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A defesa do etanol : as estratégias da União da Indústria de Cana-de-Açúcar (UNICA) frente a US Environmental Protection Agengy (EPA), de 2002 a 2010 / The defense of ethanol : the strategies from the Brazilian Sugarcane Industry Association In face to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Agenda, 2002 to 2010Henrique Neto, Sylvio, 1988- 22 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Reginaldo Carmello Corrêa de Moraes / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-22T15:40:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: Esta pesquisa buscará compreender como a UNICA (União da Indústria de Cana-de-açúcar do Estado de São Paulo) organiza-se para atuar na defesa dos interesses dos seus associados do setor sucroalcooleiro brasileiro, principalmente no tocante à construção de arranjos cooperativos internacionais facilitadores da liberalização do comércio de etanol, visando transformá-lo em uma commodity energética global. Para tanto, mapearemos suas estratégias de duplo-lobby, as quais consistem na manipulação dos mecanismos formais e informais de formulação e execução da política externa comercial agrícola no Brasil e nos Estados Unidos / Abstract: This research will seek to understand how the UNICA (Brazilian Sugarcane Industry Association) organizes itself in order to act protecting their members' interests from the Brazilian Sugarcane Industry sector, specially referring to the construction of international cooperative arrangements which eases up the ethanol trade liberalization, aiming to transform it into a global energetic commodity. This way, we will trace theirs double lobby strategies, which consists on formal and informal manipulating mechanisms as well as the Brazilian and North American International Trade Policy performance / Mestrado / Política Externa / Mestre em Relações Internacionais
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Hur agency påverkas av dynamiska dialogval i digitala rollspel : En jämförande studie / How Agency is Affected by Dynamic Dialog Choices in Digital Role-playing Games : A comparative studyBodegård Gustafsson, Christoffer Carl January 2017 (has links)
Denna studies frågeställning undersöker hur spelaren upplever agency när dialogsystem i digitala rollspel visar respektive gömmer otillgängliga dialogval. I arbetets bakgrund presenteras definitioner av agency, samt vad tidigare undersökningar nått för slutsatser om termen. Bakgrunden visar även olika implementationer av digitala rollspel och vilka tekniker som borde användas för att få spelaren att engagera sig i studiens artefakt. För att svara på frågeställningen skapades en kort rollspelsupplevelse med två olika versioner, en där otillgängliga dialogval visas för spelaren, och en där de göms. En kvalitativ undersökning utfördes för att se hur skillnaden mellan dessa versioner påverkar spelarens känsla av agency. Resultatet visade på att uppvisning av otillgängliga dialogval påverkade informanternas agency negativt när de otillgängliga dialogvalen ansågs mer attraktiva än de tillgängliga.
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Den strävsamma resan på längtans väg : En narrativ studie om unga vuxna som uppbär aktivitetsersättning på grund av nedsatt arbetsförmåga / A narrative study on young adults who receive activity compensation due to reduced working capacityWallentin, Jenny January 2017 (has links)
I FN:s konvention om rättigheter för personer med funktionsnedsättningar är bärande principer om tillgänglighet i den fysiska, kommunikativa och informativa miljön i samhället grundläggande. Som en person med funktionsnedsättningar ska du ha samma möjlighet att vara delaktig i samhällets alla olika arenor. En av dessa arenor är arbetsmarknaden, där den politiska intentionen är en arbetsmarknad öppen för alla, oavsett funktionsförmåga. Ett led i att främja inträdande på arbetsmarknaden för unga vuxna med funktionsnedsättningar införde socialförsäkringsförmånen Aktivitetsersättning för nedsatt arbetsförmåga. Kunskapsläget visar att unga vuxna med aktivitetsersättning är en utsatt samhällsgrupp med en lägre disponibel inkomst än övriga befolkningen, risk för ohälsa och utestängande från arbetsmarknaden och därmed riskerar en livslång fattigdom. Studien syftar till att synliggöra och frambringa de unga vuxnas egna röster kring sina upplevelser av att leva med aktivitetsersättning som huvudsaklig försörjning. Studien bygger på en narrativ ansats med socialkonstruktionistiska idétraditioner, där materiel har samlats in via åtta intervjuer med unga vuxna som uppbär aktivitetsersättning. Centrala begrepp som behandlas utifrån studiens syfte är delaktighet, agency och socialt erkännande. Resultatet visar att de unga vuxna upplever olika grad av delaktighet