Spelling suggestions: "subject:"south crime"" "subject:"youth crime""
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'On road' culture in context : masculinities, religion, and 'trapping' in inner city LondonReid, Ebony January 2017 (has links)
The gang has been a focal concern in UK media, political discourse, policy, and policing interventions in the last decade, occupying the position of contemporary ‘folk devil’. Despite the heightened attention on urban ‘gang culture’, sociological research on gangs in the UK is limited. However, some sociologists do stress a deterministic relationship between gangs and black urban youth, rendering urban men a source of fascination and repulsion, easy scapegoats in explaining street violence. Arguably, current work that privileges the idea of gang membership misunderstands much about the lives of some men involved. This thesis contributes to correcting that misunderstanding. The study adopts a social constructionist perspective in understanding the (multiple) ways urban men in an inner city area of London construct their lives when immersed in what they refer to as being ‘on road’, a symbolic space in which everyday lives are played out. As a broadly ethnographic study, the data for the thesis were generated using participant observation and semi-structured interviews with a range of participants, including young and adult men. The study identifies three distinct ways in which some men become trapped in difficult experiences and identities ‘on road’. It focuses on the implications of the notion of ‘trappedness’ on their experiences in public space, employment opportunities and, self- identity. The ‘on road’ lives of the men in the study represent a paradox: the road appears to offer opportunity to build masculine identity but entangles them further in a trap, restricting freedom and stunting personal growth. This study has significance for sociological theory. Theoretically, the idea of being ‘on road’ can be understood as a discourse that persists in the language and symbolism that flows through these men’s experiences and narratives. As such the idea of ‘onroadness’ powerfully shapes all aspects of their lives. It is argued that more focus is needed on the psychosocial factors that force some men into volatile social worlds, and the personal contexts that frame local narratives of ‘on road’ culture, especially within wider experiences of friendship, faith, and identity. The thesis suggests that this form of analysis offers a critical explanatory framework within which it is possible to understand the lives of some of the young and adult men in certain inner city areas in the UK.
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Preventing Youth Crime in Chongqing: The Implications of Western Scientific Evidence and Intergovernmental Guidelines on Crime Prevention Through Social DevelopmentCao, Jing January 2012 (has links)
The primary objective of this thesis was to examine the relevance of intergovernmental decisions and western risk-focused social crime prevention to reducing youth crime within Chongqing, China. This involved a review of the existing literature that might be relevant to: (i) the current youth crime situation in the city of Chongqing, (ii) risk factors that might contribute to youth crime within Chongqing, (iii) the scientific evaluations of ‘evidence-based’ risk-focused crime prevention strategies for different age groups of youth, and (iv) implementation strategies for evidence-based innovations to reduce youth crime. Based on this knowledge, interviews with six key stakeholders of Chongqing were conducted for the purpose of obtaining initial perceptions regarding the utility and practicality of crime prevention through social development within Chongqing. Ultimately, this study demonstrates the preliminary relevance of western studies and action, recalls China’s endorsement of intergovernmental recommendations, and provides a foundation for further research.
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Tsenguluso ya u tambudzwa ha vhana kha manwalwa a Tshivenda nyombedzelo i kha Sigogo (2002), Nefefe (2008) na Mugwena (2014)Maphagela, Thinavhuyo Gladys January 2017 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (African Languages)) -- University of Limpopo, 2016 / Ṱhoḓisiso iyi yo sengulusa u tambudzwa ha vhana kha maṅwalwa a Tshivenḓa. U tambudzwa ha vhana a zwo ngo thoma ṋamusi nahone ndi zwithu zwi sa ṱanganedzei kha tshitshavha, tshi tou vha tshilonda tshine na u phuphwa tshi sa fhole kana yone tsilingwane. Kha ngudo iyi ho senguluswa u tambudzwa ha vhana nga nḓila dzo fhambanaho, zwi ṱuṱuwedzaho u tambudza vhana, masianditwa a u tambudzwa na zwiga tsumba zwa u tambudzwa ha vhana.
