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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Brotthhållfastheten på monolitiska broar av flerskiktad zirkonia med olika konnektordimensioner och placering i en disk - En pilotstudie / Fracture strength of monolithically multilayered zirconia fixed dental prostheses (FDP) with different connector dimensions and placement in a disc -A pilot study

Echreshavi, Iman, Alsabti, Linda January 2022 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the fracture strength of monolithic FDPs of multi-layered zirconia (YML) with different connector dimensions and placement in the disc. Material and method: Forty 3-unit monolithic anterior FDPs were produced, 212223, and divided in four groups (n=10) based on the different connector dimensions and strategies for placement in KATANATM Zirconia Yttria Multi-Layered (YML)-disc. The groups were as follows: EB12, produced with 12 mm  connector dimension and EB7, with 7 mm  connector dimension which were both placed in Enamel layer and Body layer 1 (flexural strength: 750 and 1000 MPa, respectively) in the disc, BB12, with 12 mm  connector dimension and BB7, produced with 7 mm  connector dimension both placed in Body layer 2 and 3 (both with 1100 MPa) in the disc. The specimens were artificially aged by 10 000 cycles in thermocycling. Then, one random specimen was selected from each group (4 in total) and cemented onto the model, subsequently loaded to fracture using a universal testing machine. The result was compiled and reported descriptively. Result: The FDP in group BB12 remained intact and fracturing only occurred in this model at 893 N. The FDP in group BB7 demonstrated the highest fracture strength (972 N), followed by EB12 (842 N) and EB7 which showed the lowest fracture strength (465 N). All these three FDPs broke mesially on the pontics. Conclusion: Within the limitations of this pilot study, the following conclusions can be drawn: the fracture strength of monolithic FDPs of multi-layered zirconia is affected by the connector dimension. Placement of FDPs with a small connector area should be avoided in the layers with lower strength. The choice of model material affects the result. / Syfte: Syftet med föreliggande pilotstudie var att undersöka brotthållfastheten påmonolitiska broar av flerskiktad zirkonia (YML) med olika konnektordimensioneroch placering i disken. Material och metod: Totalt framställdes 40 stycken 3-leds monolitiska anteriorabroar, 212223. Broarna delades in i 4 grupper (n=10) efter olikakonnektordimensionering och placering i KATANATM Zirconia YttriaMulti-Layered (YML)-disken. Grupperna var enligt följande: EB12 med 12 mm²konnektordimension och EB7 med 7 mm² konnektordimension där broarnaplacerades i både Enamel Layer och Body Layer 1 (med 750 respektive 1000 MPai böjhållfasthet) i disken. Broarna i grupperna BB12 med 12 mm²konnektordimension och BB7 med 7 mm² konnektordimension placerades i BodyLayer 2 och Body Layer 3 (med 1100 MPa böjhållfasthet för respektive lager) idisken. Broarna genomgick termocykling, 10 000 cykler. Därefter valdes fyrabroar slumpmässigt ut, en bro från varje grupp, och cementerades på modell.Slutligen genomfördes ett brotthållfasthetstest med en universaltestmaskin tillsfraktur uppstod. Resultatet sammanställdes och redovisades deskriptivt. Resultat: Bron i grupp BB12 förblev intakt och fraktur skedde enbart i modellen(893N). Bron i grupp BB7 visade högst brotthållfasthet: 972N, följt av bron igrupp EB12 som visade brotthållfasthet på 842N och bron i grupp EB7 påvisadeden lägsta brotthållfastheten: 465N. Dessa tre broar frakturerade mesialt på dethängande ledet. Slutsats: Inom ramen för föreliggande pilotstudies begränsningar kan följandeslutsatser dras: brotthållfastheten på monolitiska broar i flerskiktad zirkoniapåverkas av konnektordimensioneringen. Placering av broar med mindrekonnektorarea än rekommendationen ska undvikas i skikten med lägre hållfasthet.Valet av modellmaterial har betydelse och påverkar resultatet.

