Spelling suggestions: "subject:"workflow."" "subject:"iworkflow.""
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Workflows in der energieorientierten ProduktentwicklungReichel, Thomas 11 November 2013 (has links)
Der weltweit steigende Bedarf an Energie und natürlichen Ressourcen, insbesondere an fossilen Brennstoffen und seltenen Metallen, sowie die angestrebte Reduktion des CO2-Ausstoßes führen zu steigenden Preisen für Energie und Rohstoffe. Der Energie- und Ressourcenbedarf muss daher neben der Funktionalität und den Kosten eines technischen Produkts in Planungs- und Entwicklungsprozesse einbezogen werden. Für eine Minimierung des Energie- und Ressourcenbedarfs sind insbesondere die frühen Phasen der Produktentwicklung von großem Interesse, da in diesen Phasen die wesentlichen Eigenschaften eines Produkts für den gesamten Lebenszyklus zu großen Teilen festgelegt werden. Durch die Forderung nach kürzeren Markteinführungszeiten bei gleichzeitigem Anstieg der Komplexität technischer Produkte ist der Einsatz von Softwaresystemen zur Unterstützung der Planungs- und Entwicklungsprozesse unabdingbar.
Die Zielstellung der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Entwicklung und Realisierung von Methoden und Verfahren zur softwaretechnischen Unterstützung ausgewählter Abläufe der Produktentwicklung. Die gewählten Abläufe sind die Ausarbeitung von Anforderungsspezifikationen für technische Produkte, die Priorisierung von Anforderungen sowie die Analyse und Bewertung des Energiebedarfs von Werkzeugmaschinen. Der Schwerpunkt der Methoden und Verfahren liegt einerseits auf der Strukturierung und Koordinierung der Zusammenarbeit von Domänenexperten in den ausgewählten Abläufen der Produktentwicklung und andererseits auf der Erweiterung der Abläufe um Energie- und Ressourcenbetrachtungen. Die softwaretechnische Unterstützung der gewählten Abläufe ermöglicht es, die Komplexität der zu entwickelnden Produkte beherrschbar zu machen und den manuellen Aufwand der Domänenexperten in den Abläufen zu verringern.
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Implementation of a Laboratory Information Management System To Manage Genomic SamplesWitty, Derick 05 September 2013 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / A Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) is designed to manage laboratory processes and data. It has the ability to extend the core functionality of the LIMS through configuration tools and add-on modules to support the implementation of complex laboratory workflows. The purpose of this project is to demonstrate how laboratory data and processes from a complex workflow can be implemented using a LIMS.
Genomic samples have become an important part of the drug development process due to advances in molecular testing technology. This technology evaluates genomic material for disease markers and provides efficient, cost-effective, and accurate results for a growing number of clinical indications. The preparation of the genomic samples for evaluation requires a complex laboratory process called the precision aliquotting workflow. The precision aliquotting workflow processes genomic samples into precisely created aliquots for analysis. The workflow is defined by a set of aliquotting scheme attributes that are executed based on scheme specific rules logic. The aliquotting scheme defines the attributes of each aliquot based on the achieved sample recovery of the genomic sample. The scheme rules logic executes the creation of the aliquots based on the scheme definitions.
LabWare LIMS is a Windows® based open architecture system that manages laboratory data and workflow processes. A LabWare LIMS model was developed to implement the precision aliquotting workflow using a combination of core functionality and configured code.
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Predictive Resource Management for Scientific WorkflowsWitt, Carl Philipp 21 July 2020 (has links)
Um Erkenntnisse aus großen Mengen wissenschaftlicher Rohdaten zu gewinnen, sind komplexe Datenanalysen erforderlich. Scientific Workflows sind ein Ansatz zur Umsetzung solcher Datenanalysen. Um Skalierbarkeit zu erreichen, setzen die meisten Workflow-Management-Systeme auf bereits existierende Lösungen zur Verwaltung verteilter Ressourcen, etwa Batch-Scheduling-Systeme. Die Abschätzung der Ressourcen, die zur Ausführung einzelner Arbeitsschritte benötigt werden, wird dabei immer noch an die Nutzer:innen delegiert. Dies schränkt die Leistung und Benutzerfreundlichkeit von Workflow-Management-Systemen ein, da den Nutzer:innen oft die Zeit, das Fachwissen oder die Anreize fehlen, den Ressourcenverbrauch genau abzuschätzen.
Diese Arbeit untersucht, wie die Ressourcennutzung während der Ausführung von Workflows automatisch erlernt werden kann. Im Gegensatz zu früheren Arbeiten werden Scheduling und Vorhersage von Ressourcenverbrauch in einem engeren Zusammenhang betrachtet. Dies bringt verschiedene Herausforderungen mit sich, wie die Quantifizierung der Auswirkungen von Vorhersagefehlern auf die Systemleistung.
