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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Färgstabiliteten hos manuellt infiltrerad hög-translucent zirkonia efter åldring i drycker med lågt pH-värde / The Color Stability of Manually Infiltrated High Translucent Zirconia after Aging in Beverages with Low pH-Value

Linnstrand, Emma, Akhtar, Aleena January 2024 (has links)
Syftet: Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka färgstabiliteten hos manuellt infärgad hög-translucent zirkonia efter åldring i drycker med lågt pH-värde (vin och Coca Cola) och vatten. Material och metod: I studien användes 30 provkroppar i hög-translucent zirkonia. Provkropparna frästes fram i runda diskar med måtten 6 mm i diameter och 3 mm i tjocklek och färgades in manuellt med infiltreringsvätska genom doppteknik och därefter skedde sintring. Provkropparna förvarades i rött vin, Coca Cola eller destillerat vatten i 12 dagar. Färgkoordinaterna L*a*b* mättes genom spektrofotometer före (kontrollgrupp) och efter förvaring i respektive vätska. Medelvärdet av L*a*b* registrerades och färgskillnaderna (ΔEab, NBS) beräknades. Resultatet analyserades med Fisher՚s exact test samt One-way ANOVA, Tukey’s test med signifikansnivån α=0,05. Resultat: I jämförelse mellan grupperna hade gruppen som vinförvarats högst medelvärde i färgskillnad följt av vatten och Coca Cola. Färgskillnaden för gruppen som vinförvarats var kliniskt icke-acceptabel och visade en statistiskt signifikant skillnad jämfört med vatten och Coca Cola. Ingen statistisk signifikant skillnad observerades mellan de resterande grupperna vatten och Coca Cola. Signifikanta skillnader för färgskillnaden, ΔEab, observerades mellan kontrollgruppen mot övriga grupper för samtliga parametrar L* a* b* med p-värde<0,001 efter åldring i de olika dryckerna. Slutsats: Färgstabilitet hos manuellt infärgad hög-translucent zirkonia påverkas av åldring i drycker med lågt pH-värde såsom vin och Coca Cola, där vin påverkar mer än Coca Cola och vatten. Hög-translucent zirkonia som förvarats i vin uppvisar en rödare ton medan förvaring i Coca Cola uppvisar en gulare ton. / Purpose: This study investigated the color stability of manually infiltrated high translucent zirconia after immersion in beverages with low pH-value (wine and Coca Cola) and water.  Material and method: 30 specimens of high translucent zirconia were prepared. The specimens were milled into round discs and colored manually with infiltration liquid before sintering and were stored in red wine, Coca Cola, or distilled water for 12 days. The color coordinates L*a*b* were measured by spectrophotometer before and after storage in the specific beverage. The mean value of L*a*b* was recorded and the color differences (ΔEab, NBS) were calculated. The results were analyzed with Fisher's exact test and One-way ANOVA, Tukey's test with the significance level α=0.05. Results: In comparison between the groups, the wine group had the highest mean value in color difference followed by water and Coca Cola. Results from wine storage showed a statistically significant difference compared to water and Coca Cola which was clinically non-acceptable. No statistical significant difference was observed between the remaining groups.  Conclusion: Color stability of manually colored high translucent zirconia is affected by aging in beverages with a low pH-value such as wine and Coca Cola, where wine affected more as compared to Coca Cola and water. High translucent zirconia stored in wine exhibited a redder tone, while storage in Coca Cola exhibited a yellower tone.

Caracterização funcional e estrutural de uma fosfolipase A2 ácida tóxica isolada da peçonha de Bothrops moojeni / Functional and Structural Characterization of an Acidic Toxic Phospholipase A2 from Bothrops moojeni Snake Venom.

