Spelling suggestions: "subject:"iki"" "subject:"wiki""
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Community-Management in Unternehmen mit Wiki- und WeblogtechnologienJohn, Michael, Schmidt, Stephan, Decker, Björn January 2005 (has links)
Eine wachsende Zahl von Unternehmen aus den produzierenden und Zuliefererindustrien integriert bereits externes Know how oder Zuarbeiten in ihre Produkte. Diese verteilten und häufig asynchronen Geschäftsprozesse in und außerhalb der Unternehmen fordern eine stärkere Integration und Koordination der internen und betriebsübergreifenden Kommunikations- und Kollaborationsprozesse. Häufig steht die organisationale Struktur eines Unternehmens mit ihrer Unterteilung in einzelne Geschäftsbereiche jedoch orthogonal zu der effizienten Vermittlung dieses Wissens. Dabei wird das erfolgskritische Wissen für Unternehmen gerade an den Schnittstellen von Geschäftsbereichen oder einzelnen Phasen des Produktlebenszyklus entwickelt. Als Beispiel mag hier der hohe Bedarf an Kommunikation zwischen Entwicklungsabteilung und Servicebereichen dienen. Hier entsteht in der Abstimmung von Prozessen oder dem Erfahrungsaustausch oftmals hochgradig zeit- bzw. kontextsensitives Wissen, das unmittelbar an einzelne Mitarbeiter oder Gruppen im Unternehmen gebunden ist. Die Kommunikation dieses Wissens erfolgt oft in informellen face-to-face Meetings oder am Telefon. Die Dokumentation entsteht per Mail parallel zu einem formalisierten und dokumentengetriebenen Geschäftsprozess.
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Building a Wiki resource on digital 3D reconstruction related knowledge assetsMünster, Sandra, Niebling, Florian 15 May 2019 (has links)
Purpose – While single theoretical approaches related to visual humanities research and in particular digital 3D reconstruction – as the virtual, interpretative 3D modeling and visualization of historical objects – are widely described in compendia like Wikipedia, and various publications discuss approaches from certain disciplinary perspectives, a comprehensive and multidisciplinary systematization is still missing. Against this background, the research activity described within this article is intended to gain a wide and multidisciplinary overview for research approaches, theories, and methods which are relevant to investigate or explain knowledge-related phenomena in the context of visual humanities research and education.
Design/methodology/approach – To meet these interests we intend to set up a Wiki resource as a structured repository. The content will be based on (a) interactive workshops held at conferences to collect and structure knowledge assets on visual knowledge involving experts from different domains. Moreover, (b) a student seminar starting in early 2017 is designated to describe some typical research designs as well as amend related methods and theories in the Wiki resource based on Wikipedia articles. A content structuring principle for the Wiki resource follows the guidelines of Wikimedia as well as plans for the results to be populated again in Wikipedia.
Originality/value – While Wiki approaches are frequently used in the context of visual humanities, these resources are primarily created by experts. Furthermore, Wiki-based approaches related to visualization are often focused on a certain disciplinary context as, for example, art history. A unique aspect of the described setting is to build a Wiki on digital 3D reconstruction including expertise from different knowledge domains – i.e. on perception and cognition, didactics, information sciences, as well as computing and visual humanities. Moreover, the combination of student work and assessments by experts also provides novel insights for educational research.
Practical implications – The intended product is a comprehensive and multidisciplinary structured repository on digital 3D reconstruction research approaches, methods, theories, publication bodies, and good practice examples. The editing of the project results into the Wikipedia will lead to a wide dissemination and visibility of group activities and outcomes as well as enhance competencies of all contributors on collaborative work.
