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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Minoan trade: aspects and ambiguities

Kieser, Deanne 31 March 2005 (has links)
The following dissertation considers the main aspects of trade during each phase of Minoan development from its beginnings in Early Minoan times (3500 BC) until the end of Minoan period in 1430 BC. The work concentrates largely on the commodities exchanged, the development of transportation and perceived trade routes as well as the role of the palaces once they were established. The theories on the Minoan Thalassocracy and colonisation are also discussed. The evidence used is mainly archaeological, which is able to trace the movement of non-perishable materials such as pottery and metals. Reference is also made to contemporary Near Eastern texts and art, as well as the Minoan Linear A and Mycenaean Linear B documents. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / M.A. (Ancient History)

Minoan trade: aspects and ambiguities

Kieser, Deanne 31 March 2005 (has links)
The following dissertation considers the main aspects of trade during each phase of Minoan development from its beginnings in Early Minoan times (3500 BC) until the end of Minoan period in 1430 BC. The work concentrates largely on the commodities exchanged, the development of transportation and perceived trade routes as well as the role of the palaces once they were established. The theories on the Minoan Thalassocracy and colonisation are also discussed. The evidence used is mainly archaeological, which is able to trace the movement of non-perishable materials such as pottery and metals. Reference is also made to contemporary Near Eastern texts and art, as well as the Minoan Linear A and Mycenaean Linear B documents. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / M.A. (Ancient History)

Tectonic evolution of Aegean metamorphic core complexes, Andros and Tinos Islands, Greece

Shin, Timothy Andrew 10 October 2014 (has links)
The Aegean is a classic setting for studying exhumation of high-pressure (HP) metamorphic rocks. Two end-member models are proposed to explain the uplift of these rocks: core-complex style extension along low-angle normal faults and extrusion-wedge uplift. Extrusion-wedge underplating is the mechanism that exhumed HP rocks on Evia whereas Tinos hosts several detachments varying in age from 30-9 Ma. Andros, situated between them, may be the geological manifestation of the interplay of these processes and provides an opportunity to test these models. Detachments on NW Tinos and on Andros and the enigmatic low-angle Makrotantalon Unit contact on Andros were insufficiently dated prior to this study. Geo- and thermochronometrycombined with structural observations from sampling transects in the transport direction from (1) lower plate Cycladic Blueschist Unit on Andros and Tinos, (2) middle plate Makrotantalon Unit on Andros, and (3) hanging wall Upper Unit address these issues. Maximum depositional ages from detrital zircon U-Pb geochronometry and structures reveal Paleocene-Eocene syn-HP metamorphism thrusting resulted in an inversed-age relationship between the Permian Makrotantalon Unit and the underlying Triassic-Eocene Cycladic Blueschist Unit on Andros. The Makrotantalon Unit has an internal inversed stratigraphy whereas the Cycladic Blueschist Unit on Andros and Tinos appear stratigraphically intact. Structures and zircon and apatite (U-Th)/He ages in transects from NW Tinos (~12-8 Ma) and central Andros Cycladic Blueschist Unit (~13-7 Ma) indicate rapid cooling due to exhumation associated with the Livada Detachment. Older cooling ages (~16-10 Ma) and structures in the Makrotantalon Unit indicate later brittle strain localization on the Makrotantalon Thrust contact is accommodated by rheologically weaker serpentinites and calc-schists, resulting in slivering of the footwall under the Livada Detachment on Andros. Estimated mean cooling slip rates of the Livada Detachment on Andros of ~3.8 (+1.2/-1.3) km/Myr and 2.1 (+0.2/-0.2) km/Myr on NW Tinos resulted in minimum vertical exhumations of 15 km and 4 km, respectively. The NCDS here accommodated ~12-25% of 60 km of HP-rock exhumation from ~30-7 Ma. We present a tectonic model to elucidate the evolution of the Makrotantalon Unit and the magnitude, temporal, and spatial variability of exhumation via detachments on these islands. / text

L'impérialisme athénien vu des Cyclades (478-338 a.C.) / The Athenian imperialism seen from the Cyclades (478-338 a.C.)

