Spelling suggestions: "subject:"worklife"" "subject:"work.life""
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Ska du gå hem redan nu? : En studie om arbetsrelaterad stress och dess betydelse för relationer i privatlivetd'Aubigné, Max, Anderberg, Victoria January 2015 (has links)
Studien avser att undersöka arbetsrelaterad stress och dess betydelse för relationer i privatlivet. Vidare undersöker studien betydelsen av arbetsrelaterad stress för den egna identiteten. Studien utfördes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta deltagare vid ett mindre företag. Intervjuerna byggdes på fyra större teman: synen på den egna identiteten, förändring av identiteten, relationer och gränsen mellan arbetsliv och privatliv. Resultatet visar att arbetsrelaterad stress och arbetsbörda har en betydande innebörd för relationer i privatlivet samt den egna identiteten. Genom att ta tid från privatlivet för att istället spendera denna på arbetsrelaterade uppgifter minskar möjligheten till vårdande av sociala band. Detta innebär försämrade relationer eller att relationen upphör helt. Vidare visar resultatet att arbetsrelaterad stress inte endast uppkommer från arbetet utan även att stress skapas ur relationer i privatlivet och utifrån den egna identiteten. Genom att inte kunna besvara privatlivets förväntningar förstärks upplevelsen av stress och den egna identiteten kan komma att ifrågasättas, både av individen själv men också av omgivningen. / The study means to examine work-related stress and its meaning for relationships in the private life. In addition, the study means to examine the meaning of work-related stress for the own identity. The study was carried out through qualitative interviews with eight participants at a smaller company. The interviews were built on four major themes: the view of the own identity, changes in the identity, relationships and the border between work life and private life. The results shows that work-related stress and workload have an important significance for relationships in the private life as well as the own identity. By spending the time of the private life at work-related tasks the tending to social bonds decreases which results in worsen social bonds or that the relationship completely ceases to exist. In addition the results show that work-related stress not only come to existence through work, but the experience of it is created through relationships in the private life and the own identity. By not being able to meet the expectations set by the private life the experience of work-related stress is enhanced and the own identity can be questioned, either by one self or by others.
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The role of organizational culture in employees´ work-life balance as an aspect of healthOlafsdottir, Steingerdur January 2008 (has links)
Organizational culture defines how employees should behave in a given set of circumstances. The purpose of this study involved analyzing the organizational culture of an Icelandic software consultancy company in relation to employees´ work-life balance as an aspect of health, and explaining the process for creating and sustaining a supportive work-life culture. Achieving this purpose required answers to several research questions, What are the components of the existing organizational culture? What is the managers´ role in creating and sustaining this organizational culture? What are the challenges in sustaining this organizational culture? This case study used both quantitative and qualitative methods, and four data sources for triangulation purposes. The methodological approaches included a questionnaire-based survey, completed by 72 employees (90%); semi-structured interviews with eight employees; observations conducted during two separate weeks; and document analysis of various documents dating back a maximum of two years. The results suggest that the case organization´s culture was work-life supportive, i.e., the organization supported and valued employees´ integration of work and private life. The components of the existing organizational culture were defined as: fun, ambition, flexibility, international character, openness, cooperation, informality, flat organizational structure, responsibility, trust, understanding, support, and pride. The managers´ role in creating and sustaining this culture involved availability, supportiveness, understanding, trusting, and giving feedback. Among the main challenges in sustaining the culture was the growth of the organization, which could affect considerably the informal culture. Description of the components of the case organization’s existing culture includes description of the culture’s enablers, according to the purpose of explaining how a supportive work-life culture can be created and sustained. / <p>ISBN 978-91-85721-57-3</p>
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Perceived service delivery and productivity in the food and beverage sector in Potchefstroom / Adam Herman ViljoenViljoen, Adam Herman January 2012 (has links)
The importance of management in the food and beverage sector as well as managing food and
beverage service employees are crucial aspects that influence quality service delivery. The food
and beverage sector is a large service orientated segment of the greater tourism industry, and
effective management of employees is therefore necessary since employees are regarded as
the primary resource through which establishments deliver services. One might further argue
that an employee is “the service” that customers pay for, and that the employees make the
intangible service, tangible by their efficiency. The food and beverage sector is however
burdened with many challenges such as long working hours, poor remuneration and unskilled
employees that influence the overall working conditions of employees and furthermore their
overall job satisfaction. The job satisfaction experienced by employees is closely related to
Quality of Work Life, which enables employees to design their own level of job satisfaction that
will contribute to improved perceived service delivery and productivity. Investigating the needs
of employees and how they perceive their own service delivery and productivity is a very
important consideration as these contribute to job satisfaction. The rational is that Quality of
Work Life contributes to the perceived service delivery and performance of employees as
satisfied employees tend to be more hardworking, more productive and will offer better quality
services, especially in a service-orientated sector such as the food and beverage sector.