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Semantic Process Engineering – Konzeption und Realisierung eines Werkzeugs zur semantischen ProzessmodellierungFellmann, Michael 23 October 2013 (has links)
In der Geschäftsprozessmodellierung haben sich semiformale, grafische Darstellungen etabliert. Die Bezeichnung der Elemente in diesen Modellen ist dabei an betriebswirtschaftliche Fachtermini angelehnt und erfolgt mit Hilfe der natürlichen Sprache, die jedoch Interpretationsspielräume mit sich bringt. Die Semantik der einzelnen Modellelemente ist somit für Menschen und Maschinen nicht eindeutig interpretierbar. In der vorliegenden Dissertation erfolgt daher die Konzeption und Realisierung einer semantischen Prozessmodellierung, die die Verknüpfung der semiformalen Prozessmodellierung mit formalen Begriffssystemen (Ontologien) gestaltet und werkzeugtechnisch unterstützt. Durch diese Verknüpfung wird die Semantik der einzelnen Modellelemente um eine eindeutige und maschinell verarbeitbare Semantik erweitert. Hierdurch können die mit formalen Ontologien möglichen Schlussfolgerungen angewendet werden, um etwa bei der Suche in Modellbeständen oder der Korrektheitsprüfung genauere oder vollständigere Ergebnisse zu erhalten. Im Ergebnis werden somit die im Bereich der Informatik und Künstlichen Intelligenz etablierten Ansätze der Wissensrepräsentation, insbesondere der Beschreibungslogik, in die fachlichen Prozessmodellierung eingebettet. Die Erprobung des Konzepts erfolgt über eine prototypische Implementierung, die einerseits die technische Umsetzbarkeit zeigt, andererseits auch für ein Laborexperiment zur Evaluation genutzt wurde.
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Příprava hodin zeměpisu: možnosti učitelského webu / Preparation of Geography Lessons: Potential Use of Teacher-Oriented WebsiteWeiss, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
Lesson preparation is an important part of teachers' profession, yet there has been little research focused on this topic recently. This work studied the preparation of geography lessons in Czechia with an emphasis on the use of internet sources. Based on the findings, criteria for an ideal geographic website for teachers were suggested. The data were collected in two ways: (1) on-line survey of ran- domly selected secondary school teachers (n=72), and (2) semi-structured interviews (n=6). The work indicated that lesson preparation greatly varies from teacher to teacher. In general, teachers do not change their lesson plans significantly, and thus the beginning of teachers' career is crucial for future teaching. Participating teachers spend on average about a quarter of their working time on lesson preparation and there is no apparent correlation between the time spend on lesson preparation and the teachers' age or the length of teachers' career. Furthermore, it was found that all participating teachers use internet resources during lesson preparation, particularly for search of updated infor- mation. The most visited websites are those offering maps and encyclopaedias (predominantly Wik- ipedia). The ideal geographical website should primarily offer ideas for teaching activities, as fully- prepared lessons...
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Collaboration massivement distribuée et gestion du savoir en ligne: le cas de la communauté WordPress (2003-2008). "Code is poetry", but a "documentation resource should be managed"Ruzé, Emmanuel 04 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Le déploiement du numérique se caractérise par une montée en puissance des communautés sur Internet. Celles-ci ont permis l'émergence de formes organisationnelles significativement nouvelles intéressant les managers et supportées par les technologies de l'information, en particulier les mouvements open-source puis Web 2.0.. Cependant, l'articulation entre les modes d'organisation sous-jacents à ces deux courants parfois confondus n'a pas été comprise de façon exhaustive. En particulier, les usages de la technologie wiki se situent à la frontière entre les deux mouvements ; ils constituent un point de tensions potentiel entre les pratiques de l'open-source et les principes de « collaboration massivement distribuée » caractéristiques des sites à « contenu ouvert ». Cette thèse propose une étude de cas en profondeur, celle du déploiement dans une communauté open-source d'un système d'information fondé sur la technologie wiki et ouvert aux contributions volontaires. La communauté WordPress l'a implémenté afin de centraliser et rendre public le savoir nécessaire à la viabilité du projet. Nous montrons dans quelle mesure des formes de gouvernance ont émergé pendant l'histoire de la communauté afin de gérer ce bien informationnel collectif : formes d'articulation avec la communauté et d'appropriation du savoir, routines, collaboration structurée entre volontaires, constitution dynamique du bien collectif. Notre thèse propose donc une contribution à la compréhension des formes informelles de gouvernance qui conditionnent la viabilité des biens publics numériques. Nous adoptons une approche micro-historique sur la période 2003-2008 à partir de matériaux d'archives traités selon plusieurs méthodologies qualitatives et quantitatives. Nous montrons ensuite la fécondité des concepts de l'économie cognitive pour comprendre l'émergence des formes de gouvernance observées. Cette thèse fut en effet une collaboration entre les laboratoires CRG et CREA de l'Ecole polytechnique.