Brotthållfasthet hos singelkronor för anteriort bruk av monolitisk högtranslucent Y-TZP, semimonolitisk translucent Y-TZP och monolitiskt litiumdisilikat

Lindgren, Jenny January 2016 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med föreliggande in-vitro-studie är att utvärdera brotthållfastheten av singelkronor utformade som en central överkäksincisiv framställda av monolitisk högtranslucent Y-TZP, buckalt porslinsskiktad underkonstruktion av translucent Y-TZP eller monolitisk litiumdisilikatbaserad glaskeram. Material och metod: Sexton monolitiska kronor av högtranslucent Y-TZP framställdes med CAD/CAM-teknik, Coprasmile®(HTW) och Prettau® Anterior®(HTZ). Sexton kronor av translucent Y-TZP med buckal porslinspåbränning framställdes med CAD/CAM-teknik och manuell porslinsuppläggning, Copran HT®(LTW) och Prettau® Zircon(LTZ). Åtta monolitiska kronor av litiumdislikatbaserad glaskeram framställdes med pressteknik, IPS e.max® Press(LD). Samtliga kronor genomgick termocykling före cementering till stansar. Därefter genomgick kronorna cyklisk mekanisk förbelastning innan de frakturerades i en universal testmaskin. Resultat: Kronorna av translucent Y-TZP med buckal porslinyta visade högst brotthållfasthetsvärde. Gruppen LTW visade signifikant högre brotthållfasthetsvärde jämfört med de andra grupperna: HTW, HTZ, LTZ och LD. Slutsats: Fortsatt utveckling av testmetod för kronor utformade som incisiver är nödvändigt för att öka förståelsen kopplat till material, utformning av ersättning och testmetod med klinisk relevans. Det finns behov av vidare studier för högtranslucent Y-TZP samt semimonolitiska kronor av translucent Y-TZP. Beroende på materialval och kronutformning visades skillnader, men med studiens begränsningar kan ingen generell slutsats dras gällande brotthållfastheten. / Purpose: The purpose of this in-vitro-study is to evaluate the fracture resistance between high translucent monolithic Y-TZP, translucent Y-TZP with buccal porcelain veneering and monolithic lithium disilicate based glass-ceramic, designed as a single central maxilla crown. Material and method: Sixteen monolithic high translucent Y-TZP crowns were fabricated using CAD/CAM technique, Coprasmile®(HTW) and Prettau® Anterior®(HTZ). Sixteen crowns of translucent Y-TZP and buccal porcelain veneering were fabricated using CAD/CAM technique and manually layered porcelain, Copran HT®(LTW) and Prettau® zircon(LTZ). Eight monolithic crowns of lithium disilicate based glass-ceramic were fabricated using pressing techniques, IPS e.max® Press(LD). All crowns underwent thermo cycling prior to cementation to dies. Subsequently all crowns were subjected to a cyclic mechanical preload before being exposed to load-to-fracture in a universal testing machine. Result: Translucent Y-TZP with buccal veneering showed the highest rupture strength amongst the groups. The group LTW showed significantly higher fracture strength compared to the other groups: HTW, HTZ, LTZ and LD. Conclusion: Further development of testing methods for anterior crowns are necessary to increase the understanding connected to materials, crown designs and test methods for clinical relevance. There is a need in further studies for high-translucent Y-TZP and semi monolithic crowns made of translucent Y-TZP. There showed differences depending on the choice of material and crown form, but within the limitation of this study, no general conclusion can be drawn regarding the fracture strength.

