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Positioning of term infants during delivery room routine handling – analysis of videosKonstantelos, Dimitrios, Gurth, Heidrun, Bergert, Renate, Ifflaender, Sascha, Rüdiger, Mario 07 July 2014 (has links)
Background: Delivery room management (DR) of the newly born infant should be performed according to international guidelines, but no recommendations are available for an infant’s position immediately after birth. The present study was performed to answer the following questions: 1. How often is DR-management performed in term infants in side position? 2. Is routine DR-management possible in side position? 3. Is there any benefit of side position with respect to agitation or vital parameters? Methods: Cross-sectional study of video-recorded DR-management in term newborns delivered by C-section in 2012. Videos were analysed for infant’s position, administered interventions, vital parameters and agitation. Results: 187 videos were analysed. The Main Position (defined as position spent more than 70% of the time) was “supine” in 91, “side” in 63 and “not determinable” in 33 infants. “Supine” infants received significantly (p < 0.001) more often stimulation (12.5% of the total time) than “side” infants (3.9% of time). There were no differences between both groups with regard to suctioning; CPAP was exclusively (98%) administered in supine position. Newborns on side were less agitated than those on supine. There was a trend towards a better oxygenation in “side” positioned infants (p = 0.055) and significantly (p = 0.04) higher saturation values in “left-sided” infants than “right-sided” infants at 8th minute. “Side” positioned infants reached oxygen saturation values >90% earlier than “supine” positioned infants (p = 0.16). Conclusions: DR-management is feasible in the side position in term infants. Side position seems to be associated with reduced agitation and improved oxygenation. However, it remains unclear whether this represents a causal relationship or an association. The study supports the need for a randomized controlled trial.
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La relation entre l'inconfort et les sous-types d'agitation chez les personnes âgées atteintes de démence de type AlzheimerPelletier, Isabelle C. 17 May 2021 (has links)
La présente recherche documente le lien entre l'inconfort et l'agitation chez des personnes âgées atteintes de la démence de type Alzheimer. L'étude est réalisée auprès de 49 participants recrutés dans trois centres d'hébergement et de soins de longue durée. L'inconfort et l'agitation ont été évalués par des membres du personnel soignant de ces établissements connaissant bien les participants. Des analyses de régression multiple hiérarchiques contrôlant pour des caractéristiques des participants montrent que l'inconfort explique une part significative de la variance de l'agitation globale de même que de l'agitation physique non agressive et de l'agitation verbale. Les implications théoriques et pratiques de ces résultats sont discutées.
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Effet de la température et de l'agitation sur les propriétés rhéologiques des bétons fluides à rhéologie adaptéePan, Jing January 2015 (has links)
Résumé : Le climat local, le transport avec l’agitation entre l’endroit de bétonnage et le site de fabrication du béton influencent fortement les propriétés du béton frais et durci. Selon les particularités du béton autoplaçant (BAP), le maintien de l’homogénéité et l’ouvrabilité du BAP avant la mise en place est très important. Les propriétés des BAP sont généralement plus sensibles à la température et au transport par rapport à celles des bétons conventionnels. Une meilleure compréhension de l’effet de la température et de l’agitation sur la performance des BAP est nécessaire pour prévoir les conséquences du changement du climat (température) et de l’effet du transport (temps et vitesse d’agitation), puis pour donner des précautions à suivre afin de répondre à la demande des BAP pour un bon rapport performance-coût. De manière pragmatique, il s’avère nécessaire d’utiliser la méthode du mortier de béton équivalent (MBE) afin d’analyser rapidement les influences de la température et de l’agitation sur les propriétés rhéologiques, calorimétriques et mécaniques des BAP. Cinq températures (8, 15, 22, 29 et 36°C) et deux vitesses d’agitation (6 et 18 tr/min) ont été étudiées sur les MBE. Ensuite, quelques compositions spécifiques (type d’adjuvant et ajout cimentaire) ont choisies afin de vérifier avec des températures