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Development of an API for creating and editing openEHR archetypesKlasson, Filip, Väyrynen, Patrik January 2009 (has links)
<p>Archetypes are used to standardize a way of creating, presenting and distributing health care data. In this master thesis project the open specifications of openEHR was followed. The objective of this master thesis project has been to develop a Java based API for creating and editing openEHR archetypes. The API is a programming toolbox that can be used when developing archetype editors. Another purpose has been to implement validation functionality for archetypes. An important aspect is that the functionality of the API is well documented, this is important to ease the understanding of the system for future developers. The result was a Java based API that is a platform for future archetype editors. The API-kernel has optional immutability so developed archetypes can be locked for modification by making them immutable. The API is compatible with the openEHR specifications 1.0.1, it can load and save archetypes in ADL (Archetype Definition Language) format. There is also a validation feature that verifies that the archetype follows the right structure with respect to predefined reference models. This master thesis report also presents a basic GUI proposal.</p>
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Daily life after Subarachnoid Haemorrhage : Identity construction, patients’ and relatives’ statements about patients’ memory, emotional status and activities of livingBerggren, Elisabeth January 2012 (has links)
The overall aim of this thesis was to describe patients’ experience and reconstruction regarding the onset of, and events surrounding being struck by a Subarachnoid Haemorrhage (SAH), and to describe patients’ and relatives’ views of patients’ memory ability, emotional status and activities of living, in a long-term perspective. Methods: Both inductive and deductive approaches were used. Nine open interviews were carried out in home settings, in average 1 year and 7 seven months after the patients’ onset, and discourse analysis was used to interpret the data. Eleven relatives and 11 patients, 11 years after the onset, and 15 relatives and 15 patients, 6 years after the onset, participated in two studies. Interviews using a questionnaire with structured questions and memory tests were used to collect data. Fischer’s exact test and Z-scores were used for the statistical analysis. Results: Patients with experience of a SAH were able to judge their own memory for what happened when they became ill. The reconstruction of the illness event may be interpreted as an identity creating process. The process of meaning-making is both a matter of understanding SAH as a pathological event and a social and communicative matter, where the SAH is construed into a meaningful life history, in order to make life complete (I). Memory problems, changes in emotional status and problems with activities of living were common (II-IV). There was correspondence between relatives’ and patients’ statements regarding the patients’ memory in general and long-term memory. Patients judged their own memory ability better than relatives, compared with results on memory tests. Relatives stated that some patients had meta-memory problems (II). The episodic memory seemed to be well reserved, both concerning the onset and in the long-term perspective (I, II). There were more problems with social life than with P- and I-ADL (III), and social company habits had changed due to concentration difficulties, mental fatigue, and patients’ sensitivity to noisy environments and uncertainty (IV). Relatives rated the patients’ ability concerning activities of living and emotional status, and in a similar manner to patients’ statements (III-IV). Conclusions: The reconstruction of the illness event can be used as a tool in nursing for understanding the patient’s identity-construction. Relatives and patients stated the patients’ memory, emotional status and activities of living in a similar manner, and therefore both patients’ and relatives’ statements can be used as a tool in nursing care, in order to support the patient. However, the results showed: meta-memory problems (relatives’ statements) and that the patients’ judged their own memory ability better than relatives in comparison with results on memory tests. Nevertheless, there was a high degree of concordance between relatives’ and patients’ evaluations concerning patients´ memory ability, emotional status, emotional problems, social company habits and activities of living. Therefore both relatives’ and patients’ statements can be considered to be reliable. However, sometimes the patients and the relatives judge the patients’ memory differently. Consequently, memory tests and formalized dialogues between the patient, the relative and a professional might be required, in order to improve the mutual family relationship in a positive way. Professionals however, must first assume that patients can judge their own memory, emotional status and ability in daily life.