Santos Filho, Norival Alves 24 April 2009 (has links)
As fosfolipases A2 (PLA2s, E.C. pertencem a uma superfamília de enzimas que realizam a clivagem de fosfolipídios da membrana celular em ácidos graxos e lisofosfolipídios, numa reação dependente de cálcio. As PLA2s apresentam um importante papel em várias funções celulares, incluindo manutenção dos fosfolipídios celulares, geração de prostaglandinas e leucotrienos, tradução de sinais, proliferação celular e contração muscular. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a caracterização estrutural e funcional de uma fosfolipase A2 ácida tóxica(BmooTX-I) isolada da peçonha da serpente Bothrops moojeni. A BmooTX-I foi purificada por uma combinação de cromatografias em resinas de troca iônica (DEAE-Sephacel), exclusão molecular (Sephadex G-75) e interação hidrofóbica (Phenyl-Sepharose CL-4B). A confirmação do grau de pureza foi realizada através de análise por espectrometria de massa MALDI TOF da BmooTX-I reduzida (monômero, 13.802,66 Da) e não reduzida (dímero, 27.506,38 Da), da focalização isoelétrica (pI 4,2) e de SDS-PAGE. A região N-terminal da enzima apresentou alta homologia com outras PLA2s Asp49 de peçonhas de serpentes. A BmooTX-I apresentou também elevada atividade fosfolipásica e induziu edema moderado in vivo. Além disso, foi capaz de inibir a agregação plaquetária e a coagulação do plasma, induzir a liberação de PGI2 por HUVECs e apresentar efeito citotóxico sobre células tumorais, bactérias e fungos. O tratamento da enzima com o reagente brometo de p-bromofenacila (BPB) neutralizou a atividade enzimática e de inibição da agregação plaquetária. A determinação da miotoxicidade foi realizada através da dosagem dos níveis de CK no plasma de camundongos previamente injetados com a toxina. A análise histopatológica das fibras musculares demonstrou a presença de infiltrado inflamatório e líquido intercelular, ambos confirmados pela análise ultra-estrutural. O presente trabalho deverá contribuir para a elucidação e determinação da composição bioquímica dos venenos animais, já que as fosfolipases A2 ácidas tóxicas possuem mecanismos de ação ainda não totalmente esclarecidos. / Phospholipases A2 (PLA2s, EC belong to a superfamily of enzymes that perform the cleavage of phospholipids of cell membranes in fatty acids and lysophospholipids in a calcium dependent reaction. PLA2s have an important role in several cellular functions, including maintenance of cellular phospholipids, the generation of prostaglandins and leukotrienes, translation signals, cell proliferation and muscle contraction. This study aimed at the structural and functional characterization of an acidic and toxic phospholipase A¬2 (BmooTX-I) isolated from Bothrops moojeni snake venom. BmooTX-I was purified by a combination of chromatographic steps on resins of ion exchange (DEAE Sephacel), molecular exclusion (Sephadex G-75) and hydrophobic interaction (Phenyl Sepharose CL-4B). The confirmation of the purity degree was analyzed by MALDI TOF mass spectrometry of reduced BmooTX-I (monomer, 13,802.66 Da) and not reduced (dimer, 27,506.38 Da), by isoelectric focusing (pI 4.2) and by SDS-PAGE. The N-terminal region of the enzyme showed high homology with other Asp49 PLA2s of snake venoms. BmooTX-I also presented high phospholipase activity and induced moderate edema in vivo. Furthermore, this enzyme was capable of inhibiting platelet aggregation and plasma coagulation, inducing the release of PGI2 by HUVECs, also showing cytotoxic effects on tumor cells, bacteria and fungi. Treatment of the enzyme with the p-bromophenacyl bromide (BPB) neutralized the enzymatic activity and the inhibition of platelet aggregation. The determination of myotoxicity was accomplished through the determination of the CK levels in plasma of mice previously injected with the toxin. The histopathological analysis of muscle fibers showed the presence of inflammatory infiltration and intercellular fluid, both confirmed by ultrastructural analysis. This work contributes to the elucidation and determination of the biochemical composition of animal venoms, since the mechanisms of action of toxic acidic phospholipases A2 are not yet fully understood.

