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Efeitos da atividade física aeróbica sobre a pressão arterial sistêmica e rigidez arterial em pacientes submetidos a transplante cardíaco / Effects of aerobic physical activity on blood pressure and arterial stiffness in patients undergoing cardiac transplantationLucas Nóbilo Pascoalino 19 October 2012 (has links)
O transplante cardíaco permanece sendo o procedimento de escolha para a insuficiência cardíaca refratária, apresentando resultados favoráveis em termos da sintomatologia, qualidade de vida e sobrevida desses pacientes. A hipertensão arterial sistêmica aparece como a comorbidade de maior incidência neste grupo de pacientes, chegando a 95% após cinco anos. O efeito do exercício físico sobre a dinâmica do comportamento tensional na monitorização da pressão arterial ambulatorial durante 24 horas (MAPA-24h) e da rigidez arterial não tem sido estudado neste grupo de pacientes. Nós avaliamos os efeitos da atividade física aeróbia sobre a dinâmica do comportamento tensional na MAPA-24h, rigidez arterial e as variáveis cardiovasculares em indivíduos após um ano de transplante cardíaco. Trinta e nove pacientes de ambos os sexos, randomizados para grupo treino (GT) (n = 29; 45 ± 13 anos) ou grupo controle (GC) (n = 9; 51 ± 11 anos) realizaram, antes e após o período de 12 semanas de seguimento, exames de MAPA-24h, velocidade de onda de pulso carótido-femoral (VOP) e teste de esforço cardiopulmonar, com coletas de amostras sangüíneas para dosagem de norepinefrina (Nor) (repouso e pico). Treinamento físico aeróbio foi realizado três vezes por semana, sendo duas supervisionadas e uma não supervisionada, durante 40 minutos inicialmente com a frequência cardíaca monitorada em 80% do ponto de compensação respiratória. O GT apresentou redução significativa da pressão arterial sistólica nos períodos da média das 24 horas (de 120 ± 11 para 116 ± 14mmHg, p<0,05) e vigília (de 123 ± 11 para 118 ± 13mmHg, p<0,05). A pressão arterial diastólica apresentou redução significativa para os três períodos sendo na média das 24 horas (de 81 ± 9 para 74 ± 9mmHg, p< 0,001), vigília (de 83 ± 9 para 75 ± 10mmHg, p<0,001) e noturno ( de 77 ± 10 para 71 ± 10mmHg, p<0,001). A VOP não apresentou redução significativa após o período de seguimento para ambos os grupos; GT (de 10,0 ± 1,9 para 9,7 ±1,9m/s, p = ns) e GC (de 10,3 ± 2,2 para 10,4 ± 2,8m/s, p = ns), porém os níveis da Nor tiveram aumento significativo no pico do exercício no grupo GT (de 2386 ± 1274 para 3292 ± 1410 pg/ml p<0,01) e também em relação ao grupo GC pós seguimento (3292 ± 1419 versus 2178 ± 659 pg/ml, p<0,05). O treinamento físico aeróbio reduziu a pressão arterial sistólica/diastólica em 4,7/7,5 mmHg durante a vigília e em 3,5/5,8 mmHg durante o sono após TX, além de melhorar o condicionamento cardiorrespiratório com aumento do VO2pico, FCmáx e do tempo de exercício. / Cardiac transplantation remains the procedure of choice for refractory heart failure, with favorable results in terms of symptoms, quality of life and patient survival. Hypertension appears as a higher incidence of comorbidity in this group of patients, reaching 95% after five years. However, the effect of exercise training in the behavior of 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) and arterial stiffness has not been studied in this group of patients. We assessment the effects of aerobic physical activity in the behavior of ABPM, arterial stiffness and cardiovascular variables in patients being heart transplanted for a year or more. Thirty-nine patients of both genders were evaluated, then randomized to either training group (TG) (n = 29, 45 ± 13 years) or control group (CG) (n = 9, 51 ± 11 years) and reevaluated after 12 weeks of follow-up. Pre and post evaluations combined examinations of ABPM, carotidfemoral pulse wave velocity (PWV) and graded exercise test, with collections of blood samples for measurement of norepinephrine (Nor) (rest and peak). Aerobic exercise was performed in the TG three times-a-week, two supervised and one unsupervised for 40 minutes initially at an intensity of 80% of heart rate achieved at the respiratory compensation point. The TG showed a significant reduction in systolic blood pressure during average of 24 hours (from 120 ± 11 to 116 ± 14mmHg, p < 0.05) and diurnal cycle (from 123 ± 11 to 118 ± 13mmHg, p<0.05). Diastolic blood pressure decreased significantly for the three periods, the average of 24 hours (from 81 ± 9 to 74 ± 9mmHg, p<0.001), diurnal cycle (from 83 ± 9 to 75 ± 10mmHg, p < 0.001) and nighttime (from 77 ± 10 to 71 ± 10mmHg, p < 0.001). The PWV showed no significant reduction after the followup period for both groups; TG ( from 10.0 ± 1.9 to 9.7 ± 1.9m/s, p = ns) and CG (from10.3 ± 2.2 to 10.4 ± 2.8m/s, p = ns) and the levels of the Nor had a significantly higher peak exercise in TG (from 2386 ± 1274 to 3292 ± 1410 pg/ml p <0.01) and also in relation to the control group after follow-up (3292 ± 1419 versus 2178 ± 659 pg / ml, p <0.05). The exercise training reduced both systolic and diastolic blood pressure in 4.7 and in 7.5 mmHg during daytime, respectively. Reduction also happened during nighttime in 3.5 and in 5.8 mmHg for these variables, respectively. Exercise training improved VO2peak, HRmax and time of exercise (cardiorespiratory fitness) after follow-up, as well.
