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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Psychologické aspekty finančních dluhů a předlužení / Psychological Aspects of Financial Debts and Indebtedness

Růžička, Vojtěch January 2019 (has links)
We live in a world in which it became the norm that people but also countries owe more than their annual earnings. We have a wide range of available capital within our reach, but also great risks of unrepayable debts. Simultaneously, only little attention is paid to the impact of debts on the psyche of the debtors. The presented thesis explains some of these aspects. The first chapter of the thesis deals with a brief history of debt, its role in the society, and basic terminology. The second chapter addresses the creditor and his relation to the debtor. In the third chapter, we focus on the debtors and their mental characteristics and risk factors for indebtedness. In the last chapter of the theoretical part, we attend the incurrence of debt and psychological context that hinder its redemption. The research part of the thesis draws comparison between time perspective pursuant to the P. Zimbardo theory and indebtedness of the individuals through a questionnaire survey. The results of the research have shown just a particular coherence among time perspective for the individual types of the debt examined, yet the results have shown significant differences among the debtors who are unable to redeem their obligations in time. Furthermore, this chapter represents the seed of the development of a separate...

Time perspectives during Covid-19

Edin, Alexander January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka sambandet mellan individers olika tidsperspektiv (TP) med deras rörelse i samhället och mängd av fysiska kontakter i relation till de nationella rekommendationerna om fysisk distansering under COVID-19-pandemin. En studie (n = 52) utfördes med syftet av att samla grundläggande information om deltagarna tillsammans med ett mått av deras respektive TP utifrån den korta versionen av Swedish Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (S-ZTPI). Efter rekrytering skickades dagliga enkäter till varje deltagare under en vecka för att samla data om deras dagliga aktiviteter innehållandes bl.a. rörelser och sociala interaktioner. En kvantitativ mätning analyserades utifrån deltagarnas antal besök på diverse ställen i samhället samt mängden av fysiska kontakter under en veckas deltagande. Hypotesen var att deltagares poäng på FP-dimensionen från S-ZTPI skulle visa ett negativt samband mellan antalet besökta platser och mängden av fysiska kontakter. Deltagares poäng på PH-dimensionen förväntades i stället att visa ett positivt samband mellan antalet besökta platser och mängden av fysiska kontakter. Resultaten visade inget signifikant samband mellan varken TP (PH och FP) och aktivitet eller TP och mängd fysiska kontakter under en veckas tids medverkande i studien. / The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between individuals different time perspectives (TP), movement in their community and amount of psychical contacts in relation to the national recommendations about physical distancing during the COVID-19-pandemic. A study (n = 52) was conducted with the purpose of collecting basic information about the participants along with a measure of their respective TP using the short version of the Swedish Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (S-ZTPI). After recruitment, daily questionnaires were sent to each participant during a week to collect data about their daily activities involving e.g. movement and social interactions. A quantitative measure was analyzed using participants number of places visited in their community along with the amount of physical contacts during a week’s participation. The hypothesis of this thesis was that participants score on the FP-dimension from the S-ZTPI would be negatively related to the number of places visited and the amount of physical contacts. In contrast, participants PH-score was expected to be positively related with number of places visited and the amount of physical contacts. The results showed no significant relation between neither TP (PH and FP) and activity or TP and physical contacts during a week’s participation in the study.

Time on My Mind and My Moral Judgment : Effects of Time Perspective and Temporal Distance on Moral Judgment / Tid i mina tankar och mitt moraliska omdöme : hur tidsperspektiv och tidmässigt avstånd påverkar moraliska bedömning

Nordhall, Ola January 2011 (has links)
The present study examined the effect of Time Perspective (TP), i.e. cognitive arrangement of the human experiences into temporal dimensions, and Temporal Distance (TD), i.e. the perceived proximity of an event in time, on moral judgment. The study included 132 participants that completed the Swedish version of Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (S-ZTPI) and made moral judgments of transgression of ethical rules depicted in the near vs. distant future. A main effect of TP was revealed meaning that transgression of ethical rules, as predicted, was judged more immoral by Past-Positive and Future orientation compared to Present-Hedonistic and Past-Negative orientation. No main effect of TD was revealed. The interaction of TP x TD was significant and in the predicted direction, but only Present-Hedonistic orientation was significantly affected by TD: distant compared to near future scenarios were judged less immoral by this TP. Importance, limitations and elaborations of the present study were discussed. / I föreliggande studie undersöktes hur Tidsperspektiv (TP), d.v.s. kognitivt inordnande av mänskliga erfarenher i tidsmässiga dimensioner, och Tidmässigt Avstånd (TA), d.v.s. upplevd närhet av händelser i tid, påverkar moralisk bedömning. Studien omfattade 132 deltagare, vilka fyllde i den svenska versionen av Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (S-ZTPI) och gjorde moraliska bedömningar av överträdelser av etiska regler framställda i en nära vs. avlägsen framtid. En huvudeffekt av TP framkom, vilken innebar att överträdelse av etiska regler bedömdes som mer omoraliskt utifrån Positiv-Dåtidsorientering och Framtidsorientering jämfört med Hedonistisk-Nutidsorientering och Negativ-Dåtidsorientering. Ingen huvudeffekt av TA framkom. Interaktionen mellan TP och TA var signifikant och i linje med prediktionerna även om endast Hedonistisk-Nutidsorientering påverkades signifikant av TA: tidsmässigt avlägsna vs. närliggande scenarion bedömdes som mindre omoraliska utifrån detta TP. Vikten av studien samt begränsningar och tänkbara uppföljningar av studien diskuteras också.