i samhället beroende på tillgängligheten till olika samhällsarenor såsom ekonomiska förutsättningar, sysselsättning och kommunikativ och informativ tillgänglighet. Den begränsade disponibla ekonomin leder till svårigheter i att leva på lika villkor och delaktighet i samhället. / The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, CRPD, is the principle of accessibility in the physical, communicative and informative environment of society for people with disabilities. As a person with disabilities you should have the same opportunity to participate in all the different arenas of society. One of these arenas marks the labor market, where the Swedish political intention is a labor market open to all, regardless of their ability to function. One step in promoting entry into the labor market for young adults with disabilities is the Swedish Social Insurance Benefit Disability benefits due to reduced work capability. Evidence shows that young adults with disability benefits are an exposed social group with lower disposable income than the rest of the population, the risk of ill health and exclusion from the labor market, thus endangering life-long poverty. The aim of the study is to illustrate and bring about the young adults' own voices about their experiences of living with disability benefits as main source of income. The method used is a narrative method with social constructionist ideals. Central concepts according to the purpose of the study are participation, agency and social recognition. The results show that young adults experience different levels of participation in society, depending on the availability of social arenas such as economic conditions, employment and communicative and informative accessibility. The limited disposable economy leads to difficulties in living on equal terms and participate as equals in society.
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Účetnictví a daně v cestovní kanceláři / Accounting and Taxes in the Travel AgencyVlachová, Michaela January 2008 (has links)
This thesis deals with special cases in accounting and taxes in the travel agency. In the first part of this thesis the term tourism is particularly defined. There is also depicted legal regulation of tourism in the Czech Republic. The second, practical part attends to peculiar accounting transactions in the travel agency and it is also focused on the tax questions.
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Challenges to interorganisational learning in learning networks : implications for practiceAbu Alqumboz, Moheeb Abed January 2015 (has links)
Research on organisational learning (OL) was mainly positioned within the psychological and sociological domains. Past and extant research on OL focused on the behavioural, cognitive and intuitive perspectives in addition to a growing track of research grounded on social theory. So far, a countless number of research studies attempted to address inter-organisational learning (IOL) from various perspectives. However, the lack of understanding of how IOL occurs in networks can be observed due to the social tensions that are created at the inter-organisational level such as free-riding and knowledge leakage. This thesis, therefore, aims to draw theoretical explanations of IOL and how it occurs in learning networks, taking into consideration similarities and contradictions amongst a network’s participating organisations. Towards this end, the thesis employs two theoretical lenses, namely structure-agency and social exchange theories to draw conclusions that provide fresh explanations of how networks are helpful in fostering or hindering learning activities in addition to how reciprocity as an efficacy device mediates IOL dynamics. Positioned within a qualitative vein, the thesis employs an interpretive perspective to collect and analyse empirical evidence. The qualitative data were developed through a mixture of participant observations, semi-structured interviews and casual conversations with network administrators and participants. The data were analysed using thematic analysis which generated codes, following which conclusions were drawn. The main contributions of this article are (1) unfolding the network as agency which provides a fresh understanding of how the agential role of networks mediates IOL and (2) drawing a framework of dimensions of reciprocal exchanges that explains how IOL occurs in networks. The first conclusion of this thesis explained how the agential role is socially constructed and how the interpretive device facilitated this construction. The second conclusion of this thesis explained how reciprocal exchanges mediate IOL and provide a framework that suggested IOL can be better understood through temporal, spatial, directional and symmetrical perspectives.
