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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Alagoas além do açúcar: diversidade econômica e formação do terrítório no século XVIII / Alagoas beyond sugar: economic diversity and territory formation in the 18th century

Menezes, Catarina Agudo 05 May 2017 (has links)
A historiografia local, ao longo de vários anos, tem creditado à produção de açúcar e a aos engenhos, e posteriormente às usinas, o papel preponderante na formação da sociedade alagoana de uma forma geral, inclusive de sua materialidade. Entretanto, fontes documentais do século XVIII demonstram que, ao menos nesse período, outros agentes contribuíram intensamente, com igual, ou talvez maior, importância no processo de urbanização de Alagoas. Em um único manuscrito, localizado na Biblioteca Nacional, por exemplo, a quantidade de fazendas de gado é mais do que o dobro do número de engenhos. Outro aspecto que este mesmo documento demonstra é a coexistência de diversas atividades em uma mesma região, contradizendo a espacialização produtiva afirmada pela historiografia. Neste sentido, a presente tese consiste em um esforço de investigação, com base no cruzamento de uma historiografia local com as fontes documentais do século XVIII,sobre o processo de formação urbana de Alagoas, buscando um olhar mais ampliado sobre outros aspectos importantes nesse processo.Considerando o território uma composição de múltiplas camadas de significados,amalgamadas ao longo do tempo, mas que estão em uma constante transformação,ocasionando assim o acúmulo de processos, formas e expressões de tempo, o principal objetivo deste trabalho é contribuir para a compreensão do processo de urbanização de Alagoas durante o período colonial, com enfoque nos movimentos ocorridos durante o século XVIII, a partir da análise da atuação de diferentes agentes determinantes, bem como da relação entre eles. / The local historiography, over several years, has credited to the sugar production and to the mills, the preponderant role in the formation of the Alagoan society in general, including its materiality. However, documentary sources of the eighteenth century show that, at least in this period, other agents contributed intensely, with equal or perhaps greater importance in the process of urbanization of Alagoas. In a single manuscript, located in the National Library, for example, the number of cattle farms is more than twice the number of mills. Another aspect that this same document demonstrates is the coexistence of several activities in the same region, contradicting the productive spatialization affirmed by historiography. In this sense, the present thesis consists of a research effort, based on the intersection of a local historiography with documentary sources of the eighteenth century, on the process of urban formation of Alagoas, seeking a broader look at other important aspects in this process. Considering the territory a composition of multiple layers of meanings, amalgamated over time, but that are in a constant transformation, thus causing the accumulation of processes, forms and expressions of time, the main objective of this work is to contribute to the understanding of the process of urbanization of Alagoas during the colonial period, focusing on the movements that occurred during the eighteenth century, based on the analysis of the performance of different determining agents, as well as the relationship between them.

La expulsión de los jesuitas de Filipinas

Lorenzo García, Santiago 10 December 1998 (has links)
No description available.

La guerra de la oreja de Jenkins: un conflicto colonial (1739-1748)

Cerdá Crespo, Jorge 07 November 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Las misiones interiores en la España de los siglos XVII-XVIII

Rico Callado, Francisco Luis 17 September 2002 (has links)
Este trabajo versa sobre la labor realizada por los misioneros en la España postridentina. El autor estudia los aspectos teatrales y retóricos de su labor, con los cuales tanto jesuitas como capuchinos trataron de persuadir a sus auditorios, subrayando la estrecha ligazón existente entre estas manifestaciones y la cultura barroca. Por otro lado, las misiones constituyeron uno de los principales instrumentos de difusión del modelo devoto. Esta nueva práctica religiosa se basó en las congregaciones fundadas por los misioneros en las poblaciones que promoieron prácticas devocionales y nuevos cultos que son típicos del período postridentino. / This work attests the role that missionaries played in Postridentine Spain. The author studies the rethorical and theatrical aspects of their labour, with which Jesuits and Capucins tried to persuade the people, remarking that they all were linked with the Baroque Culture. Also, the popular missions were one of the principal tools to spread a devout model of religious life to the wider population. This new practice was sustained by the congregations founded by the missionaries in the villages, that encouraged particular devotional practices and a new kind of religious motives which are typical of the Postridentine period.