Bonnin, Grégory 08 September 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat envisage l’histoire des relations entre Athènes et les Cyclades au cours de l’époque classique, des Guerres médiques à l’Indépendance délienne. L’impérialisme athénien est ici étudié dans une perspective nouvelle, inspirée des subaltern studies : la manière dont les Insulaires ont vécu, compris, perçu et, en définitive, réagi face à la domination athénienne est au cœur de cet ouvrage. Cette étude contribue à modifier notre perception de l’impérialisme athénien, jusque-là trop souvent compris dans ses seules ramifications coercitives. Renverser la focale, c’est redonner aux dominés le rôle actif qu’ils ont eu à l’époque classique : les Insulaires, privés des moyens pour lutter contre l’envahissante hégémonie athénienne, l’ont acceptée, profitant des bienfaits que la pax Atheniensis leur apportait. Ce travail offre aussi l’histoire de la création d’un nouvel espace, dont les habitants affirment leur identité commune face à la domination d’Athènes : les “îles” deviennent, aux yeux des Athéniens et des Insulaires de l’époque classique, les Cyclades. / This PhD thesis reveals the story of the relationship between Athens and the Cyclades during the Classical era, from the Persian Wars to the period of Delian Independence. Athenian Imperialism is questioned here from a new perspective, inspired by subaltern studies. Central to this book is the way the Islanders lived under Athenian domination: how they understood and perceived it and, ultimately, how they reacted to it. This study helps change our understanding of Athenian power, which until now has only ever been understood in terms of its coercive ways. Switching the focus is to restore an active role to the subalterns: with no means of resisting the intrusive Athenian hegemony, the Islanders accepted it and enjoyed the benefits of the pax Atheniensis. This work also offers the story of the creation of a new place, in which inhabitants assert their common identity under Athenian domination. In the minds of Athenians and islanders alike, the islands come to be known as the Cyclades.

De la conception à l'utilisation des pierres à aiguiser, polissoirs et autres outils de l'abrasion dans le monde égéen à l'âge du Bronze / From design to use of sharpening, polishing stone implements and other abrasion stone tools in the Aegean Bronze Age

Thomas, Nathalie 14 December 2017 (has links)
Notre étude porte sur les pierres à aiguiser, pierres à affûter, polissoirs et autres outils de l’abrasion découverts dans des sites égéens de l’Âge du Bronze. Durant cette période, les ressources lithiques naturelles égéennes prélevées étaient transformées et employées lors des actions d’abrasion, d’aiguisage, d’affûtage, de polissage. Une connaissance empirique du comportement des roches durant l’utilisation a guidé la sélection des supports afin d’optimiser l’efficacité de l’outillage lors des différentes opérations. Une analyse des provenances nous éclaire sur les modes d’acquisition et de circulation des matériaux ; et une étude complémentaire des propriétés mécaniques des roches nous renseigne sur les paramètres qui ont guidé le choix des matériaux. Les outils diffèrent de par leur matière première mais aussi de par leur morphologie, granulométrie et leurs traces d’usage. Cette recherche propose la mise en place d’une nouvelle analyse des traces, permettant de distinguer les stigmates d’usage et les usures. La méthodologie s’appuie sur des analyses menées en laboratoire (analyses pétrographiques, tribologiques), combinées à des observations sur des outils à différentes échelles. Une fois la fonction des outils identifiée, nous avons considéré les contextes de production et d’utilisation. Enfin, des études ethnographiques et la consultation d’outils archéologiques menées tout au long de nos recherches, nous ont permis de reconstituer les activités, les actions et les gestes liés à la fabrication et à l’utilisation des outils. / This research aims at investigating the supplying strategies of raw materials selected for the implementation of lithic tools in the Aegean sea during the Bronze Age. Furthermore, it addresses the possible exchange networks responsible for the wider distribution of abrasive rocks. Particularly, all steps of the operational process (chaîne opératoire) were investigated from the extraction of raw materials to the use of the stone tools. These research objectives were addressed through an interdiscipinary approach, which combines the petrographic, morphological, and use-wear analysis of lithic tool implements based on both macroscopic and microscopic observations. The purpose of the use wear analysis was the identification of the different functions among these tools within their historical and archaeological context. Additionally, this study developed a precise terminology of manual movements and gestures associated with the use of these tools by combining ethnographical and experimental data with archaeological evidence.