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Getting up when falling down : reducing fall risk factors after stroke through an exercise programHolmgren, Eva January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to identify fall risk individuals (+55) after stroke by validating a fall risk index and in post-stroke individuals with high risk of falls evaluate the impact of an intervention program on fall risk factors.A previously developed fall risk index was validated, modified and re-validated. The validation showed a sensitivity of 97% and a specificity of 26%. This result was not considered sufficiently accurate. Therefore a modified index was created in the Validation sample and re-validated back in the Model fit sample. The modified index was reduced to three items and included postural stability + visuospatial hemi-inattention + male sex.The randomized controlled trial contained an intervention program (IP) with High-Intensity Functional Exercises as well as implementation these exercises in to real life situations together with educational group discussions. The participants were enrolled and randomized three to six months after their stroke. The assessments were performed at the Clinical Research Center at Norrlands University Hospital. The Intervention Group (IG) received a program of 35 sessions (exercise and group discussions) and the Control Group (CG) received five group discussions.Performing daily activities at 6 months follow-up and falls-efficacy post-intervention and at the 3 months follow-up showed significant improvement in the IG compared with the CG (p<0.05). The IP did not have a statistically significant impact on Balance or Lifestyle activities. When evaluating gait, step time variability for the paretic leg and the variability in Cycle Time for the paretic and non-paretic leg were improved for the IG. The time spent on the non –paretic leg in the gait cycles’ most stable phase, Double Support, was reduced by almost half (0.9 sec to 0.4 sec) since baseline for the IG after the intervention and remained reduced to the three month follow-up. Quality of Life showed an improvement in the CG compared with the IG for the mental scales, Mental Component Scale and Mental Health subscale at the 3 month follow-up (p=.02).In conclusion, this intervention program significantly improved performance of everyday life activities, falls-efficacy and the variability in gait. These are three major fall risk factors and might in the long run have an impact on decreasing falls in persons that had a stroke.
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Rehabilitation in light of different theories of health : Outcome for patients with low-back complaints - a theoretical discussionGrönblom-Lundström, Lena January 2001 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to investigate if the outcome of rehabilitation efforts is depending on what view health care has in relation to what need of care people have and if the outcome for different groups of patients with low-back complaints (specific versus non-specific complaints) is various successful. The outcome is measured in length of sick leave, number of spells and granted sickness and disability pensions. This thesis combines a theoretical analysis of different theories of health with studies of two empirical materials. One material comprises a group of individuals with low-back complaints (specific versus non-specific complaints) from a nation-wide survey of Living Conditions conducted by Statistics Sweden in 1981. The other material comprises a sample of individuals on sick leave either due to low-back complaints or other kinds of complaints than low-back complaints. The outcome of these studies are measured as to what extent people with low-back complaints are granted a disability pension (Paper III) and which the characteristics are of those on sick leave due to low-back complaints compared to those with other kinds of complaints (Paper IV). The results from Paper III revealed a difference concerning socio-economic group and granted disability pension between those with specific, non-specific and frequent low-back complaints. Those with non-specific and frequent low-back complaints were to higher extent manual workers and disability pensioners. The results of Paper IV reveals also a socio-economic difference besides that those with low-back complaints had longer sick leave periods and more spells. What does these results indicate? Are non-specific and frequent low-back complaints not successfully treated within the health care system? Is this due to how these matters have been identified? Are these individuals truly disabled due to their low-back complaints, if so how are they assessed and treated? I believe that the notions of health and disease as well as the social context in which people act influence the outcome of rehabilitation. If people judge their health as bad (here due to low-back troubles) and in need of health care and the health care system do not recognise their need when not identified as diseased a problem arises. These individuals claim that their ability to work is hampered due to the low-back complaint and the society has an obligation and needs a legitimate solution for those individuals that cannot support themselves due to ill health. This obligation makes a demand on the health care system. If non-specific complaints are assessed as non-medical problems, from a biomedical point of view, health care lacks measures to take care of these people if they ought to be taken care of within the health care system at all. But this outcome (a disability pension) may also indicate that people suffer from a “true” illness although not defined by objective findings. If that is the state one may ask if there is a lack of sufficient diagnostic procedures