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Ημιαυτόματες διαδικασίες συλλογής και σύνθεσης πληροφορίας από ιστοσελίδες και Web 2.0 εκπαιδευτικές συνιστώσες. Μελέτη και εφαρμογή τους στα πλαίσια υλοποίησης της πύλης WEP.Μπέσσα, Σωτηρία 01 October 2008 (has links)
Η εργασία αυτή αποτελεί συνέχεια μιας προσπάθειας για την ανάπτυξη της πύλης WEP (Web Engineering Resources Portal). Πρόκειται για ένα Μοντέλο Αναφοράς και μια Πύλη Πόρων που φιλοδοξεί να αποτελέσει ένα σημαντικό εργαλείο για το web engineering, αλλά και αναφορά στην ανάπτυξη εφαρμογών / πληροφοριακών συστημάτων παγκοσμίου ιστού και οδηγό στην ανεύρεση και κατανόηση τεχνολογιών και εργαλείων. Το κομμάτι με το οποίο θα ασχοληθούμε εδώ αφορά το τελευταίο μέρος και τον εκπαιδευτικό χαρακτήρα που επιθυμούμε να προσδώσουμε στην πύλη.
Συνοπτικά, η διπλωματική εργασία κινείται σε τρεις άξονες:
Πρώτον, στη μελέτη σύγχρονων δυνατοτήτων συλλογής πληροφορίας για την επιλογή των κατάλληλων εργαλείων για εισαγωγή στην πύλη και την ανάπτυξη της δικής μας μεθοδολογίας. Η διαρκής και ραγδαία αύξηση του όγκου των δεδομένων κατέστησε εμφανές το πρόβλημα της ευρέσεως και εξαγωγής της ''χρήσιμης'' ή ''επιθυμητής'' πληροφορίας, καθώς για κάθε κατηγορία ιστοεφαρμογών υπάρχει μια πληθώρα εργαλείων ανάπτυξης (τα οποία μάλιστα διαρκώς ανανεώνονται) καθιστώντας τη διαδικασία επιλογής των καταλληλότερων ιδιαίτερα επίπονη και χρονοβόρα.
Δεύτερον, στην εφαρμογή της παραπάνω μεθοδολογίας εργασίας με στόχο την εισαγωγή των αντίστοιχων εργαλείων που προέκυψαν με τη μετατροπή της πληροφορίας σε XML για τη δόμηση της πύλης WEP. Εξηγούμε πως έγινε η εισαγωγή και διαχείριση περιεχομένου με χρήση της τεχνολογίας XML και πως καταλήγουμε στην υλοποίηση των παραπάνω μέσα από την πλατφόρμα του stringbeans.
Τρίτον στον εκπαιδευτικό χαρακτήρα της Πύλης. Αναφερόμαστε στις έννοιες του e-learning, και τις διάφορες εναλλακτικές που υπάρχουν στο χώρο της ηλεκτρονικής μάθησης στην εποχή του Web 2.0, όπου οι χρήστες συμμετέχουν ενεργά στη συγγραφή του εκπαιδευτικού υλικού. Αναλύουμε τα χαρακτηριστικά των PLE (Personal Learning Environments) και των LMS (Learning Management Systems) και εκθέτουμε πλεονεκτήματα και μειονεκτήματά τους.
Τέλος, καταλήγουμε σε μια γενική αξιολόγηση της προσπάθειάς μας, καταγράφοντας τα αποτελέσματα και τους στόχους που υλοποιήθηκαν, τα συμπεράσματα και τις προτάσεις μας. / This paper is a follow up of the previous work concerning the Web Engineering Resources Portal (shortly WEP). It consists of a Reference Model and a Resources Portal. The aim of WEP is to provide a tool for web engineering as well as a reference for the development of applications / information systems and a guide for finding and understanding web engineering technologies and tools. Here we deal with that last part and the educational aspect of WEP which we are trying to achieve.
