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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Three essays on the impact of economic transition on Central and Eastern European enterprises / Trois essais sur l’impact de la transition économique sur les entreprises dans les pays d’Europe Centrale et de l’Est

Topalli, Margerita 25 January 2018 (has links)
L'objectif de cette étude doctoral est d'étudier l'impact du processus de transition économique, de l'économie centralisée à l'économie de marché, sur les entreprises des pays d'Europe de l’Est et Centrale (EEC) de 1989 à 2016. Dans les deux premiers articles, pour conceptualiser la structure intellectuelle de la transition économique et de la privatisation, en tant que principales composantes de la transition, a été utilisée l’analyse des mots-clés (Co-Word Analysis: CWA) sur la littérature existante. Cette méthode scientométrique consiste d’abord à extraire les concepts les plus importants décrivant un champ de recherche à partir de titres et/ou de résumés sur la base d'un grand nombre de documents académiques, puis de calculer les occurrences de chaque concept et de générer des grappes (clusters) de tels concepts fondés sur la force de leur association. CWA affiche ces clusters dans une carte 2D en fonction de leur force interne et externe qui représente la structure intellectuelle du domaine de recherche en question. Les résultats de ces deux articles, ainsi que d'autres auteurs (Berglöf & Roland, 2006; Stiglitz, 2000, 2006) soulignent l'importance des facteurs non-économiques sur la performance de l'entreprise. Selon Frye & Shleifer (1997), parmi les facteurs non-économiques et non-institutionnels, la corruption est identifiée comme un élément important pendant le processus de transition qu’Intriligator (1996), confirme également pendant le processus de privatisation. Le dernier article propose des résultats inédits sur l'impact de la corruption et du crime sur la performance de l'entreprise / The aim of this doctoral study is to investigate the impact of economic transition process, from centrally planned economy to market economy, on the enterprises in Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries from 1989 to 2016. In the two first articles, to map the intellectual structure of economic transition and of privatization, as the main component of transition, has been used Co-Word Analysis (CWA) on extant literature. CWA consists initially in extracting the most important concepts describing a research field from titles and/or abstracts on the basis of a large number of scholarly papers, then calculating the occurrences of each concept and generating clusters of such concepts based on the strength of their association. CWA display these clusters in a 2D map depending on their internal and external strength of each cluster that represents the intellectual structure of the research field in question. The results of these two articles, along with other authors (Berglöf & Roland, 2006; Stiglitz, 2000, 2006), emphasize the importance of non-economic factors on enterprise performance. According to (Frye & Shleifer, 1997), among the non-economic and non-institutional factors, corruption, is identified as the element that played an important role during the transition process and as Intriligator (1996) confirms, also during the privatization process. Though in the last article, are provided new insights of the impact of corruption, crime and “time tax” on enterprise performance

\"Aspectos nutricionais de compostos fenólicos em ovinos alimentados com leguminosas forrageiras\" / Nutritional aspects of phenolic compounds in sheep fed with leguminous forage