Böjhållfasthet i flerskiktad Y-TZP före och efter termocykling

Taavo Olander, Erika, Aili, Jonna January 2020 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med föreliggande pilotstudie är att undersöka böjhållfastheten hos flerskiktad Y-TZP bestående av lager med olika materialsammansättning, 3Y-TZP, 4Y-TZP och 5Y-TZP före och efter termocykling. Material och metod: Från två flerskiktade Y-TZP-diskar (IPS e.max® ZirCAD MT Multi och CopraSupreme Hyperion) togs totalt trettiotvå provkroppar, innehållandes olika skikt, fram samt totalt åtta provkroppar från en oskiktad 3Y-TZP-disk (IPS e.max® ZirCAD LT). Provkropparna utformades enligt ISO:6872 med måtten 22x4x3 mm och en avfasning på 45 grader på långsidorna. Provkropparna genomgick simulerad glansbränning och hälften av grupperna termocyklades i 10 000 cykler i två bad med avjoniserat vatten med temperatur på 5°C ±2°C respektive 55°C ±2°C. Ett 4-punkts böjhållfasthetstest utfördes och resultaten analyserades med One-way ANOVA, Tukey’s test med en signifikansnivå på α= 0,05.Resultat: De oskiktade ZirCAD LT-grupperna hade en signifikant högre böjhållfasthet (800 - 949 MPa) jämfört med de flerskiktade ZirCAD MT Multi-grupperna (510 - 554 MPa) och Hyperion-grupperna (420 - 503 MPa) både före och efter termocykling. Slutsats: Böjhållfastheten hos flerskiktad 3-, 4-, 5Y-TZP och oskiktad 3Y-TZP påverkas inte av termocykling i 10 000 cykler. Flerskiktad Y-TZP har lägre böjhållfasthet än oskiktad 3Y-TZP före och efter termocykling. Flerskiktad Y-TZP har liknande böjhållfasthet före och efter termocykling. / Purpose: The purpose of this pilot study is to investigate the flexural strength of multilayered Y-TZP consisting of layers with different material composition: 3Y-TZP, 4Y-TZP and 5Y-TZP, before and after thermocycling.Material and Method: Thirty-two specimens were made from two multilayered Y-TZP discs (IPS e.max® ZirCAD MT Multi and CopraSupreme Hyperion) and eight specimens were made from a non-layered 3Y-TZP disc (IPS e.max® ZirCAD LT). The specimens were designed according to ISO:6872 with the dimensions 22x4x3 mm and with a 45 degree chamfer. The specimens were thermocycled for 10 000 cycles in two baths (5°C ±2°C and 55°C ±2°C, respectively). A 4-point flexural strength test was performed and the results were analyzed with One-way ANOVA, Tukey’s test with a significance level of α= 0.05.Results: The non-layered ZirCAD LT groups had a significant higher flexural strength (800 - 949 MPa) compared to the multilayered groups ZirCAD MT Multi (510 - 554 MPa) and Hyperion groups (420 - 503 MPa) before and after thermocycling.Conclusion: The flexural strength of multilayered 3-, 4-, 5Y-TZP and non-layered 3Y-TZP is not affected by thermocycling for 10 000 cycles. Multilayered Y-TZP has a lower flexural strength than non-layered 3Y-TZP before and after thermocycling. Multilayered Y-TZP have similar flexural strength before and after thermocycling.

Ytbehandlingsmetoder och deras påverkan av bindningsstyrkan mellan translucent Y-TZP och ett adhesivt cement

Kafafi, Kholod, Hes, Svitlana January 2014 (has links)
SammanfattningInledningTranslucent yttriumoxidstabiliserad tetragonal polykristallin zirkoniumdioxid (Y-TZP), med dess estetik och höga hållfasthet är ett vanligt materialval i samband med protetisk behandling. Oxidkeramer innehåller inte kiseloxid som främjar kemisk bindning vid adhesiv cementering men det finns olika ytbehandlingsmetoder som kan öka bindningsstyrkan mellan Y-TZP och adhesiva cement. Två ytbehandlingssätt nämns i befintlig litteratur; sandblästring och tribokemisk kiseltäckning. Syfte och hypotesSyftet med föreliggande studie är att undersöka bindningsstyrkan mellan translucent Y-TZP och ett adhesivt cement efter att translucent Y-TZP ytbehandlats med tre olika ytbehandlingsmetoder; endast silanisering, sandblästring och silanisering eller tribokemisk kiseltäckning och silanisering. Hypotesen var att det kommer att finnas en signifikant skillnad mellan grupperna, där gruppen med tribokemisk kiseltäckning resulterar i högre bindningsstyrka för att det skapar både en mikromekanisk retention och kemisk bindning till ett adhesivt cement. Material och metodSammanlagt framställdes 30 mikrostavar av translucent Y-TZP, endast mikrostavar med sandblästing och tribokemisk kiseltäckning framställdes. Mikrostavarna termocyklades (5000 cykler i två vattenbad 5±2°C respektive 55±2°C). Bindningsstyrkan utvärderades med mikrodraghållfasthetstest (MBST) och brottytorna analyserades i mikroskop för att klassificera adhesiva eller mixade frakturer.ResultatMedelvärdet för gruppen med sandblästring var 37,4 MPa och för grupp en med tribokemisk kiseltäckning var 25,4 MPa. Resultatet visade en signifikant skillnad mellan grupperna i bindningsstyrka. Båda grupperna visade mest adhesiva frakturer och några mixade frakturer. Bindningsstyrkan för gruppen med endast silanisering gick inte att utvärdera då provkroppar inte gick att framställa. SlutsatsUtifrån föreliggande studies begränsningar kan följande slutsats dras:Ytbehandling av translucent Y-TZP med sandblästring resulterar i en ökad bindningsstyrka mellan translucent Y-TZP och ett adhesiv cement. Föreliggande studie påvisar att fabrikantens rekommendationer bör följas.

