Spelling suggestions: "subject:"wholesaler"" "subject:"wholesalers""
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A Study and Case Analysis of Selected Current Problems of Electronic Parts WholesalersThornton, Nelson LeRoy 01 1900 (has links)
The purposes of this study will be to determine and pinpoint the problems of greatest current significance in electronic parts wholesaling; to describe and analyze the problems selected, utilizing case illustrations where needed to more effectively present the problem or possible solutions to the problem; and to indicate possible means of solving each problem.
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Systemlösning för starkare integration med leverantörer i värdeflödeskedjan hos Fagerberg AB : Tillämpning av VMI för optimering av informationsflöde och reducering av leveransförseningar / System solution for stronger integration with suppliers in the Supply Chain at Fagerberg AB : Application of VMI for optimization of the information flow and reducing late deliveriesNikolaeva, Simona, Sundic, Kristina January 2017 (has links)
In this case study a partnership between a first-tier supplier and a focal company in a Supply Chain has been examined. The focal company has a function as a wholesaler in the mechanical industry. An issue with communication and obstructions in the information flow between the two partners had caused problems in the material flow, which encompasses late deliveries and problems with the distribution between both partners has been treated in this case. These observations have resulted in recommendations for how employees in the focal company can work proactively with these issues linked to the first-tier supplier. The suggestions include application of Vendor managed inventory VMI between the customer and supplier company, including introduction of Lean methods in the focal company's operational activities. This to implement standardized routines for cleaning with 5S and Kaizen, with the purpose to handle the problems with late deliveries and reduce the risks of intermediate storage outcome in the inventory. At last another proposal for supplementation of the supplier base is formed, regarding the specific product group of strategic items where an acquisition risk prevails. / I denna fallstudie har ett partnerskapsförhållande mellan en primärleverantör och en fokalfirma – med funktion som grossist inom maskinindustrin utvärderats. Problematik med kommunikation och bristande informationsflöde som förorsakat ett bristande materialflöde i form av sena leveranser i distributionen mellan parterna har behandlats. Dessa observationer har i senare led resulterat i rekommendationer och tillvägagångssätt för hur ansvariga i fokalfirman kan arbeta proaktivt kring detta och återkoppla till primärleverantören. Därefter har en rad förslag till förbättringsåtgärder framställts.Förslagen innefattar införande av VMI-styrning mellan kund- och leverantörsföretaget för att åstadkomma en starkare integration i informationsflödet mellan parterna. Detta i kombination med införande av Lean metoder i fokalfirmans operativa aktiviteter på lagret, för att introducera standardiserade rutiner kring städning med 5S och Kaizen-moral. På så sätt ska sena inleveranser på lagret effektivare kunna behandlas och risken för uppkomst av mellanlager på verkstadsgolv reduceras. Slutligen har ett ytterligare förslag tagits fram som en alternativ lösning och det är att uttöka leverantörsbasen. Genom uttökningen underbyggs anskaffningsrisken gällande en specifik produktgrupp med strategiska artiklar ur företagets produktsortiment.
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A padronização e classificação de fruta como ferramenta de gestão : um estudo na comercialização de pêssego e nectarina.Dornfeld, Hugo Carlos 14 February 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-02-14 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / The objective of this dissertation is to evaluate the use of standardization
and classification rules, suggested by the CEAGESP, by peach and nectarine producers
and wholesalers and identify the effects of this procedure in the supplying and
commercialization of the mentioned fruits. The methodology used was the qualitative
study and the study case, where the procedure adopted for the information survey was
the interviews with producers from two cities of the São Paulo state and with the
wholesalers of the Entreposto Terminal de São Paulo (ETSP). Differences were found
among the producers from Guapiara and Paranapanema, which the first region is formed
of simpler producers without access of information or any kind of technology. Most
producers of the second region are optimist about the use of standardization and
classification rules and emphasizes that its use is the reason of the peach and nectarine
commercialization success, by this, they invest in the improvement of fruit quality by
updating, when possible, the technologies used in the production and post-harvest
processes. This way, the use of standardization and classification rules helps and
provides more benefits than disadvantages to those producers that adopt it. In relation to
the wholesalers, it was identified the preference and valorization of classified peach and
nectarine, although these agents says that the market does not yet recognize the proper
benefits of the use of standardization and classification rules. The conclusion of this
dissertation is that use of standardization and classification rules suggested by the
CEAGESP works as a tool to help the management of peach and nectarine
commercialization process / O objetivo do trabalho consiste em avaliar a utilização da norma de
classificação proposta pela CEAGESP, pelos produtores e atacadistas de pêssego e
nectarina e identificar os efeitos deste procedimento no abastecimento e
comercialização destas frutas. A metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa qualitativa e o
estudo de caso, sendo o procedimento adotado para o levantamento das informações as
entrevistas com os produtores rurais de dois municípios do Estado de São Paulo e os
atacadistas do Entreposto Terminal de São Paulo (ETSP). Verificaram-se diferenças
entre os produtores de Guapiara e Paranapanema, sendo que a primeira região é formada
por produtores mais simples, sem acesso às informações e a qualquer tipo de tecnologia.
