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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avspecialisering som framgångskoncept för jämnare arbetsfördelning?

Bunne, Tobias, Iversen, Per January 2006 (has links)
The application of the LSS law and how the public organization (Municipality of Hudiksvall) later had to reform their organization to fit the new demands is the foundation to this master's thesis. An internal evaluation was performed due to this reorganisation process within the social care department (LSS unit). The aim was to investigate and evaluate if the reorganization resulted in a better working environment and if the work load (distribution of work) became more evenly divided between the different unit managing directors. The primary empirical information to this master's thesis is collected from that evaluation report. The main aim of this master’s thesis is to answer if the organisational choice between specialised or de-specialised working tasks has an effect (experienced and measured) on the level of stress among the unit managing directors. We have found that it is a question about moral stress rather than a question about stressed managing directors in general. In this thesis the definition of “moral stress” is the discrepancy between one persons ethical properties and the actions that person have to take due to appointed level of power and the responsibility that follows with this power. Our main recommendation is to find an organisational structure based on the premises of the LSS-law while at the same time attending to the problems of the more and more difficult working situation amongst the employees. This can be achieved by gaining approval for a new prioritizing order form the politicians, the clients, and the employees. Such a reformation process (Sw “omnormeringsprocess”) would imply less moral stress. If the managing directors have a basic employment as a generalist the working tasks will be more evenly divided amongst the employees. Teams of 5-7 employees that encompasses specially qualified generalist and that meets on a regular basis is essential to relieve pressure from colleagues. This is essential to be able to make the most out of the special knowledge of the directors. In the extension of this change the assistants should be included in the existing substitutes-pool and each assistant’s special competence should be clarified.

Reducing WIP Inventory of Production Line in AQ Segerström & Svensson AB

Yuvaraj, Vasanth Raj, Zhang, Sifei January 2013 (has links)
The major objective of present study is to find out the sources which cause higher Work in Process (WIP) in the production line. In which a detailed analysis is performed in the area of inventory, reorder point, Takt time, and Kanban. All the analyses are based on the data obtained from the company’s ERP system and have been used to run some scenarios during the analysis.Lots of problems are responsible to cause higher WIP. But current report only focuses and concentrates in leveling the work load, implementing pull system, suggesting reorder point and Takt time.The current situation is described through Value-stream Map (VSM) and the impact cost matrix is used to show the impact of each problem in the production line in terms of costs. In the analysis chapter, root cause method has been used in order to show the cause and effect of higher WIP. Detailed analyses together with explanations are listed by orders. Therefore, three major suggestions are proposed and the future VSM is plotted to show the effect and change of the suggestions which helps to improve the current situation by eliminating the waste.

Jakten på vårdplatser som inte finns : En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Andersson, Amalia January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Vårdplatserna på svenska sjukhus har minskat drastiskt det senaste decenniet.  Detta har inneburit en högre beläggning på de kvarvarande och medfört längre väntetid på landets akutmottagningar. Platsbristen skapar, ibland dagliga, överbeläggningar och utlokaliseringar av patienter. Syfte: Att undersöka hur sjuksköterskor och läkare upplever att vårdplatssituationen påverkar deras arbete och vad detta får för konsekvenser för patienterna. Metod: Kvalitativ design med semistrukturerade intervjuer med tre läkare och nio sjuksköterskor från akutvårdsavdelning med inriktning infektion, mottagning med akutintag och akutmottagning. Analysarbetet genomfördes med Malteruds (2009) innehållsanalys. Resultat: Vårdplatssituationen kommer sig av en brist på vårdplatser inom främst medicindivisionen, samt en oförmåga att hålla de platser som finns öppna på grund av sjuksköterskebrist. Bristen på vårdplatser har inneburit en oförmåga för läkare och sjuksköterskor att utföra sitt arbete i enlighet med sin kompetens och beprövad erfarenhet. Slutsats: Svårigheterna med att finna platser till patienterna på deras hemavdelningar samt de ständiga omflyttningarna av patienter medför svårigheter för vårdpersonalen att ge god medicinsk vård och omvårdnad vilket medför stora risker för patientsäkerheten. / Background: Under the last decade hospital beds in Swedish hospitals have been reduced dramatically which have increased the bed – occupancy rates as well as the waiting hours at the emergency departments.  As a consequence to this the medical wards become overcrowded and patients are been located in other wards then the ward with the right expertise.   Purpose: To examine how registered nurses and physicians are affected by the lack of patient beds in an emergency hospital and how they think the situation affect patient safety. Method: Qualitative study consisting of semi –structured interviews with nine registered nurses and three physicians, all working in an emergency department, an surgery with acute intake and a department for acute infectious diseases. Content analysis (Malterud, 2009) was used to analyse the material. Vårdplatssituationen kommer sig av en brist på vårdplatser inom främst medicindivisionen, samt en oförmåga att hålla de platser som finns öppna på grund av sjuksköterskebrist. Bristen på vårdplatser har inneburit en oförmåga för läkare och sjuksköterskor att utföra sitt arbete i enlighet med sin kompetens och beprövad erfarenhet.   Results: The problem to find adequate in-hospital beds for the patients are caused by the lack of physical beds in especially the medicine division and the inability to keep existing beds open as a result of the lack of registered nurses. The lack of hospital beds have made it difficult for the physicians and the registered nurses to give safe and adequate care to their patients. Conclusion: The shortage of hospital beds, and the constant relocation of patients, is making it difficult for nurses and physicians to give patients the medical care they need which have a great effect on patients safety.