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Respostas hemodinâmicas e autonômicas pós-exercício: influência da massa muscular, da intensidade relativa e do gasto energético total do exercício / Post-exercise hemodynamic and autonomic responses: influence of exercise muscle mass, intensity and total energy expenditureEllen Aparecida de Araujo 30 March 2007 (has links)
Uma sessão de exercício aeróbio provoca queda da pressão arterial (PA) e aumento da freqüência cardíaca (FC) pós-exercício. Diversos fatores, como a massa muscular, a intensidade e o gasto energético total do exercício podem influenciar esta resposta. Este estudo verificou as respostas pós-exercício da PA, da FC e de seus mecanismos, avaliando a influência dos fatores citados. Vinte e quatro jovens submeteram-se a quatro sessões: controle(C); exercício com um membro inferior (mmii) em 50% do VO2pico(E1); exercício com dois mmii em 50% do VO2pico (E2); e exercício com dois mmii com a mesma potência de E1(E2/1). As PA sistólica (PAS), média (PAM) e diastólica (PAD), o débito cardíaco (DC), a resistência vascular periférica (RVP), o volume sistólico (VS), a FC e a modulação autonômica cardíaca foram medidos. Após o exercício, a PAS e o DC diminuíram e a RVP aumentou em E2. A PAD e PAM não se alteraram. A FC aumentou e o VS e o componente de alta freqüência da variabilidade da FC diminuíram em E1 e E2 (maior em E2). Concluindo: o exercício aeróbio promove hipotensão pós-exercício, devido à queda do DC pela redução do VS. O gasto energético total do exercício é o principal determinante desta resposta. A FC permanece elevada pós-exercício devido ao retardo da reativação vagal. A intensidade e o gasto energético do exercício são os principais determinantes desta resposta / A single bout of aerobic exercise reduces blood pressure (BP) and increases heart rate (HR) during the recovery period. Many factors, such as exercise intensity, muscle mass and total energy expenditure might influence this response. This study verified post-exercise responses of BP, HR and their mechanisms, evaluating the influence of previous factors. Twenty-four subjects underwent four sessions: control (C); exercise with one leg at 50% of VO2peak (E1); exercise with two legs at 50% of VO2peak (E2); and exercise with two legs and the same workload employed in E1 (E2/1). Systolic, mean, and diastolic BPs (SBP, MBP, DBP), systemic vascular resistance (SVR), cardiac output (CO), stroke volume (SV), HR, and cardiac autonomic modulations were measured before and after interventions. After exercise, SBP and CO decreased, while SVR increased in E2. DBP and MBP did not change. HR increased, while SV and the high frequency band of HR variability decreased in E1 and E2 (more in E2). In conclusion: aerobic exercise produced post-exercise hypotension by a decrease in CO, via a decrease in SV. This response is determined by the exercise total energy expenditure. HR is elevated after exercise due to a delay in the restoration of vagal activity to the heart. Exercise intensity and total energy expenditure influence this response. Key-words: aerobic exercise, muscle mass, total energy expenditure, relative intensity, blood pressure, heart rate, autonomic modulation
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Efeitos de uma sessão de exercício aeróbico nas variáveis hemodinâmicas, neurais e inflamatórias de pacientes com doença renal crônica e sua relação com o polimorfismo da gene da ECA / Effects of sigle aerobic exercise session on the hemodynamic, neural and inflammatory variables of patients with chronic kidney disease and its relation to the ACE gene polymorphismRafael Andrade Rezende 08 March 2018 (has links)
A doença renal crônica (DRC) se associa com a hiperatividade dos sistemas nervoso simpático e renina-angiotensina-aldosterona, o que leva e aumento da pressão arterial. O exercício aeróbico pode ser utilizado para prevenir as doenças cardiovasculares associadas à DRC, em especial a hipertensão arterial porque uma única sessão de exercício aeróbico promove redução da pressão arterial após a sua execução e esse fenômeno é denominado hipotensão pós-exercício. Este efeito do exercício é mediado pela redução da atividade nervosa simpática periférica e diminuição da atividade do sistema renina-angiotensina-aldosterona. Entretanto, a presença de polimorfismos do gene da enzima conversora de angiotensina I (ECA) pode modificar a resposta aguda ao exercício aeróbico. Outro benefício descrito do exercício é seu efeito anti-inflamatório observado pela redução de marcadores inflamatórios cuja presença na DRC é marcante. Desta forma, este estudo avaliou o efeito de uma sessão de exercício aeróbico na pressão arterial, na variabilidade da frequência cardíaca e nos