Kristallstruktur och böjhållfasthet hos högtranslucenta Y-TZP efter artificiellt åldrande

Vemmenby, Maria January 2015 (has links)
SammanfattningSyfte:Syftet med studien är att få fram information om hur kristallstrukturen i högtranslucent Y-TZP påverkas av åldrande i vatten vid låga temperaturer jämfört med ett traditionellt Y-TZP material och hur det i sin tur påverkar böjhållfastheten. Material och metod: 16 provkroppar skapades i två högtranslucenta Y-TZP-material samt åtta provkroppar i ett traditionellt Y-TZP-material. Provkropparna utformades enligt ISO-standard:6872, med måtten 20x4x2 mm och en avfasning på 45o på långsidorna. Provkropparna genomgick en termocykling på 10 000 cykler vid 5°C ±2oC respektive 55°C ±2oC. Därefter utsattes provkropparna för ett 3-punktböjhållfasthetstest och en röntgendiffraktion (XRD) för att undersöka skillnaderna i övergången från tetragonal till monoklin fas.Resultat: Resultatet visade att det finns en signifikant skillnad (p = 0,000) i böjhållfastheten mellan grupperna. Resultaten från röntgendiffraktionen visade på att ingen signifikant skillnad (p = 0,260) fanns mellan grupperna. Inget statistiskt signifikant samband (p = 0,285) kunde ses mellan ökad monoklin fas och minskad böjhållfasthet.Slutsats:Böjhållfasthet hos högtranslucent Y-TZP-material påverkas mer av ett termocykliskt åldrande i vatten jämfört med ett traditionellt Y-TZP-material. Efter termocykliskt åldrande i vatten, kan monoklin kristallstruktur i högtranslucent T-TZP och traditionell Y-TZP påvisas. Det fanns inget statistiskt signifikant samband mellan minskad böjhållfasthet och ökad mängd monoklin fas.

Implant-supported zirconia-based fixed dental prostheses - a literature review

Fransson, Hannah January 2014 (has links)
Det ökade intresset av keramiska material har främst centrerat kring zirkoniabaserade keramer på sistone. Zirkoniabaserade fastsittande broar är ämne för en pågående diskussion. Det finns några få publicerade studier på ämnet men med varierande kvalitet och det finns ingen sammanställning av implantatstödda zirkoniabaserade broar. Syftet med den här studien är att bedöma tillgängliga studier på tidigare nämnda konstruktion och redogöra för resultat från kliniska studier.På elektroniska databaser söktes artiklar på implantatstödda zirkoniabaserade fastsittande broar. Artiklar som också rörde tandstödda konstruktioner inkluderades i sökningen. Sökningen kompletterades med en manuell referenssök på de utvalda fulltextartiklarna. Sökningen resulterade i 4,253 artiklar. Baserat på förutbestämda kriterier inhämtades 5 fulltext artiklar. En av de studierna skilde inte på tandstödda och implantatstödda grupper i resultatet, därför exkluderaderades den från fortsatta analyser. Tre studier redogjorde för helkäkeskonstruktioner, och majoriteten av de inkluderade konstruktionerna var helkäkeskonstruktioner. Tillräcklig data för uträkning av överlevnad och komplikationsrisk var tillgänglig i 4 studier. Analysen bar baserad på 47 implantatstödda konstruktioner. Slutsatsen av litteraturstudien blir att zirkoniabaserade helkäkeskonstruktioner som är implantatstödda kan övervägas som behandling. Resultaten är dock baserade på få studier med relativt få konstruktioner inkluderade, varför tolkning av resultaten bör göras med försiktighet. Fortsatta studier behövs för att konkludera hur den här typen av konstruktioner håller med tiden. / The increasing interest in ceramic materials has mostly centered on zirconia-based ceramics lately. Zirconia-based fixed dental prostheses (FDPs) is an ongoing subject of discussion. There are a few articles published on the subject but with varying quality and there is no review on implant-supported zirconia-based FDPs to be found. The purpose of this study is to evaluate available studies on zirconia-based implant-supported FDPs, reporting the results from clinical studies.Three electronic databases were searched for studies reporting on zirconia-based FDPs. The electronic search was complemented by a hand-search made from the reference lists of the retrieved full-text articles. The search result yielded 4,253 titles. Based on pre-established criteria, 5 full-text articles were obtained. One study did not separate the results between tooth-supported and implant-supported groups, why it was excluded from further analysis. Three studies reported on cross-arch restorations, and the majority of the FDPs included were cross-arch restorations. Sufficient data for calculation of cumulative survival-and complication-rates was available in 4 studies. Analysis was based on 47 implant-supported FDPs. This review concludes that cross-arch implant-supported zirconia-based FDPs could be considered as a treatment alternative. The results are, however, based on small number of studies with relatively few FDPs included thus interpretation of the results should be made with caution. Further studies are needed to evaluate how these types of constructions stand the test of time.

