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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Arbetshanteringen på godsmottagningen hos EFG

Hess, Elin January 2006 (has links)
The aim of this report is to investigate how the work handling at the department for arriving goods at EFG in Tranås is working, as well as how it could be improved and made more effective. EFG is a corporation who process and sell office furniture. The company is working with a project concerning delivery precision, the subject is therefore particularly interesting from the perspective of delivery accuracy. The number of orders has increased notably during the fall of 2005 and the spring of 2006. This has led to new demands at the department for arriving goods and the topic is as a result of that important also from this point of view. Interviews and investigations have been conducted at location since no written material earlier has been made in the topic. A description of the main flows at the department and how they are being handled has been the results of those investigations. The amount of material arriving is to great to be handled without problems. Large quantities are received in intervals in the current situation. Those quantities demands storage which are impossible to house in the existing storerooms in the building. The goods must be moved several times and the handling becomes unnecessarily inconvenient. It is impossible to carry out the quality controls in a fashionable manner as a result of this, simply as there is no time for it, which may lead to faults ad problems further on in the refinement process. The result of the analysis shows that a combination of measures could be appropriate to prevent this. The measures include the introduction of a new identification system to make the registration of goods easier and faster. It is also recommended to buy the goods loaded on EUR-pallets, which means that no reloading will be necessary. Finally EFG is proposed to increase their cooperation with their suppliers and order smaller and more frequent deliveries.

Processkartläggning samt förbättringsförslag vid Götene Stål & Verktygs AB

Johansson, Simon, Stensson, Joakim January 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this report is to come up with possible improvement suggestions to the distribution central at Götene Stål & Verktygs AB (GSV). GSV is a wholesale dealer located in Götene. The company doesn’t produce anything it self, it buys in products and sells them to customers. The distribution central at GSV is the place where the products comes in and gets ready to deliver. To come up with possible improvement suggestions we started with process mapping over the main process and the distribution centre process. The main process here is from the point where the customer gives GSV an order to the point where GSV deliver the order. Our result shows that the major problem in the distribution central at GSV is the big volume differences in the incoming goods. This leads to unbalanced work for the employees in the distribution central and some days they don’t have enough time to get all products ready for delivery as expected for the day. Our major suggestion to get a better flow in the incoming goods is to start investigate in how much each of their suppliers delivers in average to GSV and after that change the delivery day, for one or more of the suppliers, from one hectic day to another calm day, in purpose to get the inflow smoother. Another way to make the inflow of goods to the distribution central smoother is to send more products with direct delivery. Direct delivery means that the product goes direct from GSV´s suppliers to their customers. The negative side with direct delivery is that it’s more expensive for the customer and that GSV can’t control the products before they reach the customer. / Syftet med denna rapport är att komma fram till möjliga förbättringsåtgärder för packboden på Götene Stål & Verktygs AB (GSV). GSV är ett grossistföretag inom detaljhandeln och är beläget i Götene. Företaget tillverkar inget själva utan köper endast in artiklar för att sedan sälja dem vidare till kund. Packboden är den plats där artiklarna kommer in, packas upp och görs klara för leverans. För att komma fram till möjliga effektiviseringsåtgärder började vi med att göra en processkartläggning över huvudprocessen och delprocessen ”packboden”. Huvudprocessen i detta fall är från det att kund gör en beställning till det att GSV levererar den beställda artikeln till kund. Efter processkartläggningen utförde vi en rad besök vid företaget då vi gjorde observationer och intervjuer. Detta för att erhålla överblick över samt hitta eventuella brister i packboden. I resultatet kom vi fram till att det största problemet i packboden idag är det ojämna inflödet av gods. Vilket leder till en sned arbetsbelastning för personalen som gör att de vissa dagar inte hinner med att göra alla artiklar klara för utleverans på önskad tid. GSV har som mål att öka försäljningen med 15 procent något som vi anser blir svårt, som situationen är idag. Vi anser att GSV bör jobba mot ett jämnare flöde i inleveranserna. Vårt förslag är att strukturera om de inkommande leveranserna, alltså vilka dagar de olika leverantörerna levererar. Då leverantörerna till GSV levererar på bestämda dagar i veckan skulle man för att jämna ut flödet exempelvis kunna flytta leverans av en leverantör från en veckodag till en annan. Ett annat sätt att förbättra den tunga arbetsbelastning som råder i packboden vissa dagar är att skicka fler av de artiklar som GSV säljer via direktleverans. Med direktleverans menas att artiklarna skickas direkt från GSVs leverantörer till GSVs kunder utan att gå via packboden. Idag går 12 procent av det som GSV säljer på direktleverans. Nackdelen med direktleverans är dock att det kan bli dyrare för kunden att få sina artiklar samt att GSV inte kan kontrollera artiklarna innan de skickas till kund.

