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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

As visões no Orto do Esposo: construção e interpretação / The visions in the Orto do Esposo: construction and interpretation

Ayres Júnior, Antonio Tadeu 30 March 2017 (has links)
Esta dissertação propõe-se a estudar os exempla de visões proféticas no Orto do Esposo, obra anônima portuguesa do século XIV. Para isso, articulamos a doutrina retórica clássica do exemplum (sobretudo a aristotélica, mas também a da Retórica a Herênio), à teoria teológica da visio (particularmente a de matriz agostiniana). Procuramos mostrar como as muitas características peculiares das visões, tomadas como matéria de elaboração narrativa, servem às finalidades doutrinárias do exemplum, dogmáticas e morais igualmente. Inicialmente, estudamos as visões proféticas em seu aspecto figurativo, entendendo que as imagens contempladas pelos visionários em suas visões, sobretudo nos sonhos e nos êxtases, podem ser encaradas como verdadeiros exempla divinos, na medida em que sua interpretação, objeto de revelação sobrenatural, é comparável à enunciação abstrata do pensamento que um exemplum propriamente dito procura iluminar. Depois, voltando-nos para as demais características tópicas da visão, mostramos como elas contribuem para a produção do sentido nas narrativas em que aparecem, e relacionamo-las, sempre que possível, ao contexto doutrinário pertinente. / This dissertation seeks to study the exempla containing prophetic visions in the Orto do Esposo, a portuguese anonymous literary work from the 14th centrury. To this end, we use in combination the classical rhetorical doctrine of the exemplum (mostly that of Aristotle, but also the Rhetorica ad Herennium) and the theological theory of the visio (particularly the Augustinian tradition). We intend to demonstrate how the many peculiar features of the visions, considered as material of literary elaboration, become useful to the doctrinary purpose of the exempla, concerning dogmatics and morals as well. Firstly we study the figurative character of prophetic visions, admitting that images seen by the visionaries in their visions, mostly in dreams and extasies, can be truly considered divine exempla, since their interpretation, the object of supernatural revelation, is analogous to the abstract formulation of a thought wich the exemplum proper seeks to illustrate. Secondly, we turn to the other topical features of the vision, and show how they contribute to the construction of meaning in the stories in wich they appear, relating them, whenever possible, to the relevant doctrinary context.

Toward a Buddhist Philosophy and Practice of Human Rights

Kelley, Christopher January 2015 (has links)
The 14th Dalai Lama-Tenzin Gyatso (DL) has expressed strong support for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). While this may seem to be consistent with his outspoken promotion of basic "human values" and "universal responsibility" (Piburn, 2002), there is an unresolved metaphysical conflict between his endorsement of the UDHR and concomitant ideas like "inherent dignity" and "inalienable rights," on the one hand, and, on the other, his espousal of the Buddhist "Middle Way" or "Centrist" (Madhyamaka) thesis that all phenomena (i.e., persons, things, and ideas like "human rights") lack "intrinsic existence" (svabhāva). In this dissertation I argue that an "unforced consensus" (Taylor 2011) on rights can be achieved through an application of the Madhyamaka interpretation of the "two truths" (dvasatya; bden pa gnyis). Metaphysics, however, is only one dimension of the Madhyamaka account of reality. There is an equally (if not more) important "cognitive dimension" that pertains to how one sees and interacts with the world (Westerhoff, 2009). I believe this can be effectively applied to an analysis of the psychology of human rights foundationalism (i.e., the mindset that reifies rights). The DL believes that ultimately the safeguarding of human rights culture depends on a cognitive shift at the individual level. I explore the philosophical implications of this belief, and I contend that it is consistent with the concept of human development and education in the UDHR. I conclude that Tibetan Buddhist ideas and practices can potentially help bridge the divide between human rights foundationalism and anti-foundationalism in a manner that reinvigorates the utility of the UDHR, and yet does not philosophically yield to an essentialist world-view.