Mawanwa o sumba uri vhana vha a tambudzwa lwa muhumbulo, u tambudzwa ha vhuvha na u tambudzwa nga u sa londwa kha bugu dzo topolwaho. Ṱhoḓisiso iyi yo wana uri vhana vha tambudzwaho lwa muhumbulo, nga u sa londwa na u tambudzwa lwa vhuvha vha lingedza nga nḓila dzoṱhe u shavha hayani, vha a ṱoḓa na u ḓivhulaha, vha dzula vho bilufhala na mashumele avho zwikoloni a a tsela fhasi ane a sa vhe maitele avhuḓi. Mawanwa o dovha hafhu a sumba uri vhatambudzi vha ṱuṱuwedzwa zwihulu nga matiitii, u sa ḓithonifha, u sa dzhiela nṱha pfunzo dza vhana na u nambatela kha mvelele
U ḓimbadekanya na vhana nga vhabebi, u ḓivhadza vhashumelavhapo na tshipholisa nga ha nyeṱe iyi zwi nga khwiṋifhadza mashumele a vhana zwikoloni na u fhungudza u shavha mahayani na u ṱoḓa u ḓivhulaha ha vhana vhane vha khou tambudzwa nga nḓila dzo fhambanaho.
Ngudo iyi yo shumisa maṅwalwa o tou topolwaho u kuvhanganya mafhungo nga ha u tambudzwa ha vhana. Mawanwa o saukanyiwa hu tshi tevhelwa thero dzi fanaho kha maṅwalwa oṱhe. Zwinzhi zwi kha ḓi tea u itwa u itela u thivhela nyeṱe iyi.Themendelo dza mawanwa dzo itwa u itela u thivhela khombo.
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Non-state crime prevention methods : Preventing youth crimeForss Norstedt, Hampus, Malmqvist, Jasmine Effie January 2021 (has links)
The purpose for this qualitative study is to examine the crime prevention strategies against youth crime within non-state actors' work. As well as obtaining views of successes and challenges of this work in practice. Youth crime is a major area of interest within criminology, and in recent years much interest has been directed at problems that arise in the so-called vulnerable areas of Sweden, where young people are at risk of being drawn into crime. Information has been gathered through semi-structured interviews with nine people representing seven different organizations / associations. The actors work with young people in one way or another through sports activities, mentor programs or independent youth centers; and most actors are active in vulnerable areas. The results show that it seems important to have committed adults in order to engage and gain trust from the young people. Further strategies for activating the young people in prosocial activities is revealed, as well as to spread good attitudes among the youths. The findings are put within the framework of criminological theories in order to discuss / <p>2021-01-13</p>
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"Jag sålde för att hjälpa till med hyran": En kvalitativ analys av bakomliggande faktorer samt insatser till ungdomskriminalitet / "I sold to help with the rent": A qualitative analysis of underlying factors and efforts to youth criminalityChowdhury, Mari, Muse, Sahra January 2022 (has links)
This study has several objectives: (1) To explore the underlying factors behind male youth criminality; (2) what intervention measures and preventive work organizations and authorities use, and finally, (3) how well these measures are linked to evidence. The study has used a qualitative approach and semi-structured interviews have been conducted. The sample consists of individuals who have worked for at least one year with youth criminality. The results showed several different underlying factors that lead to criminality, the most prevalent factors that were addressed were association, family, socio-economic status (SES), money and status. The most recurring intervention measures that were raised were conversations in various forms such as discussion groups; coaching; MI; contact persons; but also forms of education such as lectures were brought up as a type of intervention. The main takeaway point of the study is that the interventions currently used are linked to established evidence, but also that the interviewed respondents agreed that socio-economic status plays a major factor in youth criminality. What we have also reached the conclusion is that it is not only the social or individual aspects that influence whether individuals initiate a criminal career, but that the these interact with each other. / Syftet med detta arbete är att: (1) undersöka bakomliggande faktorer till varför unga män blir brottsbenägna, (2) vilka interventionsinsatser och förebyggande arbete som organisationer och myndigheter använder och (3) hur väl länkade de är till evidens. Studien har använt sig utav en kvalitativ ansats och det har genomförts semistrukturerade intervjuer. Urvalet består av individer som arbetat i minst ett år med frågan om ungdomskriminalitet. Resultatet pekar på flera olika bakomliggande faktorer som leder till brottsbenägenhet, de mest återkommande faktorerna som tog upp var umgänge, familj, socioekonomisk ställning (SES), pengar och status. De mest återkommande interventionsinsatserna som togs upp var samtal i olika former såsom samtalsgrupper, coachning, MI, kontaktperson men även utbildningsformer såsom föreläsningar togs upp som en typ av insats. Slutsatsen av hela arbetet är framförallt att de interventionsinsatser som används är länkade till etablerad evidens, men även att de respondenter som intervjuas instämmer i att den socioekonomiska statusen spelar en stor faktor till ungdomskriminaliteten. Det vi även har kommit fram till är att det inte enbart är de sociala eller individuella aspekterna som påverkar individen till att begå brott, utan dessa aspekter samspelar med varandra.