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Drivkrafter för barns överträdelser i skolan : belysta ur ett struktureringsteoretiskt perspektivAndersson, Mats January 2020 (has links)
Hur barn förhåller sig till regler har belysts i forskning som visat att barnen lägger stor vikt vid moralrelaterade regler. Hur barnen accepterar konventionella regler beror på vilken funktion regeln upplevs fylla. Det som saknas i forskningen är ett dynamiskt perspektiv som tar hänsyn till interagerande aktörers ömsesidiga inflytande över varandra när förutsättningarna förändras och hur detta i sin tur skapar nya förutsättningar. För att belysa detta utgår studien från Giddens struktureringsteori som stipulerar att människors sociala handlingar både formar och formas av de strukturella förutsättningarna till skillnad från ett mer strukturalistiskt perspektiv där aktörerna ses som underkastade den struktur som de verkar inom. Struktureringsteorin möjliggör också för underordnade aktörer att utöva kontroll över de med mera makt. Datainsamlingen har genomförts genom deltagande observationer på en skola. Observationsobjektet har varit incidenter där eleverna agerat på ett sätt som inte är förenligt med verksamhetens konventioner. Fokus har legat på elevernas utnyttjande av resurser i form av material och lokaler. Resultatet visar att inbyggda motsättningar i de strukturella förutsättningarna öppnar en möjlighet för eleverna att ta kontroll över de resurser som personalen försöker reglera. När personalen försöker återta kontrollen resulterar det i oavsiktliga konsekvenser på grund av faktorer som inte uppmärksammats vilket i regel förskjuter problematiken och upprätthåller det olovliga resursutnyttjandet. / How children relate to rules has been highlighted in research in which children attach great importance to moral-related rules. How children accept conventional rules depends on what function the rule is perceived to fulfill. What is missing from the research is a dynamic perspective that considers how interacting actors influence each other when conditions change and how this in turn creates new conditions. To illuminate this, the study is based on Gidden's theory of structuration which stipulates that people's social actions both shape and are shaped by the structural conditions as opposed to a more structuralist perspective where the actors are seen as subjects to the structure in which they operate. The theory of structuration also enables subordinate actors to exercise control over those with more power. The data collection was carried out through participant observations at one school. The object of observation has been incidents where the students acted in a manner incompatible with the conventions of the school. The focus has been on students' utilization of resources in the form of materials and premises. The result shows that built-in contradictions in the structural conditions open opportunities for students to take control of the resources that the staff is trying to regulate. When staff try to regain control, it results in unintended consequences due to factors that have not been recognized, which usually offsets the problem and maintains the unwanted utilization of resources.
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UVAS - Ett inifrånperspektiv : En kvalitativ studie om unga vuxna som varken arbetar eller studerar - inom ramen för Vi-projektet / UVAS – An inside perspective : A qualitative study on young adults who neither work nor study - within the Vi-projectLarsson, Sandra January 2021 (has links)
I föreliggande uppsats har ambitionen varit att utifrån ett UVAS-perspektiv, unga vuxna som varken arbetar eller studerar, undersöka och skapa en större förståelse för riskfaktorer och skyddsfaktorer som kan leda till eller förebygga att hamna i ett utanförskap, om en digital plattform som Discord kan bidra till en positiv utveckling för UVAS framtid eller inte samt om de vuxnas närvaro på Discord haft någon betydelse för UVAS. Vidare har ambitionen varit att undersöka hur UVAS ser på sig själva och sin framtid. Studien utgår från en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi och bygger på semistrukturerade intervjuer som har genomförts med nio unga vuxna inom ramen för Vi-projektet. Genom intervjuerna framkom det att det finns ett flertal riskfaktorer för att hamna i ett utanförskap, men även ett flertal skyddsfaktorer identifierades / In the present essay, the ambition has been to, from a NEET perspective, investigate young adults who are not in employment, education or training, and create a greater understanding of risk factors and protective factors that can lead to or prevent ending up in exclusion. Moreover, to examine if a digital platform such as Discord can contribute to a positive development for NEET future or not and whether the adults´ presence at Discord had any significance for NEET. Furthermore, the ambition has been to investigate how NEET describes themselves and their future. The study is based on a qualitative research strategy and is based on semi-structured interviews that have been conducted with nine young adults within the framework of the Vi-project. Through the interviews, it emerged that there are a number of risk factors for ending up in exclusion, but also a number of protective factors were identified.