Viajes y acción política del intendente Beramendi

Soler Pascual, Emilio 17 May 1993 (has links)
No description available.

Vasilij Grigorovic-Barskij et les lieux saints ( 1701-1747) : un sujet russe entre itinéraire spirituel et quête du savoir / Vasilij Grigorovič-Barskij and the holy places (1701-1747) : a Russian subject between spiritual itinerary and quest of knowledge

Odaysky, Myriam 24 June 2013 (has links)
Vasilij Grigorovič-Barskij est un voyageur parti de Kiev en 1723 à l’âge de vingt-deux ans dans le but initial de se soigner et parfaire son éducation à L’viv (Ukraine). Répondant à l’appel de la route, il parcourt sans ressources, seul et à pied, pendant près d’un quart de siècle, les pays bordant la Méditerranée, depuis l’Italie jusqu’à l’Egypte en passant par la Grêce et ses îles, la Syrie et le Liban, la Terre Sainte et Constantinople. Notre étude est consacrée au séjour de Barskij dans les pays du Proche Orient. Nous tâchons tout d’abord de replacer l’œuvre de Vasilij Barskij dans la tradition des récits de pèlerinages slaves en Orient, appelés xoždenija, et initiée par Daniel de Černigov, dont notre pèlerin est le digne héritier. Pourtant Barskij est aussi marqué par son époque : désireux de s’instruire afin de rapporter un savoir dans sa patrie, il se montre d’une curiosité encyclopédique et notamment doué pour les langues. Enfin, nous nous penchons sur l’aspect humain de l’aventure de Vasilij Barskij, qui évolue vers une meilleure connaissance des hommes et de lui-même, jusqu’au plein accomplissement de sa vocation de moine érudit. La traduction en français du périple de Barskij en Orient rend accessible aux francophones l’œuvre originale de ce voyageur entre tradition et modernité. / Vasilij Grigorovič-Barskij was a voyager who left Kiev in 1723 at the age of twenty-two with the initial goals of seeking a cure for himself and of pursuing his education at L'viv. Heeding the call of the road, without provisions, alone and on foot, he took almost a quarter century to traverse the countries on the shores of the Mediterranean from Italy to Egypt, passing through Greece and its islands, Syria, Lebanon, the Holy Land and Constantinople. Our study is dedicated to Barskij's sojourns in the countries of the near east. First, we will endeavour to place the work of Vasilij Barkij in the context of the tradition of accounts of slavic pilgrimages in the East. These were termed xoždenija and first undertaken by Daniel of Černigov, of whom our pilgrim, Vasilij is the worthy heir. However, Barskij was also affected by his times: desirous of improving his knowledge so that he could bring back learning to his country, he demonstrated an encyclopaedic curiosity with a particular gift for languages. Finally, we turn our attention towards the human aspect of Vasilij Barskij's adventure which enabled him to develop a better understanding of humankind and of himself, leading to the full flourishing of his vocation as a scholarly monk. The translation of Barskij's travels in the Orient into French makes the original works of this traveller between traditional and modern worlds accessible to all francophones.

Sociedade e inquisição em Minas colonial: os familiares do Santo Ofício (1711-1808) / Society and inquisition in colonial Minas: the \'familiares do Santo Ofício\' (1711-1808)

