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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utvecklarens förutsättningar för säkerställande av tillgänglig webb

Ahlström, Frida, Karlsson, Janni January 2022 (has links)
Det har sedan 2019 varit lagkrav att offentliga webbplatser i Sverige skall uppfylla viss nivå av digital tillgänglighet. När den här studien publiceras ska ytterligare EU-direktiv bli nationell lag, vilket kommer att innebära att även privata aktörer berörs av motsvarande krav, däribland banktjänster och e-handeln. Detta kommer att innebära ökade krav som leverantörer och deras utvecklare behöver kunna möta.  Målen med studien är att skapa en medvetenhet om digital tillgänglighet och tydliggöra, utifrån utvecklarens perspektiv, hur man arbetar för att uppnå denna grad av tillgänglighet och vad som behövs för att mer effektivt tillämpa digital tillgänglighet.  För att åstadkomma detta har en kvalitativ intervjustudie genomförts. Totalt åtta intervjuer har genomförts, som sedan har transkriberats och tematiserats i resultatavsnittet. En induktiv tematisk analys är genomförd utifrån forskningsfrågorna. Den jämför tidigare resultat mot utfall från undersökningen och visar tydligt på likheter men även skillnader och nya upptäckter. Av undersökningen framgår att utvecklare har tillgång till utvärderingsverktyg och riktlinjer som ger ett gott stöd i arbetet, men att ansvaret ofta ligger på enskilda utvecklare snarare än på verksamheten som helhet. Detta är en av de största utmaningarna, tillsammans med att det fortfarande utvecklas otillgängligt parallellt och att tidspress gör att tillgänglighet kan prioriteras ned. Respondenterna är dock överens om att det inte tar längre tid att utveckla tillgängligt än otillgängligt, förutsatt att det tas i beaktande från början. Framgångsfaktorer i arbetet är att sälja in tillgänglighet till kunden, att arbeta strukturerat med kunskapsdelning och att dokumentera lösningar för att spara tid. Utöver detta framgår att tillgänglighetsfrågan skulle vinna på att ägarskapet lyfts till en högre beslutsnivå och kompetensen breddas i leverantörens organisation, samt att utvecklare får tillgång till specialistkompetens och användartester som stöd i arbetet. En grundkunskap om tillgänglighet skulle kunna inkluderas i webbutvecklingsutbildningar i större utsträckning, och en utökning av lagkraven skulle kunna skapa ytterligare incitament hos kunden. / Since 2019, all public websites in Sweden are legally bound to meet a certain degree of digital accessibility. An additional EU directive is being transposed into national law at the time of publication of this thesis, which will impose corresponding requirements on part of the private sector, such as banking services and e-commerce. This will likely cause increased demand which suppliers of web development and, in turn, their developers must be able to meet.  The aims of this study are to create an increased awareness of digital accessibility as well as to clarify, from the developer’s perspective, how this degree of accessibility is achieved and what could make application of digital accessibility more efficient.  In order to achieve this, eight qualitative interviews were conducted, transcribed and thematized in the results section. An inductive thematic analysis has been carried out related to the research questions. It compares the results of previous studies with the outcomes from this study, and shows clear similarities but also differences and new discoveries.  The study shows that developers have access to evaluation tools and guidelines that provide good support in their work, but that the responsibility often lies with individual developers rather than with the business as a whole. This is one of the main challenges, together with the fact that inaccessible development is still being carried out in parallel, and that time pressure leads to deprioritization of accessibility. However, the respondents agree that it does not take any more time to develop accessible rather than inaccessible websites, provided that this is taken into account from the outset. Success factors for digital accessibility are to sell the idea to the customer, to work in a structured way with knowledge sharing and to document solutions in order to save time. In addition to this, it appears that the implementation of accessibility would benefit from the ownership being raised to a higher decision level and the competence being broadened in the supplier's organization, and that developers gain access to specialist competence and user tests to support their work. A basic knowledge of accessibility could be included in web development training to a greater extent, and an extension of the legal requirements could also create additional incentives for the customer.