compasse entre 8 à 36°C et les agitations différentes (2 et 6 tr/min) sur les BAP destinés aux travaux de bâtiment (BAP-B) sans agent entraîneur d’air et sur des bétons semi-autoplaçant destinés aux travaux d’infrastructures (BSAP-I) avec agent entraîneur d’air. La fluidité initiale des MBE et BAP a été fixée en faisant varier la demande en SP, la température et l’agitation. Les résultats montrent qu’il y a un effet important de la température et de l’agitation sur l’efficacité des adjuvants, la fluidité, la teneur en air, les propriétés rhéologiques, calorimétriques et mécaniques des MBE et des BAP. Pour prévoir la performance de MBE à différentes températures, une équation mathématique est proposée pour déduire la demande en SP, la demande en AEA, le flux maximal et la résistance en compression à 1 jour en fonction des mêmes propriétés sur MBE à 22°C et de la température. Enfin, une corrélation linéaire a été trouvée entre les MBE et les BAP sur ces mêmes propriétés. / Abstract : The local climate, the transport of agitated concrete after manufacturing but before being cast strongly influence the properties of the fresh and hard concrete. It’s important to keep the stability and workability of the self-consolidating concrete (SCC) because of its special characteristics. Compare to the normal concrete, the properties of SCC are generally more sensitive to the temperature and the transport. Therefore it’s necessary to understand the effects of the temperature and the agitation on the performance of the SCC in order to predict the consequences of climate change (temperature) and transport (time and speed of agitation), and then to give the better precautions with a good performance-cost report. In this study, the concrete mortar equivalent (CEM) method is used to quickly analyze the influences of the temperature and the agitation on the rheological, calorimetric and mechanical properties of the SCCs. Five temperatures (8, 15, 22, 29 and 36°C) and two agitation speed (6 and 18 tr/min) are varied in CEMs. And then, some compositions (type of adjuvant and supplementary cementing material) are chosen to be valued with the temperature (8-36°C) and the agitation (2 and 6 tr/min) in SCCs for the building without air-entraining admixture (AEA) and semi-flowable SCC for infrastructure with AEA. The initial slump flow of CEM and SCC is fixed, but the demand superplasticizer, the temperature and the agitation were varied. The results show that there are the effects of temperature and agitation on the effectiveness of admixture, the slump flow, the air content, the rheological, calorimetric and mechanical properties of CEM and SCC. A mathematical equation is proposed to predict the performance of SCC at different temperatures for the SP and AEA requirement, the maximum of heat flow and the compressive strength at one day by these same properties of SCC at 22°C and by the temperature. Finally, a good linear correlation is found between CEM and SCC for these properties.
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The electrodeposition and characterisation of compositionally modulated tin-cobalt alloy coatings as lead-free plain bearing materialZhang, Yi January 2008 (has links)
Traditionally, lead-based bearing overlays dominate the commercial automotive market and it has been proven that an excellent combination of properties can be attained through their use. However, lead is a toxic metal and a cumulative poison in humans. According to the European Union End-of-Life Vehicle (ELV) Directive proposed in 1997, vehicles that registered in'all the member states after 1st July 2003 should contain no lead, mercury, cadmium and hexavalent chromium. In this study, a new sulphate-gluconate electrolyte was used to produce multilayer SnCo coatings, aimed at a lead-free overlay for future market use. Tin-cobalt compositionally modulated alloy (CMA) coatings produced from sulphategluconate electrolytes have been previously examined as a potential replacement for lead-free bearing overlays [1]. However, some obstacles may exist which limit their potential use on an industrial scale. For example, long electroplating times are required to produce a thick coating which is very undesirable from an industrial viewpoint, and also the possible elemental interdiffusion occurring in the coating system under engine operating temperatures could rapidly deteriorate the coating properties. In addition, there is an increasing demand from automotive industry to further improve bearing overlay properties, for example for high performance and high compression ratio engines.
