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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Work-Value Profile and Career Success

Koh, Chee Wee 01 July 2016 (has links)
Work values, defined as the end states people desire and expect to realize through work, appear to play a role in career success, but the small number of past studies have reported conflicting results, some of which may be attributed to research methodology. Using a person-centered approach to model the conjoint effects of intrinsic and extrinsic work values, the present study inductively investigated the association between work-value profile and career success using a three-panel longitudinal dataset consisting of 905 lawyers from the After the Juris Doctorate (AJD) study. Latent profile analysis identified five work-value profiles: (i) Neither Intrinsic nor Extrinsic (NIE); (ii) Moderately Intrinsic and Extrinsic (MIE); (iii) Highly Intrinsic (HI); (iv) Highly Intrinsic, also Extrinsic (HI[E]); and (v) Highly Extrinsic, also Intrinsic (HE[I]). Measurement invariance was established across gender, but gender was an antecedent to profile assignment, with males being more likely to belong to the NIE, MIE, or HE[I] profiles compared to the HI profile. The work-value profile construct displayed intuitive and meaningful relationships with objective and subjective career success indicators over time. The results exposed the inadequacies of methods that examine the effects of intrinsic and extrinsic work values separately. The two sets of values appeared to interact in a non-linear fashion in their associations with career variables, such that modelling them simultaneously, but only linearly, might also be misleading. Contrary to claims made by studies based on the self-determination theory, the HI profile was not positively associated with subjective career success. Generally, the more successful lawyers from early to mid-career also tended to report high intrinsic and high extrinsic work values i.e., those with the HI[E] and HE[I] profiles; the former enjoyed higher subjective career success while the latter exhibited the highest objective career success. The absence of the highly extrinsic profile among this sample of lawyers reinforced past calls to restructure the transactional rewards systems in large law firms.

Examination of the relationship of work values to the “big-five” personality traits and measures of individualism and collectivism

Robinson, Carrie Helene 30 July 2007 (has links)
No description available.

高級中學教師工作價值觀與教師專業發展之研究 / The study of relationship high school teachers' work values and professional development

鄭博元 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解高級中學教師工作價值觀與教師專業發展之指標、內涵與現況,探討其關係,進而建構預測分析的模式,再依研究結果提出建議。 首先進行文獻探討,作為架構研究的理論基礎,並建構調查問卷的內容,接著在北區八縣市(基隆市、臺北市、台北縣、桃園縣、新竹市、新竹縣、宜蘭縣及花蓮縣)發出調查問卷500份以分析現況。最後,依據研究結果進行討論與結論建議。研究主要發現如下: 一、高級中學教師工作價值觀與教師專業發展的指標、內涵與現況 (一)教師工作價值觀包括自我實現、自我肯定、自我創新及自我成長四個向度,其整體、分向度得分均為中高程度,其中以自我成長的得分最高。 (二)教師專業發展包括專業精神、專業能力和專業知識三個向度,其整體、分向度的得分,除專業精神分向度為高程度外,其餘皆為中高程度。 二、不同背景變項在教師工作價值觀與教師專業發展之差異情形 (一)不同背景變項在教師工作價值觀的得分方面:研究發現在性別、年齡、服務年資、現任職務等方面有顯著差異,但在最高學歷、學校規模、學校類型上則無顯著差異。 (二)不同背景變項在教師專業發展的得分方面:研究發現在年齡、服務年資等方面有顯著差異,但在性別、現任職務、最高學歷、學校規模、學校類型上則無顯著差異。 三、教師工作價值觀與教師專業發展的相關情形 整體教師工作價值觀與整體教師專業發展間呈現中度正相關,教師專業發展各分向度中,以專業精神與教師工作價值觀的相關程度最高。 四、教師工作價值觀各向度對教師專業發展的預測情形 教師工作價值觀之自我實現、自我創新及自我成長三向度對整體教師專業發展的聯合預測力最佳。 / The main purpose of this study was to investigate work values and professional development of high school teachers.The study included literature analysis and survey method with a questionnaire.The purpose of literature was aimed to explore teachers’ work values and teacher professional development.Questionnaire of survey based on researches about work values or teacher professional development. The subjects of the questionnaire included teachers of high school in Keelung City,Taipei City,Taipei County,Taoyuan County,Hsinchu City,Hsinchu County,Yilan County,Hualien County. Data were analyzed 363 sampling subjects by description statistics,t-test, correlation,ANOVA and multiple regression.Some results as follows: A.In the aspect of teachers’ work values: 1. Teachers’ work values included four parts (1)self-realization,(2)self-affirmation, (3)self-innovation,(4)self-growth.The perception of teachers were above average agreement of the four parts.The best dimension is self-growth. 2.Gender,age,years of service and currant position have significant influences on teachers’ work values.But the highest educational degree,school size and school type do not have any significant influences. B. In the aspect of teacher professional development: 1.The tescher professional development included three parts (1)professional spirit,(2) professional ability,(3) professional knowledge. The perception of teachers were above average agreement of the three parts.The best dimension is professional spirit. 2. Age and years of service have significant influences on tescher professional development.But gender,currant position ,the highest educational degree,school size and school type do not have any significant influences. C. In the aspect of relationship among teacher’ work values and professional development: 1.There are positive correlation and regression existed among teacher’ work values and professional development. 2. Teacher’ work values can promote teacher professional development. Finally,the researcher proposes some suggessions for the educational authorities, principal and teachers of high school and future researchers.Hope to benefit the further study in the future.