The primary goal of the study was to determine the perceived service delivery and productivity
in the food and beverage sector, by investigating how commercial food and beverage service
employees in Potchefstroom, North-West Province of South Africa, perceive their own service
delivery and productivity. In order to reach the goal of the study a self-administrated
questionnaire was distributed among food and beverage service employees at various types of
establishments such as hotel restaurants, family restaurants, restaurants, fast food outlets, bars,
coffee shops and commercial caterers. A total of 224 questionnaires were obtained and
included in the statistical data analysis. The data was captured and analysed in the Statistical
Package of Social Sciences (SPSS), while Amos was utilised for the Structural Equation Model
(SEM). The statistical analysis used in this study consisted of three (3) stages. Firstly, the profile
of the respondents, the work life domains and the employees’ business environment was
compiled with the help of two-way frequency tables and illustrated with the help of Figures and
Tables. Secondly, an Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) was done on the work life domains and Finally a Structural Equation Model was performed to indicate the relationship between the work
life domains and the influence thereof on perceived service delivery and productivity. The
Principal Axis Factor analysis identified seven factors namely job attributes, social attributes,
esteem attributes, actualisation attributes, creativity and aesthetic attributes, organisational
support and employee commitment and perceived service delivery and productivity. Service and
productivity business environment attributes scored the highest mean value (4.00) and this was
followed by the esteem work life domain (3.68).
Structural Equation Models were performed to indicate the relationship between the work life
domains, business environment attributes and the influence thereof on perceived service
delivery and productivity. The correlations between the factors in the final SEM indicated that
though there exists correlations between organisational support and employee commitment and
actualisation attributes, between actualisation and job attributes, and between organisational
support and employee commitment and job attributes. Creativity and aesthetic attributes and job
attributes indicated correlations, while, organisational support and creativity and aesthetic
attributes correlated. Actualisation and creativity and aesthetic attributes correlated as well. This
indicates that food and beverage managers have to improve the working conditions of
employees as well as provide the appropriate level of recognition to the hardworking
employees. Management should consider the recommendations that are made in terms of job
satisfaction of food and beverage service employees, as it possesses the ability to influence
organisational performance and success.
This research was the first study conducted among employees in the commercial food and
beverage sector. It made a considerable contribution to literature as, there is to date, limited
research available on the influence that Quality of Work life has on the perceived service
delivery and productivity of employees in the food and beverage sector. Furthermore, this
research provides valuable insights into the job satisfaction and perceived service delivery and
productivity of South African food and beverage employees and how best to manage these
employees with South African working conditions in mind. There is, however, ample opportunity
to expand this type of research in many other tourism industries or sectors, to understand the
degree to which employees’ perceptions of their own service delivery and productivity might
influence organisational performance. Expanding this research will therefore be invaluable as
organisational performance is the main objective of all commercial establishments as it
contributes to the improvement of the sector and its competitiveness and profitability. / Thesis (MCom (Tourism Management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013
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Perceived service delivery and productivity in the food and beverage sector in Potchefstroom / Adam Herman ViljoenViljoen, Adam Herman January 2012 (has links)
The importance of management in the food and beverage sector as well as managing food and
beverage service employees are crucial aspects that influence quality service delivery. The food
and beverage sector is a large service orientated segment of the greater tourism industry, and
effective management of employees is therefore necessary since employees are regarded as
the primary resource through which establishments deliver services. One might further argue
that an employee is “the service” that customers pay for, and that the employees make the
intangible service, tangible by their efficiency. The food and beverage sector is however
burdened with many challenges such as long working hours, poor remuneration and unskilled
employees that influence the overall working conditions of employees and furthermore their
overall job satisfaction. The job satisfaction experienced by employees is closely related to
Quality of Work Life, which enables employees to design their own level of job satisfaction that
will contribute to improved perceived service delivery and productivity. Investigating the needs
of employees and how they perceive their own service delivery and productivity is a very
important consideration as these contribute to job satisfaction. The rational is that Quality of
Work Life contributes to the perceived service delivery and performance of employees as
satisfied employees tend to be more hardworking, more productive and will offer better quality
services, especially in a service-orientated sector such as the food and beverage sector.