Approche performantielle et microstructurale de la durabilité de bétons à base de ciments sulfoalumineux-bélitiques ferriques / Microstructural and performance-based approach of the durability of belite-ye’elimite-ferrite cements based concretes

Schmitt, Emmanuel 20 October 2014 (has links)
Les ciments sulfoalumineux (CSA) peuvent être une solution à l’amélioration de l’impact environnemental des bétons, grâce aux faibles consommations énergétiques et émissions de CO2 lors de leur fabrication. Leurs propriétés expansives, de rapidité de prise et de montée en résistance participent également à l’intérêt grandissant dans les domaines de la construction et de la préfabrication en béton pour ce type de liant. Toutefois, la durabilité des bétons sulfoalumineux reste encore méconnue ou discutée, notamment en milieux acides et face à la corrosion des armatures, en ambiance marine et par carbonatation. Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse se proposent ainsi d’étudier et de comparer la durabilité face à ces attaques, de bétons sulfoalumineux à celle de bétons de référence à base de CEM I et de CEM III/B. Ils s’appuient sur des caractérisations performantielles (indicateurs de durabilité, essais performantiels en conditions accélérées ou naturelles) et microstructurales (phases solides, porosité). Au préalable, l’application des caractérisations sus-citées aux bétons sulfoalumineux est vérifiée et discutée. La bonne résistance des bétons sulfoalumineux aux milieux acides est observée lors d’essais de lixiviation dynamique, à température et pH régulés. L’étude de la pénétration des chlorures (migration en régime permanent et transitoire, isothermes de fixation, exposition en zone de marnage) et de la carbonatation (naturelle et accélérée) de bétons à base de 8 ciments sulfoalumineux de laboratoire différents a permis d’établir des moyens d’améliorer leur durabilité potentielle. Ces moyens ont été appliqués à la fabrication d’un ciment industriel performant, dont la bonne durabilité reste toutefois à confirmer définitivement en conditions réelles. / Calcium sulfoaluminate (CSA) cements can be a solution to improve the environmental impact of concrete, thanks to the lower energy consumption and CO2 emission during their production. Their expansive, fast setting and rapid hardening properties contribute to the growing interest of engineers for concrete construction and prefabrication. However, the durability of sulfoaluminate concretes is not clearly assessed yet, especially in acidic and marine environments, as well as carbonation and chloride induced rebars corrosion. Thus, the aim of this thesis is to study and compare the durability, related to these attacks, of concretes made with CSA cements to ordinary Portland and GGBS cements based reference concretes. This study is founded on microstructural (solid phases, porosity) and performancial (durability indicators, natural and accelerated tests) characterization. Beforehand, the application of these characterizations to CSA concretes is verified and discussed. These show a good resistance to acidic environments when submitted to dynamic leaching tests at pH 3 and 5. The study of chloride ingress (steady and non-steady state migration, binding isotherms and tidal zone exposition) and carbonation (natural and accelerated) in concretes of 8 different laboratory CSA cements enabled us to find achievable means to improve their potential durability. These means were applied to the production of a performant industrial CSA cement, whose good durability has still to be assessed on field conditions.

Aderência, invasão e indução de apoptose por estreptococos do grupo B em células epiteliais respiratórias A549 / Adhesion, invasion and apoptosis inducing for group B streptococci in respiratory epithelial cells A549

