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Bosniers berättelser om krigs- och folkmordstraumat : Intervjustudie med bosnier i Sverige om kriget i Bosnien-Hercegovina och folkmordet i Srebrenica / Bosnians stories of war and genocide trauma : Interview study with Bosnians in Sweden about war and the genocide in SrebrenicaLundquist, Ann-Charlotte January 2020 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker hur bosnier i Sverige har hanterat krigs- och folkmordstrauma med fokus på händelseutvecklingen i Bosnien-Hercegovina under 1990-talet. Med utgångspunkt i intervjuer med bosnier i Sverige, som överlevde kriget. Med hjälp av en analytisk modell av Suzanne Kaplan, analyseras hur överlevarna minns folkmordet och kriget. Därutöver hur det har påverkat dem och vilka strategier som används för att bearbeta det förflutna.Det överlevarna minns starkast från kriget i Bosnien 1992–1995 var krigsutbrottet, folkmordet i Srebrenica samt flykten under kriget. Ifrån krigsutbrottet minns de särskilt den rädsla som skapades av bomb- och granatattacker. En rädsla som aldrig försvinner utan finns fortfarande kvar 25 år senare. Under folkmordet i juli 1995 dog många pojkar och män. Det var särskilt svårt för anhöriga att inte kunna säga farväl till sina släktingar. Inte nog med det att många män och pojkar dog i juli, utan också att det tog oerhörd lång tid att hitta kropparna. Än idag identifieras defekta skelett med hjälp av DNA-matchning, som sedan begravs av anhöriga i Potočari Genocide Memorial Center. En enorm besvikelse finns bland de överlevande, för att ingen ingrep för att stoppa folkmordet på över 8000 människor i Srebrenica 1995. På olika sätt tog sig överlevare fram till tryggare platser såsom; släktingar i Turkiet, via buss till Polen därefter färja till Sverige, smuggling till Tyskland och vissa bodde kvar i Bosnien-Hercegovina men flyttade till säkrare områden. Intervjustudien visar att kriget påverkade överlevarna på olika vis bland annat i form av psykisk ohälsa i olika utsträckning samt att föräldralösa är mer ansvarsfulla men också mer sårbara,vilka är några faktorer som överlevarna påverkats av kriget. Dessutom påverkas överlevare den 11 juli som är minnesdagen för folkmordet i Srebrenica, vilket uppmärksammas i såväl Bosnien som internationellt. Det finns en variation när det gäller hur överlevarna hanterar krigs- och folkmordstrauma, men gemensamt för alla är någon form av upprättelse, att ansvariga står till svars. Det vanligaste sättet att hantera krigs- och folkmordstrauma är att samtala om överlevarnas upplevelser antingen via professionell hjälp eller med vänner och släkt. En kortsiktig strategi för att orka leva överhuvudtaget är att förtränga minnen. En mer långsiktig strategi är att acceptera deras krigs- och folkmordstrauma, vilket innebär att fokus ligger mer på framtiden än det förflutna. Genom att utsätta sig för svåra situationer samt att hjälpa andra som har det svårt blir vardagen mer hanterbar. Begrepp: krigs- och folkmordstrauma, påverkansfaktorer, hanterbara strategier / This essay examines how Bosnians in Sweden have dealt with war and genocide trauma with a focus on the course of events in Bosnia-Herzegovina during the 1990´s. Based on interviews with Bosnians in Sweden who survived the war. With the help of an analytical model by Suzanne Kaplan, it is analysed how the survivors remember the genocide and the war. In addition, how it has affected them and what strategies are used to process the past.What the survivors especially remember from the war in Bosnia 1992–1995 were the outbreak of war, the genocide in Srebrenica and the flight during the war, what they remembered most is the fear created by bomb and grenade attacks. A fear that never disappears and still exists, 25 years later. During the genocide in July 1995 many boys and men died. It was especially difficult for relatives not to be able to say goodbye to their family members. Not only did many men and boys die in July, but it also took an incredibly long time to find the bodies. Even today, defective skeletons are identified using DNA matching, which was then buried by relatives in Potočari Genocide Memorial Center. There is a huge disappointment among the survivors, because no one intervened to stop the genocide of over 8000 people in Srebrenica in 1995. In various ways, survivors found refuge in: Turkey, by bus to Poland and then ferry to Sweden, by smuggling to Germany and some