Spelling suggestions: "subject:"corking 3denvironment."" "subject:"corking c.environment.""
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Psykosocial arbetsmiljö inom Individ- och familjeomsorgen i Jönköpings kommun / Psychosocial working environment among hired personnel in the Swedish social care focused on individuals and family in Jönköping municipalityPersson, Tony, Lindgren, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
This study is a quantitative secondary analysis of existing data from psycho-social working environment questionnaires for the municipality of Jönköping. The goal of the analysis is to study differences between two parts of the individual- and family care, the public authority part and the outpatient care, as well as differences in sex and age-categories. To accomplish this, the methodology is to analyse the existing data from the 2015 questionnaire on psycho-social work environment that the municipality answered. This questionnaire is called QPS/QPS-Nordic and stands for Questionnaire for Psychological and Social Factors at Work. Subsequently, significant findings of differences have been studied and discussed. The result of the analysis shows that while there are some differences, there is many similarities between the two groups. The study does not present any specific causes for the existing significant differences but clarifies which areas the differences occur within. Furthermore, the study gives suggestions for further research of how the differences could be clarified, and what the relevance is for future research into the Swedish social services work performance. The purpose is to spread information about Swedish social worker’s working environment and to figure out where there are any differences. Do social workers at public authority mark their working environment different from the outpatient care workers or are their similar in their beliefs. / Detta arbete är en kvantitativ sekundärstudie med målet att undersöka den psykosociala arbetsmiljön inom individ- och familjeomsorgen i Jönköpings kommun. Den jämför huruvida det finns skillnader mellan de som arbetar med myndighetsutövning och öppenvårdsinsatser men också skillnader mellan personalens köns- och ålderstillhörighet. Metoden för detta har varit att granska numeriska data som tagits fram ifrån 2015 års psykosociala arbetsmiljöenkät som personalen fått skatta sina upplevelser av sin psykosociala arbetsmiljö. Enkäten kallas QPS/QPS-Nordic och står för Questionnaire for Psychological and Social Factors at Work. Därefter har signifikanta skillnader undersökts och diskuterats. Resultatet som studien visar tyder på att det förekommer vissa skillnader mellan myndighet och öppenvård, olika åldrar och kön, men mestadels likheter. Studien presenterar inte orsakerna till detta men klargör dock mellan vilka områden skillnaderna finns. Utöver det ger studien förslag på vidare forskning om hur skillnaderna kan klargöras och vad den har för relevans för dagens forskning om den svenska socialtjänstens praktiska utförande. Syftet är att ge mer kunskap om socialarbetares psykosociala arbetsmiljö och undersöka om det skiljer sig åt. Skattar anställda inom myndighet på ett sätt och öppenvården på ett annat eller är miljön likvärdig dem emellan?
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Psykosociala faktorer i arbetslivet som påverkar sjukskrivningar, i synnerhet hos kvinnor - En litteraturstudieLorentzon, Bodil, Larsson, Helene, Andersson, Ulla-Britt January 2007 (has links)
<p>Every year many individuals became sick listed, it could be for a long time, or a short time but irrespective there will be</p><p>effects on the individuals life and on the society. The aim of this study was to describe some relevant psychosocial relationships in the workplace that effect that women become sick listed. The method of the study was a literary study which was based on a number of scientific articles. The result of the study showed that many different factors effects the risk of becoming sick listed. Factors that causes sick leave where many and individual, but lack of social support, bullying, unstructured work environment and the</p><p>workplaces management, imbalance between demands and control and the women's situation were factors that had a big influence. Women had the greatest number of sick leave, and for a better answer to why it is mostly women who are sick listed more</p><p>research is needed. The answer we found was that it was not about the sex, it was more about where you work or in which profession</p><p>you are. To reduce the number of sick listed, big achievements are needed from the individual, the employer and the society. More research on how to reduce the number of people on sick leave is also needed.</p>
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Hur bra är kulturskolans lokaler? : En undersökning om vad musik- och kulturskolans lärare anser om sina undervisningslokaler / How good are the teaching rooms in the music schools? : An investigation about how teachers estimate theirMartinsson, Erik January 2008 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this dissertation is to examine how teachers in the municipal Music schools Schools of arts (kulturskolor) estimate the quality of their teaching rooms, which factors that are significant for their opinion, and if they have experienced any tendencies of improvement in the quality of their teaching rooms. The examination is built on a questionnaire, which was sent to a number of music- and “culture schools” in Sweden. From the answers you can read that the majority (66%) of the teachers are satisfied with their teaching rooms, even if a relatively large part (33%) seems to be unsatisfied. The single factor that are of most importance for their opinion are how much of their teaching they spend in rooms that doesn’t belong to the music- or “culture school” and also are used for other kinds of education. You can also see that the teachers have experienced a slight improvement in the quality of the education room’s throughout the years. A large majority consider that the rooms are of great significance for their teaching and the student’s experience of the education, which also is confirmed by other research.</p>
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Psykosociala faktorer i arbetslivet som påverkar sjukskrivningar, i synnerhet hos kvinnor - En litteraturstudieLorentzon, Bodil, Larsson, Helene, Andersson, Ulla-Britt January 2007 (has links)
Every year many individuals became sick listed, it could be for a long time, or a short time but irrespective there will be effects on the individuals life and on the society. The aim of this study was to describe some relevant psychosocial relationships in the workplace that effect that women become sick listed. The method of the study was a literary study which was based on a number of scientific articles. The result of the study showed that many different factors effects the risk of becoming sick listed. Factors that causes sick leave where many and individual, but lack of social support, bullying, unstructured work environment and the workplaces management, imbalance between demands and control and the women's situation were factors that had a big influence. Women had the greatest number of sick leave, and for a better answer to why it is mostly women who are sick listed more research is needed. The answer we found was that it was not about the sex, it was more about where you work or in which profession you are. To reduce the number of sick listed, big achievements are needed from the individual, the employer and the society. More research on how to reduce the number of people on sick leave is also needed.