Patrícia Barboza de Godoy 29 March 2007 (has links)
As leguminosas constituem uma importante fonte de alimentos para os ruminantes e podem ser exploradas para pastejo direto ou, se conservadas, para fornecimento na forma de feno ou silagem. Algumas leguminosas possuem compostos fenólicos em sua composição. A caracterização química dessas as plantas possibilita melhor uso das mesmas na alimentação animal assim como um melhor entendimento dos efeitos positivos e negativos dos compostos fenólicos na nutrição dos animais. Objetivou-se com o presente estudo: (i) avaliar a composição química de cinco leguminosas de interesse para a alimentação de ruminantes; (ii) estudar os efeitos dos taninos de diferentes leguminosas na produção de gases in vitro; e (iii) estudar os efeitos de dietas constituídas com estas leguminosas no consumo voluntário e digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes em ovinos. O primeiro trabalho (Capítulo 3) refere-se à caracterização in vitro das leguminosas forrageiras (Leucaena leucocephala (Leucena), Arachis pintoi (Amendoim forrageiro), Stylosanthes guianenses cv mineirão (Estilosantes mineirão), Stylosanthes guianenses cv Campo Grande (Estilosantes Campo Grande e Calopogonio sp. (Calopogônio). Foram avaliadas a composição química, a quantificação de taninos, a fermentabilidade ruminal e a síntese microbiana e os resultados obtidos demonstraram valores de proteína bruta compatíveis com a literatura, exceto para o Calopogônio e Estilosantes Campo Grande (< 60 g kg-1 MS). Os teores de taninos variaram significativamente dentre as plantas estudadas, entretanto o teor de tanino condensado pode ser considerado seguro para os animais (entre 30 a 40 eq-g leucocianidina kg-1 MS). As cinco leguminosas apresentaram boa fermentabilidade in vitro, com baixo tempo de colonização (~ 4 h) e T ½ (tempo gasto para atingir metade do valor da Produção Potencial de Gases) inferior a 25 h. A técnica in vitro de incorporação de radiofósforo mostrou efeito significativo da adição de polietileno glicol (PEG) na avaliação da síntese microbiana, demonstrando o efeito dos taninos presentes nas leguminosas estudadas sobra a síntese de proteína no rúmen. O segundo trabalho (Capítulo 4) refere-se à caracterização e avaliação nutricional in vitro de Medicago sativa (Alfafa), Cajanus cajan (Feijão guandu), Mucuna aterrina (Mucuna preta) e Mucuna pluriens (Mucuna cinza). A composição química, a quantificação de taninos e a cinética de fermentação destas leguminosas e dietas experimentais constituídas de fenos de Tifton-85 (Cynodon sp), milho triturado, sal mineralizado na proporção de 30:18:2 com a adição (50%) de cada uma das leguminosas foram estudadas (tratamento ALF, GND, MCZ, MPT respectivamente para Alfafa, Feijão guandu, Mucuna cinza e Mucuna preta). Alfafa apresentou o maior conteúdo de proteína bruta (185 g kg-1 MS) e os teores de taninos variaram significativamente entre as plantas estudadas. Mucuna cinza apresentou maior e Alfafa menor valores de tanino condensado (50 e 0,2 eg. G leucocianidina kg-1 MS respectivamente). Com exceção da Alfafa, todas as outras leguminosas apresentaram incremento de gases quando incubadas in vitro na presença de PEG; o que reflete a atividade biológica dos taninos presente nestas plantas. Em relação às dietas experimentais, apenas as dietas GND e MCZ apresentaram incrementos de gases na presença de PEG. O terceiro trabalho (Capítulo 5) descreve a avaliação nutricional in vivo das dietas experimentais utilizadas no Capítulo 4 (ALF, GND, MCZ, e MPT). Foram utilizados ovinos da raça Santa Inês, machos, castrados com peso vivo médio de 53 ± 5,1 kg. As dietas foram oferecidas de acordo com o peso vivo de cada animal (3%) durante o ensaio de consumo voluntário, enquanto que durante o ensaio de digestibilidade, foi oferecida em cerca de 90% do consumo voluntário determinado anteriormente. Nenhuma dieta apresentou quantidade de taninos condensados considerado prejudicial aos animais. Todas as dietas estudadas apresentaram consumo voluntário e consumo de nutrientes semelhantes. Apenas ALF apresentou maior digestibilidade de PB, enquanto que a MCZ apresentou menor digestibilidade da mesma fração. É concluído com esses trabalhos que as leguminosas estudadas constituem uma importante fonte de nutrientes para os ruminantes, contudo, os teores de taninos condensados devem ser monitorados a fim de que sejam preparadas dietas que não alterem o consumo voluntário nem a fermentação ruminal, e consequentemente