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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Impact of a Web-Based Virtual Lab on the Development of Students' Conceptual Understanding and Science Process Skills / Die Auswirkungen eines „Web-Based Virtual Lab“ auf die Entwicklung des konzeptionellen Verständnisses und wissenschaftlichen Prozessskills

El-Sabagh, Hassan A. 14 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Over the last few years, the use of the web and simulation technologies in school education has become widespread. The purpose of this study was to compare the impact of a web-based Virtual Lab (WVL) environment with that of traditional educational experience in relation to conceptual understanding and science process skills in natural science for fourth grade primary school students. Using an instructional design model, the author developed a WVL; the design consisted of 3D animations and interactive experimental activities. The research instruments for the study were also developed; two online pre/post tests on conceptual understanding and science process skills were used to collect data. The sample used in the study consisted of 70 students from two primary language schools in Mansoura city, Dakahlyia Governorate, Egypt. The sample was divided into an experimental group and a control group. The author used an experimental design wherein the experimental group was exposed to the WVL, while the control group studied in a traditional setting and performed related activities. The pre-test results indicated that the entry-level for conceptual understanding in science and science process skills of both groups of students were equal, which guaranteed the reliability of the research. The findings of the post-test highlighted the following points: (a) Students in the experimental group had significantly higher mean scores in conceptual understanding especially in two of cognitive levels. (b) The experimental group performed better in science process skills, especially in five of these skills. (c) There was no significant difference in the performance of boys and girls within the experimental group for science process skills. (d) The estimation of the effect sizes (indication of the level of difference between the post-test scores of the experimental and control group) revealed that, the effect size was large for two skills, medium for three skills, and small for only one skill. In conclusions, the WVL provided considerable support for fourth grade students and helped them to improve their conceptual understanding in science and science process skills. These results go beyond previous research results, which did not focus on very young learners. The use of WVL contributed considerably in elevating learning outcomes; the results provided an empirical evidence of the advantages of web-based learning (WBL) for education policy makers. / In den letzten Jahren hat sich die Verwendung der Web-und Simulations-Technologien in der Schulbildung weit verbreitet. Der Zweck dieser Studie ist es, die Auswirkungen einer web-basierten Virtual Lab (WVL) Umgebung mit der traditionellen Lehr-Erfahrung in Bezug auf das konzeptuelle Verständnis und wissenschaftliche Prozessfähigkeiten in den Naturwissenschaften der vierten Klasse der Grundschulstudenten zu vergleichen. Mit einem didaktischen Design-Modell entwickelt der Autor ein WVL, gestaltet 3D Animationen und interaktive experimentelle Aktivitäten. Die Forschungsinstrumente für die Untersuchungen wurden auch entwickelt, zwei Online-Pre/Post-Tests zum konzeptionellen Verständnis und wissenschaftlichen Prozessfähigkeiten wurden verwendet um Daten zu sammeln. Die Uuntersuchungs besteht aus 70 Studenten aus zwei primären Sprachschulen in Mansoura Stadt, Dakahlyia Governorate, Ägypten. Diese wurden in eine experimentelle Gruppe und eine Kontrollgruppe aufgeteilt. Der Autor verwendet ein experimentelles Untersuchungsdesign, wobei bei der experimentellen Gruppe die WVL eingesetzt wurde, während die Kontrollgruppe in einem traditionellen Rahmen studierte. Die Pre-Test Ergebnisse zeigten, dass des Anfangsstadium des konzeptuelles Verständnisses von Wissenschaft und wissenschaftlichen Prozessfähigkeiten beider Gruppen von Studenten gleich sind. Die Ergebnisse nach dem WVL-Einsatz haben folgende Punkte hervorgehoben: (A) Studierende in der experimentellen Gruppe haben signifikant höhere Mittelwerte im konzeptionellen Verständnis vor allem in zwei der kognitiven Ebenen erreicht. (B) Die experimentelle Gruppe hat in den wissenschaftlichen Prozessfähigkeiten besser abgeschnitten, vor allem in fünf von diesen Fähigkeiten. (C) Es gab keinen signifikanten Unterschiede in den wissenschaftlichen Prozessfähigkeiten von Männern und Frauen innerhalb der experimentellen Gruppe. (D) Die Abschätzung der Wirkung des WVL-Einsatzes durch die Höhe der Differenz zwischen dem Pre- und Post-Test-Noten hat ergeben, dass die Wirkung für drei der Fähigkeiten mittelmäßig ist, für zwei Fähigkeiten sehr groß und nur für eine Fähigkeit klein ist. Die Schlussfolgerung ist, dass die WVL beträchtliche Unterstützung gewährt und hilft den Studenten der Klasse vier, ihr Verständnis für die Begriffe der Wissenschaft und der Prozessfähigkeiten zu entwickeln. Dieses Ergebnis geht weit über die bekannten Veröffentlichungen auf diesem Gebiet hinaus. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie vertiefen das Verständnis über Lernergebnisse des Virtual Lab und sind eine Evidenz für die Vorteile von Web-Basiertem Lernens (WBL) mit Relevanz für politische Entscheidungsträger, auf diesen Ausbildungsgebiet.