The primary goal of the study was to determine the perceived service delivery and productivity
in the food and beverage sector, by investigating how commercial food and beverage service
employees in Potchefstroom, North-West Province of South Africa, perceive their own service
delivery and productivity. In order to reach the goal of the study a self-administrated
questionnaire was distributed among food and beverage service employees at various types of
establishments such as hotel restaurants, family restaurants, restaurants, fast food outlets, bars,
coffee shops and commercial caterers. A total of 224 questionnaires were obtained and
included in the statistical data analysis. The data was captured and analysed in the Statistical
Package of Social Sciences (SPSS), while Amos was utilised for the Structural Equation Model
(SEM). The statistical analysis used in this study consisted of three (3) stages. Firstly, the profile
of the respondents, the work life domains and the employees’ business environment was
compiled with the help of two-way frequency tables and illustrated with the help of Figures and
Tables. Secondly, an Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) was done on the work life domains and Finally a Structural Equation Model was performed to indicate the relationship between the work
life domains and the influence thereof on perceived service delivery and productivity. The
Principal Axis Factor analysis identified seven factors namely job attributes, social attributes,
esteem attributes, actualisation attributes, creativity and aesthetic attributes, organisational
support and employee commitment and perceived service delivery and productivity. Service and
productivity business environment attributes scored the highest mean value (4.00) and this was
followed by the esteem work life domain (3.68).
Structural Equation Models were performed to indicate the relationship between the work life
domains, business environment attributes and the influence thereof on perceived service
delivery and productivity. The correlations between the factors in the final SEM indicated that
though there exists correlations between organisational support and employee commitment and
actualisation attributes, between actualisation and job attributes, and between organisational
support and employee commitment and job attributes. Creativity and aesthetic attributes and job
attributes indicated correlations, while, organisational support and creativity and aesthetic
attributes correlated. Actualisation and creativity and aesthetic attributes correlated as well. This
indicates that food and beverage managers have to improve the working conditions of
employees as well as provide the appropriate level of recognition to the hardworking
employees. Management should consider the recommendations that are made in terms of job
satisfaction of food and beverage service employees, as it possesses the ability to influence
organisational performance and success.