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Predictors of agitation in the critically illBurk, Ruth 06 May 2013 (has links)
BACKGROUND: Agitation is a common complication in the intensive care unit (ICU) manifested in behavior and actions that range from simple apprehension or anxiety to frankly combative behavior.5 Agitation is associated with significant adverse outcomes.1-3 Studies report up to 71% of ICU patients have some degree of agitation during their ICU stay and that agitation is observed 32% of the time.3;4 Potential causes of agitation in critically ill patients are numerous; however, data about factors that predict agitation are limited. OBJECTIVE: The specific aim of this study was to identify predictors of agitation on admission to the ICU as well as within 24 hours prior to the first agitation event. DESIGN: Retrospective medical record review. SETTING: Two adult critical care units, Medical Respiratory ICU (MRICU) and Surgical Trauma ICU (STICU) in an urban university medical center. SUBJECTS: A convenience sample of 200 critically ill adult patients, all older than 18 years of age, consecutively admitted to a MRICU and STICU, admitted for longer than 24 hours, over a two month period. METHODS: Risk factors for agitation were identified from literature review as well as from expert consultation. Data were collected during the first 5 days of ICU stay. Agitation was identified using the documented Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale or notation of “agitation” in the medical record. RESULTS: Of the sample 56.5% were male, 51.5% Euro-American, with mean age 55.5 years (±16.4). Independent predictors of agitation on admission to the ICU were: past medical history of illicit substance use, height, both the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment respiratory and central nervous system subscores, and use of restraints. Predictors of agitation within 24 hours prior to the first agitation event were: percent of hours using restraints, percent of hours using mechanical ventilation, number of genitourinary catheters, and blood pH and albumin. CONCLUSIONS: Use of these empirically based data may allow care providers to identify those at risk as well as predict agitation. Elimination or reduction of agitation in the ICU would improve patient safety and reduce hospitalization resulting in significant savings to healthcare. Reference List (1) Woods JC, Mion LC, Connor JT et al. Severe agitation among ventilated medical intensive care unit patients: frequency, characteristics and outcomes. Intensive Care Med 2004;30:1066-1072. (2) Jaber S, Chanques G, Altairac C et al. A prospective study of agitation in a medical-surgical ICU: incidence, risk factors, and outcomes. Chest 2005;128:2749-2757. (3) Fraser GL, Prato BS, Riker RR, Berthiaume D, Wilkins ML. Frequency, severity, and treatment of agitation in young versus elderly patients in the ICU. Pharmacotherapy 2000;20:75-82. (4) Gardner K, Sessler CN, Grap MJ. Clinical factors associated with agitation. Am J Crit Care 2006;15:330-331. (5) Riker RR, Picard JT, Fraser GL. Prospective evaluation of the Sedation-Agitation Scale for adult critically ill patients. Crit Care Med 1999;27:1325-1329.
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”Ingen av oss behöver stå utanför och se på” : Den socialdemokratiska kvinnorörelsens argumentation för kvinnlig rösträtt i tidningen Morgonbris, 1909-1914 / ”None of us need to stand outside and watch” : The Social Democratic women’s movement arguments for womens’ suffrage in the newspaper Morgonbris, 1909-1914Lundström, Julia January 2016 (has links)
Den här C-uppsatsen är skriven vid Institutionen för studier av samhällsutveckling och kultur (ISAK) vid Linköpings universitet. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilka argument den socialdemokratiska kvinnorörelsen använde sig av i sin agitation för den kvinnliga rösträtten i Morgonbris: tidning för den socialdemokratiska kvinnorörelsen mellan åren 1909-1914, hur denna argumentation förändrades under undersökningsperioden samt hur dessa socialdemokratiska kvinnors inställning till den borgerliga kvinnans rösträttsförening LKPR såg ut gällande den kvinnliga rösträtten. Studien bygger på en kvalitativ textanalys där alla aktuella upplagor av tidningen Morgonbris har närlästs. Undersökningen har sin grund i Yvonne Hirdmans genusteori samt Zygmunt Baumans identitetsteori om ”vi-och-dom”. Analysen visar att den socialdemokratiska kvinnorörelsen argumenterade för kvinnlig rösträtt utifrån: medborgarskap, särart- och likhetsfeminism, klass samt med hjälp av andra länders erfarenheter och framgångar inom området. Andra argument fungerade opinionsbildande med syfte att ena arbetarklassens kvinnor i kampen för den kvinnliga rösträttens införande och att genom starkt organisations- och påverkansarbete få dem att rösta på SAP. Gällande frågan om hur argumentationen förändrades under undersökningsåren visar analysen bl.a. att de socialdemokratiska kvinnorna under undersökningens första år fokuserade på argument av särartsfeministisk karaktär och klassargument. Under undersökningens sista år fokuserade de snarare på argument av likhetsfeministisk karaktär och socialistiska argument – de gick allt mer åt vänster. Beträffande relationen mellan den socialdemokratiska kvinnorörelsen och LKPR visar min undersökning att de socialdemokratiska kvinnornas gemensamma identitet, deras ”vi”, skapades genom att de framställde de borgerliga kvinnorna som ”dom”. De socialdemokratiska kvinnorna ansåg att LKPR inte arbetade för alla kvinnors rätt till rösträtt.
