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X-ray spectroscopic study of the electronic structure of sulfur compoundsMartins, Emanuel January 1995 (has links)
No description available.
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Exploring the Hardness of Nitride Ceramics: Electronic Properties and Band Gap Studied using Soft X-ray Spectroscopy2013 October 1900 (has links)
Research into determining what intrinsic characteristics cause materials to be hard is imperative if one would like to design future materials with a hardness exceeding that of diamond. Measuring the hardness of materials in order to obtain a fundamental quantity independent of extrinsic factors is difficult, if not impossible. However, many theories have been proposed pertaining to the quantification of hardness as a fundamental property. While it is clear that the hardness of a material will strongly depend on its crystal structure, another fundamental quantity, the electronic band gap, has also been linked to the intrinsic hardness of materials. The electronic band gap is a seemingly simple quantity, but is difficult to de- termine for novel or complicated materials. Core-level spectroscopy techniques that probe the occupied and unoccupied density of states separately allow for an indirect determination of the electronic band gap. These methods have several advantages over conventional tech- niques in that they do not strongly depend on the extrinsic material properties such as defects and impurities. The electronic band gap has been determined in this way for several novel materials. These include group 14 nitrides with spinel structure that were recently studied over the last decade. The electronic band gap of three synthesized binary spinel nitrides γ-Si3N4, γ-Ge3N4 and γ-Sn3N4 are determined using core-level spectroscopy to be 4.8 ± 0.2 eV, 3.5 ± 0.2 and 1.6 ± 0.2 eV, respectively. These measurements agree with the calculated values of 4.97, 3.59 and 1.61 eV for γ-Si3N4, γ-Ge3N4 and γ-Sn3N4, respectively. We have also extended these measurements and calculations to include the solid solutions γ-(GexSi1−x)3N4 and γ-(SnxGe1−x)3N4 showing these spinel-structured nitrides form a multi-functional class of semiconductors. This band gap measurement technique has also been applied successfully to the phosphor converting light emitting diode material Ba3Si6O12N2 and the novel semicon- ductor MnNCN. This shows that using core-level spectroscopy is a very effective method to determine the electronic band gap where there are no other feasible techniques. Aside from the electronic band gap, core-level spectroscopy is also a complementary technique to deter- mine the crystal structure, which is also an important parameter with regard to hardness. The crystal structure, particularly aspects such as anion ordering and vacancy ordering, have been determined for the spinel-structured oxonitride Ga3O3N and a novel phase of calcium nitride Ca3N2. These results show that core-level spectroscopy is a powerful technique to determine the anion ordering in oxonitrides and was further applied to the material class β-sialons, allowing for the determination of the electronic band gap as well as ascertaining both the anion and cation ordering. Combining all of these aspects we show that the electronic band gap is not only useful for predicting the hardness of materials, but in some cases can be used to predict the existence of certain materials. We use theoretical methods, combined with experimental measurements, to calculate the hardness and electronic band gap of all possible binary and ternary group 14 spinel-structured nitrides. Through the correlation of the hardness and electronic band gap we show that only the three already synthesized binary group 14 spinel-structured nitrides are stable along with their solid solutions and that the elusive spinel-structured carbon nitride γ-C3N4 will be never synthesized.
