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Design of a strategy to combat the abuse of sickness absenceVan Eeden, Maggie Burger 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The main objective of the study is to examine the components required for the successful implementation of Sickness Absence Management. Although there are various approaches to the management of absence the focus of this study is the implementation of policies which is the most frequently used approach.
Sickness Absence Management represents the strategy of the organisation to enhance the performance of human capital by ensuring that employees that are not truly sick, are present at work. The importance of Sickness Absence Management is highly recognised, but few employers record and measure absence. Reasons for this include the complexity of the factors that influence absence and the lack of resources to record absence data, and to calculate and interpret absence indicators and costs.
Frustrations from the study include the non-standardisation of absence terminology, and the lack of data on absence statistics. Sickness Absence Management is complicated by the behaviour of people. Absence trends indicate that abuse of sickness absence amounts to an average of 33% of sickness absence and that absence rates are higher in the public than in the private sector. Success factors for Sickness Absence Management include clear, consistent and well-communicated policies and effective information systems with the required functionalities to record absence data and to enable the tracking of absence indicators. Top management commitment transpired as the factor with the biggest influence on the success of Sickness Absence Management.
Research indicated that it was better to have a policy than to have no policy at all. The quality of the policy depends on the involvement of employees and the consistent application by supervisors/managers. Furthermore, an effective computer-based information system is crucial for the management of absence. The system should have the required functionalities to enable administration and decision-making on absence issues.
A strategy is necessary to set objectives and targets, and communicate commitment from top management. A strategy is also required to ensure the allocation of resources to HR for the Sickness Absence Management. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die vernaamste doelwit van hierdie studie is om die komponente te ondersoek wat nodig is vir die suksesvolle implementering van Siekverlofbestuur. Hoewel daar verskeie benaderings tot die bestuur van siekverlof is, is hierdie studie gerig op beleid wat as die voorkeurbenadering vir die bestuur van siekverlof beskou word.
Siekverlofbestuur is die strategie van ’n onderneming om die prestasie van mensekapitaal te versterk deur te verseker dat die personeel wat nie werklik siek is nie, teenwoordig is by die werk. Die belangrikheid van Siekverlofbestuur word hoog aangeskryf, maar min werkgewers teken siekverlof aan of meet dit. Redes hiervoor sluit in die kompleksiteit van die faktore wat siekverlof beïnvloed en die gebrek aan hulpbronne vir die aantekening van siekverlofdata, en die berekening en interpretasie van siekverlofaanduiders en -koste.
Frustrasies uit die studie sluit in die nie-standaardisering van siekverlof terminologie en die gebrek aan siekverlof statistiek. Siekverlofbestuur word gekompliseer deur die gedrag van mense. Siekverlof tendense toon aan dat die misbruik van siekverlof gemiddeld 33% van siekte-afwesigheid uitmaak en dat siekverlofkoerse hoër in die openbare as in die private sektor is. Suksesfaktore vir Siekverlofbestuur sluit in duidelike en konsekwente beleid wat behoorlik gekommunikeer word, en doeltreffende inligtingstelsels met die nodige funksionaliteit om siekverlofdata vas te lê en siekverlof aanwysers na te volg. Die verbintenis van topbestuur het na vore gekom as die faktor met die grootste invloed op die sukses van Siekverlofbestuur.
Navorsing dui daarop dat dit beter is om 'n beleid te hê as hoegenaamd geen beleid nie. Die gehalte van die beleid hang af van die betrokkenheid van werknemers en die konsekwente toepassing daarvan deur toesighouers/bestuurders. Daarby is 'n doeltreffende rekenaar-gebaseerde inligtingstelsel noodsaaklik vir die bestuur van siekverlof. Die stelsel moet ook die nodige funksionaliteite hê vir administrasie en besluitneming oor siekverlof kwessies.