How does industrial symbiosis influence environmental performance?

Onita, John January 2006 (has links)
A collaborative approach to industry-environment issues is acknowledged as a key aspect of sustainable development. Sincerely, resource sharing among firms offers the potential to increase stability of operations, especially in supply-constrained areas, by ensuring that access to important inputs such as water, energy and raw materials are guaranteed. Industrial Symbiosis (IS), a sub-field of Industrial Ecology, is primarily concerned with the cyclical flow of resources through networks of industrial units as a means of cooperatively approaching environmentally sustainable industrial activity. In line with this principle, a critical assessment of the change in environmental performance brought about by industrial symbiosis (IS) was conducted in nineteen selected eco-industrial park case studies identified in all regions of the world with the exception of the African continent. Case study selection criteria were based on models of eco-industrial parks proposed by Chertow (2000). A description of the type of material exchanges that go on in each case study was carried out which revealed evidence of implemented synergies in respective case studies. A comparative assessment of cross-case patterns which is a semi-quantitative matrix used to quantify the degree of environmental performance showed that there was a clear evidence of improved environmental performance among respective case studies investigated where water, energy and material flows served as indicators. Results obtained from the study showed a common pattern of industrial presence in respective case studies reflecting the occurrence of heavy process industries such as oil refineries, cement industries, petrochemical industries, and steel industries. The principle of “anchor tenant” proposed by some experts in the field of industrial ecology was strongly supported by the obtained results. Symbiotic cooperation among participating firms in respective case studies were mainly on areas like cogeneration, re-use of materials, recycling and wastewater treatment and re-use.

Kinakontakt – flytt eller expansion? : Så utvecklar östgötska teknikföretag sina relationer med Kina

