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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Depression, Activities of Daily Living, and Retirement

Jackson, Lauren Innes 05 1900 (has links)
Depression is a common clinical and subclinical psychiatric disorder in the middle-age to older adult population. This study examined the relationship between depression and activities of daily living (ADLs) in middle-age to older adults. This study examined longitudinal data from the 1998, wave 4, and 2000, wave 5, of the Health and Retirement Study (HRS), a National Panel Study sponsored by the National Institute on Aging. A negative cross-sectional and longitudinal relationship between higher ADL scores and depression was hypothesized. A goal of the present study was to determine the temporal precedence of these two constructs using a cross-lag panel design to first examine the cross-sectional relationship between ADLs and depression at time-one and at time-two, and then the time-one to time-two longitudinal relationships to examine temporal precedence possible causal relationships. Finally, differences in these correlational relationships by retirement status and then by marital status were tested. There were several interesting findings, including those who were retired in both 1998 and 2000 reported fewer ADLs (i.e., worse functioning), but also reported better health than those who were working in both 1998 and 2000. Similarly, those people who were not married in both 1998 and 2000 reported fewer ADLs but better health than those who were married in both 1998 and 2000. Married individuals reported fewer depressive symptoms than those who were not married.

Soběstačnost pacientů v personálních všedních denních činnostech po operačním řešení fraktury v oblasti proximálního konce femuru / Self-sufficiency of patients in personal activities of daily living after surgical treatment of a fracture in the proximal end of the femur

Brindzová, Veronika January 2020 (has links)
Introduction: Fractures of the proximal end of the femur are one of the most frequent diagnoses. Patients with this diagnosis have to deal with performing daily activities. Both for painas well for the necessity of adherence to antiluxal measures. Thanks to this decrease thein independence from the other person. As one of the maingoals in this diploma thesis we determined means how occupational therapy canincrease self - sufficiency in this target group. As other goals, we found in formativ about the selection and financing of compensatory aids and we made a manual about this information. We focused on the factors that affect the return of patients to the home environment. Methodology: In the personal parts we chose 6 case studies (3 men and 3 women), in the averageage 73.5 years (median 72, 5), youngest 64 years, oldest 85 years. Patients underwent 5 therapies dedicated to the training of self - sufficiency of personal everyday activities (pADL). We measured the effectiveness of th erapeutic units using the Barthel Index. We observed them and found out chat compensatory aids they use for self-sufficiency Results: Probands recese daverage 33.3 points in the evaluationat the initialexamination. After graduating therapiest heave rage performance of all probands obtained at 67, 5 points. They used...

Delaktig PADL Arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter av delaktighet vid interventioner : Arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter av delaktighet vid interventioner

Karlsson, Malin January 2022 (has links)
Introduktion: Brister i aktivitetsutförandet inom personliga vardagliga aktiviteter PADL ger upplevelsen av minskad delaktighet. Arbetsterapeuter arbetar med interventioner för att möjliggöra utförandet i aktiviteter. Delaktighet kan skapa känslan av meningsfullhet för individen som leder till hälsa. Syfte: Beskriva arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter av att främja delaktighet i personliga aktiviteter i det dagliga livet (P-ADL) med interventioner för äldre individer som bor på äldreboende. Metod: Utifrån kvalitativ design med strategiskt urval utfördes semistrukturerade intervjuer med tretton arbetsterapeuter. Manifest innehållsanalys användes. Resultat: Av arbetsterapeuternas erfarenheter framkom fyra kategorier; organisatoriska beslut, arbetsterapeutens relation till omvårdnadspersonal, kompensatoriska interventioner på beställning och interventioner som hindrar eller bidrar. Det gemensamma temat hindrande eller bidragande för att främja delaktighet, binder ihop kategorierna. Konklusion: Resultatet speglar arbetsterapeuternas erfarenheter av delaktighet av interventioner inom PADL Arbetsterapeutiska interventioner bidrar eller hindrar delaktighet för äldre individer som bor på äldreboende. Implikationer: Studien inriktade sig mot arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter arbetande på äldreboende, men kan delges till alla arbetsterapeuter som utför interventioner. / Introduction: Deficiencies in the execution of activities within personal everyday activities PADL gives the experience of reduced participation. Occupational therapists work with interventions to enable performance in activities. Participation can create the feeling of meaning for the individual that leads to health. Aim: Describe occupational therapists' experiences of promoting participation in personal activities in daily life (P-ADL) with interventions for older individuals living in nursing homes. Method: Based on qualitative design with strategic selection and semi-structured interviews with thirteen occupational therapists were performed. Manifest content analysis was used. Results: The occupational therapists' experiences emerged in four categories; organizational decisions, the occupational therapist's relationship to nursing staff, compensatory interventions on demand and interventions that hinder or contribute. The common theme of hindering or contributing to promote participation, binds the categories together. Conclusions: Results reflect occupational therapists' experiences of participation in interventions within PADL. Occupational therapy interventions contribute or prevent participation for older individuals living in nursing homes. Significance: The study focused on occupational therapists' experiences working in nursing homes but can be shared with all occupational therapists who perform and interventions.

