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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Panegírico de Trajano: tradução e estudo introdutório / Panegyric in praise of Trajan: translation and introductory study

Giron, Lucas Lopes 18 April 2017 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado tem como objetivo principal a apresentação de uma tradução para a língua portuguesa do discurso conhecido como Panegírico de Trajano de Plínio, o Jovem. A presente tradução foi realizada tendo como base o texto latino estabelecido por R. A. B. Mynors (1964), e com consulta a outras edições, tais como M. Dury (1938), R. Moreno Soldevila (2010) e D. Lassandro (1992), entre outras. Além disso, este trabalho apresenta um breve estudo introdutório sobre o Panegírico de Trajano no qual se discutem questões relativas à elaboração do discurso e seus propósitos, bem como o seu enquadramento no gênero epidítico. Dessa forma, pretende-se abordar o modo como o autor relaciona a tradição romana da gratiarum actio com o tipo de encômio dirigido aos imperadores conhecido como basilikos lógos, o que, em grande parte, contribuiu para que este texto de Plínio se tornasse a primeira gratiarum actio a ser preservada para a posteridade. / This master\'s thesis has as main objective the presentation of a translation into the Portuguese language of the discourse known as Panegyric of Trajan of Pliny the Younger. The present translation was performed based on the Latin text established by RAB Mynors (1964), and in consultation with other editions, such as M. Dury (1938), R. Moreno Soldevila (2010) and D. Lassandro (1992), among others. In addition, this paper presents a brief introductory study on the Panegyric of Trajan in which questions are discussed concerning the elaboration of the discourse and its purposes, as well as its framing in the epidictic genre. This way, it is tried to approach the way in which the author relates the Roman tradition of the gratiarum actio with the type of enkomion directed to the emperors known like basilikos logos, which, in great part, contributed to this text of Pliny became the first Gratiarum actio to be preserved for posterity.

Hodnocení tělesné zdatnosti a herních dovedností u hráčů ve fotbale / Assessment physical fitness and game skills in soccer players

Čech, Marek January 2019 (has links)
Title: Assessment physical fitness and game skills in soccer players Objectives: To find out the relationships and differences between actual levels of body composition, physical fitness and specific football skills of football players at ABC Braník aged 7 and 8 years. Methods: The main research method chosen was observation - measurement and testing. The research group included a total of 31 football players - 15 players from the ABC Braník U8 team (average age 8.3 ± 0.3 years and 16 players from ABC Braník U7 team (mean age 6.9 ± 0.4 years). tested with the Unifittest 6-60 standardized test battery, specific football skills have been tested according to the ProFutbalAnalytics.com manual. Results: In physical fitness, older players (U8) achieved above average scores and younger players (U7) achieved average scores. A total of 9 out of 15 of the U8 team, ie 60 % of individuals, recorded at least above average results in fitness tests. In the U7 team, only 7 out of 16, ie 44 % of individuals, are above average in their performance according to standards. The degree of association between game skills and physical fitness was low. Upon closer examination, we found a moderate correlation between the fitness prowess indicator and the juggling and ball management indicators (r = 0.52 - 0.58). Significant...

Tělesné složení u vybraných skupin pražských dětí mladšího školního věku / Body composition in selected groups of children of younger school age in Prague

Hadžega, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
Subject The current lifestyle of most children and adults is characterized by sedentary lifestyle. Research shows that physical activity among children is decreasing while aging, (Bunc, 2004) which causes gaining the body fat, loosing physical fitness and overall resulting in overweight and obesity (eg Brettschneider, Naul, 2007; Malina, Bouchard, 1991; Roche et al., 1996). This lack of physical activity leads to a decrease in physical fitness as global phenomena (Malina 2004; Reed et al., 2006; Tomkinson, 2007), urges the increase in overweight and obesity, or causes certain health problems. One way to examine the level of lifestyle and the quality of life of children and adults is the body composition. This knowledge can contribute to determine the health of the individual and its physical ability. Objective To describe changes in somatic indicators and selected body composition parameters that are related to age and gender among younger school age children. To find out the correlation among somatic indicators, age and parameters of the body composition of children of both genders and to discover dominant factors affecting the body composition in both genders. Methods A cross-sectional statistical survey was carried out at three primary schools in Prague, where during the first testing, 220...