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Crime among the youth at Mentz Village, Limpopo ProvinceSelowa, Mamolele Maria January 2021 (has links)
Thesis (M. A. (Criminology and Criminal Justice)) -- University of Limpopo, 2021 / The rise of crime committed by young offenders in South Africa has become a major concern (Pelser 2008:1). The Mentz community – a small township situated in GaMamabolo - likewise experiences high levels of crime and violence, much of which is committed by young, unemployed offenders. Although the findings in this research are not necessarily applicable to other places in South Africa, it is the researcher’s opinion that the situation in Mentz Village is representative of many other places in this country, especially in rural areas. This study investigated crime among the youth in Mentz Village and focused on factors that contribute to crime among the youth. Qualitative methodology had been employed in this study and case studies, together with semi-structured interviews, were used to obtain information.
Keywords: Youth crime, Mentz Village, unemployment, fatherlessness, quiting school, alcohol and drug abuse, police corruption, peer influence, Self confessed criminals.
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"Samverkan som gör att barn och unga kan växa upp och känna sig trygga" : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om samverkansforumet SSPF i Malmö / "Cooperation that allows children and youths to grow up and feel safe" : A qualitative interview study about the cooperation forum SSPF in MalmöKronberg, Tilde, Gren, Maja January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur skola, socialtjänst, polis och fritidsverksamhet i Malmö arbetar förebyggande mot ungdomsbrottslighet och narkotikabruk bland unga inom samverkansforumet SSPF. Vidare ämnade studien att undersöka vilka för- och nackdelar aktörerna upplevde med samverkan. Studien utgick från en kvalitativ metod som baserats på semistrukturerade intervjuer med yrkesverksamma inom samverkansforumet i Malmö. Materialet analyserades genom en tematisk analys. Resultatet jämfördes med en tidigare genomförd utvärdering av SSPF i Göteborg och Mölndal och analyserades utifrån tidigare forskning inom ämnesområdet samverkan. Resultatet visade att SSPF tillämpas för att arbeta brotts- och narkotikaförebyggande mot ungdomar i riskzon på både grupp- och områdesnivå i Malmö. Utifrån intervjuerna framkom resursbrist och bristande engagemang från aktörer som begränsande faktorer för samverkansarbetet. Vidare ansågs samverkan leda till en stor intern nytta i form av förbättrad kommunikation mellan aktörerna och ett vidgat kontaktnät. Intervjudeltagarna upplevde även att samverkan möjliggör ett effektiviserat brotts- och narkotikaförebyggande arbete då samtliga aktörers kunskap och erfarenheter inom området kan utnyttjas till fullo. Studiens resultat visar på likheter mellan Malmö, Göteborg och Mölndal, såsom uppfattningen av syftet med SSPF, resursbrister som hindrar samverkan, och en splittrad syn på nivån av den externa nyttan. Den stora skillnaden mellan kommunerna är det grundläggande arbetssättet där Malmö arbetar på grupp- och områdesnivå medan Göteborg och Mölndal arbetar på individnivå. / The aim of this study was to examine how schools, social services, police and leisure sector in Malmö work preventively against youth criminality and drug use within the cooperation forum SSPF. Furthermore, the study aimed to investigate which advantages and disadvantages the actors experienced with the cooperation. The study was based on a qualitative method based on semi-structured interviews with professionals within the cooperation forum in Malmö. The material was analyzed through a thematic analysis. The result was compared with a previously carried out evaluation of SSPF in Gothenburg and Mölndal and was analysed based on previous research in the subject area of cooperation. The result showed that SSPF is applied to work preventatively against crime and drug use among youths at risk at both group and area level in Malmö. Based on the interviews, a lack of resources and a lack of commitment from actors emerged as limiting factors for collaborative work. Furthermore, the collaboration was considered to lead to a great internal benefit in the form of improved communication between the actors and an expanded network of contacts. The interview participants also felt that cooperation enables more efficient crime and drug prevention work, as the knowledge and experience of all actors in the field can be used to the full. The study's results show similarities between Malmö, Gothenburg and Mölndal, such as the perception of the purpose of the SSPF, resource shortages that hinder collaboration, and a divided view of the level of the external benefit. The big difference between the municipalities is the basic way of working, where Malmö works at the group and area level, while Gothenburg and Mölndal work at the individual level.