Rodrigues, Aldair Carlos 05 July 2007 (has links)
A proposta deste trabalho é analisar a relação estabelecida entre a Inquisição portuguesa e a sociedade de Minas colonial (1711-1808) por meio dos Familiares do Santo Ofício. Estes eram agentes civis do tribunal inquisitorial, encarregados de denunciar, confiscar e prender os acusados de práticas heréticas. Em troca, eles obtinham uma série de privilégios e, sobretudo, prestígio social. Como podiam ser leigos, esses personagens alcançavam uma infiltração máxima entre a população, representando, assim, um elo entre a Inquisição e a Sociedade. As principais problemáticas do trabalho são: quem eram os Familiares de Minas? o que significava ser Familiar? Por que sê-lo? / The purpose of this study is analyzing the relation stabilized between Portuguese Inquisition and the colonial Minas\' society (1711 - 1808) through Familiares do Santo Ofício. Those were inquisitional tribunal civilians agents, charged of accusing, confiscating and arresting the accused of heretical practices. In exchange, they achieved a set of privileges and, above all, social prestige. As they could be laymen, those personages have reached a maximum infiltration among the people, representing, thus, a link between Inquisition and Society. The main questions of this study are: who were the Familiares de Minas? What meant being Familiar? Why being one of them?

O gótico e o orientalista: uma leitura de Vathek, de William Beckford / The gothic and the orientalist: a reading of William Beckfords Vathek

Astorino, André Sanchez 02 October 2015 (has links)
Vathek, primeiro romance do escritor inglês William Beckford publicado em 1786, é considerado por muitos uma obra singular. Combinando certos elementos dos chamados romances góticos com uma ambientação oriental, a narrativa coloca diversos problemas a respeito de sua complexa natureza estilística. Muitos estudiosos já tentaram associar a obra a alguma dessas tradições de forma definitiva. Neste trabalho, realizaremos uma nova leitura do romance para, então, confrontarmos nossos achados com a fortuna crítica. O intuito desse procedimento é o de verificar se, diante das questões suscitadas pela própria obra, termos como gótico ou orientalista podem descrever Vathek de maneira precisa. / Vathek, English writer William Beckfords first novel published in 1786, is considered by many a singular work. By combining certain elements of the so-called gothic novels with an Oriental setting, it poses many problems deriving from its complex stylistic nature. Several critics have already tried to conclusively link the work to some of the aforementioned traditions. The aim of our work is to propose a new reading of the novel and compare our findings with previous critical assessments. The reason behind this procedure is to verify if terms like gothic or orientalist can still precisely describe Vathek when confronted with problems evoked by the work itself.

Rosalba Carriera (1673-1757). Entre peinture et écriture : une Vénitienne dans l'Europe des Lumières. / Rosalba Carriera (1673-1757). Between painting and writing : a Venetian in the Enlightenment Europ.

Julien, Albane 05 December 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche porte sur l’œuvre de la Vénitienne Rosalba Carriera (1675-1757), qui connut un succès international grâce à ses portraits et à sa maîtrise exceptionnelle du pastel. Cependant, il serait réducteur de parler de Rosalba Carriera uniquement en tant qu’artiste.En effet, cette dernière rédigea une vaste correspondance, plusieurs textes en relation avec la société de son époque, écrivit un petit traité sur le pastel et fut dans le même temps poète et diariste.Le but de cette recherche consistera donc – sans oublier son travail de peintre –à mettre en lumière l’autre facette de l’artiste, à savoir, la femme de Lettres en prise avec son temps dont elle fut un témoin attentif.Dans cette double perspective, l’accent est mis, en premier lieu, sur la peinture et les femmes peintres en Europe et à Venise au XVIIIe siècle, avec une mention particulière pour la formation artistique de Rosalba Carriera. Dans un second temps, sont analysés ses écrits, parmi lesquels sa vaste correspondance ainsi que ses journaux qui révèlent ses qualités d’épistolière et de diariste ainsi que le vaste réseau qu’elle avait su se constituer en Europe, tout particulièrement en France et, dans une moindre mesure, en Angleterre. Enfin, Rosalba Carriera sera présentée comme poète, mais également comme témoin social et historique de son temps au travers de plusieurs écrits de natures diverses, au nombre desquels on compte le traité sur le pastel, Maniere diverse per formare i colori, dans lequel elle apparaît comme une remarquable pédagogue et spécialiste en la matière.Ces différentes facettes de Rosalba Carriera composant le portrait d’une artiste et femme de Lettres dans l’Europe des Lumières. / This thesis is about the work of the Venetian Rosalba Carriera (1673-1757), who knew an international success thanks to her portraits and her exceptionnal mastery of pastel painting. However, Rosalba Carriera was not only an artist. In effect, she wrote many letters, texts in relation with the society of her century and she wrote a little essay about the pastel and she was also a letter writer, a poet and wrote diaries. Without forgetting her identity of artist,we will stress on her profile of woman of Letters, witness of her century. First of all, we will speak about the painting and the women painters in Europ and in Venice in the 18th century and we will insist on the artistic formation of Rosalba Carriera.In a second time, we will analyse the writings of Rosalba: her letters and diaries that reveal her qualities of letter writer and diarist and also the large network she especially developed in France and a little bit in England. Finally, we will introduce Rosalba as a poet, as a social and historical witness of her time thanks to many texts and thank to her essay on the pastel painting, Maniere diverse per formare i colori, where she appears as an educationalist and specialist. These differents facets of Rosalba Carriera will make up the portrait of an artist and a woman of Letters in the Enlightenment Europ.


