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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Card-Shuffling Analysis with Weighted Rank Distance

Wu, Kung-sheng 24 June 2007 (has links)
In this paper, we cite two weighted rank distances (Wilcoxon rank and Log rank) to analyze how many times must a deck of 52 cards be shuffled to become sufficiently randomized. Bayer and Diaconis (1992) used the variation distance as a measure of randomness to analyze the card-shuffling. Lin (2006) used the deviation distance to analyze card-shuffling without complicated mathematics formulas. We provide two new ideas to measure the distance for card-shuffling analysis.

Kungsängsverkets kväverening : inverkan på den interna fosforbelastningen i Ekoln / Kungsängsverkets nitrogen removal : effect on the internal phosphosous load in Ekoln

Lousa-Alvin, Alexandra January 2011 (has links)
Många sjöar är idag påverkade av mänsklig aktivitet, bland annat är 1 % av Sveriges sjöar eutrofierade, däribland Ekoln. Ekoln är en stor sjö i Uppsala län söder om Uppsala som länge varit eutrofierad. Fyrisån och Örsundaån är de största inflödena till Ekoln och Sävjaån är ett betydande biflöde till Fyrisån. Kungsängsverket är Uppsalas reningsverk och har sitt utlopp i Fyrisån och som ett led i att minska eutrofieringen byggdes fosforreningen ut 1972. Fosforhalterna i Ekoln sjönk och algblomningarna blev färre. Kvävereningen byggdes ut 1999 och i detta arbete utvärderas detta reningssteg.   Hypotesen är att när ammonium minskar i bottenvattnet kommer syrgasförhållandena att förbättras på grund av minskad ammoniumnedbrytning som förbrukar syrgas. Med ökad halt syrgas är det känt sedan tidigare studier att den interna fosforbelastningen och algblomningen minskar.   För att undersöka om det skett en signifikant minskning av näringsämnen i intransporten till Ekoln och av halterna i Ekoln utfördes statistiska test av ämnena för perioden före och perioden efter införandet av kväverening. Intransporterna modellerades även i StormTac.   Resultatet visar att det skett en minskning av kväve- och ammoniumtransport och en ökning av fosfor-, fosfat- och TOC-transport. I Ekoln har en minskning påvisats i ammonium-, totalfosforhalt och en ökning i fosfat- och TOC-halt. Ammoniumhalten har minskat i bottenvattnet så den minskade intransporten av ammonium gett en effekt. Fosfor- och fosfathalten har inte förändrats signifikant i bottenvattnet, men det har skett en viss minskning av fosfor och en viss ökning av fosfat i Ekoln perioden 1990-1998 till 2000-2010. Även syrgashalten har ökat i bottenvattnet.   Att det inte skett signifikanta förändringar i fosfor, fosfat och syrgas tyder på att intransporten till vattenmassan inte förändrats. Ökade TOC-halter leder till ökad nedbrytning där syrgas förbrukas i bottenvattnet. Det är möjligt att situationen sett ännu värre ut i Ekoln om inte kväveutsläppen minskat.

An analysis of the impact of data errors on backorder rates in the F404 engine system

Burson, Patrick A. R. 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release; distribution in unlimited. / In the management of the U.S. Naval inventory, data quality is of critical importance. Errors in major inventory databases contribute to increased operational costs, reduced revenue, and loss of confidence in the reliability of the supply system. Maintaining error-free databases is not a realistic objective. Data-quality efforts must be prioritized to ensure that limited resources are allocated to achieve the maximum benefit. This thesis proposes a methodology to assist the Naval Inventory Control Point in the prioritization of its data-quality efforts. By linking data errors to Naval inventory performance metrics, statistical testing is used to identify errors that have the greatest adverse impact on inventory operations. By focusing remediation efforts on errors identified in this manner, the Navy can best use its limited resources devoted to improvement of data quality. Two inventory performance metrics are considered: Supply Material Availability (SMA), an established metric in Naval inventory management; and Backorder Persistence Metric (BPM), which is developed in the thesis. Backorder persistence measures the duration of time that the ratio of backorders to quarterly demand exceeds a threshold value. Both metrics can be used together to target remediation on reducing shortage costs and improving inventory system performance. / Lieutenant Commander, Supply Corps, United States Navy