'n Strategie is nodig om doelwitte en teikens te stel, en om toewyding vanaf topbestuur te kommunikeer. 'n Strategie is ook nodig om die toewysing van hulpbronne vir Siekverlofbestuur na Menslike Hulpbronne te verseker. / cmc2010-1
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Förändring av betygssystemet : Elevers och lärares syn på några nya förslagÄngerteg, Anders January 2007 (has links)
<p>I riksdagsvalet 2006 fick Sverige en ny regering med borgerligt styre. Förslag som utlovades i valrörelsen, särskilt från folkpartiet, som rör grundskolans senare år var bland annat att man vill införa betyg tidigare, använda sig av ett ordningsomdöme och att den ogiltiga frånvaron ska synas i betyget.</p><p>Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka vad lärare och elever tycker om dessa förslag. Metoden som jag använt mig av har varit en enkätundersökning som genomförts i tre sjätteklasser och tre sjundeklasser samt att intervjua fyra lärare som tjänstgjort olika länge på grundskolans senare år. Resultatet visar att antalet elever är jämnt fördelade om de vill ha betyg tidigare eller inte medan två av tre elever vill att ett ordningsomdöme ska införas och att skolk ska synas i betyget. Någon större skillnad mellan årskurserna och mellan pojkar och flickor kunde ej uppmätas. Resultatet hos lärarna är att de flesta är positiva till att ha betyg tidigare än i årskurs åtta, tycker att förslaget med ett ordningsomdöme är en bra idé medan de är tveksamma till att frånvaro ska stå med i betyget oavsett om den är giltig eller inte.</p> / <p>In the referendum of parliament 2006 Sweden got a new government when the alliance with moderaterna, folkpartiet, kristdemokraterna and centerpartiet won. Suggestions that was promised in the election campaign, especially from folkpartiet, that concerns the elementary school later years, was among others to give grades earlier, make use of a grade in order and that invalid absence shall be noticed in the grades.</p><p>The purpose with this paper is to examine what teachers and pupils thinks of these suggestions.</p><p>The method I have used is an opinion poll that’s been carried through in three classes of the sixth degree and three classes of the seventh degree. I also interviewed four teachers who been working varying times in the elementary schools later year.</p><p>The result shows that the number of pupils are equal divided among them who wants grades earlier or those who don’t. Two of three pupils wants to have a grade in order and the invalid absence shall be noticed in the grade. Any kind of difference between the grades and between boys and girls couldn’t be measured.</p><p>The result among the teachers shows that most of them are positive to earlier grades compared to today. The most of them think also that the suggestion to have grades in order is a good idea but they are uncertain if absence shall be noted in the grades no matter how it is invalid or not.</p>
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Sjukt omhändertagande : En studie om sjukfrånvaron inom den kommunala äldrevårdenPham, Tuyet, Skanung, Hannes, Söderman, Ida January 2014 (has links)
Titel: Sjukt omhändertagande - en studie om sjukfrånvaron inom den kommunala äldrevården Författare: Tuyet Pham, Hannes Skanung och Ida Söderman Handledare: Kjell Arvidsson Kurs: Företagsekonomi III - organisation, examensarbete (kandidat) Syfte Vårt syfte med denna uppsats var att undersöka om den generellt höga sjukfrånvaron inom äldrevården i kommunal sektor har en organisatorisk koppling. I samband med uppsatsens syfte ställdes följande forskningsfråga: vilka organisatoriska faktorer bidrar till sjukskrivningarna inom den kommunala äldrevården? Metod Denna studie är både en kvalitativ och kvantitativ studie som antagit en abduktiv ansats. Studien går under undersökningsdesignen fallstudie där det empiriska materialet består av en enkätundersökning samt kvalitativa intervjuer. I enkätundersökningen deltar 56 medarbetare och på intervjuerna deltar nio anställda på sex avdelningar under tre enheter. Slutsatser Den empiriska och teoretiska datainsamlingen resulterade i slutsatsen att den generellt höga sjukfrånvaron inom den kommunala äldrevården har en organisatorisk koppling. Organisatoriska faktorer som vi anser påverkar sjukfrånvaron inom den kommunala äldrevården är olika uppfattningar om ansvaret för arbetsuppgifter, låg bemanning, graden av gemenskapen i olika arbetsgrupper och frånvarokultur. Vi menar även att dessa organisatoriska faktorer påverkas av strukturella faktorer som ligger utanför organisationen. Ett exempel på detta är det långsamma vårdsystemet. / The purpose of this study was to analyze if the sickness absence in the public elderly