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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Donor Engagement of Diasporas: Public-Private Partnerships Towards Development Effectiveness?

Bene, Charmaine B. January 2013 (has links)
During the past decade, international development discourse has shifted from a narrow focus on aid effectiveness to one of cooperation towards more effective development. A series of High Level Forums have produced a set of principles to guide this new development framework. With the steady increase of international migration, sizeable diasporas who generate a diversity of activities with development implications in their homelands have formed outside of developing countries. Recognizing their importance and potential for development, several developed country bilateral donors have engaged these emerging development actors, including the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID), and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Analysis of their policies and programs reveals a set of emerging themes and lessons learned that identify the need to challenge conventional ways of thinking about the nature of development partnerships in order to move towards more effective development.

Podnikatelský plán / Business Plan

Noswitz, Petr January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the processing of a business plan. It is specifically the implementation of a new web portal aimed at commission sale of travel tours. The aim of this thesis is to build a business plan in order to determine the relevant data for its feasibility and the profitability. This thesis consists of two parts. The first part covers the theoretical definition of a business plan and a description of his specific content. The theoretical part is followed by the second practical part in which they are initially defined specifics related to tourism. Afterwards, the work focuses on the description of the product itself and its competitiveness in the market. The work also paid attention to the analysis of suppliers, consumers, competitors and the current description of the planned marketing activities. The financial part transforms the previous text into a numeric form, which also expresses the need for funds and the overall project profitability.

Agenturní zaměstnávání / Agency temporary work

Kutnohorská, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
The main goal of this diploma thesis, called Temporary agency work, is via detailed analysis to provide comprehensive overview of the Institute of agency temporary work in the Czech Republic, to assess the application of the legislation in practice and then compare it with selected EU countries. The main focus of this thesis is on the analysis of current legislation and its history. The diploma thesis is divided into four chapters, further it contains the introduction, the conclusion, the list of abbreviation, the list of pictures/graphs/figures, attachments and the list of literature. The first chapter deals with the legal development of this form of employment assignment not only in the Czech Republic, but also in the EU and international law. The second chapter defines the relationships between parties and describes in detail the process of temporary assignment. The last two chapters are the most important part of this thesis. The third chapter contains description of the application of temporary agency work in selected EU countries - the UK, Germany, France and Sweden. The fourth chapter deals with the practical use of temporary agency work at Vodafone Czech Republic.

Firemní kultura agentury práce a návrhy na její zlepšení / Corporate Culture of the Job Agency and Proposals for Its Improvement

Malinová, Michaela January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the corporate culture of a selected job agency and its values. The theoretical part is based on the studied literature to explain the issue of agency employment, human resources and corporate culture as a factor that affects the efficiency and performance of the organization. The practical part analyzes the responses of the company's core employees from conducted semi-structured interviews. This feedback about the corporate culture and its perception by the employees themselves compared to management's expectations provides suggestions for improving the in-house climate and thus increasing labor productivity.

Metodika tvorby řídící dokumentace pro nově vznikající realitní kancelář / Methodology of the Governing Documents for the Newly Established Real Estate Agency

Kolouch, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation thesis focuses on creating methodical manuals for creating a new estate agency on the Czech market. Next thing to focus on are processes inside the estate agency and organization structure. The thesis also analyses competitive estate agencies on the market, compares their productivity and specifies rights and responsibility for each position in the newly establishing estate agency.

Realitní a související judikatura / Real Estate and Related Judicature

Dvořák, Miroslav January 2011 (has links)
The thesis maps the decision-making practice of courts in real estate cases and related areas. Judicial decisions are organized in logical parts and there was an effort to provide an overall and comprehensive overview of the opinions held by courts on the individual legal questions arising in real estate cases and thus define the most frequent causes of the disputes and their subject-matters. Explicated in the light of the decisions rendered by the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic and the Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic, or even the findings of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic, are judiciary’s attitudes to the basic principles of real estate agency and real estate activity in general, as well as to relating legal questions, with special regard to the contracts usually entered into in real estate practice, primarily agency contracts and mediated contracts. So far, case-law of this kind has not been comprehensively studied, despite the fact that there still are uncertainties regarding both the real estate legislation and the approach to resolution of real estate cases, as well as ensuing typical contractual obligational relations between parties on the real estate market. This is also the reason why this particular topic was chosen for the thesis. Based on the coverage and a thorough analysis of the judicial decisions at issue a conclusion is made that decision-making practice has already stabilized in some real estate areas and these decisions are used as basis in future cases. Nevertheless, there still are some legal questions which have not yet been tackled by courts or conflicting judicial decisions, which may even be rendered in the most essential and fundamental issues of real estate activity. This is partly due to the fact that the real estate market is still a relatively young business field and partly due to missing or inadequate legislation which is to provide for real estate activity, including real estate agency.