Culte et sanctuaires d'Asclépios dans les îles Egéennes et dans les cités côtières d'Asie Mineure (IV° s. a. C. - III° s. ap. C.) / The cult and the sanctuaries of Asclepius inside the Aegean Sea islands and in Asia minor (IV th BC - III th s AD)

Piguet, Emilie 23 November 2012 (has links)
Aucune région du monde gréco-romain n’est véritablement restée à l’écart de ladiffusion du culte d’Asclépios, au point qu’au IIe s. p.C., on ne dénombre pas moins de 320Asclepieia. A partir du IVe s. a.C. – ou du moins c’est à ce moment que nous en avons destraces effectives – et pendant toute l’époque hellénistique, le culte se propage notamment dansle monde insulaire et dans les cités côtières d’Asie Mineure, ce qui donne lieu à laconstruction de complexes parmi les plus célèbres du monde antique (Cos, Pergame, Lébèna),mais aussi une foule de sanctuaires moins importants dont l’influence est restéeessentiellement locale ou régionale. Notre thèse porte donc sur l’étude du culte et dessanctuaires d’Asclépios dans les îles égéennes et sur les côtes occidentales de l’Asie Mineureà l’époque hellénistique et au Haut-Empire romain, essentiellement à partir de ladocumentation épigraphique. Plusieurs thèmes de recherche sont développés : notamment lesétapes de la diffusion et l’origine du culte d’Asclépios ; le rôle économique, politique et socialet la gestion des sanctuaires ; le dieu (épiclèses, fonctions, famille mythique, relations avec lessouverains hellénistiques et les empereurs) et son culte (modalités et actes constitutifs) ; lepersonnel religieux, les individus et les groupes sociaux fréquentant les sanctuaires ; lesmotifs pour lesquels ces centres furent des lieux de « pèlerinage » célèbres et enfin lesinteractions entre savoirs médicaux profanes et puissance divine de guérison. / No region of the Greco-Roman world really stayed away from the distribution ofAsclepius’ cult, to the point that in IIth s p.C., we count not less than 320 Asclepieia. FromIVth s a.C. - or at least this is when we have it effective tracks - and during all the Hellenisticperiod, the cult propagates in the Aegean islands and in the coastal cities of Asia Minor. Inthis time, the complexes among the most famous of the antique world (Kos, Pergamon,Lebena) are built, as well as of numerous less important sanctuaries the influence of whichremained essentially local or regional. In our thesis, we study the Asclepius' cult and hissanctuaries in the Aegean islands and on the western coast of Asia Minor in the Hellenisticand Roman times, essentially from the epigraphic documentation. Several themes aredeveloped : the stages of the distribution and the origin of Asclepius' cult ; the economic,political and social role and the management of sanctuaries ; the god (epithets, functions,mythical family, relations with the Hellenistic sovereigns and the emperors) and his cult ; theclergy, the individuals and the social groups frequenting sanctuaries ; the motives for whichthese centers were famous places of "pilgrimage" and the interactions between profanemedical knowledges and divine power of healing.