This research was the first study conducted among employees in the commercial food and
beverage sector. It made a considerable contribution to literature as, there is to date, limited
research available on the influence that Quality of Work life has on the perceived service
delivery and productivity of employees in the food and beverage sector. Furthermore, this
research provides valuable insights into the job satisfaction and perceived service delivery and
productivity of South African food and beverage employees and how best to manage these
employees with South African working conditions in mind. There is, however, ample opportunity
to expand this type of research in many other tourism industries or sectors, to understand the
degree to which employees’ perceptions of their own service delivery and productivity might
influence organisational performance. Expanding this research will therefore be invaluable as
organisational performance is the main objective of all commercial establishments as it
contributes to the improvement of the sector and its competitiveness and profitability. / Thesis (MCom (Tourism Management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013
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Livsbalans i det nya arbetslivet : En kvantitativ studie om chefer och övriga anställdaEltell, Maria, Nordin, Matilda January 2014 (has links)
Syfte: Det nya arbetslivet har inneburit en rad förändringar för den lönearbetande populationen i Sverige, gällande allt ifrån tid, rum och tillgänglighet i de alltmer flexibla arbetsvillkoren. Syftet med denna studie är därför att undersöka ett antal faktorer i det nya arbetslivet som kan ha inverkan på den lönearbetande populationens livsbalans. Studien undersöker också om det finns skillnader mellan chefers och övriga anställdas livsbalans samt även om chefens nivå i hierarkin påverkar livsbalansen. Metod: Datamaterialet som används i denna kvantitativa studie är hämtat från European Social Survey 2010. Studien bygger på en svensk population bestående av 832 lönearbetande respondenter. Den beroende variabeln är ett index som mäter livsbalans. Kontroll- och oberoendevariablerna mäter bakgrund, familjesituation samt arbetsförhållanden. Analyserna består av medelvärdesjämförelser, korrelationer samt multipel regressionsanalys. Resultat/slutsats: Den huvudsakliga slutsatsen av denna studie är att den faktor som inverkar mest negativt på livsbalansen hos den lönearbetande populationen är om den anställda har personalansvar eller inte. Resultatet av studien visar även en negativ inverkan på livsbalansen för anställda som har barn. En positiv inverkan på livsbalansen är om den anställda har möjlighet att påverka arbetets tempo. Genom denna studie kan även slutsatsen dras att chefsnivå inte har någon inverkan på livsbalansen. / Purpose: Todays changed work-life has caused a number of changes to the wage-earning population in Sweden, regarding everything from time, space and availability in increasingly flexible working conditions. The purpose of this study is to examine a number of factors in the changed work-life that may have caused an impact on the life balance of the wage-earning population. The study also examines whether there are differences between managers and other employees' work-life balance, and also if the manager's level in the hierarchy affects life balance. Methodology: The data used in this quantitative study is taken from the European Social Survey of 2010. Study is based on a Swedish population consisting of 832 wage-earning respondents. The dependent variable is an index measuring life balance. The control and independent variables measures the background, family situation and working conditions. The analyzes consist of mean comparisons, correlations and multiple regression analysis. Results: The main conclusion of this study is that the factor that has the largest impact negatively on work-life balance of the wage-earning population is whether the employee is responsible for supervising other employees or not. Results of the study also shows a negative impact on work-life balance for employees who have children. A positive impact on work-life balance is if the employees are allowed to choose/change pace of work. influence the work. Through this study can also be concluded that the managerial level has no impact on work-life balance.
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Ja det är klart att jobbet gör mig stressad! : En kvalitativ studie om juristers psykosociala arbetsmiljö.Nyström, Evelina, Westerlund, Jacob January 2014 (has links)
Idag upplever nästan av alla kvinnor och män i Sverige sitt arbete som psykiskt påfrestande enligt Arbetsmiljöverkets undersökning om den svenska arbetsmiljön, främst individer i tjänstemannasektorn. Denna kvalitativa studie avser att undersöka juristers psykosociala arbetsmiljö i relation till krav, kontroll och stöd, för att slutligen se om det finns könsskillnader i hur arbetsreateradstress upplevs och hanteras. För att nå förståelse för individens subjektiva upplevelse av sin psykosociala arbetsmiljö så används en fenomenologisk ansats där empirin samlades in genom teoretiskt öppna intervjuer. Informanterna bestod av åtta jurister, fyra kvinnor och fyra män, verksamma i både privat och offentlig sektor. Intervjuerna analyserades deduktivt utifrån teorin Krav-kontroll-stödmodellen och modellen coping, men även induktivt för att få en fullständig förståelse. Av det kompletterades studien med work-life balance-modellen. Resultatet visar att samtliga informanter menar att kraven är höga och att den negativa stressen blir påtaglig om arbetsbördan blir för stor. Vidare upplever samtliga att de har stor kontroll över sitt arbete men att arbetet tar tid från privatlivet. Vi fann könsskillnader i hur män och kvinnor hanterar stressen, vilket även bekräftas av den tidigare forskningen. Kvinnor hanterar den främst genom det sociala stödet medan männen väljer att hantera stressen på egen hand. Slutligen fann vi en stor skillnad mellan privat och offentlig sektor vad gäller krav, kontroll och stöd. Studiens resultat bidrar till en ökad förståelse för individens subjektiva upplevelse av sin arbetsrelaterade stress och om den psykosociala arbetsmiljön då majoriteten av den tidigare forskningen inom området är kvantitativ.