Enrique de Villena e seu tratado Arte Cisoria: um estudo sobre a composição dos saberes medievais ibéricos

Vidal, Henrique Yukio Okano 29 May 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T14:16:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Henrique Yukio Okano Vidal.pdf: 725083 bytes, checksum: 233a45b0cbccade161540de2da2994b2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-05-29 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The present dissertation discusses the work of Enrique de Villena (1348-1434), as it provides one of the best examples of the type of knowledge developed at that time in the Iberian Peninsula based on the contributions of several older civilizations. In addition to a scholar and prolific writer, Villena was a noble traveller, and a controversial character, to the point of becoming a myth. We analyzed the various interpretative layers corresponding to the historiography, which tended to focus on Villena s mythical image, as a rule. The present study also includes an analysis of Arte Cisoria, admittedly written by him, and the Alchemical Letter, whose authorship is controversial. By thus proceeding, a more complete and balanced image of Villena s work becomes possible / A presente dissertação está focada na obra de D. Enrique de Villena (1384-1434). Essa obra reflete, como poucas outras da época, a rica composição de saberes que a Península Ibérica absorveu e desenvolveu, a partir de culturas anteriores. Além de estudioso e escritor prolífero, Villena foi um nobre viandante e figura controversa, tornando-se uma lenda. Analisaremos as diversas camadas de interpretação feitas pela historiografia e, em geral, centradas nessa imagem lendária de Villena. Será também analisada a Arte Cisoria, obra reconhecidamente de sua autoria, ao lado da chamada Carta Alquímica que, para muitos, lhe teria sido falsamente atribuída. Com isso, pretendemos encontrar elementos para uma verificação mais completa e equilibrada da obra de Villena

L'imaginaire comme refuge. Utopies et prophéties protestantes à l'époque de la Révocation de l'Édit de Nantes

Cherdon, Laetitia 14 September 2009 (has links)
Dans la seconde moitié du XVIIe siècle, selon sa logique centralisatrice, la politique louis-quatorzienne à légard des protestants vise à les réunir au catholicisme, en usant de mesures discriminatoires et de violence dès le début des années 1680. LÉdit de Nantes est révoqué en 1685 et tout exercice de la religion protestante est interdit dans le Royaume. La plupart des huguenots abjurent tandis quune partie dentre eux se lance sur les chemins de lexil, malgré linterdiction qui en est faite. Cette diaspora crée ce que les historiens ont appelé le Refuge. Le contexte religieux troublé de la fin du XVIIe siècle et lexpérience de lexil comptent pour une grande part dans lexploitation dun imaginaire comme refuge. Il ne sagit pas ici du Refuge dans sa dimension concrète, mais dun refuge intellectuel, dun refuge virtuel, véritable échappatoire à une réalité difficile. La thèse soutient en effet que les utopies et les prophéties écrites par des réfugiés huguenots offrent évasion et compensations aux auteurs en construisant un monde imaginaire posé comme irréalisable dans le monde réel. Pour établir la pertinence et la justesse de cette thèse, létude se propose de démontrer les trois points suivants. Il sagit dabord de prouver lintérêt de réunir au sein dune seule et même recherche deux types de sources qui peuvent apparaître, au premier abord, très éloignés lun de lautre. Il faut ensuite justifier la pertinence de la réinsertion de ces écrits dans un contexte protestant français. Le travail vise enfin à convaincre de lintérêt de la démarche historique pour traiter de textes mettant en place un univers fictionnel. Si lassociation dutopies et de prophéties peut être justifiée dun point de vue théorique, cest surtout linsertion de ces deux types de sources dans le cadre méthodologique dune étude sur limaginaire qui donne toute sa cohérence au corpus. De part et dautre, il y a en effet mise en place dun imaginaire qui se construit comme refuge en réaction, notamment, à un contexte de référence commun et à une expérience de vie marquée par lexil et par la marginalité. La réunion de ces deux genres littéraires, qui constitue lune des originalités de létude, savère très enrichissante. Elle permet dune part de faire émerger des représentations semblables, parfois de mieux les comprendre et de leur donner un sens nouveau. Lintérêt de la comparaison consiste dautre part dans la mise en évidence des spécificités de chaque genre. Létude de la réception des textes et de lhistoriographie qui leur a été consacrée, principalement dans les cinquante dernières années, révèle le peu dintérêt accordé à une réinsertion de ces utopies et prophéties dans lhistoire du protestantisme français et plus particulièrement du Refuge. Or une lecture attentive des sources montre quelles portent lempreinte du calvinisme et prouve quelles sont profondément ancrées dans un contexte religieux troublé, marqué par la Révocation et ses conséquences. La démarche, consistant à donner sens aux imaginaires utopique et prophétique en tenant compte de cette situation historique et cherchant à y voir une réponse originale des auteurs est donc tout à fait pertinente. Limaginaire présente, pour lhistorien, un intérêt dans son rapport au réel. Il sen inspire, le reflète assez fidèlement sur certains points, sen détache fortement sur dautres. Cette relation au réel permet de déterminer le regard porté par les auteurs sur le monde qui les entoure et la façon dont ils sy perçoivent. Elle démontre aussi que les imaginaires utopique et prophétique ne sont pas transposables dans la réalité. Une frontière infranchissable, marquée par un décalage spatial et chronologique, les sépare en effet du monde réel. Par contre, face au contexte troublé et difficile, limaginaire représente clairement une voie dévasion, tout en constituant souvent un moyen de redéfinir son rôle dans la société et dy trouver une raison dexister.