Accessibility and web practitioners : A study of factors influencing web development for the public sector

Eklöf, Kajsa, Näsström, Rebecka January 2020 (has links)
For the past few years, Sweden has worked towards digitalisation of the public sector, however without any legislated requirements for accessibility. In order to make public sector body websites and applications accessible to all users a new Swedish law, based on the Web Accessibility Directive, has been implemented. This new law dictates that public sector websites and applications need to comply with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) in September of 2020. This study explores factors influencing web practitioners when developing accessible websites, applications and services for the public sector. This is done through a survey and semi-structured interviews, using both quantitative and qualitative methods. The new law does not provide guidance on methods or evaluations to develop products and services accessible for all users. Instead it has a main focus on compliance with WCAG 2.1. The result show that the close connection between the law and the guidelines removes the focus from the users in evaluations. Instead the focus is on measurable compliance with the law through the use of static checklists or automatic testing tools. As long as the method of using a checklist or automatic tool is presented as equally sufficient as user testing in terms of reaching compliance with the law, clients requesting accessible solutions will not change their priorities or allocate resources towards user testing. The findings are presented in a model representing the factors influencing web development and accessibility evaluation and how these factors are connected and dependent on each other.

Kognitiv tillgänglighet på webben / Cognitive accessibility online

Jensen, Martin, Ross, Mattias January 2019 (has links)
Since the start of 2019 a new law has been introduced in Sweden, it serves to regulate web accessibility conformity for all publicly funded organisations. At the same time, many services and businesses move their physical fronts to the web. With more digitalization comes a greater need for web accessibility and there might be a risk that users with cognitive disabilities are neglected or forgotten when new and advanced tools and technologies are developed. Accessibility often receives low or no priority in the private sector due to the lack of time and resources. Cognitive disabilities do not always show and there is a risk that the difficulties are not taken into account when services or webpages are developed. These disabilities can affect areas such as the ability to learn new things, memory and the ability to plan one's actions. The purpose of this study is to investigate if there is any knowledge and experience among Swedish developers concerning accessibility, cognitive disabilities and the needs those individuals might have. To perform this study the needs had to be identified and connected to the standard that acts as a base for the new Swedish law. For this purpose, theory was gathered through a literature study as a foundation for a qualitative study consisting of a series of interviews with developers from six different organisations in the Swedish private sector. The interview subjects were selected from different organisations so that their views and opinions would not be affected by one and other for the purpose of increasing the studies generalizability. The interviews were held at locations selected by the interviewees by two different interviewers. The result from the literature study showed that there was no direct support for cognitive disabilities in the standard, but there are guidelines that could be applied to some of the needs identified in the study. Furthermore, the results of the interviews showed that the general knowledge and experience concerning accessibility and specifically cognitive accessibility is very low among Swedish developers. This study is aimed towards people working with development but is also suitable for students and teachers who wish to know more about accessibility and cognitive accessibility.

Excellenta perspektiv på webbtillgänglighet : En fallstudie om vad som krävs för att införa tillgänglighet på webben.

Byhlin, Victor January 2020 (has links)
I takt med införandet av webbtillgänglighetsdirektivet har fenomenet webb­tillgänglighet aktualiserats. Begreppet tillgänglighet används inom webbutveckling för att be­skriva i vilken mån en produkt, en service eller en miljö är användbar och navigerbar för per­soner med särskilda behov eller funktionsnedsättningar. Webbtillgänglighet innebär strävanden efter att göra det enklare för sådana personer att uppfatta, navigera, förstå och bidra till webben (Kulkarni 2019). Den här uppsatsen undersöker vad arbetsverksamma inom webbutveckling anser krävs för att införa tillgänglighet på webben. Syftet är att nå en ökad förståelse av vad arbetsverksamma anser krävs för att införa tillgänglighet på webben samt vilka hinder och vil­ken problematik de stöter på i processen. Forskningsfrågan är ”vad tycker webbutvecklare och interaktionsdesigners krävs för att skapa tillgäng­lighet på webben?”. Undersökningen är utformad som en kvalitativ, deskriptiv fallstudie. Datainsamlingen utförs genom semistruktu­rerade intervjuer med konsulter hos IT-bolaget XLENT. Datan har tematiserats med hjälp av kodning och analyserats utifrån det teoretiska ramverket som används, nämligen aktivitetsteori (AT). Problem är bland annat att webtillgänglighet ofta prioriteras lågt hos beställare, svårig­heter att förklara fördelar och vikt av webbtillgänglighet samt begränsade resurser. Slutsatsen är att det som anses krävas är ökad kunskap och medvetenhet om webbtillgänglighet hos be­ställare och arbetsverksamma, fler incitament för att införa tillgänglighet, pragmatisk lagstift­ning, prioritering av tillgänglighet från början av ett projekt, mer samarbete med testpersoner samt fler färdigt inbyggda lösningar i webbläsare. / The web accessibility directive has made web accessibility as a phenomenon a current issue. The concept of accessibility is used in web development to describe to what extent a product, a service or an environment is usable and navigable for people with certain needs or disabilities. Web accessibility involves the goal of making it easier for such persons to perceive, navigate, understand and contribute to the web (Kulkarni 2019). This study examines what practitioners in web development think is required to initiate accessibility on the web. The pur­pose is to reach a greater insight into what practitioners think is required to initiate web acces­sibility and what obstacles and problems they encounter during the process. The research ques­tion is: “what do web developers and interaction designers think is required to initiate web accessibil­ity?”. The study is a qualitative, descriptive case study. The data collection is made through semi-structured interviews with consultants at the IT-company XLENT. The data has been the­matized through coding and has been analyzed based on the theoretical framework, namely activity theory (AT). Problems observed are, among others, that web accessibility often is a low priority among clients, difficulties in explaining advantages and the importance of web acces­sibility and limited resources. The conclusion is that what is considered required is increased knowledge and awareness among clients and practitioners, more incentives to initiating web accessibility, pragmatic legislation, that web accessibility is prioritized from the very beginning of a project, more cooperation with people with disabilities during the process and more ready-made solutions in browsers.