A Framework for Evaluating an Introductory Statistics Programme at the University of the Western Cape.

Makapela, Nomawabo. January 2009 (has links)
<p>There have been calls both from the government and private sector for Higher Education institutions to introduce programmes that produce employable graduates whilst at the same time contributing to the growing economy of the country by addressing the skills shortage. Transformation and intervention committees have since been introduced to follow the extent to which the challenges are being addressed (DOE, 1996 / 1997 / Luescher and Symes, 2003 / Forbes, 2007). Amongst the list of issues that needed urgent address were the skills shortage and underperformance of students particularly university entering students (Daniels, 2007 / De Klerk, 2006 / Cooper, 2001). Research particularly in the South African context, has revealed that contributing to the underperformance of university entering students and shortage of skills are: the legacy of apartheid (forcing certain racial groups to focus on selected areas such as teaching and nursing), the schooling system (resulting in university entering students to struggle), the home language and academic language. Barrell (1998), places stress on language as a contributing factor towards the performance of students. Although not much research has been done on skills shortage, most of the areas with skills shortage require Mathematics, either on a minimum or comprehensive scale. Students who have a strong Mathematics background have proved to perform better compared to students who have a limited or no Mathematics background at all in Grade 12 (Hahn, 1988 / Conners, McCown &amp / Roskos-Ewoldsen, 1998 / Nolan, 2002).The department of Statistics offers an Introductory Statistics (IS) course at first year level. Resources available to enhance student learning include: a problem-solving component with web-based tutorials and students attending lectures three hours per week. The course material and all the necessary information regarding the course including teach yourself problems, useful web-sites and links students can make use of, are all stored under the Knowledge- Environment for Web-based learning (KEWL). Despite all the available information, the students were not performing well and they were not interested in the course. The department regards statistical numeracy as a life skill. The desire of the department is to break down the fear of Statistics and to bring about a perspective change in students&rsquo / mindsets. The study was part of a contribution to ensuring that the department has the best first year students in Statistics in the Western Cape achieving a success rate comparable to the national norm.</p>

Usability evaluation of a web-based e-learning application: a study of two evaluation methods

Ssemugabi, Samuel 30 November 2006 (has links)
Despite widespread use of web-based e-learning applications, insufficient attention is paid to their usability. There is a need to conduct evaluation using one or more of the various usability evaluation methods. Given that heuristic evaluation is known to be easy to use and cost effective, this study investigates the extent to which it can identify usability problems in a web-based e-learning application at a tertiary institution. In a comparative case study, heuristic evaluation by experts and survey evaluation among end users (learners) are conducted and the results of the two compared. Following literature studies in e-learning - particularly web-based learning - and usability, the researcher generates an extensive set of criteria/heuristics and uses it in the two evaluations. The object of evaluation is a website for a 3rd year Information Systems course. The findings indicate a high correspondence between the results of the two evaluations, demonstrating that heuristic evaluation is an appropriate, effective and sufficient usability evaluation method, as well as relatively easy to conduct. It identified a high percentage of usability problems. / Computing / M.Sc. (Information Systems)

Onnistuneen yhteisöllisen verkko-oppimisen edellytykset:näkökulmina yliopisto-opiskelijoiden kokemukset ja verkkovuorovaikutus

