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Agitation and hearing deficits in nursing home residents a research report submitted in partial fulfillment ... /Tabar, Deanna L. January 1989 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Michigan, 1989.
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Tempo de ação antimicrobiana de pastas de hidróxido de cálcio associadas a agitação ultrassônica / Time evaluation of antimicrobial activity of calcium hydroxide pastes subjected to ultrasonic activationLayla Reginna Silva Munhoz de Vasconcelos 15 June 2015 (has links)
O objetivo foi avaliar através da Microscopia Confocal de Varredura a Laser (MCVL) e cultura microbiológica (CM) a influência do veículo propilenoglicol e água destilada e agitação ultrassônica (U) na atividade antimicrobiana e penetrabilidade de pastas de hidróxido de cálcio (HC), em diferentes tempos de manutenção da medicação intra-canal. Para isso cento e noventa e três tubos de dentina bovina padronizados foram infectados com Enterococcus faecalis em caldo BHI (Brain Heart Infusion) utilizando um novo protocolo de contaminação com dois ciclos de centrifugação por 5 dias. Durante o período experimental os espécimes foram divididos em 8 grupos de acordo com o veículo da pasta de HC, água destilada (Ad) e propilenoglicol (prop), com o uso do ultrassom, e tempo experimental e de 7 e 15 dias: Grupo1- HC+pro+15d, Grupo 2 HC+prop+U+15d, Grupo3 HC+prop+7d, Grupo 4 HC+prop+U+7d Grupo5- HC+Ad+15d, Grupo 6 HC+Ad+U+15d, Grupo7 HC+Ad+7d, Grupo8 HC+Ad+U+7d . A agitação ultrassônica foi realizada durante 1 minuto nas direções vestíbulo-lingual e mésio-distal, com o auxílio de um inserto liso. As medicações permaneceram no interior dos espécimes durante cada período experimental. A MCVL analisou as bactérias viáveis (verde) e mortas (vermelho), com o auxílio do corante Live and Dead® nos tubos de dentina após o período de medicação. A contagem de Unidades Formadoras de Colônia (UFCs) foi realizada a partir da cultura microbiológica (CM). As raspas de dentina foram coletadas e diluídas para semeadura em placas de Petri com ágar BHI. Para a penetração foi utilizado o corante Rodamina B durante a manipulação das pastas de HC e as análises feitas por MCVL. O grupo 3 e 7 mostraram a maior viabilidade bacteriana nos tubos de dentina contaminados e os demais grupos as menores. A agitação ultrassônica (U) reduziu significativamente a viabilidade bacteriana, nos diferentes períodos. A pasta de HC + Prop+U 7 e 15 dias, mostraram-se mais eficazes, seguidas pela pasta HC+Ad+U+15. Concluiu-se que todas as pastas demonstraram ação antimicrobiana contra E. faecalis e com melhor desempenho quando potencializadas com ultrassom, mesmo em períodos de 7 dias, podendo ser de escolha clínica um curativo que permaneça menor tempo no interior do canal com a mesma efetividade, otimizando o tratamento endodôntico. / The purpose was to evaluate using Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM) and microbiological cultures (MC) of infected dentin the influence of veicol propylene glycol (prop) or distilled water (Ad) and ultrasonic agitation (U) on the antimicrobial potential and penetrability of calcium hydroxide (CH) pastes). one hundred ninetythree cylindrical dentin specimens were infected with Enterococcus faecalis in BHI broth using a new contamination protocol for 5 days with centrifugations. During the experimental period, the specimens were divided into 8 groups and dressed with the following during 7 or 15 days: Group1- HC+pro+15d, Group 2 HC+prop+U+15d, Group 3 HC+prop+7d, Group 4 HC+prop+U+7d Group 5- HC+Ad+15d, Group 6 HC+Ad+U+15d, Group 7 HC+Ad+7d, Group 8 HC+Ad+U+7d. The ultrasonic activation was made during 1 minute in both directions (buccal-lingual / mesio-distal), with the aid of a plain point insertion. The medications remained in the root canals for each experimental period. The CLSM analyzed the viable (green) and dead (red)bacteria in the infected dentinal tubules, with Live and Dead dye. The colony forming units (CFUs) count was made possible with the MC method. The dentinal wall debris were collected and diluted to be seeded on Petri BHI-agar plates. For the penetration test, the dye Rodamine B was added to CH pastes during the manipulation and analysed by CLSM. The groups 3 and 7 showed the greatest bacteria viability in the infected dentinal tubes and the other groups the lowest,. The pastes HC + Prop+U 7 and 15 days performed more efficacy, followed by HC+Ad+U+15d paste . We conclude that all the paste tested demostrated antimicrobial activity against E. faecalis from calcium hydroxide paste with propylene glycol and distilled water when leveraged with ultrasound, even in periods of seven days. Therefore, a dressing that remains less time inside the root canal with the same effectiveness can be the choice in clinical practice, optimizing the endodontic treatment.