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Experience of work-life interaction in the mining industry : a phenomenological study / Dezré JacobsJacobs, Dezré January 2006 (has links)
Hardly any research has been done on work-life interaction (WLI) in the mining industry in
South Africa. Mining is a high-risk profession and the custom of reducing the occurrence of
morbidity and inhumanity in these industries must be gainfully considered. Many of the
individuals who work in the mining industry are shift workers. Individuals who are working
shifts often appear to have little time for non-work related commitments. Their families,
personal health, socialising with friends, maintenance of their households and hobbies do not
receive the necessary attention, which cause an imbalance of work and life.
The general objective of this research was to study the experience of WLI of two cultural
groups (Afrikaans and Setswana-speaking individuals) in the mining industry and more
specifically, to determine certain antecedents, consequences and strategies used with regards
to WLI. A non-probability purposive voluntary sample of 25 mineworkers was taken from
the Northern Cape Province. Participants consisting of males and females were stratified in
terms of language (Afrikaans and Setswana). Data collection for this research consisted of a
pilot study, qualitative interviews and field notes, The data was transcribed verbatim and
checked by independent researchers. Content analysis was used to analyse the data.
It was found that Afrikaans males, Setswana males and Setswana females experienced
pressure and stress at work, where the Afrikaans females did not have that same experience.
Several antecedents (e.g., pressure at work, heavy workload, stress, and family obligations)
that led to definite consequences (e.g., lack of quality time for self and family, physical and
emotional strains, and low levels of productivity), as well as the strategies (e.g., prioritising,
time management, communication and planning) which the different language groups use to
cope with their work-life interaction were revealed during interviews. The results also
confirmed that there were some major differences between Afrikaans and Setswana-speaking
individuals in terms of their experiences of work-life interaction.
Recommendations were made for the organisation and for future research. / Thesis (M.Com. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007
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Walking in multiple worlds: Aboriginal young people’s life work narratives.Coverdale, Jennifer Lynne 22 August 2012 (has links)
The experience of the life work journeys of urban Aboriginal young people in Canada is largely unknown. This group faces multiple challenges in entering the labour force from social and economic disparities to cultural discontinuity. This qualitative case study collected stories from urban Aboriginal young people who are in search of meaningful and sustainable work. Using group interviews set within Indigenous sharing circles, 25 youth living in Victoria, British Columbia shared their stories of the supports, challenges and barriers they face in their life work journeys. In collaboration with community partners and knowledge keepers, the stories were reviewed to identify a relational model of life work shared by these young people. Participants identified their relations as their foundational support, and spoke to the role of work, education and culture in their career development. The results have important implications for theory, research and practice regarding counselling and researching with Aboriginal youth. / Graduate
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Young Indigenous Men's Work NarrativesSpowart, Payden 22 April 2013 (has links)
Little is known about the unique experiences of Indigenous people in their work life journeys. In particular, there has been very little research with young males on this topic. In this qualitative study, eight young Indigenous men shared their stories regarding their search for and engagement in work, and completed an exploration of their Possible Selves. The research question was "what are the supports, challenges, and obstacles experienced as you search for and maintain work?" Thematic analysis identified four meta-themes related to their work life experiences: relational supports; work experiences; education; and culture and work. The results have important implications for theory, research and practice in regards to work and career development with young Indigenous men. / Graduate / 0525
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Thematic quality assessment of learning at work within Higher Vocational EducationThång, Per-Olof, Littke, Kerstin 31 October 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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