Vuopala, E. (Essi) 22 October 2013 (has links)
Abstract This study focuses on requirements of computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL). The aim is to investigate the factors university students experience to promote or hinder collaborative learning. In addition the aim is to examine interactional features in successful collaborative learning situations and the effect of pedagogical scripts into the interaction. The theoretical approach is sosiocognitive, and the interactional processes are seen as a key mechanism fostering learning and knowledge construction. This thesis consisted of two empirical case studies, which were implemented in the context of international web courses. The first data consist of questionnaires, interviews, learning diaries and on-line discussions. The second data includes questionnaires and on-line discussions. The analysis combines qualitative and quantitative methods in order to create a comprehensive understanding of students’ experiences and interactional features in collaborative learning situations. There is plenty of research concerning CSCL, but the focus is seldom on students’ experiences. Also interactional processes in collaborative learning situations have been studied, but studies are often short-term studies conducted in laboratory settings. Recent research of CSCL has been concentrating on the effects of pedagogical scripts, but the results have been contradictory. This study supplements earlier studies by analysing the requirements for successful collaborative learning from the perspective of students’ experiences and interactional features during authentic and long-term web courses. The results indicated that students experienced fluent interaction, group-oriented learning task, studying skills and motivation as main factors promoting collaborative learning. Communication in foreign language and passive group members were experienced most significant hindering factors. Interaction in successful collaborative learning was most often group-related instead of task-related. Groups used a lot of effort in organizing their collaboration. Task-related discussion was commentative and questioning. However, theorybased knowledge was seldom presented. This study also indicated that learning tasks had more effect to different forms of ineraction than pedagogical scripts. The findings supports planning and implementation of collaborative learning. / Tiivistelmä Väitöstutkimus tarkastelee tietokoneavusteisen yhteisöllisen oppimisen edellytyksiä. Tavoitteena on selvittää, mitkä tekijät yliopisto-opiskelijat kokevat yhteisöllistä oppimista edistäviksi ja vaikeuttaviksi. Lisäksi tavoitteena on selvittää vuorovaikutuksen muotoja onnistuneissa yhteisöllisen oppimisen tilanteissa sekä pedagogisten skriptien vaikutusta vuorovaikutukseen. Teoreettisesti tutkimus pohjautuu sosiokognitiiviseen näkemykseen oppimisesta, jolloin korostetaan vuorovaikutuksen merkitystä tiedon rakentamiseen. Tutkimus koostuu kahdesta tapaustutkimuksesta, jotka on toteutettu kansainvälisten verkkokurssien konteksteissa. Ensimmäisen tapaustutkimuksen aineisto koostuu kyselylomakkeista, haastatteluista, päiväkirjoista ja verkko-oppimisympäristön keskusteluviesteistä. Toisen tapaustutkimuksen aineisto sisältää kyselylomake- ja verkkokeskusteluaineiston. Aineiston analyysissa on yhdistetty sekä laadullisia että määrällisiä menetelmiä. Vaikka tietokoneavusteista yhteisöllistä oppimista on tutkittu paljon, analyysin kohteena ovat harvemmin olleet oppijoiden kokemukset. Myös yhteisöllisiä vuorovaikutusprosesseja on tutkittu aiemmin, mutta tutkimukset on toteutettu usein lyhytkestoisina laboratoriotutkimuksina. Viimeaikaisissa tutkimuksissa on analysoitu pedagogisten skriptien vaikutusta vuorovaikutukseen, mutta tulokset skriptien hyödyistä ovat osin ristiriitaisia. Tämä tutkimus täydentää aikaisempia tutkimuksia analysoimalla yhteisöllisen oppimisen edellytyksiä autenttisten ja pidempikestoisten verkkokurssien aikana. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat yhteisöllistä oppimista edistäviksi tekijöiksi sujuvan vuorovaikutuksen, yhteistä ponnistelua vaativan oppimistehtävän, opiskelutaidot ja motivaation. Vaikeuttavia tekijöitä puolestaan ovat viestinnän haasteet vieraalla kielellä opiskeltaessa sekä passiiviset ryhmän jäsenet. Vuorovaikutus onnistuneissa yhteisöllisen oppimisen tilanteissa oli useammin ryhmään kuin sisältöön keskittyvää. Ryhmät käyttivät paljon aikaa yhteisen työskentelyn organisointiin. Sisältöön liittyvä keskustelu oli kommentoivaa ja kysymyksiä esittävää. Teoriaperustaisen tiedon esiin tuomien oli kuitenkin harvinaista. Tulokset osoittavat myös oppimistehtävän voivan vaikuttaa pedagogisia skriptejä enemmän vuorovaikutukseen. Tämän tutkimuksen tulokset tukevat käytännössä yhteisöllisten oppimistilanteiden suunnittelua ja toteutusta.

