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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Poly-phased, Time-interleaved Radio Frequency Digital-to-analog Converter (Poly-TI-RF-DAC)

Patel, Vipul J. January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Feasibility of Automated Estimation of Software Development Effort in Agile Environments

Sapre, Alhad Vinayak 30 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Effektivitet genom kollaboration: En studie i hur metoder för kollaboration kan användas i agila designprocesser

Fredlund, Isak January 2016 (has links)
Denna uppsats utforskar hur en agil designprocess kan effektiviseras i form av tid genom att applicera metoder för kollaboration. Kraven i form av tidsåtgång, kostnad och kvalité på vad som framställs är påtagliga och mäts på olika sätt. För att möta kraven förlitar sig det agila arbetssättet, framförallt inom design, ofta på en expertis hos utövaren. Det kräver en ingående kunskap och som medför att involveringen av slutanvändare och kunder i fall kan blir lidande. Min teoretiska efterforskning gav mig en bild av att agila designprocesser idag är och tillåts vara väldigt utdragna. För att skapa en förståelse för hur en modern designprocess praktiseras har jag utfört undersökande fältstudier i form av kvalitativa intervjuer med företagen Cybercom och TOPP. Dessa intervjuer gav mig insikten av vad som finns och vad som efterfrågas av brukande designers, vilka har format min designprocess och mitt praktiska utformande som består av två prototyper i form av två olika arbetssätt, ett agilt och ett kollaborativt. Genom att ha utformat arbetssätten på ett specifikt sätt har jag lyckats jämföra resultaten av de båda och kunnat argumentera och presentera ett förslag på ett mer effektivt arbetssätt i form av tid, kostnad och kvalité där de positiva aspekterna från de olika arbetssätten applicerats.

The role of a pre-study when implementing an ERP-system

Hultén, Christofer, Åkerwall, Magnus January 2015 (has links)
Behövs en förstudie innan man sjösätter ett nytt projekt som ska förändra ett företags arbetssätt eller effektivisera en verksamhet? Rapporten beskriver effekterna av att göra en förstudie innan ett projekt påbörjas, som kan innebära stora förändringar i ett företags verksamhet. Förstudien har en stor betydelse, inte minst för att den gör det möjligt att avbryta ett projekt i ett tidigt skede, om man upptäcker att det inte är ekonomiskt fördelaktigt för företaget att genomföra det. En slutsats vi drar är att de agila projektmodellerna underlättar hanteringen av förändringar som uppstår under projektets gång samt gör projektet mer anpassningsbart till de resultat som framkommer under projektets gång.Rapporten tar upp för- och nackdelar med olika projektmetoder och affärssystem. I rapporten intervjuas ett antal mycket erfarna och kompetenta personer, som tillsammans har över 100 års projektvana och som har implementerat 100-tals projekt. Deras erfarenheter och synpunkter ligger till grund för slutsatser och analyser i rapporten. Dessutom har vetenskapliga litteraturstudier kompletterat intervjuerna för att ge en heltäckande bild av frågorna om förstudier, affärssystem och deras roller i olika sammanhang. / Is a feasibility study necessary before launching a new project that will change a company’s work processes and efficiency? This report describes the impact of making a feasibility study before project initiates, which can mean big changes in a company’s operations. The feasibility study is of great importance, not at least because it makes it possible to cancel a project at an early stage if you discover that it is not economically advantageous for the company to implement it. This report discusses the pros and cons of different project methods and ERP-systems. The report interviewed a number of very experienced and competent persons, who together have over 100 years of project experience and which have been involved in above 100 projects. Their views and experiences form the basis for conclusions and analyses in the report. In addition, the scientific literature studies supplemented the interviews to give a comprehensive picture of the issues of feasibility studies, ERP-systems and their roles in different contexts.

KTH Hyperloop : En studie om ett studentdrivet radikalt innovationsprojekt / KTH Hyperloop : A Study of a Student Driven Radical Innovation Project

