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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influence of the Reflex Math Fact Fluency Program on Math Scores

Cress, Tammy D 01 January 2019 (has links)
Researchers have shown a correlation between students’ math fact fluency and their achievement in higher-level math. The problem investigated by this study was that 59% of students in intermediate elementary grades at the local school were not proficient in math. Guided by Miller’s information processing theory, the purpose of this quantitative, causal-comparative study was to examine the influence of the Reflex Math Fact Fluency Program on 2nd graders’ math achievement scores (as a whole group and by gender) after 1 school year of program use. Archival data was purposefully sampled for 98 2nd grade students (n = 50 boys; n = 48 girls) who were continuously enrolled for the entire 2018-19 school year and completed both the Fall 2018 and Spring 2019 Star Math Assessments prior to and following exposure to the Reflex Math Fact Fluency Program. Results of a repeated measures t test showed students’ scores after using the program for 1 school year were significantly higher than the same students’ scores before the program. Additionally, a mixed-design ANOVA revealed a significant interaction effect such that girls’ scores before the program were higher than the boys’ scores but were lower than the boys’ scores after the program. Findings suggest that the Reflex Math Fact Fluency Program can be a valuable tool for elementary level students, especially boys, who are learning basic math skills. Implications for positive social change include providing the school’s stakeholders with a policy recommendation that may influence students’ access to additional instructional opportunities in math which could, in turn, lead to improved student achievement in math over time.

Zusammenhänge zwischen Werkstoff- und Oberflächenzustand und der Korrosionsanfälligkeit von Metallen

Mehner, Thomas 26 May 2017 (has links)
Das Ausmaß der Korrosion kann durch den Werkstoff- und Oberflächenzustand gesteuert werden. Wichtige Einflussgrößen sind die Rauheit, Kristallitgröße, Mikroverzerrung, Textur und Eigenspannungen. Am Beispiel von Kaltwalzprozessen werden Abhängigkeiten dieser Größen vom Umformgrad aufgezeigt, die in numerische Simulationen implementierbar sind und somit die Aussagefähigkeit der Berechnungen maßgeblich erhöhen können. Es wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit ein Modell zur qualitativen und quantitativen Erfassung der Zusammenhänge zwischen den Einflussgrößen und der Korrosionsrate vorgeschlagen. Am Beispiel eines unlegierten Stahls (DC04) kann damit die minimal mögliche Korrosionsrate in Schwefelsäure berechnet sowie ein optimierter Ablauf der Prozessroute beim Kaltwalzen abgeleitet werden, um dieses Minimum zu erreichen. Das Modell ist auf weitere Korrosionssysteme übertragbar, was am Beispiel von EN AW-1050/Schwefelsäure aufgezeigt wird. / The extent of corrosion can be controlled by the material and surface state. Important parameters are: roughness, crystallite size, microstrain, texture and residual stresses. Using the example of cold-rolling processes, the dependencies of these parameters on the plastic strain are shown that can be implemented in numerical simulations and allow increasing the information extracted from the calculations significantly. A model is proposed for determining qualitative and quantitative correlations between the corrosion-affecting parameters and the corrosion rate. Using a carbon steel (DC04), the minimal corrosion rate in sulphuric acid can be calculated and an appropriate processing route is suggested. The model can be adopted for other corrosion systems, which is shown for EN AW-1050/sulphuric acid.

Práce třídního učitele s pravidly života ve třídě 1. stupně základní školy / Teacher's work with organizational a behavioral rules at a primary school class

Kunzmannová, Renata January 2020 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to describe and characterize possible causes of class indiscipline, to find a connection between non-disciplinary pupils at primary school and chosen teacher strategies for dealing with indecision and to introduce possible means of regulating pupil's behavior and learning with respect to maintaining positive class climate. The practical part describes the action research of the selected class and the innovation of the established disciplinary means based on the recommendations of professional literature, conclusions from the theoretical diploma part and practical experience. A number of factors, such as pupil's psychological development, teacher and pupil personality, learning style, pupil's attitude to school, temperament, or selected teacher's means to regulate pupil behavior and learning, influence classroom discipline and can contribute to problem behavior. Appropriate selection of strategies and educational means based on a respectful teacher-pupil relationship can reduce pupils' disturbing behavior and thus affect the overall building of a positive classroom climate. Research analyzes educational measures and suggests effective measures to maintain discipline and regulate behavior. The conclusion of the thesis points out the importance of the teacher 's...