Jonsson, Magnus, Nilsson, Gerda January 2006 (has links)
Att företag i Sverige påverkas av den enorma tillväxt som sker i Kina och att utvecklingen i Kina dessutom påverkas av hur svenska företag agerar borde, efter all uppmärksamhet i media, vara uppenbart. Då bilden som presenteras i media ofta är onyanserad har Teknikföretagen gett oss i uppdrag att göra en kartläggning av teknikföretags relationer med Kina. Syftet är att undersöka i vilken omfattning och varför företagen har dessa relationer samt hur företagen påverkas av dem. Undersökningens omfattning har begränsats genom att en geografisk avgränsning till Östergötland gjorts. Det visar sig i studien att de undersökta företagen har betydande kontakter med Kina, det är vanligare och viktigare med import än export och det är relativt många som har någon grad av högre engagemang där. – Varför har då dessa företag kontakter med Kina? I studien framkommer att det finns två övergripande anledningar till att företagen etablerar kontakt med Kina. Det första är prispress och det andra är kundnärhet. Företag som är i Kina på grund av prispressen i deras branscher har ofta outsourcat delar av sin produktion till Kina eller väljer att köpa av kinesiska leverantörer istället för av svenska. I studien visar det sig att detta är något som även små företag utan någon större internationell erfarenhet klarar. De företag som svarar på behovet av kundnärhet gör det istället i stor utsträckning genom att etablera egna produktionsanläggningar i Kina eftersom många av deras kunder redan finns där. För detta krävs betydligt större resurser än för att outsourca och många av företagen upplever en begränsning i form av bristande ledningskapacitet. Vi ser även att företagens motiv förändras över tiden. – Hur påverkas då den svenska verksamheten av företagens relationer med Kina? Många av företagen som outsourcat produktion går mot att sysselsätta sig mer med konstruktion, inköp, service och underhåll än produktion, vilket förvisso gör att företagen utför mer kvalificerade uppgifter och försäkrar sig om att på kort sikt inte slås ut av prispressen. Däremot riskerar de att på sikt bli av med nödvändig kompetens och servicekapacitet på grund av att investeringarna blir lägre och nyckelpersonal går i pension. De företag som istället satsar i Kina för att sälja där påverkas positivt även i Sverige. Det krävs ofta att verksamheten i Sverige expanderar för att kunna hantera verksamheten i Kina. Att ha närvaro på flera marknader innebär också att vara mindre känslig för konjunktursvängningar. För att komma fram till undersökningens resultat har en inledande litteraturstudie kompletterats med intervjuer av personer med relevant kunskap om ämnet. Därefter genomfördes en enkätundersökning vars svar analyserades statistiskt. Dessa resultat kompletterades med fallstudier av flera av de undersökta företagen. Undersökningen avslutades med besök hos några av de undersökta företagens anläggningar i Kina för att verifiera undersökningens resultat. / Because of the media coverage it is probably clear to all that companies in Sweden are affected by the astonishing growth currently at hand in China as well as the development in China is affected by actions taken by Swedish companies. To get a more complete understanding of this development the Swedish engineering association has asked us to investigate the relations between Swedish engineering companies and China. The purpose is to examine to what extent and why these relations exist and how they affect the companies. The study has been limited to study only companies in Östergötland. In the study it is shown that the investigated companies do have business relations with China, importing is more important than exporting and quite a few companies have more advanced business engagements in China. – Why do these companies have contacts with China? This study shows two basic reasons behind these contacts. The first is a pressure on prices and the second is proximity to customers. The companies that are in China to lower their prices have to a large extent outsourced production to Chinese companies or have switched from western to Chinese suppliers. This is an action that is feasible even for small companies without previous international experience. On the other hand, companies that are in China to achieve proximity to their clients tend to set up production plants in China as many of their customers have already done so. To do this requires far more resources than outsourcing and many companies experience limitations in their management capacity. We also see that the companies’ motives often change over time. – How do these contacts affect the Swedish companies? Many of the companies who have outsourced parts of their production tend to be more focused on services, which does enable them to perform more advanced processes and saves them from becoming extinct due to increased price competition. In the long run however, they risk losing necessary competence and capacity as they lower their investments and their key personnel retire. Companies that are in China in order to sell in China are affected positively in Sweden as well. It is often necessary to expand business in Sweden in order to manage what is done in China and the presence in many markets make the companies’ orders less volatile. To achieve the results of this investigation we started by studying existing literature and conducting a series of interviews with people with relevant knowledge regarding the subject. Based on this information we conducted a survey that was statistically analyzed. These results where afterwards completed with case studies of several of the investigated companies. The investigation was finalized with a visit at some of the Swedish companies’ production plants in China in order for us to verify our conclusions.