disponibilização dos nutrientes aos animais / Leguminous plants constitute an important source of food for the ruminants and they can be explored as direct grazing or, if conserved, for supply in the form of hay or silage. Some of those plants possess phenolic compounds in its composition. The chemical characterization of such plants make possible better use of them in the animal feeding as well as a better understanding of the positive and negative effects of the phenolic compounds in the nutrition of the animals. It was aimed with the present study: (i) to evaluate the chemical composition of five leguminous plants of interest for the feeding of ruminant; (ii) to study the effects of the tannins of different leguminous plants in the in vitro gas production assay; and (iii) to study the effects of diets constituted with these leguminous plants in the voluntary intake and apparent digestibility of the nutrients in sheep. The first work (Chapter 3) refers to the characterization in vitro of the leguminous foragers (Leucaena leucocephala (Leucena), Arachis pintoi (Amendoim forrageiro), Stylosanthes guianenses cv mineirão (Estilosantes mineirão), Stylosanthes guianenses cv Campo Grande (Estilosantes Campo Grande) and Calopogonio sp. (Calopogônio). They were appraised for the chemical composition, the quantification of tannins, the ruminal fermentability and the microbial synthesis. The obtained results demonstrated compatible values for crude protein content, except for Calopogônio and Estilosantes Campo Grande (< 60 g kg-1 DM). The tannin content varied significantly among the studied plants, however the condensed tannin content can be considered safe for the animals (between 30 to 40 eq-g leucocianidin kg-1 DM). The five leguminous plants presented good in vitro fermentability, with low time of colonization (~ 4 h) and T ½ (time spent to reach half of the value of the potential gas production) less than 25 h. The in vitro technique of radio labeled phosphorus incorporation showed significant effect of the addition of polyethylene glycol (PEG) in the evaluation of the microbial synthesis, demonstrating the effect of the presence of tannins in the studied leguminous plants. The second work (Chapter 4) refers to the characterization and in vitro nutritional evaluation of Medicago sativa (Alfalfa), Cajanus cajan (Feijão guandu), Mucuna aterrina (Mucuna preta) and Mucuna pluriens (Mucuna cinza). The chemical composition, the quantification of tannins and the kinetics of fermentation of these leguminous plants and four constituted experimental diets with Tifton-85 hay (Cynodon sp), corn grain, mineralized salt (30:18:2) with the addition (50%) of each one of the leguminous plants were studied (treatment ALF, GND, MCZ, MPT respectively for Alfalfa, Feijão guandu, Mucuna cinza and Mucuna preta). Alfalfa presented the highest content of crude protein (185 g kg-1 DM) and the tannin content varied significantly among the studied plants. Mucuna cinza presented greater and Alfalfa lower values of condensed tannin (50 and 0.2 eg g leucocianidin kg-1 DM respectively). Except for the Alfalfa, all the other leguminous plants presented increment of gases when incubated in vitro in the presence of PEG; what reflects the biological activity of the tannins present in these plants. In relation to the experimental diets, just the diets GND and MCZ presented increments of gases in the presence of PEG. The third work (Chapter 5) describes the in vivo nutritional evaluation of the experimental diets used in the Chapter 4 (ALF, GND, MCZ, and MPT). Santa Inês males, castrated with live weight of 53 ± 5.1 kg sheep were used. The diets were offered in agreement with the liveweight of each animal (3%) during the voluntary intake assay, while during the digestibility trial, it was offered in about 90% of the voluntary intake determined previously. No diet presented amount of condensed tannins considered harmful to the animals. All of the studied diets presented similar voluntary intake and nutrients consumption. Just ALF presented higher crude protein digestibility, while MCZ presented lower digestibility of the same fraction. It is concluded with those works that the studied leguminous plants constitutes an important source of nutrients for the ruminants, however, the condensed tannins content should be monitored so that it can prepare diets to neither alter the voluntary intake nor the ruminal fermentation, and consequently guaranteeing the supply of nutrients to the animals