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Soft x-ray spectroscopic study of methanol and glycine peptides in different physical environments / Weichröntgenspektroskopische Untersuchung von Methanol und Glycin Peptiden in unterschiedlichen physischen UmgebungenBenkert, Andreas January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Ionenspezifische Effekte treten in einer Vielzahl von wässrigen Lösungen aus Elektrolyten und größeren Molekülen wie Peptiden auf. Die Ionen bewirken dabei Änderungen in Eigenschaften wie z.B. der Viskosität, den Aktivitäten von Enzymen, der Stabilität von Proteinen und deren Ein- bzw. Aussalzverhalten. Typischerweise wird die ionenabhängige Ausprägung derartiger Effekte mithilfe der Hofmeister–Serie beschrieben, die ursprünglich Ionen nach ihrer Fähigkeit ordnete, die Löslichkeit von Hühnereiweis in Wasser zu steigern oder zu unterdrücken. Die empirische Abfolge der Ionen in der Hofmeister–Serie kann jedoch bis heute nicht zweifelsfrei erklärt werden. Trotz weitreichender Bemühungen, ein molekulares Verständnis dieses Phänomens zu schaffen, konnte bisher keine Einigung über die zugrundeliegenden Mechanismen und die genauere Bestimmung und Lokalisierung der Wechselwirkung erzielt werden. Die resonante inelastische Weichröntgenstreuung (RIXS) kombiniert die beiden Methoden der Röntgenemissions– (XES) und Röntgenabsorptionsspektroskopie (XAS). So können mit RIXS Informationen sowohl über die besetzten als auch die unbesetzten elektronischen Zustände gesammelt und zu einem umfassenden Bild der elektronischen Struktur des Systems verknüpft werden, was diese Methode zu einem vielversprechenden Werkzeug macht, etwas mehr Licht auf die Thematik zu werfen. Die in dieser Arbeit präsentierten Ergebnisse zielen deshalb darauf ab, ein verbessertes Verständnis der Wechselwirkungen zwischen Salzen und Peptiden in wässriger Lösung zu schaffen. Hierfür wird systematisch der Einfluss verschiedenster physikalischer Umgebungen auf die elektronische Struktur von kleinen Molekülen (Methanol und von Glycin abgeleitete Peptide) mittels Weichröntgenspektroskopie, unterstützt durch Dichtefunktionaltheorie (DFT) Rechnungen, untersucht.
In einem ersten Schritt werden isolierte Moleküle ohne jeglicheWechselwirkung zu ihrer unmittelbaren Umgebung anhand von Methanol in der Gasphase als Modelsystem untersucht. Hierbei wird insbesondere der lokale und elementspezifische Charakter von RIXS demonstriert und die lokale elektronische Struktur von Methanols Hydroxyl– und Methylgruppe untersucht. Mithilfe von DFT–Rechnungen werden die beobachteten Emissionslinien in den XES–Spektren der Emission bestimmter Molekülorbitale zugeordnet und deren relative Emissionsintensitäten erläutert. Für eine resonante Anregung der ersten Resonanz an der Sauerstoff–K–Absorptionskante werden starke Isotopeneffekte beobachtet, die durch dynamische Prozesse an der Hydroxylgruppe erklärt werden können. Dies dient als hervorragendes Beispiel für mögliche Auswirkungen, die eine lokale Änderung in der Geometrie oder Symmetrie des Moleküls auf dessen elektronische Struktur haben kann.
Im weiteren Verlauf dieser Arbeit wird das untersuchte Probensystem um die Aminosäure Glycin und deren kleinste Peptide Diglycin und Triglycin, vorerst in ihrer kristallinen Form als Festkörper, erweitert. Mithilfe von RIXS–Karten der Stickstoff– und Sauerstoff–K–Absorptionskanten wird erneut, unterstützt durch DFT–Rechnungen, ein umfassendes Bild der elektronischen Struktur der Moleküle gezeichnet. Ähnlich zum Fall von Methanol werden die Emissionsspektren an der Stickstoff–K–Kante stark von dynamischen Prozessen an der protonierten Aminogruppe der Moleküle beeinflusst. Zudem wird gezeigt, dass RIXS gezielt dazu verwendet werden kann, das Stickstoffatom in der Peptidbindung anzuregen und die elektronische Struktur in dessen lokaler Umgebung zu untersuchen. Desweiteren wird ein einfaches Baukastenprinzip für XES–Spektren dazu genutzt, die spektralen Anteile der Emission aus Übergängen an den beiden Stickstoffatomen in Diglycin zu isolieren. In wässriger Lösung kann eine leichte Veränderung der elektronischen Struktur der Moleküle durch die Wechselwirkung mit benachbarten Wassermolekülen, vermutlich an den geladenen funktionellen Gruppen, beobachtet werden. Die Auswirkungen auf die XES–Spektren sind jedoch eher gering. Deutlich größere Veränderungen werden beobachtet, wenn man den Protonierungszustand der Moleküle über den pH–Wert der Lösung manipuliert. Sowohl die Protonierung der Carboxylgruppe für kleine pH–Werte als auch die Deprotonierung der Aminogruppe in basischer Lösung führen zu starken Veränderungen in den RIXS–Karten. In einer umfangreichen Untersuchung der XES–Spektren von Glycin als Funktion des pH–Wertes wird gezeigt, dass sich die Änderungen jedoch nicht nur örtlich begrenzt auf die Umgebung der manipulierten funktionellen Gruppe, sondern auch auf die elektronische Struktur in weiter entfernten Bereichen des Moleküls auswirken.