"Det går bra!" : en vetenskaplig essä om stress och pedagogisk kvalitet på förskola / "It works fine!" : an essay about stress and pedagogical quality at preschool

Axelson, Kerstin January 2013 (has links)
I min essä utgår jag från en händelse i min verksamhet som är en stressig situation för mig. Jag upplever att vi har fått ett hårdare arbetsklimat på förskolan sedan den reviderade Läroplanen för förskola kom 2011 och undersöker därför hur samhällsklimatet idag är och bakgrunden till den reviderade Läroplanen för förskola och vad den innebär för oss pedagoger. Jag tar reda på vad stress är och hur det påverkar barn och vuxna samt undersöker vad begreppet pedagogisk kvalitet står för. I mina reflektioner lyfter jag fram olika sätt som jag och mina kollegor hanterar stress och vårt pedagogiska uppdrag på. Jag funderar även över om vi vuxna producerar stress till barnen samt vad barnen får för pedagogisk verksamhet under pedagogernas rådande arbetsbelastning. Avsikten med min essä är att förstå hur jag på bästa sätt ska kunna hantera våra ökade åtaganden och samtidigt undvika stress för barn och pedagoger och skapa de bästa förutsättningarna för barnen att få en verksamhet med pedagogisk kvalitet. Min undersökning visar att Läroplanen för förskola har reviderats för att barn ska få den kunskapsbas de behöver för att klara sig i samhället. Jag fann även att vi pedagoger har svårt att förena vår arbetssituation och våra arbetsuppgifter med att ge barnen en jämn pedagogisk kvalitet på verksamheten hos oss på förskolan. För en del pedagoger skapar arbetsbelastningen en stress vilket kan betyda risker för hälsan. En del barn visar också tecken på stressbeteende på grund av pedagogernas ökade frånvaro från barngruppen vilket även påverkar den pedagogiska kvaliteten. Jag ser även att arbetsbelastningen kan medföra en risk för värdeförskjutning av vissa arbetsuppgifter som rutin och omsorg samt att vår förmåga att se till varje barns behov minskar. Som pedagog på förskola har vi alla ansvar för den pedagogiska kvaliteten och även för att påpeka brister i arbetsmiljön. Vi bör i personalgruppen främja vår egen kommunikation samt även dialogen med ledningen för att kunna få till förändringar. Även om närvarande pedagoger inte garanterar, är det ändå förutsättningen för en verksamhet utan stress och med pedagogisk kvalitet. / My essay proceeds from an episode in my occupation at preschool which is a stressful event for me. I experience that we pedagogues have gotten a tougher work climate since the revised preschool curricula came in 2011 and I therefore investigate the community´s climate of today and the background for the revised preschool curricula and what it means to us pedagogues. I investigate what stress is and what effect it has on children and adults and explore what the concept pedagogic quality stands for. In my reflektions I emphasize different manors I and my colleges handle and see on stress and our pedagogical comittment. I also reflekt on if we adults produce stress to the children and what educational activity the children get from pedagogues with existing work load. The purpose with my essay is to understand the best way for me to handle the pedagogues increasing obligations an work tasks and at the same time avoid stress for the children and the pedagogues and to create the best conditions for the children to get activities with pedagogical quality. My investigation shows that the preschool curricula have been revised to give the children the knowledge base they need to be able to get on in the community. I also found that we pedagogues have a difficulty linking our work situation and our work tasks with giving the children an even pedagogical quality on the activities at our preschool. For some pedagogues the work load produces stress which can mean health risks. Some children also shows signs of stress behavior due to the pedagogues increasing absence from the children which also has an effect on the pedagogical quality. I also seea risk, due to our work load, of a dislocation of our values regarding some of our tasks like routines and care and a decreasing ability to see each child´s needs. As a pedagogue at preschool we all have a responsibility for the pedagogical quality as well as to note inadequasies in our work invironment. To be able to make changes we pedagogues should support our own communication as well as our dialog with our head group. Even though a present pedagogue doesn´t garantee, it still is the prerequisite for activities without stress and with a pedagogical quality.