A framework for evaluating an introductory statistics programme at the University of the Western Cape

Makapela, Nomawabo January 2009 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / There have been calls both from the government and private sector for Higher Education institutions to introduce programmes that produce employable graduates whilst at the same time contributing to the growing economy of the country by addressing the skills shortage. Transformation and intervention committees have since been introduced to follow the extent to which the challenges are being addressed (DOE, 1996; 1997; Luescher and Symes, 2003; Forbes, 2007). Amongst the list of issues that needed urgent address were the skills shortage and underperformance of students particularly university entering students (Daniels, 2007; De Klerk, 2006; Cooper, 2001). Research particularly in the South African context, has revealed that contributing to the underperformance of university entering students and shortage of skills are: the legacy of apartheid (forcing certain racial groups to focus on selected areas such as teaching and nursing), the schooling system (resulting in university entering students to struggle), the home language and academic language. Barrell (1998), places stress on language as a contributing factor towards the performance of students. Although not much research has been done on skills shortage, most of the areas with skills shortage require Mathematics, either on a minimum or comprehensive scale. Students who have a strong Mathematics background have proved to perform better compared to students who have a limited or no Mathematics background at all in Grade 12 (Hahn, 1988; Conners, McCown & Roskos-Ewoldsen, 1998; Nolan, 2002).The department of Statistics offers an Introductory Statistics (IS) course at first year level. Resources available to enhance student learning include: a problem-solving component with web-based tutorials and students attending lectures three hours per week. The course material and all the necessary information regarding the course including teach yourself problems, useful web-sites and links students can make use of, are all stored under the Knowledge- Environment for Web-based learning (KEWL). Despite all the available information, the students were not performing well and they were not interested in the course. The department regards statistical numeracy as a life skill. The desire of the department is to break down the fear of Statistics and to bring about a perspective change in students' mindsets. The study was part of a contribution to ensuring that the department has the best first year students in Statistics in the Western Cape achieving a success rate comparable to the national norm. / South Africa

The Impact of a Web-Based Virtual Lab on the Development of Students' Conceptual Understanding and Science Process Skills