Aplicação de métodos bibliométricos e da \"Co-Word Analysis\" na avaliação da literatura científica brasileira em ciências da saúde de 1990 a 2002 / Application of bibliometric methods and \"Co-Word Analysis\" of Brazilian scientific literature in health sciences, 1990-2002.

Gonsalez Saes, Sueli 23 February 2005 (has links)
Analisou-se neste trabalho a produção científica brasileira, no campo da Saúde, por meio da pesquisa de publicações, constantes da base de dados \"Web of Knowledge\", no período de 1990 a 2002. A pesquisa incluiu 3.066 revistas desse campo do conhecimento. Nesse período foram contabilizadas 38.349 publicações. Os métodos bibliométricos tradicionais e a \"co-word analysis\" foram utilizados como instrumento de análise para medir a atividade científica no campo da saúde. O pacote estatístico, Statistical Package for Social Science - SPSS, foi utilizado para a obtenção dos indicadores bibliométricos tradicionais. Demonstraram-se as etapas de trabalho e a potencialidade da \"co-word analysis\". Foram estudadas as palavras que representam os descritores e identificadores na base de dados e estas foram relacionadas com outras variáveis como autores, ano de publicação e filiação da publicação. Para tal, utilizou-se o \"Tétralogie\", um software que aplica tratamentos estatísticos para conseguir que o grau de co-ocorrência entre as palavras seja representado como distâncias no espaço. Desta forma, as palavras podem ser visualizadas como pontos no espaço, por meio dos mapas tecnológicos e a distância entre elas será representativa de sua co-ocorrência ou afinidade. Os mapas tecnológicos permitiram a identificação de redes de cooperação entre pesquisadores e instituições, bem como identificação de \"clusters\" entre autores e as palavras descritoras do campo de conhecimento estudado. Esta abordagem para a área de avaliação em Ciência e Tecnologia demonstrou ampliar as análises bibliométricas tradicionais, e pode incrementar as atividades de planejamento e definição de ações estratégicas indicando, para onde e como se poderiam dirigir esforços para desenvolvimento do campo estudado. / This work analyzed Brazilian scientific production in the health sciences field by analysis of publications present in the database \"Web of knowledge\" in the period from 1990 to 2002. The study covered 3,066 journals in this field of knowledge. During this period a total of 38,349 Brazilian publications were found. Bibliometric analysis and \"co-word analysis\" were used to measure the scientific activity in health sciences. A statistical software package (Statistical Package for Social Science – SPSS) was used to determine traditional bibliometric analysis. The words representing descriptors and identifiers in the database had been studied and the relationship to other variables such as authors, publication year, and affiliation within the publication was determined. For this analysis, the \"Tétralogie\" software that applies statistical methods to measure the co-occurrence among words and represents this measure as distances in space was used. In this way, words can be visualized as points in space on a map. The maps and distances between words will represent the co-occurrence or affinity between keywords. The technological maps have shown networks of cooperation among researchers and institutions, as well as identification of \"clusters\" of authors and a hierarchy of the descriptive keywords. This approach for evaluation of science and technology demonstrated an extension of the traditional bibliometric analysis and showed that it could improve planning activities by identification of strategic actions pointing to where and how efforts for improvement in the field of health sciences should be directed.

Aplicação de métodos bibliométricos e da \"Co-Word Analysis\" na avaliação da literatura científica brasileira em ciências da saúde de 1990 a 2002 / Application of bibliometric methods and \"Co-Word Analysis\" of Brazilian scientific literature in health sciences, 1990-2002.