marcadores inflamatórios em pacientes com DRC no estágio 3, portadores de polimorfismo do gene da ECA. Para isso, 12 pacientes com DRC (estágios 3A e 3B) e 12 indivíduos saudáveis realizaram duas sessões experimentais conduzidas em ordem aleatória de exercício aeróbico (cicloergômetro, 45 min, 50% VO2pico) e repouso (repouso sentado no cicloergômetro por 45 min). Antes e após as sessões foi coletada amostra de sangue para a análise dos marcadores inflamatórios, foi registrada a variabilidade da frequência cardíaca e da pressão arterial (Finometer) e a pressão arterial. Para a análise estatística dos dados, a normalidade da distribuição foi testada pelo teste de Shapiro-Wilk e transformações matemáticas foram feitas quando necessário. Os dados foram comparados através do teste T de Student para amostras repetidas e não repetidas e pela ANOVA de dois fatores, utilizando-se como pós-teste de contraste o teste de Newman-Keuls. O exercício promoveu maior redução da PAS no grupo com DRC (-14 ± 7 vs. -4 ± 1 mmHg), na PAD o resultado foi semelhante, no qual o grupo com DRC apresentou reduções maiores que o grupo controle (-4 ± 4 vs -1 ± 1 mmHg). A FC não apresentou diferença significativa nos dois grupos pós exercício (5 ± 3 vs. 9 ± 7 bpm). As variáveis hemodinâmicas não foram diferentes entre os portadores das variações DD e II. O exercício promoveu modulação autonômica cardíaca semelhante nos dois grupos, na BFR-R e AFR-R os resultados foram semelhantes (69 ± 13 vs. 74 ± 16 un) (28 ± 20 vs. 19 ± 12 un). A variância total apresentou aumento pós exercício nos dois grupos (884 ± 837 vs. 3139 ± 2521 ms²). A modulação vasomotora (BFPAS) aumentou nos dois grupos (14 ± 4 vs. 43 ± 36) e a sensibilidade barorreflexa reduziu nos dois grupos após o exercício. Os genótipos não influenciaram as respostas neurais. Entre os marcadores inflamatórios, o TNF-alfa pós-exercício se manteve inalterado nos dois grupos estudados, mantendo apenas a diferença encontrada no pré (7,62 ± 1,21 vs. 5,59 ± 0,96). Houve redução da IL-6 nos dois grupos, porém a redução foi maior no grupo com DRC, aproximando-se dos níveis do grupo controle (1,9 ± 0,4 vs. 1,51 ± 0,45). Houve aumento da IL-10 nos dois grupos no período pós exercício, porém sem diferença significativa entre si. Não houve interação entre as variantes genotípicas e as respostas dos marcadores inflamatórios ao exercício. Concluímos que o exercício aeróbico agudo reduziu os níveis de pressão arterial de forma mais efetiva no grupo com DRC, melhorou a modulação autonômica cardíaca, reduziu as concentrações de marcadores pró-inflamatórios e aumentou as concentrações de marcadores anti-inflamatórios nos pacientes com DRC. Os polimorfismos genotípicos não influenciaram as respostas das variáveis estudadas / Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is associated with hyperactivity of the sympathetic nervous system and renin-angiotensin-aldosterone, which leads to increased blood pressure. Aerobic exercise can be used to prevent cardiovascular diseases associated with CKD, especially arterial hypertension because a single aerobic exercise session promotes blood pressure reduction after its execution and this phenomenon is called post-exercise hypotension. This effect of exercise is mediated by the reduction of peripheral sympathetic nerve activity and decreased activity of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. However, the presence of angiotensin I converting enzyme (ACE) gene polymorphisms may modify the acute response to aerobic exercise. Another benefit of exercise described is its anti-inflammatory effect observed by the reduction of inflammatory markers whose presence in CKD is marked. Thus, this study evaluated the effect of an aerobic exercise session on blood pressure, heart rate variability and inflammatory markers in stage 3 CKD patients with ACE gene polymorphism. To do this, 12 patients with CKD (stages 3A and 3B) and 12 healthy subjects performed two experimental sessions conducted in a random order of aerobic exercise (cycle ergometer, 45 min, 50% VO2peak) and rest (sitting on cycle ergometer for 45 min). Before and after the sessions a blood sample was collected for the analysis of inflammatory markers, the variability of heart rate and blood pressure (Finometer) and blood pressure were recorded. For the statistical analysis of the data, the normality of the distribution was tested by the Shapiro-Wilk test and mathematical transformations were done when necessary. The data were compared by Student\'s t test for repeated and non-repeated samples and by two-way ANOVA, using the Newman-Keuls test as contrast test. The exercise promoted a greater reduction of SBP in the group with CKD (-14 ± 7 vs. -4 ± 1 mmHg), in the DBP the result was