aplicação demanda um número maior de investigações regionalizadas para diferentes sistemas de manejo e plantas cultivadas, tipos de solo, clima, atividade biológica do solo, dentre outros, relacionando seus valores críticos a índices médios de produtividade agrícola, para que se possa utilizá-lo com segurança na determinação da qualidade física efetiva do solo

Plantas de cobertura e atributos físico-hídricos de um latossolo vermelho distrófico em sistema de produção orgânico / Soil cover plants and physical hydrical attributes of a rhodic haplustox in organic production system

Tolentino, Elizabeth Rigo de Sousa 29 June 2006 (has links)
Submitted by JÚLIO HEBER SILVA (julioheber@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-01-02T19:00:37Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Elizabeth Rigo de Sousa Tolentino - 2006.pdf: 2909580 bytes, checksum: 9a36ffc079b25ce43a839acaf936421d (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2018-01-08T10:41:53Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Elizabeth Rigo de Sousa Tolentino - 2006.pdf: 2909580 bytes, checksum: 9a36ffc079b25ce43a839acaf936421d (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-08T10:41:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Elizabeth Rigo de Sousa Tolentino - 2006.pdf: 2909580 bytes, checksum: 9a36ffc079b25ce43a839acaf936421d (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-06-29 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / This work had the objective to evaluate the effect of different soil cover plants on the physical and hydrical attributes of a Rhodic Haplustox in an organic production system, under two tillage systems, no-tillage (SPD) and conventional tillage (SPC). In each soil tillage system, were evaluated the following cover plants: velvet bean (Mucuna aterrima), sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea), pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan), sorghum (Sorghum technicum), and fallow. It were analyzed the soil physical and hydrical attributes and its aggregation status in the soil layers of 0-10, 10-20 , and 20-30 cm deep. The experiments were carried out at the experimental area of Embrapa Rice and Beans, in Santo Antônio de Goiás, GO. The experimental design was a randomized blocks, in 2x5x3 factorial scheme, with four replications. The soil cover plant management was done at flowering. The cover plant straw stayed on the soil in SPD and it was incorporated at soil profile in SPC. The soil water retention, evaluated by retention curves, was affected by soil tillage systems and cover plants. In the superficial layer, 0-10 cm deep, there was higher soil water retention in notillage system. In this system, at 0-30 cm deep, the soil cultivated with leguminous showed higher soil water retention than that cultivated with sorghum or in fallow. The soil aggregation status was influenced by soil tillage system. The percentage of aggregates with diameter higher than 2 mm and the mean weight diameter of aggregates was higher in SPD than in SPC, at 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm soil layers. It was observed a positive correlation between these variables and soil organic matter in SPD. In two tillage systems, soil organic matter content decreased with soil depth. / O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de diferentes plantas de cobertura de solo sobre os atributos físicos e hídricos de um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico em sistema de produção orgânico, sob plantio direto (SPD) e preparo convencional (SPC). Em cada sistema de manejo do solo, foram avaliadas as plantas de cobertura: mucuna preta (Mucuna aterrima), crotalária (Crotalaria juncea), guandu-anão (Cajanus cajan), sorgo vassoura (Sorghum technicum) e um tratamento com vegetação espontânea (pousio). Foram analisados os atributos físicos e hídricos do solo e seu estado de agregação nas camadas de solo de 0-10, 10-20 e 20-30 cm de profundidade. Os experimentos foram conduzidos na área experimental da Embrapa Arroz e Feijão, em Santo Antônio de Goiás, GO. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, no esquema fatorial 2x5x3, com quatro repetições. O manejo das plantas de cobertura de solo foi efetuado por ocasião do florescimento. Os restos culturais foram deixados sobre o solo no SPD, e incorporados ao perfil, no SPC. A retenção de água do solo, avaliada pelas curvas de retenção, foi afetada pelo manejo de solo e plantas de cobertura. Na camada superficial, 0-10 cm de profundidade, houve maior retenção de água, no sistema plantio direto. Nesse sistema, no perfil de 0-30 cm, o solo cultivado com leguminosas reteve mais água que os cultivado com sorgo e em pousio. O estado de agregação foi influenciado pelo sistema de manejo de solo. A porcentagem de agregados com diâmetro maior que 2mm e o diâmetro médio ponderado dos agregados foram maiores, nas camadas 0-10cm e 10-20cm, no SPD em relação ao SPC. Foi observada correlação positiva entre essas variáveis e o conteúdo de matéria orgânica no SPD. Nos dois sistemas de manejo, o conteúdo de matéria orgânica decresceu com a profundidade do solo.

Avaliação da adequabilidade do manejo de um nitossolo por meio do índice s

Miguel, João Fernando Apel 15 August 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T19:23:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Joao Fernando _Apel Miguel.pdf: 2365694 bytes, checksum: 7d9d98b6d57859a97870ad98e9d6d788 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-08-15 / This trial aimed at determining the S index using a drip irrigated viticulture in a nitossol. Twenty soil samples were collected for chemical analyses at the same familiar farm in Salto do Lontra city, southwestern Paraná. Richards chamber methodology was applied to make the water retention curve. Statistical process control was chosen to check which elements were under statistical control. Only three elements of the chemical properties were within control chart limits: phosphorus, calcium and aluminum. The calculated values of S index were below the critical value of S = 0.035, which means good physical condition of the soil. / O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o índice S para um Nitossolo sob viticultura irrigada por gotejamento. Foram coletadas 20 amostras de solo para análises químicas na mesma propriedade agrícola, no município de Salto do Lontra, Sudoeste do Paraná. Foi utilizada a metodologia da câmara de Richards para a confecção da curva de retenção de água no solo. O controle estatístico de processo foi usado para verificar quais elementos químicos estavam sob controle estatístico. Os elementos das propriedades químicas que se apresentaram dentro dos limites dos gráficos de controle foram: fósforo, cálcio e alumínio. Os valores calculados do índice S ficaram abaixo do valor crítico de S = 0,035, o que significa boa condição física do solo.

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