Efterlevnad av covid-19 restriktioner hos studenter i relation till tidsperspektiv

Stridh, David, Häggqvist, Jonathan January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna artikel var att undersöka sambandet mellan efterlevnad av covid-19 restriktioner och tidsperspektiv hos universitetsstudenter. För att undersöka sambandet användes Swedish Zimbardo time perspective inventory (S-ZTPI), utvecklad av Carelli et al(2011) och ett frågeformulär som vi utformat för att gradera efterlevnad av covid-19 restriktioner och rekommendationer (α >.9). Frågeformuläret bestod av 28 frågor där deltagare svarade på en femstegs likertskala. Varje fråga hörde till en av sex kategorier: fysisk distansering, social distansering, vårdbelastning, munskydd, handhygien och personligt ansvar. 92 (54 kvinnor, 38 män) universitetsstudenter från svenska universitet i åldrarna 18-30 besvarade enkätfrågorna. Pearssons korrelationstest visade signifikanta positiva samband mellan framtid positiv (FP), framtid negativ (FN), kvinnligt kön och grad avefterlevnad restriktionerna. Vid en stepwise regressionsanalys kvarstod det signifikanta sambandet mellan FP och totalpoäng för restriktionerna. Framtid positiv verkar vara den starkaste prediktorn för att svenska universitetsstudenter ska följa covid-19 restriktioner och rekommendationer. Därav bör en kommunicera restriktionerna på ett sådant sätt som visar på en positiv framtid vid efterlevnad av restriktioner och rekommendationer. / The aim of this study was to investigate the association between compliance with covid-19 restrictions and the time perspective of university students. Time perspective was established using the Swedish Zimbardo time perspective inventory (S-ZTPI), developed by Carelli et al(2011). In order to gauge participants compliance to restrictions, a set of 28 questions were developed in which participants answer on a five point Likert-scale (α >.9). Every question belonged to one of six categories: physical distancing, social distancing, healthcare load, face masks, hand hygiene and personal responsibility. This survey was answered by a total of 92 (54 women, 38 men) Swedish university students. A Pearson's test showed significant positive correlation between the time perspective future positive (FP) and likeliness to follow covid-19 restrictions. There were two other factors that were also significant in likeliness to follow covid-19 restrictions to a lesser degree. The first of these two factors were the time perspective future negative (FN). The second factor being gender, women were shown to follow covid-19 restrictions significantly better than men. After a stepwise regressionanalysis, future positive remained as a strong predictor of likeliness to follow covid-19 restrictions. Future oriented time perspectives are a strong predictor for likeliness to follow covid-19 restrictions. Future communication of restrictions should focus on a positive future if people comply with the restrictions and recommendations.

Effekter av ett internetbaserat tvåveckors mindfulnessprogram på stress och tidsattityd

Murmester, Marie, Viberg, Ida January 2018 (has links)
Vårdpersonal har kategoriserats som en yrkesgrupp med höga stressnivåer och ungefär 70 % av tillfrågade sjuksköterskor har beskrivit sitt arbete som psykiskt påfrestande. Sjuksköterskestudenter upplever liknande problematik. Tidigare studier har visat att mindfulnessbaserade interventioner (MBI) kan reducera stress, öka mindfulnessförmågor samt främja mer positiva tidsattityder. Befintlig forskning har dock inte undersökt sambanden mellan dessa variabler tillsammans. Syftet i denna studie var att undersöka sambanden mellan tidsattityd, mindfulnessförmåga och grad av stress. Ytterligare syften var att granska effekten av mindfulnessträning på dessa variabler hos sjuksköterskestudenter samt att undersöka om tidsattityd och mindfulness kan predicera stress. Studien var en randomiserad kontrollerad studie med pre-post-kontrollgruppsdesign. Urvalet bestod av 75 sjuksköterskestudenter som genom randomisering delades in i kontrollgrupp (n=37) och experimentgrupp (n=38). Experimentgruppen genomförde ett tvåveckors webbaserat mindfulnessprogram medan kontrollgruppen stod på väntelista. Mätningar genomfördes innan och efter interventionen med formulären Perceived Stress Questionnaire (PSQ), Adolescent Time Inventory (ATI) samtMindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS). Resultaten visade på signifikanta interaktioner där experimentgruppen ökade sin mindfulnessförmåga, minskade i grad av stress och fick en mer positiv syn på sin framtid medan det omvända gällde för kontrollgruppen. Mindfulnessförmåga och negativ attityd till nuet predicerade stress. Resultatet stödjer att MBI kan vara en relevant intervention för stressreducering i denna urvalsgrupp.