Condition Monitoring of MV Remotely Controlled Distributed Disconnectors

Thanopoulos, Sotirios January 2017 (has links)
During the last decades, the power grid is getting rapidly digitalised in order to contribute to theestablishment of Smart Grids and evaluate efficiently the extracted bidirectional data from the powersystem infrastructure. This thesis focuses on the MV grid, since its design and operation have changedmainly because of distributed generation installations and the increased demand of information fromstakeholders. Thus, asset management constitutes a significant tool that can increase the reliability ofthe MV network’s operation and its level of control. Studies have shown that a maintenance planbased on condition monitoring of power system apparatuses would be more effective compared to theimplemented time-based scheduled maintenance.This project focuses on MV remotely controlled disconnectors since studies have shown that theirnumber of failures is double compared to manually operated ones. Since maneuverability andsecondary function are the causes of a major failure with the highest occurrence rate, motor currentmonitoring is studied in this thesis. Some devices that have the capability to monitor disconnectors’motor current, are presented. Additionally, the obtained max motor current measurements areevaluated through a parametric and a non-parametric statistical test. The main challenge of this thesisis to show whether the behaviour of motor current can be an indicator regarding to the disconnector’scondition status.Hence, the impact of different factors on the behaviour of motor current is investigated. It is concludedthat disconnectors without a failure during the studied period are more likely to have max motorcurrent measurements higher than 8A and especially in the interval [10-12]A. The difference in motorcurrent of disconnectors with a work order and without failure is more significant in 2015/2016. Itseems that under the aforementioned values of max motor current, a disconnector is more probable tohave the capability to operate properly. It is also concluded that in case of malfunction “Mellanläge”,the value of max motor current is lower than 8A with higher probability and it maybe indicates aproblem of the studied disconnector.Through the comparison in pairs, it could be concluded that the effect of the external environmentalconditions is not so high on the behaviour of disconnectors’ max motor current measurements. Incontrast, it seems that the implementation of a work order, the number of operations and if adisconnector is installed more northerly in Zone 3 play a more significant role on the behaviour of thisdisconnector’s max motor current measurements. Consequently, based on the aforementioned results itis shown that some of the investigated factors could constitute an indicator whether a disconnector ismore or less probable to have the capability to operate properly.Finally, it is calculated the reduction in the interruption cost that could be achieved in case ofimplementation of motor current monitoring on Vattenfall’s remotely controlled distributeddisconnectors. / Under de senaste årtiondena har kraftnät blivit snabbt digitaliserad För att bidra till upprättandet hosSmart Grids och effektivt utvärdera de extraherade dubbelriktade data från kraftsystemetsinfrastruktur. Denna exjobbsrapport fokuserar på MV-nätet, eftersom dess design och drift harförändrats främst på grund av distribuerade produktionsanläggningar och ökad efterfrågan påinformation från intressenter. Därför utgör ”asset management’’ ett viktigt verktyg som kan öka elnätstillförlitligheten och styrning. Studier har visat att elnäts underhåll baserad på tillståndsövervakningpå kraftsystemkomponenter skulle kunna vara effektivare jämfört med tidsbaserade schemalagdaunderhåll.Detta exjobb fokuserar på MV-fjärrstyrda frånskiljare eftersom studier har visat att deras felfrekvensär dubbelt högre jämfört med manuella. Eftersom problem i manövrerbarhet och sekundär funktionkan orsaka allvarliga fel med hög frekvens, har studien fokuserats på motorströmövervakningen idetta exjobb. Vissa produkter som har förmåga att övervaka frånskiljares motorström, presenteras.Dessutom utvärderas de maximala motorströmsmätningarna genom både parametriskt och ickeparametrisktstatistiskt test. Huvudutmaningen i denna avhandling är att utreda om motors strömmarkan vara en indikator för frånskiljares tillstånd.Olika faktorer hos motorströmmar har också undersökts. Det dras slutsatsen att frånskiljare utanmisslyckande manövern under den studerade perioden är mer benägna att ha maximalamotorströmmar högre än 8A och speciellt i intervallet [10-12] A. Skillnaden i motors strömmar hosfrånskiljare med arbetsorder och utan fel är mer signifikant under åren 2015/2016. Det verkar som attenligt ovan nämnda värden på max motorström, är en frånskiljare mer sannolikt att fungera korrekt.Det kommer också fram till att i händelse av "Mellanläge" är värdet av max motorströmmar lägre än8A med högre sannolikhet, detta kan kanske indikera ett problem hos frånskiljaren.Genom jämförelsen kan man dra slutsatsen att effekten av de yttre miljöförhållandena inte är så högpå maximala motorströmmar hos frånskiljare. Däremot verkar det som om genomförandet av enarbetsorder, antalet operationer och om en frånskiljare är installerad i zon 3 spelar en viktig roll föruppförandet av denna frånskiljares maximala motors strömmen. På grundval av det ovan nämndaresultatet framgår det att några av de undersökta faktorerna kan utgöra en indikator på att om enfrånskiljare är mer eller mindre sannolikt att ha förmågan att fungera korrekt.Slutligen visar beräkningar att minskningen av avbrottskostnaden kan uppnås vid genomförande avmotorströmövervakning på Vattenfalls fjärrstyrda distribuerade frånskiljare.

The Impact of Midbrain Cauterize Size on Auditory and Visual Responses' Distribution

Zhang, Yan 20 April 2009 (has links)
This thesis presents several statistical analysis on a cooperative project with Dr. Pallas and Yuting Mao from Biology Department of Georgia State University. This research concludes the impact of cauterize size of animals’ midbrain on auditory and visual response in brains. Besides some already commonly used statistical analysis method, such as MANOVA and Frequency Test, a unique combination of Permutation Test, Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test and Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test is applied to our non-parametric data. Some simulation results show the Permutation Test we used has very good powers, and fits the need for this study. The result confirms part of the Biology Department’s hypothesis statistically and enhances more complete understanding of the experiments and the potential impact of helping patients with Acquired Brain Injury.