Als Beispiel für Systeme in denen Hofmeister–Effekte beobachtet werden, werden zu guter Letzt gemischte wässrige Lösungen aus Diglycin und verschiedenen Salzen untersucht. Um den Einfluss verschiedener Kationen auf die elektronische Struktur der Diglycin Moleküle zu erfassen wird eine Reihe unterschiedlicher Chloride verwendet, wohingegen eine Reihe von Kaliumsalzen für die Untersuchung verschiedener Anionen herangezogen wird. In beiden Fällen werden ionenspezifische Auswirkungen auf die XES–Spektren von Diglycin beobachtet, die qualitativ der Sortierung innerhalb der Hofmeister–Serie folgen. Die beobachteten Änderungen deuten dabei darauf hin, dass Kationen unterschiedlich stark mit dem Sauerstoff in der Peptidbindung und dessen unmittelbarer Umgebung wechselwirken, wohingegen Anionen eine gesteigerte Affinität zur Aminogruppe von Diglycin aufweisen. / Ion-specific effects occur in a huge variety of aqueous solutions of electrolytes and larger molecules like peptides, altering properties such as viscosity, enzyme activity, protein stability, and salting-in and salting-out behavior of proteins. Typically, these type of effects are rationalized in terms of the Hofmeister series, which originally orders cations and anions according to their ability to enhance or suppress the solubility of proteins in water. This empirical order, however, is still not understood yet. Quite some effort was made to gain a molecular level understanding of this phenomenon, yet no consensus has been found about the underlying mechanisms and the determination and localization of the interaction sites.
Resonant inelastic soft x-ray scattering (RIXS) combines x-ray emission (XES) and absorption spectroscopies (XAS), probing the partial local density of states of both occupied and unoccupied electronic states and is thus a promising candidate to shed more light onto the issue. The studies presented in this work are directed towards an improved understanding of the interaction between salts and peptides. In order to address this topic, the impact of different physical environments on the electronic structure of small molecules (i.e., methanol and glycine derived peptides) is investigated systematically using soft x-ray spectroscopic methods, corroborated with density functional theory (DFT) calculations.
In a first step, molecules without any interactions to the surrounding are investigated, using gas-phase methanol as a model system. Thereby, the local and element specific character of RIXS is demonstrated and used to separately probe the local electronic structure of methanol’s hydroxyl and methyl group, respectively. The attribution of the observed emission features to distinct molecular orbitals is confirmed by DFT calculations, which also quantitatively explain the different relative intensities of the emission features. For resonant excitation of the O K pre-edge absorption resonance, strong isotope effects are found that are explained by dynamical processes at the hydroxyl group. This serves as an excellent example for possible consequences of a local change in the geometric structure or symmetry of a molecule on its electronic structure.
In the following, the sample system is expanded to the amino acid glycine and its smallest derived peptides diglycine and triglycine. As a first step, they are studied in their crystalline form in solid state. Again, a comprehensive picture of the electronic structure is developed by measuring RIXS maps at the oxygen and nitrogen K absorption edge, corroborated by DFT calculations. Similar to the case of methanol, dynamic processes at the protonated amino group of the molecules after exciting the nitrogen atom have a strong influence on the emission spectra. Furthermore, it is shown that RIXS can be used to selectively excite the peptide nitrogen to probe the electronic structure around it. A simple building block approach for XES spectra is applied to separate the contribution of the emission attributed to transitions into core holes at the peptide and the amino nitrogen, respectively.
In the aqueous solution, the surrounding water molecules slightly change the electronic structure, probably via interactions with the charged functional groups. The effects on the x-ray emission spectra, however, are rather small. Much bigger changes are observed when manipulating the protonation state of the functional groups by adjusting the pH value of the solution. A protonation of the carboxyl group at low pH values, as well as a deprotonation of the amino group at high pH values lead to striking changes in the shape of the RIXS maps. In a comprehensive study of glycine’s XES spectra at varying pH values, changes in the local electronic structure are not only observed in the immediate surrounding of the manipulated functional groups but also in more distant moieties of the molecule.
Finally, the study is extended to mixed aqueous solutions of diglycine and a variety of different salts as examples for systems where Hofmeister effects are observed. To investigate the influence of different cations and anions on the electronic structure of diglycine, two series of chlorine and potassium salts are used. Ion-specific effects are identified for both cases. Some of the changes in the x-ray emission spectra of diglycine in the mixed solutions qualitatively follow the Hofmeister series as a function of the used salt. The observed trends thereby indicate an increased interaction between the electron density around the peptide oxygen with the cations, whereas anions seem to interact with the amino group of the peptide.