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Tempo de ação antimicrobiana de pastas de hidróxido de cálcio associadas a agitação ultrassônica / Time evaluation of antimicrobial activity of calcium hydroxide pastes subjected to ultrasonic activationVasconcelos, Layla Reginna Silva Munhoz de 15 June 2015 (has links)
O objetivo foi avaliar através da Microscopia Confocal de Varredura a Laser (MCVL) e cultura microbiológica (CM) a influência do veículo propilenoglicol e água destilada e agitação ultrassônica (U) na atividade antimicrobiana e penetrabilidade de pastas de hidróxido de cálcio (HC), em diferentes tempos de manutenção da medicação intra-canal. Para isso cento e noventa e três tubos de dentina bovina padronizados foram infectados com Enterococcus faecalis em caldo BHI (Brain Heart Infusion) utilizando um novo protocolo de contaminação com dois ciclos de centrifugação por 5 dias. Durante o período experimental os espécimes foram divididos em 8 grupos de acordo com o veículo da pasta de HC, água destilada (Ad) e propilenoglicol (prop), com o uso do ultrassom, e tempo experimental e de 7 e 15 dias: Grupo1- HC+pro+15d, Grupo 2 HC+prop+U+15d, Grupo3 HC+prop+7d, Grupo 4 HC+prop+U+7d Grupo5- HC+Ad+15d, Grupo 6 HC+Ad+U+15d, Grupo7 HC+Ad+7d, Grupo8 HC+Ad+U+7d . A agitação ultrassônica foi realizada durante 1 minuto nas direções vestíbulo-lingual e mésio-distal, com o auxílio de um inserto liso. As medicações permaneceram no interior dos espécimes durante cada período experimental. A MCVL analisou as bactérias viáveis (verde) e mortas (vermelho), com o auxílio do corante Live and Dead® nos tubos de dentina após o período de medicação. A contagem de Unidades Formadoras de Colônia (UFCs) foi realizada a partir da cultura microbiológica (CM). As raspas de dentina foram coletadas e diluídas para semeadura em placas de Petri com ágar BHI. Para a penetração foi utilizado o corante Rodamina B durante a manipulação das pastas de HC e as análises feitas por MCVL. O grupo 3 e 7 mostraram a maior viabilidade bacteriana nos tubos de dentina contaminados e os demais grupos as menores. A agitação ultrassônica (U) reduziu significativamente a viabilidade bacteriana, nos diferentes períodos. A pasta de HC + Prop+U 7 e 15 dias, mostraram-se mais eficazes, seguidas pela pasta HC+Ad+U+15. Concluiu-se que todas as pastas demonstraram ação antimicrobiana contra E. faecalis e com melhor desempenho quando potencializadas com ultrassom, mesmo em períodos de 7 dias, podendo ser de escolha clínica um curativo que permaneça menor tempo no interior do canal com a mesma efetividade, otimizando o tratamento endodôntico. / The purpose was to evaluate using Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM) and microbiological cultures (MC) of infected dentin the influence of veicol propylene glycol (prop) or distilled water (Ad) and ultrasonic agitation (U) on the antimicrobial potential and penetrability of calcium hydroxide (CH) pastes). one hundred ninetythree cylindrical dentin specimens were infected with Enterococcus faecalis in BHI broth using a new contamination protocol for 5 days with centrifugations. During the experimental period, the specimens were divided into 8 groups and dressed with the following during 7 or 15 days: Group1- HC+pro+15d, Group 2 HC+prop+U+15d, Group 3 HC+prop+7d, Group 4 HC+prop+U+7d Group 5- HC+Ad+15d, Group 6 HC+Ad+U+15d, Group 7 HC+Ad+7d, Group 8 HC+Ad+U+7d. The ultrasonic activation was made during 1 minute in both directions (buccal-lingual / mesio-distal), with the aid of a plain point insertion. The medications remained in the root canals for each experimental period. The CLSM analyzed the viable (green) and dead (red)bacteria in the infected dentinal tubules, with Live and Dead dye. The colony forming units (CFUs) count was made possible with the MC method. The dentinal wall debris were collected and diluted to be seeded on Petri BHI-agar plates. For the penetration test, the dye Rodamine B was