Infrared Spectroscopy in Combination with Advanced Statistical Methods for Distinguishing Viral Infected Biological Cells

Tang, Tian 17 November 2008 (has links)
Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) microscopy is a sensitive method for detecting difference in the morphology of biological cells. In this study FTIR spectra were obtained for uninfected cells, and cells infected with two different viruses. The spectra obtained are difficult to discriminate visually. Here we apply advanced statistical methods to the analysis of the spectra, to test if such spectra are useful for diagnosing viral infections in cells. Logistic Regression (LR) and Partial Least Squares Regression (PLSR) were used to build models which allow us to diagnose if spectral differences are related to infection state of the cells. A three-fold, balanced cross-validation method was applied to estimate the shrinkages of the area under the receiving operator characteristic curve (AUC), and specificities at sensitivities of 95%, 90% and 80%. AUC, sensitivity and specificity were used to gauge the goodness of the discrimination methods. Our statistical results shows that the spectra associated with different cellular states are very effectively discriminated. We also find that the overall performance of PLSR is better than that of LR, especially for new data validation. Our analysis supports the idea that FTIR microscopy is a useful tool for detection of viral infections in biological cells.

Aspects of analysis of small-sample right censored data using generalized Wilcoxon rank tests

Öhman, Marie-Louise January 1994 (has links)
The estimated bias and variance of commonly applied and jackknife variance estimators and observed significance level and power of standardised generalized Wilcoxon linear rank sum test statistics and tests, respectively, of Gehan and Prentice are compared in a Monte Carlo simulation study. The variance estimators are the permutational-, the conditional permutational- and the jackknife variance estimators of the test statistic of Gehan, and the asymptotic- and the jackknife variance estimators of the test statistic of Prentice. In unbalanced small sample size problems with right censoring, the commonly applied variance estimators for the generalized Wilcoxon rank test statistics of Gehan and Prentice may be biased. In the simulation study it appears that variance properties and observed level and power may be improved by using the jackknife variance estimator. To establish the sensitivity to gross errors and misclassifications for standardised generalized Wilcoxon linear rank sum statistics in small samples with right censoring, the sensitivity curves of Tukey are used. For a certain combined sample, which might contain gross errors, a relatively simple method is needed to establish the applicability of the inference drawn from the selected rank test. One way is to use the change of decision point, which in this thesis is defined as the smallest proportion of altered positions resulting in an opposite decision. When little is known about the shape of a distribution function, non-parametric estimates for the location parameter are found by making use of censored one-sample- and two-sample rank statistics. Methods for constructing censored small sample confidence intervals and asymptotic confidence intervals for a location parameter are also considered. Generalisations of the solutions from uncensored one-sample and two-sample rank tests are utilised. A Monte-Carlo simulation study indicates that rank estimators may have smaller absolute estimated bias and smaller estimated mean squared error than a location estimator derived from the Product-Limit estimator of the survival distribution function. The ideas described and discussed are illustrated with data from a clinical trial of Head and Neck cancer. / digitalisering@umu

Electrostaticanalisys the Ras active site

Khan, Abdul Kareem 05 March 2009 (has links)
La preorganització electrostàtica del centre actiu s'ha postulat com el mecanisme genèric de l'acció dels enzims. Així, alguns residus "estratègics" es disposarien per catalitzar reaccions interaccionant en una forma més forta amb l'estat de transició, baixant d'aquesta manera el valor de l'energia dactivació g cat. S'ha proposat que aquesta preorientació electrostática s'hauria de poder mostrar analitzant l'estabilitat electrostàtica de residus individuals en el centre actiu.Ras es una proteïna essencial de senyalització i actúa com un interruptor cel.lular. Les característiques estructurals de Ras en el seu estat actiu (ON) són diferents de les que té a l'estat inactiu (OFF). En aquesta tesi es duu a terme una anàlisi exhaustiva de l'estabilitat dels residus del centre actiu deRas en l'estat actiu i inactiu. / The electrostatic preorganization of the active site has been put forward as the general framework of action of enzymes. Thus, enzymes would position "strategic" residues in such a way to be prepared to catalyze reactions byinteracting in a stronger way with the transition state, in this way decreasing the activation energy g cat for the catalytic process. It has been proposed thatsuch electrostatic preorientation should be shown by analyzing the electrostatic stability of individual residues in the active site.Ras protein is an essential signaling molecule and functions as a switch in thecell. The structural features of the Ras protein in its active state (ON state) are different than those in its inactive state (OFF state). In this thesis, an exhaustive analysis of the stability of residues in the active and inactive Ras active site is performed.

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