Sueli Gonsalez Saes 23 February 2005 (has links)
Analisou-se neste trabalho a produção científica brasileira, no campo da Saúde, por meio da pesquisa de publicações, constantes da base de dados \"Web of Knowledge\", no período de 1990 a 2002. A pesquisa incluiu 3.066 revistas desse campo do conhecimento. Nesse período foram contabilizadas 38.349 publicações. Os métodos bibliométricos tradicionais e a \"co-word analysis\" foram utilizados como instrumento de análise para medir a atividade científica no campo da saúde. O pacote estatístico, Statistical Package for Social Science - SPSS, foi utilizado para a obtenção dos indicadores bibliométricos tradicionais. Demonstraram-se as etapas de trabalho e a potencialidade da \"co-word analysis\". Foram estudadas as palavras que representam os descritores e identificadores na base de dados e estas foram relacionadas com outras variáveis como autores, ano de publicação e filiação da publicação. Para tal, utilizou-se o \"Tétralogie\", um software que aplica tratamentos estatísticos para conseguir que o grau de co-ocorrência entre as palavras seja representado como distâncias no espaço. Desta forma, as palavras podem ser visualizadas como pontos no espaço, por meio dos mapas tecnológicos e a distância entre elas será representativa de sua co-ocorrência ou afinidade. Os mapas tecnológicos permitiram a identificação de redes de cooperação entre pesquisadores e instituições, bem como identificação de \"clusters\" entre autores e as palavras descritoras do campo de conhecimento estudado. Esta abordagem para a área de avaliação em Ciência e Tecnologia demonstrou ampliar as análises bibliométricas tradicionais, e pode incrementar as atividades de planejamento e definição de ações estratégicas indicando, para onde e como se poderiam dirigir esforços para desenvolvimento do campo estudado. / This work analyzed Brazilian scientific production in the health sciences field by analysis of publications present in the database \"Web of knowledge\" in the period from 1990 to 2002. The study covered 3,066 journals in this field of knowledge. During this period a total of 38,349 Brazilian publications were found. Bibliometric analysis and \"co-word analysis\" were used to measure the scientific activity in health sciences. A statistical software package (Statistical Package for Social Science – SPSS) was used to determine traditional bibliometric analysis. The words representing descriptors and identifiers in the database had been studied and the relationship to other variables such as authors, publication year, and affiliation within the publication was determined. For this analysis, the \"Tétralogie\" software that applies statistical methods to measure the co-occurrence among words and represents this measure as distances in space was used. In this way, words can be visualized as points in space on a map. The maps and distances between words will represent the co-occurrence or affinity between keywords. The technological maps have shown networks of cooperation among researchers and institutions, as well as identification of \"clusters\" of authors and a hierarchy of the descriptive keywords. This approach for evaluation of science and technology demonstrated an extension of the traditional bibliometric analysis and showed that it could improve planning activities by identification of strategic actions pointing to where and how efforts for improvement in the field of health sciences should be directed.

Kiš, Kish or Kiški? : A Bibliometrics study of the domain Assyriology / Kiš, Kish eller Kiški? : En bibliometrisk studie av domänen assyriologi

Larsson, Olivia January 2021 (has links)
This thesis aims to examine how the domain Assyriology can be analyzed with bibliometrics. It uses the domain analytic perspective by Birger Hjørland and Hanne Albrechtsen. The metadata was collected through the Web of Science and the dataset covers the years 2016-2020 from the journals Akkadica, Journal of Near Eastern Studies, Ancient Near Eastern studies, Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions and Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie. The domain was studied by analyzing citations, the documents, languages, place of publication, the age of references and the authors by visualizing patterns in figures and tables. Co-authorship analysis was used to display collaboration between countries. The content was analyzed with co-citation analysis of references and co-word analysis of title words to visualize the knowledge structures within the domain. The study found that Co-word analysis did give a general idea of different knowledge patterns but there were few clear structures. The co-citation analysis was found to reveal more clear structures though the references had a low citation rate and so might not be representative of the whole domain. It was found to be effective to use tables and figures to visualize certain aspects and patterns within the domain. In conclusion, bibliometrics was found to be effective to gain knowledge about the domain Assyriology. This is a two years master's thesis in Library and Information Science. / Den här uppsatsen ämnar att analysera hur domänen assyriologi kan analyseras med hjälp av bibliometri. Uppsatsen använder ett domänanalytiskt perspektiv av Birger Hjørland and Hanne Albrechtsen. Metadatan har samlats in från Web of Science och datasetet består material från tidsperioden 2016-2020 från tidskrifterna AkkAncient Near Eastern studies, adica, Journal of Near Eastern Studies, Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions and Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie. Domänen studerades genom att analysera citeringar, materialet, språken, vart materialet publicerades, åldern på referenserna och författarna genom att visualisera mönster i figurer och tabeller. Forskningssamarbeten analyserades för att visa samarbeten mellan länder. Innehållet analyserades med en cociteringsanalys av referenser och en cowordanalys av titelord för att visualisera kognitiva strukturer inom domänen. Studien fann att cowordanalys gav en generell bild av olika kongnitiva strukturer men det fanns få tydliga strukturer. Cociteringsanalysen hittade fler tydliga strukturer men referenserna hade få citeringar och det är därmed möjligt att det inte representerar hela domänen. Det var effektivt att använda sig av tabeller och figurer för att visualisera olika aspekter inom domänen. Sammansfattningsvis, bibliometri var användart för att få nya kunskaper om domänen assyriologi.