and measures as well. A rehabilitation approach stemming from a humanistic social perspective might lead to a more favourable outcome for people with low-back complaints, whether or not these complaints have been identified in a biomedical sense, as this perspective take into account both the goals, the resources and the social context of that individual. This thesis has paid attention to the matter that conceptual notions, which seldom are considered within clinical praxis, are of vital importance for the outcome of rehabilitation. Health care falls short especially when it comes to non-specific and frequent low-back complaints and this may be due to the biomedical model being used too strictly within a domain where other models, here exemplified as Pörn’s Theory of Health, might result in a more favourable rehabilitation outcome for the individual. / digitalisering@umu
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Occupation-based evaluation and intervention : validity of the assessment of motor and process skills when used with persons with mental retardationKottorp, Anders January 2003 (has links)
The ability to perform everyday life occupations is a critical component in both evaluation and intervention for persons with mental retardation (MR). While the ability to perform personal and instrumental activities of daily living (ADL) has always been important for occupational therapy (OT) practice, there is an absence in OT literature and research with a focus on ADL and persons with MR. The overall aim of this thesis was to evaluate the validity of the Assessment of Motor and Process Skills (AMPS) for evaluation and intervention of ADL ability for persons with MR. In order to evaluate the evidence of validity of the AMPS ability measures based on relation to level of MR, two groups of participants with MR were evaluated with the AMPS (,#=22; #= 39). The results indicated expected moderate relationships between ADL motor and ADL process ability measures and level of MR, despite different methods used for evaluating level of MR. The results also indicated that the results of the AMPS evaluation could be used to directly describe and measure the consequences in performance of ADL tasks for persons with different levels of MR. The evidence of validity of the AMPS was further examined in a study including participants with different types of developmental disabilities (e.g., MR, cerebral palsy, spina bifida) (#=1724). An application of many-faceted Rasch analysis was used to examine goodness-of-fit of the responses for the tasks, skill items, and participants included in the study. All tasks and all items except one demonstrated acceptable goodness-of-fit to the model on the ADL motor and ADL process scales. An expected proportion of participants demonstrated acceptable goodness-of-fit on the ADL motor scale. On the ADL process scale, a slightly lower proportion of participants than expected demonstrated acceptable goodness-of-fit. The results indicated further that persons with more severe levels of MR and persons with more limited ADL process abilities demonstrated different response patterns across tasks and possibly items. The evidence of validity of the internal structure of the AMPS scales was also evaluated between persons with mild and moderate MR (#=178; #=170). Group specific ADL motor and ADL process skill item hierarchies were generated using many-faceted Rasch analyses and compared. The hierarchies of ADL motor and ADL process skill items remained stable across groups, indicating evidence of validity of the AMPS scales when used to evaluate persons with MR. The results also indicated that although participants with moderate MR demonstrated overall lower mean ADL motor and ADL process ability, they did perform some specific ADL motor and ADL process skills at a similar level as persons with mild MR. Finally, the utility of the AMPS ability measures for detecting change were examined in an intervention study including three female participants with moderate MR. The study was based on a single case design and evaluated the effectiveness of a structured occupational therapy intervention program. Improvements were found for the participants in relation to the implementation of the program, but the pattern of changes were different between the participants and across the dependent variables. ADL process ability was the only variable that improved across all participants. The results supported the ADL process abilities as sensitive measures for detecting changes in ADL ability of persons with MR. In conclusion, the results of these studies contribute to the evidence of validity of the AMPS ability measures and scales, specifically in relation to the evaluation of persons with MR. The finding that an OT program resulted in improved ADL process ability also suggest that the results of the AMPS can be used to plan as well as evaluate outcomes of OT practice. Further research is also suggested in order to improve validity evidence and utility of the AMPS when used with persons with MR. / <p>Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Umeå universitet, 2003</p>
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Body function and activity after acute stroke : physiotherapy perspectives /Sommerfeld, Disa, January 2004 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol. inst., 2004. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.
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Studies of people living with multiple sclerosis in Stockholm county : evaluation of methods for data collection and aspects of functining and use of health care services /Gottberg, Kristina, January 2006 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karolinska institutet, 2006. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.