Síntese e processamento de compósito cerâmico zircônia-grafeno / Synthesis and processing of zirconia-graphene ceramic composite

Manarão, Diego Santos 27 February 2018 (has links)
O objetivo desse trabalho foi desenvolver um compósito cerâmico de zircônia-grafeno para aplicação odontológica. Este estudo avaliou o efeito do pó de partida, concentração de grafeno e da temperatura de sinterização sobre as propriedades mecânicas (dureza e tenacidade à fratura) do compósito desenvolvido. Para isto foram sintetizados os pós de Y-TZP a partir de soluções de óxido-cloreto de zircônio e cloreto de ítrio na proporção desejada de 3mol% através da rota de co-precipitação em solução de hidróxido de amônio seguido por uma série de lavagens em água, etanol e butanol com posterior destilação azeotrópica, secagem, moagem e calcinação. O grafeno foi obtido a partir da exfoliação química de grafite pelo método de Hummers [40] modificado por Marcano [39], o que resultou em um gel acastanhado que foi submetido a lavagem por centrifugação, secagem e desaglomeração em almofariz de ágata, resultando, por fim, no óxido de grafeno. Uma segunda etapa foi o processo de redução química com ácido ascórbico para obtenção de óxido de grafeno reduzido, um pó de coloração escura que foi adicionado à Y-TZP para a obtenção do compósito nas diversas concentrações (em mol%) que foram estudadas: (0,01%, 0,05%, 0,10%, 0,50%, 1,00% e 2,00%). Os pós foram caracterizados por termogravimetria, difração de raios X e espectroscopia (FT-IR). Os espécimes foram confeccionados em matriz metálica cilíndrica e sinterizados em forno tubular em atmosfera inerte. Outros espécimes foram confeccionados em matriz de grafite de alta densidade e sinterizados por Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS). Todas as amostras foram caracterizadas por meio de ensaios de densidade, dureza Vickers, tenacidade à fratura e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Os maiores valores de densidade relativa foram observados para as amostras sinterizadas em SPS, sendo que se obteve valor de densidade relativa de 98,7 % para a concentração de 0,50% de grafeno e 98,4% para a Y-TZP pura. Por outro lado, o maior valor encontrado em sinterização em atmosfera a 1400°C sem a presença de H2 para Y-TZP pura foi da ordem de 96,76%. Os valores de dureza foram maiores nas amostras sinterizadas em SPS, no entanto a tenacidade à fratura mostrou não se alterar em função do conteúdo de grafeno. As fotomicrografias de MEV mostraram que houve uma variação de tamanho de grão de acordo com a presença do grafeno e do método de sinterização. De acordo com os resultados obtidos neste trabalho foi possível concluir que o processamento desenvolvido permitiu a criação de um compósito cerâmico zircônia-grafeno que pôde ser caracterizado por diversos métodos analíticos. A densidade teórica do compósito desenvolvido não foi alcançada por meio de nenhum dos métodos de sinterização utilizados (Tubular ou SPS) e nem variando-se a temperatura. Para espécimes sinterizados em atmosfera inerte, a maior temperatura de sinterização (1400°C) e a presença do gás H2 não melhorou a densificação. Além disso, esses espécimes tiveram aumento da dureza com o aumento da concentração de grafeno, entretanto, a sua tenacidade à fratura não foi afetada pelo teor de grafeno. Para espécimes sinterizados por meio de SPS, a temperatura de sinterização de 1350°C resultou em melhores valores de densificação. Além disso, para este tipo de sinterização, tanto a dureza como a tenacidade à fratura foram afetadas pelo teor de grafeno. / The objective of this work was to develop a zirconia-graphene ceramic composite for dental application. The study evaluated the effect of the starting powder effect, graphene concentration and sintering temperature on the mechanical properties of the composite. For this, the Y-TZP powders were synthesized from zirconium chloride and yttrium chloride solutions in the desired ratio of 3 mol% through the co-precipitation route in ammonium hydroxide solution followed by a series of washes in water, ethanol and butanol with subsequent azeotropic distillation, drying, grinding and calcination. Graphene was obtained from the chemical exfoliation of graphite by the method of Humans modified by Marcano, which resulted in a brownish gel that was subjected to washing by centrifugation, drying and deagglomeration in agate mortar, resulting finally in the graphene oxide. A second step was the chemical reduction with ascorbic acid to obtain reduced graphene oxide, a dark-colored powder that was added to the Y-TZP to obtain the composite in the various concentrations (in mol%) that were studied (0, 01%, 0.05%, 0.10%, 0.50%, 1.00% and 2.00%). The powders were characterized by thermogravimetry, X-ray diffraction and spectroscopy (FT-IR). The specimens were made in cylindrical metallic matrix and sintered in a tubular oven. Other samples were made in high density graphite matrix and sintered by Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS). All samples were characterized by means of density tests, Vickers hardness, fracture toughness and scanning electron microscopy. The highest values of relative density were observed for the sintered samples in SPS. A relative density of 98.7% was obtained for the 0.50% concentration of graphene and 98.4% for the pure Y-TZP. On the other hand, the highest value found in tubular sintering at 1400 ° C without the presence of H2 for pure Y-TZP was of the order of 96.76%. The hardness values were higher in the sintered samples in SPS, however the fracture toughness showed not to change as a function of the content of graphene. SEM images showed that there was a variation of grain size according to the presence of graphene and the sintering method. According to the results of this study it was concluded that the process developed allowed the creation of a graphene-zirconia ceramic composite which can be characterized by various analytical methods. The theoretical density of the composite developed was not achieved by any of the sintering methods used (tubular or SPS) nor by varying the temperature. For tubular sintered specimens, the higher sintering temperature (1400 ° C) and the presence of H2 gas did not improve densification. In addition, these specimens had increased hardness with increasing graphene concentration, however, their fracture toughness was not affected by graphene content. For sintered specimens by SPS, the sintering temperature of 1350 ° C resulted in better densification values. In addition, for this type of sintering, both hardness and fracture toughness were affected by the content of graphene