Gymnastická příprava ve sportovních hrách / Gymnastic preparation in sports games

Fraňková, Monika January 2020 (has links)
The title: The gymnastic preparation of children in sport games The object: The object of this work is the finding how gymnastic preparation in the sport games in football and ice hockey looks like, how often do the trainers input the gymnastic preparation in their year training plan and what difficulties ensue from the realization of gymnastic preparation in the sport games. Methods: In this work I used questionaire method in order to find out the opinion and reflex of ice hockey and football trainers on subject of gymnastic preparation in sport games. In the case of misunderstanding I extended information through the use of dialogue. The theoretical part is processed by the use of specialized literature and internet resources. The results: I used the results from the questionaires and dialogues. It was found that ice hockey and football trainers input the gymnastic preparation in the year training plan and there are differences between ice hockey trainers and football trainers. Key words: gymnastic preparation, sport games, ice hockey, football, gymnastic preparatory of sportman, off - ice training, affecting factors of gymnastic.

Faktory ovlivňující fluktuaci sester v ČR / Factors influencing turnover of nurses in the Czech Republic

Sedešova, Julie January 2021 (has links)
Introduction: The shortage of nurses is a global problem of a multifactorial nature, to which demographic change in the world's population contributes greatly. In the future, a growing imbalance in the supply and demand of nursing staff can be expected, and according to WHO estimates (2015), the deficit of nurses and midwives will reach 7.6 million in 2030. The lack of nurses is largely due to their turnover, which is influenced by a number of interrelated factors and has a negative impact on the quality and safety of health care, the economy, health systems and the nurses themselves. The first step in solving this issue is to examine the causes of institutional and professional turnover of nurses and then create stabilization measures. Aim: Identify, characterize and analyse the factors that influenced the decision to change the current job position of general nurses with more than two years of experience. Methodology: Qualitative research was carried out through individual semi-structured interviews, phenomenological approach and method of purposeful selection was methodologically chosen. The research survey was attended by 14 general nurses from Prague hospitals aged 30 to 52 years. Data collection was terminated by reaching theoretical saturation. Data analysis was performed using open coding...

Šíření inovací v medicínském prostředí: Meta - analýza případových studií / Diffusion of innovations in medical setting: A meta - analysis of Case studies.

Řepíková, Anna January 2013 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Diffusion of innovations in medical setting: A Meta-analysis of case studies" deals with contemporary shape of empirical diffusion research in public health and medical sociology field. By means of meta-analysis based on 23 case studies that was targeted on chosen aspects of investigation within the diffusion of innovations topic, on whole design of the research and on particular methodological procedures we arrived to wide thematic scope of these studies and their significant heterogeneity regarding methodological aspects. This fact testifies the large amount of possibilities that diffusion studies provide, even in such narrowed research area. Meta-analytical findings and studies divided into several typologies were then compared with an older study, where a pragmatic orientation of newer studies on a specific aspect of the whole process and practical task that needs to be solved, turned up. The sociological micro-theories making is then overshadowed by dealing with the actual field problems acute even more in the field of medicine. The communication processes at the level of interpersonal communication (that are, according to the generally accepted definition of diffusion of innovation, principal for the diffusive mechanism) as a dominant object of examination almost faded out....

Varför inte fler? : Kvinnliga elever på gymnasieskolans tekniska program - En undersökning kring gymnasievalet / Why so few? : Female students at Technology Programme in upper secondary school – A survey concerning the upper secondary school choice process