Bendruomenės slaugytojų darbo organizavimas slaugant visiškos negalios pacientus / Community nurses' work organization in caring of totally disabled patients

Subačienė, Regina 04 June 2013 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: Įvertinti bendruomenės slaugytojų darbo organizavimą slaugant visiškos negalios pacientus Kauno rajone ir Kauno mieste. Uždaviniai: 1. Įvertinti bendruomenės slaugytojų darbo krūvius slaugant visiškos negalios pacientus. 2. Įvertinti bendruomenės slaugytojų darbo sąlygas slaugant visiškos negalios pacientus. 3. Palyginti bendruomenės slaugytojų darbo krūvius, darbo sąlygas tarp atskirų sveikatos priežiūros institucijų. Tyrimo metodika. 2012 m. gruodžio – 2013 m. sausio mėn. atlikta anoniminė bendruomenės slaugytojų apklausa 4 Kauno miesto ir rajono PSPC. Atliekant tyrimą, buvo išdalintos 98 anketos, atsakymų dažnis 93 proc. Rezultatai. Kaimo apylinkėse dirbo vyresni, turintys didesnį darbo stažą ir dirbantys didesniu darbo krūviu slaugytojai lyginant su miesto apylinkių slaugytojais. Nustatytas ryšys darbo krūvio pokyčiuose paskutinių trejų metų laikotarpyje: miesto apylinkėse dirbantys slaugytojai (77,3 proc.) nuomone darbo krūvis didėjo ir galėtų būti mažesnis, o kaimo apylinkių slaugytojų (42,0 proc.) nuomone darbo krūvis nesikeitė – jie lengvai susitvarko su paskirtomis užduotimis. Didžioji dalis bendruomenės slaugytojų dirbo su šeimos gydytojais, bet trečdalis norėtų dirbti savarankiškai. Reikšmingai didesnė dalis slaugytojų miesto apylinkėse (87,0 proc.) kabinetuose dirbo daugiau nei 4 val., o kaimo apylinkėse – iki 4 val. Statistiškai reikšmingai kaimo apylinkėse dirbantys slaugytojai aptarnauja daugiau gyventojų tiek turinčių negalią, tiek vaikų ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Research aim: to assess organization of community nurses‘ work in caring of totally disabled patients in Kaunas city and area. Objectives: 1. To assess community nurses‘ work load in caring of totally disabled patients. 2. To assess community nurses‘ work conditions in caring of totally disabled patients. 3. To compare community nurses‘ work load and work conditions among different health care institutions. Research methodic. Research was performed during December 2012 – January 2013 by spreading anonymous questionnaires for community nurses in 4 outpatient clinics. 98 questionnaires were distributed, response rate 93%. Results. Community nurses in rural area were older and with bigger work load comparing to city nurses. Connection in changes of work load during last three years was set: work load for city community nurses (77.3%) have raised and could be smaller, work load in rural area didn’t change and nurses (42.0%) easily deal with given tasks. Bigger part of community nurses work with family doctors, but one third of them would like to work independently. Statistically significantly bigger part (87.0%) of city nurses worked in cabinet more than 4 hours daily, in rural area – less than 4 hours. Statistically significantly nurses in rural are maintained more patients including disabled patients, children and one visit takes more than one hour, in city – from 30 minutes till 1 hour. Bigger part (75.8%) of nurses are satisfied with work means and statistically... [to full text]