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Capacidade funcional e qualidade de vida de indivíduos idosos de Porto AlegreCaneppele, Maria Cristina Garcia de Lima January 2007 (has links)
Fundamento: O crescimento da população idosa é um fenômeno mundial. O envelhecimento aumenta o risco para a ocorrência de doenças crônicas que resultam em graus variáveis de perda da independência funcional. A elevação da idade também pode acarretar a redução da independência funcional, tornando os idosos dependentes para a realização de atividades da vida diária (AVDs) e atividades instrumentais da vida diária (AIVDs). Objetivos: O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a capacidade funcional, determinando a prevalência de independência funcional e as características associadas em indivíduos idosos, em uma amostra representativa de Porto Alegre, RS, bem como identificar sua associação com qualidade de vida. Essa pesquisa é um dos braços do estudo da Síndrome de Obesidade e Fatores de Risco – SOFT. Participantes e Métodos: Nesse estudo transversal, de base populacional, de indivíduos idosos com 60 e 90 anos, selecionados através de amostragem por estágios múltiplos de conglomerados, em 106 dos 2157 setores censitários de Porto Alegre. Em entrevistas domiciliares aplicou-se um questionário padronizado, para investigar características socioeconômicas, demográficas, hábitos de vida, fatores de risco para doença cardiovascular, além do índice de independência nas atividades de vida diária, desenvolvido por Katz, em1969, e a escala de independência nas atividades instrumentais da vida diária, criado por Lawton e Brody, em 1983, assim como o questionário de qualidade de vida Short Form-12 (Ware,1994). Utilizou-se o módulo Complex Samples, do SPSS, para as análises dos dados, a fim de ajustar para o efeito da amostragem. Testaram-se diferenças entre proporções utilizando-se o teste do quiquadrado de Pearson, ao analisarem-se as prevalências; análise de variância ou co-variância para compararem-se médias, e análise de regressão logística múltipla, para cálculo da odds ratio e intervalo de confiança de 95%. As análises foram para um nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: A média de idade foi semelhante entre homens e mulheres idosos, e a distribuição de idade e sexo foi similar à do censo do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. Além de maior escolaridade (8,8 vs. 6,6 anos), os homens referiram estar casados mais freqüentemente (75,7%) do que as mulheres (31,9%), as quais eram predominantemente viúvas ou separadas e residiam sozinhas em maior proporção. Com exceção de cor da pele e de residir sozinho, as demais características associaram-se significativamente com a idade. Identificou-se uma relação inversa entre idade e escolaridade e com o estar casado ou residir com companheiro, e uma associação direta com aposentadoria, separação ou viuvez e o uso de dispositivos para andar. Associação direta e independente de idade e sexo foi observada entre escolaridade e independência para realizar as atividades instrumentais, mas não para as atividades da vida diária. A prática de atividade física regular foi preditora de independência funcional nas AVDs e nas AIVDs. Esse estudo verificou tendência a maior independência entre os homens para o total de domínios das AVDs (94% vs. 89%; p=0,09), assim como das AIVDs (94% vs. 88%; p=0,04). Nos homens, observou-se a redução da independência funcional para realizar a maior parte das AVDs e AIVDs com o avançar da idade. Entre as mulheres, destaca-se, a redução da independência funcional com a idade em todas as atividades, exceto usar o telefone. O sexo masculino esteve associado, independentemente da idade, a maiores escores dos componentes físico e mental da qualidade de vida. A idade associou-se inversamente com o componente físico, enquanto a escolaridade o fez de maneira direta. Entretanto, nenhuma dessas características mostrou relação com o componente mental. Ser ativo fisicamente e possuir menor número de condições crônicas se associaram tanto ao escore do componente físico quanto mental, de maneira fortemente significativa. Conclusão: Os indivíduos idosos investigados no Estudo SOFT, representam a população idosa de Porto Alegre. As diferenças entre homens e mulheres idosos incluem características socioeconômicas, hábitos de vida e independência funcional. Os homens apresentam maior qualidade de vida do que as mulheres, independentemente da idade. / Background: The growth of the elderly population is a worldwide phenomenon. The elderly have chronic diseases that lead to various degrees of incapacity, which increases with age and makes them dependent in their activities of the daily living (ADLs), and in the instrumental activities of the daily living (IADLs). Objectives: the objective of the present study was to assess the functional capacity, verifing the prevalence of functional independence in a representative sample from southern Brazil, as well as to identify its association with life quality. The present research is one of the subprojects of the study of Syndrome of Obesity and Risk Fators (SOFT). Participants and methods: This cross-sectional population-based study of elderly individuals, aged 60 to 90 years old, was selected through a multistage probability sample including participants from 106, out of 2157, census sectors of Porto Alegre. A standard questionnaire was applied in the household in order to investigate socioeconomic and demographic characteristics, life habits, risk factors for cardiovascular disease, as well as the Index of Independence in the activities of the daily living, developed by Katz (1969) and the Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale created by Lawton and Brody (1983). The questionnaire Short Form-12 of quality of life (Ware, 1996) was also administered. Complex Samples module of SPSS was used for data analysis in order to take into account the design effect. The differences between proportions were tested by Pearson’s chi-square test; the variance and covariance analyses were used to compare the averages and the multiple logistic regression analysis to calculate the odds ratio and 95% confidence interval. Results: the age average was similar between elderly man and women, and the sex and age distribution was similar to the one of the census of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. Besides higher scholarity (8,8 vs. 6,6 years), men referred to being married more frequently (75,7%) than women (31,9%), which were mainly widows or were separated and residing alone more often than men. Except for the color of the skin and the fact of residing alone or not, all the researched characteristics were significantly associated with age. An inverse relationship between age and scholarity and between age and being married or residing with a companion was identified, as well as a direct relationship between age and being retired, being separated or a widow, and needing a walking assistance device. Also, it was observed a direct relationship, regardless of age and sex, between scholarity and independence to perform instrumental activities of the daily living, not however, to the activities of daily living. The practice of regular physical activity was a predicting factor for functional independence in both ADLs and IADLs. This study verified a larger tendency for independence among men for the total of the ADLs (94% vs. 89% for women; p=0,09) and IADLs(94% vs. 88% for women; p=0,04) domains. The reduction of functional independence with age among men was observed in most of the ADLs and IADLs. Among women there was a reduction of functional independence in every activity, except the use of the telephone. The masculine sex was associated, regardless of age, to higher scores on the physical and mental components of quality of life. Age associated inversely with the physical component, while scholarity made it directly, but none of those characteristics showed any relationship with the mental component. Being physically active and possessing a lower number of chronic diseases associated significantly with both mental and physical scores. Conclusion: the elderly individuals investigated in the SOFT study are representative of the elderly population of Porto Alegre. The differences between elderly man and women include: socio-economical characteristics, life habits and functional independence. Men present a higher quality of life than women regardless of age.
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Capacidade funcional e qualidade de vida de indivíduos idosos de Porto AlegreCaneppele, Maria Cristina Garcia de Lima January 2007 (has links)
Fundamento: O crescimento da população idosa é um fenômeno mundial. O envelhecimento aumenta o risco para a ocorrência de doenças crônicas que resultam em graus variáveis de perda da independência funcional. A elevação da idade também pode acarretar a redução da independência funcional, tornando os idosos dependentes para a realização de atividades da vida diária (AVDs) e atividades instrumentais da vida diária (AIVDs). Objetivos: O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a capacidade funcional, determinando a prevalência de independência funcional e as características associadas em indivíduos idosos, em uma amostra representativa de Porto Alegre, RS, bem como identificar sua associação com qualidade de vida. Essa pesquisa é um dos braços do estudo da Síndrome de Obesidade e Fatores de Risco – SOFT. Participantes e Métodos: Nesse estudo transversal, de base populacional, de indivíduos idosos com 60 e 90 anos, selecionados através de amostragem por estágios múltiplos de conglomerados, em 106 dos 2157 setores censitários de Porto Alegre. Em entrevistas domiciliares aplicou-se um questionário padronizado, para investigar características socioeconômicas, demográficas, hábitos de vida, fatores de risco para doença cardiovascular, além do índice de independência nas atividades de vida diária, desenvolvido por Katz, em1969, e a escala de independência nas atividades instrumentais da vida diária, criado por Lawton e Brody, em 1983, assim como o questionário de qualidade de vida Short Form-12 (Ware,1994). Utilizou-se o módulo Complex Samples, do SPSS, para as análises dos dados, a fim de ajustar para o efeito da amostragem. Testaram-se diferenças entre proporções utilizando-se o teste do quiquadrado de Pearson, ao analisarem-se as prevalências; análise de variância ou co-variância para compararem-se médias, e análise de regressão logística múltipla, para cálculo da odds ratio e intervalo de confiança de 95%. As análises foram para um nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: A média de idade foi semelhante entre homens e mulheres idosos, e a distribuição de idade e sexo foi similar à do censo do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. Além de maior escolaridade (8,8 vs. 6,6 anos), os homens referiram estar casados mais freqüentemente (75,7%) do que as mulheres (31,9%), as quais eram predominantemente viúvas ou separadas e residiam sozinhas em maior proporção. Com exceção de cor da pele e de residir sozinho, as demais características associaram-se significativamente com a idade. Identificou-se uma relação inversa entre idade e escolaridade e com o estar casado ou residir com