Association of Varus Thrust With Pain and Stiffness and Activities of Daily Living in Patients With Medial Knee Osteoarthritis. / 内側型変形性膝関節症患者における外側スラストと痛みとこわばり及び日常生活活動の関連性

Fukutani, Naoto 23 March 2016 (has links)
© [2015] American Physical Therapy Association. / 京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(人間健康科学) / 甲第19641号 / 人健博第33号 / 新制||人健||3(附属図書館) / 32677 / 京都大学大学院医学研究科人間健康科学系専攻 / (主査)教授 市橋 則明, 教授 山田 重人, 教授 妻木 範行 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Human Health Sciences / Kyoto University / DFAM

Song-based interventions for navigating gains in occupational therapy (SING-OT)

Adams, Rose 25 August 2022 (has links)
The author examined current literature supporting the use of innovative, music-based interventions to support young children with autism spectrum disorder and other developmental disabilities engage in the things that they want, need, and desire to do. The author introduced Song-based Interventions for Navigating Gains in Occupational Therapy (SING-OT), as an innovative, music-based educational intervention program designed to support the engagement, participation, and performance needs of young children with disabilities. SING-OT uses an evidenced-supported, client-centered, and interests and strengths-driven approach. This proposed multi-phase program focuses on improving knowledge on the literature connecting evidence to song-based interventions and providing access to uniquely composed, occupation-inspired songs, that support children’s performance and participation needs. Additionally, conducting an initial feasibility study that assesses the effectiveness of task completion in a common personal hygiene and grooming task within the preschool setting was recommended. Future developments extend to improving caregiver health and wellness outcomes through training opportunities. The author provided a comprehensive program evaluation plan that highlights key stakeholders, a proposal for a single-subject study design, and implications of the program. The SING-OT program can be utilized as (1) an additional intervention tool for practicing occupational therapy practitioners and other professionals, (2) an avenue for interprofessional collaboration, and (3) a vehicle for improving the occupational performance outcomes among young children with disabilities.

Utility and applicability of the sharable content object reference model (SCORM) within Navy higher education

Zacharopoulos, Ilias Z., Kohistany, Mohammad B. 06 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / This thesis critically analyzes the Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) within higher education and examines SCORM's limitations within a realistic application environment versus within a theoretical/conceptual platform. The thesis also examines environments better suited for implementation of SCORM technology. In addressing the research questions, it was discovered that from the current standards set forth by Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL), SCORM is not well suited for higher education. SCORM technology will prove of greater utility within the Navy Training environment than in higher education. In their effort to share information, higher education institutions would benefit more from a Content Management System in conjunction with a Learning Management System. Subsequent chapters addressed the limitations of SCORM, provided a comparison of the applicability of SCORM within the separate domains of naval Education and Training, and provided a prototype of a Content Management System for institutions of higher learning. / Lieutenant Commander, Hellenic Navy / Lieutenant, United States Naval Reserve

Betydelsen av arbetsterapeutiska interventioner och rehabilitering för mental hälsa och livskvalitet hos patienter med stroke : En allmän litterturstudie / The meaning of occupational therapy interventions on mental health and quality of life in people with stroke

