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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Essays on international portfolio choices and capital flows

Zhang, Ning January 2016 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to study the international portfolio choices of countries in an asymmetric world. In practice, this corresponds to the salient facts of country portfolios and the underlying structural asymmetries between developing and developed countries in a financially integrated world. In the three main chapters of the thesis, frameworks are developed to advance our understanding of the way various country asymmetries contribute to the emergence of these persistent phenomena in international capital markets. The first essay studies the question of why developing countries experience net equity inflows and bond outflows while developed countries experience net equity outflows and bond inflows, the so-called ‘two-way capital flows'. The analysis is based on an open-economy New Keynesian model of endogenous country portfolios with representative agents in each country. The model is so general that it allows one to perform an assessment of the roles of a long list of country asymmetries in determining the pattern of two-way capital flows. While steady-state net country portfolios are zero in the first essay, the second and third essays consider the situations where this is not true. The second essay presents an OLG model of an endowment economy with a country asymmetry in households' patience. Global imbalances in net positions emerge. Gross portfolio positions are obtained as the sum of standard self-hedging and, moreover, the hedging due to external imbalances. The valuation effects of external adjustments between creditor and debtor countries are rationalized. By introducing non-tradable risks, the third essay models a production OLG economy with a country asymmetry in wealth division. Global imbalances in net positions again arise. Gross portfolio positions are composed of self-hedging, hedging of non-tradable income and hedging of external interest payments, which accounts for the reality of asymmetric asset home bias, i.e. although assets are locally biased everywhere, the pattern is more pronounced in creditor countries.

Avaliação biomecânica dos ajustes posturais em indivíduos com dor lombar / Biomechanical evaluation of postural adjustments in individuals with low back pain

Vanessa Russell Miguel Santos 02 March 2011 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar a capacidade de estabilização da coluna frente a perturbações de equilíbrio em uma população com dor lombar. Estudos revelaram uma préativação dos músculos estabilizadores do tronco de forma a preparar a coluna para a perturbação resultante de momentos reativos associados. Entretanto, esta reação de estabilização postural apresentou-se atrasada ou mesmo ausente em portadores de dor lombar. Apesar de conhecida esta alteração postural nesta população, o padrão de recrutamento muscular, ou seja, suas sinergias em indivíduos com dor lombar ainda são limitados. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o padrão de atividade muscular em indivíduos com dor lombar. Foram realizadas 4 tarefas diferentes capazes de produzir alteração postural em diferentes condições: alcance anterior, alcance lateral, flexão dos ombros e sobrecarga repentina. Foram feitas as coletas dos sinais eletromiográficos dos músculos multífido, reto abdominal, vasto medial, bíceps femoral, tibial anterior, gastrocnêmio medial e deltóide anterior e médio, simultaneamente ao uso do acelerômetro. Os resultados mostraram maior ativação em todas as tarefas de DA e BF no APO. Os Índices R e C sofreram efeito da articulação e do grupo; entretanto, não houve efeito dos ajustes. Os Índices tiveram maior intensidade no grupo DOR e na articulação do joelho.Tanto os valores de RMS quanto inibição recíproca e coativação foram maiores no grupo dor. Este estudo pode concluir que independente da tarefa realizada, a modulação do movimento foi a mesma em todas as fases e em ambos os grupos Dor e Controle. Desta forma, uma melhor investigação sobre a coordenação e sinergia muscular se faz necessária para a melhor compreensão das variáveis do movimento e sua relação com os mecanismos de lesão da coluna lombar / This study aimed to characterize the ability to stabilize the spine on isturbance of equilibrium in a population with low back pain. Studies had revealed a pre-activation of the stabilizing muscles of the trunk in order to prepare the column for the disturbance resulting from reactive moments associated. However, the postural stabilization is delayed or even absent in patients with low back pain. Despite this known postural change in this population, the pattern of muscle recruitment, ie, their synergies in subjects with low back pain are still limited. This study aimed to evaluate the pattern of muscle activity in individuals with low back pain.. The subjects did four different tasks that can produce postural change under different conditions: prior range, reach, lateral flexion of the shoulders and sudden overload. The electromyographic of muscle multifidus, rectus abdominis, vastus medialis, biceps femoris, tibialis anterior, medial gastrocnemius and anterior and middle deltoid was recorded and so the accelerometer. The results showed greater activation in all tasks of DA and BF in the APO. The indices R and C were affect by the joint and group although there was no effect by the adjustments. The indices R and C were higher in the PAIN group and knee. RMS values, coactivation and reciprocal inhibition were higher in pain. This study had concluded that the modulation of movement was the same at all postural adjustments and in both groups (Pain and Control). Therefore, futures researchers about muscular coordination and synergy is needed to better understand the variables of the movement and its relation to the mechanisms of injury to the lumbar spine