Efeito de diferentes tratamentos de superfície na resistência de união de um cimento resinoso à zircônia

Scaffa, Polliana Mendes Cándia 13 March 2009 (has links)
As ceramicas a base de zirconia (Y-TZP) apresentam propriedades mecanicas superiores as das demais ceramicas odontologicas. Entretanto, o aumento do conteudo cristalino modificou suas caracteristicas de adesao a cimentos resinosos, tornando necessario o desenvolvimento de metodos mais efetivos de uniao a estes materiais. Este trabalho in vitro pretende, portanto, avaliar a influencia de diferentes tratamentos de superficie e de diferentes agentes de uniao na resistencia ao cisalhamento entre uma zirconia estabilizada por itrio e um agente cimentante autoadesivo (RelyX U100®/3M ESPE). Para tal, cilindros de PROCERA® Allzircon receberam como tratamento de superficie jateamento com oxido de aluminio (Al2O3 - 50 m) ou jateamento com o sistema Rocatec. Sobre a superficie tratada dos cilindros foram aplicados, de acordo com os diferentes grupos experimentais, o sistema adesivo Clearfil SE Bond® (Kuraray Co.), e os primers Metal Zirconia Primer (Ivoclar Vivadent) e Alloy Primer (Kuraray Co.) e, finalmente, o cimento resinoso adotado. Cada especime foi, entao, submetido ao teste de cisalhamento (0,05 mm/min), por meio da acao de uma alca de fio ortodontico passando o mais próximo possivel da interface adesiva. A analise de variancia a um criterios (ANOVA) e o teste de Tukey (p<0,05) mostraram que a realizacao do tratamento de superfície aumentou os valores de resistencia de uniao entre a ceramica e o cimento resinoso. O jateamento com o sistema Rocatec (15,33 MPa) apresentou valores significantemente maiores que o jateamento com Al2O3 (11,93 MPa). A aplicacao dos agentes de uniao resultou em uma maior resistencia adesiva, sendo que o sistema adesivo Clearfill SE Bond (17,07 MPa) teve um comportamento estatisticamente superior aos demais materiais. Entre os primers, o Metal Zirconia Primer (11,26 MPa) apresentou maior valor de resistencia de uniao que o Alloy Primer (10,01 MPa). Portanto, a associacao de um tratamento superficial com um agente de união e valida, ja que promoveu os maiores valores de resistencia adesiva. / Yttrium-stabilized tetragonal zircon polycrystal (Y-TZP) ceramics show better mechanical properties than other dental ceramics. However, the high crystalline content modified their adhesiveness to resin cements, making it extremely necessary to develop a more effective adhesive strategy between them. This in vitro study intends to evaluate the influence of different surface treatments and different bond agents on the shear bond strength between a Y-TZP and self-adhesive resin cement. PROCERA® Allzircon cylinders (3.5 mm in diameter) received a surface airborne abrasion treatment with 50 m aluminum-oxide (Al2O3) particles or with the Rocatec system. According to the experimental groups, the adhesive system Clearfil SE Bond® (Kuraray Co.), and the primers Metal Zirconia Primer (Ivoclar Vivadent) and Alloy Primer (Kuraray Co.) were applied on the treated surface of the cylinders, before the application of the adopted resin cement (RelyX U100®/3M ESPE). Each specimen was submitted to the shear bond strength test (0.5 mm/min), by the action of an orthodontic stainless steel ligature wire (0.5 mm in diameter) loop, wrapped around the resin cement, as close as possible to the adhesive interface. One way-ANOVA and Tukey´s post hoc tests (p<0.05) revealed that surface treatment increased bond strength between the ceramic and the resin cement. Silica coating with the Rocatec system (15.33 MPa) showed significantly higher values than airborne abrasion with Al2O3 (11.93 MPa). Application of all bond agents improved shear bond strength: adhesive system Clearfil SE Bond (17.07 MPa) showed better performance than the other evaluated materials, and Metal Zirconia Primer (11.26 MPa) showed higher bond strength values than Alloy Primer (10.01 MPa). Therefore, the association of a surface treatment with a bond agent is suitable, once it resulted in higher values of adhesive strength.