Westin, Mikaela, Jönsson, Emmie January 2019 (has links)
Stroke är en sjukdom som påverkar den mentala hälsan och livskvaliteten hos den drabbade. Författarna vill belysa vikten av arbetsterapeutiska interventioner och rehabilitering för patienter med stroke. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa betydelsen av arbetsterapeutiska interventioner och rehabilitering för mental hälsa och livskvalitet hos patienter med stroke. Materialet till den kvantitativa litteraturstudien samlades in från databaserna CINAHL, PubMed, Psycinfo samt OT seeker. Alla artiklar kvalitetsgranskades med ett protokoll och analyserades utifrån likheter och skillnader. Studierna visade på att patientens livskvalitet påverkades negativt av depressiva symtom. De skadliga konsekvenserna av stroke reduceras om rehabilitering skedde i tidigt stadie efter insjuknandet, till exempel Post stroke depression (PSD) som var starkt associerad till låg livskvalitet. Konventionell arbetsterapeutisk behandling gav lika eller bättre effekt än teknologiska behandlingar. Arbetsterapi visade sig ha en positiv inverkan på patienternas mentala hälsa och livskvalitet. Författarna ser dock ett behov av ytterligare forskning i hur professionen kan förbättra bemötandet av den mentala hälsan hos patienter med stroke.

Describing Dynamic and Variable Software Architecture Based on Identified Services From Object-Oriented Legacy Applications / Architecture dynamique basée sur la description de la variabilité et des services identifiés depuis des applications orientées objet

Adjoyan, Seza 30 June 2016 (has links)
L'Orienté Service (SOA) est un paradigme de conception qui facilite la construction d’applications extensibles et reconfigurables basées sur des artefacts réutilisables qui sont les services. Ceux-ci sont structurés via des interfaces bien définies et publiables et qui peuvent être dynamiquement découvertes.Beaucoup d’approches ont été proposées dans la littérature pour la réingénierie d’applications existantes développées dans des paradigmes pré-services, principalement l’orienté objet, vers SOA. L’objectif est de permettre de sauvegarder la valeur métier de ces d’applications tout en leur permettant de bénéficier des avantages de SOA. Le problème est que ces approches s'appuient sur des critères ad-hoc pour identifier correctement des services dans le code source des applications existantes.Par ailleurs, l'une des caractéristiques les plus distinctives d'une application orientée service est sa capacité de se reconfigurer dynamiquement et d'adapter son comportement en fonction de son contexte d'exécution. Cependant, dans les langages de description d'architecture (ADL) existants dont l’aspect de reconfiguration et pris en compte, les règles de reconfiguration sont représentées d'une manière ad-hoc; en général, elles ne sont pas modélisées d'une manière explicite mais enfouillées dans la description de l'architecture. D'une part, ceci engendre une difficulté de la gestion de la reconfiguration dynamique au niveau de l'architecture et d’autre part, la traçabilité de la description de la reconfiguration dynamique à travers les différents niveaux d'abstraction est difficile à représenter et à gérer.Afin de surmonter les problèmes précédents, nous proposons dans le cadre de cette thèse deux contributions. D'abord, nous proposons une approche d'identification de services basée sur un modèle de qualité où les caractéristiques des services sont étudiées, raffinées et réifiées en une fonction que nous utilisons pour mesurer la validité sémantique de ces services. La deuxième contribution consiste en une proposition d'un langage de description d'architecture orientée service (ADL) qui intègre la description de la variabilité architecturale. Dans cette ADL les services qui peuvent constituer l’architecture, les éléments de contexte dont les changements d’état sont à l’origine des changements architecturaux, les variantes des éléments architecturaux sélectionnées en fonction des états des éléments de contexte et le comportement architectural dynamique sont ainsi spécifiés de façon modulaire. / Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is an architectural design paradigm which facilitates building and composing flexible, extensible and reusable service-oriented assets. These latter are encapsulated behind well-defined and published interfaces that can be dynamically discovered by third-party services. Before the advent of SOA, several software systems were developed using older technologies. Many of these systems still afford a business value, however they suffer from evolution and maintenance problems. It is advantageous to modernize those software systems towards service-based ones. In this sense, several re-engineering techniques propose migrating object-oriented applications towards SOA. Nonetheless, these approaches rely on ad-hoc criteria to correctly identify services in object-oriented legacy source code.Besides, one of the most distinguishing features of a service-oriented application is the ability to dynamically reconfigure and adjust its behavior to cope with changing environment during execution. However, in existing architecture description languages handling this aspect, reconfiguration rules are represented in an ad-hoc manner; reconfiguration scenarios are often implicit. This fact hinders a full management of dynamic reconfiguration at architecture level. Moreover, it constitutes a challenge to trace dynamic reconfiguration description/management at different levels of abstraction.In order to overcome the aforementioned problems, our contributions are presented in two axes: First, in the context of migrating legacy software towards SOA, we propose a service identification approach based on a quality measurement model, where service characteristics are considered, refined to measurable metrics in order to measure the semantic correctness of identified services. The second axis is dedicated to an Architecture Description Language (ADL) proposition that describes a variant-rich service-based architecture. In this modular ADL, dynamic reconfigurations are specified at architecture level. Moreover, the description is enriched with context and variability information, in order to enable a variability-based self-reconfiguration of architecture in response to context changes at runtime.