similar, in which the group with CKD presented reductions larger than the control group (-4 ± 4 vs -1 ± 1 mmHg). HR did not present a significant difference in the two post exercise groups (5 ± 3 vs. 9 ± 7 bpm). Hemodynamic variables were not different between patients with DD and II. The exercise promoted similar cardiac autonomic modulation in both groups, in the BFR-R and AFR-R the results were similar (69 ± 13 vs. 74 ± 16 un) (28 ± 20 vs. 19 ± 12 un). The total variance presented increase after exercise in both groups (884 ± 837 vs. 3139 ± 2521 ms²). Vasomotor modulation (BFPAS) increased in both groups (14 ± 4 vs. 43 ± 36) and baroreflex sensitivity decreased in both groups after exercise. Genotypes did not influence neural responses. Among the inflammatory markers, post-exercise TNF-alpha remained unchanged in the two groups, maintaining only the difference found in the pre (7.62 ± 1.21 vs. 5.59 ± 0.96). There was a reduction in IL-6 in both groups, but the reduction was greater in the CKD group, approaching the levels of the control group (1.9 ± 0.4 vs. 1.51 ± 0.45). There was an increase in IL-10 in the two groups in the post-exercise period, but without significant difference between them. There was no interaction between the genotypic variants and the responses of the inflammatory markers to exercise. We concluded that acute aerobic exercise reduced blood pressure levels more effectively in the CKD group, improved cardiac autonomic modulation, reduced proinflammatory markers concentrations, and increased concentrations of anti-inflammatory markers in CKD patients. Genotypic polymorphisms did not influence the responses of the studied variables
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Avaliação do papel da IL-10 nos efeitos anti-inflamatórios do exercício aeróbio na síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo experimental / Evaluation of the role of interleukin-10 in anti inflammatory effects of aerobic exercise on experimental acute respiratory distress syndromeOliveira, Nicole Cristine Rigonato de 19 December 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-12-19 / The acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a disease characterized by respiratory failure due to an inflammatory response, which has high morbidity and mortality. Several cytokines seem to orchestrate the acute and chronic processes, mainly mediated by toll like receptors (TLRs). The literature demonstrates that aerobic exercise (AE) is capable of decreasing the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the lungs mediated increased release of interleukin 10 (IL-10), and AE modulate expression of TLRs and antioxidant enzymes. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether the anti-inflammatory effects of AE in an experimental model of intra and extrapulmonary ARDS are mediated by IL-10. For this, the animals were subjected to physical training on a treadmill, moderate for 4 weeks. 24 hours after the last physical test, animals received LPS by intratracheally (it) (10ug / animal) or intraperitoneally (ip) (100ug / animal). After 24 hours, the animals were assessed for the number of cells and pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BAL) and serum were the number of neutrophils in the lung parenchyma and expression of TLR4, TLR7, SOD, ânion and QL in lung homogenates. AE reduced accumulation of neutrophils in the lung parenchyma, so it LPS and LPS ip (p <0.01) and BAL (p <0.01). AE attenuate the levels of proinflammatory cytokines in BAL and serum (p <0.05), as measured by ELISA. AE had levels of anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 increased in the serum and BAL (p <0.05). AE also reduced the expression of TLR4 in lung homogenates (p <0.05) and increased the expression of TLR7 in group LPS + AE evaluated by western blotting (p <0.05). The results for the antioxidant enzyme SOD showed a significant increase in the groups submitted to AE. It follows that the impact of reduced LPS-induced ARDS, regardless of etiology, and these effects appear to be mediated by modulation of the AE secretion of anti-inflammatory cytokines, especially IL-10, modulating TLR4 and TLR7 and increased expression of SOD (p <0.05). / A síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo (SDRA) é uma doença caracterizada pela insuficiência respiratória decorrente a uma resposta inflamatória, que apresenta alta morbi-mortalidade. Diversas citocinas parecem orquestrar os processos agudo e crônico, mediados principalmente por receptores toll like (TLRs). A literatura demonstra que o exercício aeróbio (EA) é capaz de diminuir a secreção de citocinas pró-inflamatórias nos pulmões, mediado pelo aumento da liberação de interleucina 10 (IL-10), além de o EA