Enacting Agency: Understanding How First-Generation College Students’ Personal Agency Supports Disciplinary Role Identities and Engineering Agency Beliefs

Dina Verdin (8966861) 16 June 2020 (has links)
<div> <div> <div> <p>This dissertation is a three study format. In this dissertation, I used an explanatory sequential mixed method design. Study 1 develops a measurement scale to capture first-generation college students’ agency using the constructs of intentionality, forethought, self-reactiveness, and self-reflectiveness. Study 2 used structural equation modeling to establish a relationship between personal agency, disciplinary role identities, and students’ desire to enact engineering agency. Study 3 was a narrative analysis of how Kitatoi, a Latina, first-generation college student, authored her identity as an engineer. Data for study 1 and 2 came from a survey administered in the Fall of 2017 of 3,711 first-year engineering students across 32 ABET universities. </p> </div> </div> </div>

Palach Press: tisková a literární agentura. Studie o exilové agentuře a komparaci její prezentace událostí s oficiálními československými médii / Palach Press: Press and Literary Agency. The Exile Agency Study and the Comparation of the Presentation of the Affairs with the Official Mass Media in the Czechoslovakia

Poláková, Tereza January 2020 (has links)
Palach Press: Press and Literary Agency. The Exile Agency Study and the Comparation of the Presentation of the Affairs with the Official Mass Media in the Czechoslovakia. Abstract This thesis is a study about literary and press agency Palach Press. The agency was established by Jan Kavan and operated in London in 1970s and 1980s. Its main purpose was to provide information on Czechoslovakia to western journalists and Czech journalist in exile. There was a communication of the alternative public sphere because of a non-functional public sphere, where should be free exchange of opinions. There was a distribution channel of altered camping cars, attached to the Palach Press agency, used to smuggle literature and other materials to Czechoslovakia. Second part of the thesis is practical and focuses on the actual production of Palach Press agency and compares it with information provided by official media in Czechoslovakia, especially with the news published by Czechoslovak press agency. Content analysis is based on the criteria of objectivity.

Delaktighet och inflytande för de yngsta barnen i förskolan : En kvalitativ studie om hur pedagoger skapar förutsättningar för de yngsta barnens delaktighet och inflytande / Participation and influence for the youngest children in preschool : a qualitative study on how educators create conditions for participation and influence of the youngest children

Berg Treldal, Ellen, Alriksson, Sandra January 2022 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att bidra med kunskap om hur barn i åldern ett till tre år får möjlighet att vara delaktiga och skapa inflytande över sin utbildning i förskolan. Läroplanen (Skolverket 2018) lyfter fram att barn har rätt till delaktighet och inflytande. Vad delaktighet och inflytande innebär är däremot inget som står skrivet i läroplanen (Skolverket 2018) vilket gör att det finns ett stort tolkningsutrymme för dessa begrepp. Följden av det blir att pedagoger arbetar utifrån olika tolkningar vilket resulterar i olika förhållningssätt. Med denna studie vill vi därför undersöka och bidra till mer kunskap om hur delaktighet och inflytande kan komma till uttryck på förskolor. Studien bygger på observationer som gjordes på sju förskolor. Analysen av resultaten utgår från begreppen – barns agency, barns perspektiv och barnperspektiv. Resultatet visar att pedagogerna uppvisar en medvetenhet om barns delaktighet och inflytande genom att uppmärksamma barnens intressen, tankar och åsikter för att utveckla verksamheten. De möter barnens motstånd och agerar utifrån vad som är bäst i den specifika situationen. Barns delaktighet kommer till uttryck på olika sätt vid de undersökta förskolorna i undersökningen. Barnen är aktiva deltagare, interagerar med varandra och på så vis skapar relationer, uppvisar motstånd och avslutningsvis påverkar ramarna inom den pedagogiska verksamheten.