remained in Bosnia-Herzegovina but moved to safer areas.The interview study shows that the war affected the survivors in various ways, including in the form of mental illness to vulnerable, which are some factors that the survivors were affected by the war. In addition, survivors are affected on July 11, which is the day of the genocide in Srebrenica, which is celebrated in Bosnia as well as internationally. There is a variation in how survivors handle war and genocide trauma, but common to all is some form of redress, that those who are responsible to be held accountable. The most common way to deal with war and genocide trauma is to talk about the survivors experiences either through professional help or with friends and relatives. A short-term strategy for being able to live at all is to repress memories. A more long-term strategy is to accept their war and genocide trauma, which means that the focus is more on the future, than the past. By exposing yourself to difficult situations and helping others who are having a hard time, everyday life become more manageable. Concepts: war and genocide traumatization, affecting factors, manageable strategies
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Becoming Vegan : Consumers’ perceived barriers when transitioning to a vegan dietBurenius, Johanna, Lien, Louise January 2021 (has links)
This qualitative study aims to identify challenges experienced amongst consumers in Stockholm when transitioning to a vegan diet. Five consumers between the ages of 24-27 have during a period of one month assumed the task of transitioning to a vegan diet. The results were analyzed through the lens of The Multidisciplinary Model of the main factors affecting consumer behaviour in the food domain and as well as the Cognitive dissonance theory to enable a deeper analysis. The study shows that information, supply and psychological influences are three main areas in which barriers are present. Lack of marketing in store and online, lack of clear labeling on products and lack of supply in both stores and restaurants were the most apparent challenges experienced amongst consumers which can be barriers when transitioning to a vegan diet. Furthermore, psychological influences that were perceived as barriers by the consumers was the presence of dissonance and the feeling of lack of support and inspiration.
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A study of factors affecting educational aspiration for selected students in ChinaZhao, Qian (Joy) 01 January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Higher education is considered significant in economic development of a country. In light of Bronfenbrenner's bio-ecological system model, this study is designed to study the factors that might influence higher education aspiration for the students living in Bazhou Prefecture, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) of China. The results of this study find that the senior high school students living in this region have extraordinarily high aspiration, even when taking into account their Confucian culture. Not only do 95% of the participants aspire to college education after high school, but also 62% of them plan to attend graduate schools in addition to college education. The majority of the participants consider it important to obtain a foreign graduate degree from universities in America or Canada. The results report parents' expectations are the predominant influences on education aspiration along with factors such as parental education level, age, GPA, and family financial support. It is also notable that influential factors in previous studies like SES, peer advice, relatives, school advice, are not supported by the results from this study. Factors like favorite subject, least-liked subject, living location, and location of the available college are explored in this study for the first time in relation to education aspiration, and are found to not be important. The findings of this study add knowledge to understanding higher education aspiration in the context of China. The researcher highly recommends that China continue to expand its higher education access, especially in poorer or remote areas, to balance government control and market force, and to extend counseling to high schools. It implicates that US higher education institutions should take an active part in the process of China's higher education development for mutual benefit.