Andréia Ferreira Eduardo da Costa 12 March 2009 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Estreptococos do grupo B (EGB), principalmente sorotipo III são a principal causa de pneumonia neonatal, sepse e meningite. O potencial de virulência das amostras de EGB pode determinar a colonização ou a infecção do hospedeiro. Como o pulmão constitui uns dos primeiros órgãos durante o processo de invasão sistêmica por EGB, nós decidimos investigar os mecanismos de adesão e invasão de amostras do sorotipo III (90356-líquor e 80340-vagina) com linhagem de células epiteliais do pulmão humano (A549). Desta forma, o principal objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a capacidade de aderência e invasão de duas amostras de EGB sorotipo III com células de epiteliais pulmonares A549, a persistência bacteriana intracelular, a fusão com compartimentos acídicos, potencial citotóxico e indução de apoptose. As amostras mostraram capacidade de aderir e invadir o epitélio pulmonar A549, onde a amostra 90356-líquor isolada de paciente a que apresentou maior propriedade adesiva e invasiva que a amostra 80340-vagina (p<0,05). Ambas as cepas mostraram persistência intracelular sem replicação no interior do epitélio respiratório até 24h de incubação. Além disso, verificamos que os EGB são capazes de promover vacuolização celular permanecendo viáveis dentro de vacúolos acídicos, sugerindo a ocorrência de fusão lisossomo-fagossomo. A amostra 90356-líquor também mostrou maior citotoxidade quando comparada com a amostra 80340-vagina. A análise por citometria de fluxo demonstrou, pela primeira vez, que o EGB induz apoptose em epitélio respiratório, podendo representar um mecanismo importante para o desenvolvimento da lesão celular aguda e a patogênese bacteriana. / Group B streptococci (GBS), mainly serotype III, is a major cause of neonatal pneumonia, sepsis and meningitis. Virulence potential of GBS strains may determine the outcome of host colonization or infection. Because the lung constitutes a first step in GBS systemic invasion processes, we have investigates the adherence and invasion mechanisms of GBS-III isolates to human lung epithelial cell line (A549). Thus, the main objective of this study was to evaluate the ability of adhesion and invasion of GBS strains serotype III (90356-liquor and 80340-vagina) with A549 lung epithelial cells, intracellular bacterial persistence, fusion with acidic compartments, cytotoxic potential, and induction of apoptosis. The strains showed ability to adhere and invade the epithelial A549 cells; GBS 90356-liquor isolated from a patient showed a more efficient adherence and invasion properties than GBS-III 80340 isolated from vagina (P<0,05). Both strains showed persistent intracellular viability without replication into A549 cells up to 24h incubation. In addition, we found that GBS are able to promote cellular vacuolization and persisted viable inside acidic vacuoles, suggesting lysosome-phagosome fusion. The GBS 90356-líquor also showed higher cytotoxicity when compared with 80340-vagina strain. The present work describe for first time by flow cytometry that GBS induces apoptosis in respiratory epithelium and be an important mechanism for the development of acute cellular injury and bacterial pathogenesis.

Préparation d'oligomères de cellulose par dépolymérisation pour la synthèse de nouveaux composés amphiphiles bio-sourcés / Cellulose oligomers preparation by depolymerisation for the synthesis of new bio-based amphiphilic compounds