Kommuninvests marknadsriskexponering och -hantering / The market risk exposure and market risk management of Kommuninvest

Hedlund, Hanna, Linde, Dorothea January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Kommuninvest är en medlemsorganisation som finansierar en stor andel av den svenska kommunsektorns upplåning. Detta möjliggörs genom att Kommuninvest emitterar obligationer på finansiella marknader för att sedan låna ut kapital till kommunerna. Finansiella institut som Kommuninvest hanterar en rad olika risker i sin verksamhet och eftersom det saknas tidigare forskning angående Kommuninvests exponering mot och hantering av marknadsrisk är detta intressant att studera för att fylla kunskapsluckan. Det är också intressant eftersom kommunerna är en viktig aktör i det svenska samhället och Kommuninvest spelar en stor roll i den kommunala upplåningen. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att analysera Kommuninvests marknadsriskexponering när de lånar upp pengar på den finansiella marknaden för att låna ut dessa till medlemskommunerna, samt att analysera företagets marknadsriskhantering. Syftet är också att analysera hur marknadsriskexponeringen och marknadsriskhanteringen påverkar medlemskommunerna. Genomförande: Studien är designad som en fallstudie. Fallet har definierats som Kommuninvests marknadsriskexponering och -hantering. Det empiriska materialet utgörs av nio semistrukturerade intervjuer och en dokumentstudie. Det empiriska materialet har använts för att kunna dra slutsatser om Kommuninvests marknadsriskexponering och -hantering samt dessas potentiella påverkan på medlemskommunerna. Slutsats: Flera slutsatser kan dras från denna studie. Kommuninvest hedgar främst sin marknadsrisk med derivat och naturlig matchning. Den monetära effekten på låneportföljen konstateras vara relativt liten. Räntemarginalen är så pass låg att de små kommunerna väljer att alltid låna av Kommuninvest och de stora väljer att göra det ibland. Kommunerna i studien har över lag högt förtroende för Kommuninvest och majoritet upplever att de inte påverkas så mycket av bolagets riskexponering eller riskhantering. Denna studie bidrar med ny kunskap om Kommuninvests marknadsriskexponering och -hantering till det företagsekonomiska forskningsfältet såväl som till de svenska kommunerna. / Background: Kommuninvest is a member organisation that finances a large part of the borrowing of Swedish local governments. This is made possible by emitting bonds on the financial markets and then lending capital to the local governments. Financial institutions like Kommuninvest deal with several different risks and since no previous research has been conducted on the subject of the market risk exposure and the market risk management of Kommuninvest, this is a pertinent case to study in order to fill the gap. It is also a pertinent case since the local governments of Sweden are a very important part of the society and since Kommuninvest plays a great role in the borrowing of these local governments. Aim: The aim of this study is to analyse the market risk exposure of Kommuninvest when the company borrows capital on the financial markets to lend to their members, Swedish local governments, as well as to analyse the market risk management of the company. A secondary aim is to analyse how the market risk exposure and the market risk management affect the local governments that are members of Kommuninvest. Completion: The study is designed as a case study. The case has been defined as The market risk exposure and market risk management of Kommuninvest. The empirical data consists of nine semi-structured interviews and one document study. The empirical data is used to draw conclusions about the market risk exposure and the market risk management of Kommuninvest, as well as their potential effects on the Swedish local governments that are members of Kommuninvest. Conclusion: Several conclusions can be drawn from this study. Kommuninvest primarily hedges its market risk with derivates and natural hedges. The monetary effect on the loan portfolio is found to be relatively small. The interest margin is low enough so that the small local governments choose to always borrow from Kommuninvest, and the big local governments choose to sometimes do so. The local governments that participated in the study generally have high confidence in Kommuninvest and most of them experience that they are not very affected by the company’s risk exposure or risk management. This study contributes with new knowledge about the market risk exposure and market risk management of Kommuninvest to the research field as well as to the Swedish local governments.

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