Projekce narušené komunikační schopnosti do dětské kresby / Projection of disrupted communication ability in children's drawing

Zderadičková, Barbora January 2018 (has links)
The master thesis is focused on a special pedagogical topic and observes how disrupted communication impacts on children's drawing. The thesis consists of two parts - theoretical and practical part. The first one is about the theoretical findings, which proceed from the professional literature. There are the parts here regarding communication, speech and language and the disrupted communication ability - most concentrated on a question of developmental dysphasia. The close attention has been paid to children in their younger school age, their communication abilities, their drawing ability and graphomotor activity. The practical part of this master thesis has been formed by a qualitative survey realized with children at elementary schools and their home environment. Different methods and techniques - interviews, observation, case interpretation and analysis of activity results. The main objective of this thesis is to to find out and to describe - how the disrupted communication ability of children - specifically developmental dysphasia is projected into children drawing. The corresponding demonstration has been based on a comparison between drawings of pupils with communication problems and drawings of children without any communication problems. KEYWORDS Graphomotorics, communication, drawing,...

Contexte socio-culturel et domestication des céréales au Proche-Orient / Socio-cultural context and cereal domestication in the Near East

Garel, Jean-Renaud 15 October 2015 (has links)
Les céréales domestiques, blé et orge, sont apparues sur plusieurs sites éloignés du Proche-Orient à partir de précurseurs sauvages originaire d'Anatolie. Cette thèse propose que la domestication de ces céréales est le résultat de quatre étapes successives et indépendantes: 1) au Natoufien ancien, une sédentarisation a augmenté la fertilité en rapprochant les naissances. Ceci a créé un nouveau besoin en aliments de sevrage qui a rendu les céréales indispensables comme ressource alimentaire. La croissance démographique a fait évoluer la structure sociale des communautés des groupes familiaux à des groupes locaux; 2) au Natoufien récent, la crise environnementale du Dryas récent a obligé certaines communautés à combler leurs besoins en céréales avec les premières mises en culture. Ces communautés ont réussi à maintenir leur vie sédentaire, leur population et leurs capacités technologiques en rigidifiant leur structure sociale en chefferies; 3) au PPNA, une expansion coloniale des communautés qui ont survécu au Dryas récent a transplanté les céréales sauvages dans l'ensemble du Proche-Orient en les adaptant à des sols et des climats nouveaux; 4) au PPNB, la recherche d'une plus grande productivité et un heureux hasard ont fait apparaître les céréales domestiques sur quelques sites. La domestication des céréales au Proche-Orient est donc le résultat d'un processus évolutif qui a modifié à la fois le contexte socio-culturel des communautés humaines et leur relation aux céréales. / Domestic cereals, wheat and barley, appeared at several distant sites in the Near East from wild progenitors from Anatolia. This thesis suggests that domestication of these cereals was the result of four successive and independant steps: 1) during early Natufian, sedentarisation raised fertility by decreasing the time inteval between consecutive births. This created a new need for weaning foods, so that cereals became a necessary part of subsistance. The increase in population led the social structure of communities to evolve from family groups into local groups; 2) during late Natufian, the Younger Dryas environmental crisis forced some communities to meet their needs for cereals by initiating their first cultivations. These communities could remain sedentary and maintain both their population and their technological potential by rigidifying their social structures into chiefdoms; 3) during PPNA, a colonial expansion of communities that survived the Younger Dryas transplanted wild cereals throughout the Near East and adapted them to new soils ans climates; 4) during PPNB, the search for an increased productivity and some chance led to the appearance of domestic cereals at some sites. Cereal domestication in the Near East thus appears as resulting from an evolutionary process which modified both the socio-cultural context of human communities and their relationship to cereals.

