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När inkludering blir exkludering : En essä om hur man tar sig an rollen som elevassistent till ett barn med NPFBlomhage Engdahl, Matilda January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna essä är att undersöka hur elever med NPF (neuropsykiska funktionsnedsättningar) kan bli inkluderade i skolan och på fritidshemmet, samt öka kunskapen kring hur lärare ska bemöta elever med NPF. Denna uppsats är skriven i essäform. I essän delar jag med mig av händelser där dilemman uppstått från min yrkeserfarenhet gällande en elev med NPF. I början av essän försöker jag, genom att berätta om några konkreta händelser från mitt arbete som assistent till en pojke med NPF, få läsaren att se vad mitt arbete innebär. Essän har fyra frågeställningar som uppsatsen utgår från: Hur ska jag inkludera elever i behov av stöd på bästa sätt på fritidshemmet men även i klassrummet? Vilka kunskaper hade jag behövt för att möta Noel på bästa sätt? Vem ansvarar för Noels skolgång och tillvaro? Vad hade behövts för skapa en hållbar arbetssituation för mig? Essän avslutas med en reflektion kring resultatet som framkommit i essän. Jag har genom denna essä kommit till slutsatsen om att teoretisk kunskap är en viktigt del i arbete med elever med NPF. / The purpose of this essay is to investigate how students with NPF (neuropsychiatric disabilities) can be included in school and at the after-school center, as well as increase knowledge about how teachers should treat students with NPF. This article is written in essay form. In the essay, I share events where dilemmas have arisen from my own professional experience regarding a student with NPF. At the beginning of the essay, by telling a story about my own work with a boy with NPF, I try to involve a readers a wittnes of my work etails. The essay deals with four questions on which the essay is based: How should I include students in need of support in the best way in the after-school center but also in the classroom? What knowledge would I have needed to meet Noel in the best way? Who is responsible for Noel's schooling and existence? What would have been needed to create a sustainable work situation for me? The essay ends with a reflection on the results that have emerged in the essay. Through this essay, I have come to the conclusion that theoretical knowledge is an important part of working with students with NPF.
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”En fyrkantig undervisning” : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur lågstadielärare arbetar med elever som har neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar i det ordinarie matematikklassrummet / ”A confined teaching” : A qualitative interview study on how primary school teachers work with pupils who have neuropsychiatric disabilities in the regular mathematics classroomNilsson, Kristina January 2019 (has links)
Studien syftar till att synliggöra hur verksamma lågstadielärare arbetar med elever som har neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar (NPF-diagnoser) i det ordinarie matematikklassrummet. Bakgrundsdelen inleds med en redogörelse för hur matematiksvårigheter kopplat till olika NPF-diagnoser ser ut. Därefter tas begreppet inkluderande matematikundervisning upp samt förslag på hur lärare eller andra pedagoger kan jobba med dessa elever i skolan, detta baserat på tidigare, vetenskaplig forskning. Studiens data har samlats in genom kvalitativa intervjuer med fem lågstadielärare på skolor runt om i landet. Intervjuerna spelades in som ljudfiler för att sedan transkriberas och tolkas utifrån innehållsanalysen olika steg. Studien har sin teoretiska utgångspunkt i det sociokulturella- samt i det relationella perspektivet. Resultat visar att elever med NPF-diagnoser drar nytta av att följa en tydlig struktur som upprepar sig från lektion till lektion. Eftersom eleverna ofta har bristande uppmärksamhets- och koncentrationsförmåga är det viktigt att de får kortare arbetspass, blandat med mer pauser än övriga klasskamrater. Vidare visar resultatet att det är viktigt att eleverna får möjlighet att variera sina arbetssätt och arbetsformer, samtidigt som de får kontinuerlig återkoppling och stöd under hela undervisningsprocessen. / The purpose of the study is to highlight how primary school teachers work in the regular classroom while teaching pupils, diagnosed with neuropsychiatric disabilities, mathematics. The background section begins with an account of how mathematics challenges, associated with these specific disabilities, may appear. Thereafter the concept of inclusive mathematics teaching is discussed along with suggestions on how teachers and other educators can work with these pupils, based on previous scientific research. The study data has been gathered through qualitative interviews with five primary school teachers in schools throughout the country. The interviews were recorded as audio files to later be transcribed and interpreted in regards to the content of the analysis' different steps. The study has its theoretical point of departure in the sociocultural, but also in the relative perspective. The result shows that pupils with neuropsychiatric disabilities benefit from following a clear structure which is repeated from lesson to lesson. Since the pupils often lack attention and concentration ability it is important that they have shorter work periods along with more frequent breaks than other classmates. Furthermore, the result shows that it is important that the pupils have the opportunity to vary their working methods and working routines, while at the same time receiving continuous feedback and support throughout the entire teaching process.
