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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Adaptive Reuse of Surface Parking Lots for Winter-City Streetscape Improvement: A Case Study of Saskatoon, SK

2013 October 1900 (has links)
In winter-cities such as Saskatoon there exists a significant potential to improve cold-weather walking conditions for most pedestrians. To realize the walkability potential of a winter-city downtown, by necessity automobile traffic must be reduced. However, when surface parking lots are permitted to operate in abundance, isolated and uncoordinated, and detached from overall planning and transportation policy, automobile traffic reduction downtown cannot be efficiently achieved. In many winter-cities, Saskatoon included, downtown parking lots in fact are oversupplied. Vital space for housing, employment and public space is thereby reduced and pedestrian winter exposure to wind chill and sidewalk ice is increased by breaks in the urban fabric. Systematic conversion of surface parking lots into mixed use would not only enhance incentives to walk, but simultaneously would reduce the incentive to drive. The question thus arises whether and how can we screen a large number of surface parking lots for a limited number of candidate-sites that could be earmarked for infill redevelopment. A screening methodology that prioritizes potential parking lot sites ought to account for a wide range of criteria that address urban design, development-potential, proximity, and microclimate. In a case study of parking lots in downtown Saskatoon, a screening methodology has yielded one priority site out of an inventory of twenty-four sites. Integrated within public transit policy the proposed methodology has generic applicability to downtown areas elsewhere, and can advance the goal of safety and higher residential density downtown.

Generating an Oasis: Architecture of Climatic Engagement for a Northern City

Zabinski, Michael 17 March 2014 (has links)
Edmonton, Alberta, like many other northern cities, has a history of overprotecting its citizens from the climatic elements. Through constructs of climate-control, like pedways and shopping malls, we have severed ourselves from outdoor life and fallen out of love with a season whose inherent beauty and unique attributes have the potential to play a pivotal role in the identity of the city. This thesis studies ways of using architecture and urban design to engage the city dweller across all four seasons. Through the adaptive reuse of the Rossdale power plant and its adjacent lands, the project aims to provide the city of Edmonton with a destination of climatic comfort that begins to thread the disconnect between its citizens and their northern surroundings.

Mainstreaming bicycling in winter cities: the case of Oulu, Finland

Pratte, Jeffrey 09 August 2011 (has links)
Bicycles offer an efficient, emission-free mode of transportation, particularly ideal for shorter distances in urban areas. Consequently, bicycling is increasingly being perceived as a viable and important part of the urban transportation mix. Despite increased progress and attention, few cities have successfully incorporated cycling as a key feature of their urban policy, or substantially increased cycling’s modal share. Meanwhile, research suggests that climate and weather influence cycling and transportation in urban areas, with cold climates in particular reducing the likelihood of cycling. This research examines how bicycling can be mainstreamed in winter cities, thereby improving cycling conditions and increasing modal share. Oulu, Finland serves as a case study. Located at 65 degrees latitude, Oulu has a twenty percent modal share for cycling. A close examination how cycling was mainstreamed is presented and synthesized. The goal is to present Oulu’s experience in bicycle planning as a model for other winter cities, particularly in Canada.

Mainstreaming bicycling in winter cities: the case of Oulu, Finland

Pratte, Jeffrey 09 August 2011 (has links)
Bicycles offer an efficient, emission-free mode of transportation, particularly ideal for shorter distances in urban areas. Consequently, bicycling is increasingly being perceived as a viable and important part of the urban transportation mix. Despite increased progress and attention, few cities have successfully incorporated cycling as a key feature of their urban policy, or substantially increased cycling’s modal share. Meanwhile, research suggests that climate and weather influence cycling and transportation in urban areas, with cold climates in particular reducing the likelihood of cycling. This research examines how bicycling can be mainstreamed in winter cities, thereby improving cycling conditions and increasing modal share. Oulu, Finland serves as a case study. Located at 65 degrees latitude, Oulu has a twenty percent modal share for cycling. A close examination how cycling was mainstreamed is presented and synthesized. The goal is to present Oulu’s experience in bicycle planning as a model for other winter cities, particularly in Canada.