Vliv tělesné výšky na pohybové kompetence dětí mladšího školního věku / Effects of body height on movement competences of pupils

Sláčíková, Barbora January 2019 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the evaluation of how body height, BMI, gender, and leisure-time physical activities affect movement competence of pupils. The theoretical part analyses the younger school age and its characteristics in physical, psychical, movement, and motoric development. We further also analyze how movement activities affect child's organisms. The critical chapter of the theoretical part is a chapter about growth and development. Additionally, we add information about anthropometric and somatic changes in the younger school age. At the end of the theoretical part, we provide an overview of methods that can be used to measure movement competence. We mainly elaborate on MOBAK 3 method, which we chose to use in our research. The research part describes the selected research and statistic methods, research sample, and results. The data showed that there is no significant relationship between body height and movement competence. However, we found significant relationships with the other variables - BMI, gender, and leisure-time physical aktivity. KEYWORDS younger school age, body height, movement competence, motoric testing, Mobak

Naturvetenskap i grundskolans lägre åldrar : Om lärares förhållningssätt gentemot ämnet

Johansson, Susanne January 2006 (has links)
<p>This investigation is about how teachers in school can motivate and create interest for science among younger children. Teachers were interviewed about attitudes to their subject and how this affects their lessons.</p><p>I have also tried to find out, both by interviewes but also by studying litterature, what the most important thing is to teach in science, which knowledge is necessarry in the future and why.</p><p>My result indicates that teachers find science both interesting and important but at the same time they also think it is a difficult subject to teach even if they are educated. Both the litterature and the teachers in my study agree that knowledge in science gives us a chance to ask questions, take stands and solve problems and that this knowledge is important for us in our future.</p> / <p>Detta arbete handlar om hur vi som lärare i grundskolans lägre åldrar kan skapa och bibehålla elevernas intresse för naturvetenskapliga ämnen. Genom intervjuer har jag försökt få fram lärares attityder till ämnet och hur detta eventuellt påverkar undervisningen.</p><p>Dessutom har jag försökt ta reda på vad som anses vara viktiga kunskaper för framtiden.</p><p>Mitt resultat pekar på att lärare tycker det är intressant och viktigt med naturvetenskap men att det samtidigt är ett svårt ämne att undervisa i även om utbildning finns. Lärarna menar att det är kunskaper som gör att vi kan ta ställning, ifrågasätta och lösa problem som är viktiga att förmedla bl a för att vi skall klara av att ta hand om vår jord och dess tillgångar. Detta är också något som forskning anser vara viktigt och det får också stort utrymme i läroplanen.</p>

Erfarenheter före musiklärarutbildningen - vilken betydelse anses de ha? : En undersökning om hur erfarenheter värderas / Music teachers’ pre-educational experiences – what significance might they have? : A survey about how experience is valued

Arnér, Carl-Michael January 2009 (has links)
<p>Finns det någonting att vinna på att lämna skolan ett par år mellan gymnasiet och det att en högskoleutbildning påbörjas och finns det något värde i de erfarenheter en student eventuellt har från livet utanför skolan? Ser studenter och lärare inom musiklärarutbildningen någon nytta med dessa värden och ser även rektorer inom den kommunala kultur- och musikskolan att dessa värden har någon betydelse? Jag har i denna undersökning valt att intervjua aktörer inom musikhögskolan och den kommunala musik och kulturskolan för att ta reda på hur de ser på värdet av tidigare erfarenheter. Det resultat som jag slutligen kommit fram till visar att detta ämne är komplext och det är svårt att ge ett riktigt svar efter en undersökning som löper över enbart ett halvår. Dock visar de intervjuades svar att det är viktigt att dessa frågor diskuteras eftersom de flesta är överens om att det finns värden i tidigare erfarenheter.</p> / <p>Is there something to gain when leaving the academic world a few years between secondary high school and a higher education? And is there a value in the experiences a student might have gained from life outside the academic world? Do teachers and students within colleges of music and headmasters for local music schools, see that these experiences have any practical value?In this essay I have interviewed students, teachers and headmasters from both colleges of music and local music schools to hear their views regarding the value of earlier experiences. My result is that it is a very complex area and it is difficult to give a conclusive answer within the limits of this study, which spanned over six months. This notwithstanding, all of the persons interviewed in this study agreed that it is important to discuss these questions, and that there is a value in earlier experiences.</p>

