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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tidsperspektiv, mindfulness och stress: : en korrelationsstudie

Koudriavtseva, Antonina January 2017 (has links)
Denna studie undersökte det potentiella sambandet mellan tidsperspektiv, mindfulness och upplevd stress. Kring 60 studenter besvarade en online-enkät som inkluderade den svenska versionen av Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory, Five Facets of Mindfulness Questionnaire och Perceived Stress Scale. Analyserna omfattade bivariata korrelationer, multipel linjär regressionsanalys och path analys. I linje med hypoteserna indikerade resultaten statistiskt signifikanta samband mellan mindfulness, ett mått på Balanserat TidsPerspektiv (BTP) och stress, samt på en indirekt påverkan av mindfulness på stressnivåer genom Future Negative tidsperspektiv, som i sin tur är kopplad med Past Negative och Present Fatalistic. Dessa resultat ger insyn i nya teorier om samband mellan mindfulness, BTP och stress. / This study examined the potential link between time perspective, mindfulness and perceived stress. About 60 students made an online survey involving the Swedish version of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory, the Five Facets of Mindfulness Questionnaire, and the Perceived Stress Scale. The analyses involved simple correlations, multiple linear regression analysis and path analysis. In line with the hypotheses, the results indicated statistically significant correlations between mindfulness, a measure of Balanced Time Perspective (BTP) and perceived stress, as well as an indirect effect of mindfulness on stress levels through Future Negative time perspective, which is linked with Past Negative and Present Fatalistic. These results provide insight into new theories about the relationship between mindfulness, BTP and stress.

Relationen mellan tidsperspektiv och subjektivt välbefinnande hos äldre vuxna : En tvärsnittsstudie

Axelson-Fisk, Martin, Löfvendahl, Olle January 2015 (has links)
Time perspective influences mental health, but few studies have examined the relationship between well-being and time perspective among the elderly. The present study investigates the correlation between time perspective according to S-ZTPI and subjective well-being in older adults. Future-positive, Present-hedonistic and Past-positive were expected to show positive correlations with subjective well-being, and negative correlations with depressive symptoms while Future-negative, Present-fatalistic and Past-negative were expected to show negative correlations with subjective well-being and positive correlations with depressive symptoms. S-ZTPI, CES-D, PSQ-R and two global measures of satisfaction with life were used as measures of the participants time perspective and well-being. The sample consisted of 452 participants age 60-90 years, with 54% women. Hierarchical regression analysis was performed for each dependent variable. The hypotheses were confirmed regarding the past time perspectives and Future-negative. Future-positive exhibited a positive correlation with well-being and satisfaction with life, and a negative correlation with depressive symptoms. The present time perspectives lacked significance in all regression analyses. Results indicate that time perspective is related to subjective well-being and mainly confirm existing studies. / Människans förhållningssätt till tiden påverkar psykiskt mående, men få studier har undersökt hur äldres mående samvarierar med tidsperspektiv. Denna studie undersöker sambandet mellan tidsperspektiv enligt S-ZTPI och välbefinnande bland äldre. Framtid-positiv, Nutid-hedonistisk och Dåtid-positiv förväntades visa positiva samband med subjektivt välbefinnande och negativa samband med depressiva symtom, medan Framtid-negativ, Nutid-fatalistisk samt Dåtid-negativ förväntades visa negativa samband med subjektivt välbefinnande och positiva samband med depressiva symtom. S-ZTPI, CES-D, PSQ-R och två globala skattningar om tillfredsställelse med livet användes som mått på deltagarnas tidsperspektiv och subjektiva välbefinnande. Studien omfattade 452 deltagare i åldern 60-90 år, där 54 % var kvinnor. Hierarkisk regressionsanalys genomfördes för respektive beroende variabel. Hypoteserna bekräftades gällande dåtidsperspektiven och Framtid-Negativ. Framtid-positiv visade positivt samband med välmående och tillfredsställelse med livet, och negativt samband med depressiva symtom. Nutidsperspektiven saknade signifikans i samtliga regressionsanalyser. Resultaten indikerade således att tidsperspektiv är relaterat till subjektivt välbefinnande och går i linje med tidigare forskning.