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Utilisation et utilité clinique d’une intervention multisensorielle de type Snoezelen avec des patients atteints de trouble neurocognitif majeur dû à la maladie d’AlzheimerLafleur, Chantal January 2018 (has links)
La stimulation multisensorielle (SMS; Snoezelen) utilisée avec des personnes atteintes d’un trouble neurocognitif majeur (TNC) est une intervention non pharmacologique qui vise la stimulation sensorielle ainsi que la relaxation corporelle pour favoriser le bien-être du patient. Cette recherche comporte deux études. La première étude, de nature qualitative, examine comment les salles de stimulation multisensorielle sont utilisées avec des patients atteints d’un TNC dû à la maladie d’Alzheimer (TNC-MA) dans quelques résidences pour personnes âgées de la région d’Ottawa. Les entrevues ont été menées avec huit intervenantes provenant de neuf résidences. Quatre idées fortes ont émergé des entrevues: 1) Snoezelen est utile pour réduire plusieurs symptômes comportementaux et psychologiques (SCPD) dans le TNC-MA, 2) son utilisation présente des défis logistiques, 3) il y a une grande variabilité dans son utilisation, et 4) il s’agit d’une approche humaniste, centrée sur la personne. La deuxième étude s’adresse à l’utilité clinique de l’intervention. Un protocole à cas unique a été utilisé, avec ligne de base multiple, phase d’intervention et posttest (A1-B-A2), afin d’examiner l’effet de la SMS sur les SCPD les plus prévalents (agitation, apathie, et humeur dépressive), sur le niveau de retentissement des SCPD sur le personnel soignant, et aussi sur la fréquence d’administration de médicaments psychotropes chez des participants institutionnalisés atteints d’un TNC-MA de modéré à sévère. Sept résidents d’un centre de soins de longue durée ont participé. Les effets sur l’apathie, l’agitation, l’humeur dépressive et le retentissement ont été évalués à l’aide de l’Inventaire neuropsychiatrique, version équipe soignante (NPI-ES). La prescription des médicaments a été documentée par la chercheuse principale. Les résultats démontrent que la SMS réduit l’agitation chez les patients et atténue le retentissement sur le personnel soignant. La SMS pourrait aussi réduire l’apathie chez certains participants. Il n’y a pas d’effet notable sur les médicaments prescrits. Toutefois, les résultats modestes ne permettent pas de recommander cette forme d’intervention auprès des personnes institutionnalisées atteintes d’un TNC-MA, en l’état actuel des connaissances, considérant les investissements en ressources qu’elle implique. En bref, cette recherche contribue au développement des connaissances sur l'utilité clinique d’une forme d’intervention multisensorielle, non pharmacologique, dans les soins d’un TNC-MA.
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Neuroticism and perfectionism as predictors of anxiety and depressionBoese, Glenna Ann 01 January 2001 (has links)
This study was to assess the extent to which neuroticism and perfectionism predict both anxiety and depression.
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Politika a film. Propaganda a politická agitace v českém hraném filmu v letech 1948- 1956 / The film and politics. Propaganda and political agitation in Czech feature film 1948-1956Bartošová, Simona January 2013 (has links)
Master thesis The film and politics. Propaganda and political agitation in Czech feature film 1948-1956 regards form and range of political, respectively communist ideology in chosen successful Czech feature motion pictures of the above mentioned time period. Investigates how and how far communist ideology influenced the examined films, even e.g. how much open or hidden agitation and propaganda it was. Main question of the thesis is why these films - which are often designated as propagandistic, agitation or at least ideologically tendentious - were so attractive for their viewers at that time. The thesis is theoretically based on supportive literature on history, totalitarianism and Czech film and practically on analysis of particular movies, which are absolutely essential for that time period.
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Effects of Aging and Crystal Attributes on Particle Size Distributions in Breakage Experiments in Stirred VesselsReeves, Sheena Magtoya 30 April 2011 (has links)
Particle breakage can be significant in stirred vessels such as crystallizers. During crystallization, particle breakage can occur due to particle contact with other particles, the impeller, the suspension fluid, and/or the vessel. Such breakage produces fines and can cause filter plugging downstream. Although research has been conducted with respect to particle breakage, a comprehensive study is still needed to quantify the breakage occurring in stirred vessels. The overall goal of this research is to model the particle breakage occurring in a stirred vessel by analyzing the particle size and shape distributions that result from breakage. Breakage experiments are based on collision influences that affect the two dominant collisions types, crystal-to-crystal and crystal-to-impeller collisions. Results showed that the quantity of fines produced are affected by the solids concentration or magma density and suspension fluid utilized. Additionally, aqueous saturated solutions produced particle size distributions that differ from those obtained using a nonsolvent. Similar particle size distributions for two different materials (NaCl and KCl) are achieved in the same nonsolvent (acetonitrile) by adjusting the agitation rate using the Zwietering correlation to account for property differences; moreover, the same agitation rate adjustment produced similar distributions for KCl in acetone and acetonitrile which were both nonsolvents. However, modifications to the Zwietering correlation, such as changing the significance of the initial particle size, are proposed before this method of adjustment is deemed accurate. Number-based population modeling of particle breakage is achieved within 1-5% error for NaCl at each agitation rate investigated. Breakage modeling using a discretized population balance equation with Austin's equation for attrition and the power law form of the product function for fragmentation is a viable approach; however, more work is needed to increase the accuracy of this model.