Briefly, the thesis involves three parts:
Firstly, the study of modern possibilities for collecting and importing information regarding the choice of suitable tools and the development of our own methodology. The rapid growth of data volume rendered obvious the problem of finding and extracting of ''useful'' or ''desirable '' information, since there is an abundance of development tools (which are indeed constantly renewed) for every category of web application making the process of choosing the most suitable ones particularly laborious and time-consuming.
Secondly, it refers to the enforcement of the above methodology aiming at the import of resultant tools with the transformation of information in XML for the layout of WEP. We explain the way the import and management of content using XML technology is completed and we come to the adaptation and implementation phase through the Stringbeans framework.
Thirdly we try to highlight the educational character of WEP portal. The concept of e-learning is described and the various alternatives at the age of Web 2.0, where the users participate actively in the writing of educational material are taken into consideration. Furthermore, we analyze the characteristics of PLE (Personal Learning Environments) and LMS (Learning Management Systems) quoting advantages and disadvantages of both.
Finally, we lead to a general evaluation of our effort, mentioning the results and the objectives that were achieved, the conclusions and our proposals for the future.
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Un système multi-agents pour la gestion des connaissances hétérogènes et distribuéesLahoud, Inaya 10 September 2013 (has links) (PDF)
La gestion des connaissances permet d'identifier et de capitaliser les savoirs faires de l'entreprise afin de les organiser et de les diffuser. Cette thèse propose un système de gestion des connaissances hétérogènes et distribuées, appelé OCEAN. Basé sur les ontologies et sur un système multi-agents, OCEAN a pour but de résoudre le problème de la capitalisation et de réutilisation des connaissances provenant de plusieurs sources différentes, afin d'aider les acteurs métiers dans le processus de développement de produits mécaniques. Le système OCEAN repose sur un cycle de vie de quatre étapes Ce cycle de vie possède les phases : d'identification, d'extraction, de validation et se termine par la réutilisation des connaissances. Chaque phase constitue l'objectif d'une organisation d'agents.L'identification dans le système OCEAN consiste à définir les connaissances par un expert métier sous la forme d'une ontologie. Les ontologies sont utilisées dans notre système pour représenter les connaissances définis d'une façon structurée et formelle afin d'être compréhensible par les machines. L'extraction des connaissances dans OCEAN est réalisée par les agents de manière automatique à l'aide des ontologies créées par les experts métiers. Les agents interagissent avec les différentes applications métiers via des services web. Le résultat de cette phase est stocké dans une mémoire organisationnelle. La validation des connaissances consiste à permettre aux acteurs métiers de valider les connaissances de la mémoire organisationnelle dans un wiki sémantique. Ce wiki permet de présenter les connaissances de la mémoire organisationnelle aux acteurs pour les réutiliser, les évaluer et les faire évoluer. La réutilisation des connaissances dans OCEAN est inspiré de travaux antérieurs intégrés au sein d'OCEAN. Les quatre phases du cycle de vie des connaissances traitées dans cette thèse nous ont permis de réaliser un système apte à gérer les connaissances hétérogènes et distribuées dans une entreprise étendue.
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The Role of social media artifacts in collaborative software developmentTreude, Christoph 13 August 2012 (has links)
Social media mechanisms, such as wikis, blogs, tags and feeds, have transformed the way we communicate, work and play online. Many of these technologies have made their way into collaborative software engineering processes and modern software development platforms, either as an adjunct or integrated into a wide range of tools ranging from code editors and issue trackers to IDEs and web-based portals. Based on the results of several large scale empirical studies, this thesis presents findings on how social media artifacts, such as tags, feeds and dashboards, bridge lightweight and heavyweight task management in software development. Furthermore, this work shows how blogs, developer wikis and Q&A websites are changing the way software is documented. Based on these findings, the thesis describes a model that characterizes social media artifacts along several dimensions, such as content type, intended audience, and review mechanisms. The role of social media artifacts in collaborative software development lies in the timely dissemination of scenarios and concerns to a diverse audience through a process of implicit and informal collaboration, triggered by questions from users or articulation work. These findings lead to tool and process recommendations as well as the implementation of tools that leverage social media artifacts, and they indicate that tool support inspired by social media may play an important role in improving collaborative software development practices. / Graduate
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線上審議民主的要件與實踐 / The condition and practice of online deliberative democracy施盈廷, Shih,YingTing Unknown Date (has links)
在實踐上,這十四個細項的提出是為了要指出,審議民主「理論」不應該一直停留在理論的層次,我們探索審議民主理論的最終目的之一,就是要實踐它,因此,從實踐層次來進行探究,並指出可能的實踐方式確有其必要性。另一方面,從理論上來看,本文所提的檢視細項不僅是為了要提供未來研究參考,更重要的是,這種實踐層次的闡明是為了凸顯出,未來的審議民主理論必須在理論與實踐之間找到明確的連結。換言之,應如何在實務的層次上施作審議民主是重要的,讓施作結果得以對理論進行回饋與修正也是重要的,但唯有理論與實踐之間能夠不斷地互相進行補充、修正,審議民主理論才有可能為民主作出真正貢獻,而本文正是試圖經由審議民主,與已被實作的辯論百科,為這種連結作出描繪。 / This paper tries to illustrate that deliberative democracy is not a decision-making method but a kind of thoughts. The core element of deliberative democracy is not about the legitimacy of policies but the process of deepening democracy. It means that deliberative democracy theory should widen its possible contribution from only a decision-making method to a complete process of deepening democracy.
