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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Projektové metodiky a psychologické aspekty řízení lidských zdrojů / Project methodologies and psychological aspects of human resource management

Svoboda, Jiří January 2006 (has links)
Although there is a growing influence of psychology and human resources in modern management, this area is being often neglected in theory and particularly in praxis of project management. This area offers a big potential for improvement of performance of project teams and increase of teamwork efficiency. Therefore this thesis is focused on human factor in project management and the opportunity for using psychology, especially the theory of motivation and teamwork. There were set more main goals of thesis they can be split in two groups. In the first group there are research goals aimed on teamwork in project teams managed by agile or traditional methods, establishment of project teams, characteristics of projects suitable for agile approach and implementation of agile methods in a company. The proposal of solution of identified problem areas belongs to the second group of goals. According to the research results agile project teams are closer to psychological concept of team, whilst traditional project teams are closer to work groups. Therefore agile project teams have better potential for being more efficient and performing higher than the project teams managed by traditional methods. Another finding in this thesis is regarding setting up the project teams and their daily work. Although agile methods seem to be more efficient from the teamwork perspective, they don't offer general solution for all problems in project management and their usage is not necessary suitable for all kinds of projects and company environment. That's why the characteristics of appropriate projects for being managed by agile methods were also investigated. Successful implementation and application of agile methods is strongly influenced by company environment and other factors that were identified in theoretical part of the thesis and subsequently verified by the research. The thesis brings a lot of verified information regarding work in project teams and emphasizes the significance of management, motivation and development of project teams. For identified problem areas with significant potential for improvement were prepared two solution proposals included in final parts of the thesis. The first solution is a model for implementation of project methodology in a company; the second one is a model aimed on project team performance increase. Both proposed solutions offers specific tools and techniques ready for application in company environment.

Problematika výběru agilní metodiky vývoje software / Problem of choosing agile methodology of software development

Fujdiar, Robert January 2013 (has links)
Theme of this thesis is how to choose between agile methodologies of software development. Several agile methodologies, such as SCRUM, Kanban and eXtreme programming are described and also methods of choosing between methodologies or management techniques are discussed. New method of multi-criteria decision process on how to choose between Agile methodologies based on multi-dimensionality is presented with option of improving agile experience by adopting additional techniques. Diploma thesis can serve as managers' hand-book for those who want to change their current software development methodologies or are searching for ways of improving their agile adoption.

Experiências com desenvolvimento ágil / Experiences with agile development

Dairton Luiz Bassi Filho 18 March 2008 (has links)
A crescente demanda por sistemas e a alta velocidade com que seus requisitos evoluem têm evidenciado que desenvolvimento de software exige flexibilidade, pois muitas decisões precisam ser tomadas durante o projeto. Além disso, as dificuldades para a produção de sistemas vão muito além das questões técnicas. Fatores estratégicos, comerciais e humanos são responsáveis por algumas das variáveis que contribuem para tornar o desenvolvimento de sistemas de software uma atividade altamente complexa. Modelos tradicionais de desenvolvimento de software propõem processos prescritivos que não consideram toda essa complexidade. Por outro lado, Métodos Ágeis de desenvolvimento de software sugerem uma abordagem mais humanística com foco na entrega rápida e constante de software com valor de negócios. Porém, para conseguir isto, é preciso escolher um conjunto de práticas de desenvolvimento adequado às características do projeto e da equipe. Desta forma, a natureza única de cada projeto e a necessidade de alta qualidade e produtividade tornam importante a busca por práticas de desenvolvimento. A partir de projetos que conduzimos usando métodos ágeis na academia e na indústria, identificamos e descrevemos 22 práticas para desenvolvimento de software que podem ser adotadas por equipes para aumentar o seu desempenho e/ou a qualidade do software. / The growing demand for systems and the high speed with which their requirements evolve has shown that software development requires flexibility because many decisions need to be taken during the project. Also, the difficulties for the production of software systems go far beyond the technical issues. Strategic, commercial and human factors are responsible for some variables that contribute to make the software development a highly complex activity. Traditional models of software development propose prescritive processes that do not consider all this complexity. On the other hand, Agile Methods of software development suggest an humanistic approach focused on fast and often business valuable software deliveries. But, in order to get it, one needs to choose an appropriated group of development practices accordingly to the project and team features. In this way, the individuality of each project and the need for better quality and productivity motivate the search for software development practices. Based on projects that we conducted by using agile methods in academic and industry environments we identified and described 22 software development practices that can be used by teams to increase their performance and/or the software quality.