Giusto de' Menabuoi in Lombardia / Giusto de' Menabuoi in Lombardy

CASERO, ANDREA LUIGI 11 April 2011 (has links)
La ricerca prende in considerazione il periodo di attività in Lombardia di Giusto de’ Menabuoi, pittore del XIV secolo di origine fiorentina e noto soprattutto per le opere realizzate a Padova, dove lavorò dal 1370 fino alla morte avvenuta prima del 1391. Tra il 1348 e il 1367 circa lavorò anche in Lombardia ma su questo periodo le certezze sono molto poche. Sono state quindi prese in esame le opere date al pittore in questo periodo (affreschi di Viboldone e di Brera, polittico del 1363 e trittico del 1367), cercando di precisare meglio la possibile datazione e di rendere più sicura l’attribuzione. Infine è stata proposta l’attribuzione di un’opera inedita, dipinta da Giusto per una chiesa di Monza. Dalla ricerca si ricava che durante il lungo soggiorno in Lombardia lo stile del pittore cambiò nell’uso di forme e di colori più eleganti e raffinati che influenzarono i pittori lombardi di quegli anni. / My research examines the period of activity in Lombardy of Giusto de' Menabuoi, a painter of the 14 century. He was born in Florence and is mostly known for his paintings executed in Padua where he worked from 1370 until his death just before 1391. Approximately between 1348 and 1367 he worked also in Lombardy but little is known for sure about this period. For the research presented here, some works from this period have been studied: the frescoes of Viboldone and Brera, the polyptych from 1363 and the triptych from 1367), proposing an approach to dating and provide more evidence for the attribution. Finally there is a proposal for attributing an unpublished work by Giusto for a church in Monza. The reseach shows that during his long stay in Lombardy the stile of the painter underwent a number of changes in his use of more elegant and refined colours which influenced other Lombard painters of that period.

Rhétorique et histoire littéraire : le cas su Siècle de Louis XIV de Voltaire

Brodeur, Pierre-Olivier January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


黃渝清 Unknown Date (has links)
安地瓜於2003年3月13日以美國採取全面禁止網路賭博服務之措施為由提起訴訟,小組報告於2004年11月10日出爐,美國與安地瓜均不服小組裁決分別提起上訴,上訴機構於2005年4月7日做出裁決。 上訴機構報告認定美國已對網路賭博服務做出承諾,且因美國並未於其特定承諾表中填寫市場開放及國民待遇之限制,因而美國所採全面禁止網路賭博服務之措施違反GATS第十六條第一項規定。美國接著援引GATS第十四條規定作為抗辯,後雖因其國內州際賽馬法(Interstate Horseracing Act)規定允許國內服務提供者提供網路賭博服務,而被上訴機構認定系爭措施違反第十四條前言之要求,然上訴機構最後肯認美國得採行全面禁止網路賭博之措施乃係本案最終關鍵。 為了談判結果之確定性、穩定性,及未來服務貿易談判之持續進行,是否允許會員在做出市場開放之承諾後,再援引第十四條規定改變其承諾範圍,因而影響其他會員對其開放市場之期待,並使援引第十四條規定之會員躲避其原依GATS第二十一條規定所應負之責任?而在得出會員無法援引第十四條規定改變其承諾範圍之結論後,美國在本案中是否得援引其他規定作為正當化其措施之主張?及第十四條與第六條、第十六條、第十七條間之關聯性?係本文主要探討之問題。 此案為第一個會員援引GATS第十四條作為抗辯之例子,可以預見此例對後續案件之影響,而上訴機構於本案中所得出結論是否妥適,則值得深思。 / Antigua and Barbuda sued the United States for its total prohibition of the cross-border supply of gambling and betting services on March 13, 2003. The WTO panel report was issued on November 10, 2004. Both Antigua and the United States appealed and the ruling of the Appellate Body came out on April 7, 2005. The Appellate Body held that the United States has made full market access and national treatment commitments for gambling and betting services, so the measures to prohibit the cross-border supply of gambling and betting services violated Article XVI:1 of the GATS. As a result, the United States cited Article XIV of the GATS to contradict. The Appellate Body ruled that the alleged measures violated the preamble of Article XIV because the Interstate Horseracing Act of the United States permits domestic service suppliers to provide Internet gambling and betting services. However, the Appellate Body’s recognition of the United States’ total prohibition of cross-border supply of gambling and betting services is a critical issue of this case. In order to make sure the certainty and the stability of negotiation outcomes, and keep negotiations on trade in services moving, would the WTO members be allowed to cite Article XIV to change the coverage of their commitments after having made market access commitments and to escape the obligation under Article XXI? After concluding that the members could not cite Article XIV to change the coverage of the commitments, could the United States cite other articles to justify the alleged measures? Furthermore, how are the connection between Article XIV, Article VI, Article XVI and Article XVII? All above are the main questions this thesis focuses on. This case is the first one that members cite Article XIV to contradict, and the influence on subsequent cases is foreseeable. Would such a conclusion of this case be appropriate? We might need to contemplate further.