Bendrosios praktikos slaugytojų, dirbančių terapiniuose skyriuose profesiniai interesai ir karjeros galimybės / Medical wards’ nurses professional interests and career opportunities

Lukoševičiūtė, Eglė 21 June 2010 (has links)
Darbo tikslas. Įvertinti bendrosios praktikos slaugytojų nuomonę apie jų profesinius interesus ir karjeros galimybes. Darbo uždaviniai. 1. Nustatyti slaugytojų nuomonę apie jų profesinius interesus ir darbo vertybes; 2. Išaiškinti slaugytojų nuomonę apie jų motyvaciją dirbti; 3. Įvertinti slaugytojų nuomonę apie karjeros galimybes; 4. Palyginti slaugytojų nuomonę apie jų profesinius interesus ir karjeros galimybes tarp skirtingo amžiaus slaugytojų. Tyrimo metodika. Tyrimo objektas – slaugytojai, dirbantys Klaipėdos universitetinėje ligoninėje terapiniuose skyriuose. Tyrimo metodai – slaugytojų anketinė apklausa, kurios duomenys apdoroti kompiuterine programa SPSS for Windows 17.0 versija. Tyrimo rezultatai ir išvados. 1.Slaugytojų nuomone, didžiausią reikšmę profesiniam apsisprendimui pasirinkti slaugytojo profesiją turėjo polinkiai ir interesai - 60,1 proc. Daugelio respondentų manymu, mediko profesijoje svarbiausia darymas gera žmonėms (100 proc.), naudingumas visuomenei (89,9 proc.) bei bendravimo galimybė (79,9 proc). 2. Labiausiai slaugytojas darbui motyvuotų didesnis darbo užmokestis (79,9 proc.), geresnės darbo sąlygos (70,3 proc.) bei pagyrimai iš vadovų bei kolegų (60,1 proc.). 3. Svarbiausi profesinės kvalifikacijos kėlimo motyvai tarp slaugytojų yra licencijos pratęsimas (100,0 proc.), siekis būti paaukštintai (60,1 proc.) bei siekis būti kompetentinga (50,2 proc.). 4.a)Vertinant profesinius interesus, įvairaus amžiaus slaugytojų nuomone, mediko profesijoje... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the study. To evaluate nurses’ opinion about their professional interests and career opportunities. Objectives. 1. To find out nurses’ opinion about their professional interests and work values. 2. To find out nurses’ opinion about their motivation to work. 3. To evaluate nurses’ opinion about their career opportunities. 4. To compare nurses’ opinion about their professional interests and career opportunities between different age nurses. Methodology: Investigative – nurses, which are working in Klaipėda University hospital medical wards. Investigation method – quantitative questionnaire. Statistical analysis has been made by using SPSS for Windows 17.0 statistical software package. The results and conclusions of the study: 1.In nurses opinion, the biggest meaning for their professional choice of choosing nurses profession has person‘s likes and interests - 60,1 %. Most of the nurses think, that in nursing profession the main things are: doing good things for people (100 %.), utility for society (89,9%.) and communication opportunity (79,9%.) 2. The nurses would work better if they had bigger salary (79,9%.), better working conditions (70,3 %.) and compliments from leaders and colleagues (60,1%). 3. The main reasons why nurses rise their qualifications are: an extension of licence (100,0%), a wish to be promoted (60,1%) and a wish to be a competent in nursing field (50,2%). 4. a) The nurses of different age think, that in nursing profession is very important... [to full text]

