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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Koordination och organisation : - två viktiga begrepp vid skapandet av en innehållsrik hemsida för kommunala myndigheter

Amerivaressi, Farrokh, Österhult, Roland January 2003 (has links)
Vi har undersökt vilket innehåll som socialtjänstens enhet individ-och familjeomsorgen inom olika kommuner har på sina hemsidor samt hur de har organiserat och koordinerat arbetet.Det visar sig att innehållsmässigt ser det väldigt lika ut med den information som erbjuds, det som skiljer hemsidorna åt är aktiviteter och kontaktmöjligheter för användarna. En del kommuner erbjuder sina användare möjligheten till kontakt via email till berörd handläggare medan andra valt att enbart ha email till själva enheten eller någon chef.Koordinationen kring själva arbetet sker i det flesta fall via muntlig kommunikation och ömsesidig anpassning. Endast en kommun har minskat koordinationen genom att använda standardprogram.Arbetets organisation utgår ifrån en grundläggande form av AD-hocracy.

Tuberculosis care in Stockholm : An organizational analysis based on staff perception

Åhlin, Erik January 2013 (has links)
In an increasingly more interconnected world, the importance of epidemiology in public and international health is rapidly increasing. Tuberculosis is one of the diseases that contributes to this, as its lengthy incubation time and annual high mortality count makes it one of the toughest bacteria for the medical community to combat. Sweden is today a low-endemic region but still suffers a number of cases each year. The majority of these infections have occurred abroad. This qualitative study aims evaluate the Swedish healthcare systems organizational structure in relation to the treating and tracking of tuberculosis. Key personnel from several different units working with diagnosing, treating and tracking of tuberculosis have been interviewed about their perception regarding the organizational structure. The data have been analyzed through H. Mintzbergs theoretical framework regarding organizational structure. The analysis shows that the current system can be described as an Adhocracy. The organization is highly capable of handling adjustment and producing unique and complex outputs in the form of individualized treatment plans and disease tracking efforts. However, the system is highly dependent on internal communication and has great difficulty in up-scaling and expanding. The study shows that the current system would be challenged by a sharp increase in tuberculosis-cases in Stockholm. / I en alltmer sammankopplad värld så får epidemiologin en ökad betydelse i folk- och internationell hälsa. Tuberkulos är en av de sjukdomarna som ligger bakom detta. Dess långa inkubationstid och höga dödstal gör att är en av de svåraste bakteriesjukdomarna att få bukt med. Sverige är idag ett låg-endemiskt land men drabbas ändå av ett par hundra fall per år. Majoriteten av dess infekteras i utland och reser sedan in i Sverige. Denna kvalitativa studie har som mål att utvärdera det svenska hälsovårdssystemet utifrån dess organisatoriska struktur. Datainsamlandet har skett via intervjuer med nyckelpersoner inom tuberkulos-vården kring deras uppfattning om den organisatoriska strukturen. Dessa har varit inblandade i att diagnostisera, behandla och smittospåra tuberkulos patienter. Denna data har sedan analyserat utifrån H.Mintzbergs teorier kring organisationsstruktur. Analysen visar att det aktuella systemet har många likheter med modellen Adhocracy, på så sätt att det är en organisation som kan justeras på ett mycket detaljerat och följsamt sätt i en dynamisk kontext. Den kan också producera unika och komplexa produkter i form av skräddarsydda behandlingsplaner och smittspårningar. Systemet lider dock av ett stort behov av inre kommunikation och möter svårigheter när verksamheten utökas. Slutsatsen blir att det nuvarande systemet skulle ha stora utmaningar med att hantera en markant ökning av tuberkulos fall i Stockholm.

Upplevelsen av självstyrning bland unga vuxna : En kvalitativ studie i ett av Sveriges ledande försäkringsbolag