Atterblad, Rasmus, Strinnholm, Mathias January 2021 (has links)
För att företag ska behålla konkurrenskraftighet på dagens dynamiska marknad krävs en hög grad av innovation. KTH Hyperloop är ett studentprojekt på KungligaTekniska Högskolan som är mitt uppe i ett radikalt innovationsprojekt med målet att förändra hur vi transporterar oss i framtiden. Projektet kretsar kring skapandet av en farkost som ska transporteras i vakuum med hjälp av elektromagnetism. Syftet med detta arbete var att öka förståelsen kring produktutvecklingsprocessen av ett innovationsprojekt som KTH Hyperloop, ett projekt som drivs av enbart studenter med hög personalomsättning utan ersättning. Studien har undersökt två forskningsfrågor kopplade till KTH Hyperloop som ett radikalt innovationsprojekt. Studien inleddes med att göra en grundlig litteraturstudie där relaterade områden undersöktes och en teoretisk referensram byggdes upp. De områden som undersöktes var agila metoder, organisationsstrukturer, radikal innovation och motivation. Vidare i arbetet gjordes en kvalitativ intervjustudie med fyra respondenter från KTHHyperloop. Från resultatet i denna studie kan lärdomar användas i liknande projekt om vad som gynnar respektive hämmar radikala innovationsprojekt. Studien visar att inre motivation är en stor faktor till varför personer söker sig till ett studentprojekt som KTH Hyperloop men det krävs även yttre motivationsfaktorer såsom goda resultat i projektet. För att organisera ett radikalt innovationsprojekt under hög omsättning av personal krävs agila arbetsmetoder och stor informationsspridning som genomsyrar alla nivåer i organisationen. / To enable businesses to maintain strong competitiveness in today’s dynamical marketplace they need a high level of innovation. KTH Hyperloop is a student project in Sweden Stockholm at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), currently in the middle of a radical innovation project with the goal to change future transportation. The main idea of the project is to create a vehicle which will be transported in a vacuum by electromagnetism. The purpose of this thesis is to increase the knowledge of the product development process of an innovation project such as KTH Hyperloop, a project driven and executed only by students with high staff turnover without any form of compensation. This study analyzed two research questions linked to KTH Hyperloop seen as a radical innovation project. The study was initiated by conducting a thorough literature study. Related areas were examined and a theoretical frame of references was created. Litterature areas examined were motivation, agile methods, organizational structures and radical innovation. Further into the project, a qualitative interview study which included four respondents from KTH Hyperloop was conducted . Results from this study can be applied to similar projects regarding beneficial and inhibitory factors to a radical innovation project. The results of this study shows that intrinsic motivation is one of the major factors to why people apply to a student project as KTH Hyperloop. It is also important to have extrinsic motivational factors such as achieving good results in the project. Another conclusion that this study shows is organizing a radical innovation project under a high turnover of staff requires agile work methods. Also, the project needs to have aspread of information that reaches all levels in the organization to be able to reach radical innovation results.

Examining the Effect of DevOps Adoption capability on organizational agility

Burrell, Iris Shendell January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of DevOps adoption on organizational agility. The first chapter establishes through literature review and a pilot study, a theoretical definition of DevOps and identifies through survey data, the key DevOps adoption capabilities. The definition and key capabilities identified during the pilot study establishes the foundation through which a subsequent study is performed. The second chapter details an examination of the effects of DevOps adoption capability on organizational agility. Through capability theory, we propose that DevOps adoption capability positively affects organizational agility. We also propose that the capabilities of collaboration/communication, continuous monitoring, measurement and automation positively affect DevOps adoption capability and likewise; the capabilities of responsiveness, competency, flexibility, and quickness affect organizational agility capability. We test our model with survey data collected from 333 respondents and find that our hypotheses are supported and that DevOps adoption capability has a positive effect on organizational agility capability. / Business Administration/Management Information Systems

Putting the talent first : En fallstudie av Agil Talent Acquisition

Bredberg, Chauqline, Bäckström, Johanna January 2022 (has links)
Den kompetensbrist som råder inom Tech-branschen har inte undkommit många. Trots att fältet accelererar i rasande fart bromsar kompetensbristen digitaliseringen och utvecklingen av samhället. Utvecklande trender tvingar organisationer till kontinuerlig förändring där rekryteringen inom organisationen behöver bli flexibel och anpassningsbar för att kunna möta förändringar och tillgodogöra organisationen med den kompetens som behövs för att hjälpa dom att överleva på marknaden. I och med den kompetensbrist som råder inom Tech, tillsammans med den växande digitaliseringen inom alla olika typer av branscher, slåss de allra flesta organisationer om den lilla mängd kompetens som finns på marknaden. Därför har det aldrig varit så aktuellt att behöva vara en attraktiv arbetsgivare. Syftet med studien är att kartlägga hur en agil Talent Acqusition kan vara ett steg på vägen för att underlätta i processen att få tag i den kompetens som organisationen behöver. Studiens är en fallstudie där undersökningsobjekt har varit ett Tech-företags kampanj för att rekrytera mjukvaruutvecklare. Resultaten visar att rekrytera för segment har varit ett bra första steg mot ett mer agilt arbetssätt. Det är dock näst intill omöjligt att ersätta headhunting av senior spetskompetens med denna typ av tillvägagångsätt för Talent Acquisition. För att skapa mervärde av detta arbetssätt behöver företaget lägga ett större fokus på tvärfunktionella teams, kommunikation samt lägga tydligare ramar. Sammanfattningsvis bidrar ett mer agilt Talent Acquisition till att effektivisera rekryteringsprocessen och ta tillvara på kandidaten på ett bättre sätt, i denna kandidatfokuserade marknad.