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Herramienta ETL para Logs de procesosToro Valdivia, Jorge Francisco January 2016 (has links)
Ingeniero Civil en Computación / Hoy en día las empresas nacen como respuesta a distintos problemas o desafíos entregando diversas de soluciones, las cuales se llevan a cabo ejecutando una serie de procesos. Estos pueden estar definidos formalmente o se van construyendo de forma natural a partir de la forma en que las personas abordan los problemas. Por esto, se hace fundamental poder realizar distintos análisis sobre dichos procesos, en especial descubrir cómo se llevan a cabo en forma real. Estos análisis nos permiten optimizar, mejorar, transformar estos procesos permitiendo a las empresas y grupos de trabajo evolucionar.
Muchos de estos análisis, y los programas que los implementan, suelen ser de alta complejidad y tienden a tomar datos de los procesos en formatos específicos. Esto ocasiona que los registros de datos, también conocidos como logs de procesos, deban adaptarse a dichos formatos y por consiguiente a las herramientas y/o personas que los generan. Otra opción, es realizar un desarrollo sobre los programas de análisis para que puedan aceptar un nuevo formato, lo que tiene un costo proporcional a la complejidad del software.
Es por esto que se propuso una nueva opción: desarrollar una herramienta ETL intermediaria que nos permita transformar logs desde distintos formatos a un formato utilizado por programas de descubrimientos de procesos u otros tipos de análisis relacionados.
Se logró desarrollar una aplicación que, a través de una GUI, permite hacer distintas transformaciones desde bases de datos y planillas Excel al formato XES, el cual es usado por varios programas de descubrimiento de procesos. Esta aplicación permite al usuario configurar sus conversiones eligiendo los datos de origen así como su tipo.
Este programa fue validado a través de distintas pruebas, utilizando datos reales y un programa que realiza descubrimientos de procesos sobre archivos XES. Este desarrollo ha permitido abarcar una amplia gama de formatos sin tener que modificar datos ni los otros programas que los utilizaban, permitiendo que diversos procesos puedan ser estudiados y mejorados. / Este trabajo ha sido parcialmente financiado por Proyecto Gems.
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Theoretical modeling of x-ray and vibrational spectroscopies applied to liquid water and surface adsorbatesLjungberg, Mathias P. January 2010 (has links)
This thesis presents results of theoretical modeling of x-ray and vibrational spectroscopies applied to liquid water and to CO adsorbed on a Ni(100) surface. The Reverse Monte Carlo method is used to search for water structures that reproduce diffraction, IR/Raman and x-ray absorption by fitting them to experimental data and imposed constraints. Some of the structures are created to have a large fraction of broken hydrogen bonds because recent x-ray absorption and emission studies have been seen to support the existence of such structures. In the fitting procedure a fast way of computing the IR/Raman spectrum for an isolated OH stretch is used, where the frequency is represented by the electric field projected in the direction of the stretch coordinate. This method is critically evaluated by comparing it to quantum chemical cluster calculations. Furthermore, the x-ray emission spectrum of water is investigated, the modeling of which is complicated by the necessity of including vibrational effects in the spectrum calculations due to a dissociative intermediate state. Based on the Kramers-Heisenberg formula a new semi-classical method is developed to include vibrational effects in x-ray emission calculations. The method is seen to work very well for a one-dimensional test system. Moreover, x-ray absorption and emission are implemented in a periodic Density Functional Theory code which is applied to ice and to the surface adsorbate system CO on Ni(100). / Den här avhandlingen presenterar resultat av teoretisk modellering av röntgen- och vibrationella spektroskopier applicerade på flytande vatten och på CO adsorberat på en Ni(100) -yta. Reverse Monte Carlo-metoden används till att söka efter vattenstrukturer som reproducerar diffraktion, IR/Raman, röntgenabsorption och emission genom att anpassa strukturerna till experimentella data samt till pålagda restriktionsvillkor. Vissa av strukturerna är skapade så att de har en stor andel brutna vätebindningar eftersom nya röntgenabsorptions- och emissionsexperiment har setts stödja förekomsten av sådana strukturer. I anpassningsprocessen används en metod för att snabbt beräkna IR/Raman-spektrum för en isolerad OH-stretch, där frekvensen representeras av det elektriska fältet projicerat i stretch-koordinatens riktning.Vi utvärderar kritiskt denna metod genom att jämföra den med kvantkemiska klusterberäkningar. Vidare undersöks vattens röntgenemissionsspektrum, vars modellering kompliceras av nödvändigheten att inkludera vibrationella effekter i spektrumberäkningarna på grund av ett dissociativt intermediärt tillstånd. Baserat på Kramers-Heisenbergformeln utvecklas en ny semiklassisk metod som inkluderar vibrationella effekter. Metoden visar sig fungera mycket väl för ett endimensionellt testsystem. Dessutom implementerar vi röntgenabsorption och emission i en periodisk Täthetsfunktionalteorikod som vi sedan applicerar på is och på ett ytadsorbatsystem: CO på Ni(100). / At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 4: Manuscript. Paper 5: Manuscript. Paper 6: Manuscript.