modular a expressão de TLRs e enzimas antioxidantes. Assim, o objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar se os efeitos anti-inflamatórios do EA em modelo experimental da SDRA intra e extrapulmonar são mediados por IL-10. Para isso, os animais foram submetidos ao treinamento físico em esteira, de intensidade moderada, durante 4 semanas. Após 24 horas ao último teste físico, os animais receberam LPS por via intra-traqueal (it) (10ug/animal) ou por via intra-peritoneal (ip) (100ug/animal). Após 24 horas, os animais foram avaliados para o número de células e de citocinas pró e anti-inflamatórias no fluído do lavado broncoalveolar (LBA) e no soro, número de neutrófilos no parênquima pulmonar e expressão do TLR4, TLR7, SOD, ânion e QL nos homogenatos de pulmão. EA reduziu a acumulação de neutrófilos no parênquima pulmonar, tanto LPS it e LPS ip (p <0,01) e no LBA (p <0,01). EA atenuou os níveis de citocinas pró-inflamatórias no LBA e soro (p <0,05), avaliada por ELISA. EA teve os níveis da citocina anti-inflamatória IL-10 aumentados no soro e LBA (p <0,05). EA também reduziu a expressão de TLR4 nos homogenatos de pulmão (p <0,05) e aumentou a expressão de TLR7 no grupo de LPS + EA avaliada por western blotting (p <0,05). Os resultados para a enzima antioxidante SOD apresentou aumento significante nos grupos submetidos ao EA. Conclui-se que EA reduziu o impacto de SDRA induzida por LPS, independente da etiologia e tais efeitos parecem estar mediados pela modulação do EA na secreção de citocinas anti-inflamatórias, principalmente da IL-10, na modulação de TLR4 e TLR7 e no aumento da expressão de SOD (p<0,05).
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Physical activity levels in individuals after strokeAguiar, Larissa Tavares 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Changements comportementaux et neuro-anatomiques suite à un entrainement aérobie chez les individus atteints de la maladie de ParkinsonNadeau, Alexandra 03 1900 (has links)
La maladie de Parkinson (MP) est la deuxième maladie neurodégénérative la plus répandue au Canada et dans d’autres pays industrialisés. Cette pathologie se caractérise par des symptômes moteurs tels que les tremblements de repos, la rigidité musculaire, la difficulté à initier les gestes volontaires et la lenteur dans l’exécution des mouvements (i.e., akinésie et bradykinésie). Des symptômes non moteurs, tels que des troubles cognitifs, de sommeil et autres sont également couramment rencontrés.
L’activité physique s’est montrée jusqu’à ce jour un complément intéressant aux traitements pharmacologiques et neurochirurgicaux existants pour soulager les symptômes de la MP. Cependant, malgré les connaissances acquises jusqu’à présent concernant l’impact de l’exercice physique chez les personnes atteintes de cette maladie, il est possible de constater que plusieurs questions demeurent encore sans réponse ou peu élucidées. Le présent travail s’insère donc dans un immense projet de recherche qui a pour but de combler certaines de ces lacunes. Plus précisément, l’objectif principal de cette thèse est d’évaluer les effets d’un entrainement de type aérobie chez une population atteinte de la MP sur les paramètres de marche, la mobilité du membre supérieur et les structures anatomiques cérébrales. Un second objectif est d’observer les relations existantes entre ces trois composantes, et d’autres paramètres tels que l’amélioration des capacités aérobies, les fonctions exécutives et les capacités d’apprentissage d’une nouvelle séquence motrice.
Vingt adultes en bonne santé et 19 personnes atteintes de la MP ont participé à un programme d’entraînement de 3 mois sur vélo stationnaire, à raison de 3 séances par semaine durant lesquelles la durée (20 à 40 minutes) et l’intensité (60% à 80% de la fréquence cardiaque maximale) étaient augmentées de façon progressive. Plusieurs mesures telles que le patron de la
marche, la mobilité du membre supérieur, les fonctions exécutives, l’apprentissage d’une tâche motrice, les capacités aérobies (VO2 pic), les symptômes moteurs de la MP et quelques métriques provenant de données d’imagerie par résonance magnétique ont été acquises avant et après le programme d’exercice.
Les résultats ont permis de démontrer qu’un entraînement de 3 mois sur vélo stationnaire est bénéfique pour les gens atteints de la MP. En effet, ce type d’exercice permet d’augmenter la cadence et la vitesse marche. Il est également possible de réduire la force antagoniste, en plus d’améliorer la propagation du signal neuromusculaire antagoniste, améliorant globalement la mobilité du membre supérieur. Finalement, un exercice aérobie de 3 mois permettre également d’augmenter le volume de certaines structures cérébrales, tel que le globus pallidus.