Measuring Leanness of Manufacturing Systems and Identifying Leanness Target by Considering Agility

Wan, Hung-da 31 August 2006 (has links)
The implementation of lean manufacturing concepts has shown significant impacts on various industries. Numerous tools and techniques have been developed to tackle specific problems in order to eliminate wastes and carry out lean concepts. With the focus on "how to make a system leaner," little effort has been made on determining "how lean the system is." Lean assessment surveys evaluate the current status of a system qualitatively against predefined lean indicators. Lean metrics are developed to quantify performance of improvement initiatives, but each metric only focuses on one specific area. Value Stream Maps demonstrate the current and future states graphically with the emphasis on time-based performance only. A truly quantitative and synthesized measure for overall leanness has not been established. In some circumstances, being lean may not be the only goal for manufacturers. In order to compete in the rapidly changing marketplace, manufacturing systems should also be agile to respond quickly to uncertain demands. Nevertheless, being extremely agile may increase the cost of regular operations and reduce the leanness of the system. Similarly, being extremely lean may reduce flexibility and lower the agility level. Therefore, a manufacturing system should be agile enough to handle the uncertainty of demands and meanwhile be lean enough to deliver goods with competitive prices and lead time. In order to achieve the appropriate leanness level, a leanness measure is needed to address not only "how lean the system is" but also "how lean it should be." In this research, a methodology is proposed to quantitatively measure leanness level of manufacturing systems using the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) technique. The production process of each work piece is defined as a Decision Making Unit (DMU) that transforms inputs of Cost and Time into output Value. Using a Slacks-Based Measure (SBM) model, the DEA-Leanness Measure is developed to quantify the leanness level of each DMU by comparing the DMU against the frontier of leanness. A Cost-Time-Value analysis is developed to create virtual DMUs to push the frontier towards ideal leanness so that an effective benchmark can be established. The DEA-Leanness Measure provides a unit-invariant leanness score valued between 0 and 1, which is an indication of "how lean the system is" and also "how much leaner the system can be." With the help of Cost-Time Profiling technique, directions of potential improvement can be identified by comparing the profiles of DMUs with different leanness scores. The leanness measure can also be weighted between Cost, Time and Value variables. The weighted DEA-Leanness Measure provides a way to evaluate the impacts of improvement initiatives with an emphasis on the company's strategic focus. Performing the DEA-Leanness measurement requires detailed cost and time data. A Web-Based Kanban is developed to facilitate automated data collection and real-time performance analysis. In some circumstances where detailed data is not readily available but a Value Stream Maps (VSM) has been constructed, the applications of DEA-Leanness Measure based on existing VSM are explored. Besides pursuing leanness, satisfying a customer's demand pattern requires certain level of agility. Based on the DEA-Leanness Measure, appropriate leanness targets can be identified for manufacturing systems considering sufficient agility level. The Online-Delay and Offline-Delay Targets are determined to represent the minimum acceptable delays considering inevitable waste within and beyond a manufacturing system. Combining the two targets, a Lean-Agile Performance Index can then be derived to evaluate if the system has achieved an appropriate level of leanness with sufficient agility for meeting the customers' demand. Hypothetical cases mimicking real manufacturing systems are developed to verify the proposed methodologies. An Excel-based DEA-Leanness Solver and a Web-Kanban System have been developed to solve the mathematical models and to substantiate potential applications of the leanness measure in real world. Finally, future research directions are suggested to further enhance the results of this research. / Ph. D.

Design and Development of a Novel Reconfigurable Wheeled Robot for Off-Road Applications