Billes, Elise 20 November 2015 (has links)
Le but de cette thèse est de produire des oligomères de cellulose de dispersité faible. Pour ce faire, deux méthodes ont été imaginées : la méthode « fishing » où des oligomères de cellulose sont obtenus par hydrolyse acide puis sont séparés par solubilisation sélective dans une phase organique à l’aide d’un polymère synthétique. Le ratio des tailles du polymère synthétique et des oligomères de cellulose sera responsable de la sélectivité. La méthode « masking » où des portions de cellulose de la taille des futurs oligomères sont protégées par un polymère synthétique lors d’une hydrolyse enzymatique.Dans les deux cas, les polymères synthétiques contiennent des acides boroniques qui permettent une interaction réversible avec les sucres.Malgré de nombreuses tentatives, ces deux méthodes n’ont pas été couronnées de succès. Pour la première, le procédé n’était pas sélectif. Pour la seconde, le polymère permettant une interaction tout au long de la chaine de cellulose n’a pas pu être synthétisé. La dispersité des oligomères obtenus par hydrolyse acide (degrés de polymérisation (DP) de 1 à 12) a cependant pu être réduite de façon satisfaisante en solubilisant les DP les plus faibles dans le méthanol.Enfin, la fraction insoluble dans le méthanol, après fonctionnalisation de l’extrémité réductrice par un groupement azide, a été couplée à un acide stéarique fonctionnalisé alcyne par chimie « click ». L’auto-assemblage de ce nouveau composé amphiphile a été étudié dans l’eau, la CMC a été mesurée à 100 mg.L-1. Les objets observés sont sphériques, de taille homogène avec un diamètre moyen de 140 nm ce qui indique une morphologie en vésicule. / The purpose of this study is to produce uniform cellulose oligomers. In this frame, two methods were considered:for the “fishing” method, the oligomers obtained by acidic hydrolysis of cellulose are separated by selective solubilisation in an organic phase thanks to a synthetic polymer. The size ratio between the synthetic polymer and the cellulose oligomer would be responsible for the selectivity.For the “masking” method, parts of cellulose backbone having the size of the future oligomers are protected with a synthetic polymer during an enzymatic hydrolysis.In both cases, the synthetic polymers contain boronic acid groups that interact reversibly with saccharides.Despite various attempts, these two methods were not crowned with success. The first one was eventually not selective. For the second one, the polymer allowing an interaction all along the cellulose backbone could not be synthesised. The dispersity of the oligomers obtained by acidic hydrolysis (polymerisation degree (DP) from 1 to 12) was satisfactorily decreased by solubilising the smaller DP in methanol.To finish, the methanol-insoluble fraction was functionalised at the reducing end with an azide group. It was then coupled to an alkyne-functionalised stearic acid by click chemistry. The self-assembly of this new amphiphilic compound was studied in water, the CMC was measured at 100 mg.L-1. The particles formed were spherical, homogeneous and had an average diameter of 140 nm, which indicate a vesicle morphology.

Amorphes Aluminiumchlorofluorid und -bromofluorid - die stärksten bekannten festen Lewis-Säuren

Krahl, Thoralf 04 November 2005 (has links)
Die feste nichtkristalline Lewis-Säure Aluminiumchlorofluorid (ACF, AlCl(x)F(3-x), x = 0.05 .. 0.3) hat die höchste bisher bekannte Lewis-Acidität aller heterogenen Katalysatoren. Sie erreicht die Stärke von Antimonpentafluorid SbF5 und übertrifft sie in manchen Fällen sogar. In dieser Arbeit wurden die Bulk-Struktur des ACF und der sehr ähnlichen Verbindung Aluminiumbromofluorid (ABF) mittels IR-, ESR-, NMR- und Röntgenabsorptionsspektroskopie studiert. Die Oberfläche der Verbindungen wurde durch die Adsorption von Gasen bei niedrigen Temperaturen untersucht, sowie durch IR- und ESR-Spektroskopie adsorbierter Sondenmoleküle. Das thermische Verhalten dieser nichtkristallinen Verbindungen wurde mittels DTA verfolgt. Die Lewis-Acidität kleiner Modellverbindungen wurde NMR-spektroskopisch und mit ab initio Methoden untersucht. Alle Daten wurden mit denen der gut charakterisierten und bekannten Modifikationen des Aluminiumfluorids (AlF3) verglichen. Die kombinierten Ergebnisse der Messungen an beiden festen Phasen erlauben die Entwicklung eines Strukturmodells für diese Verbindungen, das die meisten spektroskopischen Daten und die außergewöhnlich hohe Lewis-Acidität erklären kann. Beide Phasen sind sehr ähnlich zueinander. Das Vorhandensein des schwereren Halogens (Cl, Br) erzeugt eine Störung des Netzwerkes und verhindert die Ausbildung geordneter Strukturen. Der Grad der Unordnung in diesen Phasen ist höher als bei allen anderen Verbindungen des Aluminiumfluorids. Daraus resultiert eine gestörte Oberfläche, was wiederum zu koordinativ ungesättigtem Aluminium an der Oberfläche führt. Die sauren Zentren in ACF und ABF sind stärker als in anderen aluminiumhaltigen Lewis-Säuren. / The solid non-crystalline Lewis acid aluminum chlorofluoride (ACF, AlCl(x)F(3-x), x = 0.05 .. 0.3) has the highest Lewis acidity of any heterogeneous catalyst known so far. It reaches the acidity of antimony pentafluoride (SbF5) and in some cases even exceeds it. In this work the bulk structure of ACF and of the very similar compound aluminium bromofluoride (ABF) was studied by IR, ESR, NMR, and X-ray absorption spectroscopy. The surface of the compounds was investigated by adsorption of gases at low temperatures, as well as by IR and ESR spectroscopy of adsorbed probe molecules. The thermal behavior of these non-crystalline compounds was followed by DTA. The Lewis acidity of small model compounds was studied by NMR spectroscopy and ab initio calculations. All data were compared to those of well characterized known samples of the different modifications of aluminum fluoride (AlF3). The combined results of the measurements of both solid phases allow to set up a structure model for these compounds which can explain most of the spectrocopic data and the extraordinary high Lewis acidity. Both phases are very similar to each other. The occurrence of the heavier halogen (Cl, Br) causes a perturbation of the network and prevents it from forming ordered structures. The degree of disorder of these phases is higher than for any other known compounds of aluminum fluoride. This results in an disordered surface which leads to coordinatively unsaturated aluminum at the surface. The acidic centers of ACF and ABF are stronger than in any other aluminum containing Lewis acid.