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Návrh a implementace online systému do cestovní agentury / Tourist agency online system design and implementationGongala, Ondřej January 2007 (has links)
This Master’s thesis deals with the analysis of current situation in the Czech travel industry and also the analysis of internet advertisement development. On the basis of findings, the work brings the specific proposal, how to effectively present the travel agency offer on the internet.
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Sin and human accountability in second temple JudaismNamgung, Young 08 1900 (has links)
Sanders (1977:114) contends that “[s]in comes only when man actually disobeys; if he were not to disobey he would not be a sinner.” This thesis was thus motivated to critique Sanders’s contention in relation to sin and human accountability in Second Temple Judaism. Before delving into various understandings of sin and human accountability of Second Temple Judaism, in Chapter 2, I deal with the Weltanschauung of Second Temple Judaism. It was observed that Israel’s covenantal history is far from discontinuous with creation at a time of severe theological, sociological, and political plights in spite of the presence of sin and evil. In Chapters 3, I deal with how the authors of 1 Enoch and Jubilees understood the presence of sin and evil. Even though the Watcher story in these Enochic traditions serves to attribute the origin of sin to the fallen angels, it was observed the Watcher story cannot quench Second Temple Jews’ uneasiness in relation to the presence of sin and evil. In Chapter 4, I deal with Qumran literature. By focusing on the term yetzer ra both in pre-Qumran and in Qumran writings, it is worth noting that Qumran literature shows a tendency to realize the severity of the sinfulness of humanity in a complicated and radicalized manner. When looking at first century Jewish (4 Ezra and 2 Baruch) and early Christian (Romans and James) literature in Chapter 5, it was observed that the authors of 4 Ezra and 2 Baruch came to develop further pessimistic anthropologies distinct from their predecessors in the Second Temple period. However, for them, a possibility is open for the few righteous remnants to obey divine commandments. It can be said that their understandings of sin and human accountability appear to be synergistic. For Paul and James, however, the paradigm of the relationship between divine agency and human agency is shifted from synergism to monergism in terms of the Jesus Christ event. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2017. / Old Testament Studies / PhD / Unrestricted
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Digging up memory : suppressed objects during the dictatorship in Chile 1973–1990 / Att gräva fram minnet : undertryckta föremål under diktaturen i Chile 1973–1990Vera Oliva, Marcela January 2023 (has links)
This work deals with objects suppressed by individual people after the 1973 coup in Chile, due to the repression exerted by the installed civic-military dictatorship. It collects the memories of those who had to get rid of compromising objects to save their lives, pointing out the strategies chosen for this purpose, as well as the places to carry them out. It shows that the strategies varied and depended on different cicumstances. This work is also about the values given to objects and the way in which the function of objects change according to political circumstances. It highlights the memory created in contrast to the discourses of official history and to forced oblivion. / Detta arbete handlar om de föremål som förtrycktes av enskilda människor efter statskuppen i Chile 1973, på grund av förtrycket som den installerade civil-militära diktaturen utövade. Det samlar in minnen av dem som var tvungna att göra sig av med kompromissande föremål för att rädda sina liv, och pekar ut de strategier som valdes för detta ändamål, såväl som platserna för att utföra dem. Det visar att strategierna varierade och berodde på olika omständigheter. Det här arbetet handlar även om de värderingar som ges till föremål och hur föremålens funktioner förändras beroende på politiska omständigheter. Det lyfter fram minnet som skapats i kontrast till den officiella historiens diskurser och till påtvingad glömska.
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