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X-ray Spectroscopic Studies of Materials for Nuclear TechnologyVegelius, Johan January 2011 (has links)
X-ray spectroscopic experiments, including X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) and resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS), were performed in a large energy range (60-9000 eV) on a variety of systems, probing different elements and orbitals. The systems can preferably be divided into three groups: Actinides, copper systems and amorphous materials. We studied oxidation states of Pu in PuO2 using a closed-source experimental setup, developed by us, to lower the safety restrictions associated with such experiments. The presence of Pu with higher oxidation state than Pu(IV) was found in polycrystalline PuO2. This is an important finding since Pu with higher oxidation states has higher solubility affecting the safety of a proposed undeground repository of spent nuclear fuel which can eventually be infiltrated by groundwater. In the proposed underground repository the molecular oxygen will vanish at some point due to microbial activity and mineral oxidation. At this stage sulfur is the most important candidate for causing copper corrosion. We studied Cu films and foils exposed to sulfide solutions at both Cu L2,3, Cu K and S L2,3 edges and found for example that S L2,3 XES is useful for distinguishing between different copper sulfides and Cu Kβ XES can be used to identify monovalent Cu compounds. Amorphous, zirconium containing alloys are potentially useful materials for future nuclear reactors. The electronic structure of such materials was also investigated.
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Etude de catalyseurs nitrures et oxynitrures pour l’ammoxydation du propane / Study of catalysts based on nitrures and oxynitrures for propane ammoxidationBildé, Jean 12 December 2012 (has links)
L’acrylonitrile est un intermédiaire de l’industrie chimique pour la synthèse de nombreuxpolymères et revêtements. Il est produit à partir de propène qui devient de plus en plus cher et rare. Ceprojet visait à développer de nouveaux catalyseurs à base de nitrures ou d’oxynitrures permettantd’utiliser le propane moins cher et abondant, qui présente un intérêt industriel vu son potentieléconomique et sa durabilité, puisque son exploitation comme précurseur chimique permettraitd’utiliser plus efficacement les ressources naturelles. De nombreux solides ont été préparés et testéscomme catalyseurs. Certains se sont avérés instables dans les conditions de réaction comme lesoxynitrures VZrON, MoVON, et LaVON. D’autres comme MgTaVON et VZrAlON sont apparusstables mais soit faiblement actifs ou non sélectifs. L’étude s’est focalisée sur les oxynitrures VAlONet leur amélioration. Ils ont été caractérisés par de multiples techniques, telles que la DRX, XES,XANES, XPS, RMN 27Al, TPD NH3 et CO2. L’influence de paramètres tels que le rapport V/Al, lepH, la surface spécifique, le temps de contact ont été étudiés. Le catalyseur optimal possède un rapportV/Al d’environ 0,30. Les études ont permis de montrer que les sites nitrurés impliqués dansl’ammoxydation du propane sont du type OxV-NH2--AlO3 et que le degré d’oxydation moyen duvanadium en condition de catalyse est de 3,8. Une nouvelle méthode de préparation des catalyseurs aété mise au point à partir d’un complexe oxalate de vanadium et d’aluminium qui est décomposé parozonation, et nitruré en conditions réactionnelles. Ce catalyseur s’avère plus actif et sélectif que lescatalyseurs préparés par co-précipitation. / Acrylonitrile is an intermediate of the chemical industry, used for synthesis ofnumerous polymers and coating. It is produced by ammoxidation of propene, which becomes rare andexpensive. This project aimed to develop new catalysts based on nitrides and oxynitrides allowing touse abundant and cheaper propane as starting product. Propane presents an industrial interest in viewof its economical potential and durability and because its exploitation as chemical precursor wouldallow to use natural resources more efficiently. Numerous oxynitrides based catalysts have beenprepared and tested as catalysts. Some of them were shown to be unstable in reaction conditions, likeVZrON, MoVON, and LaVON, some were shown to be stable but either weakly active or notselective like MgTaVON and VZrAlON. The study has been focused on VAlON oxynitrides. Thesecatalysts have been characterized by several techniques, like XRD, XES, XANES, XPS, 27Al-NMR,NH3 and CO2-TDP and the influence of several parameters on their catalytic properties have beenstudied. The results of these studies have confirmed that these catalysts were very efficient for thereaction and shown that the optimal catalyst had a V/Al ratio around 0.30 with an average oxidationstate of vanadium in catalytic condition around 3.8. A nitridation site has been proposed correspondingto OxV-NH2--AlO3 species. Finally a new preparation method has been discovered with the synthesisof an oxalate of vanadium and aluminum complex, which is decomposed by ozonation, and nitrided inreaction conditions. This catalyst showed improved activity and selectivity compared to coprecipitatedcatalysts.