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Tillfredsställd och lönsam : En studie av synen på människors arbete, tid och liv inom arbetspsykologin / Satisfied and profitable : An Enquiry on the Notion of People's Work, Time and Life within Work PsychologyEngberg, Fredrika January 2013 (has links)
Under de senaste decennierna har det inom HR (Human Resources) skett en domänutvidgning, där allt större ansvar tas för fler aspekter av människors liv. Man får ofta ett intryck av att det finns ett genuint intresse för människors liv och hälsa bortom arbetet. Ett grundläggande antagande inom HR är emellertid att välmående individer leder till en ökad produktivitet. Därigenom finns en otydlighet i det egentliga syftet med de av arbetsgivarnas aktiviteter som syftar till människors hälsa och välmående. Det finns därmed anledning att närmre studera de idéer om människors arbete, tid och liv som cirkulerar inom HR. HR som kunskapsområde och branch är dock svårt att fånga i ett enda empiriskt material. En avgränsning behöver göras. I denna studie har arbetspsykologin identifierats som en stor och viktig influens inom HR, som dessutom har en legitimerade funktion i sin roll som vetenskap. Med utgångspunkt i kritisk teori studeras därför läroböcker i arbetspsykologi och i arbetspsykologin grundat arbetsmiljöarbete. Studien visar att det inom arbetspsykologin finns en föreställning om arbetet som någonting rationellt och betydelsefullt för människor. Arbetets framväxt beskrivs som något utav en civiliseringsprocess. Motsättningen mellan individens och organisationens intressen är närvarande i böckerna men hanteras av författarna på delvis olika sätt. Detta pekar på en splittring inom disciplinen; ingen enhetlighet finns i hur motsättningen ska hanteras. Samtidigt är målet en vinna-vinna-situation och en verklig insikt om motsättningens problematik verkar inte finnas. Man talar ofta om att ett helhetsperspektiv på människors liv och hälsa är viktigt. Ett sådant kan sägas finnas ur arbetspsykologins eget perspektiv, där utgångspunkten är att individens och organisationens intressen sammanfaller. Helhetsperspektivet kan dock ifrågasättas om ett sådant antagande inte görs. Strävan efter människors välmående är nämligen inte förutsättningslös; förslag till förbättringar av arbetet och arbetssituationen är alltid av sådant slag att de även gynnar organisationen. / During the last decades, HR (Human Resources) has expanded its reach, taking an increasingly large responsibility for for more aspects of people's lives. One can often get the impression that there is a genuine interest in people's lives and health beyond work. However, a basic assumption within HR is that well-being for workers leads to increased productivity. Due to this assumption, the real purposes behind management activities for health and well-being are unclear. Hence, there is reason to make a closer investigation of the ideas about people's work, time and life that circulate within HR. HR, being both a field and a profession, is difficult to capture using a single set of sources. The investigation needs to be limited. For the purposes of this study, work psychology has been identified as a major and important influence on HR, an influence which furthermore grants legitimacy to HR due to its status as a scientific field. Accordingly, textbooks in work psychology and in working environment management based on work psychology are studied from the perspective of critical theory. The study finds that, within work psychology, work is imagined as rational and meaningful for people. The history of work is described as somewhat of a process of civilisation. The conflict between the interests of the individual and of the organisation is present in the textbooks but is treated partly in different ways. This indicates fragmentation within the field; there is no consensus on how to handle the conflict of interests. Simultaneously, the aim is a win-win-situation, indicating a lack of insight into the complexity of the conflict. The importance of a holistic perspective on people's lives and health is mentioned repeatedly. Such a perspective can be said to be present from the viewpoint of work psychology itself, based as it is on the assumption that the interests of the individual coincide with the interests of the organisation. However, the holistic perspective can be questioned if such an assumption is not made. Human well-being is not promoted without premisses; suggestions for improvement of work and the working conditions are always of the kind that will also favour the organisation.