Nå nya kunder med E-handel

Mirbashiri, Amir, Jaurell, Jonas January 2007 (has links)
BT is a global company within the lift truck industry. The main office is located in Mjölby. In Europe all sales and service activities are carried out by fully owned sales companies. I North America, BT RAYMOND develop and distribute trucks under a different brand. For the rest of the world BT works together with a distributor network, most of them are fully independent others BT has a small ownership in. BT is today own by TOYOTA material handling. This report is a study about BT’s possibilities to start an Electronic Commerce sales channel. At the beginning BT will most likely aim for a pilot project for Electronic Commerce for the Division Hand Trucks. The main reason is that the hand pallet truck is well suited for the web since it is rather standardized. This study can be an embryo for BT Europe to reach new customers who may discover BT’s products on-line. The goal for the future is to cover these customers in a better way and the Internet and Electronic Commerce could be one way of doing just that. We are not proposing a turnkey solution to BT. Instead this report aims to increase the knowledge within BT itself in this area. In addition we also try to highlight a number of important areas BT needs to address before an official launch of E-Commerce. Since a new on-line sales channel would impose major changes within BT we have also chosen to analyse important factors during a possible implementation phase. Together with our project company we have also decided to explore the CRM perspective with a new channel on the web. There seems to be possibilities for BT to improve their methods in this area and E-Commerce may be one tool to use. The authors focus on four important areas in this thesis. These are, Price, Sales and Marketing, Design of EC portal and Logistics. We also show several theoretical models like Key factors during a project process, Business Process Reeingineering and the Six-step model. The authors also discuss different forms of data collection methods. One key element of this report is the results of the questionnaire given to key people working for BT in Europe. There are also interviews from another company (SECTRA) about organisational change which can give the readers other perspectives in this area. At the end of this report (chapter 11) the readers could study our recommendations for BT in the event they will go through with implementing an E-Commerce channel. Those recommendations are summarized in both a long term and a short term perspective

Exklusiva urmärken : en branschundersökning med avseende på positionering och val av urverk

Andersson, Peter January 2006 (has links)
Marknaden för armbandsur är stor, och den del av denna marknad som utgörs av exklusiva ur med högt pris tycks ha helt andra egenskaper än den för armbandsur i övrigt. Hur övertygas en konsument om att ett mekaniskt ur som avviker flera sekunder per dygn är att föredra framför ett elektroniskt som avviker några sekunder på ett år? Syftet med denna rapport är att ge en övergripande bild av marknaden för exklusiva ur och urverk, samt att analysera ett antal av de aktörer som finns på marknaden utifrån val av urverk och positionering. Rapporten beskriver elva exklusiva urmärken, med avseende på hur man i sin marknadskommunikation positionerar sig på marknaden. Märkena placeras in i en modell med två huvudsakliga dimensioner: pris och påverkan. Rapporten belyser även de mekaniska urverken. Vilka tillverkar dem? Hur används de, och vilken effekt får valet av urverk på märkenas prisläge och påverkan? Bland de märken som ingår i undersökningen visar rapporten att främst en tillverkare av urverk anlitas i mycket stor utsträckning: det Schweiziska företaget ETA. Med ett undantag - Rolex - köper samtliga av de i undersökningen ingående märkena urverk från ETA. / The wristwatch market is large, and the part of this market that consists of high-priced luxury watches seems to have different properties from the general watch market. How can consumers be convinced that a mechanical watch which can differ by more than a second each day is preferable to an electronic watch which differ only by a couple of seconds each year? The purpose of this report is to give a comprehensive view of the luxury watch and calibre industry, and to analyse some of the actors on this market on the basis of their choice of calibres and positioning. The report aims to describe eleven luxury watch brands, with regard to their positioning on the market. The brands are divided and placed into a model by two main dimensions: price and promotion. This report also discusses the mechanical calibres. Who produces them? How are they used, and does the choice of calibre affect the price and promotion of the brands? Among the brands included in this report, it is shown that one manufacturer in particular is turned to more often: the Swiss company ETA. With only one exception - Rolex - all brands included in this report uses ETA calibres to some extent.