care is due to organizational elements. This study is based on the research question: What organizational elements contribute to the sickness absence in the public elderly care? Method This thesis is based on a qualitative and a quantitative research and presumes an abductive approach. The empirical study consist a survey with 56 employees and interviews with nine employees in six departments within three units. Results The empirical and theoretical study has contributed with the result that the sickness absence in the public elderly care is due to organizational elements. Organizational elements, which are affecting the sickness absence, are different views on responsibility of work tasks, low staffing, the degree of community in various working groups and absence culture. These organizational elements are also affected by structural elements in the external environment. An example of this is the inertial healthcare system
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Jag vill inte gå till skolan! : En kvalitativ studie om elevhälsans arbete med hemmasittare i KarlstadEgli, Rosalie, Roos, Isabelle January 2016 (has links)
Introduction: The number of students with school refusal has remained at a constant level in Sweden since measurements began in 2006. School health service resources has been reduced since municipalisation which makes it difficult to intercept these students in time. Objective: To identify the tools of school health services, resources and professional skills with unauthorized absence, and the measures applied preventively. Method: A qualitative study based on seven semi-structured interviews with all professions within the school health services. Results: The school's responsibility affect both student health organization and the student's school structure. The new grades and subject schemes introduced in 2011 make higher requirements on today's students. It´s important that all of the school personell are aware of the problem and pursue the same objectives, for a good interaction. Discussion: School health services shared experiences around the concept school refusal behavior reflects the complexity of the problem. Knowledge and skills are important components. The school teams experience that they are self-taught regarding the subject but want further education and increased resources to be more preventive and relationship-building. Conclusion: Further Swedish research and knowledge is needed, as well as an improved definition of the concept in order to improve school health service’s work with school refusal students in student.Keywords:
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There I was, 250 miles away from my groom : a genealogy of media weddingsHabluetzel, Caroline January 2005 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Kommuners insatser för att främja elevnärvaro i grundskolan : en studie om två kommuners styrning ur ett organisationsteoretiskt perspektiv / Municipalities’ efforts to improve student attendance in elementary school : a study about two municipalities’ governance from an organisational perspectiveNordström, Anna January 2019 (has links)
Even though it is prescribed by law in Sweden that children in elementary school must fulfil a compulsory education, a significant number of students are absent. The aim of this thesis is therefore to analyse two municipalities’, Halmstad and Borås, efforts to improve student attendance in elementary school. The two municipalities are of middle size with approximately the same number of citizens and elementary schools. Both municipalities, that have large autonomy, have recently developed new policies regarding how schools should manage absence in elementary school. By studying these policies and interviewing responsible authorities, principals and representatives from student health care, the goal is to find out what governance models characterize the municipalities’ efforts to promote attendance in school. The methods used are of a qualitative character and the interviews semi-structured. The theoretical framework concentrates on organization theory, such as management models, instrumental, mythical and culture perspectives and evaluation. The results found show that the management model is strongly dominating the governance within the educational system. However, the practical methods used to promote school attendance depend in wide measures on experience and values among the actors working with the students, indicating a cultural perspective. Since the management model is dominating the governance of the school system, and this model highlights public servants’ acting space, the actors’ values and interpretations become important factors for the outcome.