Wåhlin, Sofia, Kihlström, Maria January 2013 (has links)
Hur vi människor förhåller oss till dåtid, framtid och nutid avspeglar vår personlighet och kan länkas samman till vårt psykiska mående. Denna studie syftade till att studera sambanden mellan tidsperspektiv, depression och ångest samt oro och ältande. Vidare ämnade studien att undersöka om en bristande inhiberingsförmåga kan förklara oro och ältande. I studien deltog 65 personer från en icke-klinisk grupp; 44 kvinnor och 21 män i åldrarna 19 till 40 år. De instrument som användes var självskattningsformulären Swedish Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory, Beck Depression Inventory-II, Beck Anxiety Inventory, Response Style Questionnaire, Pennstate Worry Questionnaire samt Strooptestet Serialt färgordtest. Resultaten visade att oro men även ältande bäst predicerar en negativ framtidsorientering medan ångest och negativ framtidsorientering bäst förklarade oro. Ältande förklarades bäst av negativ framtidsorientering. Gällande inhiberingsförmåga var resultaten motstridiga, vilket tolkades som att fler undersökningar kring exekutiva funktioner, oro och ältande behövs i framtida forskning. Författarna argumenterar för att ännu tydligare samband för ångest och depression skulle kunna hittas i kliniska grupper. Att öka kunskapen om de underliggande mekanismerna kring depression och ångest argumenteras vara av stor betydelse för effektivare klinisk behandling. / The way we humans relate to the past, present and future reflect our personality and can be linked with our mental health. The aim of this study was to examine the relations between time perspective, depression, anxiety, worry and rumination. The aim was also to study if a deficient capacity of inhibition could be explained by worry and rumination. The study consisted of 65 participants from a non-clinical sample; 44 women and 21 men in the age of 19 to 40 years. The self report inventories included in the study was Swedish Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory, Beck Depression Inventory-II, Beck Anxiety Inventory, Response Style Questionnaire and Pennstate Worry Questionnaire, a Colour-Word test measured the Stroop effect. The result indicated that worry but also rumination was the best predictors to a negative future orientation while anxiety and negative future orientation best predicted worry. Rumination was mainly explained by a negative future orientation. The results of the inhibition processes was contradictory. Further research of executive funcions, worry and rumination are needed. The authors are arguing for a stronger relationship between anxiety and depression could be found in a clinical sample. More knowledge about the underlying mechanisms of depression and anxiety is of importance for a more effective clinical treatment. / Time Perspective Project

Om och om igen : Speciallärares erfarenheter av att arbeta med ominlärning på högstadiet

Singh Tedborn, Angela January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka speciallärares erfarenheter av att arbeta med ominlärning på högstadiet, dess möjligheter och utmaningar. I studien studeras tre olika läsinterventioner. Syftet var att söka efter gemnesamma teman i speciallärarnas erfarenheter av att arbeta med interventionerna.

The role of time perspective in the relationship between physical activity and depression

Jackson, Joseph, Tevström, Pierre January 2020 (has links)
The present study aimed to examine the role of time perspective (TP) in the relationship between physical activity (PA) and depression. The sample consisted of 456 older adults (60- 90 years) from the Betula prospective cohort study. Depression was measured using the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) and TP was measured using the Swedish Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (S-ZTPI). PA was measured using two separate single items relating to weekly level of PA and perception of PA level compared to others the same age. Hierarchic regression analyses revealed that both PA variables were significantly predicted by the same TP subscales; positively by Present Hedonistic and negatively by Past Negative and Present Fatalistic. Present Hedonistic was a significant moderator in the relationship between PA and depression. The findings of the present study highlight the importance of considering TP in the context of PA and depression. Implications are discussed and future research directions are offered in relation to mindfulness and the recall of affective responses to exercise. / Denna studie syftade till att undersöka hur tidsperspektiv (TP) påverkar förhållandet mellan fysisk aktivitet (PA) och depression. Urvalet bestod av 456 äldre vuxna (60-90 år) från Betulastudien. Depression mättes med hjälp av Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) och TP undersöktes med Swedish Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (S-ZTPI). PA uppskattades genom två separata frågor, en om veckovis PA-nivå och en om uppfattningen av PA-nivå jämfört med andra i samma ålder. Hierarkiska regressionsanalyser visade att båda PA-variabler predicerades signifikant av samma TPsubskalor; positivt av Present Hedonistic och negativt för Past Negative och Present Fatalistic. Present Hedonistic var en signifikant moderator i förhållandet mellan PA och depression. Studiens resultat belyser vikten av att ta hänsyn till TP i samband med PA och depression. Implikationer diskuteras och förslag till framtida forskning presenteras i relation till mindfulness och minnen av affektiva responser från PA.