Nasca, Maria January 2017 (has links)
Rapporten baseras på en empirisk studie och en litteraturstudie. Syftet är att belysa några av de anledningar till att flickor och kvinnor utesluter tekniken och i synnerhet väljer bort den vid gymnasievalet. Vad påverkar de kvinnliga eleverna i deras val respektive bortval av teknikprogrammet? Denna studie söker elevperspektivet hos gymnasieungdomar som utfrågas om deras genomgångna gymnasieval och vilka faktorer som påverkade dem. Därigenom erhålls ett resultat i en avvikande synvinel till skillnad från studier där ungdomar utfrågas innan eller i samband med gymnasievalet i årskurs 9, i och med att gymnasieungdomarna är något mer mogna till reflektion över sina anledningar samt att de har mer insikt samtidigt som de har gymnasievalet i närbelägen dåtid. Den empiriska studien har utförts på en stor gymnasieskola i en av Sveriges storstadsregioner. Metoden för den empiriska studien var intervju och enkätfrågor till kvinnliga elever på teknikprogrammet och naturvetenskapsprogrammet samt lärare som undervisar dessa. Studien påvisar att de kvinnliga eleverna anser att existerandet av de mjukare inriktningarna på teknikprogrammet (exempelvis Design- och produktutveckling), öppet hus samt föräldrarnas åsikt utgör en stark påverkan på deras val av Teknikprogrammet. I nära samverkan med litteraturen gick dessa områden att sammanfoga till några koncilianta sammanhörande gebit. Hierarkiska strukturer i kulturella koder för de olika programmen var framstående. Återgivningen av tekniskt intresse tolkades också ha en avgörande betydelse liksom innehållsmässiga faktorer i teknikundervisningen på högstadiet. Även föräldrarnas direkta eller indirekta åsikt tros spela in. Studien påvisade ett troligt samband mellan föräldrars utbildning samt yrkesval och de kvinnliga elevernas gymnasieval. Av studien framkommer att eventuellt möjliga vägar till att undvika segregerade gymnasieval till teknikprogrammet exempelvis är att utöka antalet mjuka inriktningar på teknikprogrammet, fortsätta att medvetet arbeta för fler kvinnliga elever på teknikprogrammet på det öppna huset samt att försöka att medvetet skynda på förändringen av den kulturella koden för teknikprogrammet genom att bland annat föra fram och trycka på kvinnliga förebilder inom teknik, både moderna och historiska. / The report is based on both a survey and a literature study. The purpose is to highlight the reasons why girls and women exclude technology as such and, in particular, why they opt it out in the upper secondary school selection process. What do the female students consider to be the main reasons affecting them in their selection and discontinuation of the technology programs? This study searches for the pupil perspective of upper secondary school students. This gives a deviating result as opposed to studies that are conducted with pupiles in lower grades. The survey was conducted at a major secondary school in one of Sweden's metropolitan regions. The method of the survey was interviews and a web questionnaire addressing female students on the technology program and the science program as well as teachers who teach them both. The study shows that the existence of the softer specializations of the technology program (such as design and production development), open-houses and the parents' opinion weighed heavily in their decision process. In close collaboration with the literature, these areas joined up to some conciliatory related fields. Hierarchical structures in cultural codes for the various programs were prominent. The interpretation of the term technical interest was also crucial as well as substantial factors in upper level lower secondary school technical education. Even the parents' direct –as well as indirect opinions are important. The survey shows that parents' education and their existing career choices have strong connection with female students' choices for their future education. Conclusion could be made that possible ways to avoid segregated upper secondary school program choices could include setting up an increased number of "soft" specializations in the technology program, active work to attract female students during technology programs’ open-houses and speeding up change of the technology program cultural codes by, among other things, emphasizing the importance of both established and new female role-models in the technology world.

The effect of single sex schooling on girls' achievement in Physical Science

Carter, Tracey-Ann 30 June 2005 (has links)
This study investigated whether girls achieve better results in Physical Science in single sex environments or in co-educational classes. Thirteen independent South African schools where children were of similar socio-economic background were considered. Grade 12 Matriculation Physical Science examination results for 1999 to 2003 were analysed using Bonferroni (Dunn) t-Tests and Scheffe's Tests. Questionnaires were completed by a small number of students in order to compare their attitudes towards Physical Science and examined qualitatively. There were significant differences found by the administration of the Bonferroni (Dunn) t-Tests and Scheffe's Tests in 2000, 2001 and 2002 to indicate that girls in single sex schools achieved better results in Science than the co-educational schools. However, in 1999 and 2003 there was no significant difference in the results achieved, and so there may be other factors that are more important predictors of achievement than whether the schools are mixed or single sex. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (Natural Science Teaching)

Gender issues in management promotions in the health services: a Malawian perspective

Chirwa, Maureen Leah 28 February 2002 (has links)
This study sought to explore gender issues affecting management promotions in Malawi's health care services, utilising both qualitative and quantitative techniques in data collection and analysis. Promotion patterns were compared and contrasted for male and female managers. The study was based on the assumptions that • both men and women were aware of experiences that affected their promotion opportunities • promotion patterns showed fewer variations than did cultural, social and gender factors • male prejudices were maintained which oppressed women's promotions • increased decision-making power lowered stress about professional growth and development The findings supported the first two assumptions, but not the last two. The findings suggested that males and females encountered similar experiences concerning managerial promotions in Malawi's health care services. Factors that enhanced management successes for both males and females included management orientation and mentorship. Unclear promotion policies and procedures hindered management promotions. Information derived from this research could enable policy-makers to establish an environment that increases supportive networks and interactions between male and female managers in Malawi. Furthermore, to ensure equal opportunities in the health care services management, monitoring strategies by Malawi's Ministry of Gender, the Department of Human Resources Management and Development, and the Ministry of Health and Population need to be established and implemented. / Health Studies / D.Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)

Promoting reading comprehension competence among English second language high school learners in a disadvantaged community

Coleman, Mary F. 30 June 2004 (has links)
The goal of this research study was to determine whether extensive reading, supported by the instruction and use of appropriate strategies, would a) improve learners' comprehension achievement b) increase academic achievement in English, and c) promote higher achievement in general academic performance. One hundred and twenty-one learners participated in this project. Three groups of learners: extensive readers, less extensive readers and non-extensive readers were identified and studied. The result indicated that extensive reading not only leads to improved achievement in comprehension, but that it also leads to improvement in general academic performance in all subjects across the curriculum; while lack of extensive reading has an adverse effect on both reading comprehension achievement and general academic performance as a whole. / Teacher Education / M.Ed. (Didactics)

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