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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Bronze Economy and the Making of the Southern Borderlands under the Zhou Dynasty (1045-256 BCE)

Wu, Dongming January 2022 (has links)
This dissertation examines the vital role of bronze in the political, economic, and cultural interactions in the southern borderlands during the period of the Zhou dynasty (1045-256 BCE) in present-day Hubei province, China. It shows how the bronze economy – the production, exchange, and consumption of bronze goods – transformed the borderlands landscape. It adopts a bottom-up perspective and argues that instead of controlling the redistribution of metal, the Zhou state competed and negotiated with the local powers on the acquisition of metal resources. The regional states and indigenous polities were not passively acculturated to the Zhou center but developed local bronze culture and casting technology. Through the economic perspective, this dissertation examines social interaction not in the traditional binary of center and periphery or the royal domain and regional states but in politico-economic zones transcending political boundaries. Based on textual, archeological, and paleographical evidence, it discusses how the indigenous people in the southeastern Hubei mining region joined a transregional economic network. It also traces metal exchange, bronze production, and technology innovation in the Sui-Zao Corridor, the crossroads connecting north and south throughout the Zhou dynasty. This dissertation uses archaeometallurgical method to examine the circulation of bronze-smelting knowledge between Sujialong and other mining societies. Statistical analysis of the Sifangtang cemetery makes it possible to reconstruct the changing societal organization at the Tonglüshan mines under different political powers. This dissertation argues that the bronze economy led to unique ways of social interaction and created transregional social networks, and thus shaped the southern borderlands of the Zhou dynasty.


何燕萍, HE, YAN-PING Unknown Date (has links)
我國的村里制度源遠流長,溯至周朝已具雛型。在昔時,由於幅員廣大,交通不便, 中央對地方每有鞭長莫及之感,故對地方事務,也多授權由地方自行處理,使得此種 最基層的地方組織,兼有「行政」與「自治」之雙重性質。數千年來,它對促對地方 發展,鞏固國家統治,多少發揮了實質的作用,但隨著環境變遷,現行村里組織已面 臨調適之問題,本文針對村里組織與功能,逐章作進一步的分析研究。全文共分八章 ,十五萬字各章之要點如下: 第一章緒論-說明本文之研究動機、方法與範圍,並闡釋村里之地位與要素,最後從 「輸入-輸出」模式來探討村里之組織、功能及其與環境之關係。 第二章:本省村里制度之沿革-由清代之保甲制係以警衛、收稅、戶籍為主,到日據 時期之保甲制則為殖民統治之手段。直至光復後之村里制度才具有自治與行政之功能 。 第三章:快速變遷的村里環境-敘述卅年來本省邁入工商業時代,生活水準提高,教 育普及,資訊發達,地方政治人物迭起,鄰里關係漸趨冷漠,在這變動之經濟、社會 、政治、鄰里關係之環境中,指出村里組織所面臨之問題及調適之道。 第四章:村里長與村里業務-分析村里長之產生仍以民選為宜,但應確定其法定地位 並提高社會地位,而辦公處所除山區、離島、僻遠地區外,以設置聯合村里辦公處較 佳,至於村里經費之壽募,仍以動員寺廟、工廠、村里民為主要途徑,政府則站在對 等輔助之輔導地位。 第五章:村里各種組織-村里內的任務編組下不廿個,多是各單位人員隨意設立,以 致於疊床架屋,功能不彰,故宜加強鄰長會議,由鄰長再動員村里民參與。至於社會 範圍則宜擴大規劃,以獲取更多資,源並擺脫與村里相似之觀感。 第六章:村里民大會-政府進儘量減少介入,由村里民自行決定開會時間、地點、方 式、其功能不再以政治社會化與政治溝通為主,而係以政治參與,並聯絡村里民感情 ,改善鄰里關係為最重要。 第七章:村里之服務機能-以村里幹事與社工員為主,村里幹事之配置標準酌予提高 ,可聯合數村里設一幹事,使其具「輔導員」性質,社工員則可在聯合數鄉鎮市成立 之社會服務中心工作。兩者應充分溝通協調,並應深入地方以動員村里民參與為其工 作要領。 第八章:結論-對村里組織之現狀檢討及未來展望,加以分析,並就各個論題提出改 進之建議。