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Etude de catalyseurs nitrures et oxynitrures pour l'ammoxydation du propaneBildé, Jean 12 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
L'acrylonitrile est un intermédiaire de l'industrie chimique pour la synthèse de nombreuxpolymères et revêtements. Il est produit à partir de propène qui devient de plus en plus cher et rare. Ceprojet visait à développer de nouveaux catalyseurs à base de nitrures ou d'oxynitrures permettantd'utiliser le propane moins cher et abondant, qui présente un intérêt industriel vu son potentieléconomique et sa durabilité, puisque son exploitation comme précurseur chimique permettraitd'utiliser plus efficacement les ressources naturelles. De nombreux solides ont été préparés et testéscomme catalyseurs. Certains se sont avérés instables dans les conditions de réaction comme lesoxynitrures VZrON, MoVON, et LaVON. D'autres comme MgTaVON et VZrAlON sont apparusstables mais soit faiblement actifs ou non sélectifs. L'étude s'est focalisée sur les oxynitrures VAlONet leur amélioration. Ils ont été caractérisés par de multiples techniques, telles que la DRX, XES,XANES, XPS, RMN 27Al, TPD NH3 et CO2. L'influence de paramètres tels que le rapport V/Al, lepH, la surface spécifique, le temps de contact ont été étudiés. Le catalyseur optimal possède un rapportV/Al d'environ 0,30. Les études ont permis de montrer que les sites nitrurés impliqués dansl'ammoxydation du propane sont du type OxV-NH2--AlO3 et que le degré d'oxydation moyen duvanadium en condition de catalyse est de 3,8. Une nouvelle méthode de préparation des catalyseurs aété mise au point à partir d'un complexe oxalate de vanadium et d'aluminium qui est décomposé parozonation, et nitruré en conditions réactionnelles. Ce catalyseur s'avère plus actif et sélectif que lescatalyseurs préparés par co-précipitation.
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Recuperación de información en ficheros XES de gran dimensión mediante técnicas de indexaciónAponte Báez, Yosvanys 19 January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Design of a high performance soft x-ray emission spectrometer for the REIXS beamline at the Canadian Light SourceMuir, David Ian 28 November 2006
The optical design of a soft X-ray (90-1100~eV) emission spectrometer for the Resonant Elastic and Inelastic X-ray Scattering (REIXS) beamline to be implemented at the CLS is presented. An overview of soft X-ray optical theory as it relates to diffraction gratings is given. The initial constraints and the process that led to this design are outlined. Techniques and software tools that were developed, using ray-tracing and diffraction grating efficiency calculations, are discussed. The analysis completed with these tools to compare existing soft X-ray emission spectrometer designs is presented. Based on this analysis, a new design with superior performance for this application is proposed and reviewed. This design employs Rowland circle geometry to achieve a resolving power in excess of 2,500 in the range of interest. In addition, a novel design is proposed for a larger extremely high resolution spectrometer which will provide resolving powers exceeding 10,000 throughout the higher end of this range. A review is given of research into the components, manufacturing techniques and tolerances that will be required to produce this spectrometer.
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