El-Sabagh, Hassan A. 28 January 2011 (has links)
Over the last few years, the use of the web and simulation technologies in school education has become widespread. The purpose of this study was to compare the impact of a web-based Virtual Lab (WVL) environment with that of traditional educational experience in relation to conceptual understanding and science process skills in natural science for fourth grade primary school students. Using an instructional design model, the author developed a WVL; the design consisted of 3D animations and interactive experimental activities. The research instruments for the study were also developed; two online pre/post tests on conceptual understanding and science process skills were used to collect data. The sample used in the study consisted of 70 students from two primary language schools in Mansoura city, Dakahlyia Governorate, Egypt. The sample was divided into an experimental group and a control group. The author used an experimental design wherein the experimental group was exposed to the WVL, while the control group studied in a traditional setting and performed related activities. The pre-test results indicated that the entry-level for conceptual understanding in science and science process skills of both groups of students were equal, which guaranteed the reliability of the research. The findings of the post-test highlighted the following points: (a) Students in the experimental group had significantly higher mean scores in conceptual understanding especially in two of cognitive levels. (b) The experimental group performed better in science process skills, especially in five of these skills. (c) There was no significant difference in the performance of boys and girls within the experimental group for science process skills. (d) The estimation of the effect sizes (indication of the level of difference between the post-test scores of the experimental and control group) revealed that, the effect size was large for two skills, medium for three skills, and small for only one skill. In conclusions, the WVL provided considerable support for fourth grade students and helped them to improve their conceptual understanding in science and science process skills. These results go beyond previous research results, which did not focus on very young learners. The use of WVL contributed considerably in elevating learning outcomes; the results provided an empirical evidence of the advantages of web-based learning (WBL) for education policy makers. / In den letzten Jahren hat sich die Verwendung der Web-und Simulations-Technologien in der Schulbildung weit verbreitet. Der Zweck dieser Studie ist es, die Auswirkungen einer web-basierten Virtual Lab (WVL) Umgebung mit der traditionellen Lehr-Erfahrung in Bezug auf das konzeptuelle Verständnis und wissenschaftliche Prozessfähigkeiten in den Naturwissenschaften der vierten Klasse der Grundschulstudenten zu vergleichen. Mit einem didaktischen Design-Modell entwickelt der Autor ein WVL, gestaltet 3D Animationen und interaktive experimentelle Aktivitäten. Die Forschungsinstrumente für die Untersuchungen wurden auch entwickelt, zwei Online-Pre/Post-Tests zum konzeptionellen Verständnis und wissenschaftlichen Prozessfähigkeiten wurden verwendet um Daten zu sammeln. Die Uuntersuchungs besteht aus 70 Studenten aus zwei primären Sprachschulen in Mansoura Stadt, Dakahlyia Governorate, Ägypten. Diese wurden in eine experimentelle Gruppe und eine Kontrollgruppe aufgeteilt. Der Autor verwendet ein experimentelles Untersuchungsdesign, wobei bei der experimentellen Gruppe die WVL eingesetzt wurde, während die Kontrollgruppe in einem traditionellen Rahmen studierte. Die Pre-Test Ergebnisse zeigten, dass des Anfangsstadium des konzeptuelles Verständnisses von Wissenschaft und wissenschaftlichen Prozessfähigkeiten beider Gruppen von Studenten gleich sind. Die Ergebnisse nach dem WVL-Einsatz haben folgende Punkte hervorgehoben: (A) Studierende in der experimentellen Gruppe haben signifikant höhere Mittelwerte im konzeptionellen Verständnis vor allem in zwei der kognitiven Ebenen erreicht. (B) Die experimentelle Gruppe hat in den wissenschaftlichen Prozessfähigkeiten besser abgeschnitten, vor allem in fünf von diesen Fähigkeiten. (C) Es gab keinen signifikanten Unterschiede in den wissenschaftlichen Prozessfähigkeiten von Männern und Frauen innerhalb der experimentellen Gruppe. (D) Die Abschätzung der Wirkung des WVL-Einsatzes durch die Höhe der Differenz zwischen dem Pre- und Post-Test-Noten hat ergeben, dass die Wirkung für drei der Fähigkeiten mittelmäßig ist, für zwei Fähigkeiten sehr groß und nur für eine Fähigkeit klein ist. Die Schlussfolgerung ist, dass die WVL beträchtliche Unterstützung gewährt und hilft den Studenten der Klasse vier, ihr Verständnis für die Begriffe der Wissenschaft und der Prozessfähigkeiten zu entwickeln. Dieses Ergebnis geht weit über die bekannten Veröffentlichungen auf diesem Gebiet hinaus. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie vertiefen das Verständnis über Lernergebnisse des Virtual Lab und sind eine Evidenz für die Vorteile von Web-Basiertem Lernens (WBL) mit Relevanz für politische Entscheidungsträger, auf diesen Ausbildungsgebiet.

Social Impact Assessment of Open Knowledge Platforms Based on User Community Features

Skulimowski, Andrzej M.J. 11 March 2022 (has links)
This paper is concerned with general issues related to social impact modelling and assessment of AI-enabled web-based learning platforms (AILPs) fnanced through public funds. The approach described here sheds new light on the assessment of open-access knowledge repositories, overcoming the difculties associated with the estimation of their fnancial characteristics that limit the usefulness of the well-known social return on investment (SROI) method (Pathak, & Dattani, 2014). Another group of methods, namely those based on innovation difusion models (Li et al., 2020), turned out to be inadequate as they do not fully grasp the network-dependent characteristics of online information difusion and immediate social recommendation propagation n the Internet. A promising research case is the successful implementation of the e-science platform within the recent Horizon 2020 project MOVING. Among the contractual goals of this platform is to leverage knowledge provision for efcient training and research in academia, corporations, and public administration. Thus, social impact goals can be achieved with efcient user community building, which assumes the wide use of existing cooperation networks between potential users, and explores the opportunities provided by social media. [Aus: Problem statement]