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Bakgrund: Nio av tio personer med demenssjukdom uppvisar någon gång beteendemässiga eller psykiatriska symtom. Medicinsk behandling av symtomen kan ge allvarliga biverkningar varvid icke farmakologisk behandling bör användas som första alternativ.Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att belysa hur personer med demenssjukdom påverkas av musik under omvårdnadsarbetet.Metod: En litteraturstudie baserad på åtta studier av vetenskaplig karaktär. Resultat: Musik under omvårdnadsarbetet påverkade de demenssjuka genom att deras förmåga till förståelse ökade, vilket förbättrade kommunikationen mellan vårdare och demenssjuka. Deras uppmärksamhet och fysiska kapacitet förbättrades, vilket bidrog till att de klarade av att utföra fler aktiviteter själva. Agiterade beteenden reducerades och fler positiva beteenden kunde ses. De demenssjuka blev lugnare och mer harmoniska med ökat välbefinnande. Slutsats: Musik under omvårdnadsarbetet kan vara ett värdefullt hjälpmedel i vården av demenssjuka. Fler och mer omfattande studier efterlyses för att öka generaliserbarheten och evidensen inom området. / Background: Nine out of ten persons with dementia sometime exhibit behavioral or psychiatric symptoms. Medical treatment of the symptoms can cause serious side effects which is why non-pharmacological treatment should be the first option.Aim: The aim of this study is to highlight how persons with dementia are influenced by music during caring activities.Method: A literature review based on eight studies of a scientific nature. Result: The use of music during care situations affected the persons with dementia by increasing their capacity for understanding, which improved the communication between them and the health care staff. Their attention and physical capacity improved which contributed to them managing to perform more tasks by themselves. Agitated behaviors were reduced and more positive behaviors could be seen. The persons with dementia became calmer and more harmonious with increased well-being.Conclusion: The use of music during care situations can be a valuable tool in the care of persons with dementia. More extensive studies are needed in order to increase the generalizability and the evidence in this field.
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Användning av sedationsskalan Richmond Sedation-Agitation Scale inom intensivvård : Samband mellan sedationsnivå och sedationsmål samt skillnad mellan könBredberg, Petter, Nygren, Elsa January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Att bedöma och upprätthålla adekvat sedationsnivå till patienter är en av intensivvårdssjuksköterskans viktigaste arbetsuppgifter. Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale (RASS) används för att bedöma patienternas sedationsnivå. Djup sedering innebär ökade risker för patienten och därför är nuvarande rekommendationer att sedera patienterna ytligt. Motiv: Trots nuvarande rekommendationer är det vanligt att patienterna har en för djup sedationsnivå. Det är därför viktigt att analysera om sedationsmål uppfylls genom att studera sederingsnivåer samt undersöka om det finns könsskillnader avseende sederingsnivåer. Syfte: Syftet var att studera om patienter som är djupt sederade i högre utsträckning uppfyller sederingsmål, samt att studera om det finns skillnad mellan könen i uppfyllt sederingmål och bedömd sederingsnivå. Metod: Studien genomfördes med kvantitativ design genom en retrospektiv journalgranskning. Materialet inhämtades från en intensivvårdsavdelning med ett konsekutivt urval under perioden 2016-2022. 22 400 bedömningstillfällen enligt RASS analyserades. RASS delades in i 3 kategorier: rastlös, ytlig och djup. Uppfyllt sederingsmål indelades i Ja eller Nej. Resultat: Det fanns ett signifikant samband mellan bedömd sederingsnivå och uppfyllt sederingsmål (phi = 0,459, p = <0,001). En högre andel ytligt sederade patienter (86,1%) når angivet sederingsmål. Det fanns en signifikant skillnad mellan könen avseende sederingsnivå (phi = 0,0393, p = <0,001), där män var något djupare sederad än kvinnor. Ingen signifikant skillnad kunde påvisas huruvida sederingsmål uppfylls eller inte beroende på kön (phi = 0,00715, p = 0,285). Konklusion: Resultatet visar att ytligt sederade patienter i större utsträckning når uppsatta sederingsmål. Vidare är män något djupare sederade än kvinnor. Resultatet belyser vikten av att aktivt arbeta med att patienter som är djupt sederade i högre usträckning ska nå avsedda sedationsmål och därmed kan intensivvården förbättras.
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Mechanical Mixing of High Concentration Biomass SlurryDeng, Jian 09 July 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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A Comparison of Emergence Agitation/Delirium in Pediatric Dental Patients with Sevoflurane and using Sevoflurane with a Washout Propofol Technique.Van Hilsen, Zachary Xavier January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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