Operation Allied Force ur ett tidsperspektiv

Söderqvist, Erik January 2020 (has links)
In the spring of 1999 NATO started the air campaign Operation Allied Force against the Serb president Slobodan Milošević’s dictatorship. Operation Allied Force unfolded during a 78-day long campaign in former Yugoslavia. The aim of the operation was to stop the ethnic cleansing of Kosovar Albanians in the Serb province Kosovo. The operation, that initially was supposed to be over in a week, continued for almost three months. Why did the campaign take such a long time compared to what was predicted? The aim of this study was to analyze Operation Allied Force from a time perspective to be able to tell why the operation became so protracted. The analyze was made by consuming two of the best well-known air power theories written by Robert A. Pape and John A. Warden. The result showed that there were several different factors that contributed to the protracted process. Too strict rules of engagement, few targets, lack of resources and the lack of a unified strategy inside NATO are believed to be the main factors that caused the lengthy process.

Time Perspective and Self-Reported Everyday Memory Problems : Associations Beyond Perceived Stress

Verburg, Charlotte January 2022 (has links)
Time Perspective (TP) describes the attitude individuals have towards the past, present, and future. This study investigated the associations between TP and self-reported everyday prospective and retrospective memory problems, controlling for stress. Ninety-five participants (18-60 years) completed an online survey which included the Swedish Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (S-ZTPI), the Prospective Retrospective Memory Questionnaire, and the 10-item Perceived Stress Scale. Bivariate correlation analysis revealed that Past Negative, Present Fatalistic, and Future Negative views were associated with more self-reported prospective and retrospective memory problems. Moreover, a Future Positive view was associated with better prospective memory scores. TP biases were assessed using the Deviations From a Balanced Time Perspective measure (DBTP). Hierarchal regression analyses revealed that DBTP accounted for almost 30% of the variance in prospective memory scores and for 25% of the variance in retrospective memory scores, beyond stress. Taken together, the results show a significant link between TP and self-reported everyday memory problems. Future studies should take other variables such as depression, anxiety, mood, and personality into account to shed further light on the association between TP and everyday memory problems. Regarding practical implications, interventions that are aimed at promoting a balanced TP might be used to enhance everyday memory ability. / Tidsperspektiv (TP) beskriver attityden individer har till det förflutna, nuet och framtiden. Denna studie undersökte sambanden mellan TP och självrapporterade vardagliga prospektiva och retrospektiva minnesproblem, som kontrollerat för stress. Nittiofem deltagare (18-60 år) fyllde i en onlineenkät som inkluderade Swedish Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (S-ZTPI), Prospective Retrospective Memory Questionnaire och 10-item Perceived Stress Scale. Bivariat korrelationsanalys avslöjade att tidigare negativa, nuvarande fatalistiska och framtida negativa åsikter var associerade med mer självrapporterade prospektivt och retrospektivt minnesproblem. Dessutom var en framtidspositiv syn förknippad med bättre prospektivt minnespoäng. TP-biaser utvärderades med hjälp av måttet Deviations From a Balanced Time Perspective (DBTP). Hierarkiska regressionsanalyser visade att DBTP stod för nästan 30 % av variansen i prospektiva minnespoäng och för 25 % av variansen i retrospektiva minnespoäng, bortom stress. Sammantaget visar resultaten ett signifikant samband mellan TP och självrapporterade vardagsminnesproblem. Framtida studier bör ta hänsyn till andra variabler som depression, ångest, humör och personlighet för att ytterligare belysa sambandet mellan TP och vardagsminnesproblem. När det gäller praktiska implikationer kan interventioner som syftar till att främja en balanserad TP användas för att förbättra vardagsminnesförmågan.