Zeitliche und inhaltliche Konvergenz der Lösungsfindung als zentrale Herausforderung in hybriden Produktentwicklungsprozessen: eine empirische Analyse von Stanfords ME310-Prozessmodell

Koppenhagen, Frank, Blümel, Tim, Held, Tobias, Wecht, Christoph 06 September 2021 (has links)
Agilität und Konvergenz bei der Entwicklung physischer Produkte zu verbinden, stellt eine große Herausforderung dar. Basierend auf einem Design Thinking-Ansatz versucht das an der Stanford Universität entwickelte ME310-Produktentwicklungsprozessmodell den Widerspruch in den Zielsetzungen dieser beiden Entwicklungsprinzipien aufzulösen. Über einen qualitativen Fallstudienansatz haben wir die Praktikabilität des ME310-Prozessmodelles für die Entwicklung diskreter physischer Produkte untersucht. Der Beitrag beginnt mit der Beschreibung der grundlegenden entwicklungsmethodischen Prinzipien dieses hybriden Prozessmodelles. Anschließend werden die Ergebnisse unserer empirischen Untersuchung vorgestellt, in der wir die Koevolution von Problem- und Lösungsraum in zehn studentischen Projekten, in denen physische Produkte nach diesem Prozessmodell entwickelt wurden, detailliert nachvollzogen haben. Unsere explorative Studie zeigte, dass die Konvergenz der Lösungsfindung in den Entwicklungsprojekten nicht den theoretischen Vorgaben des Prozessmodelles entsprach, sondern dass es auch in den späten Phasen des Entwicklungsprozesses noch häufig zu Konzeptänderungen bzw. Änderungen des zugrundeliegenden Problemverständnisses kam. Abschließend werden mögliche Ansatzpunkte für die weitergehende Forschung formuliert, welche die Integration von Methoden aus der Konzeptphase des Systems Engineering in das ME310-Prozessmodell beinhalten.

Bessere Kundenorientierung bei der Entwicklung physischer Produkte - Nutzung agiler Vorgehensweisen kombiniert mit Additiven Fertigungsverfahren

Blattert, Philipp, Engeln, Werner 07 September 2021 (has links)
Viele Industrieunternehmen sind auf der Suche nach neuen Strategien für eine zukunftssichernde Produktentwicklung. Die Gründe dafür sind in den Herausforderungen zu suchen, die häufig in schnelle Änderungen von Kundenwünschen, der Verbreitung moderner Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien, kürzeren Technologielebenszyklen, Forderungen nach ökologischer Nachhaltigkeit wie auch in der weiteren zunehmenden Vernetzung der Wirtschaft zu suchen. Die heutige Entwicklungsumgebung in Unternehmen, mit meist starren Abteilungsstrukturen, wenig Kommunikation mit den Kunden und zwischen den Abteilungen im Unternehmen sowie der Auslieferung eines auf einem einmal erstellen Lastenheft basierenden Produkten wird den Anforderungen nicht mehr gerecht. In diesem Zusammenhang rücken agile Vorgehensweisen gepaart mit additiven Fertigungsverfahren für physische Produkte in den Fokus der Entwicklung.

Working With Agile Methodologies During The Covid-19 Pandemic : A qualitative study of an agile teams' transition to remote work from home as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic / Att Arbeta Med Agila Metoder Under Covid-19 Pandemin : En kvalitativ studie av agila teams övergång till distansarbete hemifrån till följd av Covid-19-pandemin

Kurtagic, Anessa January 2021 (has links)
Remote work was already an ongoing trend amongst software developers, but the sudden and unexpected occurrence of the COVID-19 pandemic made it normal due to the obligations for many people to stay and work from home.  To go from the safeness of the work office with an always-working Internet connection and colleagues around to exchange ideas with, to working from home can be a big change from one day to another. Without a good structure or adjustment from the organization, this would lead to a decrease in good work results, communication issues and difficulty for managers to keep track of what is done and by whom. To facilitate this, commonly used methods are the Agile Methodologies. Beck et al. (2001) make it significant in the 12 principles of Agile that the most efficient and effective method of conveying information is by face-to-face conversation for the best results. Investigating the work that was done face-to-face previous to the pandemic but is now done remotely from home within agile teams is therefore of much relevance today. This thesis was intended to investigate and learn how the use of agile methodologies has facilitated the sudden transition to remote work from home and affected the aspects of communication and work results within an agile development team. The study was conducted using the qualitative method with interviews consisting of seven open-response and two closed-response questions with respondents in agile teams from a software development company in Sweden. The analysis was made thematically in relation to Bridge’s Transition Model, and in relation to previous research. The study identified three themes to answer the research question based on the theoretical framework; The Change, Communication and Work Results. The results of the study show that the use of Agile Methodologies indeed has simplified the sudden transition to remote work from home, which was called The Change, as many of the agile practices already were done online previous to the pandemic. The study has also concluded that the use of Agile Methodologies has positively affected the aspects of communication and work results in an agile team, as it was found that forms of communication became more creative as they occurred more frequently while working from home, and it ultimately led to more valuable end-results. / Distansarbete var redan en pågående trend bland mjukvaruutvecklare, men den plötsliga och oväntade förekomsten av COVID-19-pandemin gjorde det normalt på grund av restriktionerna för många människor att arbeta hemifrån. Att gå från arbetskontorets säkerhet med en alltid fungerande internetuppkoppling och kollegor runt om för att diskutera idéer med, till att arbeta hemifrån kan vara en stor förändring från en dag till en annan. Utan en bra struktur eller anpassning från organisationen skulle detta leda till en minskning av goda arbetsresultat, dålig kommunikation och svårigheter för chefer att hålla reda på vad som görs och av vem. Vanliga metoder att använda för att underlätta detta är de agila metoderna. Beck et al. (2001) gör det tydligt i de 12 principerna för Agile att den mest effektiva metoden för att förmedla information i ett projekt är genom konversationer face to face, för bästa resultat. Att undersöka det arbete som innan pandemin gjordes face to face men nu görs på distans hemifrån inom agila team är därför av stor relevans idag. Denna studie var avsedd att undersöka och få kunskap om hur användningen av agila metoder har underlättat den plötsliga övergången till distansarbete hemifrån och påverkat aspekterna av kommunikation och arbetsresultat inom ett agilt utvecklingsteam. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av den kvalitativa metoden med intervjuer bestående av sju öppna frågor och två slutna svarfrågor med respondenter i agila team från ett mjukvaruutvecklingsföretag i Sverige. Analysen gjordes tematiskt i förhållande till Bridge’s Transition Model och i förhållande till tidigare forskning. Studien identifierade tre teman för att besvara forskningsfrågan utifrån det teoretiska ramverket; The Change, Communication och Work Results. Resultaten av studien visar att användningen av agila metoder har förenklat den plötsliga övergången till distansarbete hemifrån, eftersom många av de agila aktiviteterna redan gjordes online före pandemin. Studien har också dragit slutsatsen att användningen av agila metoder har påverkat aspekterna kommunikation och arbetsresultat positivt i ett agilt team, eftersom det visade sig att kommunikationsformer blev mer kreativa eftersom kommunikationen blev mer frekvent inträffande när de arbetade hemifrån, och det ledde slutligen till mer värdefulla slutresultat i projekt.