Erfarenheter före musiklärarutbildningen - vilken betydelse anses de ha? : En undersökning om hur erfarenheter värderas / Music teachers’ pre-educational experiences – what significance might they have? : A survey about how experience is valued

Arnér, Carl-Michael January 2009 (has links)
Finns det någonting att vinna på att lämna skolan ett par år mellan gymnasiet och det att en högskoleutbildning påbörjas och finns det något värde i de erfarenheter en student eventuellt har från livet utanför skolan? Ser studenter och lärare inom musiklärarutbildningen någon nytta med dessa värden och ser även rektorer inom den kommunala kultur- och musikskolan att dessa värden har någon betydelse? Jag har i denna undersökning valt att intervjua aktörer inom musikhögskolan och den kommunala musik och kulturskolan för att ta reda på hur de ser på värdet av tidigare erfarenheter. Det resultat som jag slutligen kommit fram till visar att detta ämne är komplext och det är svårt att ge ett riktigt svar efter en undersökning som löper över enbart ett halvår. Dock visar de intervjuades svar att det är viktigt att dessa frågor diskuteras eftersom de flesta är överens om att det finns värden i tidigare erfarenheter. / Is there something to gain when leaving the academic world a few years between secondary high school and a higher education? And is there a value in the experiences a student might have gained from life outside the academic world? Do teachers and students within colleges of music and headmasters for local music schools, see that these experiences have any practical value?In this essay I have interviewed students, teachers and headmasters from both colleges of music and local music schools to hear their views regarding the value of earlier experiences. My result is that it is a very complex area and it is difficult to give a conclusive answer within the limits of this study, which spanned over six months. This notwithstanding, all of the persons interviewed in this study agreed that it is important to discuss these questions, and that there is a value in earlier experiences.

Naturvetenskap i grundskolans lägre åldrar : Om lärares förhållningssätt gentemot ämnet

Johansson, Susanne January 2006 (has links)
This investigation is about how teachers in school can motivate and create interest for science among younger children. Teachers were interviewed about attitudes to their subject and how this affects their lessons. I have also tried to find out, both by interviewes but also by studying litterature, what the most important thing is to teach in science, which knowledge is necessarry in the future and why. My result indicates that teachers find science both interesting and important but at the same time they also think it is a difficult subject to teach even if they are educated. Both the litterature and the teachers in my study agree that knowledge in science gives us a chance to ask questions, take stands and solve problems and that this knowledge is important for us in our future. / Detta arbete handlar om hur vi som lärare i grundskolans lägre åldrar kan skapa och bibehålla elevernas intresse för naturvetenskapliga ämnen. Genom intervjuer har jag försökt få fram lärares attityder till ämnet och hur detta eventuellt påverkar undervisningen. Dessutom har jag försökt ta reda på vad som anses vara viktiga kunskaper för framtiden. Mitt resultat pekar på att lärare tycker det är intressant och viktigt med naturvetenskap men att det samtidigt är ett svårt ämne att undervisa i även om utbildning finns. Lärarna menar att det är kunskaper som gör att vi kan ta ställning, ifrågasätta och lösa problem som är viktiga att förmedla bl a för att vi skall klara av att ta hand om vår jord och dess tillgångar. Detta är också något som forskning anser vara viktigt och det får också stort utrymme i läroplanen.

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