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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Emergence des dispositifs de GRH inter-organisationnelle : entre petits pas et grand écart / Emergence of inter-organizational HRM devices : baby steps and giant leaps

Vial, Bertrand 02 December 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse vise tout d'abord à comprendre comment se construisent les dispositifs de Gestion des Ressources Humaines (GRH) inter-organisationnelle. Il cherche, ensuite, à en évaluer la portée effective. Pour ce faire, deux dispositifs innovants sont étudiés à la lumière de la Théorie de I' Acteur-Réseau (Collon, 1986 ; Akrich et al., 2006 ; Latour, 2006). Le premier, Alliance, rassemble des grandes entreprises du bassin d'emploi lyonnais. Il a pour but de développer la mobilité inter-entreprises de ses salariés. Le second est un programme de GPEC collective mis en place par la grappe d'entreprises stéphanoise Mécaloire, au profit de ses PME membres. Nos résultats tendent à confirmer la tendance, déjà observée, de territorialisation de la GRH. Le territoire est alors vu comme un intermédiaire capable d'agréger des acteurs aux motivations diverses, et de fluidifier leurs échanges. La place des relations interpersonnelles, du temps et du droit à l'erreur apparaît comme centrale dans le processus d'émergence des dispositifs de GRH inter-organisationnelle. Dix rôles clefs d'acteurs, présents dans ce processus, sont révélés. L'importance des acteurs non­humains est soulignée. Les résultats effectifs des dispositifs sont enfin comparés aux ambitions d'origine affichées. Un constat d'échec est dressé. Il apparaît que les bénéficiaires des dispositifs ne sont pas les salariés initialement ciblés. Plusieurs explications sont avancées. Nos résultats contribuent ainsi, modestement, à l'enrichissement du champ de recherche propre à la GRH inter-organisationnelle (ou GRH Territoriale). Ils permettent également de questionner la pertinence du cadre théorique de l'acteur-réseau et d'en proposer des pistes d'enrichissement. Ils permettent enfin, d'un point de vue opérationnel, d'identifier les facteurs clefs de succès et freins potentiels à la mise en place de dispositifs de GRH inter-organisationnelle. / This PhD's aim is to understand how inter-organizational HRM devices are developed and to provide an evaluation of their actual results. To this point, two innovative devices are studied in the light of the Actor-Network Theory (Collon, 1986; Akrich et al., 2006; Latour, 2006). The first one, Alliance, brings together major companies of the Lyon area, aiming to develop inter-firm mobility of employees. The second is a collective GPEC program (strategic workforce planning) set up by the Mécaloire cluster for the benefit of its members: SMEs from the Saint-Etienne area. Our results tend to confirm the trend of HRM territorialisation, where the territory appears as an intermediary in uniting actors with different motivations, and facilitating their exchanges. It also highlights that allowing interpersonal relationships, time, and trial and error are all crucial in the emergence process of inter-organizational HRM devices. Ten key roles in this process are revealed. The importance of non-human actors is emphasized. As the device's efficiency is compared with the original ambitions, it appears that beneficiaries are not those who were initially targeted. Several explanations are stated. Our results thus contribute, modestly, to the enrichment of the inter-organizational HRM (or Territorial HRM), question the relevance of the actor-network theory framework and provide enrichment tracks. From an operational point of view, key factors of success and potential obstacles to the development of inter-organizational HRM devices are updated.