Attia, Tamer Said Abdelzaher 14 November 2018 (has links)
Autonomous navigation with high speed in rough terrain is one of the most challenging tasks for wheeled robots. To achieve mobility over this terrain, a high agility wheeled robot should adapt and react fast to optimally traverse this challenging environment. Therefore, this dissertation is geared towards the design and development of a novel reconfigurable wheeled robot paradigm for rough terrain applications. This research focuses on the design, modeling, analysis and control of the reconfigurable wheeled robot, TIGER, with an elastic actuated mechanism for improving the robot's dynamic stability on rough terrain by controlling the robot's ground clearance, body roll and pitch angles. The elastic actuated mechanism mainly consists of a linear actuator connected in series with a shock absorber. Four sets of the elastic actuated mechanism are used to create different robot configurations to adapt to the terrain. Three main aspects were considered in this research in order to extend the ability of the robot to effectively navigate in rough terrain. The first aspect focuses on designing an agile reconfigurable wheeled robot by including an elastic actuated mechanism for improving maneuverability, longitudinal/lateral stability, and rollover prevention. Robot agility, stability, and high speed have been considered during the design process. The new design provides different configuration modes. These configurations allow for controlling the robot's Center Of Mass (COM) height and optimally distribute the vertical force on each tire for enhancing the tractive efficiency, mobility and dynamic stability. The second aspect presents the robot kinematic and dynamic modeling and analysis. The robot dynamics model is represented with fourteen degrees of freedom (DOF), where the dynamic behaviors of the robot body, suspension system, forces and moments on the tires are included. The dynamic behavior is controlled using the linear actuators' position and speed as inputs to determine the resulting ground clearance, body roll, and pitch angles. Sensors are integrated onboard the robot to calculate the robot's states in real time for use in feedback control. The third aspect focuses on introducing a technique for estimating the robot state-space dynamic model and control the Elastic Actuated Mechanism (EAM) using only a noisy Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) with COM position uncertainty. The simulation results show that the observer estimates the actual behavior of the robot with 95% accuracy and up to 20% COM uncertainty. The Root Mean Square (RMS) has been reduced by 21% for bounce, 51% for pitch and 50% for roll acceleration. / Ph. D. / Wheeled mobile robots are being used for rough terrain applications in the field of robotics as a practical solution to accomplish various tasks. Unfortunately, most of the wheeled robots are not able to perform high dynamically tasks with high speed in rough terrain due to complex suspension design, high power-to-weight ratio, high cost and complexity of controlling highly nonlinear model in real-time. Therefore, this dissertation is geared towards the design and development of a novel reconfigurable wheeled robot paradigm for rough terrain applications. This research focuses on the design, modeling, analysis and control of the reconfigurable wheeled robot, TIGER, with an elastic actuated mechanism for improving the robot’s dynamic stability on rough terrain by controlling the robot’s ground clearance, body roll and pitch angles. The elastic actuated mechanism mainly consists of a linear actuator connected in series with a shock absorber. Four sets of the elastic actuated mechanism are used to create different robot configurations to adapt to the terrain. Three main aspects were considered in this research in order to extend the ability of the robot to effectively navigate in rough terrain. The first aspect focuses on designing an agile reconfigurable wheeled robot by including an elastic actuated mechanism for improving maneuverability, longitudinal/lateral stability, and rollover prevention. Robot agility, stability, and high speed have been considered during the design process. The new design provides different configuration modes. These configurations allow for controlling the robot’s COM height and optimally distribute the vertical force on each tire for enhancing the tractive efficiency, mobility and dynamic stability. The second aspect presents the robot kinematic and dynamic modeling and analysis. The robot dynamics model is represented with fourteen degrees of freedom (DOF), where the dynamic behaviors of the robot body, suspension system, forces and moments on the tires are included. The dynamic behavior is controlled using the linear actuators’ position and speeds as inputs to determine the resulting ground clearance, body roll, and pitch angles. Sensors are integrated onboard the robot to calculate the robot’s states in real time for use in feedback control. The third aspect focuses on introducing a technique for estimating the robot state-space dynamic model and control the EAM using only a noisy IMU with COM position uncertainty. The simulation results show that the observer estimates the actual behavior of the robot with 95% accuracy and up to 20% COM uncertainty. The RMS has been reduced by 21% for bounce, 51% for pitch and 50% for roll acceleration.

SCRUM I SPELUTVECKLING : En kartläggning av scrummetodik / SCRUM IN GAME DEVELOPMENT : A Mapping Of Scrum Methodology

Sandström, Casper, Eriksson, Sebastian January 2024 (has links)
Scrum är ett arbetssätt som implementeras för att främja kommunikation och produktivitet för företaget. I många fall används Scrum inte korrekt hos dataspelsföretag och dessa företag väljer medvetet eller omedvetet att inte implementera några av de viktiga delarna. Scrum tappar då effektivitet och kan i värsta fall bli ett negativt påverkande verktyg. Denna studie menar att undersöka och kartlägga hur Scrum används i spelutvecklingen i Skövde och har därmed behandlat frågeställningen “Vilka är de framträdande utvecklingsriktningarna i användandet av Scrum inom Spelutveckling?”Scrumpraxis kartlades hos de intervjuade företagen. Resultatet för studien är att scrum inte används korrekt i spelindustrin i Skövde och att många av de viktiga delarna förkastas eller görs mer sällan än vad de borde. Ett exempel på detta är sprintåterblick och sprintgranskning som används av väldigt få företag och är en väsentlig del av Scrum. Studien har även identifierat en generell avsaknad av en scrummaster bland de intervjuade företagen.

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