Συστηματική και βιολογία των κεφαλοπόδων στο Βόρειο Αιγαίο

Λευκαδίτου, Ευγενία 02 December 2008 (has links)
Σκοπός της παρούσας διατριβής, ήταν α) η μελέτη της συστηματικής των Κεφαλοπόδων και ειδικώτερα της κατανομής και των συναθροίσεών τους στο Θρακικό πέλαγος και τους κόλπους Στρυμωνικό, Συγγιτικό, Τορωναίο, Θερμαϊκό και β) η μελέτη του βιολογικού κύκλου των ειδών Loligo vulgaris (καλαμάρι), Illex coindetii (θράψαλο) και Sepietta oweniana. Το υλικό που χρησιμοποιήθηκε προήλθε κυρίως από 8 δειγματοληψίες (9/91 – 12/93) που πραγματοποιήθηκαν από το EΛ.ΚΕ.Θ.Ε., με τράτα βυθού, σε βάθη 17- 400 m. Για τη μελέτη της βιολογίας των 2 Τευθοειδών το υλικό συμπληρώθηκε με μηνιαία λήψη δειγμάτων (2/92 – 6/93) από την επαγγελματική αλιεία στο ΒΑ Αιγαίο. Συνολικά προσδιορίστηκαν 28 είδη Κεφαλοπόδων, από 8 διαφορετικές οικογένειες: Enoploteuthidae (1 είδος), Histioteuthidae (1 είδος), Loliginidae (3 είδη), Ommastrephidae (3 είδη), Sepiidae (3 είδη), Sepiolidae (9 είδη), Argonautidae (1 είδος) και Octopodidae (7 είδη). Πολυπαραγοντικές αναλύσεις των λογαριθμικά τροποποιημένων δεδομένων αφθονίας των ειδών ανά δειγματοληπτική σύρση, έδειξαν διαφοροποιήσεις στη δομή των συναθροίσεων των Κεφαλοπόδων κατά κύριο λόγο με το βάθος και σε μικρότερο βαθμό με την εποχή και τη γεωγραφική περιοχή δειγματοληψίας. Στα είδη I. coindetii και S. oweniana διαπιστώθηκε αναπαραγωγική δραστηριότητα καθόλη τη διάρκεια του χρόνου, με μέγιστη ένταση αντίστοιχα το φθινόπωρο και χειμώνα – άνοιξη. Η αναπαραγωγική περίοδος για το νηριτικό L. vulgaris ήταν σχετικά πιό περιορισμένη (μέσα χειμώνα - αρχές φθινοπώρου) με μέγιστη ένταση την άνοιξη. Η ηλικία των 2 τευθοειδών, που εκτιμήθηκε απο την ανάγνωση των αυξητικών δακτυλίων σε στατολίθους, δεν ξεπερνά τους 14 μήνες ενώ ο ημερήσιος ρυθμός αύξησης του μανδύα φτάνει για το καλαμάρι τα 2-2,5 mm και για το θράψαλο τα 0,5-0,6 mm. Οι Οστειχθείς και τα Κεφαλόποδα αποτελούσαν τις πιο συχνά εμφανιζόμενες λείες στο στομαχικό περιεχόμενο των δύο Τευθοειδών, ενώ τα Καρκινοειδή την προτιμώμενη λεία για το είδος S. oweniana. / The twofold aim of this study was: firstly to contribute to the knowledge of the cephalopod species taxonomy in the Greek Seas, focusing particularly on faunistic composition at the N. Aegean (ΝΕ Mediterranean), and secondly to investigate the life history patterns of the species Loligo vulgaris, Illex coindetii and Sepietta oweniana. Faunistic study was based on samples collected from the N. Aegean Sea (N>39ο 50΄) during eight trawl surveys (9/91 – 12/93), carried out at depths 17 - 400 m. For the study of the two squid species biology, additional monthly samples were collected from commercial fishery in NE Aegean Sea during the period February 1992 - June 1993. In all, 28 species of cephalopods belonging to 8 families were identified including Enoploteuthidae (1 species), Histioteuthidae (1 species), Loliginidae (3 species), Ommastrephidae (3 species), Sepiidae (3 species), Sepiolidae (9 species), Argonautidae (1 species) and Octopodidae (7 species). To detect zonation patterns in cephalopod community structure, multivariate analyses of species abundance data per haul were performed. Considerable variability was shown in assemblage structure, determined primarily by depth, and to a lesser extent, by geographical location and season. Intermittent terminal spawning pattern has been shown for all 3 examined species. Spawning occurs throughout the year for I. coindetii and S. oweniana in the N. Aegean Sea, peaking respectively in autumn and winter-spring, as indicated by minimum ML50 values. The breeding season of neritic L. vulgaris extends from late winter to early autumn, with spawning intensity varying among years, due to variation in temperature and population age structure. Age of both teuthoid species, estimated by growth increment counts on statoliths, did not exceed 14 months. Daily growth rate (DGR) reached 2-2,5 mm in L. vulgaris and 0,5-0,6 mm in I. coindetii. L. vulgaris and I. coindetii feed primarily on fishes and cephalopods in the N. Aegean Sea, whereas S. oweniana on crustacean and fishes.