Sustentabilidade da Estrategia Saúde da Família: o caso de um município baiano

Oliveira, Sydia Rosana de Araújo 03 September 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Maria Creuza Silva (mariakreuza@yahoo.com.br) on 2015-04-20T11:45:03Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Final Sydia Rosana Oliveira. 2014.pdf: 2379286 bytes, checksum: 3dd23c2bacf00a5fd8d62a0c3c04e8fd (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Creuza Silva (mariakreuza@yahoo.com.br) on 2015-04-20T13:26:40Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Final Sydia Rosana Oliveira. 2014.pdf: 2379286 bytes, checksum: 3dd23c2bacf00a5fd8d62a0c3c04e8fd (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-20T13:26:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Final Sydia Rosana Oliveira. 2014.pdf: 2379286 bytes, checksum: 3dd23c2bacf00a5fd8d62a0c3c04e8fd (MD5) / Esta tese tem como objetivo analisar a sustentabilidade da Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) em um município baiano, descrevendo a trajetória desta Intervenção, e identificando os fatores estratégicos que promoveram a sua sustentabilidade. Sustentabilidade refere-se à continuidade de uma Intervenção ao longo do tempo, fase do seu ciclo de vida pouco estudada no contexto nacional. Para esta análise, utilizou-se o referencial da Teoria do Ator-Rede (TAR), abordagem que trata objetos como parte de redes sociais heterogêneas, gerados pelas interações entre os entes da rede. Dados de análise documental e de entrevistas semiestruturadas com informantes-chave foram utilizados para construção de linha do tempo dos eventos que constituíam a trajetória da Intervenção. A unidade de análise foi o evento crítico, que compreende momentos de desestabilização na trajetória da Estratégia. Os resultados apontam seis eventos críticos, e um conjunto de fatores estratégicos que permitiram a reconfiguração da Intervenção e marcaram a sua manutenção ao longo do tempo. A análise evidenciou que estes fatores estratégicos identificados guardam correspondência com os já apresentados na literatura internacional e que a sustentabilidade de intervenções de Atenção Primária, em especial, da ESF é marcada pela influência destes fatores.

The Eastman Kodak Co. and the Canadian Kodak Co. Ltd : re-structuring the Canadian photographic industry, c.1885-1910

Perry, Shannon January 2016 (has links)
Within the accepted historiography of photography, the importance of George Eastman and the Eastman Kodak Company (EKC) has become unassailable. They have been placed as the key, and often sole, agent in “revolutionizing” the amateur photography market in the late nineteenth century. While the photographic landscape and market of 1885-1914 was indeed radically altered, the historiographical dominance of what can be identified as the “Kodak story” has obscured the means through which EKC’s successful re-structuring of the existing manufacturing and distribution networks of photographic materials occurred. I argue that the changes effected by Eastman and the EKC began not with imaging desires, but with their acknowledgment, and profound understanding of the existing and competing interests within the photographic industry. This thesis focuses on the EKC’s re-structuring of the extant and evolving communities involved in the manufacturing and distribution of photographic materials in Canada between 1885-1910. Focusing particularly on the period immediately surrounding the establishment of the Canadian Kodak Co. Limited in 1899, I demonstrate the re-structuring processes at work, including: market and financial diversification; governmental lobbying; purchase and mergers; and other business and marketing-based strategies. I frame my theoretical positions and analysis of network re-structuring through the experiences of Ottawa professional photographer and photographic business owner William James Topley (active 1868-1907), and CKCoLtd manager John Garrison Palmer (active 1886-1921). Topley and Garrison’s professional experiences and interactions with expanded communities of photographic consumers and industry participants provide an opportunity for specific and detailed findings which challenge understandings of the evolution of the practice of photography during this transitional period. In doing so, I provide evidence of the primary role network re-structuring played in the EKC’s ability to shape the wider international photographic industry to their advantage in the early twentieth century.

Kolem nekolem: Cykloaktivismus optikou teorie sítí-aktérů / To bike or not to bike: Cycloactivism in a perspective of actor-network theory

Fendrychová, Kristýna January 2015 (has links)
In this diploma thesis I focus on the formation of urban cycling including heterogeneous participating actors - people, discourses, technologies, infrastructures and other materialities. I examine cyclists' relationships with their environment and describe asymmetries connected with the dominant status of automobilism in urban environment, and strategies for contesting this situation. I also focus on cyclo-activist discourse which plays an important role in the empowerment of cyclists in urban traffic. Mobilizing arguments of critical theory and the "right for the city" concept cyclo-advoacy strives to include as many citizens as possible in debate about public space and in this way support pro-cycling developments. From the perspective of actor-network theory (ANT) this strategy has limits due to its operation with stabilized social science categories and I argue that ANT could contribute a more nuanced arguments to cyclo-advocacy with detailed description of connections between cyclists and urban environment, focus on embodiment and emotions and highlighting the role of materialities. It could thereby provide a stronger argument for furthering the pro-cycling development. Key words: urban cycling, automobilism, actor-network theory (ANT), cycloadvocacy, critical theory, materiality