Time on My Mind and My Moral Judgment : Effects of Time Perspective and Temporal Distance on Moral Judgment / Tid i mina tankar och mitt moraliska omdöme : hur tidsperspektiv och tidmässigt avstånd påverkar moraliska bedömning

Nordhall, Ola January 2011 (has links)
The present study examined the effect of Time Perspective (TP), i.e. cognitive arrangement of the human experiences into temporal dimensions, and Temporal Distance (TD), i.e. the perceived proximity of an event in time, on moral judgment. The study included 132 participants that completed the Swedish version of Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (S-ZTPI) and made moral judgments of transgression of ethical rules depicted in the near vs. distant future. A main effect of TP was revealed meaning that transgression of ethical rules, as predicted, was judged more immoral by Past-Positive and Future orientation compared to Present-Hedonistic and Past-Negative orientation. No main effect of TD was revealed. The interaction of TP x TD was significant and in the predicted direction, but only Present-Hedonistic orientation was significantly affected by TD: distant compared to near future scenarios were judged less immoral by this TP. Importance, limitations and elaborations of the present study were discussed. / I föreliggande studie undersöktes hur Tidsperspektiv (TP), d.v.s. kognitivt inordnande av mänskliga erfarenher i tidsmässiga dimensioner, och Tidmässigt Avstånd (TA), d.v.s. upplevd närhet av händelser i tid, påverkar moralisk bedömning. Studien omfattade 132 deltagare, vilka fyllde i den svenska versionen av Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (S-ZTPI) och gjorde moraliska bedömningar av överträdelser av etiska regler framställda i en nära vs. avlägsen framtid. En huvudeffekt av TP framkom, vilken innebar att överträdelse av etiska regler bedömdes som mer omoraliskt utifrån Positiv-Dåtidsorientering och Framtidsorientering jämfört med Hedonistisk-Nutidsorientering och Negativ-Dåtidsorientering. Ingen huvudeffekt av TA framkom. Interaktionen mellan TP och TA var signifikant och i linje med prediktionerna även om endast Hedonistisk-Nutidsorientering påverkades signifikant av TA: tidsmässigt avlägsna vs. närliggande scenarion bedömdes som mindre omoraliska utifrån detta TP. Vikten av studien samt begränsningar och tänkbara uppföljningar av studien diskuteras också.

Emotion regulation in relation to Cognitive Flexibility and Time Perspective

Gohar, Marvee January 2022 (has links)
Emotional regulation is necessary to live psychologically and physically healthy. In this study I explored the associations between emotional regulation and two major constructs of cognitive sciences, time perspective and cognitive flexibility. For this purpose, I collected data online from different social media platforms. Eighty participants participated by filling in three questionnaires, Emotional regulation questionnaire, cognitive flexibility inventory and the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory. The age range of participants was between 18 to 50 years with varying educational and occupational backgrounds. The results revealed that cognitive flexibility has a significant positive relationship with emotional regulation and the Present Hedonistic subscale and Future subscales found correlated positively with emotional regulation. In Line with the predictions, linear regression analyses showed that cognitive flexibility predicts emotional regulation while an aggregated measures of deviations from a balanced time perspective (DBPT) did not predict emotional regulation. A mediation analysis also suggested that cognitive flexibility has no mediating role between DBTP and emotional regulation.

Lokalhistoria som resurs : en studie av lågstadielärares användning av lokalhistoria för att utveckla historiemedvetande. / Local history as a resource : a study of primary teachers´ use of local history to develop history awareness.

Hammar, Maria January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of my investigation is to see if and, if so, how teachers for the younger ages work with local history as a resource in history teaching. And if the teachers believe that the use of local history gives a greater historical awareness and makes it easier to remember the knowledge when the teaching becomes closer to the students compared to the more nationally adapted textbook.The focus is on the concepts of historical awareness, time perspective and place identity.The method I used is semi-structured interviews with teachers. I even took part in their planning, how they carried out the teaching and assessed it, based on the teachers' own stories. I have also analyzed the curriculum for the history subject and the textbook used as a basis.The results of the work are linked to previous research results and strengthen the previous theories that concrete teaching where the students are more involved and can relate to their local environment strengthens their awareness of history and gives a greater interest in their own history and in their home village.The survey is important when teachers plan their teaching in the subject of history and can give inspiration to how the teaching can be carried out to increase students' knowledge and commitment to the subject in both a national and a local context.

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