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Supporting learners with autism in an early childhood centre for learning : a case study in inclusive educationEnock, Rebecca Joe 09 1900 (has links)
Inclusive education is a fundamental part of South African Education with policies and initiatives being designed to provide support for learners with barriers to learning. With autism as a growing global phenomenon, South Africa has the additional challenge of providing learning support for learners with autism. This dissertation focuses on how one specialised preschool provides inclusive opportunities for preschool learners with autism through learning support. This setting is unique as it shares the same physical location as a mainstream preschool. The study focuses upon how the preschool teachers support their learners with autism so that they can be included within the adjoining inclusive environment. The research was conducted through participant observation and supporting interviews over a period of six months. All observations were recorded through field notes and reflections. The research produced a number of key findings. The shared physical environment enabled teachers and learners from both preschool settings to work together on a daily basis. This had a positive effect upon peer acceptance, staff and learner relationships and opportunities for staff to communicate and work collaboratively on a daily basis. The specialised preschool teachers provided learning support through the adaptation of learning environment, curriculum, multi sensory learning and language and communicative means. The main conclusions drawn from this research were the importance of a close working relationship between staff members and learners from both settings; the importance of adapting communication, environment and learning expectations; and lastly, the importance of focusing upon each individual when providing inclusive opportunities. The research recommends having a specialist setting physically close to an inclusive environment as this enables learners with high needs such as autism to build up the skills needed to benefit from being included. In addition, the research recommends staff in mainstream and specialist settings to have regular opportunity to work together collaboratively when developing learning strategies. Finally, the research recommends the publication of a guideline, outlining the nature of autism and recommended strategies to use within the classroom, which would serve as a flexible document for teachers to adapt to support their individual learners. / Inclusive Education / M. Ed. (Inclusive Education)
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Supporting learners with autism in an early childhood centre for learning : a case study in inclusive educationEnock, Rebecca Joe 09 1900 (has links)
Inclusive education is a fundamental part of South African Education with policies and initiatives being designed to provide support for learners with barriers to learning. With autism as a growing global phenomenon, South Africa has the additional challenge of providing learning support for learners with autism. This dissertation focuses on how one specialised preschool provides inclusive opportunities for preschool learners with autism through learning support. This setting is unique as it shares the same physical location as a mainstream preschool. The study focuses upon how the preschool teachers support their learners with autism so that they can be included within the adjoining inclusive environment. The research was conducted through participant observation and supporting interviews over a period of six months. All observations were recorded through field notes and reflections. The research produced a number of key findings. The shared physical environment enabled teachers and learners from both preschool settings to work together on a daily basis. This had a positive effect upon peer acceptance, staff and learner relationships and opportunities for staff to communicate and work collaboratively on a daily basis. The specialised preschool teachers provided learning support through the adaptation of learning environment, curriculum, multi sensory learning and language and communicative means. The main conclusions drawn from this research were the importance of a close working relationship between staff members and learners from both settings; the importance of adapting communication, environment and learning expectations; and lastly, the importance of focusing upon each individual when providing inclusive opportunities. The research recommends having a specialist setting physically close to an inclusive environment as this enables learners with high needs such as autism to build up the skills needed to benefit from being included. In addition, the research recommends staff in mainstream and specialist settings to have regular opportunity to work together collaboratively when developing learning strategies. Finally, the research recommends the publication of a guideline, outlining the nature of autism and recommended strategies to use within the classroom, which would serve as a flexible document for teachers to adapt to support their individual learners. / Inclusive Education / M. Ed. (Inclusive Education)
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Hur kan jag förstå dig? : En studie om lärares arbete med elever med språkstörning i SO-ämnena / How can I understand you? : A study on teachers work with pupils with development language disorder in civics educationSchüler, Ella, Syrén, Oskar January 2024 (has links)
Elever med språkstörning kan ha stora svårigheter att ta till sig undervisningen på grund av bristande språklig förmåga. Detta är något som tydligt kan ses i de samhällsorienterade ämnena då dessa innehåller ett mer abstrakt språk än elevernas vardagsspråk. Det finns väldigt lite forskning att finna gällande lärares arbete med elever med språkstörning i SO-ämnena. Denna studies syfte är att undersöka just hur lärare kan arbeta med anpassningar och språkutvecklande undervisning för att utveckla ämneskunnandet för elever med språkstörning. Detta görs genom en kvalitativ metod och semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex lärare på tre olika skolor. De ger sin bild av elever med språkstörningar idag för att arbetet ska kunna besvara hur lärare anpassar undervisningen, hur de ser på sin kompetens samt hur de arbetar språkutvecklande. I deras svar kunde man tydligt se kopplingar till speciellt den sociokulturella teorin och en språkinriktad undervisning, något som sedan arbetet tar upp. Resultatet som blir tydligt i studien är att bildstöd, grupparbete och digitala hjälpmedel är de största anpassningarna som de flesta lärare använder. Dock vill många lärare ha större kompetens kring språkstörningar och flera skulle önska att språkutveckla sin undervisning ännu mer men att de känner att de inte får stöd i detta arbete. Slutsatsen och diskussionen som uppkommer är att det inte finns ett tydligt rätt svar i hur dessa anpassningar påverkar eleverna då det i svenska källor pratas mycket om bildstöd medan internationella källor inte nämner det. Det kan därför vara så att vi överskattar vikten av de anpassningar vi har i Sverige. Det är därför tydligt att det behövs mer forskning likt denna, både nationellt och internationellt, kring språkstörning inom SO-ämnena då det saknas mycket information vilket gör att det som lärare är svårt att veta hur man ska göra för att bäst nå dessa elever.
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