Influência da fadiga sobre assimetrias nos ajustes posturais de membros inferiores

Wiest, Matheus Joner January 2010 (has links)
Um dos principais mecanismos do sistema nervoso central para o controle da postura estática são os ajustes posturais antecipatórios (APAs). APAs são gerados para responder às perturbações ou estratégias de desestabilização do centro de pressão (CP), como no caso do início da marcha. A fadiga tem efeitos sobre os APAs e CP. No entanto, pouco se sabe sobre o papel da preferência podal sobre as respostas de antecipação entre os membros inferiores. Consequentemente, os efeitos da fadiga sobre assimetrias nos APAs não são claros. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os efeitos da fadiga unilateral dos flexores do tornozelo do membro preferido (PREF) e não-preferido (NPREF) sobre os APAs de membros inferiores. Em 22 sujeitos jovens e saudáveis, divididos em dois grupos (Fp, n=11; e Fnp, n=11) foi analisada a atividade EMG dos músculos reto femoral (RF), bíceps femoral (BF), gastrocnêmio medial (GM) e tibial anterior (TA), bilateralmente, antes (PRE) e após fadiga (POS) voluntária unilateral de flexores plantares. A fadiga muscular foi induzida por um protocolo onde os sujeitos deveriam contrair unilateralmente os flexores plantares elevando o calcanhar ao máximo com o membro preferido (Fp) ou o não-preferido (Fnp) pelo maior tempo possível. Neste protocolo, já descrito na literatura, a cada 10 s, uma nova contração isométrica era executada até que o sujeito não conseguisse mais manter a posição desejada por pelo menos dois minutos. Foi calculado o início da ativação muscular (onset) do GM durante movimentos rápidos de flexão bilateral dos ombros, sendo o início deste denominado como T0. O onset foi calculado em dez tentativas pré (PRE) e pós fadiga (POS) unilateral. Em relação ao CP, foram analisados o RMS nas direções ântero-posterior (RMSap) e médio-lateral (RMSml), e a área da elipse. Após aplicação da análise de variância para medidas repetidas (fatores: perna, grupo e tentativa), não foi encontrada nenhuma diferença significativa em relação aos APAs (p>0,05). Entretanto, quando comparamos o RMSml (p=0,013) e área da elipse (p=0,019) do CP no grupo Fp, encontramos diferenças significativas entre PRE e POS fadiga. A simetria nos APA entre membro preferido e não-preferido denota similar capacidade de respostas à perturbação, independente da preferência podal. Com a adicional perturbação da fadiga muscular, este comportamento permaneceu inalterado, embora o CP tenha apresentado alterações significativas dependentes da preferência podal. Em conjunto, estes resultados suportam a idéia de que o SNC consegue gerar respostas satisfatórias de antecipação em ambos os membros inferiores, mesmo em situação de fadiga, e as alterações no CP médio-lateral indicam maiores contribuições de músculos posturais do quadril na manutenção da postura estática. / One of the most important mechanisms of the central nervous system (CNS) working for the control of posture are the anticipatory postural adjustments (APAs). The APAs minimize effects of perturbations influencing the control of the center of pressure (COP). APAs are also involved in the start of movements such as gait. The effects of fatigue on APAs and COP are well known. However, the role of the lower limb preference on symmetry of APAs is not clear. Consequently there is a lack of knowledge concerning effects of fatigue on APAs for preferred and non-preferred limb. This study was to investigate the effects of unilateral fatigue on the APAs of muscles from the preferred (Fp) and non-preferred (Fnp) lower limb. Twenty two healthy subjects were separated in two groups (Fp, n=11; e Fnp, n=11). We analyzed the bilateral EMG activity of rectus femoris (RF), biceps femoris (BF), gastrocnemius medialis (GM) and tibialis anterior (TA) before (PRE) and after (POS) isometric voluntary exhaustion of ankle plantarflexors muscles. Exhaustion was induced by a protocol were the subjects “stand on toes” unilaterally with the preferred (Fp) or non-preferred (Fnp) lower limb, as long as possible. After 10 s interval, a new isometric contraction was solicited until the subject could not maintain the position longer than two minutes. We calculated the muscular onset during fast bilateral arm rising movements, where the beginning of the movement was denominated T0. The muscular onset was calculated in 10 trials pre- (PRE) and post-fatigue (POS). For COP, we analyzed the RMS for the antero-posterior (RMSap), medio-lateral (RMSml) directions, and the ellipse area. After analysis of variance between the factors group (Fp and Fnp), leg (PREF and NPREF) and trial (PRE and POS), dependent t test, and independent t test between legs for every muscle, any statistical significant difference was found in APA generation (p<0.05). However, when compared COP RMSml (p=0.013) and ellipse area (p=0.019) in Fp group, there was significant differences between PRE and POS conditions. The symmetry in APA between lower limbs shows a similar CNS capacity to counteract perturbations induced by ankle plantarflexors fatigue, regardless of limb preference. In spite of the symmetry on APAs, we found significant differences in COP for medio-lateral direction. These results support the idea that the central nervous system can generate enough APAs to counteract a perturbation, even in fatigue situations. The medio-lateral changes in COP are consistent with incapacities of postural muscles of hip to generate the correct responses to maintain the balance.