Guilardi, Luís Felipe 26 July 2016 (has links)
This study aimed to determine the effects of grinding and low temperature aging on the surface micromorphology (roughness measurement, Scanning Electron Microscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy), phase transformation (t→m), biaxial flexural strength and structural reliability (Weibull analysis) of an yttrium-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystalline ceramic. One hundred and eighty ceramic discs (15.0 × 1.2 ± 0.2 mm, VITA In-Ceram YZ) were prepared and randomly assigned into six groups according to 2 factors (n = 30): grinding (Ctrl without treatment, as-sintered; Xfine grinding with extra fine diamond bur - 30 μm; Coarse grinding by coarse diamond bur - 151 μm), and aging (without or with aging: CtrlLTD; XfineLTD; CoarseLTD). Grinding was performed in an oscillatory motion with a contra-angle handpiece under constant water-cooling. Low temperature degradation (LTD) was simulated in an autoclave at 134 °C, under 2 bar pressure, for 20 h. The roughness (Ra and Rz parameters) significantly increased after grinding in accordance with bur grit-size (Coarse > Xfine > Ctrl), and aging promoted distinct effects (Ctrl = CtrlLTD; Xfine > XfineLTD; Coarse = CoarseLTD). Grinding increased the m-phase, and aging led to an increase in the m-phase in all groups. However, different susceptibilities to LTD were observed. Weibull analysis showed a significant increase in the characteristic strength after grinding (Coarse = Xfine > Ctrl), while aging did not lead to any deleterious impact. Neither grinding nor aging resulted in any deleterious impact (no statistical decrease in the Weibull moduli) on material reliability. Thus, neither grinding nor aging led to a deleterious effect on the mechanical properties of the evaluated Y-TZP ceramic although a high m-phase content and roughness were observed. / Este estudo avaliou o efeito do desgaste com brocas diamantadas de diferentes granulações (Grossa G e Extrafina FF), associado ou não ao envelhecimento em autoclave (LTD) na micromorfologia superficial, na transformação de fase (tetragonal para monoclínica, t→m), e nas propriedades mecânicas de uma zircônia policristalina parcialmente estabilizada por óxido de ítrio. Foram confeccionados 180 discos (15,0 Ø x 1,2 mm de espessura) conforme a ISO 6872-2008, que foram divididos em 6 grupos (n=30) de acordo com dois fatores em estudo: desgaste da superfície (controle C - sem desgaste; desgaste com broca G ou FF); e envelhecimento em autoclave (CLTD, GLTD FFLTD); Os desgastes foram executados por um operador treinado sob refrigeração constante; e a LTD em autoclave a 134ºC, sob 2 bar de pressão, por 20 horas. Os resultados indicam que o envelhecimento em autoclave associado ou não ao desgaste não foram prejudiciais às propriedades mecânicas da zircônia. Entretanto cabe ressaltar que estes estímulos promoveram grande aumento de fase monoclínica, o que pode ser um indício de degradação do material. A análise de Weibull (Módulo de Weibull) demonstrou que os tratamentos avaliados (desgaste, envelhecimento em autoclave) não promoveram efeitos deletérios, não resultando em maior variabilidade da resistência mecânica. Logo, não há indícios de que os diferentes tratamentos realizados impactem negativamente na resistência à flexão biaxial da Y-TZP. Adicionalmente, nota-se que as superfícies desgastadas com brocas diamantadas têm uma menor susceptibilidade à LTD (menor aumento de fase m).