Cargas de trabalho e desgaste mental de servidores públicos de Universidade Estadual: desenvolvendo uma proposta de ação qualitativa / Workload and mental wear of public servants of State University: developing a proposal of qualitative action

Telma Cecilia Coutinho Ventriglio 30 November 2017 (has links)
A necessidade de compreender o trabalho e os processos de saúde-doença a ele relacionados, reverbera em toda instituição empregadora, seja ela pública ou privada. O trabalho constitui-se em um dos principais elementos na determinação social do processo saúde-doença, porém, o mundo do trabalho é dinâmico e suas configurações se modificam conforme os interesses do capital. Na atualidade, as inovações tecnológicas interferindo nos processos de trabalho e o novo modelo econômico, no qual predomina a pressão por tempo e o aumento da rentabilidade econômica, exigem trabalhadores cada vez mais polivalentes e multifuncionais, sintonizados com essa modalidade de trabalho intensificado. Esse contexto submete os trabalhadores do setor público e privado a diversos tipos de cargas de trabalho, especialmente cargas psíquicas que desencadeiam processos de desgaste mental no trabalho. A identificação das situações e fatores que afetam os trabalhadores psiquicamente é de difícil mensuração, o que não deve ser motivo para ignorar este importante aspecto do trabalho. Esta pesquisa está ancorada teoricamente no referencial da medicina social latino-americana e do campo da saúde do trabalhador. Foi desenvolvida no âmbito de um serviço de saúde ocupacional, com o objetivo geral de identificar as cargas o e o desgaste mental associado ao trabalho de servidores administrativos de uma universidade pública estadual, na percepção dos trabalhadores. Trata-se de um estudo de caso qualitativo, no qual utilizou-se a entrevista individual como instrumento de coleta de dados para conhecer o trabalho dos servidores administrativos e ao mesmo tempo testar instrumento para identificação de cargas de trabalho e desgaste mental no trabalho. A análise de dados revelou o trabalho na percepção dos trabalhadores a partir de quatro núcleos temáticos: a) o trabalho real na área administrativa, apresentando elementos da organização do trabalho; b) alegrias e tristezas do trabalho administrativo, no qual aparecem as ambiguidades do trabalho que ora desperta satisfação e bem estar e ora gera insatisfação; c) indicativos de cargas de trabalho, na qual são sintetizados os tipos de cargas mais frequentes na atividade administrativa da universidade; d) indicativos de proteção e de desgaste no trabalho. O estudo apresenta uma proposta de ação factível para ser utilizada no serviço de saúde ocupacional da instituição como forma de complementar e ou auxiliar as avaliações de saúde dos servidores públicos de modo a orientar ações preventivas e de promoção à saúde no trabalho. O instrumento traz como diferencial o enfoque qualitativo, o que possibilita ao trabalhador a manifestação livre da sua visão sobre o trabalho / The need to understand the work and the health-disease processes related to it, reverberates in any employer institution, no matter if it is public or private. The work is one of the main elements in the social determination of the health-disease process, but the world of work is dynamic and its configurations change according to the interests of capital. Nowadays, technological innovations interfere in the work processes and the new economic model, where pressure predominates and economic profitability increases, requiring increasingly multipurpose and multifunctional workers, attuned to this intensified work modality. This context remits public and private sector workers to various types of workloads, especially psychic loads that trigger processes of mental attrition at work. The identification of situations and factors that affect workers psychically is difficult to measure, which should not be a reason to ignore this important aspect of the work. This research is anchored theoretically in the reference of Latin American social medicine and the field of worker health. It was developed within the scope of an occupational health service, with the general objective of identifying the loads and the mental wear and tear associated with the work of administrative employees of a state public university, in the workers\' perception. This is a qualitative case study, in which the individual interview was used as a data collection tool to know the work of the administrative servers and at the same time to test the instrument to identify workloads and mental attrition at work. The data analysis revealed the work in the perception of the workers from four thematic core: a) real work in the administrative area, presenting elements of work organization; b) joys and sorrows of administrative work, in which appear the ambiguities of the work that now awakens satisfaction and well-being and now generates dissatisfaction; c) indicative of workloads, in which are synthesized the types of loads most frequent in the administrative activity of the university; d) indicative of protection and wear at work. The study presents a feasible action proposal to be used in the institution\'s occupational health service as a way of complementing or assisting health evaluations of public servants to guide preventive actions and promote health at work. The instrument brings as a differential the qualitative approach, which allows the worker the free manifestation of his vision about the work