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Home Street Home Homelessness - A Case Study of HamiltonCagalj, Susan 04 1900 (has links)
<p> Existing in our society today are a number of people that live in the streets and use emergency shelter services for the basic needs of survival. This research report attempts to define the scale and nature of homelessness using Hamilton as a case study. It is a descriptive analysis that provides a synopsis of homelessness in Hamilton and provides recommendations based on individuals that directly work with the homeless. This research invovles a first hand perspective experience with working with the homeless. Therefore, it incorporates the human element involved in homelessness. </p> / Thesis / Bachelor of Arts (BA)
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Voice for Decision Support in Healthcare Applied to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Classification : A Machine Learning ApproachIdrisoglu, Alper January 2024 (has links)
Background: Advancements in machine learning (ML) techniques and voice technology offer the potential to harness voice as a new tool for developing decision-support tools in healthcare for the benefit of both healthcare providers and patients. Motivated by technological breakthroughs and the increasing integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in healthcare, numerous studies aim to investigate the diagnostic potential of ML algorithms in the context of voice-affecting disorders. This thesis focuses on respiratory diseases such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and explores the potential of a decision support tool that utilizes voice and ML. This exploration exemplifies the intricate relationship between voice and overall health through the lens of applied health technology (AHT. This interdisciplinary nature of research recognizes the need for accurate and efficient diagnostic tools. Objective: The objectives of this licentiate thesis are twofold. Firstly, a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) thoroughly investigates the current state of ML algorithms in detecting voice-affecting disorders, pinpointing existing gaps and suggesting directions for future research. Secondly, the study focuses on respiratory health, specifically COPD, employing ML techniques with a distinct emphasis on the vowel "A". The aim is to explore hidden information that could potentially be utilized for the binary classification of COPD vs no COPD. The creation of a new Swedish COPD voice classification dataset is anticipated to enhance the experimental and exploratory dimensions of the research. Methods: In order to have a holistic view of a research field, one of the commonly utilized methods is to scan and analyze the literature. Therefore, Paper I followed the methodology of an SLR where existing journal publications were scanned and synthesized to create a holistic view in the realm of ML techniques employed to experiment on voice-affecting disorders. Based on the results from the SLR, Paper II focused on the data collection and experimentation for the binary classification of COPD, which was one of the gaps identified in the first study. Three distinct ML algorithms were investigated on the collected datasets through voice features, which consisted of recordings collected through a mobile application from participants 18 years old and above, and the most utilized performance measures were computed for the best outcome. Results: The summary of findings from Paper I reveals the dominance of Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifiers in voice disorder research, with Parkinson's Disease and Alzheimer's Disease as the most studied disorders. Gaps in research include underrepresented disorders, limited datasets in terms of number of participants, and a lack of interest in longitudinal studies. Paper II demonstrates promising results in COPD classification using ML and a newly developed dataset, offering insights into potential decision support tools for COPD diagnosis. Conclusion: The studies covered in this dissertation provide a comprehensive literature summary of ML techniques used to support decision-making on voice-affecting disorders for clinical outcomes. The findings contribute to understanding the diagnostic potential of using ML on vocal features and highlight avenues for future research and technology development. Nonetheless, the experiment reveals the potential of employing voice as a digital biomarker for COPD diagnosis using ML.
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Socializační procesy v průběhu adaptace dítěte v mateřské škole / Socializing processes during the child's adaptation in the kindergartenŠafránková, Tereza January 2011 (has links)
The dissertation is concerned with socializing processes of pre-school children around three years of age. The first theoretical part is globally concerned with personality socialization and highlights the significance of socialization in the healthy psychical progression of human beings, as well as the importance of understanding the problems of socialization for the pedagogical profession. This knowledge is specific and generalized in a situational context when the child comes to the kindergarten for the first time and gets slowly untied from the family, developing new relationships outside the family sphere. Socialization in the kindergarten is influenced by many internal and external factors. These factors matter if the child coming to the new kindergarten environment will incorporate to this society without any complications. If any complications appear during the incorporation, internal and external factors also influence the period how long they will last and also they influence the manner how the child will manage them as well. Adaptation programm can facilitate the entrance to the kindergarten for parents and their children. By means of this support programme, alongside the familiar person, children can gradually get acquainted with the new kindergarten environment even before the start of...