A Study On China&#039 / s Only Female Emperor Wu Ze Tian

Tezel, Aybike Seyma 01 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis aims at clarifying the very basic characteristics of Wu Ze Tian&rsquo / s reign and her utilization of religious and symbolic propaganda for legitimizing her authority. Wu Ze Tian is the only female emperor of China&rsquo / s long dynastic history who founded her own dynasty, Zhou dynasty after overthrowing the Tang dynasty in 690. The political ideal presented by Confucianism, which is the traditional state doctrine of the imperial China, refuses female participation to political arena and identifies the emperor as the Son of Heaven. In order to overcome the Confucian obstacle, Wu Ze Tian referred to the symbols and rituals of the antiquity, highly appraised by the Confucians, which enabled her participation to the political sphere. Moreover, for legitimizing herself as a female ruler, she utilized the Buddhist scholarship and concepts as tools of political propaganda. It was also a matter of fact that due to the northwestern nomadic influence on the society, female rulership was not conceived to be impossible in the Tang dynasty, as it was in the previous dynasties. Benefitting from this sociopolitical atmosphere, Wu Ze Tian occupied the throne first as the empress and later as the empress dowager for almost 35 years and at last ruled over the whole Chinese soil as the female emperor of the Zhou dynasty for 15 years. Wu Ze Tian proved herself as a capable ruler under whose dominion the whole country reached its broadest borders and the economy flourished considerably. Not only owing to the power of her political propaganda but also mostly because of her talent in rulership and her social and political reforms, Wu Ze Tian is one the most important Chinese rulers who left a remarkable influence on the governmental tradition of China.

The Rise of Territorial States in Early China: Institutional Organization and Economic Integration in the State of Qi, ca. 1040–221 BCE

Kim, Christopher F. January 2024 (has links)
This study examines the centralization and territorialization of state power in early China by analyzing the long-term developments in the sociopolitical structures, spatial organization, and political economy of the Qi 齊 state in present-day Shandong Province. It argues that the rise of the centralized and autocratic territorial states of Warring States China (453–221 BCE) was underpinned by the emergence of a particular matrix of sociopolitical and economic institutions that were, in a departure from the lineage- and kin-based power structures prevalent in the early first millennium BCE, predicated on certain principles of territoriality including direct infrastructural and administrative control over lands, populations, and resources. To demonstrate this shift, this study synthesizes a wide range of paleographic, archaeological, received textual, and numismatic evidence to offer a fundamental reassessment of the spatial and institutional dynamics of state power in Qi over the course of the first millennium BCE. Chapter 1 broadly examines the longue durée changes in the organization of the power structures and state institutions most prevalent across the Zhou world. It focuses especially on two main institutions: (1) the Zhou lineage system upon which the sociopolitical order of the Zhou ecumene was based until it lapsed into obsolescence toward the final few centuries of the Zhou period, and (2) the land tenure systems based upon the Zhou lineage order that correspondingly transitioned from one in which state lands were partitioned on the basis of aristocratic lineage settlements to one in which they were centrally reorganized into standardized and multi-tiered territorial-administrative units. Chapter 2 interrogates bronze inscriptions, archaeological data, and received texts to establish the geographic parameters of Qi territorial expansion from the initial Qi core region in present-day Zibo first across northern Shandong and then eventually into adjacent regions in eastern and southern Shandong. It identifies a notable shift in the strategies employed to incorporate Qi’s newly conquered territories around the sixth century BCE whereby instead of appropriating existing local kin-based power networks, Qi rulers began to implement more centralized and direct administrative control. Moreover, this chapter charts the long-term political, administrative, and spatial construction of Qi’s southern frontier in the late Spring and Autumn and early Warring States periods, the figurative and literal capstone of which was the construction of the Long Wall of Qi in the late fifth century BCE. Chapters 3 and 4 further scrutinize the territorial and administrative centralization of Qi by analyzing the internal institutional developments that occurred in Qi in parallel to its external wars of conquest. Chapter 3 investigates how the destructive internecine conflicts between Qi’s elite lineages fundamentally reshaped traditional lineage-based power networks in the state and enabled the consolidation of autocratic rulership, which the Chen lineage ultimately usurped from the old ruling house of Qi in the Warring States period. Chapter 4 examines concomitant developments in the structure of Qi officialdom, military organization, and territorial administration especially of the metropolitan region centered on the Qi capital city of Linzi by analyzing bronze and pottery inscriptions and the archaeological evidence for Linzi. Finally, chapter 5 investigates the relationship between the economic integration of northern Shandong and the centralization of state power in Qi by analyzing the evidence for salt production on the Laizhou Bay coast and the circulation of Qi knife coins to reconstruct the political economic networks of the region. This analysis suggests that state-led production and distribution of key economic resources facilitated the territorial and administrative integration of the Qi state in the Warring States period, thereby shaping Qi into a cohesive political space.