Charakteristické odlišnosti ve vyrovnávání se s rozchodem u lidí s rozdílnou časovou orientací / Distinction in the break up adjustment in people with different time orientation.

Krejčová, Monika January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with the relationship between one's time perspective and their ability to cope with the termination of the relationship. The time perspective is composed of five temporal orientations - past positive, past negative, present hedonistic, present fatalistic and future - which differ from each other in personality characteristics and their influence on human behavior. Our aim was to explore the differences among them in the choice of coping strategies in dealing with a breakup and verify the hypothesis. The following methods were used in the research: Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI), questions concerning respondent's breakup and Brief COPE, which measured a total of 14 coping strategies on a sample of 237 respondents. The results confirmed the different choices of coping strategies among five time orientations. Although it was not proved that some temporal orientations (past negative) would cope with the breakup more problematically, it seems, however, that these ones mostly use maladaptive coping strategies which can make their breakup adjustment harder. In the conclusion, therefore, are also considered the possibilities of application of our results in psychological counseling practice. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Namibian Student's Time Perspective : Investigating TP Comparing ZTPI Scores and Conducting Focus Groups

Ekselius, Karl Jonas January 2011 (has links)
This study examines cultural differences in time perspective (TP). Two groups of psychology students were compared using the Swedish Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (S-ZTPI). One group was Swedish (n=125) and the other was Namibian (n=105). Students from Namibia also participated in focus groups discussing aspects affecting their TP. Results show Swedish students are more past positive, less past negative, less present hedonistic, less present fatalistic and less future negative compared to Namibian students. Focus groups findings reveal that economic aspects are important to the Namibian students view of the past and the future. They believe it is not possible to have a positive past or future if basic needs, like food and shelter, are not met. Other important aspects include family and freedom. The students also discuss the importance of finding a balance between appreciating the present and investing in the future.

Moudrost a časová perspektiva / Wisdom and Time Perspective

Topková, Petra January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on relationship between time perspective and wisdom. The aim of this paper was firstly to transfer Three-Dimensional Wisdom Scale (3D-WS) into Czech environment and test its psychometric properties, and secondly to explore relationships between wisdom conceptualized using above mentioned scale and time perspective. The sample encompassed 196 respondents. In order to measure time perspective Swedish version of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (S-ZTPI) and the Transcendental-Future Time Perspective scale were used; in order to explore wisdom Czech version of the Three- Dimensional Wisdom Scale was applied. Both newly translated questionnaires showed good psychometric properties in Czech sample. Balanced time perspective was calculated via two different methods and was related to education and health state. Only a very few respondents achieved optimal scores for BTP as well as for wisdom. Czech respondents scored the highest in reflective wisdom dimension and the lowest in the affective wisdom dimension. Women scored higher than men in affective subscale. Wisdom subscales and total wisdom had complex relations with different time perspectives. BTP was posivitely correlated with wisdom. Women scored higher than men in TFTP. This time perspective correlated with...

Co tvoří rozumného hráče: seberegulace, časová perspektiva a zvyky v online hraní / What makes a reasonable player: self-regulation, time perspective and habits in online gaming

Lukavská, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
The thesis concerns factors that affect the intensity of MMORPG playing and the gaming addiction symptoms. In the theoretical part, I discuss approaches to the excessive and problematic gaming. I argue for the shift of perspective from gaming addiction disorder toward self-regulation, time perspective, activity theory and habitual regulation. Two inventory-based studies were conducted in order to empirically verify the effect of proposed variables on MMORPG usage. First, the significant role of Time Perspective (TP), measured by Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI), has been confirmed. Second, the habitual regulation had been identified to significantly affect the usage. The habits related to usage were measured by the new psychometrical tool - Cues Sensitivity Scale (CSS). TP and habits influence the usage together - the effect of TP is partially mediated through Cues Sensitivity as well as through the players' deliberate regulation of playing time. All measured variables showed stability in time (measured after three years in subset of respondents). Data was analyzed with statistical methods, mainly with Partial-Least-Squares Path- Modelling (PLS-PM). The part of the data - respondents' strategies of playing time regulation - were analyzed qualitatively.

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