Erik de Magog och Johan av fotfolket : Haute couture och religiös propaganda i stål och sten

Ahlsén, Nils January 2018 (has links)
This study examines four suits of armour that belonged to two Swedish kings, one protestant and one catholic, during the renaissance. The study tries to determine if it is possible to extract the religious identity of these kings based upon the decorations or other connotations of the suits of armour. Since the two kings, Erik the XIV:th and John the III, where half brothers and they succeeded each other, the suits of armour are closley matched in time and style.   The study also examines the grave effigy of one of the kings, John the III of Sweden, to examine if there is a connection between crossed legs on effigys and the perception of religion during the period.   The study is conducted through a archeological and historiological method and uses a combination theory of Smarts seven dimensions and the pictoral turn.   The main question of the study is: -          What does it take to track religious bias through armour? The subsequent questions are: -          Is it possible to find the religious identity in the suits of armour? -          Was the Gothicism movement a religious movement? -          The effigy of John the III was sculpted in a style popular in the eleventh century, created in the 16:th century and placed in the 18:th century. What conclusions can be drawn from this while also tracking the discourse of effigys in the same time expance.   The study concludes that if the identity of the owner of a suit of armour is known, the symbols that adorne the suit can be interpreted fairly well. It also conludes that the gothic movement in Sweden where an extremely aggressive catholic movement. Finally it concludes that the creation and placement of the tomb in Uppsala cathedral closely follows the different discourses about the meaning of crossed legs on effigys in Europe and that the makers most likely gave the position a devout religious connotation.

The development impact of the domestic workers skills development project on its participants

Wessels, Tersia Susara 31 December 2006 (has links)
The Domestic Workers Skills Development Project, funded by the National Skills Fund, was designed to improve the skill levels of domestic workers in South Africa. It also was intended to address their historical lack of education and to advance their socio-economic circumstances. This study investigates the implementation of this project within the framework of community development. Basadi Pele Foundation, a Non-Governmental Organisation, was a participant in this project. The central question was how to empower marginalised women through skills development. This implies a learning process for domestic workers and all involved. Different learning theories are investigated to develop an understanding of how these illiterate adult women learned during this opportunity. The conclusion reached by this study is that a gender sensitive environment, created by government institutions and the NGO involved, enabled domestic workers to change their lives and circumstances; enhancing this project and contributing to its success. / Development Studies / M.A. (Development Studies)

Holy Spirit and church in First Corinthians : the role of the Holy Spirit in creating unity with special reference to 1 Cor. 12-14

Shumilin, Alexander 11 1900 (has links)
The main goal of this study is to demonstrate the role of the Holy Spirit in building up Church unity, based on the exegesis of I Corinthians. The current theme is urgent; however, little attention has been paid to it in research literature. We have noted that it is not human wisdom but the Holy Spirit who is the key to our faith, salvation, and understanding of divine mysteries. The Holy Spirit along with Christ brings forward the building of the Church and guides it. One Spirit is the foundation for Church unity. The Holy Spirit administers spiritual gifts according to His will and establishes their orderly operation. Seeking the guidance of the Spirit, trusting and obeying Him brings unity, whereas following different authorities, mistrusting and disobeying Him results in disunity. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / M. Th. (New Testament)

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