江美華, Jiang, Mei-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要在探討商周二代之宗廟祭禮。祭禮在五禮中屬吉禮,又分內祭、外祭兩種 ,外祭祀天地日月星辰與四望山川;內祭即宗廟祀祖之祭,是教親敬養之延長。歷年 來禮家討論宗廟祭禮,每自三代言之,殷周之制尤為紛淆錯雜,常將後儒思想包含於 其中,不盡合於真實,因此於甲骨文、金文為題,以殷商可信之史料為主,參諸經籍 ,討論殷周宗廟祭禮。全文約八萬字,分五章,章名如左: 第一章緒論,第二章用甲骨文中之宗廟祭禮,第三章金文中之宗廟祭禮,第四章宗廟 祭禮之意義,第五章結論。

東周楚系文化圈考察 / The culture circle of Chu: observations on Eastern Zhou dynasty relics unearthed in yangtze river valley

陳珈貝, Chen, Chia Pei Unknown Date (has links)
本文將討論重心從傳統認知的楚文化圈,轉化為楚系文化圈,以「楚系」文化作為理解江漢流域東周文化的關鍵,而非討論楚人所進行的單面向征服。希望能透過此一研究角度的轉換,關照地域文化內部的多元族群,得以分梳政治權力與文化勢力的影響。   楚國郢都為楚系文化長期發展的重心,而郢都核心區的範圍,大體可對應為楚國的「王畿」,是以楚王居所與中央官署為中心所形成的區塊。楚國郢都行政體系已有一定規模,然而由地方勢力與封君控制的封邑,以及州的存在,阻礙中央對地方資源的徵調,致使楚王的支配權無法貫徹。   除了界定楚系文化核心的空間,本文也循楚人追溯先世之記憶,以楚人早期發展的沮漳之地,探索郢都文化的成形。沮漳河沿岸所見的大型城邑與春秋楚貴族墓群,呈現楚文化早期嘗試創新,卻受限於既有禮制之過程。戰國時期,郢都成為楚系文化繼起之重心,本文整合郢都核心區的貴族(士以上)墓葬資料,並參考楚地所出可資對照的實物,探討高等級墓葬所共享的文化特質。   本文前半部份的討論主軸在於楚國政體規畫,釐清楚國權力核心的範圍。然而,楚系文化圈之成立,政治勢力的拓展雖為其主要環節,最終仍著眼於文化圈內的住民能擁有同時性(simultaneity)的文化認知。先秦時期的政治控制與文化接受的關係複雜,兩者發展的進程是否同軌,仍需進一步考察。本文著眼於考古成果,分別探討楚人與楚系文化自郢都循長江的東、西向發展。對於西境的探討,首先整合渝東地區的出土資料,探討巴、楚文化彼此之間的採借與融合形式,以及整體峽區的物質流通。其後,再將討論焦點放於湘西與西陵峽地區,觀察楚人經營「西境」的模式。至於楚人的東向擴張,則有一段從漢東到東國的歷程,本部分討論著重探討江淮地帶的「吳頭楚尾」之地,將從楚人最初的東拓目標──漢水以東地區進行討論,再順長江而下,繼續討論楚國勢力東進至江淮間的過程,以及楚系文化於東國結構之下的發展。   戰國末期,楚作為政治實體已趨消亡,但是楚系文化圈生機未斷。楚人「東國」及其延伸的「南楚」領域,仍展現了一定的文化創制動力。此一由湘江、資水流域,經過江漢交會處的武漢,再到長江下游,循長江走向的區塊,在楚國政權亡覆前,憑藉楚系文化而有所整合。直至西漢初年,地方社群的文化表現猶能見其痕跡。當楚系文化不再依憑政治擴張的推動力量,其文化風格之延續,可作為解析早期中國地域文化發展的進一步課題。

Obraz historie domu Zhou v Knize písní - mezi dějepisectvím, rituálem a literaturou / The Image of History of the House of Zhou in the Shijing - between Historiography, Ritual, and Literature

Škrabal, Ondřej January 2011 (has links)
Since the most ancient of the Shijing songs were accompanying the rites of the ancestral sacrifice, which already by definition represented communication with the past, the notion of history is present in these hymns as well. In the latter half of the Western Zhou period, significant changes occurred in the ritual practice. These changes are evident in the shift of perspective in several Zhou song hymns, too. At the same time, the banquet odes appear for the first time on Zhou court. These odes already explicitly describe the glorious history of the house of Zhou, and so become the means of legitimacy of the weakening royal clan. History here also represents the pattern of the exemplary rule and the source of premonitory precedents. By the end of the Western Zhou dynasty, the notion of remote past becomes fully idealized.

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