Die wichtigsten Beiträge dieser Arbeit sind:
1. Eine Literaturübersicht aktueller Ansätze zur Vorhersage von Spitzenspeicherverbrauch mittels maschinellen Lernens im Kontext von Batch-Scheduling-Systemen.
2. Ein Scheduling-Verfahren, das statistische Methoden verwendet, um vorherzusagen, welche Scheduling-Entscheidungen verbessert werden können.
3. Ein Ansatz zur Nutzung von zur Laufzeit gemessenem Spitzenspeicherverbrauch in Vorhersagemodellen, die die fortwährende Optimierung der Ressourcenallokation erlauben. Umfangreiche Simulationsexperimente geben Einblicke in Schlüsseleigenschaften von Scheduling-Heuristiken und Vorhersagemodellen.
4. Ein Vorhersagemodell, das die asymmetrischen Kosten überschätzten und unterschätzten Speicherverbrauchs berücksichtigt, sowie die Folgekosten von Vorhersagefehlern einbezieht. / Scientific experiments produce data at unprecedented volumes and resolutions. For the extraction of insights from large sets of raw data, complex analysis workflows are necessary. Scientific workflows enable such data analyses at scale. To achieve scalability, most workflow management systems are designed as an additional layer on top of distributed resource managers, such as batch schedulers or distributed data processing frameworks. However, like distributed resource managers, they do not automatically determine the amount of resources required for executing individual tasks in a workflow. The status quo is that workflow management systems delegate the challenge of estimating resource usage to the user. This limits the performance and ease-of-use of scientific workflow management systems, as users often lack the time, expertise, or incentives to estimate resource usage accurately.
This thesis is an investigation of how to learn and predict resource usage during workflow execution. In contrast to prior work, an integrated perspective on prediction and scheduling is taken, which introduces various challenges, such as quantifying the effects of prediction errors on system performance.
The main contributions are:
1. A survey of peak memory usage prediction in batch processing environments. It provides an overview of prior machine learning approaches, commonly used features, evaluation metrics, and data sets.
2. A static workflow scheduling method that uses statistical methods to predict which scheduling decisions can be improved.
3. A feedback-based approach to scheduling and predictive resource allocation, which is extensively evaluated using simulation. The results provide insights into the desirable characteristics of scheduling heuristics and prediction models.
4. A prediction model that reduces memory wastage. The design takes into account the asymmetric costs of overestimation and underestimation, as well as follow up costs of prediction errors.
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Virtual reunification of papyrus fragmentsVannini, Lucia 20 April 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Many Greek and Latin papyri, originally belonging to only one book (be it in roll or codex form), are currently scattered among different libraries. While it is not possible to physically rejoin these fragments as they cannot be moved from their institutions, they may be virtually reunited thanks to the techniques of digitisation, image processing and electronic publishing. This paper focuses on some issues – emerged from the work of my MA dissertation – that virtual reunification of Greek and Latin papyri presents.
Firstly, I propose a workflow for the creation of a digital edition of virtually rejoined fragments, by applying the model of virtual reunification recently suggested by R. Punzalan in Understanding Virtual Reunification (2014), the first systematic study on this topic. Also, as a principal reference point among the existing projects, I follow the Sinaiticus Project website, which, similarly, deals with an ancient Greek manuscript now dispersed in different institutions; however, while the Sinaiticus Project is exclusively dedicated to that artefact, the edition here proposed includes the possibility to be widened, in order to allow researchers to possibly include more reunified papyri in the future. Secondly, I propose some recommendations that can be followed by the owning institutions in order to digitise their fragments according to a common strategy. Finally, I focus on how a virtual reunification of papyrus fragments can be technically achieved – in other words, how the transcription code can present unified information about the papyrus as a whole and mark the parts of text belonging to each fragment.
This project will hopefully help researchers study papyri divided among different libraries in a more systematic way, thanks to the availability of an electronic edition including the whole text and images of the virtually reunited fragments, and thanks to a consolidation of metadata.