companheiro, e uma associação direta com aposentadoria, separação ou viuvez e o uso de dispositivos para andar. Associação direta e independente de idade e sexo foi observada entre escolaridade e independência para realizar as atividades instrumentais, mas não para as atividades da vida diária. A prática de atividade física regular foi preditora de independência funcional nas AVDs e nas AIVDs. Esse estudo verificou tendência a maior independência entre os homens para o total de domínios das AVDs (94% vs. 89%; p=0,09), assim como das AIVDs (94% vs. 88%; p=0,04). Nos homens, observou-se a redução da independência funcional para realizar a maior parte das AVDs e AIVDs com o avançar da idade. Entre as mulheres, destaca-se, a redução da independência funcional com a idade em todas as atividades, exceto usar o telefone. O sexo masculino esteve associado, independentemente da idade, a maiores escores dos componentes físico e mental da qualidade de vida. A idade associou-se inversamente com o componente físico, enquanto a escolaridade o fez de maneira direta. Entretanto, nenhuma dessas características mostrou relação com o componente mental. Ser ativo fisicamente e possuir menor número de condições crônicas se associaram tanto ao escore do componente físico quanto mental, de maneira fortemente significativa. Conclusão: Os indivíduos idosos investigados no Estudo SOFT, representam a população idosa de Porto Alegre. As diferenças entre homens e mulheres idosos incluem características socioeconômicas, hábitos de vida e independência funcional. Os homens apresentam maior qualidade de vida do que as mulheres, independentemente da idade. / Background: The growth of the elderly population is a worldwide phenomenon. The elderly have chronic diseases that lead to various degrees of incapacity, which increases with age and makes them dependent in their activities of the daily living (ADLs), and in the instrumental activities of the daily living (IADLs). Objectives: the objective of the present study was to assess the functional capacity, verifing the prevalence of functional independence in a representative sample from southern Brazil, as well as to identify its association with life quality. The present research is one of the subprojects of the study of Syndrome of Obesity and Risk Fators (SOFT). Participants and methods: This cross-sectional population-based study of elderly individuals, aged 60 to 90 years old, was selected through a multistage probability sample including participants from 106, out of 2157, census sectors of Porto Alegre. A standard questionnaire was applied in the household in order to investigate socioeconomic and demographic characteristics, life habits, risk factors for cardiovascular disease, as well as the Index of Independence in the activities of the daily living, developed by Katz (1969) and the Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale created by Lawton and Brody (1983). The questionnaire Short Form-12 of quality of life (Ware, 1996) was also administered. Complex Samples module of SPSS was used for data analysis in order to take into account the design effect. The differences between proportions were tested by Pearson’s chi-square test; the variance and covariance analyses were used to compare the averages and the multiple logistic regression analysis to calculate the odds ratio and 95% confidence interval. Results: the age average was similar between elderly man and women, and the sex and age distribution was similar to the one of the census of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. Besides higher scholarity (8,8 vs. 6,6 years), men referred to being married more frequently (75,7%) than women (31,9%), which were mainly widows or were separated and residing alone more often than men. Except for the color of the skin and the fact of residing alone or not, all the researched characteristics were significantly associated with age. An inverse relationship between age and scholarity and between age and being married or residing with a companion was identified, as well as a direct relationship between age and being retired, being separated or a widow, and needing a walking assistance device. Also, it was observed a direct relationship, regardless of age and sex, between scholarity and independence to perform instrumental activities of the daily living, not however, to the activities of daily living. The practice of regular physical activity was a predicting factor for functional independence in both ADLs and IADLs. This study verified a larger tendency for independence among men for the total of the ADLs (94% vs. 89% for women; p=0,09) and IADLs(94% vs. 88% for women; p=0,04) domains. The reduction of functional independence with age among men was observed in most of the ADLs and IADLs. Among women there was a reduction of functional independence in every activity, except the use of the telephone. The masculine sex was associated, regardless of age, to higher scores on the physical and mental components of quality of life. Age associated inversely with the physical component, while scholarity made it directly, but none of those characteristics showed any relationship with the mental component. Being physically active and possessing a lower number of chronic diseases associated significantly with both mental and physical scores. Conclusion: the elderly individuals investigated in the SOFT study are representative of the elderly population of Porto Alegre. The differences between elderly man and women include: socio-economical characteristics, life habits and functional independence. Men present a higher quality of life than women regardless of age.