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Hur bra är kulturskolans lokaler? : En undersökning om vad musik- och kulturskolans lärare anser om sina undervisningslokaler / How good are the teaching rooms in the music schools? : An investigation about how teachers estimate theirMartinsson, Erik January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation is to examine how teachers in the municipal Music schools Schools of arts (kulturskolor) estimate the quality of their teaching rooms, which factors that are significant for their opinion, and if they have experienced any tendencies of improvement in the quality of their teaching rooms. The examination is built on a questionnaire, which was sent to a number of music- and “culture schools” in Sweden. From the answers you can read that the majority (66%) of the teachers are satisfied with their teaching rooms, even if a relatively large part (33%) seems to be unsatisfied. The single factor that are of most importance for their opinion are how much of their teaching they spend in rooms that doesn’t belong to the music- or “culture school” and also are used for other kinds of education. You can also see that the teachers have experienced a slight improvement in the quality of the education room’s throughout the years. A large majority consider that the rooms are of great significance for their teaching and the student’s experience of the education, which also is confirmed by other research.
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Trådlöst internet på fartygsbryggan : En litteraturstudie om hur användandet av trådlös internetuppkoppling på fartygsbryggan kan påverka individen som operatör och fartygets drift / Wireless internet on the bridge : A literature review of how usage of wireless internet connection on the bridge affects the individual as an operator and the operating of the shipHermansson Össtein, Karl, Fredriksson, Philip January 2015 (has links)
Denna rapport är en sammanställning av en litteraturstudie som undersöker trådlös nätverksuppkoppling (WLAN) ombord på fartygsbryggor. Samhället utvecklas hela tiden och användandet av enheter med tillgång till internet ökar ständigt. Arbetets syfte var att undersöka den trådlösa uppkopplingens positiva och negativa effekter samt för- respektive nackdelar. En litteratursökning genomfördes och baserades tillsammans med analysen på en mindmap. Resultatet visar flera negativa effekter genom att vara uppkopplad på fartygsbryggan. De slutsatser som arbetet kom fram till var att ökad tillgänglighet leder till ökat användande. Användandet påverkar individens fokus och hälsa negativt. Det kan även påverka sömnen negativt där både mängd och kvalitet försämras. Det positiva som WLAN kan bidra till är ett ökat välmående för individen samt att underlätta arbetet genom sammankoppling av enheter. Det är viktigt att optimera arbetsplatsen så att hälsorisker minimeras. WLAN har överlag en negativ effekt på bryggvakten. Möjligheterna som kommer med WLAN är få i förhållande till riskerna. / This report describes a literature study that examines the wireless local area network (WLAN) aboard the vessels bridge. Society is constantly evolving and the usage of electronic devices with access to the Internet is constantly increasing. The aim of the work was to investigate the wireless connection´s advantages, disadvantages, as well as its positive and negative effects. A literature review was performed and together with the analysis based on a mind map. The results suggests that more negative effects than positive comes with being connected on the vessel´s bridge. The conclusions that can be drawn are that increased availability leads to increased usage. This use affects the individual's focus and health negatively. It can also affect sleep negatively where both quantity and quality deteriorates. The positive aspects WLAN can contribute to are increased well-being of the individual as well as facilitate the work by linking devices together. It is important to optimize the workplace so that health risks are minimized. WLAN generally has a negative effect on the bridge watch. The possibilities that come with WLAN are few in relation to the risks.
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Client work, job satisfaction and work environment aspects in human service organizations /Jönsson, Sandra. January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Lund : Lunds universitet, 2005. / Härtill 3 uppsatser.