Ce projet de recherche est parmi les premiers à démontrer l’efficacité d’un programme d’entraînement aérobie sur vélo stationnaire pour améliorer les paramètres de la marche et la mobilité du membre supérieur. Cette étude est également la première à investiguer les effets de l’exercice sur les structures cérébrales de personnes atteintes de la MP et ainsi essayer de comprendre les mécanismes qui sont sous-jacents aux améliorations des symptômes moteurs et non-moteurs suite à un programme d’activité physique d’intensité modérée à élevée. Nous croyons que les résultats obtenus aideront les spécialistes de l’activité physique à offrir une prescription d’exercice adaptée et variée pour la population de gens atteints de la maladie de Parkinson. / Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disease in Canada and other industrialized countries. The pathology is characterized by motor symptoms such as resting tremor, muscle rigidity, difficulty in initiating voluntary gestures and slowness in the execution of movements (i.e. bradykinesia). Non-motor symptoms, such as cognitive impairment, sleep disorders and others are commonly encountered.
To date, physical activity has been an interesting complement to existing pharmacological and neurosurgical treatments to relieve the symptoms of PD. However, despite the knowledge gained so far about the impact of physical exercise in patients with the disease, it is possible to note that many questions remain unanswered or unclear. This work is part of a larger research project that aims to fill some of theses gaps. More specifically, the main objective of this thesis is to evaluate the effects of an aerobic training in a population with PD on walking parameters, upper limb mobility and anatomical brain structures. A second objective is to observe the relationships existing between these three components, and with other parameters such as the improvement of aerobic capacities, the executive functions and the learning capacities of a new motor skill.
20 healthy adults and 19 persons with PD participated in a 3-month stationary recumbent bicycle training program, with 3 sessions per week during which the duration (20 to 40 minutes) and intensity (60 to 80%) were increased gradually. Several measures such as walking pattern, upper limb function, executive functions, learning of a new motor skill, aerobic capacities (VO2 peak), motor symptoms of PD and magnetic resonance imaging were acquired before and after the exercise program.
The results showed that a 3-month training on stationary bike is beneficial for people with PD. Indeed, this type of exercise can increase the cadence and walking speed. It is also possible
to reduce the antagonist force, in addition to improve the propagation of this neuromuscular signal, generally improving the mobility of the upper limb. Finally, an aerobic exercise of 3 months can also increase the volume of certain brain structures, such as globus pallidus.
This research project is among the first to demonstrate the effectiveness of a stationary bicycle aerobic exercise program to improve gait parameters and upper limb function in persons with PD. This study is also the first to investigate the effects of exercise on the brain structures of these patients and to try to understand the mechanisms that underlie improvements in motor and non-motor symptoms following a moderate to high intensity exercise program. We believe that the results obtained will help physical activity specialists to provide a more tailored and varied exercise prescription for people living with Parkinson’s disease.
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Effets à long terme des traumatismes cranio-cérébraux légers : facteurs influençant l'évolutionLarson-Dupuis, Camille 10 1900 (has links)
La présente thèse porte sur les effets à long terme des traumatismes craniocérébraux légers (TCCL), incluant les commotions cérébrales, ainsi que sur certains facteurs influençant l’évolution post-blessure chez deux populations considérées vulnérables, soit les athlètes féminines ainsi que les adultes vieillissants. Dans une première étude, les capacités olfactives d’athlètes féminines commotionnées, mais asymptomatiques, ont été évaluées en moyenne deux ans après la dernière commotion. L’intérêt de cette étude réside principalement dans l’investigation du rôle potentiel du polymorphisme BDNF Val66Met (BDNFMet), associé à une sécrétion réduite de la protéine BDNF impliquée dans la neuroplasticité, pour expliquer les variations du fonctionnement olfactif post-commotion. Dans une deuxième étude, les effets cognitifs d’avoir subi un seul TCCL ont été caractérisés chez des individus âgés de 50 à 70 ans ayant subi leur blessure environ cinq ans plus tôt. Cette caractérisation est particulièrement pertinente alors que la majorité des études s’intéressant aux effets à long terme de cette blessure ont étudié des individus ayant subi de multiples TCCL. De plus, cette étude visait à évaluer si un programme d’entraînement physique aérobie de douze semaines permettrait d’améliorer les fonctions cognitives altérées chez les TCCL comparativement aux contrôles.