Factors associated with occupational stress among nurses working in clinics in Gabarone, Botswana

Maphangela, Tabby January 2015 (has links)
Thesis (MPH.) --University of Limpopo, 2015 / The purpose of the study was to find out factors associated with occupational stress among nurses working in clinics in Gaborone. The study was conducted in Gaborone district targeting all primary healthcare clinics. The specific focus was drawn to all registered nurses working in clinics in Gaborone. The objective of the study was to investigate factors associated with occupational stress among nurses working in clinics in Gaborone. A quantitative study was carried out in this study. A sample of 106 respondents was used in the study. Purposive sampling was employed to select respondents that were included in the study. Data was collected through a self-administered questionnaire which comprised of close and open ended questions. Informed consent was obtained from the participants who participated in the study. The study revealed that a higher percentage (74%) of nurses have ever experienced occupational stress. The results also revealed that females 80 percent respondents experienced stress compared to their male counterparts. The results also show that all of the respondents mentioned that they had experienced stress related to work. Respondents also mentioned that work relationship, shortage of staff, and workload contribute to stress among the nurses. On the other hand, the results of the study also found that staff welfare issues also contribute to stress among the nurses. These include lack of recognition, no personal growth, lack of support and unfriendly work environment. From the results most of the respondents indicated that there are no interventions dealing with stress in the workplace therefore the study recommends that interventions in the workplace needs to be introduced to address occupational stress among the nurse. Furthermore there is a need to create wellness programs, reduce work overload and motivate staff by promotions and other means in order to increase level of job satisfaction.

Alguns aspectos de mensuração e controle do uso de recursos em desenvolvimento de produtos na área automotiva. / Some measurements and controls in relation to resources applied for methodology of products development inside the automotive area.

Bartuccio, Fernando Antonio 29 August 2002 (has links)
O presente trabalho reúne elementos que possibilitarão entender e aplicar alguns aspectos de mensuração e controle de uso de recursos em desenvolvimento de produtos na área automotiva. Trata-se de um tema em que tenho participado ativamente do grupo internacional formado com esta finalidade e que agora, após seis anos de trabalho, consolidações e análises, estamos chegando à consolidação de todo o modelo. A preocupação do texto está focada na explicação do conceito, seus procedimentos visando o controle de recursos aplicados desde a estimativa até o controle dos gastos reais destes recursos. O texto também apresenta resultados de uma simulação de modelo que está em desenvolvimento a ser utilizado com esta finalidade de estimativas, controle e gerenciamento de recursos. Além do cumprimento da formalidade, este texto tem a pretensão de transmitir alguns aspectos de experiência prática no controle de recursos em desenvolvimento de projetos, vividos pelo autor, para futuras necessidades, quer sejam aplicados no setor automobilístico, quer sejam em quaisquer outros segmentos com as devidas análises e adaptações. / This report is a collection of elements that will permit to understand and apply some measurements and controls in relation to resources applied for methodology of products development inside the automotive area. The main reason of this text is to keep the focus in the concepts and their procedures to control the resources to be applied, since the estimates until the actual expenses control. This text also presents the results of one model simulation that is being in development with the objective of resources estimates, control and management decisions. Besides the formal target of this course, this text aims to be useful and to transmit some practical experience from the author with resources control related to projects development, for any kind of futures needs to be applied for automotive segment or other ones with necessary analyses and due changes.

Distúrbios de voz e violência na escola: relato de professoras / Voice disorder and violence in school: teacher\'s report