Stener, Sara January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka styrningen av unga vuxna inom ett av Sveriges ledande försäkringsbolag. Den problematik som legat till grund för studiens ämnesval är den uppmärksamhet svensk och internationell media på senare tid skapat kring dagens nyinträdda arbetskraft. Den unga arbetskraften beskrivs som individer som ställer betydande krav på sitt arbete i form av självständighet och flexibilitet. Samtidigt som tidigare studier visar på att traditionell, byråkratisk organisering finns kvar inom dagens organisationer. Resultat som motsätter sig den unga arbetskraftens krav om självständighet och flexibilitet. I denna studie ämnar jag därmed att undersöka upplevelsen av självstyrning bland unga vuxna, inom ett utvalt försäkringsbolag, och sätta det i relation till byråkrati och självstyrning. Den frågeställning som legat till grund för studien är; Hur upplever unga vuxna möjligheten till att påverka sitt arbete och beslutsfattande på en avdelning på ett större försäkringsbolag? För att besvara denna frågeställning har jag använt ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt, med en kombination av intervjuer och en deltagande observation. Materialet analyseras utifrån en sociologisk syn på organisationer, samt teorier kring byråkrati och post-byråkrati/adhocracy. Denna studies resultat visar på att de unga vuxna upplever sig ha ett mycket lågt inflytande till att kunna påverka sina arbetsuppgifter, och i delaktigheten kring beslutsfattande. I studien åskådliggörs en övergång från direktkontroll till teknologisk kontroll. Där målstyrning och tydliga regelverk i samråd med företags policys och riktlinjer minskar möjligheterna till självstyrning för de anställda. Mycket av studiens resultat pekar i riktning mot att byråkratin fortlever, samtidigt som de anställda kontrolleras av styrformer som kännetecknar post-byråkratin. Med andra ord går dessa styrformer inte att ses som två skiljaktigeter. En slutsats som denna studie möjliggör är att en strävan mot flexibilitet och självständighet skapar nya kontrolleringsmekanismer, som i viss utsträckning minskar de anställdas upplevelser av frihet och självbestämmande.

The Architecture of Mass Collaboration: How Open Source Commoning Will Change Everything

Gardner, Alec J. 11 October 2013 (has links)
No description available.

The agile way of working within the manufacturing industry : An exploratory study investigating how to lead the adoption of the “Agile way of working” within the manufacturing industry

Brinks, Hanne, Johnson, Prince January 2019 (has links)
Background: Based upon two important phenomena within the manufacturing industry an upcoming agile era is being proposed within this thesis, those phenomena have shown a shift in the focus of attention for companies within the manufacturing industry in the past. The first phenomenon is being referred to as “physical product development saturation” and the second phenomenon is “lean saturation”, which are introduced in order to give importance to the aspiration for a new emphasis to remain competitiveness and create more value within the manufacturing industry. Where in the past the focus was on physical product development, this in order to enhance and or invent new products. This was followed by the need for a more efficient way of working by eliminating wastes (Lean), although both phenomena are about to reach their limits with respect to the extra value they (can) create. The forthcoming agile era allows for a new way of value creation, this by adaptivity. This introduces the potential of a new way to create value, this being done by the agile way of working. Purpose: The research in this thesis aimed to find an answer to the question of how companies within the manufacturing industry could adopt an agile way of working in order to allow for a new way of value creation. Method: This research was approached by conducting a qualitative study. Eleven semi-structured interviews were conducted, with companies from the manufacturing, IT and consultancy industries. The collected data was then sorted and analysed systematically to generate knowledge and draw upon conclusions to answer the proposed research questions. Conclusion: In order to successfully adopt the agile way of working, within an organization in the manufacturing industry, the challenge is to create awareness and an understanding of the value and benefits an agile way of working could create, especially for the middle-management. This could be done by explaining an agile way of working as an extension to Lean. Furthermore, the tools &amp; processes of the agile way of working could be experimented with in order to start “doing agile”, this finally resulting in creating an understanding of the potential power of an agile way of working. Whereas, an agile way of working is being characterized by an encouraging, transparent culture led by a servant leadership style by making use of empowerment to stimulate value creation. Ultimately, resulting in adopting an agile way of working and achieving “becoming agile”. / <p>Thesis written in the  context of the study program “Engineering Management”.</p>

Les logiques collaboratives : Epistémologie, représentations et rationalisation dans les domaines de l'organisation du travail et de la gestion de carrière / Collaboratives logics : Epistemology, Representations and Professional Pratices applied to Work Organisation and Carrier Management