Kolo-nizace: symetrická etnografie rozvojového projektu Kola pro Afriku / Bicy-colonization: A symmetrical ethnography of the development project Kola pro Afriku (Czech Bikes for Gambian Schools)

Werner, Jan January 2016 (has links)
This study is a symmetrical ethnography of the Czech development project Kola pro Afriku (Czech Bikes for Gambian Schools), which involves the collection, repairs, modification and shipment of old Czech bicycles to The Gambia. Once there, they are distributed to partner schools and offered to communing pupils. In my research, I mainly focus on the pivotal technology of the project, bicycles, and their performances. Drawing on classic ethnographies of development and (most importantly) on studies based on the actor-network theory (ANT), I gradually explore the bike collection process, their modifications and repairs, their shipment to The Gambia and their local operations. When doing so, I focus on the social topology of the bicycles and its transformations in the timespace. In this regard, the bicycles gradually appear as junk (i.e. a dysfunctional relict of stabilized networks), as a fluid collectivity and as individually fluid. Thereby, this study shows that technology transfers may lead not only to changes in the set of relations, of which the given object consists, but in the very modes, in which those relations arise. It is precisely these topological transformations that significantly contribute to the functioning of the project Kola pro Afriku. Key words: development cooperation,...

Socio-materiella tankevurpor och systematiskt kvalitetsarbete i förskolans praktik / Socio-material rethinking and systematic quality work in preschool

Löf, Kerstin January 2020 (has links)
Studien undersöker förskolans systematiska kvalitetsarbete genom att utgå från Actor-Network Theory. Syftet är att utforska nätverket av relationer och samhandlingar mellan mänskliga såväl som materiella aktörer i det pedagogiska analys- och utvärderingsarbetet. Utifrån deltagande observationer och insamlade dokument avser analysen att spåra hur mänskliga såväl som materiella aktörer samhandlar under förskolans analys- och utvärderingsarbete, samt hur praktiken förhandlas fram, formeras och omformeras av aktörernas samhandlingar. Resultatet visar att samhandlingarna mellan aktörerna kan ha en svartlådande effekt på analysarbetet och att bedömning som fenomen kan ses som omformerande krafter. Vidare visar resultatet att förhandlingar mellan aktörerna präglas av såväl motstånd som anpassning, samt att teknologin, inte enbart förstådd som teknologiska apparater utan även som teknologiska format för dokumentation, kan en förrädisk agens på förskolans analys-och utvärderingsarbete. Utifrån resultaten blir det synligt att det inte alltid är människan som spelar huvudrollen, utan att materiella aktörer är ofrånkomliga förhandlingspartners, som människor både agerar på och blir agerade på. Det blir också tydligt hur komplexiteter och pedagogiska utmaningar blir en del av den verbala utvärderingen, men som dock inte lyckas ta sig hela vägen till en skriven utvärderingstext. Avslutningsvis argumenteras det för på vilket sätt ett socio-materiellt perspektivtagande skulle kunna bidra med en större öppenhet och analytisk vakenhet i relation till hur förskolans systematiska kvalitetsarbete förhandlas fram och blir till.

Berättelsen vi är och bär : om naturens betydelse för vem vi upplever oss vara / The tale of what we are and carry : nature´s impact on our perception of ourselves