Enquanto que a maioria dos produtores da segunda região é mais otimista quanto ao uso
da classificação e ressaltam que ela é o motivo do sucesso da comercialização do
pêssego e da nectarina, sendo assim, investem na melhoria da qualidade das frutas,
atualizando sempre que possível as tecnologias utilizadas na produção e na pós-colheita.
Dessa forma, a classificação auxilia e gera mais benefícios do que desvantagens àqueles
produtores que a utilizam. Em relação aos atacadistas, identificou-se a preferência e
valorização do pêssego e nectarina classificadas, devido ao fato destas serem mais
rentáveis, porém, estes agentes relatam que o mercado ainda não reconhece
devidamente os benefícios da classificação. Conclui-se que a utilização da norma
proposta pela CEAGESP funciona como uma ferramenta auxiliar na gestão do processo
de comercialização do pêssego e da nectarina
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Den lilla grossistens ändrade omvärldsförutsättningar : En fallstudie på en liten grossist inom VVS-handelnUrdzanov, Kiril, Essén, Christian January 2008 (has links)
<p>Uppsatsen behandlar mindre grossisters situation på marknaden i Sverige. Mindre grosssisters nyckelposition i den traditionella värdekedjan suddas ut alltmer. Grossisterna måste finna nya vägar för att behålla de befintliga kunderna. Därför måste de skapa mervärde, vilket i sin tur skapas genom att utveckla olika former av samarbete med sina kunder.</p> / <p>This essay is about the smaller wholesalers situation on the Swedish market. The small wholesalers key positioning in the generic value chain is dissapearing. Therefore they have to find new ways to retention their existing customers. They have to create a value added in order of connect tier to their customers. A wholesaler will be able to create value added through developing different forms of cooperation with its customers.</p>
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Problematika distribuční sítě farmaceutického průmyslu / Distribution network of the pharmaceutical industryNovotná, Ivana January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the descriptive analysis of entire process of the pharmaceutical industry's distribution and the verification of its effective functioning in the Czech Republic. The first part is focused on the definition of key terms and presents the theoretical basis for this thesis (specifics of pharma industry, history of pharmaceutics and pharma industry, actual situation and predictions of pharma industry). The second part is concerned the individual subjects of the distribution - pharmaceutical company, wholesaler and pharmacy.
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Den lilla grossistens ändrade omvärldsförutsättningar : En fallstudie på en liten grossist inom VVS-handelnUrdzanov, Kiril, Essén, Christian January 2008 (has links)
Uppsatsen behandlar mindre grossisters situation på marknaden i Sverige. Mindre grosssisters nyckelposition i den traditionella värdekedjan suddas ut alltmer. Grossisterna måste finna nya vägar för att behålla de befintliga kunderna. Därför måste de skapa mervärde, vilket i sin tur skapas genom att utveckla olika former av samarbete med sina kunder. / This essay is about the smaller wholesalers situation on the Swedish market. The small wholesalers key positioning in the generic value chain is dissapearing. Therefore they have to find new ways to retention their existing customers. They have to create a value added in order of connect tier to their customers. A wholesaler will be able to create value added through developing different forms of cooperation with its customers.
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