added to CH pastes during the manipulation and analysed by CLSM. The groups 3 and 7 showed the greatest bacteria viability in the infected dentinal tubes and the other groups the lowest,. The pastes HC + Prop+U 7 and 15 days performed more efficacy, followed by HC+Ad+U+15d paste . We conclude that all the paste tested demostrated antimicrobial activity against E. faecalis from calcium hydroxide paste with propylene glycol and distilled water when leveraged with ultrasound, even in periods of seven days. Therefore, a dressing that remains less time inside the root canal with the same effectiveness can be the choice in clinical practice, optimizing the endodontic treatment.
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The "Stop-It anti-fidgeting deviceUnknown Date (has links)
Fidgeting and otherwise constant movements in individuals can be beneficial in those who suffer from Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder or Generalized Anxiety Disorder as well as others. However this constant movement can also be a distraction to others as well as protrude an air of no self confidence. It is the drawbacks from these actions that we wish to address. By developing an intelligent system that can detect these motions and alert the user, it will allow the wearer of the device to self correct. It is in this self control that one may exhibit more confidence or simply reduce the level of irritation experienced by those in the immediate vicinity. We have designed and built a low cost, mobile, lightweight, untethered, wearable prototype device. It will detect these actions and deliver user selectable biofeedback through a light emitting diode, buzzer, vibromotor or an electric shock to allow for self control. / by Scott A. Barnard. / Thesis (M.S.C.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2009. / Includes bibliography. / Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2009. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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S?ntese da mordenita a partir da Al-SBA-15 / Synthesis of mordenite from the Al-SBA-15.Valente, Tain? Dias 17 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Sandra Pereira (srpereira@ufrrj.br) on 2017-01-03T12:20:02Z
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2015 - Tain? Dias Valente.pdf: 2209049 bytes, checksum: 5c25bcd5878b607ea484c8dbccb59903 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-12-17 / In the present dissertation it was conducted the study of the synthesis of mesoporous molecular sieve Al-SBA-15 by direct synthesis in agitated reactor having the following molar ratio: 14 SiO2: 1 Al2O3: 0.235 P123: 1800 H2O. Initially, a study was done to optimize the synthesis of Al-SBA-15. Through this study, it was found that the operating conditions that resulted in the SBA-15 sample with a higher degree of ordering were gel aging time equal to 15 hours at 40 ? C and then at 100 ? C for 8 hours. These optimal conditions were used to perform scaling up to 5 gallon reactor. Samples of Al-SBA-15 were subjected to carbonization in order to fill the pores of SBA-15 with carbonaceous material and prevent the collapse of its structure. The carbonized samples were used as a source of silica for the synthesis of mordenite in dry medium using the transmission technique in the vapor phase (VPT). The purpose of this procedure was to obtain the mordenite having mesopores. For the preparation of the mordenite by VPT, several conditions were used, varying the synthesis time and form of addition of the reactants, presence or absence of an organic driver. The samples were characterized by X-ray and nitrogen adsorption. It was observed that in most of the experiments, there was no formation of mordenite phase. In the experiments in this phase was obtained, there was no significant mesoporosity training. Apparently, the presence of carbonaceous material was not sufficient to preserve the mesoporous structure of SBA-15.