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Equação de referência para o teste de AVD-Glittre / Reference equation for the Glittre-ADL testReis, Cardine Martins dos 18 July 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-07-18 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) present as common manifestation the limitation in the activities of daily living (ADL). In order to assess this limitation the Glittre ADL-test (TGlittre) was developed considering a standardized set of ADL-like activities which is known to be difficult for these patients. However, it is unknown what factors influence TGlittre performance and no reference equation for the test has been developed yet. Thus, the aim of this study was to establish a reference equation for TGlittre based on antropometric and demographic variables of apparently healthy subjects and to verify its reliability in a COPD patient sample. A hundred and fifty-six (80 males) adults, aged 40-80 years old, performed two TGlittre and had their weight, height and body mass index (BMI) measured. For the analysis it was considered the TGlittre shortest spent time. Data were described in mean±SD. For the normality analysis it was used the Shapiro-Wilk test. Correlation coefficients of Pearson or Spearman were used to verify the correlation between time in TGlittre (dependent variable) and age, sex, height, weight and BMI (independent variables). The stepwise multiple linear regression was used to derive the reference equation. For the analysis a p <0.05 value was considered, except in the case of multiple linear regression model that considered a p <0.10 value.The mean time to perform the TGlittre shortest spent time was 2.90 ± 0.45 (range 1.92 4.97 min). Age (r = 0.54, p<0.001), height (r = -0.29, p<0.001) and BMI (r = 0.15, p<0.06) showed significant correlation with TGlittre. Neither correlation was found with weight (r = -0.6, p=0.451) nor gender (r = -0.1, p=0.133). In the stepwise multiple linear regression analysis age and BMI were selected as predictors of TGlittre, explaning 35% (p<0.015) of the total variance. The derived reference equation was: TGlittrepred = 1.006 + (0.024 x age) + (0.019 x BMI). A reference equation for TGlittre was determined based on age and BMI as independent variables and can be useful for predicting the performance of adult patients and healthy subjects in TGlittre. Moreover the predicted values showed to be reliable when applied in COPD patients / Pacientes com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (DPOC) apresentam como manifestação comum a limitação nas atividades de vida diária (AVD). A fim de avaliar essa limitação, o teste de AVD-Glittre (TGlittre) foi desenvolvido considerando-se um conjunto de tarefas cotidianas conhecidas por causarem dificuldade nesses pacientes. Entretanto, se desconhecem quais fatores influenciam o desempenho no TGlittre e ainda não há uma equação de referência para o teste. Desse modo, o objetivo desse estudo foi o de estabelecer uma equação de referência para o tempo despendido no TGlittre com base em variáveis antropométricas e demográficas de indivíduos aparentemente saudáveis e verificar sua confiabilidade em uma amostra de pacientes com DPOC. Cento e cinquenta e seis (80 homens) adultos, com idade entre 40 e 80 anos, realizaram dois TGlittre e tiveram seu peso, altura e índice de massa corpórea (IMC) mensurados. Para análise, considerou-se o TGlittre de menor tempo. Os dados foram descritos em média±DP. Para análise da normalidade, utilizou-se o teste de Shapiro-Wilk. Os coeficientes de correlação de Pearson ou Spearman foram usados para verificar a correlação entre o tempo no TGlittre (variável dependente) e idade, sexo, altura, peso e IMC (variáveis independentes). O modelo de regressão linear múltipla foi utilizado para gerar a equação de referência. Para as análises considerou-se um valor de p<0,05, exceto no caso do modelo de regressão linear múltipla, que considerou um valor de p<0,10. O tempo médio para desempenhar o TGlittre foi de 2,90 ± 0,45 (variação de 1,92 4,97 min). Idade (r = 0,54, p<0,001), altura (r = -0,29, p<0,001) e IMC (r = 0,15, p<0,06) mostraram correlação significante com o TGlittre. Nenhuma correlação foi encontrada com o peso (r = -0,6, p=0,451) e sexo (r = -0,1, p=0,133). Na análise de regressão linear múltipla, idade e IMC foram selecionados como preditores do TGlittre, explicando 35% (p<0,015) da variância total. A equação de referência derivada foi: TGlittreprev = 1,006 + (0,024 x idade) + (0,019 x IMC). Uma equação de referência para o TGlittre foi determinada com base na idade e IMC como variáveis independentes e pode ser útil na predição do desempenho de pacientes adultos e indivíduos saudáveis no TGlittre. Além disso, os valores preditos mostraram-se confiáveis quando aplicados em pacientes com DPOC.
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