When we regard deliberative democracy as a process, then we should develop accompanying measures (so-called “intermediate realm” in this paper) for the real-life practice. For achieving this purpose, this paper infers four elements, that is, openness, coherence, inter-subjectiveness and cumulativeness, from theoretical foundations on the one side. For avoiding three another predicaments of democratic practice, that is , cyberbalkanization, discourse failure and the dominating ideology, this paper also proposes three accompanying elements, that is, effectiveness, simpleness and dynamic contextualization on the other hand. All these seven elements, applying to all kinds of deliberative democracy practice apart from Debatepedia which we take as an example in this paper, constitute the content of intermediate realm for deliberative democracy practice.
This paper in a further step divides these seven elements into fourteen items in order to respond to the core value of deliberative democracy, i.e. deepening democracy. In other words, these items are the basic requirement for real-life deliberative democracy practice. These fourteen items have no intention to include all possibilities of democratic practice but merely to provide some concrete examination methods in my sphere. These examination methods have their practical and theoretical meaning at the same time.
In practice, these fourteen items means deliberative democracy theory should not stay as a theory is. If democracy theory is an ideal for our better life, we then should realize it and, that is more important, develop some methods to realize it. In terms of theory, this paper reveals the close relationship between deliberative democracy theory and its practice. That means it is important to know how to realize deliberative democracy, it is also important to know how to improve democracy theory. But these two situations can only be done when we can find a valid connection between them. This paper takes Debatepedia as an example to describe how this kind of connection could be possible.
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Produção colaborativa e diálogo-problematizador mediados pelas tecnologias da informação e comunicação livresAbegg, Ilse January 2009 (has links)
Investigamos o potencial colaborativo mediador das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) livres, por meio da ferramenta de atividade wiki do Moodle. A meta era mudar o modo de produção no processo escolar presencial, semi-presencial e a distância e maior fluência em Ciência e Tecnologia na vida cotidiana. Propusemos a realização de um processo de investigação-ação escolar, com atividades de estudo mediadas pelo wiki do Moodle. Nos balizamos pelos conceitos de diálogo-problematizador, colaboração e autonomia, essenciais na interação escolar mediada pelas TIC livres, em especial nos Ambientes Virtuais de Ensino-Aprendizagem. Como resultado principal sinalizamos limites, desafios e avanços da referida mediação tecnológica educacional no escopo colaborativoescolar. / In this work we have investigated the collaborative mediation potential of free Communication and Information Technologies (CIT) present at the activity tool in Moodle's wiki. The objective was to change the way production occurs at presence, semi-presence and distance school processes and, to give greater fluency to Science and Technology in daily life. It was proposed the implementation of a school action research process with the school activities mediated by Moodle's wiki. We monitored our work with the concepts of a problem posing dialogue, collaboration and autonomy that are essential to school interactions mediated by free CIT, especially in a Virtual Teaching and Learning Environment. As a result from this work we delimitated the limits, challenges and advances of this educational technological mediation in a school collaborative scope.
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