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Tempo de assistência de enfermagem: identificação e análise em instituição hospitalar de ensino. / Time of nursing care: identification and analisys of a teaching hospital.Rogenski, Karin Emilia 06 September 2006 (has links)
Estudo de abordagem quantitativa, elaborado com o objetivo de identificar e analisar o comportamento do tempo médio de assistência de enfermagem despensado aos pacientes, das Unidades de Internação do HU-USP, no período de 2001 a 2005. A identificação das variáveis intervenientes no cálculo do tempo médio de assistência de enfermagem, possibilitou a aproximação com a realidade das Unidades, permitindo visualizar a distribuição dos leitos, a quantidade média diária de pacientes assistidos, a quantidade média de pessoal existente nas Unidades de Internação e o Índice de Segurança Técnica, segundo as categorias profissionais. Verificou-se que o número e a distribuição de leitos das Unidades sofreu alterações ao longo do período analisado. O percentual de ausência prevista sofreu variação entre os índices encontrados em cada Unidade, evidenciando que, as ausências previstas por folga mostraram-se superiores ao indicados pela literatura, apontando para a possibilidade da Instituição conceder um número maior de feriados do que aqueles estabelecidos pelas leis e decretos federais, estaduais e municipais, como por exemplo, as emendas de feriados. Com relação as ausências não previstas, verificou-se que as faltas, as licenças médicas e as licenças maternidade constituíram os tipos mais constantes de ausências, no entanto, constatou-se que o percentual de ausência não prevista por licença INSS foi bastante significativo na categoria técnico/auxiliar de enfermagem. O tempo médio de assistência de enfermagem, apesar de algumas variações, manteve-se equilibrado durante todo o período para a maioria das Unidades, com exceção das Unidades de UTIP e BER que sofreram diminuição do tempo de assistência de enfermagem nos anos de 2003 e 2004, respectivamente. Constatou-se, ainda, que o tempo médio de assistência identificado, na maioria das Unidades de Internação, apresentou variações conforme as alterações observadas no quantitativo médio de pessoal de enfermagem e no número médio de pacientes. Os resultados apontados, referentes a distribuição percentual do tempo de assistência entre os profissionais da equipe de enfermagem, corroboram os encontrados em outros estudos, que já demonstraram que a proporção de horas atribuídas às enfermeiras, são inferiores aquelas atribuídas aos técnicos e auxiliares de enfermagem, e estão muito distantes daquilo que é preconizado pelo COFEN. O desenvolvimento desse estudo evidencia perspectivas para a realização de outras pesquisas que complementem as análises realizadas e verticalizem o conhecimento das variáveis que interferem no processo de identificação do tempo médio de assistência despensado aos pacientes das instituições hospitalares. / Study of quantitative approach, created for aiming to identify and analyze the average time behavior of nursing care delivered for the patients from the Internment Units at HU-USP from 2001 to 2005. The identification of intervenient variables in the average time calculus of nursing care made it possible the contact with the reality in the Units, allowing us to visualize the bed distribution, daily average amount of attended patients, the average amount of personnel working in the Internment Units and the Technical Safety Index, according to professional categories. It was verified that the number and distribution of beds in the Units had changes throughout the analyzed period. The percentage of predicted absence had variations among the indexes found in each Unit, proving that predicted absences for days off were higher than the ones seen in literature, pointing to the possibility of the facility to concede a greater number of holidays than those established by laws and local, state and federal decrees, as for example, the holiday bridges. Regarding to the unpredicted absences, it was verified that the missing days, medical leaves and maternity leaves were the most constant kinds of absence. However, it was noticed that the percentage of unpredicted absence for INSS leaves was quite high in the nursing technician/auxiliary categories. Average time of nursing care, despite of some variations, kept stable throughout the period in most Units, except for UTIP and BER Units, which suffered a reduction of nursing care time in the years of 2003 and 2004 respectively. It was also evidenced that the average time of care identified in most Internment Units presented variations as the observed changes in the average amount of nursing staff and the average number of patients. The results obtained, referring to the percentage of distribution of time for care among the nursing staff professionals confirm the ones found in other studies, which showed that the proportion of hours attributed to nurses are lower than those attributed to nursing technicians and auxiliaries, which are very far from what is advised by COFEN. The development of this study shows perspectives for making other researches that complement the analyses made to deepen the knowledge of the variables that interfere in the process of identification of the average time devoted for caring the patients in the hospital institutions.