Responses of Root Production in Japanese Red Cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) Saplings to Duration of Treatment with Acidic Solutions

HIRANO, Yasuhiro, 平野, 泰弘, YOKOTA, Taketo, 横田, 岳人, HIJII, Naoki, 肘井, 直樹 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)

Electrode-based wireless passive pH sensors with applications to bioprocess and food spoilage monitoring

Bhadra, Sharmistha 03 1900 (has links)
This thesis purposes and develops inductively coupled LC (inductive-capacitive) pH sensors based on pH-sensitive electrode pair. The LC resonator circuit is based on a varactor and measures the low frequency potential difference. For wireless pH monitoring, the resonator circuit is integrated with a pH-sensitive electrode pair. This sensor demonstrates a linear response over 2 to 12 pH dynamic range, 0.1 pH accuracy and long-term stability. Accurate measurement of pH using electrode-based sensors is affected by temperature variation. A technique of simultaneously measuring two parameters, pH and temperature, with a single RLC resonator based sensor is presented. An algorithm is developed, which applies both pH and temperature measurement to incorporate temperature compensation in pH measurement. For in-fluid applications, an encapsulation method is applied to the LC resonator based sensor to reduce the influence of medium permittivity and conductivity on the sensor measurement. Non-invasive way to obtain reliable pH information from bacterial culture bioprocesses is demonstrated with the fluid embeddable sensor. The pH sensor is remodeled to an acidic and basic volatile sensor by embedding the electrodes in a hydrogel host electrolyte. Tests demonstrate that the volatile sensor has a detection limit of 1.5 ppm and 2 ppm for ammonia and acetic acid vapor, respectively. Application of the volatile sensor to fish spoilage monitoring shows that the sensor is capable of detecting the product rejection level with good sensitivity in real-time. It is important to develop low cost wireless passive pH sensor technologies for embedded applications such as bioprocess and food spoilage monitoring. The electrode-based passive LC sensor approach employed in this thesis overcomes drawbacks of some of the early developed passive pH sensors and can lead to an inexpensive implementation using printed electronics technology.

Investigation into the acidic protein fraction of bovine whey and its effect on bone cells : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Science in Chemistry at Massey University, New Zealand EMBARGOED till 1 December 2015