Management Training at Cypress Security : A Case Study Application

Lindahl, Olof, Hasanogullari, Yusuf January 2007 (has links)
Many Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) today face problems with growth and profitability due to lack of management training within the managerial staff. This study aims to create a holistic model for how to construct a Management Training Plan for such companies and test this model on a case company. The study found four main phases in the creation of a training plan, and thus, the model consists of four parts. The first part deals with the motivation of the trainees to go through with the training. The second part deals with deciding the content of the training plan. The third part looks at how the training plan should be designed. The fourth part looks at how to evaluate the training after it has been conducted. The main findings are that the most interesting areas of training for the managers at Cypress Security are customer communication and financial management. The training should be a mixture between group discussions and self-study material. We believe the results in this study should prove useful when constructing training programs for other companies since the model can be applied to almost any type of company. By providing specialized management training of this kind, SMEs reduce the need for hiring and recruiting managers with academic background and allows them to recruit from within.

Analys och implementering av ett lagerhanteringssystem : Thule Sweden AB

Smedberg, Karl, Johansson, Daniel, Bergström, Jacob January 2007 (has links)
<p>Three students with two different theoretical focuses have worked together to develop</p><p>our examination thesis. This thesis is a requirement of the curriculum at the School of</p><p>Engineering in Jönköping. The School of Engineering’s programs include Industrial</p><p>engineering and management, with a focus on logistics and management and</p><p>mechanical engineering.</p><p>This exam thesis was implemented at Thule’s plant in Hillerstorp, Sweden. Thule is a</p><p>world-leading company offering transport solutions in a safe, simple and elegant way</p><p>for cars (Thule 2007).</p><p>The project objective was to analyze and to implement a fully functional inventory</p><p>system for one of Thule’s average stock items and to address meeting capacity</p><p>requirements of</p><p>2 268 stores. In this inventory, attention is paid to tracking product labels and their</p><p>assembly instructions. These two article groups are important for Thule’s material</p><p>management.</p><p>The output of data related to these two article groups are included with each end</p><p>product that is to be delivered from Thule’s factory in Hillerstorp.</p><p>Thule was having problems managing stock/inventory. Employees found it difficult to</p><p>locate articles that were required for production and manufacturing due to inadequate</p><p>labeling of stock and inventory. This problem was caused by insufficiently labeled</p><p>storage areas and inadequate information of what inventory was being stored.</p><p>The group performed an analysis comprised of a comparison between four different</p><p>inventory management systems: a system with permanent stores, one paternoster</p><p>inventory management system, a management system for delivery direct to the</p><p>production groups and a system with dynamic stores. A decision was made choosing a</p><p>dynamic system; which was chosen because of Thule’s requirement to address</p><p>seasonal variations. A dynamic management system has the advantage that the articles</p><p>that belong to various summer and winter products can” borrow” stores of each other</p><p>when one of them are not in production.</p><p>After the analysis, a dynamic system was implemented. The system design decisions</p><p>were made with input from employees that work with Thule’s inventory. This was</p><p>important from the examination group’s point of view because the employees will</p><p>work with whatever future inventory management system would be implemented. In</p><p>addition, they contributed with knowledge that would be difficultly to see for as an</p><p>outsider.</p><p>After the implementation was made, various proposals have been presented in order to</p><p>further develop Thule’s material management system. These proposals comprise</p><p>measures to improve the dynamic supply system further, and in conjunction with</p><p>Thule’s business model works to further develop supplier collaboration with the</p><p>company’s production requirements.</p> / <p>Tre studenter med två olika inriktningar har tillsammans utfört ett examensarbete.</p><p>Arbetet är ett led i ingenjörsutbildningen på Jönköpings tekniska högskola på</p><p>programmen Industriell organisation och ekonomi, med inriktning logistik och</p><p>ledning och Maskinteknik med inriktning industriell ekonomi och produktion.</p><p>Detta examensarbete har bedrivits på Thules anläggning Hillerstrop. Thule är idag ett</p><p>världsledande bolag som erbjuder transportlösningar för bilen på ett säkert, enkelt och</p><p>elegant sätt (Thule 2007).</p><p>Arbetets inriktning har varit att analysera och implementera ett fullt fungerande</p><p>lagersystem för ett av Thules mellanlager med en kapacitet på 2268 lagerplatser. I</p><p>detta lager lagerförs etiketter och monteringsanvisningar. Dessa två artikelgrupper är</p><p>viktiga för Thules materialhantering, då de två artikelgrupperna på ett eller annat sätt</p><p>ingår i varje slutprodukt som skickas ifrån Thules fabrik i Hillerstorp.</p><p>Problemet som Thule hade med materialhanteringen vid mellanlagret var att</p><p>lagerpersonalen hade svårigheter med att lokalisera de artiklar som</p><p>produktionsgrupperna behövde. Detta berodde i grunden på otillräckligt märkta</p><p>lagerplatser och bristande information om vad lagret innehöll.</p><p>Analysen som examensgruppen har bedrivit innehöll en jämförelse mellan fyra olika</p><p>lagerhanteringssystem. Ett system med fasta lagerplatser, ett paternosterverk, ett</p><p>hanteringssystem för utleverans direkt till produktionsgrupperna och ett</p><p>lagerhanteringssystem med dynamiska lagerplatser. Valet föll på att välja ett</p><p>dynamiskt system, bland annat eftersom Thule har en kraftig säsongsvariation. Ett</p><p>dynamiskt hanteringssystem har den stora fördelen att de artiklar som tillhör olika</p><p>sommar och vinterprodukterna kan ”låna” lagerplatser av varandra då någon av dem</p><p>inte tillverkas.</p><p>Efter analysen implementerades det dynamiska systemet. Hur systemet utformades</p><p>bestämdes tillsammans med lagerpersonalen som idag arbetar i det aktuella lagret.</p><p>Detta var viktigt från examensgruppens sida, då det trots allt är personalen som</p><p>kommer att arbeta med hanteringen framöver. Samtidigt bidrog de med kunskap som</p><p>kan vara svår att se för personer som inte arbetar på Thule i Hillerstorp.</p><p>Efter implementeringen har olika förslag tagits fram för att kunna utveckla Thules</p><p>materialhantering ytterligare. Dessa förslag handlar om att vidareutveckla det</p><p>dynamiska systemet med hjälp av Thules affärssystem eller att använda sig mer av</p><p>leverantörssamverkan.</p>