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Estimador ponderado que compensa a ausência de resposta: uma aplicação / Pondered estimator to compensate for the lack of response: an applicationSilva, Nilza Nunes da 09 December 1986 (has links)
Como tentativa para compensar a ausência de resposta, aplicou-se o estimador ponderado por pesos amostrais nos dados de um inquérito domiciliar que registrou uma taxa global de resposta igual a 79,10 por cento . O procedimento procurou viabilizar a aplicação do ajuste ao nível dos elementos, usando os pesos obtidos a partir da taxa diferencial de resposta verificada na amostra composta pelas famílias. Fixado o número de cômodos do domicílio como a variável critério para a formação das classes ponderadas, calcularam-se as médias ajustadas e suas variâncias para o peso e a estatura dos menores de 19 anos, usando-se as estimativas calculadas na amostra constituída pelos elementos pertencentes às famílias que efetivamente responderam ao inquérito. A consistência dos resultados obtidos sugere que estudos devem ser desenvolvidos a fim de buscar soluções que minimizem as pressuposições necessárias à aplicação do procedimento e determinem níveis de abrangência que possam ser considerados satisfatórios. / The weighting adjustment by sample weights was applied on the data from a survey sampling with a total response rate of 79,10 per cent , in order to compensate for the unit nonresponse. The weighting factors were gotten by the differential response rate calculated on the household sample to facilitate the application procedure. The variable used to define the weighting classes was the number of rooms of the dwellings. Also, the adjusted means and their variances were calculaled for weight and height of persons with ages under 19 years, using the measures obtained from the same age group individuals related to the respondent households. The consistency of the results support the sugestion that more research has to be done to search for procedures that will minimize the necessary assumptions that underlie them and that can assure wider application levels.
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Teixeira de Pascoaes revisitado: um ensaio sobre literatura e ausência / Teixeira de Pascoaes Revisited: an essay on literature and absenceFerraz, Roberta Almeida Prado de Figueiredo 11 October 2016 (has links)
A obra de Teixeira de Pascoaes, quando lida como um todo dialogante, sugere-nos a forma de um romance da saudade, na medida em que evoca a concepção romântica do romance como livro absoluto. Neste sentido, Pascoaes é um autor vinculado às questões maiores do Romantismo inicial: a imbricação sujeito-paisagem numa arte que se quer próxima da natureza; a diluição do eu na matéria da escrita; o sonho como acesso ao real; a fundação do mundo pela poesia; e a ironia como dispositivo de ambiguação. Estes temas e questões estéticos são revisitados sob sua poética da saudade, que, trabalhada ao longo de toda a obra, permite-nos que seja lida em potente intratextualidade. A saudade é, sobretudo, uma maneira de ler o humano a partir de seus sinais de ausência; e o lugar maior de visualização e encontro com a fantasmagoria do sujeito é a literatura. Tal princípio confere aos textos pascoaesianos uma dimensão metalinguística central, já que falar do fantasma é falar da imagem, suporte da escrita. Lê-se, aqui, portanto, a obra de Pascoaes como um ensaio sobre literatura e ausência, apontando nesta obra a sua complexidade, para além de um entendimento que o reduza a um nível ideológico (saudosista) ou anacrônico (numa disputa de primazia com a modernidade de Fernando Pessoa). Num exame da obra em sua totalidade, este trabalho pretende sublinhar a densidade da poética pascoaesiana pela leitura paradoxal da existência que ela realiza, e reavaliar o complexo lugar de Pascoaes no debate estético de fim de século, num mundo que via nascer a luz elétrica e a psicanálise, e em que o mistério noturno do sujeito começava a ser questionado com mais incisão, fora da tutela religiosa, em pura experimentação estética. / Teixeira de Pascoaes body of work, when observed as a whole, evokes a romantic conception of novels, as the absolute text, and suggests to readers a romance da saudade, for the author, saudade being absences potential to validate existence. In this regard, Pascoaes is connected to bigger questions in early Romanticism: the juxtaposition of the subject to the landscape as art close to nature; the dilution of the self when in written form; the dream as access to reality; the foundation of the world in poetry; and irony as an ambiguity device. These aesthetic issues and themes are revisited under his poética da saudade, a yearning for the absent love, present throughout his work, resulting in potent intratextuality. Saudade is, above all, the way to understand a person through the signs left by his or her absence. Literature offers the environment for the encounter of subject and phantasmagoria. These principles grant pascoesian texts a metalinguistic dimension, as talking about phantoms also refers to images as a support for the written text. It is therefore here, an essay about literature and absence, encompassing Pascoaes body of work, featuring its complexity beyond simplistic ideological (saudosista) or anachronic (counter positioning to Fernando Pessoas modernity) understandings. This thesis aims to examine the totality of Pascoaes oeuvre, highlighting its poetic density, the paradoxical characteristic of existence described by him, and stressing the complex positioning of the author in the aesthetic debate at the time when the world discovered electricity, psychoanalysis, and the nocturnal mystery of individuals was questioned incisively, outside religious spheres, in pure aesthetic experiment.