Mullan, Bernadette Jane January 2010 (has links)
Milk is provided to new borns as their first food source and it contains essential nutrients, vitamins and other beneficial components, such as enzymes and antibodies that are required for rapid growth and development of the new born and for sustained growth over time. Milk contains two main types of proteins; casein proteins and whey proteins. Although casein proteins account for up to 80% of the proteins found in bovine milk, it is the whey protein that has become of high interest because of its bioactive content. Whey, a very watery mixture of lactose, proteins, minerals and trace amounts of fat, is formed from milk when the milk is coagulated and/or the casein proteins are removed from the milk. Bovine whey protein, including both the acidic and basic fractions (low and high isoelectric point, respectively), has previously been studied in vitro (cell based) and in vivo (using rats) for its impact on bone to determine if it can help improve bone mineral density and help reduce the risk of developing bone diseases, such as osteoporosis. Bone is constantly undergoing a remodelling process of being dissolved and reformed and the two main cell types responsible for this bone remodelling process are mature osteoclasts, which dissolve (resorb) bone, and osteoblasts, which reform the bone. Prior work has shown that acidic protein fractions derived from different sources of whey protein concentrate (WPC) have both in vivo and in vitro activity on bone, particularly anti-resorptive properties. However, the component(s) which confer activity have not yet been identified. In this thesis, work was undertaken to better understand the analytical composition of three types of WPC (cheese, mineral acid and lactic acid) and their associated acidic protein fractions and relate this to bone activity in the hope of identifying where the activity lies. Bone activity was assessed using in vitro screening with osteoblast cells (MC3T3-E1) and osteoclast cells (RAW 264.7). Comparison of the cell-based bone activity of the parent WPCs and corresponding acidic fractions indicated that the acidic fractions derived from both mineral acid and lactic WPC were superior in their ability to inhibit osteoclast development. Although compositional data was complex and definitive correlations with both bone bioactivities could not be made, it appeared that elements common to both the acidic fractions were a higher proportion of GLYCAM-1 and bone sialoprotein-1 (osteopontin). Further studies to more closely investigate the bone bioactivity of the acidic fractions are warranted.

Investigation into the acidic protein fraction of bovine whey and its effect on bone cells : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Science in Chemistry at Massey University, New Zealand EMBARGOED till 1 December 2015

Mullan, Bernadette Jane January 2010 (has links)
Milk is provided to new borns as their first food source and it contains essential nutrients, vitamins and other beneficial components, such as enzymes and antibodies that are required for rapid growth and development of the new born and for sustained growth over time. Milk contains two main types of proteins; casein proteins and whey proteins. Although casein proteins account for up to 80% of the proteins found in bovine milk, it is the whey protein that has become of high interest because of its bioactive content. Whey, a very watery mixture of lactose, proteins, minerals and trace amounts of fat, is formed from milk when the milk is coagulated and/or the casein proteins are removed from the milk. Bovine whey protein, including both the acidic and basic fractions (low and high isoelectric point, respectively), has previously been studied in vitro (cell based) and in vivo (using rats) for its impact on bone to determine if it can help improve bone mineral density and help reduce the risk of developing bone diseases, such as osteoporosis. Bone is constantly undergoing a remodelling process of being dissolved and reformed and the two main cell types responsible for this bone remodelling process are mature osteoclasts, which dissolve (resorb) bone, and osteoblasts, which reform the bone. Prior work has shown that acidic protein fractions derived from different sources of whey protein concentrate (WPC) have both in vivo and in vitro activity on bone, particularly anti-resorptive properties. However, the component(s) which confer activity have not yet been identified. In this thesis, work was undertaken to better understand the analytical composition of three types of WPC (cheese, mineral acid and lactic acid) and their associated acidic protein fractions and relate this to bone activity in the hope of identifying where the activity lies. Bone activity was assessed using in vitro screening with osteoblast cells (MC3T3-E1) and osteoclast cells (RAW 264.7). Comparison of the cell-based bone activity of the parent WPCs and corresponding acidic fractions indicated that the acidic fractions derived from both mineral acid and lactic WPC were superior in their ability to inhibit osteoclast development. Although compositional data was complex and definitive correlations with both bone bioactivities could not be made, it appeared that elements common to both the acidic fractions were a higher proportion of GLYCAM-1 and bone sialoprotein-1 (osteopontin). Further studies to more closely investigate the bone bioactivity of the acidic fractions are warranted.

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