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Balansen mellan effektivitet och arbetsmiljö : En process, mål och effektutvärdering av lokalpolisområde Medelpads utredningsverksamhetGrelsson, Sofia, Einarsson, Sara January 2018 (has links)
Denna uppsats utvärderar Medelpadspolisens förändrade sätt att arbeta, med fokus på dess process, mål och effekt. Syftet har varit att undersöka huruvida polisen uppnått de två huvudmål som legat till grund för förändringsarbetet, det vill säga en förbättrad utredningsverksamhet och arbetsmiljö, vilket utvärderas med hjälp av registerdata och enkätundersökningar. Resultatet indikerar på att förbättringsåtgärden har implementerats så som det varit planerat och i följd bidragit till övervägande positiva effekter. Vidare tycks ett effektivt och medarbetardrivet ledarskap införlivats vilket, i den mån det varit möjligt att mäta, har bidragit till en förbättrad arbetsmiljö för medarbetarna. Den registerdata som studerats indikerar på att utredningsverksamheten effektiviserats i flera avseenden, med kortare genomströmningstider, minskade ärenden i ärendebalansen samt ett bättre flöde. Inom ramen för arbetet har därmed en sammanfattad slutsats dragits om att Medelpadspolisen, i vissa avseenden har uppnått sina två huvudmål. / This essay evaluates the police department in Medelpad’s changed way of working, focusing on it´s process, goals, and effects. The purpose of this essay has been to examine whether the police has achieved their two main goals of improving their investigation function and their working environment. These goals have been the main focus in the foundation of how the changed way of working has been developed and executed. In this essay the main goals are evaluated by using index data and a questionnaire. The results indicate that the improved way of working has been implemented as planned, which essentially has resulted in predominantly positive effects. Within the framework of this essay and in proportion to it´s limitation, it seems that an effective leadership has been incorporated which seems to have led to an improved working environment. Furthermore, the index data suggests an increased efficiency in the police departments investigation results. For instance, it is shown by fewer open investigation cases.
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Nemoci z povolání u zdravotnických pracovníků a jejich nejčastější příčiny / Occupational diseases in medical personnel and their most common causesHONDLÍKOVÁ, Zuzana January 2014 (has links)
The objective of my thesis "Occupational diseases in medical personnel and their most common causes" explores the detriments of health that result from theoretical risk in the medical working environment. These health detriments not only severely impact personal health but also cause economical troubles due to diminished work capabilities. Occupational health services have improved as a consequence of this impact. Instead of this term, the expression "work healthcare" is now more commonly used. Its main goal is improvement of labour conditions as well as support of employees health. The occurrence of occupational diseases reflects the level of healthcare services available for employees. The National Institute of Public Health in Prague, in conjunction with The Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the Czech Republic, aim to operate within this framework to address the issue of work healthcare. The objective of the thesis is to examine the occurrence of occupational diseases in the Czech Republic as well as in the South Bohemia region within a specific time period. Expressed in focused literature, there are two hypotheses related to occupational healthcare: H1 "The occurrence of occupational diseases has a declining trend" and H2 "The most common occupational disease in health care in the South Bohemia region is scabies for the years 2002, 2012 and 2013". A secondary analysis of data shows the occurrence of occupational diseases, which reflects the employees' level of healthcare. The National register of occupational diseases is available on the official web site of The National Institute of Public Health in Prague, where single year data is available for further examination. Further data is provided by The Centre of occupational Health at The National Institute of Public Health in Prague. A point of discussion is "monitoring knowledgeability of employees in public healthcare regarding prevention against occupational diseases". Another issue is "the instruction of the medical workforce about prevention against occupational diseases". The focus group is the medical workforce of The Hospital of Czech Budweis, a.s. and The Hospital of T. Bati, a.s. in Zlín. The featured questionnaire research had twenty questions, with twelve focused on knowledge of prevention that minimised contraction of associated diseases. The research has discovered that the occupational diseases in the health and social care field has a declining trend. The largest percentage of the population that has had scabies occurred in 2002. 139 cases were reported which was 53% of all occupational diseases that year. Scabies occurred in 72 cases in the year 2012, which was 55% of all occupational diseases in that year. In South Moravia, there were 44 cases of occupational diseases in 2002, but only 6 in the year 2012. The statistics of 2012 imply a significant decline. In 2002, the region of Ústí and Labem had the greatest number of occupational diseases cases 42 cases. But no case of occupational disease was found in 2002 in the region of Olomouc and in 2012 in the region of Zlín. This statistical data proves the hypothesis of a declining trend. The most significant occurrence of occupational diseases was found in the nurse population of the South Bohemia region. The most common occupational disease was scabies. Nine cases were recorded which accounted for 30% of all occupational diseases in 2002, 2012 and 2013 in the South Bohemia region. The most occupational diseases were found in 2002 17 cases. 2012 showed a decline of only 3 cases. In 2013, the occurrence of occupational diseases increased to 10 cases compared to 2012. The hypothesis was statistically confirmed. The thesis could be used as a informative document for teaching occupational hygiene and also as document of reference for healthcare personnel to study common workplace diseases. This thesis can assist in prevention of occupational diseases, in particular infectious diseases.
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