Les résultats de la présente thèse permettent d’abord de mieux caractériser certains effets à long terme du TCCL. Plus précisément, la première étude suggère un patron de fonctionnement olfactif distinct selon le génotype BDNF chez les athlètes féminines commotionnées. Ainsi, les porteuses du BDNFMet ont significativement mieux performé que les BDNFval aux différentes tâches olfactives. Puisque cette relation génétique n’était pas présente chez les participantes contrôles, ces résultats suggèrent que le fonctionnement olfactif, suite à une commotion cérébrale, est, du moins en partie, médié par le polymorphisme BDNFMet. La deuxième étude suggère, pour sa part, des effets cognitifs à long terme d’avoir subi un seul TCCL chez des individus sédentaires, mais en santé, âgés de 50 à 70 ans. Ainsi, les participants TCCL ont moins bien performé que les participants contrôles, appariés pour l’âge et le sexe, aux tâches neuropsychologiques mesurant des aspects de la vitesse de traitement de l’information, du fonctionnement exécutif (planification, fluence verbale) et de la mémoire visuelle. Cette étude n’a toutefois pas relevé de différence sur le plan de l’attention, de l’inhibition, de la mémoire verbale et des habiletés visuoconstructives. Ces résultats cognitifs sont un ajout intéressant à la littérature, car ils surviennent chez des individus qui ne présentaient aucun des facteurs de risque (maladie chronique, problème de santé mentale) typiquement associés aux effets à long terme des TCCL. En ce qui a trait au deuxième volet de l’étude, l’exercice physique aérobie a permis d’améliorer les capacités cardiorespiratoires (VO2max) des patients TCCL davantage que les étirements (condition contrôle). Toutefois, dans ce petit échantillon de seize participants, l’exercice aérobie n’a pas permis d’améliorer les fonctions cognitives altérées des patients TCCL. Différentes explications possibles sont abordées afin de guider les futures études. / The following thesis investigates the long-term effects of mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI), including concussions, and factors influencing post-injury evolution in two vulnerable populations: female athletes and aging individuals. In a first study, olfactory capacities of asymptomatic concussed female athletes were evaluated an average of two years after their last concussion. The appeal of this study lies mainly in its investigation of the potential role of the BDNF Val66Met (BDNFMet) polymorphism, which is associated with reduced secretion of the BDNF neuroplasticity protein, on post-concussion olfactory variations. In a second study, cognitive effects of sustaining a single mTBI were assessed in individuals between 50 and 70 years old who sustained their injury on average five years earlier. This characterization is particularly relevant given that most studies focusing on long-term effects of this injury have studied individuals having sustained multiple mTBI. Furthermore, this study also aimed to evaluate if a twelve-week aerobic exercise program would allow improvements of altered cognitive functions in mTBI patients.
Results from the following thesis first allow to better describe some long-term effects of mTBI. More precisely, the first study suggests different patterns of olfactory functioning according to BDNF genotype in female concussed athletes. Thus, BDNFmet carriers performed significantly better than BDNFval carriers at the different olfactory tasks. Given that this genetic relationship was not present in control participants, these results suggest that olfactory functioning following a concussion is, at least in part, mediated by the BDNFmet polymorphism. As for the second study, it suggests long-term cognitive effects of having sustained a single mTBI in sedentary, but healthy, individuals between the ages of 50 and 70. Indeed, mTBI participants showed lower performance when compared to age and sex-matched control participants on neuropsychological tasks measuring aspects of processing speed, executive functioning (planning, verbal fluency) and visual memory. This study did not find any difference regarding attention, inhibition, verbal memory and visuoconstructive abilities. These cognitive results are an interesting contribution to the literature as they occur in individuals presenting no risk factor (chronic disease, mental health disorders) typically associated with long-term effects of mTBI. Regarding the second phase of this study, aerobic exercise improved cardiorespiratory fitness (VO2max) more than stretching (control condition) in mTBI patients. However, in this small sample of sixteen participants, aerobic exercise did not allow to improve altered cognitive functions in mTBI participants. Different possible explanations are addressed to guide future studies.
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健常な高齢者における有酸素運動とレジスタンス運動による複合トレーニングの順序性に関する研究 / ケンジョウナ コウレイシャ ニオケル ユウサンソ ウンドウ ト レジスタンス ウンドウ ニヨル フクゴウ トレーニング ノ ジュンジョセイ ニカンスル ケンキュウ塩津 陽子, Yoko Shiotsu 13 September 2018 (has links)
高齢者の健康づくり運動には,有酸素運動とレジスタンス運動の複合トレーニングが重要であり,この異なる運動をどのように組み合わせるのが安全で効果的かを検討する必要がある.本研究は,健常な高齢者を対象に,有酸素運動とレジスタンス運動の複合トレーニングにおける順序性が,体力や形態,動脈スティフネスに及ぼす影響について検討した.その結果,動脈スティフネスにおいて運動の順序性を考慮する必要があることが示唆された. / The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of exercise order of combined aerobic and resistance training into the same session on body composition, physical fitness, and arterial stiffness in the elderly. Based on our results, aerobic exercise after resistance training reduced arterial stiffness and a difference of exercise order was observed. We suggest that the exercise order may favorably affect arterial stiffness when combined aerobic exercise and resistance training is performed into the same session. Our findings support combined training for health promotion and have important health implications for the elderly. / 博士(スポーツ健康科学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Health and Sports Science / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University
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Comparaison entre les effets des diurétiques et ceux de l’entrainement par intervalle haute intensité sur la santé cognitive des aînés préhypertendusCloutier, Simon-Olivier 12 1900 (has links)