Rönnqvist, Patrik January 2018 (has links)
With an increasing urbanization and decreasing food security, the policy places greater demands on the future use of agricultural land and food supply. At the same time as awareness of food consumption increases among individuals, new technologies for farming also develop. The following degree project aims at carrying out a pilot study for further concept development for small-scale urban farming in winter cities. Based on a literature study and inspiration from reference objects, opportunities for continued conceptual development are analysed. These technical aspects together with a study of how public spaces, can or cannot, be used according to the case study’s municipality policy for usage of public space. And these aspects then lay the foundation for an initial concept and design proposal aimed at pointing out the possibilities of the concept. This initial concept is also the basis for a rough estimate of productivity with such urban cultivation tools. The conceptual urban farming tool devised here, is intended to not be taking more attention than necessary and portable. This is to make as little physical and visual impact in the city as possible, and to be adaptable to different places. However, there has been a lack of space for urban farming in the case study's municipal policy, for usage of public spaces. This has meant that the design proposal could not be anchored in accordance with the guidelines the municipality wishes for the use of public spaces. There are documented guidelines for similar use, and the design proposal has been assumed to fit in the policy of using the public space. The tool that has been developed consists of two containers, one of which is intended to work as a working area for harvesting and the other for cultivating. The hydroponic installation chosen in this work has been developed by Bright Agrotech. These installations are called Zipfarm and Zipwall, and are vertical cultivations which by drip irrigation bring nutrients to the plants. These towers that hold the plants during the cultivation period are mounted either in a portable rack or against a wall-based rack. This vertical cultivation method was chosen in this work because of the mobility. With the help of a tool to estimate production that Bright Agrotech provided and technical specifications for the grow lights used in the concept, a rough estimate of the operating cost of 13kr per kilo, to produce leafy green crops, has been calculated. This figure is based solely on the estimated amount of harvest and an estimate of the electricity consumption of the grow lights. The conclusion in this work, is that it is possible to integrate urban agriculture in winter cities with the aid of containers and hydroponic installations. What can be an incentive to not do this today is that electricity consumption can be too expensive, and that it is cheaper to cultivate in other places and transport the food in to the city.

Future of Sustainable Mobility in Nordic Winter Cities : An explorative study of sociotechnical imaginaries / Framtidens hållbara mobilitet i nordiska vinterstäder : En explorativ studie av sociotekniska föreställningar

Ribjer, Moa January 2023 (has links)
The thesis aims to explore future mobility system alternatives in the context of “winter cities” to achieve a more sustainable society. This is done by interviewing a broad range of mobility experts - encompassing those focused on cities in the northern regions and those with global expertise. The result highlights what (social and technological) innovations are believed to transform winter city mobility and what factors can play a key role in successful transformations. The relevance of the findings is illustrated with examples of their contextualization for the case of Skellefteå municipality, located in Sweden. / Studien syftar till att utforska framtida mobilitetssystemalternativ i sammanhanget "vinterstäder" för att uppnå ett mer hållbart samhälle. Detta görs genom att intervjua en rad olika mobilitetsexperter – som besitter erfarenhet och kunskap från städer lokaliserade i de norra regionerna samt de med global expertis. Resultatet belyser vilka (sociala och tekniska) innovationer som tros förändra vinterstadens mobilitet och vilka faktorer som kan spela en nyckelroll i en framgångsrik transformation. Studiens relevans påvisas genom att resultat illustreras med exempel på dess kontextualisering i caset Skellefteå kommun.

Arkitektoniska kvaliteter i ett arktiskt klimat : Ett gestaltningsförslag baserat på principer och strategier för klimatanpassat bostadsbyggande / Arkitektoniska kvaliteter i ett arktiskt klimat : Ett gestaltningsförslag baserat på principer och strategier för klimatanpassat bostadsbyggande