Towards word alignment and dataset creation for shorthand documents and transcripts

Ryan, Elisabeth January 2021 (has links)
Analysing handwritten texts and creating labelled data sets can facilitate novel research on languages and advanced computerized analysis of authors works. However, few handwritten works have word wise labelling or data sets associated with them. More often a transcription of the text is available, but without any exact coupling between words in the transcript and word representations in the document images. Can an algorithm be created that will take only an image of handwritten text and a corresponding transcript and return a partial alignment and data set? An algorithm is developed in this thesis that explores the use of a convolutional neural network trained on English handwritten text to be able to align some words on pages and create a data set given a handwritten page image and a transcript. This algorithm is tested on handwritten English text. The algorithm is also tested on Swedish shorthand, which was the inspiration for the development of the algorithm in this work. In testing on several pages of handwritten English text, the algorithm reaches an overall average classification of 68% of words on one page with 0% miss-classification of those words. On a sequence of pages, the algorithm reaches 84% correctly classified words on 10 pages and produces a data set of 551 correctly labelled word images. This after being shown 10 pages with an average of 70.6 words on each page, with0% miss-classification. / Analys av handskrivna texter och skapande av dataset kan främja ny forskning inom språk och avancerad datoranalys av olika författares verk. Det finns dock få handskrivna verk med information om vad varje handskrivet ord betecknar eller dataset relaterade till texten. Oftare finns en transkribering av texten, utan någon exakt koppling mellan de transkriberade orden och handskrivna ord i bilden av ett dokument. Genom att skapa en algoritm som kan ta tillvara handskrivna texter och motsvarande transkription kan potentiellt fler verk datoranalyseras. Kan en algoritm skapas som bara tar in en bild av ett handskrivet dokument och en motsvarande transkription och som returnerar en partiell placering av ord till ordbilder och ett dataset? En algoritm skapas i detta arbete som utforskar möjligheten att använda ett djupt neuralt nätverk tränat på engelsk handskriven text för att koppla ord i ett dokumentet till en transkription, och använda dessa för att skapa ett dataset. Denna algoritm är testad på engelsk handskriven text. Algoritmen testas också på svensk stenografi, vilket är inspirationen till skapandet av algoritmen. Algoritmen testades på ett antal sidor handskriven engelsk text. Där kunde algoritmen klassificera i genomsnitt 68% av orden på en handskriven sida med 0% av dessa ord felklassificerade. På en serie sidor når algoritmen en genomsnittlig klassificering av 84% klassificerade ord, och producerar ett dataset av 551 korrekt klassificerade ordbilder. Detta är efter att ha visat algoritmen 10 sidor med i snitt 70.6 ord per sida. I dessa test nåddes också en felklassificering på 0%.

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