Key / No presente trabalho foi realizado o estudo da s?ntese da peneira molecular mesoporosa Al-SBA-15 a partir da s?ntese direta em reator agitado apresentando a seguinte propor??o molar: 14 SiO2: 1 Al2O3: 0,235 P123: 1800 H2O. Inicialmente, foi feito um estudo visando otimizar a s?ntese da Al-SBA-15. Atrav?s deste estudo, foi verificado que as condi??es operacionais que resultaram na amostra de SBA-15 com maior grau de ordenamento foram com tempo de envelhecimento do gel de s?ntese igual a 15 horas a 40?C e depois a 100?C por 8 horas. Estas condi??es otimizadas foram utilizadas para efetuar o aumento de escala para o reator de 5 gal?es. As amostras de Al-SBA-15 foram submetidas a carboniza??o com o objetivo de preencher os poros da SBA-15 com material carbon?ceo e evitar o colapso de sua estrutura. As amostras carbonizadas foram utilizadas como fonte de s?lica para a s?ntese da mordenita em meio seco utilizando a t?cnica de transporte em fase vapor (VPT). O objetivo deste procedimento foi a obten??o de mordenita tendo mesoporos. Para o preparo da mordenita por VPT, v?rias condi??es foram utilizadas, variando o tempo de s?ntese e forma de adi??o dos reagentes, presen?a ou aus?ncia de um direcionador org?nico. As amostras obtidas foram caracterizadas por difra??o de raios X e adsor??o de nitrog?nio. Foi observado que na maioria dos experimentos n?o houve a forma??o da fase mordenita. Nos experimentos em que esta fase foi obtida, n?o foi observada forma??o de mesoporosidade significativa. Aparentemente, a presen?a de material carbon?ceo n?o foi suficiente para preservar a estrutura mesoporosa da SBA-15.
Palavras chave:
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Personcentrerat förhållningssätt i omvårdnaden av personer med demens : Påverkan på livskvalitet och agitation - en litteraturstudie / Patient-centered Care for People with Dementia : Effects on Quality of Life and Agitation - a Literature ReviewNilson, Johanna January 2019 (has links)
Introduktion Vård och omsorg av personer med demens ska vara personcentrerad. Det innebär att personen med demens ska bli bemött i första hand utifrån sin person och inte utifrån sin sjukdom. Vården och omsorgen ska även vara inriktad på att skapa så god livskvalitet som möjligt trots sjukdomens kognitiva och funktionella symtom. Vanligt förekommande är agitation som kan leda till lidande och nedsatt livskvalitet. Syftet var att belysa hur ett personcentrerat förhållningssätt i omvårdnaden påverkar livskvalitet och agitation hos personer med demens. Metod Litteraturstudien är genomförd på ett systematiskt sätt enligt Polit och Beck (2017) nio steg. Datainsamling genomfördes i databaserna CINAHL och PubMed. Utvalda artiklar kvalitetsgranskades utifrån Polit och Beck (2017) granskningsmall för kvantitativa och kvalitativa artiklar, vilket resulterade i elva artiklar som kom att utgöra litteraturstudiens resultat. Resultat Fyra kategorier framkom som var Ökat välbefinnande, Förbättrad social interaktion, Ökat engagemang och aktivitet samt Symtomlindring. Slutsats I litteraturstudien framkom att ett personcentrerat förhållningssätt i omvårdnaden kan påverka livskvalitet och agitation på ett positivt sätt hos personer med demens. När omvårdnaden genomförs utifrån ett personcentrerat förhållningssätt kan ett ökat välbefinnande, förbättrad sociala interaktion och ökat engagemang och aktivitetsnivå observeras. Det personcentrerade förhållningssättet verkar dessutom leda till minskad och lindrad agitation.
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