Valores relativos ao trabalho: uma comparação entre dois grupos de trabalhadores após um processo de aquisição / Work values: a comparison between two groups of employees after an acquisition processes

Guelfi, Thaís Pasi 07 July 2014 (has links)
Nas últimas décadas, o número de processos de fusão e aquisição de empresas é crescente, especialmente ao se considerar o setor bancário. Diversos autores associam o insucesso destes processos às inconsistências culturais das organizações. Cada uma das instituições envolvidas apresenta uma cultura organizacional própria, com valores distintos, o que ao mesmo tempo confere identidade à organização e torna complexa a integração entre as empresas. Os valores da organização são transmitidos através do processo de socialização, e, para que os novos membros façam efetivamente parte da instituição, eles devem apreender e internalizar esses valores. Ainda que em um grau bem menor, os indivíduos também levam os seus valores à organização. Dado que o tema de valores do trabalho vem sendo amplamente estudado, já que o trabalho é central na vida das pessoas e que os valores são importantes forças motivacionais, o objetivo deste trabalho consistiu em, após um processo de aquisição entre bancos, realizar uma comparação dos valores relativos ao trabalho dos empregados oriundos da empresa adquirida e daqueles que já pertenciam à empresa incorporadora, verificando se há diferenças significativas entre os grupos. O estudo utilizou como variáveis de controle a idade do respondente, o tempo de casa, gênero e cargo, para identificar a influência da geração, tempo de internalização da cultura, papel social e liderança. A população contempla os funcionários do Estado de São Paulo, tanto os oriundos da instituição incorporada, como aqueles já ingressantes pelo banco adquirente. O instrumento de pesquisa utilizado neste estudo foi a Escala de Valores do Trabalho Revisada (EVT-R), que foi escolhida por mostrar-se adequada ao estudo e ter sido testada e validada para a realidade brasileira. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de websurvey e a amostra final foi composta de 535 respondentes. Os dados foram tratados utilizando o SPSS para a realização de análises estatísticas, entre elas análise fatorial e ANOVA. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os dois grupos de origem, o que aponta para que o processo de socialização e integração de pessoas tenha sido muito bemsucedido, resultando em valores compartilhados. As diferenças encontradas relacionam-se principalmente às variáveis demográficas de controle, corroborando com os resultados de grande parte dos estudos que comparam os valores de trabalho entre gêneros, idade ou geração, tempo de casa e liderança. Espera-se com este trabalho ter contribuído para a geração de conhecimento no estudo de valores relativos ao trabalho associados a processos de fusões e aquisições, além de despertar o interesse para a realização de trabalhos futuros nesta área. / In recent decades, the number of mergers and acquisitions is increasing, especially when considering the banking sector. Several authors associate the failure of these processes to inconsistency of cultural organizations. Each institution involved has its own organizational culture, with different values, which simultaneously gives identity to the organization and makes complex integration between companies. The organization\'s values are transmitted through the socialization process, and so that new members effectively part of the institution, they should learn and internalize these values. Although on a much smaller degree, individuals also bring their values to the organization. Since the theme of work values has been widely studied since the work is central to people\'s lives and the values that are important motivational forces, the objective of this study was to, after a process of acquisition between banks, to make a comparison of work values of employees from the acquired company and those who have belonged to the incorporating company, checking for significant differences between groups. The study used as control variables the age of the respondent, the tenure, gender and position, to identify the influence of generation, time to internalize the culture, social role and leadership. The population includes employees of the State of São Paulo, both arising from the merging institutions, like those already entering the acquiring bank. The research instrument used in this study was the Revised Work Values Scale (WVS-R), which was chosen for been adequate to the study and because it has been tested and validated for Brazil. Data collection was performed through websurvey and the final sample consisted of 535 respondents. The data were processed using SPSS to perform statistical analyzes, including factor analysis and ANOVA. No significant differences between the two groups of origin were found, which indicates that the process of socialization and integration of people have been very successful, resulting in shared values. The differences found relate mainly to demographic control variables, corroborating the results of most studies that compare the work values among gender, age or generation, homework time and leadership. It is hoped that this work have contributed to the generation of knowledge in the study of work values associated with mergers and acquisitions, as well as sparking interest for future work in this area.