Essays on the Informational Benefits of Accounting Standards for Listed Firms

Kaumanns, Sebastian 13 September 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Det här måste jag göra för att eleven ska må bra nästa vecka : En studie om fritidshemspersonalens möjligheter att arbeta med anpassningar för elever i fritidshemmet / I have to do this to make the student feel good next week : A study about Leisure time staff possibilities to work with adjustments for children in leisure time centre

Kindblom, Emma, Örün, Gabriella January 2021 (has links)
The purpose with this study is to investigate how leisure time-staff in the leisure time centre experience the opportunity to adjust the education for including all children, and what opportunities a principal describes that the leisure time-staff have to create an inclusive environment. The thesis is a qualitative study based on semi-structured interviews with four people active in different positions within the school, given us their own perception about the possibilities to adjust the education in the leisure time centre. The result has been analysed by using four dimensions of quality management and a phenomenographic perspective, where we have divided the material in different categories. The results shows that the teacher education is inadequate at providing enough knowledge to work with adjustments in practice. This needs to be compensated by further education and collegial learning, something the school board can provide though it’s not a given matter. During the interviews it occurs that time for organizing and plan the work is crucial for doing the necessary adjustments needed for including all children. Our informants in the leisure time centre agrees that time for organizing and plan the work is crucial for doing the necessary adjustments needed for including all children. The majority of the informant’s experience that they often must give each other more time to plan and, in some cases, they even have to do the planning outside working hours. We interpret that the leisure time staff are dedicated in their effort to creating good opportunities for the children and they are committed to do so even though it is outside the working hours and their mission. Both the principal and the leisure time-staff believe that communication and cooperation is required in the work with adjustments. A factor to streamlining and improving staff’s possibilities to create adjustments to include the children and give them the opportunity to take part of the complementary mission. By using students’ thoughts and ideas, they can create an inclusive environment in the leisure time centre. It shows a common view of children and confidence in the students’ ability to improve the quality work at the leisure time centre. / Syftet med vår studie var att ta reda på hur fritidspersonalen upplever möjligheterna att anpassa verksamheten så att den inkluderar alla elever och även att se vilka förutsättningar som en rektor beskriver att personal i fritidshem har för att skapa en inkluderande miljö. Studien utgår ifrån en kvalitativ undersökning där fyra personer, med olika befattning verksamma inom skolan, genom semistrukturerade intervjuer fått delge sin uppfattning om vilka möjligheter som finns för att anpassa undervisningen i fritidshemmet. Resultatet har analyserats utifrån fyra dimensioner av ett kvalitetsarbete inom skola och ur ett fenomenografiskt perspektiv genom att dela upp materialet i olika kategorier. Resultatet visar att utbildningar inte ger tillräckligt med kunskap för att arbete med anpassningar i praktiken. Detta behöver kompenseras med fortbildningar och kollegialt lärande, något som skolledningen på arbetsplatser kan ge förutsättningar för men inte är en självklarhet. Under intervjuerna framkommer att planeringstid är en viktig förutsättning för att kunna göra de anpassningar som behövs för att inkludera alla elever. Majoriteten av informanterna upplever att de ofta måste ge ytterligare planeringstid till varandra utöver den de redan har, i vissa fall sker även arbetet med att skapa anpassningar utanför arbetstid. Vi tolkar det som att det finns ett engagemang hos personalen att skapa goda förutsättningar för barnen men att detta sträcker sig även utanför deras uppdrag. Både rektor och fritidshemspersonal upplever kommunikation och samarbete som en förutsättning i arbetet med anpassningar. En faktor för att effektivisera och förbättra personalens förutsättningar att skapa anpassningar är att inkludera eleverna och ge dem möjligheten att ta del av det kompletterande uppdraget. Genom att använda sig av elevernas tankar och idéer, kan de skapa en inkluderande miljö i fritidshemmet. Det visar på en gemensam barnsyn och tilltro till elevernas förmåga att förbättra kvalitetsarbetet på fritidshemmet.

Tvorba opravných položek k majetku účetní jednotky / Creation of Adjustments to Assets of Accounting unit

Říha, Pavel January 2007 (has links)
This work puts mind to technique creation and clearing adjustments. It describes current situation, which may originate in firm, and it explains their correct solution.