Lean Produktion på mjölkföretag - fungerar det? / Lean Production on dairy farms

Bengtsson, Nicklas, Johansson, Charlotte January 2010 (has links)
<p>The contact company, LRF Konsult, is a consulting firm specialized in areas of law, real estate, finance and taxation. Discussions on the subject of agricultural improvement in the area of Lean, has primarily been driven by the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry, where LRF Konsult also participated. This thesis can be seen as a preliminary study of how Lean can work within agricultural enterprises.The thesis primarily focuses on the possibilities dairy farms have to improve operations. What practical benefits they can obtain through the implementation of Lean. And how an implementation could take place.By visits to two dairy companies, and through interviewing their respective business leaders, an image of the companies activity for improvement, in connection to this thesis was established. This image is analyzed by appropriate theoretical studies and presented as two case-companies on which further discussions are based. The discussions highlights about the questions in the thesis intention.There may be substantial waste to be found and eliminated within the farms. There is however considerable effort to locate these wastages. To encourage businesses to work with problems and overcome these it requires some basic understanding of what Lean improvement efforts are. Current agricultural thinking is similar to Lean in some areas, which would ease the implementation of Lean in the current situation for the enterprises.According to the authors' conclusions, it is possible for a dairy company to work with the majority of Likers principles. However, there is a number of principles that should be reworked to be usable in a production with animals. The authors also emerged that although the companies were small, there were already links with Lean. However, there is a lack of standardized methods in their work.</p> / <p>Kontaktföretaget LRF Konsult är ett konsultföretag som arbetar inom områden som juridik, fastighetsförmedling, ekonomi och skatt. Diskussioner kring lantbrukets förbättringsmöjligheter genom Lean har bedrivits främst av Kungliga Skogs- och Lantbruksakademin. Examensarbetet kan ses som en förstudie om hur Lean kan verka och fungera i lantbruksverksamheter.Arbetets frågeställningar är att undersöka vilka möjligheter som finns för att förbättra mjölkverksamheter, samt utreda vilken nytta företaget kan erhålla genom en implementering av Lean, vidare även hur en implementering skulle kunna ske.Genom att besöka två mjölkföretag och därmed intervjua företagsledarna skapades en bild av de besökta företagen, som användes till att uppfylla rapportens syfte. Denna bild har analyserats genom lämpliga teoretiska studier och presenteras som två företagsbeskrivningar, varefter ytterligare diskussioner förs. Diskussionerna resonerar kring frågorna i syftet.Det kan finnas viktiga slöserier att hitta och eliminera i lantbruket, det är dock ett omfattande arbete att lokalisera dessa. För att få företagen att arbeta med problemen och komma tillrätta med dessa, krävs viss baskunskap om vad Lean förbättringsarbete handlar om. Nuvarande lantbrukstänkande är snarlikt med Lean inom somliga delar, vilket gör att en implementering av Lean på lantbruksföretagen inte bör vara svår att genomföra i dagsläget.Enligt författarna är det möjligt för ett mjölkföretag att arbeta efter flertalet av Likers 14 principer, dock finns ett antal som bör omarbetas för att vara möjliga att använda på produktion med djur. Författarna kom även fram till att trots att företagen var små, fanns redan kopplingar till Lean. Dock saknades standardiserat arbetssätt.</p>