Do Work Values Add to the Prediction of Entrepreneurial Intent Above and Beyond Personality?

Pooya, Arash January 2011 (has links)
This study examined the importance of the Big-Five personality traits and work values for the prediction of entrepreneurial intent. Data were collected from a sample of 261 undergraduate students at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. Results of a hierarchical regression analysis revealed that none of the Big-Five personality factors predicted entrepreneurial intent; however, the importance individuals attached to achievement and social-affective work values accounted for 9% of the variance in entrepreneurial intent, above and beyond personality. The results lend support to the argument that entrepreneurship is a cultural phenomenon and that entrepreneurs are ‘made’ as opposed to ‘born’. Consequently, the implications of culture and gender characterization are discussed in relation to entrepreneurial intentions. Finally, a dynamic model of entrepreneurial emergence is proposed and suggestions for future research are discussed.

Factors that affect the work values and turnover intension of Chinese employees in Taiwanese-owned companies

Yeh, Chih-Hsing 26 February 2004 (has links)
Whether or not the employees have demonstrated all their abilities, or whether the separation is rising. These are all questions that the manager will have to confront.A high separation is a lost of company. Document research showed that employees who have higher performance evaluation have a lower turnover intension to resign. This research discussed the variables that affected organizational commitment. It surveyed Chinese and Taiwanese employees in Taiwanese-owned companies in evaluation (three branches: result evaluation, award evaluation, and improvement valuation) as independent variables to regression analysis Taiwanese business¡¦s performance management and its effects on Chinese employees¡¦ turnover intension. Most of the specialists of organization behavior put personal values and personal character as one of the variables that affect turnover intension. Thus, this research set personal values and personal character as the adjusting factors. The results were that some personal values and personal character interacted with each other and lower the employees¡¦ turnover intension.The interaction between promotional, salary justice, and adjusting factors were most explicit, and had the lower effect on employees¡¦ turnover intension.

The effects of work values on work attitudes--The study of private security guards in the southern part of Taiwan

Kuo, Hsin-Mei 29 June 2003 (has links)
Abstract The history of Private Security Industry in Taiwan has been twenty-five years till now. Private security guards are not only the major support to governmental police force but also the labor market in demand now in spite of the work force surplus in other industries caused by economic depression. The development of private security industry is still at developing stage so that some organizations¡¦ policies and systems are not complete and sound enough. In addition, the demographics of employees in this industry are different from those in others. Majority of them are low-level educational or unemployed older workers. They chose this low entry-barrier occupation in order to solve economic plight but find no aspiration for or don¡¦t adapt to this position after working for a while. The issues discussed above have been affected private security guards¡¦ job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Few of the foreign and domestic studies on private security industry focused on behavioral issue and were conducted quantitatively. The purposes of this study were to measure work values, job satisfaction and organizational commitment of private security guards and to examine the effect of work values on those two work attitudes. Due to most of private security guards are older workers, in this study age has divided into four categories with the reference of the Bureau of Accounting & Statistics as following: young aged¡]below 25¡^, middle aged¡]26-45¡^, senior aged¡]46-65¡^, and old aged¡]above 66¡^. Data collected from a questionnaire survey of 967 private security guards in southern part of Taiwan was analyzed using the statistical techniques of crosstab, descriptive statistics analysis, T-test, one-way ANOVA, and hierarchical regression. The results indicates: 1.Most of private security guards are reemployed; most of their previous positions are at non-managerial levels; previous tenure are mainly below 15 years; most of them engaged in service industry; the main reason of last separation for all of them was voluntary separation, but for the senior aged it was factory or business shut down; the first reason of present employment is basically to support family economy. 2.Private security guards emphasize most on the work value of ¡§the orientation of organizational security and economy¡¨ but least on ¡§the orientation of stability and free from anxiety ¡¨; they have greatest ¡§intrinsic job satisfaction¡¨ but least ¡§extrinsic job satisfaction¡¨; they have highest ¡§affective commitment¡¨ but lowest ¡§continuous commitment¡¨. 3.The occupation of a private security guard should possesses the work values of higher ¡§orientation of social interaction¡¨ and lower ¡§orientation of stability and free from anxiety¡¨. Employers might take the work values orientation into consideration in the process of recruiting and selecting. 4.Senior aged private security guards have higher affective commitment and normative commitment than the young and middle aged. 5.Among work values, ¡§the orientation of self-realization, the orientation of esteem, and the orientation of stability and free from anxiety¡¨ had significant positive effect on job satisfaction¡F ¡§the orientation of organizational security and economy¡¨ had significant negative effect on job satisfaction; ¡§the orientation of esteem¡¨ has significant positive effect on organizational commitment; ¡§the orientation of social interaction¡¨ had significant positive effect on affective commitment; ¡§the orientation of stability and free from anxiety¡¨ had significant negative effect on affective commitment, but significant positive effect on continuous commitment. Private security company employers might regard these findings as the direction of modifying organization policies to improve employee¡¦s work attitudes. Key words: Private Security guard, work values, job attitude, job satisfaction, organizational commitment