Ekeland Sjöberg, Kerstin January 2019 (has links)
Does our cultural background colour our perception of nature? And if so, can it be seen when asked about early childhood memories? These were some of the starting questions I was pondering over after a walk in the forest with 5 women from different continents. Even if we were about same age, it was quite clear that what we saw and how we perceived the surroundings differed. At this time, I got a book written by Bruno Latour and as his thought was intriguing, I wanted to test my understanding of his actor-network theory and search for traits that could explain the difference in our perception by following his advice. This was not as easy as it seemed. My material is based on interviews with three women in their 60´s and early 70´s done during October 2018. They told about their early childhood memory of nature. I used this material to follow the connections back in time and between actors of importance in their environs. I could also find trails that followed them until this day. I have also discussed different aspects of the use of narrative as a tool to make the reality understandable for the individual. How interpretation evolves during life to maintain the importance of one’s life in time and space. Words have the ability to imbed events in a bigger narrative and in that way let things be remembered for the future. How we react to events do depend on both cultural and biological factors and our interpretation of the situation is something that may have duration during our whole life. A tiny thing such as a blueberry can have a huge importance as one of the women told me. I found that a simple question revealed an astonishing amount of information that could be tracked down in time. Cultural tradition could be seen, and trails of family history were observable. Also, nature preferences turned out to have been established early. All three talked about the importance of their type of nature throughout their life, but what they preferred differed. What one of the women found preferable was totally indifferent for one of the others and the source was to be found in these important childhood memories. I have used research from several scientific disciplines and authors as Latour, Bell, Ellen, Frykman, Daun, Saltzman, Ulrich, Kaplan and others. The point of departure is ethnology, but other areas are visited during this study due to the fact that, as I argue, everything is connected, following Bruno Latour in his actor-network theory.

Management accounting change in public health care

Kantola, H. (Hannele) 03 June 2014 (has links)
Abstract The aim of this dissertation is to analyse the process of change in management accounting in public-sector health care. The change is examined through the implementation of a nationally homogeneous Diagnosis Related Grouping (DRG) system. The DRG system is used to classify health-care diagnoses into groups for service productisation and pricing. The system has been proposed as a solution for cost accounting and budgeting. The practical motivation of the dissertation is to analyse the embedding of change in organisations´ practises. The theoretical motivation of the dissertation is to extend the investigation of change by analysing the process of implementation of a nationally homogeneous system. The research data comprise 39 interviews conducted between 2006 and 2011 with hospital district representatives, the representatives of the company managing the DRG system, the DRG system supplier, and the representatives of the National Institute for Health and Welfare and the Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities. In addition to interviews, the data consists of participative observations, telephone inquiries, and newspaper articles. This dissertation consists of four essays that analyse the data through the lens of two theories: the Actor Network (ANT) and Institutional theory (NIS). The results indicate how the use of multiple theories (ANT ja NIS) as a methodology enriches and extends the insight into the change process in management accounting. For instance, the analysis of the homogeneous use of the DRG system, without investigating the practices of actors by making use of the ANT, the results could have been different in this respect. Especially, this dissertation indicates how important it is that actors’ actions are also examined in the processes of change in the implementation of public-sector management accounting systems. The idea for the DRG system was introduced to Finland almost twenty years ago. However, the results indicate that it has spread very slowly. According to earlier research, an institutional environment is considered to exercise pressure on organisations in order to make them adopt new practices that are homogeneous with other institutional practices. There is indirect pressure in decentralised health care in Finland, though its power for change is weak. This dissertation shows how the decentralisation of responsibilities in large-scale institutions, such as the health-care system in Finland, also slows down and decentralises reforms. As institutional power becomes weaker, the power of organisations to promote things seems to grow stronger, however. / Tiivistelmä Tämän väitöskirjatyön tarkoituksena on analysoida johdon laskentatoimen muutosprosessia julkisen sektorin terveydenhoidossa. Muutosta tarkastellaan kansallisesti yhtenäisen diagnoosiperustaisen ryhmittelyjärjestelmän (Diagnosis Related Grouping, DRG) käyttöönottoprosessin kautta. DRG on järjestelmä, jossa luokitellaan terveydenhoidon diagnoosit ryhmiin palvelujen tuotteistusta ja hinnoittelua varten. Järjestelmää on esitetty ratkaisuna kustannuslaskentaan ja budjetointiin. Väitöskirjatyön käytännön motivaationa on analysoida muutoksen asettumista organisaatioiden käytäntöihin. Väitöskirjatyön teoreettisena motivaationa on laajentaa muutostutkimusta tarkastelemalla kansallisesti yhtenäisen järjestelmän käyttöönottoa. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu 39 haastattelusta, joita on kerätty vuosien 2006 ja 2011 välillä. Tutkimuksessa on haastateltu sairaanhoitopiirien henkilökuntaa, DRG-järjestelmän hallinnoiman yhtiön edustajia, järjestelmän toimittajaa, Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitoksen sekä Kuntaliiton edustajia. Aineisto sisältää haastattelujen lisäksi osallistuvaa havainnointia, puhelinkyselyjä sekä lehtiartikkeleita. Tämä väitöskirjatyö koostuu neljästä esseestä, joissa analysoidaan aineistoa kahden eri teorian, toimijaverkostoteorian (ANT) ja institutionaalisen teorian (NIS), avulla. Tulokset tuovat esille, kuinka kahden teorian (ANT ja NIS) metodologinen käyttö rikastuttaa ja laajentaa näkemystä johdon laskentatoimen muutosprosessista. Esimerkiksi analysoitaessa DRG-järjestelmän yhtenäistä käyttöä tutkimatta toimijoiden toimintaa toimijaverkostoteoriaa hyödyntäen, tulokset voisivat tältä osin olla erilaiset. Erityisesti tämä väitöskirjatyö osoittaa, kuinka tärkeää julkisen sektorin johdon laskentajärjestelmien käyttöönoton muutosprosessia tutkittaessa on tutkia myös toimijoiden toimintaa. Idea DRG-järjestelmästä esitettiin Suomessa melkein kaksikymmentä vuotta sitten. Tulokset osoittavat kuitenkin, että sen leviäminen on ollut hyvin hidasta. Aikaisempien tutkimusten mukaan institutionaalisen ympäristön katsotaan painostavan organisaatioita, jotta ne ottaisivat käyttöön uusia menetelmiä, jotka ovat yhdenmukaiset muiden institutionaalisten käytänteiden kanssa. Suomen hajautetussa terveydenhoidossa esitetään epäsuoraa painetta, mutta sen voima muutokseen ei ole vahva. Väitöskirjatyö tuo esille miten suurien instituutioiden, kuten Suomen terveydenhoidon, vastuun hajautuessa myös reformit hidastuvat ja hajautuvat. Institutionaalisten voimien heikentyessä organisaatioiden voima ajaa asioita näyttää kuitenkin vahvistuvan.