Tectonic evolution of Aegean metamorphic core complexes, Andros and Tinos Islands, Greece

Shin, Timothy Andrew 10 October 2014 (has links)
The Aegean is a classic setting for studying exhumation of high-pressure (HP) metamorphic rocks. Two end-member models are proposed to explain the uplift of these rocks: core-complex style extension along low-angle normal faults and extrusion-wedge uplift. Extrusion-wedge underplating is the mechanism that exhumed HP rocks on Evia whereas Tinos hosts several detachments varying in age from 30-9 Ma. Andros, situated between them, may be the geological manifestation of the interplay of these processes and provides an opportunity to test these models. Detachments on NW Tinos and on Andros and the enigmatic low-angle Makrotantalon Unit contact on Andros were insufficiently dated prior to this study. Geo- and thermochronometrycombined with structural observations from sampling transects in the transport direction from (1) lower plate Cycladic Blueschist Unit on Andros and Tinos, (2) middle plate Makrotantalon Unit on Andros, and (3) hanging wall Upper Unit address these issues. Maximum depositional ages from detrital zircon U-Pb geochronometry and structures reveal Paleocene-Eocene syn-HP metamorphism thrusting resulted in an inversed-age relationship between the Permian Makrotantalon Unit and the underlying Triassic-Eocene Cycladic Blueschist Unit on Andros. The Makrotantalon Unit has an internal inversed stratigraphy whereas the Cycladic Blueschist Unit on Andros and Tinos appear stratigraphically intact. Structures and zircon and apatite (U-Th)/He ages in transects from NW Tinos (~12-8 Ma) and central Andros Cycladic Blueschist Unit (~13-7 Ma) indicate rapid cooling due to exhumation associated with the Livada Detachment. Older cooling ages (~16-10 Ma) and structures in the Makrotantalon Unit indicate later brittle strain localization on the Makrotantalon Thrust contact is accommodated by rheologically weaker serpentinites and calc-schists, resulting in slivering of the footwall under the Livada Detachment on Andros. Estimated mean cooling slip rates of the Livada Detachment on Andros of ~3.8 (+1.2/-1.3) km/Myr and 2.1 (+0.2/-0.2) km/Myr on NW Tinos resulted in minimum vertical exhumations of 15 km and 4 km, respectively. The NCDS here accommodated ~12-25% of 60 km of HP-rock exhumation from ~30-7 Ma. We present a tectonic model to elucidate the evolution of the Makrotantalon Unit and the magnitude, temporal, and spatial variability of exhumation via detachments on these islands.

Les plantes dans le monde minoen : espèces, préparation, utilisations / Plants in the Minoan world : species, preparation, uses

Balduini, Émilie 14 October 2013 (has links)
Aujourd’hui, la Crète offre une flore riche et en partie unique. Cette thèse a pour objectif d’étudier les plantes dans le monde minoen (Crète et Théra, actuelle Santorin), en identifiant les espèces grâce à divers supports, en analysant les procédés de préparation et les utilisations que les Minoens pouvaient faire de ces plantes. La première partie de notre travail est un catalogue iconographique qui répertorie les plantes dans l’art, les écritures et les analyses scientifiques. Les études publiées jusqu’à présent se concentrent sur l’identification des motifs floraux ou sur une plante spécifique et les relations hommes-plantes ne sont pas ou peu analysées. La particularité de notre démarche est d’être complétée par une analyse contextuelle qui permet de pallier cette lacune. La deuxième partie de nos recherches concerne la préparation des plantes, c’est-à-dire les attentions qu’elles nécessitaient avant d’être utilisées dans la vie quotidienne. Les domaines d’utilisations envisageables étant nombreux, notre étude se focalise sur l’utilisation des plantes dans les cérémonies religieuses et dans l’artisanat du textile. / Today, Crete offers a rich and partially unique flora. The aim of this thesis is to study plants in the Minoan world (Crete and Akrotiri, Thera), by identifying the species thanks to diverse media, by analyzing the methods of preparation and uses which Minoans could make of these plants. The first part of our work is an iconographic catalog which lists plants in art, writings and scientific analyses. Previous studies focus on the identification of floral patterns or a specific plant, and relationships between men and plants are not or not much analyzed. The special feature of our approach is to be completed by a contextual analysis which allows to compensate for this gap. The second part of our researches concerns the preparation of plants, that is to say the attention which they required before being used in everyday life. The possible fields being numerous, our study focuses on the use of plants in religion and in textile industry.

Living in The European Borderlands Representation, Humanitarian Work, and Integration in Times Of "Crises" in Greece

Markodimitrakis, Michail-Chrysovalantis 01 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.

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