The municipal challenges of the accessibility act : A study of the challenges in compliance with the Swedish act on accessibility to digital public service within Swedish municipalities

Westin, Mia January 2022 (has links)
Digitalization in society is going fast and was accelerated further by the Covid-19 pandemic. By this, many people's everyday tasks were transferred to digital environments. This meant in Sweden that most new internet users in 2020 were people over the age of 75 and people with different types of disabilities. Due to this increase in digitalization and all these new internet users, accessibility online is a subject that has gained higher significance. Since September 2020, all Swedish municipalities' websites must be accessible by law. Municipalities have a great responsibility to make information and necessary services available to the public. The purpose of this study was to investigate how well municipalities succeed with their work with web accessibility as a consequence of the legislation in Sweden and identify where the municipalities meet concrete obstacles in order to comply with the law. The purpose was also to investigate how the work with web accessibility on municipal websites can be simplified, improved, or otherwise enabled for those who work with such issues in the municipalities. To fulfill the purpose, two research question was formed for the study: 1.     In the process of making municipalities’ websites accessible, which are the concrete obstacles that make the work difficult for those who work with such issues in the municipalities?   2.     How can the work with the accessibility of municipal websites be simplified, improved, or otherwise enabled for those who work with such issues in the municipalities? To answer the research questions, two methods were chosen, a web survey and in-depth interviews, which corresponds to a combination of a quantitative and a qualitative method. The web survey was sent out to all municipalities in Sweden with the focus to answer RQ1 and the in-depth interviews were conducted with two accessibility experts with the focus to answer RQ2. Several obstacles were identified relating to lack of resources, lack of competence, lack of understanding of the law and the interpretation of it, attitudes, and old technology. Solutions on how the work can be simplified for those who work with web accessibility were identified relating to attitudes, resources, competence, legislation, and consumer demands. The main conclusions were that even though a municipality comply fully with the law, it does not mean that the website is accessible for all users, hence the law is not comprehensive enough. It also shows that there are several aspects that makes it hard for the municipalities to comply with the law and that most of these aspects also are the areas that needs improvement for the work to be simplified for the municipalities.

Webbtillgänglighet i den svenska apoteksbranschen : En nulägesbild av hur svenska apotek står sig mot Webbtillgänglighetsdirektivet / Web Accessibility in the Swedish pharmacy industry

Pettersson, Linda January 2020 (has links)
I denna rapport presenteras en undersökning av de sex största aktörerna på den svenska apoteksbranschen (sett till marknadsandelar) och hur de förhåller sig till de krav på tillgänglighet som återfinns i Webbtillgänglighetsdirektivet. Kraven är framtagna av organisationen W3C och benämns WCAG - Web Content Accessibility Guidelines och undersökningen genomförs på det sätt som organisationen själva rekommenderar: genom en manuell granskning samt genom ett automatiserat test. Undersökningen visar att det finns ett antal brister hos samtliga aktörer och som slutsats dras att den svenska apoteksbranschen inte kan klassas som tillgänglig på webben i enlighet med Webbtillgänglighetsdirektivet. / This paper presents an analysis of the six largest parties in the swedish pharmacy industries and how they comply with the criterias given in the Web Accessibility Directive (EU 2016/2102). The criterias are formulated by the organisation W3C and go by the name WCAG - Web Content Accessibility Guidelines and the analysis is performed given the recommendations of the organisation: one manuell inspection and one automated test. The analysis shows that all of the parties have a number of issues on their web pages and the conclusion is drawn that the swedish pharmacy industrie does not comply with the Web Accessibility Directive.

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