Pollet, Maxime 08 December 2016 (has links)
L’apparition et le développement depuis les années 2010 d’organisations professionnelles et extraprofessionnelles présentées comme collaboratives font évoluer notre perception du travail et les questions et problématiques qui lui sont spécifiques. Cette évolution vient notamment questionner la pertinence des modèles organisationnels actuels, ainsi que les modèles de gestion de son parcours professionnel. En effet, les pratiques collaboratives apparaitraient aujourd’hui comme un modèle stratégique de développement, puisque susceptible de répondre favorablement à la fois aux demandes de nature économique et aux demandes de nature sociale. L’objectif de ce travail est de mettre en évidence les conditions initiales et les facteurs de maintenance susceptibles de soutenir la mise en oeuvre de tels fonctionnements collaboratifs. Pour cela notre objet sera étudié dans une perspective à la fois organisationnelle – identifier les théories et modèles organisationnels permettant de penser et mettre en oeuvre ces fonctionnements ; épistémologique et politique – mettre en évidence les valeurs et croyances sur lesquelles ces modèles se construisent et puisent leur légitimité ; psychologique – examiner la façon dont sont vécues ces injonctions par les personnes concernées pour identifier les facteurs facilitants ou limitants. Au moyen de plusieurs recueils de données (1014 offres d’emploi, 100 images représentant le collaboratif et 10 entretiens approfondis auprès de travailleurs collaboratifs), nous avons pu dégager et éclaircir le paradoxe d’un modèle organisationnel apparaissant dans la seconde moitié du XXe siècle mais ne se développant que des dizaines d’années après en réponse à une certaine configuration socio-économique. Nos résultats confirment aujourd’hui une véritable actualité du collaboratif, notamment dans sa dispersion dans de nombreux domaines professionnels et extraprofessionnels et la diffusion de certains éléments d’un discours lui étant propre dans les sphères professionnelles. Ce développement passe notamment par l’apparition de profils organisationnels et individuels hybrides, ayant intégré tout ou partie des valeurs et principes propres à ces logiques réticulaires. / The development of collaborative organizations since the 2010s questions the relevance of the current organizational models, as well as the models of career management. Collaborative practices appear today as a strategic development model, because they are more likely to both answer favorably to economic and social requests. The objective of this work is to highlight the initial conditions and the factors of maintenance able to support the implementation of such functioning. We employed a three levels analysis: organizational - to identify theories and organizational models allowing to think and to implement these functioning; epistemological and political - to highlight values and beliefs on which these models build themselves and draw their legitimacy; psychological - to examine the way these orders are lived by the concerned people. By means of several datacollections (1014 job offers, 100 images representing the collaborative and 10 extensive interviews with collaborative workers) and qualitative and quantitative analysis, results collaborative topicality, in particular in its late appearance in answer to a specific economic and social environment and the broadcasting of idiosyncratic elements of speech in the professional sphere. This development can be seen in particular in the appearance of hybrid organizational and individual profiles, having integrated all or part of the values and peculiar principles to these reticular logics.

Fisk, fågel eller mittemellan? : En studie av tre multiprojektmiljöer / Bird, fish or in between? : A study of three multiprojectenvironments

Hagert, Charlotta, Jonsson, Madeleine January 2002 (has links)
Background: A great part of all projects within Swedish industry are conducted in a multiprojectenvironment, which means that several projects are performed simultaneously. The research within the field of project management is though focused on single projects. Projects are highly dependent on the context in which they are conducted, although the organization of the multiprojectenvironment is only partly explored. Furthermore is the research within the project management highly concentrated on standardization of the project work. The question is whether this implies to the basic advantages with the project-oriented organization, which is flexibility and creativity? Purpose: To describe and obtain an understanding for the multiprojectenvironment regarding management control and organization. Realisation: The study is based upon a case study of development departments within three industrial companies. Results: The multiprojectenvironment can to a great extent be described with the help of Mintzbergs´ adhocracy concept. Large projects are conducted in both types of adhocracies and tend to be more structured than the smaller ones. Mutual adjustment is the central coordination mechanism within the multiprojectenvironment. The matrix organization, which has its central of gravity somewhere between the project- and the functional organization without being in balance risks to befairly vague. The multiprojectenvironment is controlled both formal and informal, formal control can though in a high extent be risky. Common belief systems and common strategy development is important within the multiprojectenvironment.

Fisk, fågel eller mittemellan? : En studie av tre multiprojektmiljöer / Bird, fish or in between? : A study of three multiprojectenvironments

Hagert, Charlotta, Jonsson, Madeleine January 2002 (has links)
<p>Background: A great part of all projects within Swedish industry are conducted in a multiprojectenvironment, which means that several projects are performed simultaneously. The research within the field of project management is though focused on single projects. Projects are highly dependent on the context in which they are conducted, although the organization of the multiprojectenvironment is only partly explored. Furthermore is the research within the project management highly concentrated on standardization of the project work. The question is whether this implies to the basic advantages with the project-oriented organization, which is flexibility and creativity? </p><p>Purpose: To describe and obtain an understanding for the multiprojectenvironment regarding management control and organization. </p><p>Realisation: The study is based upon a case study of development departments within three industrial companies. </p><p>Results: The multiprojectenvironment can to a great extent be described with the help of Mintzbergs´ adhocracy concept. Large projects are conducted in both types of adhocracies and tend to be more structured than the smaller ones. Mutual adjustment is the central coordination mechanism within the multiprojectenvironment. The matrix organization, which has its central of gravity somewhere between the project- and the functional organization without being in balance risks to befairly vague. The multiprojectenvironment is controlled both formal and informal, formal control can though in a high extent be risky. Common belief systems and common strategy development is important within the multiprojectenvironment.</p>