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"Vi har blivit omkörda på vägen" : En kvalitativ studie om hur socialtjänsten ser på samverkan med polisen vid ungdomsbrottsslighet / "We have been passed by on the way" : A qualitative study on how social services view collaboration with the police in cases of juvenile delinquencyKojcic, Jelena, Vargstam Majkvist, Alva January 2024 (has links)
In today's society, there is an increasing need and demand for authorities to collaborate to achieve improved outcomes around social problems. The purpose of the study is to investigate how the social services view collaboration with the police in the case of juvenile delinquency, in a municipality located in southwestern Sweden. The approach of the study is qualitative method in the form of semi-structured interviews. After all interviews had been conducted, all material was transcribed and a thematic analysis was conducted to find codes and themes in order to analyze the content. The philosophical basis of the study is the hermeneutic approach. The respondents' answers have been interpreted with the help of previous studies, the stamping theory and collaboration theories. The results show success factors and obstacles in collaboration such as catching up in time and confidentiality. The conclusion of the study is that all respondents have a positive view of collaboration, despite obstacles. Furthermore, it is also concluded that crime prevention is an effect of collaboration despite the fact that social services do not apply direct crime prevention strategies in their work. The most important conclusion is that society has failed to catch the young people with norm- breaking behavior even earlier.
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Idrott som brottsförebyggande åtgärd? : En kvantitativ analys om hur deltagande i idrottsaktiviteter kan påverka ungdomskriminaliteten i Sveriges kommuner / Sport as a crime prevention measure? : A quantitative analysis of how participation in sports activities can affect youth crime in Sweden’s municipalities.Petrén, Melissa, Larsson, Julia January 2024 (has links)
Denna studies syfte var att undersöka vilken effekt idrottsaktivitet har på brottsnivån i Sveriges kommuner. Fokuset var att studera om sport kan användas som brottsförebyggande åtgärd mot ungdomsbrottslighet på kommunnivå i Sverige. Kvantitativa metoder genomfördes främst genom linjära regressionsanalyser för att undersöka effekterna mellan beroende- och oberoende variabler kontrollerat för andra faktorer. Datan vi använt oss av i denna studie kommer från olika statliga myndigheter och organisationer. Resultatet visar att idrottsaktivitet har negativa effekter på anmälda brott, det vill säga när idrottsaktiviteten ökar så minskar brottsligheten. Vår studie visar också att idrottsaktivitetet har negativa effekter på flera enskilda brottstyper som studerats. Studien har öppnat upp för ett nytt perspektiv kring idrottsaktivitet och dess brottsförebyggande effekter, och en förhoppning med denna studie är att skapa ett välgrundat underlag för vidare forskning. / The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of sport activity on the crime rate in Swedish municipalities. The focus was to study whether sports can be used as a crime prevention measure against youth crime at the municipal level in Sweden. Quantitative methods were used, mainly linear regressions to investigate the effects between dependentand independent variables controlled for other factors. The data we have used in this study comes from different government agencies and organizations. The result shows that sport activity has negative effects on reported offenses, when the sport activity increases, the crimes decrease. Our study also shows that sport activity has negative effects on many individual crimes that have been studied. The study has opened for a new perspective on sport activity and their crime prevention effects, and an expectation we have on this study is to create a well-founded basis for further research.
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"Att inte göra något är kärlekslöst" : Om polisens preventiva arbete med ungdomskriminalitet / “Doing nothing is not an act of love” : About the police´s preventive work with juvenile delinquencySternlo, Stephaie, Öst, Anya January 2018 (has links)
The current study focuses on how the police work to efficiently and effectively prevent juvenile delinquency and how they experience their work with criminal youth. As well as how the police experiences the work effectiveness. The study has been carried out using four semistructured interviews with law enforcers in Sweden working with different tasks. The results showed that some things could be done differently in the practical work against juvenile delinquency, however cooperation between different authorities; the police, social workers and schools, is of great importance. An effort should be made by the police to build relationships between them and the youths in order to prevent forming a negative image of the police. To put in early prevention strategies can have both positive and negatives on the youths. / Den aktuella studien syftar till att ta reda på hur polisen arbetar proaktivt mot ungdomskriminalitet och hur de upplever sitt arbete med kriminella ungdomar. Studien har utförts med hjälp av fyra stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer med poliser som arbetar med olika arbetsuppgifter. Resultatet visade att det kan skilja sig något i det praktiska arbetet mot ungdomskriminalitet, men samverkan mellan olika verksamheter är av stor vikt. Det krävs en ansträngning från polisens sida att bygga relationer med ungdomarna för att motverka att en negativ bild av polisen skapas. Tidiga insatser kan få både negativa och positiva effekter.
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