Sjöström, Sebastian January 2019 (has links)
Städer och samhällen har under det senaste seklet utvecklats och exploaterats längre norrut men med en avsaknad av ett tydligt arkitektoniskt formspråk anpassat för ett arktiskt och subarktiskt klimat. Somliga forskare hävdar att städer och byggnader i dessa klimat till stor del baseras på universella arkitektoniska och urbana principer, som egentligen är bättre lämpade i tempererade klimat. Syftet med detta ar-bete är att undersöka, identifiera, sammanställa ochvisualisera relevant forskning, kunskap och praktisk kännedom gällande arkitektonisk gestaltning i ett arktiskt och subarktiskt klimat. Att identifiera bidragandefaktorer till komfortabla och attraktiva bostäder och stadsrum med kvalitéer som reducerar uppkomsten av väderrelaterade obehag. För att således, genom ett konceptuellt gestaltningsförslag, kunna visualisera och belysa det arkitektoniska formspråket som är bäst lämpat för det arktiska och subarktiska klimatet. Inledningsvis genomförs en litteraturstudie där till- gänglig forskning studeras med avseende att tydlig-göra vad som definierar arktisk och subarktisk arki- tektur samt klimatanpassat bostadsbyggande. Vidareidentifieras avgörande klimatfaktorer och arkitekto- niska kvaliteter som kan främja ett tydligt formspråk och komfortabla miljöer i dessa krävande klimat. Efter litteraturstudien upprättas en syntes som tillsammans med metoder ur Problem Seeking och Design: pro- cess och metod sammanställer de identifierade kvali- teterna till konkreta principer och strategier. Syntesen resulterade i följande tre klimatfaktorer att ta hänsyn till: Sol, Vind och Snö. Vidare resulterade syntes i följande nio byggnadsrelaterade faktorer: Volymer, Tak, Fasad, Entré, Markplan, Innergårdar samt mer urbana delar som: Gator, Vegetation och Aktiviteter. För att applicera dessa identifierade principer ochstrategier valdes ett tillämpningsområde med klimat- förutsättningar likt de som studerats. Tillämpningsområdet blev två kvarter i Kirunas nya stadsdel, nordväst om nya centrum. En platsanalys genomfördes med hjälp av välkända analysmetoder där information tillhandahållits genom Kirunas utvecklingsplan, fördjupande översiktsplan samt det vinnande täv- lingsbidraget för den nya stadsdelen, Kiruna 4-ever. Det konceptuella gestaltningsförslaget, som är arbetets resultat, baseras på den upprättade synte- sen tillsammans med resultatet av de analyser som genomförts med avseende på tillämpningsområdet. Gestaltningsförslaget utgör två bostadskvarter i linjer med Kirunas utvecklingsplan gällande utformning ochfunktion samt det identifierade arkitektoniska principerna. En höggradig funktionsblandning, levande och inbjudande gatumiljöer, attraktiva stråk, torg och parker samt en tydlig närhet till naturen är några av de kvaliteter som framgår i förslaget. Tillsammans med de väl avvägda och anpassade kombinationerna av designprinciper för arktisk och subarktisk arkitektur. Då gestaltningsförslaget är utformat på en övergripande konceptuell nivå, där fokus legat på attapplicera de identifierade principerna, anses detinte vara en fullständig produkt. Fortsatt arbete med och utveckling av det termiska klimatet samt interiöra faktorerna föreslås, som inte nödvändigtvis bör påverka den förslagna exteriöra utformningen. Det sammanställda och identifierade principernapresenteras på sida 47 i rapporten. Medan gestaltningsförslaget i sin helhet presenteras på sida 85. / Cities and communities have moved and developed further north over the last century, but with a lack of a clear architectural design adapted to the arctic and sub-arctic climate. Some researchers argue that cities and buildings in these climates are largely based on universal architectural and urban principles, which are actually better suited in temperate climates. The purpose of this work is to investigate, identify, compile and visualize relevant research, knowledge and practical knowledge regarding architectural design in an arctic and sub-arctic climate. To identify contributing factors to comfortable and attractive homes and urban spaces with qualities that reduce the occurrence of weatherrelated discomfort. In order to, through a conceptual design proposal, be able to visualize and illuminate the architectural design that is best suited to the arctic and sub-arctic climate. Initially, a literature study is conducted in which available research is studied with regard to clarifywhat defines arctic and sub-arctic architecture and climateadapted housing construction. Furthermore, crucial climate factors and architectural qualities are identified that can promote a clear design languageand comfortable environments in these demanding climates. After the literature study, a synthesis is established which together with methods like Problem Seeking and Design: process and method compilethe identified qualities to concrete principles and strategies. The synthesis resulted in the following three climate factors to take into account: Sun, Wind and Snow. Furthermore, synthesis resulted in the fol- lowing nine building-related factors: Volumes, Roofs, Facade, Entrance, Ground plan, courtyards and urban factors such as: Streets, Vegetation and Activities. In order to apply these identified principles andstrategies, an application area with climate conditions similar to those studied was chosen. The application area became two blocks in Kiruna's new city plan, northwest of new center. A site ana- lysis was carried out using well known analysis methods where the necessary information was provided through Kiruna's development plan, indepth overview plan and the winning competition contribution for the new city plan, Kiruna 4-ever. The conceptual design proposal, which is the result of the work, is based on the established synthesis together with the result of the analyzes carried outwith respect to the field of application. The designproposal constitutes two residential blocks in lines with Kiruna's development plan regarding design andfunction and the identified architectural principles. A high quality functional mix, vibrant and inviting street environments, attractive streets, squares and parks as well as a clear connection to nature are some of the qualities that appear in the proposal. Along with the well-balanced and adapted combinations of design principles for arctic and sub-arctic architecture. Since the design proposal is designed on an overall conceptual level, where the focus has beenon applying the identified principles, it is not considered a complete product. Continued work on and development of the thermal climate and interior factors is proposed, which should not ne- cessarily affect the proposed exterior design.The crucial and identified principles are presented on page 47 of the report. While the design proposal as a whole is presented on page 85.