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Next Generation Feature Roadmap for IP-Based Range ArchitecturesKovach, Bob 10 1900 (has links)
ITC/USA 2015 Conference Proceedings / The Fifty-First Annual International Telemetering Conference and Technical Exhibition / October 26-29, 2015 / Bally's Hotel & Convention Center, Las Vegas, NV / The initial efforts that resulted in the migration of range application traffic to an IP infrastructure largely focused on the challenge of obtaining reliable transport for range application streams including telemetry and digital video via IP packet-based network technology. With the emergence of architectural elements that support robust Quality of Service, multicast routing, and redundant operation, these problems have largely been resolved, and a large number of ranges are now successfully utilizing IP-based network topology to implement their backbone transport infrastructure. The attention now turns to the need to provide supplemental features that provide enhanced functionality in addition to raw stream transport. These features include: *Stream monitoring and native test capability, usually called Service Assurance *Extended support for Ancillary Data / Metadata *Archive and Media Asset Management integration into the workflow *Temporal alignment of application streams This paper will describe a number of methods to implement these features utilizing an approach that leverages the features offered by IP-based technology, emphasizes the use of standards-based COTS implementations, and supports interworking between features.
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應用語意網於動態工作流程之研究陳婷妤, CHEN, TING-YU Unknown Date (has links)
因此,本研究提出一個簡單有效的動態處理工作流程架構,透過語意網標準語言-資源描述結構(RDF(S)及DAML+OIL制定更嚴謹、豐富、彈性的工作流程定義,使工作流程處理具有邏輯推理的知識能力,另一方面提供一套流程改變機制,以自動調適在執行期間動態改變的流程。 / By the development of global economics influences business model more and more complex. The way of promoting productivity and decreasing cost is the issue of the company. Current workflow management approaches can reach automatic, monitoring, collaboration and controlling the process. But process description and sharing resource approaches consider simplistic method invocation. So how to create dynamic workflow enrich process definition and modify the program at run time is very important issue.
In this thesis we propose richer process representations using the semantic web languages which enable us to capture process than current approaches and applying a change system to adapt process change in run time. Further, we develop algorithms by which potential problem in dynamic workflow can be more flexible and combine computer and human activities.
Keyword: Semantic Web, Ontology, Dynamic Workflow
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Development of algorithms and next-generation sequencing data workflows for the analysis of gene regulatory networksShomroni, Orr 02 March 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Um novo processo para refatoração de bancos de dados. / A new process to database refactoring.Domingues, Márcia Beatriz Pereira 15 May 2014 (has links)
O projeto e manutenção de bancos de dados é um importante desafio, tendo em vista as frequentes mudanças de requisitos solicitados pelos usuários. Para acompanhar essas mudanças o esquema do banco de dados deve passar por alterações estruturais que muitas vezes prejudicam o desempenho e o projeto das consultas, tais como: relacionamentos desnecessários, chaves primárias ou estrangeiras criadas fortemente acopladas ao domínio, atributos obsoletos e tipos de atributos inadequados. A literatura sobre Métodos Ágeis para desenvolvimento de software propõe o uso de refatorações para evolução do esquema do banco de dados quando há mudanças de requisitos. Uma refatoração é uma alteração simples que melhora o design, mas não altera a semântica do modelo de dados, nem adiciona novas funcionalidades. Esta Tese apresenta um novo processo para aplicar refatorações ao esquema do banco de dados. Este processo é definido por um conjunto de tarefas com o objetivo de executar as refatorações de uma forma controlada e segura, permitindo saber o impacto no desempenho do banco de dados para cada refatoração executada. A notação BPMN foi utilizada para representar e executar as tarefas do processo. Como estudo de caso foi utilizado um banco de dados relacional, o qual é usado por um sistema de informação para agricultura de precisão. Esse sistema, baseado na Web, necessita fazer grandes consultas para plotagem de gráficos com informações georreferenciadas. / The development and maintenance of a database is an important challenge, due to frequent changes and requirements from users. To follow these changes, the database schema suffers structural modifications that, many times, negatively affect its performance and the result of the queries, such as: unnecessary relationships, primary and foreign keys, created strongly attached to the domain, with obsolete attributes or inadequate types of attributes. The literature about Agile Methods for software development suggests the use of refactoring for the evolution of database schemas when there are requirement changes. A refactoring is a simple change that improves the design, but it does not alter the semantics of the data model neither adds new functionalities. This thesis aims at proposing a new process to apply many refactoring to the database schema. This process is defined by a set of refactoring tasks, which is executed in a controlled, secure and automatized form, aiming at improving the design of the schema and allowing the DBA to know exactly the impact on the performance of the database for each refactoring performed. A notation BPMN has been used to represent and execute the tasks of the workflow. As a case study, a relational database, which is used by an information system for precision agriculture was used. This system is web based, and needs to perform large consultations to transfer graphics with geo-referential information.