Essays on monetary economics

Ngo, Phuong V. 22 January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation consists of three essays on monetary economics. The first two essays have a focus on the zero lower bound on the nominal interest rate (ZLB) and the Great Recession. In the first essay, I investigate optimal discretionary monetary policy under the ZLB in the case of a distorted steady state due to monopoly and taxation. I find that the central bank in a more distorted economy would cut the interest rate less aggressively under a particular adverse demand shock. This occurs because the ZLB is less likely to bind and the economy escapes from the ZLB sooner. In addition, I show that the conventional linear-quadratic method is not accurate when the ZLB binds. In the second essay, I model the role of subprime lending, deleveraging and an incomplete financial market in driving an economy to the liquidity trap with binding ZLB. There are two key features that differentiate my work from the current literature of deleveraging and the ZLB. First, I endogenize the debt limit of borrowing-constrained households by tying it to the market value of collateral assets. Second and more importantly, I allow for subprime lending. I am able to show that the second feature drives the economy to the ZLB more likely under an adverse shock to the credit market. When the ZLB binds, a great recession emerges with a free fall in output and the price level, mostly due to the Fisherian debt deflation that puts more debt burden on the borrowers. The third essay examines the role of habit formation in solving the persistence problem - output response is transient and not hump-shaped under a monetary shock - in the conventional state dependent pricing model. Intuitively, incorporating habit formation makes consumers less aggressive in spending under a shock, resulting in more persistent response of output. With a moderate habit formation, I am able to show that the model produces hump-shaped and very persistent response of output under a monetary growth shock.

Får jag vara med? : En studie om barns och vårdnadshavares upplevelser rörande inkluderingen i skolan av barn med ADHD

Svedberg, Cristin, Etemadi, Jasmine January 2020 (has links)
This thesis is based on questionnaire survey conducted with 223 respondents, whereof 120 are parents and 103 are children. The purpose of the study was to investigate these respondents’ point of view on inclusive education for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The first three research questions target the opinions of children with ADHD and their parents concerning inclusive education, and which aspects they consider the schools could develop in this area. The aim of the fourth and final research question was to investigate whether there are any differences regarding how the inclusive education is perceived depending on the geographic location of a school. The theory used in the study is Claes Nilholm’s four perspectives of inclusion, which are (1) placement, (2) inclusion of children in need of special support or functional disabilities, (3) inclusion of all children and (4) inclusion as feeling like you have a sense of belonging. The results show that only a few of the respondents perceive that the schools’ work reached the standards of the third and fourth perspectives on inclusive education. There were even some difficulties with identifying examples where the respondents perceived all the requirements for the second perspective to have been met. The experiences expressed by a small group of students did not even count as inclusion, in relation to the criteria of the first perspective. Most of the respondents were unhappy with the way inclusive education looked in their schools, especially in relation to the teachers’ competence regarding the diagnosis ADHD and how to work with children with this diagnosis. Also, the results show that there might be a slight correlation between the form of inclusive education and the geographic location of the school, in regards to benefits in form of economic resources being higher in the countryside, while other benefits in form of teacher competence being higher in schools in a larger city. The conclusions are that Swedish schools must work harder if to accomplish a more universal form of inclusive education, and that teachers need further education in how to work inclusively with children with an ADHD-diagnosis. In addition it becomes clear that the schools need to be given more financial support in order to be able to get the equipment needed for such a change.

Income Adjustments form Fee and Permit Changes on Utah Cattle Ranches Using Public Ranges Yearlong

Gee, C. Kerry 01 May 1962 (has links)
Within the boundaries of Utah are approximately 52.7 million acres of land. About 41 million acres are rangeland, of which 73 percent is federally owned and 5 percent state owned (6).1 The portion owned by the Federal government is administered by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the Forest Service. Most of this land is either arid or mountainous and has been used mainly for grazing in the past. IT has other uses, however, such as mining, forestry, recreation, and watersheds. Due to recent increases in population, personal income, shorter work weeks, and improved transportation facilities, these alternatives are becoming strong competitors for the use of this land.

Adjusting but Not Assimilating: International Students at East Tennessee State University.

Owens, Yumiko Okuda 13 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
As the number of international students grows, the importance of understanding them grows also. This thesis analyzes in-depth interview data from 17 international students from 12 different countries at East Tennessee State University who discussed their experiences as international students. Findings show that they are willing to adjust to the new culture and a new educational system, but they are reluctant to assimilate further. After they obtain their education, most of them want to return to their home country with their degree to work, even though situations are often better in the United States. These students serve as cultural ambassadors, but they will not be permanent immigrants, which contradicts popular assumptions about international students who study in the United States.

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