Použití agilních metodologií při návrhu datových skladů / Use of Agile Methodologies in the Data Warehouse Design

Janečka, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
Scope of this master’s thesis contains agile data warehouse design. It begins with a brief demonstration of data warehouse issues, shows the architectures dimensional data warehouse, corporate information factory and data vault. Furthermore, the thesis introduces agile methodologies suitable for data warehouses. Main part of this thesis focuses on the data warehouse design and development in Kentico Software s.r.o. using the modelstorming, shows implementation of universal ETL process for loading dimensional data warehouse, designs ETL processes, data warehouse storage and presentation layer. In the end, the thesis discusses future extensions to the data warehouse such as knowledge discovery module or large-scale data expansion.

Recommendations for improvement to the South African information technology curriculum: a case study of new higher certificate graduates' first year of employment

Panday, Annelee 05 1900 (has links)
Employment issues in South Africa (SA) are a significant problem. There are ongoing discussions revolving around the employability challenges facing South African graduates, particularly in the Information Technology (IT) sector. The preparedness of these IT graduates has been questioned with many looking towards skill sets and employability status while others have scrutinised the validity of the IT curriculum meeting industry needs. The research focuses on a case study of graduates from an accredited, private higher education institution in SA. The study followed a qualitative approach using questionnaires and interviews to understand the experiences of employers, employed graduates and recruitment personnel upon employment of the graduates. This study investigated, determined and confirmed recommendations to adapt the South African higher education IT curriculum to improve the productivity of IT graduates upon employment. / School of Computing / M. Sc. (Computing)

SoftWiki - Agiles Requirements-Engineering für Softwareprojekte mit einer großen Anzahl verteilter Stakeholder

Auer, Sören, Riechert, Thomas, Fähnrich, Klaus-Peter January 2006 (has links)
In den 80er und 90er Jahren hatten große Anwendungssysteme in Unternehmen einige hundert bis tausend Anwender. Der Software-Entwicklungsprozess für diese Anwendungen war innerhalb der Unternehmen relativ klar geregelt. Fachinformatiker und Fachabteilungen standen einander dabei gegenüber. Oft wurden auch externe Fachleute und Komponentenlieferanten integriert. Entwicklungsmethoden und Werkzeuge waren auf diese Situation ausgelegt. Seit dieser Zeit haben wesentliche Veränderungen stattgefunden. Internettechnologien haben neue Klassen von Applikationen ermöglicht, die wie folgt charakterisiert werden können: - Die Applikationen sind kooperativ (unternehmensübergreifend). Nicht selten sind 20-50 oder mehr Unternehmen z. B. bei Zulieferketten beteiligt. - Eine eigene Klasse bilden mandantenfähige Systeme sowie Business-to-Consumer Systeme (B2C) bei denen sehr große Nutzerzahlen konnektiert werden. - Die Entwicklungszeiten liegen im Bereich von Monaten statt Jahren für eine erste Bereitstellung einer Basislösung. - Die Systeme werden inkrementell unter starker Anwenderbeteiligung bis hin zur Endbenutzerbeteiligung weiterentwickelt. (...)

Ein Musteraktenplan für Hochschulen. Für und Wider einen prozessorientierten Ansatz

Kürbis, Anja 25 May 2022 (has links)
Der Kurzvortrag legt den Fokus auf den prozessorientierten Musteraktenplan für Hochschulen und dessen Diskussion innerhalb der AG Campus Records Management der Fachgruppe 8 des VdA. / The short presentation focuses on the process-oriented model file plan for universities and its discussion within the Campus Records Management working group of the VdA.

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