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Mapeamento dos processos de geração e uso das informações clínicas na radiologia médica a partir da análise do fluxo informacional / Mapping of the processes of generation and use clinical information in Medical Radiology through information flow analysisRocha, Joeli Espirito Santo da 28 September 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa caracteriza-se como qualitativa e descritiva, tendo por objetivo mapear os processos de geração e uso de informações clínicas no contexto da Radiologia Médica, utilizando como referência o Ciclo Informacional estudado na Ciência da Informação, visando a identificar metadados que possam ser empregados em arquivos didáticos para uso em práticas de ensino em Radiologia. A metodologia é dividida em quatro etapas: 1) estudo do ciclo informacional, com o intuito de conhecer propostas de autores que sistematizam os processos de geração e uso da informação; 2) descrição do fluxo de trabalho de um departamento de Radiologia Médica - IHE -, para identificar os diferentes atores nesse ambiente; 3) análise dos processos do ciclo informacional no fluxo de trabalho de um departamento de Radiologia Médica, para entender o processo de geração e uso de informações na área; e 4) análise comparativa entre os metadados indicados para o fluxo de trabalho de um departamento de Radiologia Médica - DICOM - e os metadados utilizados nas bases de imagens médicas MyPACs e Auntminnie, a fim de levantar um conjunto de informações da prática clínica para uso em arquivos didáticos. Ao estudar o fluxo de trabalho de um departamento de Radiologia foram mapeadas as informações geradas e utilizadas em cada etapa, resultando na identificação de um conjunto de metadados advindos da prática clínica, que podem ser utilizados na criação de arquivos didáticos. Neste trabalho, conclui-se que estudar os processos de geração e uso de informações clínicas, em conjunto com outros temas, pode ajudar a pensar em metodologias para organização da informação, com a finalidade de viabilizar a recuperação de informação entre aplicações que possam ser utilizadas em contextos diversos no ambiente da Radiologia Médica. / This qualitative and descriptive research aimed to map the processes related to generation and use of clinical information in Medical Radiology. In order to identify metadata for creating Radiology teaching files, the Information Cycle - adopted by Information Science - has been used such as a theoretical reference. The methodological approach was divided into four steps: 1) aiming to know approaches proposed by authors who systematize the processes related to information\'s generation and use, the information cycle was investigated; 2) by systematizing the workflow found in a Radiology Department (by using IHE\'s documents), regular users present in this environment were identified; 3) based on Medical Radiology\'s workflow and aiming to understand the information\'s generation and use processes, the steps part of the information cycle were studied; and 4) comparative analysis using metadata part of Radiology Department\'s workflow (based on DICOM standard documentation) and metadata used in the MyPACs and Auntminnie medical image databases, such analysis was done in order to select a set of information from clinical practice which may be used in teaching files\' creation. When the Radiology\'s workflow was studied, the information generated and used in each step was identified. As a result, groups of metadata from the clinical practice were identified and such metadata may be used aiming to create teaching file. In this work, we have concluded that by investigating processes related to clinical information generation and use, combined with other themes, may help to think about information organization\'s methodologies. This offers means to retrieve information from various clinical systems and the retrieved information can be used in different Radiology contexts.
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Gera??o de casos de teste para a interface de usu?rio de sistemas de ger?ncia de workflowVieira, Hugo Vares 17 December 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-12-17 / O teste de um sistema de gerenciamento de workflow se faz necess?rio no momento em que h? a necessidade de detec??o de erros na execu??o de sistemas que ap?iam processos de neg?cio. Como n?o ? vi?vel a realiza??o de testes exaustivos, esta pesquisa faz uso de teste estat?stico para que se tenha uma confiabilidade aceit?vel com um conjunto de testes menor. Sabe-se que as redes de Petri, al?m de possibilitarem a representa??o de informa??es estat?sticas, s?o um formalismo muito indicado para descrever processos de neg?cio. As informa??es relevantes ao teste estat?stico de workflow s?o representadas utilizando redes de Petri, para ent?o gerar casos de teste a partir de uma rede. Este trabalho tem o objetivo de apresentar uma solu??o para a gera??o de casos de teste para sistemas de gerenciamento de workflows. Estes casos de teste visam a intera??o com a interface de usu?rio. Assim, neste trabalho, ? apresentada uma descri??o referente ? automa??o de workflows e ao teste destes sistemas. A partir desta descri??o, s?o determinados os requisitos para a formaliza??o de um dialeto de redes de Petri, para ent?o ser apresentada a formaliza??o do dialeto utilizado na pesquisa. Al?m disso, ? ilustrada a aplica??o desta solu??o. Devido ?s similares necessidades verificadas no teste de desempenho em rela??o ao teste de sistemas de gerenciamento de workflows, um estudo da aplica??o da solu??o desta pesquisa ao teste de desempenho ? realizado
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