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臺北市國民住宅社區轉型政策執行影響因素之研究 / A Study of Affecting Factors in Implementing Public Housing Community Transformation Policy in Taipei City陸美君, Lu, Mei Chun Unknown Date (has links)
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Zusammenhänge zwischen Werkstoff- und Oberflächenzustand und der Korrosionsanfälligkeit von Metallen / Correlations between material and surface state and the corrosion susceptibility of metalsMehner, Thomas 26 May 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Das Ausmaß der Korrosion kann durch den Werkstoff- und Oberflächenzustand gesteuert werden. Wichtige Einflussgrößen sind die Rauheit, Kristallitgröße, Mikroverzerrung, Textur und Eigenspannungen. Am Beispiel von Kaltwalzprozessen werden Abhängigkeiten dieser Größen vom Umformgrad aufgezeigt, die in numerische Simulationen implementierbar sind und somit die Aussagefähigkeit der Berechnungen maßgeblich erhöhen können. Es wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit ein Modell zur qualitativen und quantitativen Erfassung der Zusammenhänge zwischen den Einflussgrößen und der Korrosionsrate vorgeschlagen. Am Beispiel eines unlegierten Stahls (DC04) kann damit die minimal mögliche Korrosionsrate in Schwefelsäure berechnet sowie ein optimierter Ablauf der Prozessroute beim Kaltwalzen abgeleitet werden, um dieses Minimum zu erreichen. Das Modell ist auf weitere Korrosionssysteme übertragbar, was am Beispiel von EN AW-1050/Schwefelsäure aufgezeigt wird. / The extent of corrosion can be controlled by the material and surface state. Important parameters are: roughness, crystallite size, microstrain, texture and residual stresses. Using the example of cold-rolling processes, the dependencies of these parameters on the plastic strain are shown that can be implemented in numerical simulations and allow increasing the information extracted from the calculations significantly. A model is proposed for determining qualitative and quantitative correlations between the corrosion-affecting parameters and the corrosion rate. Using a carbon steel (DC04), the minimal corrosion rate in sulphuric acid can be calculated and an appropriate processing route is suggested. The model can be adopted for other corrosion systems, which is shown for EN AW-1050/sulphuric acid.
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Learning English in a Multi-User Virtual Environment : Exploring Factors Affecting ParticipationWang, Airong January 2017 (has links)
Online language learning and teaching is a field that has received a significant amount of research attention. What factors could affect student participation in simpler online learning environments has been investigated by researchers, but there has been limited study of factors affecting participation in complex Multi-User Virtual Environments. By using the typical Multi-User Virtual Environment Second Life, three English courses offered by Swedish universities were examined in this thesis. The courses were video-recorded, and selected parts of the recordings were transcribed. The transcribed recordings were complemented by author(s)’ observation, participants’ reflection, an online questionnaire and an online interview. Participation from the courses was measured both quantitatively and qualitatively. Quantitative methods were used to measure, for example, floor space, number of utterances, turn length, number of turns; the qualitative analysis centered on, for instance, utterance functions, discourse analysis, and Conversational Analysis. The results were published in five papers that focused on different central factors affecting participation in Second Life. In this thesis, the findings from those articles are synthesized. Furthermore, on the basis of the findings, a general model of factors affecting participation is presented and discussed to highlight that different factors interrelate and that some factors are particularly important in terms of affecting participation in Multi-User Virtual Environments. These are students’ technical skills, task design, course design, technical support, and Second Life technology. The complex technology also places critical demands on teachers’ technical skills, teaching strategies, and roles that teachers should play. Finally, this thesis argues that it is important to choose a suitable technology for an English course.
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Překážky rozvoje cestovního ruchu v ČR / Barriers of tourism development in the Czech RepublicStudničková, Iveta January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the importance of tourism for the Czech Republic and barriers that hinder from its optimal development. Within the thesis, the document called "55 barriers of tourism in Czech Republic" is analysed and individual barriers are described in details. On the basis of a survey among tourism experts and specialists, the significance of these barriers was updated and evaluated.
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