High Level Preprocessor of a VHDL-based Design System

Palanisamy, Karthikeyan 27 October 1994 (has links)
This thesis presents the work done on a design automation system in which high-level synthesis is integrated with logic synthesis. DIADESfa design automation system developed at PSU, starts the synthesis process from a language called ADL. The major part of this thesis deals with transforming the ADL -based DIADES system into a VHDL -based DIADES system. In this thesis I have upgraded and modified the existing DIADES system so that it becomes a preprocessor to a comprehensive VHDL -based design system from Mentor Graphics. The high-level synthesis in the DIADES system includes two stages: data path synthesis and control unit synthesis. The conversion of data path synthesis is done in this thesis. In the DIADES system a digital system is described on the behavioral level in terms of variables and operations using the language ADL. The digital system described in ADL is compiled to a format called GRAPH language. In the GRAPH language the behavior of a digital system is represented by a specific sequence of program statements. The descriptions in the GRAPH language is compiled to a format called STRU CT language. The system is described in the STRU CT language in terms of lists of nodes and arrows. The main task of this thesis is to convert the descriptions in the GRAPH language and the descriptions in the STRUCT language to the VHDL format. All the generated VHDL Code will be Mentor Graphics VHDL format compatible, and all the VHDL code can be compiled, simulated and synthesised by the Mentor Graphics tools.

Etude expérimentale de la dispersion d'un scalaire passif dans le proche sillage d'un corps d'Ahmed

Gosse, Kevin 30 November 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail expérimental concerne la diffusion de la chaleur en aval d'une source ponctuelle placée au culot d'un corps d'Ahmed. Trois géométries particulières ont été étudiées avec des angles d'inclinaison de la lunette arrière a=05°, 25° et 40°. Ces études ont été menées dans l'air et dans l'eau à différents nombres de Reynolds. L'anémométrie Doppler Laser (ADL) et à fil chaud et la thermométrie à fil froid ont été utilisées pour mesurer les champs de vitesse et de température dans une zone correspondant au proche sillage ( ).<br />Les caractéristiques des champs de vitesse mesurées pour les trois angles d'inclinaison a ont montré que le champ dynamique dans le sillage proche dépend très fortement de cet angle lorsque le nombre de Reynolds augmente. Ces mesures ont mis en évidence pour a=25° l'existence d'une transition 2D-3D à un nombre de Reynolds ReLc=2,7.104. L'étude des champs thermiques a mis en évidence une complexité importante liée à la fois au caractère complexe du champ dynamique et à l'injection décentrée. Nous avons décrit les différents scénarios de transport et de mélange du scalaire en fonction de l'angle a de la lunette arrière. Le problème du mélange a été abordé en étudiant successivement les variations de l'écart de la température moyenne maximale, de l'intensité maximale des fluctuations de température et du taux de dissipation de ces fluctuations. Les résultats obtenus dans cette étude ont permis de déterminer le temps de mélange et d'estimer les ordres de grandeur des concentrations de polluants émises reçues par des récepteurs particuliers (piéton au bord d'une route lors du passage d'un véhicule automobile ou automobiliste dans le sillage d'une voiture).

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