Från förslagsverksamhet till ständiga förbättringar på Husqvarna AB

Sahlqvist, Erica January 2008 (has links)
<p>An organization that uses all of its improvement opportunities has a great advantage compared to its competitors. It is an important task when it comes to continuous improvements of every process. Up until September 2007, Husqvarna AB had a suggestion committee who evaluated every suggestion separately and the proposer received a payment if the suggestion was approved by the committee. However, this system did not work satisfying enough to fulfill Husqvarna’s needs and they are now looking for a system that can handle the ideas from the employees in a more effective way. The purpose of this report is to come up with a system better suited for Husqvarna, where every employee has a chance to be a part in the company’s development process. With help from relevant litterateur, study visits at Volvo Car Corporation in Skövde and C2 Management in Stockholm and interviews with employees at Husqvarna AB, a plan for how a new system could look like is presented in this report.</p><p>At Husqvarna chainsaw and landscape assembly plant, they already have a developed and satisfactory structure to treat ideas of improvement from the employees. They currently use Excel in order to document their improvements. In order for Husqvarna to work with improvements in a more efficient way, Excel ought to be exchanged to a database more suited for handling this type of data. Suggestions for appropriate databases are System C2 which can be bought from C2 Management or a system developed in Lotus Notes. A new database enables all units and even factories, within Husqvarna to document their improvements. This way, Husqvarna will have a more “learning by doing focus” where the different units can study each other’s suggestions and gain inspiration and ideas for the own operation.</p><p>The different ideas for improvement shall be divided into three categories; Continuous improvements, bigger improvements (PDCA) and big improvements (rationalization). Under the category “continuous improvements”, all improvements that the group can deploy by themselves should be listed. This category will be managed by the group with no interaction from managers or other units. The only reward for this type of improvement is encouragement from the manager. For the “bigger improvements”, all improvements that take more than three hours to complete, can be visualized and/or where help is needed from external parts will be listed. This category of improvements shall be listed in the database by the group itself and they should also manage as much of the deployment as possible. However, for this type of improvements help may be needed from other units and therefore, the group should address the improvement to its nearest manager for approval. Under this category, some kind of reward is possible. Under the category “big improvements”, the improvements that will give Husqvarna large savings can be found. The idea shall be something far from what could be expected from the proposer. A minimum limit of saving for Husqvarna that the idea has to generate in order to be listed under this category ought to be placed. Husqvarna need to select some kind of management group who can decide from case to case how large the proposer’s reward should be. This type of improvements should also be listed in the database by the group.</p>

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