Towards electronic assessment of web-based textual responses

Conradie, Martha Maria 30 June 2003 (has links)
Web-based learning should move away from static transmission of instruction to dynamic pages for effective interactive learning. Furthermore, automated assessment of learning should move beyond rigid quizzes or multiple-choice questions. This study describes the design, development, implementation, testing and evaluation of two prototypes of an electronic assessment tool to enhance the effectiveness of automated assessment. The tool was developed in the context of a distance-learning organisation and was built according to a development research model entailing a cyclic design-intervention-outcomes process. The first variant, E-Grader, was developed to test an algorithm for assigning marks to open-ended textual responses. The second variant, Web-Grader, was an interactive web-based extension of E-Grader. It provided immediate interactive support to students as they responded textually to content-based questions. This multi-disciplinary study incorporates principles and techniques from software engineering, formal computer science, database development and instructional design in the quest towards electronic assessment of web-based textual inputs. / Computing / M.Sc. (Information Systems)

Information Retrieval in der Lehre / Teaching Information Retrieval - Supporting the Acquisition of Practical Knowledge About Information Retrieval Components Using Real-World Experiments and Game Mechanics

Wilhelm-Stein, Thomas 26 May 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Das Thema Information Retrieval hat insbesondere in Form von Internetsuchmaschinen eine große Bedeutung erlangt. Retrievalsysteme werden für eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Rechercheszenarien eingesetzt, unter anderem für firmeninterne Supportdatenbanken, aber auch für die Organisation persönlicher E-Mails. Eine aktuelle Herausforderung besteht in der Bestimmung und Vorhersage der Leistungsfähigkeit einzelner Komponenten dieser Retrievalsysteme, insbesondere der komplexen Wechselwirkungen zwischen ihnen. Für die Implementierung und Konfiguration der Retrievalsysteme und der Retrievalkomponenten werden Fachleute benötigt. Mithilfe der webbasierten Lernanwendung Xtrieval Web Lab können Studierende praktisches Wissen über den Information Retrieval Prozess erwerben, indem sie Retrievalkomponenten zu einem Retrievalsystem zusammenstellen und evaluieren, ohne dafür eine Programmiersprache einsetzen zu müssen. Spielemechaniken leiten die Studierenden bei ihrem Entdeckungsprozess an, motivieren sie und verhindern eine Informationsüberladung durch eine Aufteilung der Lerninhalte. / Information retrieval has achieved great significance in form of search engines for the Internet. Retrieval systems are used in a variety of research scenarios, including corporate support databases, but also for the organization of personal emails. A current challenge is to determine and predict the performance of individual components of these retrieval systems, in particular the complex interactions between them. For the implementation and configuration of retrieval systems and retrieval components professionals are needed. By using the web-based learning application Xtrieval Web Lab students can gain practical knowledge about the information retrieval process by arranging retrieval components in a retrieval system and their evaluation without using a programming language. Game mechanics guide the students in their discovery process, motivate them and prevent information overload by a partition of the learning content.

網路學習社群經營機制對於提昇教師 教學關注之研究 -以桃園縣e化學習平台閱讀策略課程為例 / Web-based learning with the support of community mechanisms for promoting teachers’ instruction concern – a case study on reading strategy course of e-learning platform of taoyuan county