Ice Cold Urban Planning : A Literature Review on Challenges and Strategies in Designing Sustainable Winter Cities / Iskall stadsplanering : En litteraturöversikt om utmaningar och strategier vid utformning av hållbara vinterstäder

Huerta, Carlos, Axelsson, Catrin January 2023 (has links)
Designing winter cities after the conditions of the winter weather entails unique challenges that require urban planning that is adapted to the specific conditions. One challenge is enabling transportation and accessibility despite heavy snowfall and slippery road surfaces. Understanding these challenges that may arise during the planning and designing of winter cities is crucial for achieving sustainable urban development. As the population increases and climate changes become increasingly unpredictable, winter cities must be planned to optimize land use and create comfortable living spaces. This is essential for preserving important values of nature and cultural values, as well as creating livable environments regardless of the climate. The purpose of this study is to compile and map the challenges of designing winter cities and identify strategies and solutions for sustainable urban planning in cold climates. Through a literature review as a method, a thematization of research and studies in the subject area was compiled and conducted. The thematization resulted in three main themes: Urban design and layout, Operations and maintenance, and Transportation and street space. Thus, the results consist of these themes and associated subheading for each theme. The study shows that winter cities must actively consider multiple aspects, including the need for microclimates, efficient snow clearing, prioritization of soft mobility, and innovative alternatives such as winter trails. Weighing different interests against and considering both practical and aesthetic aspects is crucial in the planning process. The study also highlights the importance of managing conflicts between different modes of transportation and the potential role of winter trails in promoting sustainable mobility. The study suggests exploring alternative solutions for winter trails and how snow management can be made more efficient through further research. This way, urban planners can create sustainable and inviting winter cities for both residents and visitors / Utformningen av vinterstäder efter vinterförhållanden medför unika utmaningar som kräver en stadsplanering som är väl anpassad till de specifika förutsättningarna. En utmaning är att möjliggöra transport och tillgänglighet trots stora snömängder och halt underlag. Förståelsen kring utmaningar som kan uppkomma vid planering och utformning av vinterstäder är avgörande för att uppnå en hållbar stadsutveckling. I takt med att befolkningen ökar och klimatförändringar blir alltmer oförutsägbara måste vinterstäder planeras för effektivisering av markanvändning och behaglig livsmiljö. Detta är viktigt för att bevara värdefulla natur-och kulturvärden, men även för att skapa miljöer som går att bo på oavsett klimat. Syftet med denna studie är att sammanställa och kartlägga utmaningarna med att utforma vinterstäder och identifiera möjliga strategier och lösningar för hållbar stadsplanering i kallt klimat. Genom en litteraturöversikt som metod sammanställdes och utfördes en tematisering av forskning och studier inom ämnesområdet. Tematiseringen mynnade ut i tre huvudteman; Urban design och utformning, Drift och underhåll och Transport och gaturum. Således utgörs resultatet av dessa teman samt tillhörande underrubriker för respektive tema. Studien visar att vinterstäder aktivt måste beakta flera aspekter, bland annat behovet av mikroklimat, effektiv snöröjning, prioritering av mjuk mobilitet samt nytänkande alternativ såsom vinterleder. Att väga olika intressen mot varandra och samtidigt beakta både praktiska och estetiska aspekter är avgörande i planeringsprocessen. Studien framhäver också vikten av att hantera konflikter mellan olika transportmedel samt rollen som vinterleder skulle kunna spela för att främja hållbar mobilitet. Studien föreslår att man utforskar alternativa lösningar för vinterleder samt hur snöhanteringen skulle kunna effektiviseras, detta genom vidare forskning. På så sätt kan stadsplanerare skapa hållbara och inbjudande vinterstäder för både boende och besökare.

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