Pillati, Jamaira Jurich 29 May 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-21T14:49:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jamaira J Pillati.pdf: 1292288 bytes, checksum: f64fced31612faf772d3849c0621f90b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-05-29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research aimed to analyze the representations of books, libraries and literate in Portugal in the eighteenth century, considering the political and cultural issues raised by Enlightenment ideas as regards the epoch. For this, the speeches produced by two Portuguese literates recognized, Manuel do Cenáculo Villas Boas Annes and António Ribeiro dos Santos were explored. Manuel do Cenáculo, the well known Bishop of Beja, was illustrated active in Pombal reform with regard to the teaching and books policies, working with the Royal Literary Censorship Board and the Literaly Board of reform at the University of Coimbra. António Ribeiro dos Santos took over the organization of the University Library at this same time and later, during the reign of D. Maria I, took over as chief librarian of the Royal National Library. From 1796 to 1798, the Cenáculo and Ribeiro kept private correspondence regarding a donation from first to the Royal National Library, under the administration of the second. The research was conducted with the correspondence established between them, as well as the catalog of the works donated to the Library. Seeking input on the concept of Chartier representations in discourse analysis methodology, in the History of Culture Writing and Reading and theoretical review about the complexity of the Enlightenment understanding of the Portuguese Empire, the research deepened on what meant the books and libraries to the ideal of State credited to literate then, of which we hope to prove, Cenáculo and Ribeiro dos Santos, are good examples. / Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar as representações de livros,bibliotecas e letrados em Portugal no século XVIII, considerando os aspectos políticos e culturais colocados pelo ideário Iluminista no tocante à época. Para isso, foram explorados os discursos produzidos por dois reconhecidos letrados portugueses, Manuel do Cenáculo Villas Boas Annes e António Ribeiro dos Santos. Manuel do Cenáculo, o conhecido Bispo de Beja, foi ilustrado atuante na reforma pombalina no tocante a políticas pedagógicas e dos livros, atuando junto à Real Mesa Censória e à Junta Literária da reforma da Universidade de Coimbra. António Ribeiro dos Santos assumiu a organização da biblioteca da Universidade nesta mesma época e posteriormente, durante o reinado de D. Maria I, assumiu o cargo de bibliotecário-mor da Real Biblioteca Nacional. Nos anos de 1796 a 1798, Cenáculo e Ribeiro mantiveram correspondência particular a respeito de uma doação do primeiro à Real Biblioteca Nacional, já sob a administração do segundo. O trabalho de pesquisa foi realizado por meio das correspondências estabelecidas entre ambos, assim como também do catálogo das obras doadas à Biblioteca. Buscando aporte no conceito de representações de Chartier, na metodologia de análise de discurso, na História da Cultura Escrita e da Leitura e na revisão teórica quanto à complexidade do entendimento de Iluminismo no Império Português, a pesquisa aprofundou-se no que significavam os livros e as bibliotecas para o ideal de Estado creditado aos letrados de então, dos quais, esperamos provar, Cenáculo e Ribeiro dos Santos, são bons exemplos.

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