L’augmentation de la pression artérielle est un facteur de risque important pour le développement du déclin cognitif ou de la démence en vieillissant. Les médicaments antihypertenseurs ont montré leur efficacité pour réduire la pression artérielle, mais leurs effets sur la santé cognitive restent toujours incertains. L’entrainement physique peut aussi avoir un effet positif sur la pression artérielle et ses effets sur la cognition sont de plus en plus documentés. Toutefois, aucune étude jusqu’à présent ne s’est intéressée à comparer directement les effets de ces deux types d’interventions sur la santé cognitive chez une même population. Ce projet de recherche avait donc pour objectif de comparer les effets d’un diurétique thiazidique (hydrochlorothiazide) à ceux d’un entrainement par intervalle à haute intensité (EIHI) sur la santé cognitive des aînés préhypertendus. Cette étude expérimentale de type avant-après souhaitait tester l’hypothèse que l’EIHI aurait un effet bénéfique sur les performances cognitives par rapport au traitement diurétique. Les effets sur la cognition ont été évalués en fonction des scores Z de changement obtenus à partir d’une batterie de tests neuropsychologiques réalisée avant et après l’intervention. Une ANCOVA à mesures répétées a été réalisée pour comparer les effets entre les deux groupes (EIHI, diurétique) sur les performances cognitives. L’âge et le sexe ont été utilisés comme covariables dans les analyses. À l’exception de la condition lecture du Stroop, les résultats de cette étude n’ont révélé aucune différence significative entre les deux groupes d’intervention. En effet, les participants du groupe diurétique se sont significativement améliorés (F[1,16] = 8,21 ; p = ,012) à cette condition par rapport aux participants du groupe entrainement physique. Cependant, aucune différence significative n’a été observée entre les groupes en rapport à la réduction de la pression artérielle. Les participants ayant pris part aux 12 semaines d’entrainement physique ont montré une amélioration significative de leur santé cardiorespiratoire (Vo2max) en comparaison au groupe diurétique. Ces résultats suggèrent donc l’efficacité d’un programme d’EIHI de courte durée pour l’amélioration de la santé cardiorespiratoire d’aînés préhypertendus, mais ne sont pas parvenus à déterminer une différence significative entre les deux groupes d’intervention sur le fonctionnement cognitif. De futures études seront donc nécessaires afin de comparer l’influence de ces deux approches sur la santé cognitive des aînés préhypertendus. / Increased blood pressure is an important risk factor for the development of cognitive decline or dementia in aging. Although various approaches appear to be effective in reducing blood pressure, their effects on cognitive health remain unclear. While there is still no clear consensus regarding the impact of antihypertensive drugs on cognition, the benefits associated with blood pressure reduction induced by exercise training appear to have more sustained results in the literature. However, no study to date has directly compared the effects of these two types of interventions on cognitive health in the same population. Therefore, the objective of this research project was to compare the effects of a thiazide diuretic (hydrochlorothiazide) with those of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) on the cognitive health of prehypertensive senior adults. This experimental before-and-after study sought to test the hypothesis that HIIT would have a beneficial effect on cognitive performance compared with diuretic treatment. Effects on cognition were assessed by Z scores change from a battery of neuropsychological tests performed before and after the intervention. A repeated-measures ANCOVA was performed to compare the effects between the two groups (HIIT, diuretics) on cognitive performance. Age and sex were used as covariates in the analyses. Except for the Stroop reading condition, the results of this study revealed no significant differences between the two intervention groups. Indeed, participants in the diuretic group improved significantly (F[1,16] = 8,21; p = ,012) on this condition compared to participants in the physical training group. However, no significant difference was observed between the groups in relation to blood pressure reduction. The participants who took part in the 12-week physical training program showed significant improvement in Vo2max compared with the diuretic group. These results suggest that a short-term physical training program is an effective way to improving cardiovascular health in prehypertensive seniors but failed to determine a significant difference between the two intervention groups on cognitive functioning. Future studies are therefore needed to compare the influence of these two approaches on cognitive health of prehypertensive senior adults.
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Psychosocial factors and susceptibility to the common cold in distance runnersStruwig, Gillian Anne 30 November 2004 (has links)
This study investigated the relationship between specific psychosocial factors and susceptibility to the common cold in a sample of 124 distance runners. A cross-sectional survey design was used to assess the role of life events, coping, hardiness, training workload and competition frequency in the athlete's risk of infection. Using correlational statistical techniques, it was found that the magnitude of recent life changes and the avoidance coping strategy of denial were positively related to self-reported symptoms of the common cold. Furthermore, a significant inverse correlation was observed between hardiness and symptom duration scores. However, approach coping, training workload and competition frequency were not significantly related to the dependent measures. The results of this study suggest that certain stress-related psychosocial factors are associated with susceptibility to the common cold in distance runners. Several strategies for the prevention and treatment of upper respiratory tract infections in this group are implied by these findings. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)
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