Informationstechnische Grundlagen, Werkzeuge und Praktiken des öffentlichen Vernunftgebrauchs / die technē der Publizität

Ullrich, Stefan 16 May 2017 (has links)
Wir befinden uns mitten im Langzeitprojekt »Aufklärung«, dem Ausgang der Menschheit aus ihrer selbstverschuldeten Unmündigkeit – und bislang sieht es gut aus: Die Freiheit der Andersdenkenden, die Gleichheit aller vor dem Gesetz und die Solidarität unter den Menschen auf dem Erdball sind allgemein akzeptierte Entwicklungsziele. Über den Weg dahin lässt sich trefflich streiten, am besten in einer der schwatzhaftesten Staatsformen, eben in der parlamentarischen Demokratie. Der Aushandlungsprozess wird medienöffentlich geführt, von Kants Leserwelt bis zum world wide web von Berners-Lee nutzt der politische Mensch die Kulturtechniken Schrift, Bild und Zahl, um öffentlich von seiner Vernunft Gebrauch zu machen. Informatik ist die technische Wissenschaft, die sich mit dem Entwurf von informations- und kommunikationstechnischen Artefakten und deren Auswirkungen auf die Lebenswelt des Menschen beschäftigt, diese Arbeit fokussiert die technischen Bedingungen der Möglichkeit des öffentlichen Vernunftgebrauchs. Unter Technik soll in dieser Arbeit nicht nur die Gesamtheit der technischen Artefakte oder Systeme verstanden werden, sondern auch Handwerk, Handwerkskunst und sogar Geisteshaltungen, Gedankenketten sowie Algorithmen – ganz wie es die Etymologie des griechischen Wortes τέχνη verrät. Die vorliegende Untersuchung einer technē der Publizität führt uns von der antiken Agora über die aufklärerischen Salons bis zu den virtuellen und realen Orten der Netzöffentlichkeit. Technisch Handelnde besitzen eine ungeheure Macht, die öffentliche Deliberation zu ermöglichen oder zu bremsen. In der nun ausgerufenen Turing-Galaxis muss nun gerade die Informatik in allen Bindestrich-Varianten Verantwortung für die Gewährleistung von Öffentlichkeit übernehmen. Diese Arbeit soll dazu beitragen. / The long term project »Enlightenment« is in full swing: the freedom to dissent, equality under public law, and solidarity with all the people from all over the world – these self-imposed development goals are widely accepted by all human beings. Since everything is exquisitely debated in a parliamentary democracy, this chatty form of government, citizens will of course exquisitely debate on how to achieve these goals. The negotiation process is conducted in and by public media, from Kant''s world of readers (»Leserwelt«) on to the hypermedia of the world wide web, the homo politicus uses cultural techniques like writing, image and number for his public display of reasoning. Informatics (and also computer science for that matter) is the study of designing information and communications technology and assessing it in all social respects; this dissertation focuses on the necessary conditions for the possibility of public reasoning. The Greek word τέχνη is translated as either craft or art, in this political context technē also means mindset, chain of ideas or algorithms. In this enquiry entitled »technē der Publizität«, we will visit places of the public, starting from the Greek »agora« via Victorian coffee houses to the contemporary locations of the networked public sphere. Technicians yield the power to enable or suppress public deliberation; in the so called Turing Galaxy, Informaticians have the responsibility to ensure the possibilities of the existence of an informed public. This thesis tries to accept this responsibility.

Company Culture and Employee Benefits in Employee Branding

Teoh, Eng Hean January 2022 (has links)
To build successful new ventures or operate corporate companies, it is essential to consider the right company culture and employee benefits that fit the expectation of the employees and relevant to the operating industries and markets. On the other hand, efficient employee branding could significantly enhance talent acquisition and improve the firm performance. In general, company culture and employee benefits play important roles in shaping the employee branding. However, the main question is whether certain types of company culture and employee benefits could contribute to a better employee branding. This research study aimed to investigate the relationship of different types of company culture/employee benefits and employee branding. To this end, I first did literature review to understand the core ideas about company culture, employee benefits and employee branding. Then, I collected, decoded and analyzed the information about the written information of company culture and employee benefits available on the company official website as well as the numerical ratings of the company on the recruitment website. Next, I ran Welch’s t-tests and Pearson’s correlation tests by using a relatively smaller size of 40 companies to investigate their relationship and formulate empirical discussion. Based on the statistically significant results from Welch's t-tests and Pearson’s correlation tests, it is appropriate to suggest that companies with Clan/Adhocracy culture and concrete benefits have better employee branding.

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