Factors that affect the work values and turnover intension of Vietnamese employees in Taiwanese-owned companies

Fang, Hung-wen 17 June 2008 (has links)
The inflation that Taiwan encountered in the 80ies made it difficult for many Taiwan companies to gain profit from their production or make a break-trough in production technology. In addition, due to the increase of labor cost and environmental cost, as well as new policies and issues regarding global trading and custom, many of them have reduced or cut their production lines when the production conditions have become worse and worse. In search of better utilization of existing production resource, facilities and lower labor cost, some of the Taiwan companies have moved their factories to Vietnam. And that brings up two issues that managers have to deal with, which is whether or not the local workforce can work efficiently and whether the turnover rate is too high. A high separation is a lost of company. Document research showed that employees who have higher performance evaluation have a lower turnover intension to resign. This research discussed the variables that affected organizational commitment. It surveyed Vietnamese and Taiwanese employees in Taiwanese-owned companies in Vietnam¡]Ho Chi Minh City¡^. Using promotional justice, salary justice, and management justice (three branches: result evaluation, award evaluation, and improvement valuation) as independent variables to regression analysis Taiwanese business¡¦s management justice and its effects on Chinese employees turnover intension. Most of the specialists of organization behavior put personal values and personal character as one of the variables that affect turnover intension. Thus, this research set personal values and personal character as the adjusting factors. The results were that some personal values and personal character interacted with each other and lower the employees¡¦ turnover intension.

Factors influencing career choice of bioscience and chemistry double major graduates from Malaysia

Lim, Ah Kee January 2013 (has links)
The thesis explores the career decisions of a case of graduates who have completed a Bioscience and Chemistry double major award. The study seeks to explore the careers these graduates have entered, and the factors influencing their choice. The study also looked into the extent of the link between the jobs and the disciplines studied. The career path taken was also explored. The findings of the study will enhance better preparation of future graduates for diversified careers. This study used mixed methods to collect and analyse data. The first part of this study used a questionnaire to quantify those factors that influenced the career decisions. The second part of the study employed a qualitative method. Specifically, interviews of eleven graduates selected from the initial quantitative study provided a data source for developing a deeper understanding about their career decisions. The integration of results from the quantitative and qualitative methods provided in-depth answers for the five research questions. The study shows that 30% of graduates surveyed were with discipline-related jobs, 50 % with jobs somewhat related to their curriculum and 20 % with discipline- unrelated jobs. Reasons for choosing non-discipline-related jobs were: being bored with routine laboratory jobs, having low salaries, being confined to the laboratory or lack of job opportunities. Cognitive values were considered to be more important than environmental and affective values in career choice. The factors considered to be most important were opportunity for growth, having interesting jobs, having a considerate boss, and having job responsibility. Financial rewards were ranked 14 out of 32 factors. Influences from family and lecturers were not as important. However employability skills played a role in career choice. The study concluded that career decision-making is a complicated process. The findings of this study may contribute to the literature of career choice of science graduates in Malaysia, and have implications for the practice and future research in the innovative careers of science graduates.

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