Karmann, Delmira de Fraga e 10 April 2013 (has links)
O presente estudo analisa as possíveis relações entre o uso profissional da voz de professores, inseridos em contextos de violência, e a saúde vocal. O seu objetivo central é analisar as implicações de algumas formas de violência na saúde dos professores do ensino fundamental do município de São Paulo, em especial na produção da voz, buscando especificamente: identificar as manifestações de violência presentes no contexto escolar; identificar como certos processos relativos à organização do trabalho propiciam situações de violência; e examinar se estas formas de violência interferem na saúde dos professores do ensino fundamental do município de São Paulo, em especial na produção da voz. Organiza a sua análise partindo da relação do tema violência com a escola e com a saúde e, em seguida, ao perceber que o professor é um profissional que vive situações de sofrimento em seu trabalho, que pode adoecer por exercê-lo nas condições que estão dadas atualmente e que, no caso da violência, fica exposto a uma série de condições e situações das quais não tem como escapar e como interferir sozinho, esboça as consequências da violência nas escolas na saúde do professor, em especial na produção da voz. Subsequente, aponta a sua delimitação aos grupos focais, realizados de fevereiro a abril de 2011, com 8 professoras da rede de ensino fundamental do município de São Paulo, que buscaram terapia fonoaudiológica por problemas de voz no Hospital do Servidor Público Municipal - HSPM. A seguir, revela a apresentação sistemática dos resultados obtidos nas 5 sessões de grupos focais realizadas. A partir da transcrição dessas sessões, fez as codificações das categorias, organizando-as, para melhor compreensão, nos seguintes quatro temas gerais: voz (I. voz como instrumento de trabalho; II. voz e condições adversas: sobrecarga e desgaste - 1. necessidade de falar excessivamente, gritar, outros recursos, 2. imprevisibilidades em sala de aula, 3. distúrbio de voz e impotência diante das adversidades; III. voz e adoecimento - 1. paradoxo: trabalhar com ou sem voz, 2. Distúrbio de voz e as tensões/emoções, 3. Desistência de se cuidar e frustração; IV. voz e violência - 1. reações emocionais e corporais à violência); o trabalho do professor (I. condições do trabalho - 1. estrutura física, material e de recursos humanos, 2. violência, condições e organização das escolas; II. organização do trabalho - 1. sobrecarga/intensificação do trabalho; 2. desvalorização da profissão; 3. problema de gestão da sala de aula, 4. relações no trabalho); violência (I. Diferentes compreensões acerca da violência na escola - 1. violência dirigida ao professor, 2. violência entre alunos, 3. violência institucional, 4. violência silenciosa, 5. violência do professor) e inclusão escolar e seus reflexos no cotidiano (I. Aspectos significativos do trabalho com a inclusão escolar - 1. estrutura física, material e recursos humanos, 2. capacitação para a inclusão escolar, 3. inclusão escolar e sobrecarga de trabalho, 4. violência e inclusão escolar). À luz das categorias apontadas, analisa, interpreta e compara os resultados da pesquisa com os já existentes sobre o assunto na literatura citada. Conclui, constatando que o esforço do professor do ensino fundamental do município de São Paulo em realizar a sua tarefa em contextos em que a violência é vivida de formas distintas pode interferir no desempenho vocal, ocasionando distúrbio de voz / The present study analyses the possible relations between the teacher\'s professional voice use, under a violent context, and vocal health. Its main objective is to analyse the implications of some forms of violence for the health of elementary school teachers in the city of Sao Paulo, specially for the voice production, specifically aiming: identify the violent manifestations present in the scholar environment; identify how certain processes relative to the work organisation provide violent situations; and assess if these forms of violence interfere with the health of elementary school teachers from the city of Sao Paulo, specially with the voice production. It organizes its analysis from the relation of the violence subject with the school and with health and, thereafter, realizing that the teacher is a professional that experiences suffering during the its labour, that can sicken by exerting it in the conditions that are presently provided and that, in case of violence, becomes exposed to a series of situations of which it has no mean to escape or to intervene on its own, the study figures the consequences of violence in the schools and in the teachers health, specially in the voice production. Subsequently, points its delimitation to the focal groups occurred on the period between February and April 2011 enrolling 8 public elementary school teachers from Sao Paulo city that sought for the phonoaudiological service of the Municipal State Workers\' Hospital - HSPM (acronym in Portuguese). Then, systematically presents the results obtained during the 5 focal groups\' sessions that occurred. From the transcription of these sessions, the encoding of the categories was made and they were organized, for a better understanding, into 4 general subjects: voice (I. voice as a work tool; II. Voice and adverse conditions: overload and wear - 1. Need to excessive speech, screaming, other resources, 2. Unpredictability of classroom, 3. voice disorder and impotence before adverse situations; III. voice and sickening - 1. paradox: to work with or without voice, 2. voice disorders and tensions/emotions, 3. withdrawn of self-care and frustration; IV. voice and violence - 1. emotional and physical reactions to violence); the teacher\'s labour (I. work conditions - 1. physical, material and human resources structure, 2. school\'s violence, conditions and organisation; II. work organisation - 1. overload and intensification of work, 2. devaluation of the profession, 3. classroom management issues, 4. human relations in the work place; violence (I. different understandings about violence in school - 1. violence towards the teacher, 2. violence among students, 3. institutional violence, 4. silent violence, 5. teacher\'s violence) and inclusion of students with disabilities and its consequences in the routine (I. meaningful aspects to the work with inclusion of students with disabilities - 1. physical, material and human resources structure, 2. capacity building for inclusion of students with disabilities, 2. inclusion of students with disabilities and work overload, 4. violence and inclusion of students with disabilities). In front of the pointed x categories, the study analyses, interprets and compares the findings of this research with what is present in the cited literature. It concludes that the effort of the public elementary school teachers in Sao Paulo city to develop his task in a context in which violence is lived in various distinct forms may interfere with the vocal performance, leading to voice disorders