"We are in Korea, everybody is ready to change": Etnografie plastické chirurgie v Korejské republice / "We are in Korea, everybody is ready to change": Ethnography of Plastic Surgery in the Republic of Korea

Mudruňková, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to identify practices that constitute plastic surgery in current Republic of Korea with emphasis put on relationships between participating human beings, materials and technologies. It focuses on practices proceeding inside and outside the clinic of plastic surgery. In accordance with M. Lock's concept of local biology this thesis introduces Korean plastic surgery as a set of practices shaped by mutual interaction of local technologies and Korean bodies. The actor network theory approach (ANT), which emphasizes relational open-ended forming of entities, is applied to examining various aspects of plastic surgery. This approach also provides new ways of exploring how the entities and practices described in the medical anthropology as medicalization, medical tourism or local biology are produced. Key words plastic surgery; Republic of Korea; Actor - Network Theory (ANT); bodily practices; local biology; beauty ideal; medicalization.

Konstmuseers arbete med digitalisering av sina samlingar : En semiotisk analys / Art museums' work on digitizing their collections : A semiotic analysis

Rinaldo, Nina January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine how six different art museums are working on digitizing their collections, and how they are made available to the public. To answer the purpose, three research questions were formulated; how the museums work with digitization, what is digitized and which programs and guidelines are used, and how the digitized material is made available to the public on the websites. The museums examined in this thesis are Nationalmuseum in Stockholm, the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C., Moderna Museet in Stockholm, the National Palace Museum Taiwan in Taipei and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Prior to the study, previous research on digital humanities, digitization in museums, and the role of museums and their approach to digital collections, were studied. The theoretical framework used in the analysis consists of theories regarding “New media” and digital humanities, theories about “The museum process” and Actor-network theory, ANT. The method used is qualitative content analysis and semiotic image analysis of the museum websites. The results and analysis show that the museum websites differ in terms of design, functions, user-friendliness and collection content. In addition, the museums use different guidelines and software programs in the digitization process of their collections, although there is some overlap. The analysis shows that the Rijksmuseum, the Smithsonian and the National Palace Museum Taiwan are the museums in the study that have made the most progress with digitizing their collections and using interactive elements on their websites. The museum with the least developed digitization work is Moderna Museet, whose search page is the simplest and most standardized in comparison with the other museum websites.

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