Efeito de diferentes tratamentos de superfície na resistência de união de um cimento resinoso à zircônia

Polliana Mendes Cándia Scaffa 13 March 2009 (has links)
As ceramicas a base de zirconia (Y-TZP) apresentam propriedades mecanicas superiores as das demais ceramicas odontologicas. Entretanto, o aumento do conteudo cristalino modificou suas caracteristicas de adesao a cimentos resinosos, tornando necessario o desenvolvimento de metodos mais efetivos de uniao a estes materiais. Este trabalho in vitro pretende, portanto, avaliar a influencia de diferentes tratamentos de superficie e de diferentes agentes de uniao na resistencia ao cisalhamento entre uma zirconia estabilizada por itrio e um agente cimentante autoadesivo (RelyX U100®/3M ESPE). Para tal, cilindros de PROCERA® Allzircon receberam como tratamento de superficie jateamento com oxido de aluminio (Al2O3 - 50 m) ou jateamento com o sistema Rocatec. Sobre a superficie tratada dos cilindros foram aplicados, de acordo com os diferentes grupos experimentais, o sistema adesivo Clearfil SE Bond® (Kuraray Co.), e os primers Metal Zirconia Primer (Ivoclar Vivadent) e Alloy Primer (Kuraray Co.) e, finalmente, o cimento resinoso adotado. Cada especime foi, entao, submetido ao teste de cisalhamento (0,05 mm/min), por meio da acao de uma alca de fio ortodontico passando o mais próximo possivel da interface adesiva. A analise de variancia a um criterios (ANOVA) e o teste de Tukey (p<0,05) mostraram que a realizacao do tratamento de superfície aumentou os valores de resistencia de uniao entre a ceramica e o cimento resinoso. O jateamento com o sistema Rocatec (15,33 MPa) apresentou valores significantemente maiores que o jateamento com Al2O3 (11,93 MPa). A aplicacao dos agentes de uniao resultou em uma maior resistencia adesiva, sendo que o sistema adesivo Clearfill SE Bond (17,07 MPa) teve um comportamento estatisticamente superior aos demais materiais. Entre os primers, o Metal Zirconia Primer (11,26 MPa) apresentou maior valor de resistencia de uniao que o Alloy Primer (10,01 MPa). Portanto, a associacao de um tratamento superficial com um agente de união e valida, ja que promoveu os maiores valores de resistencia adesiva. / Yttrium-stabilized tetragonal zircon polycrystal (Y-TZP) ceramics show better mechanical properties than other dental ceramics. However, the high crystalline content modified their adhesiveness to resin cements, making it extremely necessary to develop a more effective adhesive strategy between them. This in vitro study intends to evaluate the influence of different surface treatments and different bond agents on the shear bond strength between a Y-TZP and self-adhesive resin cement. PROCERA® Allzircon cylinders (3.5 mm in diameter) received a surface airborne abrasion treatment with 50 m aluminum-oxide (Al2O3) particles or with the Rocatec system. According to the experimental groups, the adhesive system Clearfil SE Bond® (Kuraray Co.), and the primers Metal Zirconia Primer (Ivoclar Vivadent) and Alloy Primer (Kuraray Co.) were applied on the treated surface of the cylinders, before the application of the adopted resin cement (RelyX U100®/3M ESPE). Each specimen was submitted to the shear bond strength test (0.5 mm/min), by the action of an orthodontic stainless steel ligature wire (0.5 mm in diameter) loop, wrapped around the resin cement, as close as possible to the adhesive interface. One way-ANOVA and Tukey´s post hoc tests (p<0.05) revealed that surface treatment increased bond strength between the ceramic and the resin cement. Silica coating with the Rocatec system (15.33 MPa) showed significantly higher values than airborne abrasion with Al2O3 (11.93 MPa). Application of all bond agents improved shear bond strength: adhesive system Clearfil SE Bond (17.07 MPa) showed better performance than the other evaluated materials, and Metal Zirconia Primer (11.26 MPa) showed higher bond strength values than Alloy Primer (10.01 MPa). Therefore, the association of a surface treatment with a bond agent is suitable, once it resulted in higher values of adhesive strength.

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