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A construção da paternidade no vazio da ausência paterna: um estudo sobre como os pais que não tiveram a presença paterna constroem a paternidade com os seus filhos / The construction of fatherhood in "empty" of father absence: a study on how parents who have not had the paternal presence to build parenting their childrenPucci, Romina Carla 21 May 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:38:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2012-05-21 / This research was carried through in São Paulo (SP) and had as objective to
understand as men who had not coexisted the paternal presence had constructed
the proper paternity. The interest for the subject appeared by means of the
perception of the increase of monoparental families, commanded for women and of
the amount of men who if had become parents without having had the paternal
presence. Its specific objectives had been to understand the participation of the
mother and/or another figure as mediating (s) in the situation of paternal absence; to
understand which the easinesses and difficulties in the exercise of the paternity for
men who had not coexisted the proper father; to understand as if constitutes the
affective and emotional development of the son of absent father. One was about a
qualitative research of exploratory level, characterized as Study of Collective Case,
of which two men had participated who, today, they are parents, but that they had not
coexisted the proper father. For the collection of data the half-structuralized interview
was used and its end was requested to the participants who wrote a letter its parents.
The results had shown that a common characteristic to the participants and,
probably, decurrent in part of the paternal absence is the unreliability and the lack of
belief in itself exactly. On the other hand, empty left by the lack of the father,
revealed a fertile land so that the participants could construct social substitutes who
gave sensible account and to this absence, as for example, the study / Essa pesquisa foi realizada em São Paulo (SP) e teve como objetivo compreender
como homens que não conviveram com a presença paterna construíram a própria
paternidade. O interesse pelo tema surgiu mediante a percepção do aumento de
famílias monoparentais, chefiadas por mulheres e da quantidade de homens que se
tornaram pais sem ter tido a presença paterna. Seus objetivos específicos foram
compreender a participação da mãe e/ou outra figura como mediador(es) na
situação de ausência paterna; compreender quais as facilidades e dificuldades no
exercício da paternidade para homens que não conviveram com o próprio pai;
compreender como se constitui o desenvolvimento afetivo e emocional do filho de
pai ausente. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa de nível exploratório,
caracterizada como Estudo de Caso Coletivo, da qual participaram dois homens
que, hoje, são pais, mas que não conviveram com o próprio pai. Para a coleta de
dados foi utilizada a entrevista semi-estruturada e a seu final foi solicitado aos
participantes que escrevessem uma carta a seus pais. Os resultados mostraram que
uma característica comum aos participantes e, provavelmente, decorrente em parte
da ausência paterna é a insegurança e a falta de crença em si mesmo. Por outro
lado, o vazio deixado pela falta do pai, mostrou-se um terreno fértil para que os
participantes pudessem construir substitutos sociais que dessem conta e sentido a
esta ausência, como por exemplo, o estudo
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