Upplevt hälsotillstånd och arbetssituation relaterat till ländryggsbesvär bland poliser

Näslund, Sofi January 2009 (has links)
<p>SAMMANFATTNING</p><p><p>Ländryggsbesvär är generellt vanligt förekommande i befolkningen och samhällsekonomiskt kostsamt. Riskfaktorer för ländryggsbesvär beskrivs vara flerdimensionella, där nämns främst arbetsrelaterade och psykosociala faktorer. Poliser är en yrkesgrupp där arbetssjukdomar rapporteras vanligt förekommande oavsett kön. Trots det är polisers arbetssituation dåligt utforskad. Syftet med studien är att kartlägga upplevt hälsotillstånd och arbetssituation bland utryckningspoliser med fokus på ländryggsbesvär, som underlag för preventiva åtgärder. Metoden bestod av en tvärsnittsstudie i form av en omfattande enkätundersökning. Urvalet inom polisens utryckningsenhet i Västerås var totalt. Så många som 60 % angav arbetsrelaterade ländryggsbesvär, en större del med besvär var män och förekomst av tunga lyft var vanligare bland svarande med besvär. Personer med ländryggsbesvär tog i mindre utsträckning pauser, kände sig stressade på arbetet och besvärades oftare av kroppslig värk. Deltagarna själva kopplade sina ländryggsbesvär till dåligt utformad arbetsutrustning, dålig sittställning i yrkesfordonen och till fysiska ingripanden. Av litteraturen beskrivna riskfaktorer för ländryggsbesvär var vanligt förekommande inom enheten. Där nämns ogynnsamma arbetsställningar och arbetsmoment samt psykosociala faktorer i form av hög arbetsbelastning, lågt stöd från arbetsledning och låg möjlighet att påverka sin arbetssituation.</p><p>Slutsats: För att förbättra arbetsmiljön för utryckningspoliser bör åtgärder inriktas mot belastningsergonomiska- och psykosociala faktorer i arbetet samt utformning av utrustning och arbetsfordon utifrån ergonomi och säkerhet.</p></p> / <p>ABSTRACT</p><p>Low back pain is a common disorder which causes high economic costs for the society. Risk factors for back pain are described as multidimensional, including both work related and psychosocial factors. Police-officers belong to an occupational group were work related diseases are frequently reported, irrespective of gender. The work situation for these officers however is poorly covered by targeted research. The purpose of this study is to survey the health- and work situation among police-officers with the focus on low back pain. The hope is that the results can be used as a base for preventive interventions. A cross sectional design with an extensive survey was used for the study. The selection was total within the unit of patrolling police officers in Västerås. As many as 60 % reported low back pain, with an overrepresentation among men. Heavy lifting was more common among those with low back pain. Those reporting low back pain more rarely took breaks during the work day, they felt more stressed at work and were more often troubled with physical pain. The study participants linked their back problems to badly designed work equipment, badly adjusted vehicles and to physical interventions. Risk factors for low back pain, described by the literature, were common within the unit. Especially, work tasks involving unfavorable movements and body positions were singled out. Among psychosocial factors, low social support from management and low ability to influence the work situation were associated with low back pain.</p><p>Conclusion: To improve the work environment for patrolling police-officers, measures should be focused on load and strain ergonomics, psychosocial factors as well as to develop equipment and vehicles more on the basis of ergonomics and safety measures.</p>

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