徐瑞敏, Hsu, Juei Min Unknown Date (has links)
在社會變遷的衝擊下,提升教師專業具有迫切性與必要性;目前教師的在職訓練、專業發展方式及實施途徑面臨許多限制,而網路學習具有通訊成本低及不受時空限制的特性,開啓了教師進修的新契機。 本研究以參與桃園縣e化學習平台【閱讀策略教學課程】之中小學教師為研究對象,以建立能促進教師社群成員參與互動討論意願,以及提昇教師教學關注程度之網路社群經營機制為目標,最終達成塑造以網路學習社群提升參與網路課程教師學習成效之教師專業發展模式,樹立成功實施的準則。 為達成上述之研究目的,本研究先以文獻分析法,針對研究相關資料進行蒐集與整理,作為研究發展與問卷設計之基礎,並規畫實際教學實驗,進行實徵觀察與研究。為增進成員間的互動與討論,本研究將課程畫分三階段實施包括推薦機制、激勵機制及專家引導網路社群經營機制,並同時輔以三次「閱讀策略教學關注階層問卷」進行調查,以呈現教師網路社群成員對於閱讀策略教學關注階段差異;並進一步探究不同背景變項之教師教學關注提昇之差異性,以及社群成員間互動對話內容之關注階層變化情形。課程結束後,實施「網路學習滿意度」問卷,探究三種經營機制之得分情形與教師閱讀策略教學關注階段之間是否具有相關性。最後,課程結束後約半年,以e-mail方式寄發「閱讀教學調查問卷」,追蹤社群成員實施閱讀策略教學之現況、所面對的困難,以追蹤瞭解參與網路課程對於其教學工作之助益。 茲將本研究所蒐集資料之量化與質化分析結果,歸納以下結論: 一、實施本研究所提出三階段社群經營機制之網路課程,可有效提昇教師閱讀策略教學關注。 二、不同背景變項之社群成員,對閱讀策略教學關注程度的差異不大。 三、網路社群經營機制與教師閱讀策略教學關注程度提昇具有顯著相關性。 四、社群成員因本研究所提出之三階段社群經營機制,有效促使雙向性對話熱絡,使得互動討論內容之關注階層提昇及部分關注階層呈現顯著向上提升變化。 五、社群成員對於網路經營機制普遍感到滿意,顯示本研究所提出之三階段學習社群經營機制確實對於教師專業成長具有助益。 六、基於學習社群經營之網路課程確實能提昇教師教學專業知能,並促使教師關注教學專業的實踐與對於學生的學習成效助益。 最後,研究者再根據研究發現,針對網路社群經營機制、開課團隊與教育單位提出具體建議,並針對未來可以繼續研究方向提出具體建議。 / Under the impact of social changes, it is urgent and necessary to enhance the capabilities of teaching professional to cope with this constantly changing environment. To date, the approaches of in-service training and professional development for teachers and their implementations face with many restrictions. While web-based learning has the features of low communication costs and without the constraints of time and space, it offers teacher a new opportunity to pursue further educations.   The subjects of this study are recruited from primary and secondary school teachers who participated in the program of "Reading Strategy Instruction Course" provided by Taoyuan County e-learning Platform. The objective is to establish operational mechanisms of online community that encourage the willingness of the members of teacher's community to participate in interactive discussions, and promote the level of teacher's instruction concern. Ultimately, the purpose of this study is to build up a teaching professional development model that utilizes the functions of web-based learning community to enhance the performances of the teachers who participated in the web-based learning, and set up the principles for future successful implementation.   To achieve the research purposes, this study first conducted literature analysis to collect and collate relevant information as a basis for researching and developing the design of questionnaires. The experimental teaching courses were designed for empirical observations and researches. In order to promote interactions and discussions among members, the courses were divided and carried out in three phases, including recommendation mechanism, incentive mechanism, and expert guidance mechanism of online community. And at the end of each phase, a "Questionnaire for the Level of Teachers’ Reading Strategy Instruction Concern" was administered to investigate and to present the different levels of the web community teachers' concern towards reading strategy instruction at different phases. Furthermore, two issues were explored in the study, namely, how the different background variables affect the teacher's instruction concern levels, and the changes in concern level of the contents by interactive dialogue among community members. At the end of the Course, the questionnaire of "Web Learning Satisfaction" was implemented, in order to examine the attained scores of the three operational mechanisms and the correlations between the scores and the teacher's levels of instruction concern of Reading Strategy. Finally, about six months after the end of course, the questionnaire of "Reading Instruction Survey" was sent by e-mail to the community members to track the implementation status of Reading Strategy Instruction, the difficulties, and to track and understand the benefits to teaching from participating in online courses.   The conclusions of quantitative and qualitative analyses of the information collected in this study are summarized in the following points: First, in this study, the proposed three-phase implementation of the operating mechanisms of the web community programs can boost effectively the teachers' instruction concern of reading strategy. Second, the differences of instruction concern towards reading strategy among the community members from different background are not significant. Third, the web community operational mechanisms are significantly correlated with promoting the levels of teachers' instruction concern. Fourth, community members benefit from the three-phase community operational mechanisms proposed by this study, in terms of effectively and warmly promoting two-way dialogue, improving the concern level towards the content of interactive discussions, and some parts of concern level presenting significant upward changes. Fifth, community members were generally satisfied with the web operational mechanisms proposed in this study, showing the three-phase operational mechanisms of learning community are useful to the professional development of teachers. Sixth, the web programs based on the operations of learning community can really enhance the teachers' professional knowledge and ability of teaching, promote the teachers' concern of professional practice, and benefit students' effective learning. Finally, according to the findings of the research, the specific operational mechanisms of web community, course delivery team, and educational unit are recommended, and the directions for future study are proposed.

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